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  1. @Shin this is actually fascinating! @MatteO22 just repeated exactly the argument my ex NZ beta guy gave me - that he felt like I loved him with a condition - and he took - in my view purely masculine qualities like providing protection and positive containment for a woman - as condition on my love for him. He told me exactly the same thing - that he wants me to love him unconditionally - and when I asked him how he actually sees that happening? Like if he wants me to love him unconditionally, then how he is going to show his love for me then? To which the reply was - drum roll - that he will simply be... at that point my libido for him committed a suicide ????⚒️?? I really understand where he came from. I had poor self esteem and childhood trauma before too and did not love myself unconditionally. So I really tuned in to his trauma. But the conclusion I made out of this situation is the following. People who truly have high self esteem and unconditionally love themselves, actually do not need anyone to love them unconditionally. Because they already actually give themselves all the unconditional love they need. This is based on my internal feeling. Before I craved someone to love me for who I am, unconditionally. These days, I want to love someone and give them love unconditionally to the best of my ability. But I am also realistic and look at attraction and feminine/masculine polarity realistically. And I understand that every men is different and I need to find a way to show my love in such a way that he feels the most loved - meaning there are certain conditions I nees to keep in mind if I want the most impact. For example, a man whose love language is words of appreciation, will not feel as loved if I say do something for him or give him gifts, he will feel the most loved when I say every day how much I appreciate him. This is simplistic example. It's actually much more complex. But overall my conclusion was that to get a guy to love me - not only there r certain conditions, but also there certain actions and behaviour I have to adopt to make my man to feel happy, fulfilled, loved. So in conclusion I think the best approach is to learn how to give yourself unconditional love and don't demand it from others as this is a position of neediness. When you do that, u will feel so much love ovetflow that it will be so easy to give your love and care to others and understand on a feeling level that if your partner does not love himself unconditionally, most likely it will be impossible for him to love you unconditionally. And last point - women perceive men as a force of nature, creation, innovation and forward action = masculine men image in my mind. Therefore, in my mind, simply being for guys = action. Simply being for females = state of balance, quiet energy. That's why I think it's super hard for a feminine woman to be attracted to a guy who does not equate his being = taking action or how Leo puts it = penetrating the world.
  2. So this is how I really am. I'm not someone who can simply consume behaviors and watch everyone from a distance. Either I'm close to you emotionally or I'm not. My experiences in life shaped me into becoming an emotionally vulnerable and tender person. I am that person who cries in the bathroom but shows up next day to class with a hoodie and sweatshirt on and doesn't say much and carries on quietly, literally carrying a thunderstorm inside. One scratch on my surface and you will see glass inside. Yes I'm made of glass. I break and when I break, hell breaks loose, and I shatter to pieces. I'm an HSP, acronym for highly sensitive person. I have a spatial brain disorder which means I need ample space when I read things and I can't cobble words together or else I end up with spasmodic panic attacks. Therefore you will find my writing with lots of space left out here and there and a lot of irregularities in the way I format text, suddenly leaving large spaces in between or writing too little or too much. This is done because my brain likes it that way and finds it less anxiety provoking. I'm very emotionally chaotic and fragile so if I end up fighting with my boyfriend, I won't get sleep that night, so my best option is to simply sit silent even if I feel like protesting, which gives an unfair advantage to the other party and they begin to dominate my weaknesses.. I'm more prone to abuse than others because of my brain disorders and my lack of ability to "not suck it up." I was born premature, at the 8th month and severely underweight and malnourished to the point that I was placed under intensive care during my first few days and then my parents were informed of my delicate health.. When I walk I stumble a lot, lose balance too often and end up getting into many accidents which again has a lot to do with development delays in the womb. Yet I always tried to be the best kid in class, worked hard to get an A in every subject for a consecutive 10 years in school. I got many awards and honors in school and I was an A student.. I never did smoking, drinking, drugs or any of that shit ever. My first crush was at 19. My first boyfriend was at 21.. My biggest handicap was my rotund family and my environment being extremely toxic always driving me to the edge of suicide... Despite all my setbacks the only thing that drove me ahead was my infinite love for my dad. My dad always wanted me to be the best. When he died, I had promised on his dead body that I would never give up and live an extraordinary life to make myself worthy of his admiration. He was always proud of me. When he died, the last words he spoke were "please take care of yourself" and I will never forget how he was always worried about me and my future.. I just want my dad to know that I'll do fine no matter what. And even if things don't get better, I will still do fine. I'm a self made person. I had everything on my own without any help. I will always be the strongest no matter what. That's what all the struggles made me. They burned in me an incredible resolve to be resilient and not give up.. ..... Like I said I'm a highly sensitive high strung person. It's also my PTSD that makes me extra sensitive. Either I'm energetically bonded to you, in which case you have to be resolutely loyal to me to the point of absurd, since I consider loyalty to be the most prized virtue in a person or you simply have to watch me slide by and slither into my own corner, never to come out again and maintain a facade for the sake of social grace and courtesy When I'm being excessively courteous, you should know that I'm being FAKE. When I never get angry or mad at you, you should know that I am being FAKE. If I got angry or mad or upset at you, it's an instant indicator that I was being real with you. Because my energy is herculean and it changes very rapidly and volcanically and immediately turns in the direction of scorn and anger and utter belligerence. When I'm calm I'm like a bedrock but the moment my emotional tectonic plates are being agitated by your stimulus, they begin to move in a colossal manner causing my emotions to exacerbate and the bedrock erupts and gives way to extreme bouts of volcanic anger and rage triggered by the demons of PTSD. It's like once that point is reached, I will go on a rampage. My ex boyfriend used to call me an elephant because I acted like one.. When I am cute and nice I'm trying my best to get along silently with you. But once I detect that something is amiss and fiddling with my loyalty centers, then bam, I don't forget that thing, just the way elephants always remember all the bad things done to them, I remember all the things you do/did and then I come back for revenge. I initially forgive very easily. But once a threshold is reached, I become a different person altogether and I start my rampage. That's when you know that I am not taking it lying down.. On the surface I might appear as a fleeting flakey light hearted cheerful person but still waters run deep. There's absolutely nothing light hearted about me other than all my social tact and polished behavior. Deep inside I'm an inferno. When the switch is turned on its over. I have a very deep intuitive sense so even if you don't say much, I still understand and catch the drift. I immediately sense if someone is hateful to me, jealous of me or is being inherently malicious. My brain wasn't very developed as a child so the only way I learned to gauge people was to hone my inner intuition.. And my intuition is so sharp, that it hits the target almost 90% of the time. So whether you are right or wrong, upfront or deceptive, I will have you figured either way, without saying much at all.. I might look like I'm simply quiet and down low but I'm very insidious. So if you fuck with my brains, you have basically turned on my volcano switch. The only non hurtful way to fuck my brains out is in the bed. In other areas, if you did fuck with my brain, the consequences are going to be ugly. In a way I'll always remember such things and the people who did those things I forgive but I don't forget. ... One thing that I wanted to be clear about is that I'm not a generic woman. I'm not a generic woman at all. Not even by a long shot. If you thought I was a generic woman, you're mistaken by a million miles. In fact, if I were a generic woman, it would have absolutely benefitted my temperament by a great deal. Which it does not since I'm not generic. I am a very volatile and complicated person. I'm not passive aggressive or hot and cold. I'm just too deep and complex, multi-faceted dynamic and mercurial person. My energy is not only herculean but also mercurial. I concatenate. I rapidly flow through, merge, spill over, cross underneath, wash over, jump through or cut my way through. I can be any person in the moment. This often gives the feeling to the observer that I'm deceptive, manipulative or 2 faced. It's not that. I'm just being very mutable since my main energy is water. I'm extremely unpredictable and yet predictable at the same time. Which means you're right about me 9 times out of 10, but you never know when the tenth time is going to show up in the line. I'm like a mirror. I will become according to your karma. If you have always been good to me, I will reflect it back to you. If you happen to rub me the wrong way, the mirror will show you how it was impacted by your actions. The best way to deal with an elephant personality like mine is to keep at a safe distance from me. If you get too close, I'll snare the way elephants do by flanking out their ears. But if you simply let me be and watch me from a distance, I'll give you one look to make sure and then walk away and go on about my work. .... Since I've been hurt in a sudden unforseen and drastic manner, I will let you have a way to deal with me. Simply keep some distance from me for some time. Can you? I might be ready to talk again and forgive forget and move on, but not right now or right away. I need time. I'm in a Salty state now. And I can't simply snap out of it. You need to be patient with me. Give me time. I need time to reshuffle. I won't be angry at you for the long haul. I only need time to get things sorted out slowly and diligently. I don't hate you. I am just a bit wounded although I realize it wasn't intentioned that way. But it became like a decoy trap and I accidentally happened to walk straight into it and got trapped. So keeping a distance from me might make me feel safer and make me realize that you do sincerely respect my boundaries Thank you. (I need space to gather myself) ... I've been lucid dreaming lately and when I do that I usually imagine talking to a guy. Like an imaginary guy who is a friend of mine talking to me. I often see this guy in my dreams. He has lot of similarities to the man in the show or TV series called Dexter. So I've simply named this dream man Dexter. I usually wake up from the dreams realizing I had a long conversation with Dexter It's usually me giggling throughout the conversation. This has been going on for months now and I often see this guy in my dreams. It's kinda weird. Sometimes I even see a woman next to this man and I've decided to call her Candace. My dreams are usually very vivid almost like I can remember all the details of the conversations in the dreams.
  3. I have a question for you If the ground is nothingness aka no experience whatsoever, no observer, no conciousness, then what makes the nothingness become somethingness. How does it become experience? Try to imagine non existence, if its the ground, how can anything be? Then somehow something makes "non duality" become "duality" I dont think that this pure cessation has anything to do with any ground of existence at all, it is just another experience in a form of a "non experience" Like Leo says, there is also infinite conciousness which is very different from the nothingness of cessation. Which is the one that tells you more about the nature of reality? Perhaps neither, only that conciousness has an infinite range of knowing itself. Here is where buddhism and hinduism often clash, new age buddhism is making a biased claim in that cessation is the most important. To me it feels like a spiritual suicide since sone buddhists just say that the psycho-physical is all that there is, Aka atomists/materialists. If GOD is nothingness etc, why does it become this? Why does it seemingly produce an infinite variety of experiences objects subjects etc. Maybe our ordinarie waking conciousness is the ground of existence? Just a contemplation exercise. Either we are GOD which is eternal/immortal/infinite. But it does feel off that GOD could kill itself with a cessation "forever" it is obviously not the case, I think cessation is a good night sleep sorta thing.
  4. @DreamScape You haven't taken a real good peek into the abyss then. At a certain point in development, or the entirety of it, if your hopes and dreams are constantly squashed; if the people around you ignore and abandon you too much, etc., the very light that others have becomes its own darkness to you. The light is a constant reminder of what you didn't have or can't have. All that's left is void. There are only two options people take here: suicide or making others feel the void you feel constantly. If these types go into the violent direction, what other action is there to take but put them put of their misery (if it's called for). Obviously you don't go out and do that, but if someone starts shooting up a place, you best believe if you have a gun and authority, that is the loving option.
  5. That is why is the best argument against suicide because as most things in life they are not what they seem to be in first gaze. Yes, a human being commits suicide. Are u a human being? Idk, I'm asking watch closely.
  6. Because people do not understand how Truths operate at each layer. So even this questions arise. Leo has no problem at all talking about suicide with someone that would grasp what he is saying. However, a great amount of people would misunderstand what he is saying and would get disfunctional about it's own life. For someone who is so devoted to Truth, misleading people into falsehood is the worse crime. It is not what he would say, it is what u would listen, what u would understand or not understand, what u would interprete, what u would create, what u would project, what u would manifest...
  7. It isn't bad, but the family that suffers for years afterwards isn't exactly what Leo tries to do. If we are really serious and not trying to get shortcuts, there is zero reason to commit suicide unless we are in deep deep pain, the kind of pain that can't be treated (and even then, you can still attract a miracle).
  8. Leo has said "Everything is a hallucination at all times." That means that death is also a hallucination. It's not like death ends anything. You just go on to another existence for infinity....which is also a hallucination. The idea that suicide is "bad" is also more fantasy and hallucination. Funny how no one here wants to let go of that one :-)
  9. I remember Leo said in a video that if you're dead, there's no more self actualization or something lol. Nah but seriously, he said life is all about survival. But yeah, if we're gonna apply philosophy and absolute truths to one thing, we should be able to apply it to alll, and in that case, suicide has no meaning.
  10. Because in the 'real world', Leo doesn't want any of his viewers to get the wrong idea and kill themselves. He doesn't want to promote suicide and he doesn't want to be judged by others as promoting suicide. There's a contradiction though, because when you say that 'life', 'fun', 'sensations', 'meaning' etc are all just a dream, the people who really take that onboard tend to come to the conclusion that there's no *real* point in continuing the dream. To me, it falls into the category of self-preservation, albeit a slightly absurd one kind of like when people on drug forums describe their trip experiences as happening to 'SWIM' (Someone Who Isn't Me) in a naive attempt to avoid legal ramifications, when really anyone with half a brain knows exactly what's going on regardless.
  11. Suicide comes with no guarantees of peace, liberation or freedom. The mistake is thinking it does.
  12. Death is no more valuable than life, so why do whe try so hard just to "survive"? is the point of nihilism, to observ the absurdm of life itself each year millions of people die, one more ore less makes no real difference.
  13. I noticed that I'm looking different to actualized org after suicide of SoonHei and the whole ordeal by Conner Murphy. These happenings revealed spiral dynamics deep stage orange of this forum. There is a lot of selfishness that I was afraid of. I dropped those feelings of guilt of caring about myself. Everybody pursues his own interests, so will I.
  14. So I have been suffering nonstop for at least 3 or 4 years now and in these last few days I have been able to put my finger on the cause. It is just these two ideas that my subconscious mind is very attached to. It is the idea that I am weak, and that I lack social skills. Just these two thoughts turnes my life into hell. They have been going on and on in my subconscious my mind unchecked and caused me to become what they say. I became weak, creepy and lost all my social life. I am just amazed by how much suffering limiting beliefs can cause. And I considermy self a conscious guy but I was blindsided by these thoughts. But today is a new beginning to me. I decided to let go of these thoughts completely and start working on rehabilitating myself. I have a lot to do actually. I became all the things that I have been working to not be. I am living a crappy life with just constant suffering. I need to work on the basics, clear my head, work on my personality and begin working on my life purpose. I know it is not going to be easy and these thoughts will try to reestablish themselves in my mind but there is no other way. I was actually on the verge of suicide for months now because of all the suffering I experienced. But I couldn't let all this potential that I see in me just go to waste. So yeah, running away will stop today.
  15. I have no contact with my mother after years and years of emotional and physical abuse. I'm done with her and her abusive family but my grandmother's death makes me confront old shit again. One part of me wants to be nice and do the right thing and another part of me wants to stay close to myself: I'm not going back while I cut them out of my life. Going to the funeral will feel like stabbing myself in the back. I don't want to betray myself. I don't want to be nice at the expense of pleasing my nephews and nieches. I really don't care about my mother and her family but I do care about my nephews and nieches so I'm in a split. If I don't go my nephews and nieches will be angry at me. Perhaps not even want to see me but I doubt that. If I go, I will have to betray myself. I was on the blink of suicide thanks to my mother so I don't care about her. Also I don't want to see my mother and to play a role when I don't care.
  16. This is a followup to this thread: I don't think I can hold on any longer. Living is painful. No therapist has been able to ''show me the light'', in fact they do not know what to say. No one does. It's to the point where the PSSD (Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction) community believes it is epigenetic changes and there is basically nothing to do really except temporary symptomatic relief. This situation is too painful to my mind. The combination of this, on top of HPPD and the mental damage caused by my experience with Depersonalization is far from being anywhere close to anything worth living (at least from my POV now). It's like I've been holding on & trying to avoid falling off the cliff but I'm running out of energy. What if I let go? (I'm not talking about suicide) I mean just accept this miserable situation. What would happen? Would it be healthy at all? (Keep in mind, the torture of being this way is not to be underestimated but I do understand there are people experiencing similar or worse situations right now). I've been trying to troubleshoot but it just seems like there is no substance that would trigger the demethylation / neurogenesis / repair etc. that I would need to be ''normal'' like most people.
  17. I don’t post all that much, but I enjoy the intersection between psychedelics, enlightenment work, and finding emotional depth. It would be a shame if the forum lost that or it’s open character, so I hope you will keep those aspects intact. That said, clearer guidelines on suicide and being life-positive might be appropriate. The discussion of suicide is a significant part of spiritual growth, and shouldn’t be lightly disregarded. However, some basic points from a training on how to talk to suicidal people might be welcome.
  18. Woops, my bad, I guess I should have read all the replies closer myself.?‍♀️ (inserts foot in mouth) Well, that's very unfortunate ?, but you could still "try" to make a change that would potentially improve your situation over time, but you'd have to want it. Many, many years ago I had bulimia (I was in my mid-late twenties) and I couldn't stop on my own. Finally, a professional at their absolute wits end with me said try "Overeaters Annonymous" meetings. I said, yeah-yeah, ain't gonna work and I refused. He kept bringing it up and finally after I hit my lowest low of that disorder I finally went. I hated it and I thought it wouldn't work, but made a choice that I had nothing to lose (but an hour a week), so I would just keep going. Little by little the eating disorder got better and in 6 months it was completely gone. I stayed 3 more months doing weekly meetings before I stopped. So, we all have had our struggles. A decade ago, I had depression to the point of a suicide attempt, so I can say with a good amount of certainly that if you don't put in the work and effort to make change, however small it may be, then you'll potentially stay stuck, lonely and unhappy. Why not open your mind to finding a good therapist to help you? What do you have to lose?
  19. Soonhei's suicide has led me to do some serious thinking about my relationship with Leo's teachings and this forum. @Leo Gura is correct that when someone dies in the backcountry, or an airplane goes down, we don't cancel camping or ban flying. When this happens search & rescue and the airline industry conduct a rigorous post-mortem in order to make changes that reduce risk. Because of this approach, commercial flight has today become safer than driving. Following is my own post-mortem analysis, do with it what you will, apologies for the length. I've divided it up into 3 spheres: 1. Leo's Teaching Leo's teachings have helped stupendously more people than they have harmed. Just looking at suicide, it seems clear that he has literally saved many people's lives. This is a great achievement alone, let alone all of the people who he has helped along the way in less dire situations. However, I would be dishonest if I didn't voice concern over some of his language. I believe some of it can easily be misunderstood and lead a person like Soonhei down the wrong path. This is not meant as an attack, I truly intend this as sharing a perspective, hopefully in the most (tough-) loving way possible. I hope this can help fortify Leo's teachings, and this community's response to them. Disclaimers and warnings are a great idea, and will help. However the issue will remain that people will ignore them, think they don't apply to them, or skip them altogether. There can be the assumption that warnings are a fake covering-your-ass thing, put in place to meet legal requirements, or youtube guidelines etc. I think many of us are conditioned to ignore warnings to some degree. In my opinion, the true caution has to go right down to the core of the language in the teaching. To give a concrete example, Leo has said on more than one occasion that he has "literally died". Now, this is clearly not true in the normal medical sense of what people mean when they literally die. I would hope that even a confused person would see this, but it sets a tone. In my opinion, this is too dangerous a phrase. There needs to be a very, very strong line in the sand between ego-death/transcendence and literal medical death. Again, I want to stay positive here, Leo is an extremely talented speaker, and it's impossible to deliver 100s of hours of lectures without an occasional error. I wouldn't last 1hr tbh. This is intended to hopefully shine some light. 2. This Forum I value the diversity of respectful viewpoints and discussion on this forum. I also support mild censorship to ban and closing of terrible and unproductive threads, and aggressive or useless discussion to keep this forum from becoming a generic free-for-all. There are more than enough platforms for talking shit. As a mod, I wish we could have noticed Soonhei's warning signs and intervened. What if. Fuck. I would probably support disabling PMs on this forum. I'm not completely sure about this, but I think it warrants discussion. Perhaps we should have all discussion above board here. I'm concerned that this community is displaying signs of cult-like behaviour. I think we could all do with checking in on the level of pedestalization of Leo and his teachings. Question respectfully, without attack. Check in if what you heard in his video is authentic for you. Check your biases, try not to worship. If someone has a thoughtful criticism of something you have gained from Leo's teaching (or any teaching), observe if this triggers you. I believe that a slight leaning towards an unquestioning and cult-like behaviour in this community contributed to Soonhei's fanatical final act. 3. Personal I've been overly cavalier in not providing cautions on this forum, especially WRT psychedelics. I also regret not voicing and trying to discuss my concerns earlier. I'll be more forthcoming and hopefully loving in my responses and perspectives. I think we all need to adopt the voice of no-self-harm (and no other-harm!) in all of our interactions on here.
  20. Funny, I just shared this beautiful Bentinho talk on another actualized forum: I've followed Bentinho the last 6 or 7 years, have done some of his events, his free trinfinity academy, online workshops, and having met and talked to him personally. He feels like a brother from another dimension to me. And similar to how I resonate with Leo's perspective and work I have also observed many similarities in how this generation of current spiritual teachers are being perceived, portrayed and judged by the masses on social media which are clearly not yet capable of understanding or opening up to this higher level of consciousness. For example Bentinho's inner circle of like minded individuals at some point, a few years ago, was infiltrated by a self proclaimed journalist type with a very negative intention to expose Bentinho as a dangerous cult leader. That individual wrote a very judging and opinionated article (on medium) in which a lot of his spiritual teachings were taken out of proper context and mixed with many accusations from a very low level fear based consciousness perspective, framing him to be some kind of suicide encouraging monster and dangerous cult leader. To the level that when the article was published the local community of the city of Boulder became so much influenced by the fear the article triggered that Bentinho and his inner circle and following had to actually move away from that area because they weren't welcome there anymore. In one of his videos Bentinho explained that he was even visited by the police because they were seriously investigating a suicide of one of his students and were trying to determine if he had perhaps encouraged people to commit suicide in his talks. I mention this story In light of the recent events with the suicide of one of Leo's forum members and the very large youtube following Leo currently has statistically. Because of my own spiritual growth and experience as a local spiritual coach / teacher in my city and country I am aware of how powerfully this level of higher consciousness can inspire awakening, accelerate inner growth and expand our understanding of reality. But I also notice how relative and even limiting some of the social media or platforms used in combination with this type of philosophical and spiritual information in teaching higher consciousness can be. Bentinho himself once said something like: "A true master is not the one with the greatest amount of followers, but rather the one who creates the most masters." Which points to the how the actual evolution of consciousness naturally unfolds, as a process that our daily lives already catalyse, because we are the creators of our reality, whether or not we are personally awake to that absolute realisation. Everything is a reflection of our inner state of being and when we are honestly ready and asking for expansion we will naturally create, attract or resonate with the information and all the different ways that would currently contribute to the realisation of our inner desire to grow spiritually. Although I very much appreciate and admire both Leo's and Bentinho's ambition, inspiration, dedication, eloquence and body of work, I also notice that some aspects of this form of teaching, with youtube video's and social media expressions, are not always very effective ultimately. In essence every tool, ritual, approach, philosophy, object, inspirational video etc simply functions as and can be embraced as a permission slip to allow yourself to match a specific preferred frequency of being, to resonate with and become the parallel reality version of yourself that you aspire. Listen to this explanation by Bashar about the concept of how 'permission slips' work in our consciousness: The main similarity and theme I notice in how the teachings of Leo and Bentinho are expressed and interpreted is the cognitive, mental and spiritual understanding and eloquence in explaining very abstract concepts about consciousness and the nature of reality from that higher perspective, just as how this enlightened wisdom has been communicated in many books throughout our close past history. (the Seth Material, the Ra Material, Bashar etc) But this level of clear communication does not automatically mean that the consumers or audience who listens to, reads or views these transmissions will be able to comprehend or integrate as knowing what is being transmitted. Just as how someone might have peak experiences of divinity or enlightenment using psychedelics as a permission slip, but also having to deal with the contrast of those expanded perspectives in relationship to daily life experience. One obvious benefit of our current technological capabilities is that these teachers are now able to easily create beautiful databases of thematic information, but as a side effect these forms may also encourage many to become even more lazy by only following and mentally consuming the information without having the support or dedication to actually explore, experiment with and integrate the wisdom that is being communicated in daily life embodiment. That is why I still wish to focus my attention mostly on interacting and meditating with people who are at least open to apply what is being offered as invitation and might benefit from the individual attention in their growth. What I mean by this is that it could be equally valid, effective and valuable to interact with for example only 2 people or students in a certain amount of time as with for example 2 million followers, from the point of view of contributing to the expansion of human consciousness. All that we as spiritual teachers are able to do is offer others the loving invitation, mental clarity and intuitive inspiration to expand one's own understanding by being a reflection, an open door to and a shining example of higher divine consciousness. Relevant to this theme I recommend this series by Bentinho on how to inspire change (session 1 - 2): to inspire change And this 4 part series about the fall & rise of our civilization: rise civilization Another example of Bentinho's work is this exploration and visualisation of the topic of death: Overall I think that there is currently way more desire for individual and small group type tailored education and interaction than there is for more spiritual information being put out on this relative mental plane. And I would encourage everyone who feels inspired to contribute to our collective spiritual evolution to initiate their own local gatherings or meditation groups in order to support each other in this way. Having teachers like Leo, Bentinho, Bashar and many others providing us with comprehensive background information and next level teachings to draw upon, I feel we are invited to help each other in step by step applying and integrating much of this wisdom in our present reality experience. Individual or collective spiritual awakening, enlightenment and empowerment cannot be forced, but can be effectively invited, activated and catalysed with our loving attitude, time and energy. Leo and Bentinho beautifully play their parts , their specific roles in this endeavour, how do you wish to contribute in your own unique way?
  21. Speak for yourself. Plus, he lives in Sweden ? Over a decade ago I had a skilled therapist help me after a suicide attempt. She was fabulous. Therapist are like anything though there are good ones and not so good ones. If you come across one not working for you, try another. Giving up and not talking to a professional when you are seriously depressed/anxious shouldn't be an exceptable option.
  22. @mp22 There is no contradiction at all. You simply haven't yet understood what "meaninglessness" actually is and how deep it really goes. If you think that meaninglessness is a problem and that therefore now you should end your life, you haven't understood. What happens, when truly everything becomes meaningless? Well, obviously the fact that everything is meaningless becomes meaningless too. And in that way, meaninglessness flips inside out - the moment you realize what 100% meaninglessness is, man.. That's liberation. That's a true gift. And you say "thank god this is just an illusion!" But you see, the illusion is real. If you think that "illusion" is a bad word, you also don't understand what is meant by saying "the universe is an illusion". Please be careful. Because it seems to me that you have adopted some of the things Leo or someone else said as a philosophy and then turned it into a prescription for what to do. But that's not how it works. Be very, very careful with rationalizing ideas like meaninglessness or suicide. It can develop into some seriously nasty problems.
  23. About Recent Events in The Community I want to share some thoughts about Leo,, and the recent suicide of a member of this forum. About Leo, his Rhetoric, and Empathy The first time that I discovered I was blown away by how much I resonated with Leo. It was the first time that I resonated that much with someone. I resonated with everything: the ideas, the way he articulates things, the arrogance, etc. I thought: "Finally a no BS guy. Finally someone who cares about the truth, who is willing to dive deep, and who says things how they are even if people don't like it". I especially liked the direct and blunt approach on some videos. It was for the videos from 2014 to 2017, the style has evolved since then. He was like my clone. When you discover someone that is basically your clone you become a bit obsessed with him, but also at the same time this person reveals flaws that are most of the time very difficult to acknowledge without having an outside look on yourself. I only met a few individuals like this in my life and Leo is one of them. With some introspection this year I became aware of another reason why I resonated so much with Leo: he talks like my dad used to talk to me (especially on the forum). I have been annoyed most of my life by how emotional people would get when I would be radically honest and say radical trues. People always looked so dumb to me that I avoided most of them to focus only on me which resulted in me not having any friends, being socially awkward, and not caring about what I would say. The reason why I didn't care at all about the words that I would use with people was that I've been talked down so much that I became emotionally numb to abusive language, especially during late middle school, high school. It caused me an inability to use language properly with people because I would just say what I got. It would cause frictions in social relationships and because of that, I would isolate (they were also other reasons, not only the language but just the fact that I never highly resonated with most people around stage blue/orange). However, I would still live in a society and at one point I would have to interact with a group. When it happened, I started to have so many emotional reactions against my blunt rhetoric (and not only that but just the tone of my voice. I noticed that people are actually more reactive to the tone than the language itself because the tone reflects how we feel and people want to be around people who feel good) that I started to understand that something was wrong. Yes, I lacked empathy many times in my life, I saw people as dumb, irresponsible, and incompetent exactly like Leo. I saw words like "Please" and "Thank you" as useless, I saw kindness as a weakness because I was overly logical and lacked love. I've put myself on a pedestal, but at the same time, I was sad because nobody would relate to me. If these painful relationships and strong emotional reactions against my language helped me in some way is to become more authentic and to bring back the empathy that I lost after being so much verbally abused. I became aware that most people aren't overly logical and cannot handle directness, but I also became aware that I lost a part of myself a long time ago. I remember being hypersensitive as a kid and crying more easily than other boys, I then lost this hypersensitivity because it was too overwhelming and choose to repress emotions, I'm now connecting back to this hypersensitivity and expressing emotions again. What helped me in bringing back empathy to my life was to remind myself of being talked down to and of being disrespected, and to feel the pain that I felt and at the same time to feel the pain that others feel. I think that empathy needs to be more cultivated on this forum. Many times we don't realize when we are in pain and we don't know that we cause our own pain. Many times we are stuck in strange loops of our bodies and our minds. If you highly resonate with Leo, I'm suggesting you to analyze the relationship that you have with him. This relationship might be a bit more traumatic than you think it is. About Spiral Development There has been a huge evolution of level of consciousness. It started with stage Orange and progressively moved to Green, Yellow, and now Turquoise. However, even if the material is very advanced I feel that there is a lot of stage orange on this forum especially in the dating subforum... and it makes perfect sense. Some of the most popular videos are videos from 6 - 7 years ago and some of these videos are videos about relationships like: "How To Make A Girl Squirt - Give Your Girl An Explosive Orgasm", "How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You - What Girls Really Want", "What Women Want In A Man - 5 Factors That Hook Women Like Crack", "How To Have Amazing Sex (For Women) - Drive Your Man Wild In Bed", "How To Be Attractive - The Ultimate Attraction Strategy", etc. My intuition is telling me here that even if these videos are old they are still getting a lot of views compared to recent videos because everyone is so obsessed with sex. I remember the video "How To Make A Girl Squirt - Give Your Girl An Explosive Orgasm" having 1M views a few years ago, but now has more than 2.2M views. It means that it received more than 200K views in a few years which is a lot of views compared to recent videos. My intuition is also telling me that as there is some stage Orange in these videos, a certain number of people who watch them want to learn more and therefore join this forum mostly in the hope of getting advice to get laid. I think that people who watch these videos are mostly inexperienced or people who want some advice but also include a subgroup of desperate virgins who are mostly men because Leo is a man and often has a very masculine approach which they relate to. This makes the dating subforum particularly low conscious. Also, Leo is a very sexual person and often makes references to sex and people sometimes take that literally, copy him because he has a lot of influence, and therefore contributes to low consciousness. The previous point now brings me to spirituality. I feel that there is a stage Orange approach to spirituality in this community and that Leo has a stage Orange mindset towards spirituality. I don't read the Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality subforum that much because I'm more concerned about basic stuff, but I sense some competition here. I remember people comparing how enlightened they are in the past. Competition can be healthy in some situations but doesn't apply to enlightenment because enlightenment is deeply personal. I see this issue with young people around my age. If you are around my age (or younger), here's my advice: there is no need to compete for enlightenment, having a basic foundation is more important. I think that the balance for young people should be around 70% basic stuff, 30% spiritual work. Spiritual work is important, but diving into it too early causes issues because it doesn't have a solid base, yet it can help with building the foundation if targeted properly on specific issues. There is no need to go deep for someone who doesn't even have a proper base in life, there's no need to do long meditation retreats, psychedelics, or similar things, yet a bit of spirituality is healthy (a bit of meditation, a bit of introspection, some shadow work, etc.) and brings balance to the process which is why I consider the 70/30 ratio as ideal. There is a lot of stage Orange here, stage Orange hiding behind other MEMEs, stage Orange competing to be seen as Green, or Yellow, or Turquoise. I'm not immune to that, I also did it to some degree to be honest, but it's important to be aware of it. About Clips Leo recently created a new channel called Clips which contains small segments of his long videos. My opinion on that is mixed. On one hand, I think that it's great to open more because it has the potential to help a lot of people, but on the other hand, the fact that the teachings are now so advanced makes them difficult to understand for beginners. I personally didn't know about spirituality when I discovered, however, the videos weren't as advanced as they are now, and because of that, I was able to follow through. Nevertheless, I acknowledge that I did create some beliefs in the past, so I still need to be careful here. About Newcomers I think that there should be a system in place to handle beginners, something like a warning at the beginning of the videos (for both and Clips channels) or a link that would point to a video (or a set of videos) specially designed for beginners so that they don't go down the wrong path. Also if moderators could welcome new members and ask them a few questions to understand where they are in life, it could guide them and help to maintain a healthy community. Finally, an effort needs to be made from Leo and moderators to make the advice more nuanced rather than saying things like: "You are god!", "Life doesn't matter", etc. because people can take things too literally. This is what I think happened with the recent suicide, the member got brainwashed from interacting with the community to the point where he thought that suicide doesn't matter because everything is imaginary and can be a proper way to enlightenment. About Responsibility The original response to the suicide really felt like a stage Orange company that declines all responsibilities. Like a tobacco company that claims to not be responsible for causing cancer to countless people. Sure, the material is completely different and is way more healthy than what does a tobacco company, but the way of handling responsibility is exactly the same. I think that Leo has some stage Orange shadows in him. When there is an exchange between two people responsibility is always shared, no one has 100% responsibility where at the same time the other person has 0% responsibility. How Leo communicates the material is important, how he communicates on the forum is important because he has a lot of influence and many people can take him literally. That's the problem with all religions, people get brainwashed, and that's what is happening here too. "God" isn't God, but just a pointer. Saying "You are God" isn't being God. I'm personally aware that I have the belief that I am God, I sure experienced some awakenings in the past, but for the moment the fact that I am God is only a belief because I didn't fully verify it. I'm just a believer of Leo here, it's important to be conscious of that. Even if it has been said many times that is not an ideology some people are getting brainwashed anyway and are confusing the map for the territory. To end up, I don't consider that the suicide is mostly Leo's fault, yet he does have some responsibility.