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  1. Look, even psychoanalysis can be useful. It all depends on how you use it and what level you want to reach. I am speaking from the point of reaching absolute understanding of Self and reality. It won't take you there. Shadow work is useful but it ain't awakening. Have to be clear about your goals to select the right methods. Sometimes you need shadow work. Sometimes you need nonduality.
  2. I don't know why, I guess I'm scared to try to realize a nondual truth (say from a strong hit of 5-MeO DMT). Something tells me I'm not going to like it... I guess because I don't feel naturally drawn to it I feel kind of like it'll be bad. I mean, I DO love certain parts of mushroom experiences but it has more to do with just feeling good on them and laughing than anything very serious... mind you there have been insights obtained from the mushroom and even some seeming magickal/psychic phenominon, but that seems kind of separate from nonduality to me.
  3. ⬆️ created in a lucid dream ⬆️ “Nonduality”. Lol. You’re hilarious! ⬆️ created in a lucid dream ⬆️
  4. Lol why do I feel like I'm being set up here? ? Ok fine... Mu... I would have to engage thought to say 'I dreamed this' and 'my husband dreamed that'. Of course, he could just tell me his dreams and I can compare... But again I'm not trying to talk about nonduality here, unless that's just unavoidable... And, sorry I haven't made a dream board. I don't know what I've become conscious of creating besides my own suffering by believing thoughts, and sometimes pleasant things as well which can be manifested through imagination. I've been trying to become more conscious of creating during a lucid dream but it is taking alot of experimentation or just isn't possible beyond small instant manifestations.
  5. I posted this comment on Aaron Doughty's new video: From a nonduality perspective no control = total control. That's why ACIM says that only God's will is real and separate control is an illusion. Of course, from a nonduality view God as a separate "lord" is also an ego illusion. Nobody has free will, not even God. Aaron says basically the same thing in the end but I wanted to sum it up and connect it with ACIM.
  6. I don't like the term "neutral" because it suggests the midpoint between "positive" and "negative", which is a continuum of comparisons. This is two steps removed. We can get a step closer. For me, a better description would be "ISness". Is winning a lottery ISness? Sure it IS. Is losing a million dollars ISness? You betcha. Is bird poop ISness? Yep. How about thoughts on nonduality? More ISness. A bridge, a car accident, calculus, a fart, a toothache, sex, a turkey sandwich, joy, thoughts about unicorns. . . and on and on. All ISness. I like this term better, because it is one step closer to the absolute than "neutral". Notice "add ons". We can say things like "Winning the lottery is neutral". That sunrise is beautiful. That is a dog. . . This is all an extra step from what IS. There is simply IS. When we create thoughts like "That sunrise is beautiful", we separate the One ISness. With separation, we a creating a thing called a "sunrise" that is distinct from all other things not a sunrise. We are also creating a thing call "beautiful" that is distinct from things not beautiful. These are relative is's. A thing is relative to another thing. Yet Absolute IS has no contrast. It has no opposite. It just IS. All dualism needs at least two things. One thing and another not that thing for contrast. If I say "phone", it means not any thing that is "not phone". Yet for communication, it would be inefficient to say"not coffee cup, not sun, not TV, not hand lotion, not the letter Q, not pink, not Texas, not a toe nail. . . ". We would have to say "Not X" for an infinite number of things. This would take eternity. It is much more efficient to simply partition off a thing from the whole and simply say "phone".
  7. Hello people I'm torn. You see, as the great Notorious once said, I am ready to die. I am very interested in dying. Mainly because I am sick of ego dictating my life with fear. I bought Martin Ball's book Entheogenic Liberation: Unraveling the Enigma of Nonduality with 5-MeO-Dmt energetic therapy. Wherein he states, one is strongly advised not to trip alone, and that using this substance can lead to negative side effects for some people. Like if they just use it once or twice, or have some real deep shit inside them which can be exasperated initially. But keep in mind he is talking about freebase. There's enough for 7 breakthroughs and 40mg spare for building up to the big day. HCL salt. And I would be tripping alone. Basically, my main concern is that this just blows my shit way out of whack and I actually end up worse off. On the flip side, it could be one hell of a transformative, healing experience. Which does seem to be the common theme. Some of you will know that my current intention with tripping (and life in general) is healing and releasing emotional blockages and trauma which is keeping me stuck. According to Dr. Ball, 5-MeO is the best for this. But then there's Lucy, whom I am on familiar ground with and have done at least 10+ journeys with since age 16. Nearly all pleasant. I guess I'm looking for a push in the right direction. Should I go for the jackpot with 5-MeO, considering I feel like I am ready to surrender myself and die or go with LSD, attempt some initial healing on a bit of a steadier ship and then move onto 5-MeO? My intuition feels conflicted and is sitting on the fence with this one. I really want the MeO, but caution is telling me to go with LSD. Any help appreciated x
  8. Yeah, what I'm saying is impossible to imagine from your current state of consciousness. You'd need a radical change of state. Yes, time and even cause & effect collapse in nonduality such that the impossible becomes possible. Yes, you can clearly recognize that you are the entire universe happening all at once. This is nondual awakening. No, it's not any analogy or explanation. You are the whole universe happening as we speak. Just as one example, I once became conscious that I wrote every book mankind has ever created. Not only did I write all the books in the universe, I am all of them too. The pages of every book is made out of my consciousness. And this goes for everything in the universe. I am everything that could ever possibly be. All of this is direct absolute truth. Not explanation or thinking or theory. It is not even perception. It is more true than perception and more true than mathematics.
  9. I'm no expert on it, but the whole theme of interpreting human actions as a desire for sex, sexual organs, hidden perverted sexual desires, and all the mother/father stuff is just way too overblown. A being's actions are not primarily about sex, they are about self-survival. Sex is a tiny part of that. Psychoanalysis doesn't understand this and of course it doesn't understand spirituality, self-transcendence, nonduality, epistemology, or metaphysics. Freud projected his own sexual perversions onto the world and saw in the world a reflection of his own neurotic shadow self. But just because Freud was that way doesn't mean we all are that way. In fact most of us are not. I don't find Freud's theories useful for personal development or self-transcendence. There are much better frameworks. Most self-help frameworks are better. Go grab any random book in the self-help isle of the bookstore and you will get better and more useful advice for improving your life than by reading Freud. Any book on my book list will be far better.
  10. If our higher self is the Holy Spirit, is that compatible with Christianity? Yes, because the Holy Spirit is the topmost higher self for all of our existence, and only Christ - the way and the truth and the life - is that highest self. We as individuals can never reach that level, so that's compatible with Christianity. Our higher self in third density is our future self in fourth density. It's still the Holy Spirit that is the one driving power of our existence and our fourth density self is a result of that oneness power. So it's also compatible with nonduality.
  11. Okay, I m gonna respond to everyone simoultaneously: @electroBeam Yeah I meditated a lot, and during the day I am sometimes able to focus on the nothingness or on the infinity (more rarely) during the day. I am not currently in the dark night of the soul, because I'm just having glimpses at infinity/nothingness. I am not close to a full blown awakening with nonduality. Feeling the infinity during meditation increases the tranquillity of being, however during the night I was feeling nauseous and then infinity came up. Is it possible that it just amplifies all subjective feelings? So that infinity + some feeling/emotion equals infinite emotion? This is what we are supposed to do with love, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong. So basically I have to surrender to it totally, my attachements also come up after perceiving the infinity, I start to realise stuff. The bad part is, when I'm not feeling too good, and some nightmare comes up with infinity. I start to tell myself: I want to suffer if bad stuff happens I don't want to be happy if bad stuff happens, and this is causing me not to be able to surrender to it a 100percent either, I have to contemplate about that even more. @Leo Gura Yes, this stuff comes up usually during the day after meditation, I think meditation brings this up, and the awareness of it makes me contemplate it. Weird shit comes up. I realised all the anxiety I developed during the last years is based on the fear of the total nothingness. I think I should use the consciousness I gained to contemplate about the stuff that comes up, and slowly continue to increase the infinity during meditation. I also realised, that it's the same infinity that came up during fever dreams as a child, that's probably the source of the negative associations my ego has about the formless. I associate it with intense distress/pain/fear, because those were the first time they came up? @Inliytened1 I noticed that the nothingness and the infinity are formless. Now I make the distinction of it, because it just feels different, I believe the infinity facet is way stronger than the nothingness, I experienced those 2 things separately within consciousness/awareness. ( I just noticed you responded to Radical and not to me). I basically just had a glimpse at infinity, a few years ago I had a full blown nondual nothingness experience. (I don't know how to call it). Now some people say "dying" feels good, for me it didn't. The process of the nothingness taking over is disturbing and the few seconds it takes to take over seems sooo long. What aspect of it am I missing? The letting go? Could I just be crazy, and deluding myself into mystical stuff, because psychosis is similar to nondual experience? @remember Yes, I stopped smoking weed, The only reason I had an awakening experience in the first place, was because of the fear, that powered the focus on the subtle nothingness I experienced. I didn't have the Concentration necessary to focus on it back then. The fear made it possible. I rarely have emotions, I experienced something last time I went for a walk in the woods, I would love to be able to combine that with infinity. Rest of the day, I feel nothing, especially when a formless thing comes up. No joy, no sadness, no fear etc. Don't know if that's a good thing, but what can I do. Lol, I'm not sure thinking too much about this stuff is helping. The essence of the Problem is: It doesn't feel good, how can I make it feel good? Because it should feel good. I guess Love? If you guys know how to increase love I'm interested in specific meditations. I'm already using the techniques about Leo's What is Love Video, however I made the commitment to try everything
  12. Consciousness is outside of infinity. It seems like they are same thing but they are not. better ask urself- what is that desire for nonduality? what is that idea that reality must be nondual? what if it is not nondual?
  13. @Mafortu dreams are a type of simulation. Who could refute that? So at least when I'm dreaming, I'm in a simulated reality. The main misconception is that simulated reality means inside a non organic computer, when 'human consciousness' simulates more perfectly and in high definition than any current or near future technology. So I agree with you, simulation theory and nonduality do not seem to contradict but what do I know? ?‍♂️
  14. Thumb.. Have no idea where it comes from, I stumbled onto it and it called out to me so there it is, but it is intriguing perception-wise To the rest, no it's not BS, not at all. I'm a pragmatic guy and all that makes sense because it does make practical difference. Nonduality actually changes how my being in this reality. Although I don't follow anything blindly, my own beliefs are a mix of western practical psychology - which goes much hand-in-hand with a lot from eastern religions - and a eastern religion mish-mash and also a lot of own interpretations. But tying down to something singular, such as just Buddhism is to me dogmatic in itself and limits the way in which we can flow through life, morphing/changing. So I believe in... me, whatever me is in this very moment and I'm open to becoming whatever new me is the next, or maybe rather less me and more being. All that is likely to coincide with such teachings, and they already have, but it hasn't been a staked out goal but rather just happened - and - happening.
  15. @purerogue Yes, of course. Nonduality is a concept in itself, a construction of the human mind. Someone has to transcend the human mind and break the limitations of what we are limited to as humans in order to really know, and that's not within the freedom of the human form. Even with the greatest insights, awakenings, enlightenment or via psychedelics it can not be ruled out that nonduality could be a concept that exists for the sole reason to keep us preoccupied with this nonsense, yet anouther layer of disillusion, a greater trick and anyone claiming otherwise might just be mentally ill. It would not matter how profound the experiences would be. If you don't want to acknowledge nonduality, you're not wrong (with a nondual twist). It doesn't mean that it's right either. So trying to argue something from two different worlds of existence, assuming nonduality is only a concept, it absolutely pointless, but then again, everything is pointless and should not be taken too serious. That concept only disappears when you believe it strongly enough and any other possibility dissappears, and then you are either right - or caught in dogma. But regardless, you are Right. In the sense you can't argue nonduality, as it applies regardless, there not being separation and what really is can never be known.
  16. @Leonora hmmm... think nonduality means there isnt anything outside of "the one".. so a bubble in a bubble bath full of bubbles has way more going on then the unified field.. Your thoughts? I think what I was attempting to convey was multiple perspectives and how those perspectives have multiple perspectives and therefore we don't have to think "sadness" as you say is something to be sad about... i dunno.. spit balling here.. Thanks for sharing thoughts... do appreciate it..
  17. Just a few observations appearing in my mind. . . For me, context is a factor. For example, are we talking about people/teachers of car mechanics, learning Spanish or the nature of reality? If we are talking about an authority on learning Spanish, I would look at their experience teaching, their online reviews and would speak with the person to see if their teaching style resonates with me. Yet existential questions are different for me. Religious people, scientists, mystics and others all may express different expressions of truth and reality. It's much easier to distinguish a high quality Spanish teacher than it is a high conscious existential teacher. My level of discernment is proportional to my level of development and clarity. There are things have haven't been in tune with because I wasn't at that level of development yet. What you wrote about intuition and rationale is a key, ime. You can develop your intuition to which there is a knowing of itself with no knower. For me, rationale in the form of "figuring it out" is a deterrent. Yet rationale in the form of structural support is helpful. For example, a few years ago I traveled to the mountains of Peru to do an Ayahuasca retreat. One of the tribal members was an amazing musician. Yet there was something about him that was so attractive to me. Not in a sexual way. I didn't know what kind of way. I didn't know anything about intuition, frequencies, dimensions, LOA and that was probably a good thing because I didn't have a bunch of knowledge and filters. During the retreat, I wanted to be near him and I didn't know why. I sat near him at the ceremonies. I would see him sitting outside on a rock and would go and sit next to him. We didn't even speak to each other. I just sat in his presence. I have never met a person like this in my life. There was a resonance and a knowing that this is new and it is true. Yet I couldn't figure it out or make sense of it. I didn't want to. All that was needed was a little bit of rational framework so I didn't blow it off as "woo woo". . . Over the years, that essence kept re-appearing and pieces started coming together. I might be listening to a nonduality talk and something is said that re-activates that experience and there is a knowing of "yes, that's it". I would be sitting with someone and that essence would arise and there would be a "yes, this is it". It might be helpful to start getting in touch with this "knowing" of direct experience. For example, do you know when someone is speaking English? If someone told you, "No, that person is actually speaking Chinese". You would "know" this isn't true. You wouldn't need to seek evidence and proof. You know. . . Another example, think of a time in your life you reached "flow state". Perhaps you were playing a sport or a musical instrument. "You" and "time" dissolved and there was pure presence of the moment just happening - as if the musical instrument was playing itself. . . Now later, imagine someone describing what a "flow state" is and what happened to you. You can tell if he "knows". He may describe one of his flow states and there may be resonance. You might be like "Yes! That's it!". Another person might get into intellectual theory and tell you your "flow state" was not real - it was just a bunch of molecules in your brain. You might think "No, that's not quite it. I don't think this guy has ever experience a flow state". . . Last example: You have an innate knowing that Now is Now. You don't need any evidence that Now is Now. If you were listening to a nondual speaker trying to express the essence of "Nowness" in words, you might resonate and be like "yes". If someone else came to you and said "Actually, this isn't Now. You are not experiencing anything. You are a rock in a forest and you aren't perceiving anything right now". You "know" this isn't true due to a knowing that comes prior. You wouldn't need to seek evidence and proof that you are not a rock and nothing is happening. These are obvious examples, yet ime it's a somewhat similar sense of "knowing" as we evolve and direct experience is key. And the resonance gets stronger and stronger. Recently, someone on the forum posted an essay that Maslow wrote just before his death. He wrote about the essence of "full actualization". One of the things he wrote was that "full actualizers" can recognize other "full actualizers" immediately. It is as if truth recognizes itself and truth. It is direct. Interpretations and filters are extra steps. Ime, as I evolved "higher" into new stuff, there was a degree of groundless and uncertainty. There may have been questions like "Is this what the buddhists were referring to as no mind?" or "was that experience I just had a collective consciousness?". And then there is integration and resonance that goes deeper and broader. I might read articles from scientists, psychologists, shamans, mystics and people on forums about what collective consciousness is. For me, there is an intuitive form of intuition and essence of attraction/yes-ness. It might just be one sentence in a rambling post or it might be some high conscious post that I can "sorta get" yet seems true. In particular, that that person "knows". . . Then the direct experience can deepen, expand and clarify as it reveals itself. This is a collection of both "inside" inputs and "outside" inputs. . . For example, in one of Leo's videos he talked about consciousness being what you identify as. One can walk in the forest and identify as a human being walking through a forest. Or one can identify as a forest. I immediately knew this. There was no thinking "Wait a minute, how do I know this is true? Maybe he is just making this up. Other people say different things". The knowing came prior to all that figuring. It is the knowing of what IS as it IS. That part of Leo's video helped give me clarity and structural support. Now, consciousness can flow from being a human in a forest to consciousness being the forest. How do I know this is "true"? Because it is what it is. Now, new deeper insights are being revealed all around me that deepen and expand this. There may be appearances in my own mind, through a raccoon, a falling leaf, the Heart Sutra, Maslow, dreams etc. . . And eventually, discussions in my mind about "true" vs "false" started to dissolve. Everything I have written here is both "true" and "false" in a relative sense - for my mind to hold an image of "true" there is also an imagine of "not true" to provide contrast. At a meta level, both of these images are Truth. I'm much more interested in existential truth, than surface level truth. Last week I took my car to the mechanic and he told me I needed a new exhaust system. Asking if this is "true" is a very different energetic orientation for me. I don't really care. I don't want to get ripped off, so I might ask him to show me why or I may get a second opinion. Yet this type of "truth" is dry and uninteresting to me. He seems like a trustworthy guy that knew what he was talking about, so I told him to go ahead and repair it. The question of whether it was true or not never appeared again. There are much deeper levels to explore.
  18. The ego has a sense of doership. ACIM says that only God's will is real. Actually, the Bible says basically the same thing: ACIM and the Bible also seem to say that God's plan is already established. That's what nonduality teacher Ramesh Balsekar said too, that reality is like a movie already made. It seems that the ego is not meant to grasp/grok that it is not the doer. Maybe the ego and doership are even inseparable. The Law of One calls it the Law of Confusion. Personally I think of the idea of life as an automatic and predetermined process as excellent. It means absolute certainty. But I need to add the belief in evolutionary progress to find the idea appealing to me. Including things like moving to fourth density as described in the Law of One. What makes determinism and nonduality great in my opinion is the addition of unpredictability and infinite intelligence. There is a Bible version called the New American Standard Bible and I really like this translation: Notice that the ego cannot choose to drop its will, since even that is predetermined, but the idea can be tested by letting go of worries. If there is truth to idea of determinism and infinite intelligence, then it may happen that the worries dissolve for real!
  19. Roger Castillo has quoted ACIM and he is a hardcore nonduality teacher and he has a new video together with Gautam Sachdeva another nonduality teacher (both are disciples of Ramesh Balsekar I think).
  20. I'd like to give interpretation on one verse in Quran, forgive me my grammatical mistakes. Human is reflection inside the mirror of someone who stands in front of the mirror. Human is bound to repeat every action after the original one. Of course, he is reflection, and reflection reflects. And human naturally wants to become the one who is in front of the mirror. Human wants to lose heaviness of being a reflection, and just to be the original one, and not a reflection. He wants to simply be... Because the original one is pure being and it is so easy. And for some its even more than that, it is blissful, it is satchitananda. It is joy and love and goodness. Human then calls his reflection nature as ego, illusion, avidiya, ignorance. He spends years to dissolve it, and to become nothingness. What can he do, all gurus he saw taught exactly same thing. But who is that one (the original one) who stands in front of the mirror and sees its own reflection in the mirror? That original one is what people on this forum call God. Echart Tolle calls him God. Mooji calls him God. Rupert Spira and Adyashanti calls him God's Infinite Being. That's why they keep saying that God = you, reality = God, Being = God. But then prophets come and give us text, and then we know - this original one in front of the mirror - it is God of this world, God of this reality, King of this world, or Devil, Iblis. It is The Great Being. It is also an archetype of all worlds. All worlds are reflections of this one original archetype. Also: Ishvara, Shiva, 'Father', Apollos (in arabic - Iblis), Ahura-Mazda, God of light and beauty. And we are his reflections. Our task, prophets say, is not to become him, and not to dissolve our egos in him, but we are ought to emancipate consciousness from him, from Being. We are to oppose him. Because the true God is not him and we receive text about who is that true God. We receive method to emancipate consciousness. This task exists not for us, but we exist for that task. Solving that task will define the meaning of existence. Wait a moment, how can good-love-bliss-truth be the Devil? I don't get it. Good question. The thing is that, God intentionally created reality upon the error. It is made so as a test for people. So people will fix it. The core of the error is good and evil. Verse says: Maybe you love something but in fact it is evil for you, and maybe you hate something but in fact it is good for you. Or in other words, what you think is evil - that is good, and what you think is good - that is evil. What seems like good in this reality, and what you naturally love - this is evil. And what seems like bad and what you naturally hate - this is good. Let's stop on first part - the Good declared as Evil - it is knowledge about that one in front of the mirror - he presents himself as Goodness and Love. But in fact it is Devil. Apollo in Greek tradition is God of Love, Beauty, Harmony, Light. And also he presents himself as Consciousness. But in fact he is not Consciousness. Consciousness exists only as opposition to Being, as a contrast to Being, but not as part of Being, not as equal to Being. Only as opposition and not in oneness, and not in just being. Witness is not is-ness, Witness is separate and opposite to is-ness. Is-ness by its very nature is pointing that it is not witness. Witness cannot be what is witnessed. But this Devil tricks people and presents Consciousness as his own nature by saying some illogical thing like witnessed = what is witnessed. That's not an illusion, its not an illusion that it seems like they are same thing, but it is the result of the fact that Consciousness is suppressed by Being. And, returning to what is previously said, we are to emancipate Consciousness from Being. We receive method, the scripture is that instruction. One of the instructions is: To put names of Allah, the one who is absent, the one who we call Huwa (Kul-huwa-Allahu-ahad), HE, or absent one, to put his names in the focus and centre of our spiritual attention. Graceful, Merciful, Giving, Forcing, Almighty etc. We are interested in putting these names in the centre and in focus of our spiritual attention. To be able to do that, to perform that - leads to emancipation of consciousness. It leads to immediate and to correct awakening, or providential awakening. Its just one of the methods. So this -TRUTH-CONSCIOUSNESS-LOVE - or absolute infinity, or infinite goodness-love, is false orientation, false value and false 'God', an idol. Thats why the witness of faith is la ilaha illallah (there are no gods except Allah) - Except and besides the one whose name is Allah who is radically Separate from reality, Opposite to Infinity, Opposite to Absolute Everything-ness, and radically Transcendent and yet is active here and now through his absence, besides him there is no other immanent Gods. It is denial of idea that any immanent gods including The Great Being are Gods, they are denied as orientation and value. This one, this infinity, or this thing in front of the mirror, or this pure being, or this love, light, truth - is denied. Instead of that, there is Allah as your orientation. And we can know about him and 'get towards' him only through what prophet's scripture revealed (Muhammadar rasulullah). Besides that we don't have tools. Because when we use our natural tools, we almost always reach The Great Being and then call him God and then we try to dissolve into him. Without abrahamic and only abrahamic holy scripture as a method, we fall for idols. Real idol is not statue or image, real idol is that infinite which presents itself as infinitely good Being. But in reality it is just the big candy who said in Quran: 'I will come to them from right,left,back,front and will surely mislead all of them from your path, except thy righteous slaves'. Btw, that's one of the reasons why Moses-Pharaoh collision is so often given in Quran - Pharaoh declared: I am God (things didn't change ever since then as we can see), while his Egyptian priests based their metaphysics around pantheism/nonduality, oneness of Being where Being = God. They were enlightened. And Pharaoh too. And the whole tyrannical Egyptian pyramidal order had roots in their nondual metaphysics. Paradoxically, the metaphysics of 'infinite goodness of the great being' led to tyrannical order, enlightened avant garde created tyranny. Then Moses was sent by true God, he was sent to destroy this pantheistic ideology and political tyranny. But I think the main problem here is this: all or many gurus are advocating for so-called 'positive experience'. They say: to experience, to be spontaneous etc. is positive thing and our main goal in spirituality is experience, and this experience is to be positive. Look, you breath, you walk, you love, you have highs and lows, it is positive. They advocate for positive experiential nature of reality. Because for them, Reality = God. And people fall for that idea of good, they try to find spiritual state where experience will be positive. But la ilaha illallah is advocating the opposite - you should know that there is no positive experience in the field of immanent, even though it feels positive but its not positive from the perspective of Consciousness. You should know that reality is not God. That doesn't put God somewhere away, we wilfully put him in the centre of our attention (through his names) even though he is absent.
  21. I think its possible that all of our nightly dreams take place in the same astral or dream realm, but that it is personal to the individual dreamer, where your conscious and subconscious mind influences and builds the dream around you. But that's not to say its happening inside your brain... in fact I think it would be impossible to pinpoint exactly where its happening, if its happening anywhere at all. The only thing I can tell you for sure is that dreams are individual to the dreamer. How that fits into nonduality, I can't say....
  22. If neti-neti is duality, which it obviously is, since oneness cannot say "not this" about itself, then why is it taught in nonduality? One possibility is that the original teachers of neti-neti used it to see which disciples were just parroting and aping the masters. If someone promoted neti-neti then that was a clear sign that the student was just imitating the masters since that's a duality teaching pretending to be nonduality, not actual nonduality teaching.
  23. To me he seems like a hybrid of personal development and nonduality. I don’t resonate with him, yet I can see how others would. It’s nice to see a diversity of people exploring spirituality.
  24. If you are channeling that through direct experience, you are accessing some high level mystical states. I spent 20 years meditating and didn't come close to the mysticism you are describing. The chemical combinations you are taking may be revealing natural abilities and granting access. For me, psychedelics increase my resonance and revealed paranormal abilities. Yet then we return to our baseline conscious level and try to "make sense" of the paranormal phenomena. This can be weird and scary to people that have no clue about the paranormal and mysticism. They may portray images that this is "abnormal", and you are "abnormal" and need to get "fixed". I'm not a psychiatrist, yet to me it seems like you have special abilities that seem odd and scary to others. Part of the mental instability may be due from others trying to alter your true nature. Imagine you had an opportunity to go on a retreat in Peru and spend a month with the highest level shaman's. You would be seen and accepted as a young man with abilities and you would have the opportunity to develop those abilities. You would be completely accepted in the community and everyone there would understand the mystical nature of your channeling. You would be a young mystic that gets to develop your natural abilities. Would something like that be appealing to you?. . . Since you keep returning to chemicals and mystical states, my hunch is that this would seem appealing to you. The states you seem to be accessing are higher than any verbal messages I can send to you. Realize that those states are one of the greatest teachers you can find. Be careful when giving authority to others, since you have access to higher authority. I have some mid-range paranormal abilities - here are a few things I've learned and suggestions. If they resonate with you great, if not - also great. Trust your intuition. 1. Psychedelics and weed can rocket consciousness up levels and amplify paranormal abilities. For example, psychedelics have amplified an empathic ability I have to full-on hyper-empathic master. When returning to baseline consciousness, this can be extremely unsettling. I don't know how to make sense of it, whether it is real, or whether I'm going crazy. I've had empathic communication with trees. This isn't the type of thing I can tell most people. They won't understand and will think I'm crazy. At first, I thought I was crazy. With time, I realized it's not crazy at all. I am not a psychiatrist and cannot diagnose you, yet it could be that some of what is being called "crazy" may actually be paranormal abilities. 2. I've learned to be careful who I share what with. I have found people that understand. For example, Reiki masters often "get" what I'm saying. As well, I've met a couple strong empaths online that have helped me work with these appearances and develop them. Yet I would not tell my family about it. I can only give a few hints like "I have a strong imagination". Or I may talk about lucid dreaming. They can handle that surface stuff. Yet they cannot handle the deeper stuff. So you might want to be careful about how much you share with others. To you, this channeling may seem like awesome insights - yet you have no idea how far away most people are from accessing and understanding this. You may want to find people in your community or online that have paranormal abilities. . . Yet be careful of charlatons that are fakers and would mislead or take advantage of you. And this is an important part: you know who the mystics and paranormals are if you are one. There is a "knowing" you can access, just like you "know" if someone can speak English because you are fluent in English. . . If someone tells me they have extra-sensory empathic abilities, I can tell immediately if the empathic resonance is there because I am on that frequency. If someone tells me they can see Auras, I cannot tell because I'm not on that frequency - yet there is still a connection since we both have paranormal abilities and we can freely share together. 3. The weed and psychedelics may be elevating your consciousness and amplifying your abilities. This can be good, yet I would be careful of downsides. Psychedelics can elevate a person from a stage 1 mystic apprentice to a stage 9 mystic master. This may take years of work without psychedelics, yet can be reached in a matter of hours with psychedelics. This can create an unstable dynamic - if you rocket up to stage 9 mysticism and return to stage 1 grounding - it can be unstable. I would consider investing in integration and development without the psychedelics. For me this kinda sucked. I was like a stage 9 magician with psychedelics and trying to develop the skills at my baseline consciousness. Perhaps see if you can access some of these states without psychedelics / weed or with a very low dose. You might only get 40% there, yet I found this really important. As well, you might want to read up online about mysticism or meet some people with paranormal abilities. Be mindful of how you resonate with them. If you have abilities, you already know - you just forgot. I would also be mindful of who you share this with. I would share it with people who "get it". 4. If possible, I would consider getting some distance from family and get into a new environment temporarily. Perhaps take a weekend trip away from it all. Perhaps in nature away from the negative energy. Even a day long retreat. Perhaps there is a day long yoga/mediation retreat in your area and you could tell parents that you just want to relax your mind for a day. At a day long yoga/mediation retreat, there will likely be people/teachers that have some spiritual/paranormal abilities. They would be much more open to discussing things like energetic flows and nonduality.