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  1. This is a story within The Story. This is a digital expression of what is happening. It is meant to paint a picture. It is meant for Ivan to find Love and Peace. It is also meant to be a container for all of Ivan's concerns, insecurities, contradictions, unease, sarcasm, delusion, victim-hood, narcissism, arrogance and ignorance. It is a place of unconditional love and acceptance. It is all-inclusive. So beware, kind reader. This might be exactly what you have no interest in reading, at all. THE STORY SAYS: Ivan went to bed around 3 a.m. He was having an online meeting the next morning with his new mentor, Sašo. Ivan was excited and determined to change their financial circumstance. He was prepared to take every step necessary and learn how to make constant profits. He stayed up reading in his bed for some time, then he fell asleep; binaural beats were playing in the background. He likes falling asleep to binaural beats. They help him with visualizations and guide him into his dreams. Ivan desires to express himself now: I woke up feeling good. Wasn't bursting with energy, but I was feeling alright. I decided to take a cold shower. It shook me up nicely. Afterwards I ate one slice of bread with butter and strawberry jam. It was enough, kinda; soothed my belly a bit. Had to save some bread for later. I then drank one coffee and practiced some yoga. My body was stretched, there was more room for the breath. Then I prepared myself one more coffee and sat on our lovely balcony. I was waiting for Sašo's video-call. It was a bright, sunny day. I felt focused and in the zone, although I would't mind sleeping a bit longer. I like sleeping. The meeting went great. Sašo is a cool dude. He gave me exactly what I needed; confirmation and thumbs up. He complimented my will to learn and to perfect this profession. I knew I got trading covered theoretically during the past few months. There is not that much to it, really. I simply had to learn on my mistakes and work on myself. Every trader goes through this process- Sašo assured me. He told me I should establish a strong system, stick to it and not let myself be distracted. In other words; my way is the only way. I was glad to hear this, as I was not resonating with indicators or anything that could cause confusion and hesitation. Sašo also confirmed that the forex market is no place for emotions and overthinking. One has to be present, calm and steady yet on high alert. For this business, you gotta have the "nerves of steel". We agreed on another call later. He offered to share his screen with me, while his team speculates entries for profitable trades. I was very grateful for his guidance. THE STORY SAYS: During this time, Diana took a shower and did some yoga as well. After Ivan finished his meeting, the two shared a few words, expressed their excitement towards new opportunities and continued their day. They were reading in silence for some time. Ivan then decided to do a short work out. He wants to be more fit and gain a few pounds. Ivan often skips meals; sometimes because of the lack of resources, other times out of forgetfulness and laziness. They both desire order on that matter. Ivan desires to express himself now: Working out after a few days of "doing nothing" felt awesome. I love to sweat and feel them muscles workin'! My body is changing big time. Diana's as well. These two years have been a huge transformation for both of us. It is still unfolding. When I look into the mirror, I see the potential waiting to fully emerge. I see where my body's headed, and I love it. Nevertheless I lost weight, big time, so I do get uncomfortable with that notion from time to time. Depends on my mood, I guess. After the work out I took another shower and prepared myself a meal. As I was eating alone, outside on our balcony, a realization came to me. For the past few days, I was kinda worried about the ongoing re-contextualization process and how that might change everything. I was aware of the fact, that the plate I was holding in my hand does not really exist. Nor does the bread, nor do the eggs, nor the sausages. Everything around me, including me is pure concept down to it's core. I know that I only see a plate because I believed my whole life it exists. I believed it has a certain shape, texture, weight, purpose. I believed it was separate. And this applies to everything. Whoa. I let thoughts go and there was pure awareness. Felt like I was a giant; at least 12' tall. Everything looked exactly the same, there just wasn't any thought form present. I was not Ivan. I was nothing. Everything was nothing. Soon after, thoughts entered the mind again. I wondered: "Do I see everything as it is based on pure concept and belief? What would there be if I wasn't believing my whole life that the palm tree should look exactly like that? What sound would there be if I wasn't believing the waves should produce such a sound? How would wind be experienced? Can I change my beliefs radically, to such an extend that the physical world would change utterly and completely? How do I re-build these concepts? Do I have to impose new belief onto things and keep believing that way for another 20 years to see change? Can I choose what I see; literally? Can I choose to believe there is no gravity? How do I do that?" I was aware of the contradiction and the paradox. But I don't mind my curiosity, if I can call it my own. I was very calm and present. I kept repeating: "Ok. Ok. I see now. Everything is here regardless, it's not going anywhere. It's just me that's in the way. I'm constantly imposing concepts and reinforcing believes. This is how everything seems solid. All is well." Maybe I can change these concepts and what appears to be, maybe not, I don't know just yet. It's all new now. Everything is different yet completely the same. I often sense the urge to skip ahead, see what's afterwards or behind. I want to have control over my own. I'm not sure yet if that's bad or not. After all, "control" and "bad" are concepts as well. I will investigate. THE STORY SAYS: Afterwards, Ivan laid down to rest and clear his mind for an hour. Binaural beats were playing in the background once again. Ivan needed the rest; soon he would meet online with Sašo and start trading. He wandered in the corridors of his mind, he stared into the ceiling, he visualized; breathing deeply. Ivan knows how to let all thoughts go, including himself. He knows the "way out". He just does not know what to do with this ability. Ivan is on a path of Self-discovery. He is a little detective. Ivan desires to express himself now: I was ready to trade when I got up. But I also had the desire to just do nothing. I feel like I'm way too "high" at times for all the earthly stuff that needs to be done. Once we started, I wasn't surprised to see that I got everything figured out on my own, already. The support-resistance levels I draw in my mind were the same as those of the mentor narrating the live webinar. Even his speculations were obvious to me. I was present, focused and determined. I noticed a few nudges from my emotions that were previously arising while I'd trade. I also noticed thoughts trying to distract me. But I successfully recognized those for what they are. They belonged in my past. Now I'm new. I have a few new cards in my sleeve. I was confident and steady. I opened three trades after the webinar ended. I left them be. The market was still indecisive; consolidating. Diana was starting to feel the weight on her heart, caused by the burden she carries around because of her mother landing us money all the time. At times, I'd feel like shit because of this myself. But not today. I know I am way too close to let myself get demotivated. I know I am about to turn everything around any moment now. I am patient. I am steady. In the past, we would end up fighting because of us being unable to communicate to each-other these feelings of guilt and shame. It's really heavy. Today though, I chose Love, consciously and deliberately. I managed to calm Diana down. She needs me now more than ever. I tried to radiate as much Love as I could while she was sobbing. I gave my best to let her know, with my every touch and move, that I'm here. That I got her. That I will take care of everything. She was very grateful. We soon were laughing again, gathering our strengths and optimism. We know it's worth it. Everything is necessary. We are very close. Our journey is indeed special and means a lot to us. It is ever-expansive. It is ever-evolving. It is now.
  2. @Sahil Pandit Intermittent fasting is not the best way to build muscle, but it is a great way to lose fat; mostly due to the fact that when you fast, your HGH does increase and it does mobilize fatty acids, but the HGH increase in a fasted state is there to PRESERVE muscle, not build it. You need to be in a calorie surplus to build muscle, unless you are totally an untrained newbie who is embarking on a body transformation for the first time, could do a full body recomposition simply by working out and eating as they were.
  3. Please don't drop anchor here, please trust me this is not the way. I totally feel what you're going through I really do kid I've been there and it was one of the hardest things I had to go through in life but ultimately it had led me to a realization that it was only the true beginning. This is where spirituality comes in and is your ally, is your guardian, is your compass. This is where your wings will grow even more and you will thrive as a star in the night, and fly with the shooting stars.There's so much beauty & wonderful experience that is still on it's way to you and that is within you. So much transformation. I know the future might seem hopeless or unimaginable at the moment but try to trust it like the moon trusts the sun. You are so beautiful and there is so much beautiful power within you, there is so much magic within you. What makes your heart sing? What is one thing you truly love about life and love learning about life that speaks to you, that calls to you and makes you come back for more? Really think about this. That one little thing can save your soul. You can channel this pain in ways that can heal you. I don't care what it is whether you have to scream your fucking head off into a cushion (this actually really helps) cry your face red, kick, curl, scream, melt just let this thing fucking out like you're exorcising something, but not on your whole life you have so much ahead of you honey ❤️ and write, please don't hesitate to write me and to the rest of us on this forum, we are here to help you. ❤️ You are strength, you are Warrior. ❤️
  4. Chapter 104 Solis Strengthens the zee Purifies the Zhin Improves the Zvether Pacifies the zvethiss plants benevolent desires in the Zveth. Brings growth and hope Gives grace. Resolves problems /troubles or instability. Provides support Restores harmony and peace Keeps the heart pure. Brings ultimate positive transformation and creates a beautiful haven. Fulfillment The Zveth or soul is like an ocean in which emotions and desires emerge like waves. It's like a ocean that keeps flowing and moving. A flame that keeps burning.
  5. once more, lost in translation, even though i said transformation was coming soon. but let’s be honest, we are constantly lost in both.
  6. @caelanb exactly! But this is why I wouldn’t call this enlightenment. Because enlightenment in my opinion is more like a transformation of your entire world view and not simply realizing certain aspects of it. But it is a whole.
  7. Ive dealt with this yeah. Im an introvert but am working as a personal trainer so Im literally in contact with people all day long every day haha. What’s interesting is at first it was exhausting, but it eventually got to be no big deal. Two things really helped me: 1) I had it in my mind that I was going to learn how to be more effective at my job and adapt. So you need to really cement the possibility for your ability to adapt and change how the job affects you. Genuinely opening up this possibility for growth gives way for eventual transformation. 2) I stopped labeling myself as an introvert and worked towards transforming that identity. Introversion, at the end of the day, is a concept about ourselves and the more you study the self, the more you see how relative and arbitrary characteristics are. So introversion is just a concept or a story the self tells itself. So practically speaking, try to deeply contemplate why you’re clinging to your introversion, find those limiting beliefs and assumptions, find out why these specific social interactions drain you, and then if you have the courage, let them go. This sounds simple on paper but I promise both 1) and 2) take real work to figure out, but, at least in my experience, it can be done.
  8. because at first he wasn't talking about enlightment, and he is currently on his own path, look his old video / speech. and see his own transformation. next time you will learn before having something smart to say
  9. I think this, for me, has been the most complete way to talk about what the investigation into our true nature is about. Any movie can be used to illustrate this, but I am using The Pursuit of Happyness. We have the actor, Will Smith, playing the character, Chris Gardner. NOW IMAGINE During the filming of the movie, everything is going great. No concerns or anything. Plot is progressing as planned and in the script/direction. Then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, Will Smith has a mental breakdown which causes him to forget that he is Will Smith and become his character Chris Gardner. This is no minor mental breakdown. It is full absolute mental transformation that he is Chris Gardner and has no idea who Will Smith is... no idea AT ALL. To keep it simple, let's assume the movie continues to be filmed (assume nobody notices that Will Smith has lost his shit) Now, as the actor Will Smith continues to film and portray the life of Chris Gardner in the movie's plot, he gets 100% emotionally attached to everything which is happening. If something fails in the movie, Will Smith feels as if it is his failure. If he can't find a place to sleep at night, Will Smith suffers from this. He has forgotten his real self (Will Smith) and become the ego (Chris Gardner). Now, let's bring in a question which is commonly seen in spiritual circles. What does Chris Gardner need to do, to realize that he is does not exist? Or when will Chris Gardner wake up to the fact and become enlightened? You see, if you have been following along thus far, you can see it is absolutely wrong to ask these questions. Chris Gardner can do nothing to escape - because he exists within the movie. It is WILL SMITH who needs to awaken. It is WILL SMITH who will become enlightened. It is WILL SMITH who all the pointers are talking to, not Chris Gardner. Just like that, your ego can do nothing to awaken, because it cannot. It is Your self which will awaken Just like Chris Gardner, the character, you the ego cannot grasp the fact that you do not exist because in your ego world with your ego story and life story, you very much do exist! Your life does not need to end or stop. Just live it from a place of deep awareness and knowing as your true higher self (will smith / awareness) With that being said, let's now imagine that Will Smith somehow magically returns and recognizes his mistake of mis-identifying with the body/mind/world of Chris Gardner. Of course, he may laugh a big joyful laughter about how silly he was to have thought he was the character Chris Gardner who is suffering in the plot of the movie. Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water. After enlightenment... Now continuing here, with Will Smith now back and "awakened" to his true nature as the character portraying the role of Chirs Gardner... nothing changes. He continues to film the rest of the movie. In that filming, where-ever there is suffering, Will Smith acts out and portray that, where-ever there is anger, Will Smith portrays that. All the while, knowing he is free from that. That is how enlightenment occurs. It is your true nature / REAL SELF which re-awakens to the fact that it was not the character (body+mind). The renaming plot of your life will play out as it needs to. There will be anger, sadness, guilt, happiness, pain, pleasure, everything... but you will be watching from the place of Will Smith knowing that he is portraying the character and is outside of the character/ego's world. You will have all those emotions but be okay with it, in your deep knowing if your true self - free from the world/reality of the ego. Notice also free will aspect. There is none. Just like in the movie - the script and acting and directing is pre-planned and that's how it will play out. So, once you awaken, what must happen, will happen as it should and will be seen to play out on it's own. Of course, this only talks about one aspect of it. The whole of it is much deeper. It's all one-thing. You are everything, literally. and that's kind of hard to illustrate using words as pointers. That's for another day (animation/graphics will assist to an extent, but again, not entirely)
  10. Hello forum members of, I have always been fully fascinated with the actual phenomena of reality and time. Several years ago, I had a complete ego death and this experience is still deeply embedded in my being and everyday actions and perspective. First, I want to give you an abstract overview of what my psychedelic experience was like and what deeper direct insight the experience showed me. Please note that this experience was life changing and completely forced me to reconstruct my believes and solid foundations of what I thought what reality seemed to be. During that time, it was hard to cope with all these ideas and "normal regular life". I'm still giving it a place and will keep doing this my entire life, but it was both the best as the worst experience i have ever encountered. Nothing can be unseen, but with mindful intention you can transform what you make of things. For my trip report I mainly want to focus on the important things I experienced but I will give a general overview what the set and setting was. Everything started on a regular vacation day. My friends and I had decided we wanted to try some magic truffles again since earlier experiences have always been really enjoyable and funny. On an empty stomach we all ate some truffles and slowly the effects became apparent. Some weightless feelings like being on a cloud while walking, increased colour vividness and perception in all senses. We all quite enjoyed the experience quite well, just the total ridicules of being alive and that this "substance" or tool is able to affect the experience of reality so dramatically that it almost feels like the matrix. Morphing solid shapes, everything breathing like it is totally alive like one large being. These experience often go with pure awe for beginners and can be an eye opener or something that destroys your world, perspective is crucial in how you will experience life and thus having a broad knowledge is essential to be able to position yourself in life, even if you don't exactly know what real truth is. This is why I have great respect for all people that give their life to peruse understanding and knowledge, becoming a sage like @Leo Gura also states in one of his videos is my ultimate pursuit. So, there was this moment in my psychedelic experience where I slowly began to drift away. I was standing somewhere against a statue next to some friend looking at this massive willow tree on a small island several meters away. The whole tree was illuminated by a light and I was slowly being hypnotised by its presence, the branches timelessly waving in the air. Before I entered this upcoming trance my emotion was pure indecisiveness due some situation where my friends split up and I was not able to choose whether I wanted to go with them or stay. Eventually I stayed to look after some friends but was thrown in this deeply hypnotised state. My presence was slowly merging with the tree across the water and I began to feel its history and future. I felt the cold of the winter and all the seasons that cycled over a thousand times, maybe an infinite times. I really cannot tell since time slowly ceased to exist and I became it. Everything was fast-forwarded like a time-lapse, people walking by, the environment changing over hundreds of years, until time came to an absolute end. Now reflecting on this experience the force that drove me to a complete ego death or dissolution was the pure indecisiveness I entered it early with. My reality window or perspective couldn't decide what to experience or focus on and eventually I became absolute nothingness. This timeless state of being that was undifferentiated and a complete void was still perceived as being nothing. Now this is very hard to grasp and only direct experience can show you what true infinity and nothingness is at the same time. A nice sentence I like to refer to is; Ultimate silence holds the greatest potential of invoking anything infinitely larger that itself. One of the most beautiful moments was the witness of the absolute transformation of Non-duality to the Duality. After an infinite amount of time had past in the absolute non-dual state there was a moment where two orbs of light came into my vision. They shared this dance what felt to me like pure love and reminds me of ying and yang. From the non-dual unlimited potential arose the perspective or experience of two entities both identical and it was me who give their distinct identity. I felt that I was them but also reflected on this from a distant perspective, which in turn created an experience of separation. Slowly my perspective began to zoom out or expand and I saw that my entire vision was filled with these dancing energy orbs until my complete view of normal reality emerged from this. As if reality was build from these pixels and that the human experience is somehow at this current level of awareness. This experience was just pure awe, but coming back was the hardest part. Dealing with the feeling of being infinitely away from this reality and then coming back you get overwhelmed with what you experienced and at first I just freaked out. My friends told me I was away for a long time and this really scared me. I didn't feel safe because i still had to grasp what this reality was, how it functioned and who these people were. I wanted to go home because that was the only safe place I could remember but luckily my friends calmed me down. It was one intense ride for sure! The important part I want to emphasize is this conversion of non-duality to duality since it is the absolute essence of creation. I know this can be labelled as "just a experience while being under influence" but the message is clear. You only begin to fully grasp what real masters of the mind are talking about when they speak of enlightenment. It is really you who creates your entire world, every "value" you apply to one of those orbs creates your complete experience of reality. Duality is the labelling system of the mind of how to identify anything and is build from relativity in perspective from all other values. Changing one value as to say directly changes the relation with all others and this simply is your perspective or vision what life looks like or gets experienced. Mindset, vision, belief are really the key to enlightment and will only be reveal by true dedication, integration and pursuit of knowledge. Tell me what you think about this! Has anybody else ever experienced such thing. I have the feeling that some people might have had the similar experience but were not able to completely verbalize it. EDIT: One thing I want to add is that the creation fo the universe by the big bang is exactly the same process. We arose from a timeless state and the universe as we know it was born by the creation of relativity (duality) from this non-dual indifferentiated state. Relativity is the core requisite of experiencing reality by using the ego. As relativity was born so was time and the space continium. Interesting philosophical questions arise if you take this as how this mental universe is created, are there any real bounderies if there is no ultimate outside perspective? Who knows Namaste, fellow adventurers.
  11. fuck me sideways boys, this insight hit me square in the face today and I near shite ma'sel. Ok so, think about attempt to "let go" would be to create the idea that there is something to let go of...therefore, to "try to let go" would be to cause us to solidify, in our minds, the ideas (that we've created) about what we're letting go of. THEREFORE the only way to truly let go is to not let hold tightly to that which we are observing and to do absolutely nothing about it. just remember, don't believe me Jesus guys, I had my first split second of raw consciousness the other day...felt like fucking lightning for 0.3 seconds, & for 30 seconds after I FULLY realised that consciousness is the only thing that exists. for 30 seconds i had it!!! i had a smoke of grass the help raise the old consciousness to so that helped. I also realised that Leo and his band of physical outlaws here...what we're actually doing, is literally creating prophets of god...people who will change the groundings of the future of the entire human race. The knowledge we possess will shape the future generations until the end of our existence. When this information (or lack thereof;) ) becomes global, we will be known as the forerunners, the founding fathers. anyone who takes on this work becomes transformed, and subsequently, lead others to transformation and so on and so on. We hold in our hand the keys to truth, death, peace and God. Holy.fucking.shitballs
  12. Frank Yang - Frank is the only "fitness YouTuber" I still follow. He's been going through quite the transformation in the past couple years, doing his first vipassana, trying 5-MeO-DMT, and using his film making skills to make incredible vlog style videos about consciousness, his self actualization work, and his crazy antics. He also watches Leo's videos, and it shows. Here's his video he made about his first vipassana, it's one of his best works imo. The Art Assignment - This is a PBS YouTube channel devoted to Art, of course. They have early episodes that give you an art assignment to try for yourself, as well as newer episodes where they discuss everything related to art. They're really good at providing context to the art they show so that you can develop a better understanding of what's being shown and not left scratching your head as to what it all means. Templesounds - This guy's name is Emile and he's a passionate collector, importer/seller, and most of all, player of fine handmade singing bowls. His videos are mostly of him playing the bowls, gongs, and other such instruments in compositions ranging from 15min to an hour or more. The sounds are really excellent for meditation, and he even has some guided meditations which are quite good. FoundMyFitness - The future of healthcare will be completely personalized to the individual. If you agree with that statement or you have a curiosity for deep nutrition and lifestyle design as they relate to preventing and fighting disease and promoting longevity, this channel is for you. Dr Rhonda Patrick interviews cutting edge research scientists on these topics and communicates the information with on screen notes and images that make these complex biological science concepts digestible and actionable.
  13. Watched latest episode about Spiral Dynamics nuances and confirmed what I thought about myself lately after reading couple of books of Ken and others on those topics. I have very, very uneven growth in my lines of development yet I have no fucking idea what to do about it. I tend to assume that I have to give up control and just dwell in grace and welcome whatever comes, but man, it's scary as fuck, I'm always like "dude, if you're gonna keep doing it you'll end up being a fucking bummer". I tried to get an easiest job I could find as a seller in a Zoo Shop, but in the second day of education I just gave up in suicidal state and said I'm not coming there anymore. I just can't, it's overwhelmingly painful to pay attention and use my mind to even learn easy stuff. Technically I can, with crying, anger and stuff, but who needs such a worker? I have read some chapters in Adyashanti's book "The End of Your World" in which he talks about the energetic component of awakening, he says that this "tired and wired" state is common in awakening process and you just have to accept it as a natural process of transformation of your body adjusting to awakening and releasing it's baggage, it may happen even before awakening, some people struggle more, some less. He says that after that process of realigning there should be way more clarity. He also says that someone came to him after checking for Alzheimer's, LOL, which is very similar to my situation, I can barely remember shit and have absolutely terrible memory lately. Here's what happened to Eckhart Tolle: Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. On the other hand there's Shinzen Young who recommends to take antidepressants and tells that it took him 18 months of therapy with a psychiatrist to overcome his procrastination DECADES AFTER he woke up. I have incredibly addictive personality and the perspective of taking antidepressants scares me as fuck. Also in some books on Kundalini they advice to not take meds when you have Kundalini Syndrome. I'm so confused about what to do, you just can't imagine, dude. Can't meditate, can't work, can't do yoga, can't earn money for psychedelics, can't nothing. Fuck. I'm just from an online Zen seminar that I've been attending for a couple of years (it resumed again after several months, yay), and this triggered shit ton of shame in me, because talking to mature, educated, high consciousness people in foreign language is very challenging and my shame is as always overwhelming, I'm so afraid of what they will think of me that I barely manage to deliver my interesting thoughts which I strongly believe are of interest to them. But in the heat of situation it's like "um... ah... well... you know... form... formlessness...". Here's what my level of development is like: Level of consciousness: don't mean to show off but I think I'm clearly in the transition from yellow to turquoise. I genuinely believe that my life is perfect and I am perfect as is, I am slowly transcending the dream, yet I am absolutely fucking terrible at playing this dream out, I'm just a kid who had glimpses of the absolute that still sucks mother's tit and can't do shit. Hierarchy of needs: gross, just gross. Neurotic conditioning/shadow: I gained a lot of awareness of it over the course of last couple of years, yet understanding your shadow is like 5% of the work, dissolving it is way, way more difficult task. You can easily acknowledge that you have shame-based personality and post on the forum for the sake of validation and attention-whoring, it's whole 'nother story to stop doing it. I think relationships line of development is almost the same as shadow line because without the other there's noone to trigger you and your neurotic conditioning only makes sense in the context of the communication with the outer world which is mostly interaction with people. You don't get ashamed in front of a tree, don't you? Spirituality: several tiny glimpses of truth, too neurotic to stabilize the mind in inquiry for further unraveling. I'm stuck, afraid of fucking up my life and don't know what to do. Shit.
  14. Cool mathematical insight! Yeah I do understand that there must be a vector transformation that would yield a single line and from a certain perspective this would look like a single point containing all the points that were transformed.
  15. Maybe you like to read this website. It explains everything in detail. When you reflect upon what you read the transformation of your self and your experience will come.
  16. @FoxFoxFox I agree but I don’t know if i would consider this enlightenment. Because simply understanding the illusions of our experience doesn’t get you enlightened. For example i do understand the nature of reality to a quite good degree but i would in no way consider myself enlightened because there are still some sticking points where i am stuck and are perventing me to fully embody nonduality. Enlightenment in my opinion is a complete transformation of your self and your experience.
  17. I just watched your last episode about : what is perception? , and I just want to thank you and to let you know that you definetely achieved a enormous transformation in my life. I follow you since the video about curing perfectionism and I stick until now on your lips. I bought your life purpose cource last december and I´m not even done but it make a huge difference in the activitys I prioritize. (before podcast, now painting ) Want to let you now that you make a big difference in ( probably many people´s life), and for sure in my life. It´s crazy how a person I never meet in person can influence the life of a human being. much love, elias
  18. I just want to make clear though that I'm nothing special or some sort of sacred deity or whatever this is accessible to all and this channel has been experienced and explored by numerous musicians, artists, and writers, etc for centuries. It's super common I just don't think it's talked about enough. This is why I'm quite passionate about music & art therapy for spiritual transformation. It's not conventional in the field of healing and it's finally starting to progress more into a "profession" within the system of therapy which blows my mind.
  19. For me personally I have grown to revere and glorify solitude for loneliness only guides you along the path of individuation, unlocks your imagination and stimulates your creative illumination. With the art of solitude comes introspection and centering yourself, learning to create a sense of sacred space and recharging and seeking your soul. It is the gateway towards healing, transformation and self-actualization. I think the ego wants us to fear being alone but eventually you realize there is nothing to fear but only to embrace and look forward to. So much can be heard in the silence and so much can be learned and found when you no longer fear or try to escape it. As far as other people not vibing with the way I see things, I'm too content at this point that simply them not understanding or not trying to understand doesn't change anything for me. Sometimes it's disappointing or disturbing when someone is on a completely different wavelength than you and your perspectives but even then, I feel the peace within and I feel the joy for my path so much that therefore all I can do is just shrug my shoulders now and carry on.
  20. I adore Bruce Lipton... I always think of how he explained the transformation process: the un-imaginal cells of the butterfly (the ones unwilling to transform) commit a-pop-tosis and die ... I wish I could watch this video... I'm @ the library with no headphones... I'm having a harsh physical health issue too, for about 2.5 months... I am stoked to watch this soon!
  21. Transmutation (google) /tranzmjuːˈteɪʃ(ə)n,trɑːnzmjuːˈteɪʃ(ə)n,transmjuːˈteɪʃ(ə)n,trɑːnsmjuːˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ noun the action of changing or the state of being changed into another form. "the transmutation of the political economy of the post-war years was complete" PHYSICS the changing of one element into another by radioactive decay, nuclear bombardment, or similar processes. HISTORICAL•BIOLOGY the conversion or transformation of one species into another Would be nice to see a video from Leo about transmutation and stages of spiritual awakening.
  22. @Zweistein answering your question partially: maybe we have to tip either the body or the mind to move from translation to transformation. but i think that would be something more like loops than circles. coming soon: lost in transformation.
  23. this is not an answer to the last post. but it could be interconnected... it was just a wordplay. thought about the avoidance of the void and the avoidance of the non void and the existence of the invisible. and how the invisible gets covered by the visible and uncovered by the visible. and the visible gets uncovered by the invisible. @Zweistein i‘ll try to answer to your question later. but it will be something like being lost in transformation.
  24. I was in Antigua Guatemala tripping on 4-Aco-Dmt. The center square was so beautiful. The water fountain. The colorful clothing. The trees. The sunset. My self dissolved and I was one with the environment. . . There was a military man standing at attention in the square to create a safe environment. He was heavily armored with a large machine gun and ribbons of bullets. The military man was absolutely stoic and stone-faced. He looked tough as nails. A true badass. Yet, I felt an overwhelming sense of love, appreciation and gratitude for him. I walked up to him and in my intermediate level Spanish, I told him I have traveled around the world and this was the most beautiful place I have ever seen. The most beautiful people and community. I thanked him for standing here and giving me the opportunity to experience such beauty without fear. . . There was a pause. . . Then for a moment, he dropped his shoulders and turned his head to look at me. His eyes turned so soft. I saw him and he saw me. All of our loves, frustrations, insecurities, anxieties, joys. . . He smiled gently, said "Gracias", then turned back into character - standing stoically. One of the best moments of my life which stimulated an inner transformation within me.
  25. It sounds like you were able to affect your mental states through some process of concentration. It doesn't have much spiritual significance, unfortunately, sorry. As you correctly put it, the psychological self wasn't being affected. But if it's cool -- enjoy it! Nothing wrong with that. Going back to an earlier question of yours about how to know whether your realization is real or not... another question to ask is: does it come and go? Any experience that has a beginning and an end, that comes and goes -- isn't It. So any kind of mental transformation or change in your perceptions or thoughts or feelings, however spectacular... if it comes and goes, it is not the ultimate truth.