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How I became enlightened FAST and how you can do it too Warning: Be radically open-minded before you read everything below. Don't seek too much information, seek massive transformation. Be one(awarness) and let go of all meaning. How to: - being focused only on breath. Redirect your attention to your breath when thoughts arise, you do this every second for a few months. You can't both be fully focused on breathing and thinking at the same time (hearing mental sounds). After sometime of doing this 24/7, the mind surrenders. By doing that your grounding yourself in consciousness, and your enlightened when your fully grounded in this consciousness. - drop every arising meaning creation for extended periods of time by being in this awarness which is connected to your breath - having a serious intention to raise your consciousness. - Being fully open to new experiences, rejecting nothing. Radicaly open minded. - Following intuition. (when your following intuition there are not present as much mental sounds, intuition gets to the point faster than logical mind) - the most important step is realizing that you have nothing to lose. Only than you can fully immerse yourself into it. To destroy the ego you have to be in the being state, and if you want results with enlightenment fast, you have to have a serious intent to raise your consciousness. You have to be this awarness continously to get rid of all thoughts. This means that it's harder to become enlightened by being aware just when your doing your traditional meditation practice for up to 60 minutes or 3 hours or even 5 hours. Being aware of that is easy compared to being this awarness all the time without even making a distinction between sitting meditation and the rest of the day. It's very very important to keep expanding this awarness moment to moment and don't stop for a long period of time. But overall it's not even a long period of time, You can do this in 1 year or even 4 months if your extremely serious to be in this awarness every second for a few months. It's extremely easy but with all the thinking your making it complicated. Reality is so fucking simple you will NEVER understand it with thought. Understanding awarness with the mind is like lighting up the sun with a cigarette lighter. Also with that approach your not creating a sense of linearity, you are non-linear and that method just destroys the illusion of linearity. After I got enlightened I became aware how the body just moves automatically without me thinking anything(hearing mental sounds). I was like shit, I have a lot of work to do to undo all of that programming. So I was starting to do more and more personal development and consciousness work simultaneously. Enlightenment changed nothing . Enlightenment just made me more aware of the functioning of existence, how everything is happening without effort inside me. At that point your mind and ego die, because you surrender to to effortlessness and ego and mind is all about effort. So after you become enlightened everything you could accomplish is effortless. You really don't need any thought anymore to function and succed in life. So... that means you don't have to go to meditate in a cave for 30 years. You can do your life purpose and enlightenment simultaneously. Yes it's hard but if you apply everything I am talking about here you will be enlightened extremely fast. Probably none of that stuff has been discussed on yet. We can be enlightened much faster in this time and age. You have to become increasingly aware moment to moment and maintain that intention for a few months. To not pay attention to the content of awarness but to awarness. And after that you will arrive in utopia, you will want to go back but you'll recognize that you can't. You have embodied that which is permanent. The mind surrendered to consciousness. Now... Imagine the app store. When you click download, the application needs to be first downloaded and only than it can be started. It's the same with enlightenment. You need to embody the higher forms of consciousness and that is pure being. You embody it by being in awarness for an extended period of time. The more interrupted you are, the longer it will take you. Ask yourself how fast is your connection. If it's slow it will take you a lot of time to get to enlightenment if it's fast the higher consciousness will anchor in your 3D vessel and you'll become enlightened fast. Ask yourself how conductive you are. If you want to be enlightened fast, you need to drop all resistance and drop arising resistances for extended periods of time with awarness, by observation, without being judgemental, attached, not building any meaning when thoughts arise, not labeling anything as good or bad for your own gain (because when you do you start constructing meaning and that is illusion), not gossiping not comparing yourself with others, not creating a sense of linearity, being aware that your not what you sense as yourself, existence cannot be perceived with senses it's only trough consciousness. Consciousness is an expanding fractal. Have a serious intent at the start, like your life depends on it. As you become more and more conscious this seriousness will vanish and all that will be left is playfullness. You will start playing with all of the content of awarness and not seriously indulge in it by assigning it meaning, thinking of it good or bad. You will be detached, and after a while that detachment will become automatic, a part of you. This intent must be present for long periods of time, interupptedly. Establish a meditation practice first. I have started with meditation with headphones, at the start it is much easier to establish a meditation practice by listening to meditation music, 7.83Hz resonance, solfeggio frequencies and 432Hz frequencies and music. Meditating in nature or on nature sounds (birds, creek...) is also very powerful. Meditate in the morning and keep expanding that consciousness after you finish your sitting meditation trough the day without making even a distinction between that sitting meditation and the rest of the day. I have trained every second for a few months (3 moths) and then the mind surrendered to existence. Now I have to force myself to think (to hear mental sounds). I think when I want to think and I can stop constructing meaning out of arising thoughts. So if you really want to be enlightened now see every moment as a meditation practice from now on. That's it. After a while it Will become automatic. You could than completely change everything your doing in your life and still maintain that awarness of awarness. It becomes permanent and this is enlightenment. How my journey began. A spiritual experience happened, a paranormal one. I saw a spirit, a ghost, and that being was watching me, I became aware of him and he was aware of me. I Will just sum what happened. I was walking at 5:30 in the morning and saw a light a few meters away from me, I was walking by that light and was looking at it. I was questioning myself, from where this light comes from, if it's something there that the light reflects from, I was looking at it and couldn't find anything. Than I had a realization this light was moving like somebody is turning their head as I was walking by. I had a thought of "What if it's an ghost", and that very instant the ghost moved for about 20cm, it was like a being without a physical 3D body. Than my fear programming kicked in, I didn't know what to do, I have grabbed a stone an threw it at the ghost, and when the stone was in air the being disappeared into the ground. I had the strangest feelings that moment, feelings that I didn't felt anytime else. When you see stuff like that your perspective is radicaly altered. I have researched a bit after the event and came to some strange and mind blowing conclusions and after that I have decided that I'm not yet ready to accept that reality but I told myself that it Will come a time when I Will understand, so I have put all this aside and was not thinking of it at all. After a year and a half, some strange events happened and I was invited to a secret forum not publicly available but only trough invitation. I have found about spirituality and all progressed from there very fast. I was curious to find out more because I knew I couldn't trust what I see and hear anymore. I knew there is something more to reality than my perceived self, my sense of self. I made the intention to raise my consciousness to the highest level possible. This is what I did aside from all of the things I have already mentioned. Everything already mentioned is enough to become enlightened. This are more the things that happened after enlightenment. I still think they are related and can lead to enlightenment and Will help you tremendously if your are open enough to accept them. - When the teacher in school was talking the theory from the textbook we had to all write it down. I have witnessed for long periods of time how thoughts automatically triggered when I had to write it all down. So I have trained to write without hearing mental sounds from the teacher (to repeat that which the teacher said in my mind). I have directly become the teacher. I was in this ever present awarness that is everywhere. I was all of the connections. I have become a channel for the teacher who was talking. I had no thoughts and my arm was automatically writing down every word the teacher said. Try it yourself without stopping till your arm hurts. In this practice it's not important to pay attention to content of awarness it's just being while your bombarded with thoughts. This is just a side practice that was born out of being aware of breath all the time, but found it to be really great in raising consciousness, so I had to write it down. - I have used many activations to activate energy channels. The are a lot of different activations but the ones I have had are easy to perform for everybody who has an internet connection and speakers. You go on youtube and learn about Light language activation, you read articles, just immerse yourself in this for a period of time (for 6 hours at least) because it's abstract and not tangible to the mind. Then you listen to Light language channelers. Channels are people who are channeling higher dimensional codes from higher dimensional beings. And after you listen to them you transform in unspeakable ways. You have to sit, palms up and listen to the sounds, be a sponge. It's best to listen before going to sleep so the subconsciousness processes all of those codes when you are asleep so the next day you wake up with new established templates, with new wakefulness. It's also very important to study many perspectives in this field by listening to different youtube channels and reading multiple articles. You really need to be curious here if your not curious about what I'm talking about here your probably close-minded, just drop that resistance now and do your research, you will not just learn new concepts you will come out in a different plane of existence because you become more attuned to non-locality. The best Light language channeler I had the best experiences with is this one. He has removed most of his videos 2 years ago but he said that for a fee of 70$ or something like that he can give you all of them if I remember correctly. I have those videos but will not share it due to the respect and out of support for this man. This activations are extremely powerful. Search on youtube: newaeonawakening - Becoming more aware that I am an interstellar galactic citizen. Becoming aware of that raises your consciousness to to galactic level. The path to universal consciousness is trought enlightenment. We are evolving. We are becoming more and more aware that we are visited not only now but from the start. I'm talking about beings from other solar systems, other galaxies who are assisting our evolution from the start.. You become aware of beings in other dimensions and that raises the consciousness because you don't trust what you see and hear now. They operate just on higher electromagnetic wavelengths and our eyes cannot perceive those light frequencies so we don't see any of that. They can materialize in this dimension and disappear in an instant. They are just not fully approaching us because that would trigger a mass fear response. When The tipping point is reached, when there are a number of awakened and conscious beings, then there will be contact. And that contact, when they will land and fully show themselves will transform the earth extremely fast. And that time is by a lot of channels coming in the next 15 or 30 years, we'll see. I have an important question for you. How do you approach something so different that you can't relate in any imaginable way? ....It's consciousness, that is the only reletable way. Because the same consciousness that's present inside me is also present inside them. It's the same. You have to be aware enough to recognize that and only then you can connect on a conscious level. I had conscious contact with light ships materializing in the sky more than 100 times but most of them were not not like youd imagine, like looking at them for long periods of time. The longest sighting I had was long around 80 second I think but most of them were just for an instant, to just show me that they are there and that they know and recognize that a peaceful conscious contact wants to be established. I have also remote viewed places that I canno't even describe in words. It was not random at all. I had raised my consciousness to the galactic level with the intention to do so. I had many more paranormal experiences but that is not the point of this topic, I just want to make clear what is possible when your serious about rising your consciousness. Crazy stuff Will happen. - Pay attention the the wholeness in which all content is happening, like you look at a picture in you phone and tap left or right. When your doing that your detached. Your not attached to the content of the image in that photo. So look reality as a photo. Pay attention to all perceived light and all perceived sound. Don't indulge in the content of those two, just become aware of those. Also become more aware and increasingly aware of sensations in the body. - journal and write a lot about your insights in the start and after the download is complete drop all of that and be that. Find masterful teachers to learn from. And refine your intuition. I have learned the most in my early days from Arcturus RA and Ehani - The fastest way is to be just aware for a few months that you're reality, see reality as a picture the whole time (maintain samadhi). That will be enough to embody an amount of consciousness that will destroy the ego without psychadelics or anything else for ever. That is all it takes. Yes psychadelics are very usefull for enlightenment purposes but you don't need them to get enlightened. I have had only 1 trip before permanent enlightenment (which was good enough) I have taken 3grams of magic mushrooms (or after enlightenment, I don't know for sure all happened so fast). The important thing about psychadelics I would say is that you can't expand consiousness if you don't have any (yes you are conciouss all the time but you get lost in thought). So first start a meditation practice and after a while try psychadelics, otherwise you Will just be lost in though and no long-term insight Will be gained. This way is much more powerful than just hoping to attain enlightenment by gulping psychadelic substances. Yes you can do that but in reality you don't need it. Reality is a psychadelic trip by itself no addition needs to happen to make it more psychadelic it is already psychadelic. Perfect. - Learn how to ground yourself. Ground yourself in nature with barefoot walking, exposing yourself to Schuman resonance (7.83Hz) - Listen to 432Hz music... Meditation music, ambient music with 432Hz is best. - Listen every day to Solfieggio frequencies. I have only listened to those frequencies for many months. - Sun gazing in the morning and/or at night for a few seconds and than start building from there to up to 44minutes a day. - Using cristals. Learn about cristal therapy and start using them. - pay attention to your breath, and when you get lost in thought return your awarness to breath. Be aware of your breath more and more. You can't simultaneuosly be lost in thought and have awarness of your breath - altering my DNA trought sound and vibration - maintain a rhythm with sticking with the basics. Optimum sleep, nutrition and diet. - biohacking my light body. Using photonically enchaned quartz nano sperical sand in a pendant. That's powerful. Most of my light ship sightings happened after having this pendant. (Gammatron key) - using alchemy, higher dimensional vitamins and minerals for my etheric, magnetic and light body. This elements are not located on the 3D periodic system of elements, it is plasmic. This is a game changer and I have found out that from one of my masterful teachers Arcturus Ra (creator of gammatron key). I recommend you watch his videos on YouTube, he's extremely deep, a lot of stuff Will be abstract but that's not even important when your raising consciousness. Your higher self Will understand all of that. You Will be activated by just listening to him, if you remain non-judgemental. I don't want to reveal what that substance is, because I want you guys to listen to this guy first. This stuff alone can make you enlightened without psychadelics and you can make it at home if you want to. What I'm talking about is the holy grail as described in many ancient sriptures around the globe. This is extremely powerful stuff for the purpose of enlightenment. @Leo Gura Thank me later
tuckerwphotography replied to Hyacinth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Username From my POV, Leo is not "higher than Turquoise." He's exactly where he says he is: mostly Yellow and moving into Turquoise. Just because one has awakened to Stage Turquoise or Coral insights does not mean they are actively embodying that nor are grounded in that stage. Building Leo into some false god feels unproductive and dangerous. -
@Zeroguy Yeah, I understand what you're saying - there is a very apparent hypocrisy in 'awakened' teachers telling people to overcome the dream because it's all fake, yet at the same time begging you not to harm yourself and being unable to explain why without contradicting themselves. That hypocrisy shows me that they don't have the whole picture of understanding - I myself believe I have the whole picture. You see, you have to reclaim the reality within nonreality. On one level there is no conversation here - that is true. What's stopping us from allowing ourselves to flow in the dream by treating it as if it were infact real, though? I can't describe in words the process by which I became once again able to see the dream as real despite it being simultaneously nonreal - it was a long process with a lot of meditation and other contemplations. I do know that this is the 'cure' though, which surpasses the perspectives given by many prominent teachers. Find a route toward seeing it as both real and nonreal without any contradiction, then the desire for Mahasamadhi fades away.
Dealing with My Spiritual Ego: The Dangers of the Spiritual Ego and Why People Should Be Careful Some. of. yall. bout. to. be. real. mad. at. me. but. it. must. be. said. While I do get a lot of value out of spirituality and, there are things that I'm very hesitant and even skeptical about. This might look like me turning on this community or not aligning with the main values of this place but I honestly don't care. The two main things that I'm really hesitant about involve the dating advice here, especially for guys who can't get laid, and the enlightenment related things there. I'm not going to talk about the first one because I already wrote about that but I am going to focus on the second one. I suppose that I'm far from having any concerns about enlightenment and transcendence. I think I'm at a place where integration and building a solid foundation to build my life on in order to ground me is much more important. I think getting on the path to enlightenment prematurely can be incredibly dangerous without proper integration. Maybe I'll get to a point where I'll care more about existential and absolute truths years down the road or maybe I won't I don't know. But I know that if I ever get on that path, I want to be able to have some type of framework and some solid foundation because diving in head first without preparation is irresponsible for me and the people around me. There are some methods of getting there that I don't particularly agree with (if you do agree with it idc, no judgement I don't know what's best for everyone) and those include things like psychedelics, fasting, and isolating yourself from your loved ones and abandoning your hobbies and interests because all of your attention should be towards enlightenment. I feel that those things are rather extreme and are things that are definitely not for the vast majority of people. Also, I'm hesitant with drugs in general. I don't care if other people uses them granted they are doing so safely, responsibly, and legally but it's not for me especially when that advice is coming from a talking head on the internet. Upon recent events, this video by Adeptus Psychonautica came out. Some people are triggered because they think it makes look bad but I think it's incredibly beneficial for people from the outside critiquing because being super insular usually doesn't end well for a variety of reasons whether it be because of self bias all the way to cult like tendencies. I guess I'm not particularly attached to and spirituality in general so when people critique these things, I don't feel particularly triggered because to me it's simply a source. I think it can be easy for people to get attached to some sources and some teachers because of the benefits that one gets from their content because it does have to do with those people's survival emotionally and psychologically. Especially if you get help in a vulnerable place and even if you get out of that vulnerable place, there is an attachment that forms, almost like a baby blanket after you grow up imo. I've had something like this come up for me once personally and even though I've never got to the point of needing to defend that source I got value from, it does sting because part of you identifies with the source and teachings therefore when someone critiques that source or teaching, it's like they're critiquing you. I went ahead and watched Adeptus's livestream and I feel like most of it was valid despite what other people may think on here. At no point did I feel that there was slander or that was being dragged through the mud. There are also points where Adeptus talks about the positives of the way Leo is handling different issues such as the phone call he had with Connor Murphey and one of the posts he made on the thread discussing recent events( Around 1:08:00-1:17:00). They talked about how Leo or any of the mods are trying to do anything malicious or create a cult but sometimes it seems like there is one forming around Leo anyway (basically collective ego). Overall, @AdeptusPsychonautica, I loved this video and I think It's important to contemplate on the darker aspects of spirituality and self improvement rather than idealizing it. Here are somethings that I found were really valuable that I want to include in my journal.: Around the 15 minute mark: Mackenzie talks about how these teachings aren't things that were made up by the community rather they are things that were taught by ancient teachers and how back then there were teachers who had communities but since it was in person, the teacher can gage were the students are at and how much they can handle. However, this aspect gets lost when its all on YouTube and on a forum when anyone regardless of how stable they are can access it. There aren't checks and balances. I think this is a very valid critique. It's not so much a direct attack on but it's talking about how systemically there are problems and shortcomings. At the 20-24 minute mark, I can see why some people in this community can get triggered. They are critiquing how a lot of the followers think that they are a finished product and they are so enlightened and they egg each other on in order to keep up with the master and meanwhile the master is here talking about "i've gone deeper, I've become more awakened, I encountered a new level of awakening, you can't understand where I've been." And this challenges people to do more and more and more to where it can become compulsive especially because Leo talks in these absolute terms. Adeptus talks about how this might be Leo's personal truth and how he isn't saying Leo is lying or anything like that but it's the way he goes about it. This is honestly part of the reason why I avoid parts of this forum. I personally found that this type of thing doesn't help me and how this type of thing can become very compulsive, especially when it comes to Leo's fanboys. Around the 31 minute mark: If truth realization is not your Moby Dick to where you want to sacrifice everything, go for human adulthood meaning the integration of your spiritual, emotional, relational, physical self to be your most mature self. If you don't want to sacrifice everything, point your hunger toward integration and self actualization. Then in the 37 minute mark, Mackenzie talks about her experiences with nonduality how she felt all the love and light in the moment but then she came back down to just being human again and still having all of her problems that she had before the experience and how that can be discouraging and therefore cause people to go on these endless seeking journeys. I feel like this is where I'm at with my views on spirituality and self realization. I do care more about integration and building a fulfilling life than simply transcending everything and joining the void. Because based on some of the interactions I've had on this forum, teachers that I have learned about in history, and interacting with Leo himself is that even if they get an enlightenment experience, there is still plenty of human shit and blind spots you'll still have. And I think to go towards actualization is to deal with that in a slow consistent way rather than dealing with nonduality and transcendence. Around the 40 minute mark: Mackenzie talks about cleaning up her nihilism she encountered from spirituality and how she started building meaning in the form of close relationships, books, etc. to slowly start rebuilding her ego to care about existing. And then she realized that that was the process that she wanted all along and because she grew up in the shadow of new age culture where ego death, nonduality, mysticism, love and light are more a part of the conversation than anything, she thought that was the way to fix herself. But for her it was more along the lines of deep psychological work, embodiment, and healing that she realized she wanted more of a complete human experience instead of transcending the human experience because that was the thing sold to her as a way to deal with being here. In order to deal with being here, you don't have to leave. You just have to be present and accept the present moment instead of constantly feeling like you have to do more and more to reach a higher and higher state of consciousness in order to be at peace with the present moment. In spiritual communities its like there is always some place else to get to. It goes back to the 27 minute mark where Mackenzie talks about how there are two levels. There is truth realization and done. Once you reach done, that's it there is no more self discovery of lets go see what else I can find. Once you're enlightened, the seeker disappears so if you're seeking more experiences, you're still seeking which can get compulsive. I love this section. While I never became nihilistic, I've had a point where I got really attached to detaching. I journaled about this before and how it relates to my relationship to Basically it wasn't cute. I had a friend who was like "I don't think you even know who you are anymore" because I got caught in this cycle of even detaching from the healthier forms of my ego like my personality, my hobbies and interests etc. It wasn't this enlightenment thing that people often talk about here. And from then on I took a step back from spirituality and self help in order to be more gentle with myself so I can build myself back up again. This was the post I was talking about and here is the part that I think is most applicable to this post: Around the 47 minute mark: I also like how they discuss how people turn spiral dynamics is another dick measuring contest lol. Also Adeptus talks about how it's not about the model itself rather it's about how people use it to judge others and turn it into a dogma. Then Mackenzie talks about how it's important ot just see it as a model rather than THE TRUTH that explains and solves everything because that can be the indication that this is probably a defensive ego mechanism. Reminds me of something I wrote elsewhere in this journal: Around the 1 hour 3 minute mark: Mackenzie talks about how some teachings are vague or are gatekept because the highest teachings can be dangerous. Vague teachings will only make sense when people ponder it for a while and then when the reach a certain place in their journey it will make sense. And that bread crumbing your way to truth is part of a gradual process of direct experience where you figure it out on your own, therefore if something goes wrong, you can still back track. However with psychedelics, you're kind of thrown into the truth and then you may or may not be able or ready to deal with it which can be dangerous if someone doesn't have proper integration. Granted I've never experimented with psychedelics and I don't plan to any time soon, but I do 100% agree with the need for proper integration and the importance of pacing yourself in the journey to find truth. It reminds me of Leo's video on ego backlash where if there is a sudden change, even if it's for the better it can lead to a huge backlash because individually and collectively we want to aim towards homeostasis rather than growth because homeostasis feels safe while growth is a leap into the unknown. And these backlashes, even though they may look like a step back after taking a step forward, are important so that you don't do too much too soon and throw everything off and cause chaos while aiming for growth. The bigger the growth, the bigger the backlash. To me that's important to take into consideration because to me that means taking on too much too soon can yield to a huge backlash which can be pretty detrimental. And to me, it means that it's important to take your time on the journey and pace yourself so that you don't have a backlash that is so devastating that it takes away all of your progress. It simply isn't sustainable. That's something I also learned this year as I've been trying to take a more gentle, slow approach to discipline rather than a rigorous strict way to discipline. It goes back to that feeling of always wanting to get somewhere rather than appreciating where you are now. The spiritual ego wants to be enlightened as soon as possible and if it means taking a shit ton of LSD or 5meo, it will take that route over a slower and more sustainable way like through meditation, self-inquiry, and working on yourself in general. I don't think there is anything wrong with those substances and that there is a time and place for them but when you have a spiritual ego that wants to get more and more enlightenment experiences that last longer and longer and go deeper and deeper, I can see how that can turn very dysfunctional to where someone might contemplate on ending their life so that they are in that state of bliss forever. 1:21:00: "What are things about yourself that you are trying to avoid by transcending that? That's where to start. What are you trying to transcend, why are you so fucking eager to transcend it." I just really like this part. I think a lot of people need to contemplate this tbh and I think this is a good quote to end this post at.
Endangered-EGO replied to The0Self's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@The0Self I'm not sure if you are familiar with the nothingness, or in my situation DP/DR. But once you have it, nothing is real anymore. Nothing seems real... Keep in mind, I was 16yo at that time. And I have researched how people behave when they are confronted with nothingness. Basically, they do stupid shit as if it was a dream, because it is a dream. You basically just behave as usual, but sometimes you say: fuck it it's a dream. And it changed me. In ego terms, I make the correlation between this and behavioural changes, so the Now is still absolute, but still it happened. There is no doubt that such experiences change your personality, and fuck you up deeply if you aren't prepared. It's like thinking "I am definately crazy, but nobody would understand that, so why tell the dream people about it" Everything happening on it's own is an awakened state, but not comparable with nothingness. The ego always reacts to changes in consciousness. Euphoric highs, or fighting stuff, or going crazy. It often depends on the awakening. Furtunately, I am out of that state now. -
okulele replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hi Leo, thanks for opening the thread. I thought I'd also share how I see it. Love what you do, even though I have been following the content less lately. I do understand that your expertise is in the domain of realization and enlightenment, but I often think that it is quite ungrounded. It often seems to me that it is this very high realization that is in a certain way forgetting the human. And I know, you do talk about politics, you do mention that basic personal development must be done etc. you are not denying the world, but still. The teaching works very much with the mind, with consciousness, and similar ideas, but what I always think is - where is the body? I view it as that important as I myself have been pursuing only the highest Truth for years, and I ended up with insights, fabulous experiences and a ruined health (and with it, a more and more dysfunctional human experience). I had to notice the body. And I don't just mean cleaning up my diet, doing excercise, fasting and getting phyical therapy. I mean bringing Consciousness into the body! Coming into the body as Love! Sadly, I never heard you speak about this very specific and wonderful part of what it means to be human and awake. I can't be sure, but as it is, it seems to me that the more we awaken, the more there is a need for consciousness to come fucking deep into the body. And that is very much not about being above it all and seeing it all as a dream. It's coming in. Yeah, I might be wrong here and judging you unjustly. Of course, I don't know how much of that actually takes place in your own life, but as I said - never heard you speak about it. And I think this mirrors itself into this community, which becomes somewhat one side - everything is a dream, while dismissing that there is a real need for Consciousness to enter matter. Who's gonna do it if not the awakened ones? -
John Iverson replied to Vynce's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes and here in the Philippines i don't know if there is a pure Filipino who are now awakened, but in the history there is non yet? Idk really, but by now if we have one isnt it people by now meet one? And people like in other place small portions of people will gravitate towards a master tho because there is none then until now there is no famous one, this is an interesting question of How and When, wow in my life time here in the Philippines in my 20's until now God have not yet decided to realize himself here maybe with your one of us will become the first Filipino who become awakaned and we are the chosen one haha i am excited about this when and how.. it is a mystery that i want to know this mystery of what and when he will choose to be here.. also i am excited of our own version haha and the what kind of qualities he will become, is he like you? Jesus Christ, Sadhuru, or any God that realized himself and have an impact to all humanity -
Most likely, you can’t contemplate for shit if you don’t have a good range of experience in things like meditation or psychedelics, ideally both along with many other practices. At least if you’re anything like I was. It’s kind of like a hard method to get anything out of compared to other typical methods as far as actual consciousness expansion. The earlier and weaker contemplation is needed as a foundation too. Even though it’s basically spinning your wheels at the beginning, think of it like you’re spinning those wheels to warm them up for the actual result producing performance. Once you access the real power of contemplation, you can use it to enter states that can be more powerful than psychedelics. I’ve found a low dose of THC for me is like a lubricant for my consciousness. It’s more liberated and open to be deconstructed in this state. The ego sees the deconstruction and enjoys it because you fed it all the nondual bullshit fundamentals to calm its anxiety. Now is where those false idols of Truth you had in your conceptual mind are transformed into result-producing subconscious processes. You cannot understand much about contemplation’s true power until you access no mind and no self or what I rather call thinking without thought. It’s a certain type of those experiences. Once you find a reliable way to access thinking without thought, you can keep returning it to practice. I’ve been recording videos of my contemplation. This, as well as passionate conversation, immediately send me into thinking without thought. It’s at this point that you are fluid enough to get the results. After I’ve had an awakening triggered in this manner, I become what I believe is the highest goal which is Absolute or Awakened Authenticity. At this point you see me pull out my shadow and embrace it fully. So many “mentally ill” activities happen to me, but they are happening in a far healthier way. I stop suppressing this side of myself. Calling it mental illness is as low consciousness as calling someone retarded. I had harder “hallucinations” and arguably “higher” consciousness off one hit of a dab pen of delta 10 and delta 8 THC (fully legal in U.S.) and a thinking without thought contemplation Authenticity Awakening than I had previously on 10 tabs of LSD.
Vynce replied to Vynce's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura Regarding 1) Ofcourse God is always there and to be realized. However the inability to realize God is also imagined by God. And because there cannot be a free will outside of God, God devides when he realizes himself. But how and when does he decides it, this is precisely my question. Many manifestations of God are far away from realizing itself as God, whereas others get on the path to realization quite quickly. For example in the dark ages there where little to none awakened people (at least here in europe), where as now there are more and more. But i think im too unconscious for time to delete out of this equation. I can really think without time haha. -
Zeldor replied to Raze's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura I have some questions I was hoping you would answer. Firstly, isn’t saying that a temporary awakening is just as valuable as a permanent awakening similar to someone saying that no-awakening and awakening are similarly valuable from a non-dual perspective? While both those statements might be true, most people want to be awakened permanently. Secondly, you said in your latest video that God gets bored. Why would God get bored? Couldn’t he just wish the boredom away? Why would he even care about the boredom if he is all-loving? Why would he limit himself to only being entertained when he has a finite form? Isn’t it a limitation that he needs to have a finite form to be entertained? Also, how do you deal with Descartes’ demon? Thanks for any answers in advance. -
Being Frank Yang replied to Raze's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
My pleasure! I don't think I contribute anything tbh I never claim to be teaching anything I just like sharing for the sake of it. the only concern with going to that Vipassana retreat was because I was still going through unfoldment after the Big Bang breakthrough, and during that time I would shift into psychedelic-like states or having crazy out of body experiences before I fall asleep, and I read that during retreats one can easily enter realms and either temporarily or permanently "stuck" with entities lol. And I'm just not too into magical realms lol. There was no fear of self annihilation. I do enjoy every moment to the fullest. You pretty much go back to being a child playing in a sand box while doing every day tasks. It's kind of like being on acid 24 7 but in a way it's even deeper because it isn't exactly a mind blowing experience per se, since both the mind and the experiencer are transcend hehehhe. Remind you that all experiences or mood shifts that come with awakening are mostly just the by product of Realization, not everyone who's awakened experience cosmic bliss 24 7 lol don't let that fool you. Equanimity is transcends both bliss and none-bliszzzz sure there can be thoughts, they're just in equal footing with all other sensations arising in the field like birds chirping or winds blowing. Way way less self voice in the head. But even this isn't an indicator of awakening. Some people have more thoughts after no self, you're simply dis-identified from them is all. -
Being Frank Yang replied to Raze's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Then those "enlightened people" haven't completely dissolved the self/center and having closed the Infinity Loop. The point is very simple, once you drop the self you will be God, and by that time you probably wouldn't bother talking about God in X or Y way because you ARE IT. An eye ball that does not see itself probably won't keep talking about what the eye ball looks and that's the main confusion here. you talk more about what the eye ball sees, and I talk about how to Realize the eyeball and person can be awakened to No-Self/God but does not prope deeper into the different aspects of the manifestation of God etcc -
Moksha replied to Muhammad Jawad's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Zeroguy Definitions are self-limiting. Choose whatever makes sense to you. Ultimately, there is no enlightenment, beyond relative reality. It is a word, used to describe an "individual's" realization and expression of their ultimate nature. It is not just seeing the fire, it is also living by it. If you are still bound by attachments, you are not fully enlightened. One who has merely heard of fire has ajnana, ignorance. One who has seen fire has jnana. But one who has actually built a fire and cooked on it has vijnana. - Ramakrishna The awakened sages call a person wise when all his undertakings are free from anxiety about results; all his selfish desires have been consumed in the fire of knowledge…Their security is unaffected by the results of their action; even while acting, they really do nothing at all. - Bhagavad Gita 4:19-20 -
My very partial understanding of hearing both of your guys videos and the difference, while also reflecting off my own awakening is that you two seem to have of awakened, but in reflection and communication of those events in order to describe to a supposed outside world, different words used to describe the story are different. In this difference you see each-other at different places since what you call No-Self, Leo calls God in many ways, and Leo calls No-self something different in many ways, but these stories are in a imaginary plane with imaginary systems and stages, each meaning its own thing to each of you through your own past experiences. All the while, both of you are the expression of the same "..." doing their best to cover "..."
Prolouge The Ancient Prophecy, June 10th, 1292. 1 It was a good time for all creatures of the earth, but fate decreed that The Dark Prophecy of The Templar Knight could bring a tragic end to this peace, scarring their lives forever. “Shortly before his defeat in the last of the primordial wars between the heavens and hell, Kyrone, the only son of The God King Marson would withdraw to The Fortress in The Mountains. There, sensing his impending death, he will inscribe A Testament of Pure Evil in Seven Black Books. One by one, six of these books would be discovered through out The Ages. However, the whereabouts of the seventh, last and most terrible of all - the book that will contain the key to Kyrone's Ressurection - will remain hidden. In the fortress, Kyrone will command Ten Immortal Demons to carry out his malicious plan so he, Kyrone, could rule once again in The Unholy Name of Cosmic Chaos. And this time, he would Reign Supreme!" Sydney, Australia. December 2nd, 2027. 2 Rise, My Clandestine, Thy Secrecy Invoked 06:01 “Move, General” “You’ve got to move, Sir” The General seemed to freeze in his tracks. Probably contemplating his next action, Charlie thought. Charles Lee was the general’s second in command and if his superior won’t do something and do it soon, his general would be dead meat. A sequence of events that would mean only one thing: He, Charlie, is going to take command of The Squad. A certainly desired post, but he didn’t feel ready for it. Not in the slightest. Fall From Distant Worlds, Red Eyed Skies Above. 06:02 The Sniper, First Sergeant Corey Quigley, has been lying in the same position for 40 minutes. Breathing steadily. Camouflaged. This guy, Charlie thought, had it all figured out: Wind Speed, Temperature, Barometric Pressure. But you know what the most important thing he said is? Patience. The target is attracted to my scope, he said. Always. If you wait enough time, the enemy is toasted. Hark, Lures of the Siren. 06:03 Wesley Michaels is a ladies man. A gambler. An addict. Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. At twenty-seven, he was twice divorced, did a year in jail and impregnated three women. Wes could have been the perfect soldier if not for his authority problems. Undisciplined Fearless Human Machine. or “The Pirate” as he was nicknamed since boot camp. Beyond, The Veils of Dawn. 06:04 A helicopter’s engine is heard in the distance. The General is awakened from his trance. “This stake out is useless.” Wes whispered. “Shhh” Colonel Lee tried to silence him. "This stake out is of the utmost importance, damn it, Wes, didn’t you listen to the briefing?" General David Anderson looked at The Compass. “Fire” Quigley squeezed the trigger. An explosion – 20,000 nuclear weapons just went of, Wes thought – brightened the eastern horizon. “Holy Smokes” Wes Shrieked. “Mission accomplished” Anderson declared. “We’ll convene at the usual rendezvous point at fifteen hundred hours.”
Being Frank Yang replied to Raze's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think the most direct and clearest way to put all those different stages of development and labels under context is the direct Realization on the NATURE OF SENSATIONS. Think of sensations as the atoms of your subjective experience, both inside and outside. What a meditator does is "zooming" into, deconstruct and dissecting and shred Reality into sensations at the microscopic level. All sensations are aware of themselves exactly where they are. All sensations are devoid of self/Self and spontaneously, co-dependently arising No sensation "cause" or "own" another cluster of sensation. Different vibratory velocity of sensations gives rise to the difference between "air", "liquid", "solid forms" All sensations are in equal footing. All sensations self-librate. All sensations are "non-dual" in Nature, as in sensations in of themselves can't tell the difference between "God" or "poop" or "Awareness" or "Consciousness" or "Emptiness" or "Eternity" or "Love" Or "Intentions" "Matter" or "Mind" "Sober" or "Psychedelic Trip", "Time", "Space" etc And since there is only "one substance", there is no difference between foreground and background, context and content, therefore phenomenons do not arise and pass into some "Source" that is more "real" or "permanent" Now the labeling of these experiential phenomenons into concepts is, you guessed it, just more sensations. So what's the difference between the awakened state and the egoic state? in the former the "knots of perception" is forever untied because the nature of sensations is penetrated experientially. Now all sensations in your entire Field of experience "Lights Up", and are aware of themselves without a delay between the perceiver/observer/Witness and the perceived/observed/Witnessed. This is your moment to moment experience of Godhead/Infinity/Eternal Awareness because when sensations are experienced without a doer/controller/seer/hearer/thinker all 360 degrees are KNOWN and COMPREHENDED AS ITSELF without the delay between object and subject. Thus Reality feels OMNISCIENT. Wheres in the "egoic state" a certain cluster of sensation arise in the center of experience, usually inside the head, behind the eyes, and in places inside the body HIGHJACKS other clusters of sensations to "take credit" for other clusters of sensations that are simply comprehending themselves due to conditioning. When this happens there's contraction of energy. There's identification. There's the feeling of "me-ness". See when you zoom experiences down to the atomic level (Max effort contraction), when you can no longer divide it, this singularity loops back into the other side (strange loop anyone? haha) and becomes Infinitely Expansive. This is why the practice starts out as dissecting atoms, but at the end you end up "Vipassnalizing the whole universe" The very small is identical to the very large like the merging of quantum mechanics x Cosmology, Love x Death at the subjective level. The parts is the Whole, the atom is the universe and vice versa. Now you can get to the same end point either by contraction or expansion, which is why the "Do-Nothing" meditation of Infinite Awareness abiding as Itself is exactly the same as Vipassana. And of course you can do both during a psychedelic trip When you take this to the end point contraction and expansion happens simultaneously and both sides of the duality lose meaning, and you abide in Absolute Infinity AND Absolute Nothingness simultaneously. Now what happens when you do not see clearly the nature of sensations at all levels as empty (AND FULL), is that one particular level is always going to seem more or less "real" or "solidified" than another level, hence contraction occurs, and identification takes place. Thus clinging and suffering. Hope this clears some things up! -
kinesin replied to Phyllis Wagner's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Leo doesn't want to acknowledge publicly that he has an individual conscious experience, because he's under the misunderstanding that awakening means permanently and irretrievably overcoming that perspective and he's trying to present himself as awakened by avoiding such questions. There is too much ego, too much bitterness, impatience and snark within him which simply wouldn't be there if he was actually retaining god-realization at all times. An enlightened person doesn't look like that - an enlightened person appears humble and good-natured, unfrustrated and willing to provide answers from an egoic perspective if that's what is required to help another attain insight. Many false proclaimers of enlightenment appear to suggest that they no longer have any ability to enter into an embodied egoic state - this is a lie, motivated by their own desire to convince themselves that it is true in order to retain their egoic status as 'enlightened'. In truth to 'forget' the ego state doesn't mean racking your brain trying to remember it and being unable, it simply means that state leaves the conscious perception. It's analagous to how before reading these next words, you had 'forgotten' about the image of a pink elephant. In truth you could have brought to mind a pink elephant at any time you wanted, you've seen the meme before and it's accessible within your mind, but it simply wasn't in your awareness until I mentioned it. This is the sense in which the egoic state becomes forgotten. -
Mafortu replied to assx95's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is one of Leo's blindspots, in that he still self-projects into this god. To say the meaning of life and consciousness is that god is bored with his infinite powers and that's why he created this videogame of a reality is selling it way too short. Listen to other awakened individuals like Frank Yang for example, I don't think Frank would ever say things like that. This is why its important to follow different spiritual thinkers and not just one, they each compliment each other. -
Where does sex hold a place within an enlightened or awakened person? Has sex become abstinent after a certain point of enlightenment? I realize this depends on the person greatly, however I'm asking as a general consensus. For example, do monks or enlightened people as a general populous become generally abstinent of sexual activity? I'm seeing within self-delepment teachings that sexual desire eventually transcends & becomes a lesser importance. Is this to say that it becomes unutilized? What replaces it if so? To what point does sex become useless, undesirable, & without any true worth?
aware Awakened Careful Foresight Objective Wholesome Wise Meta picture reality truth clarity
Inliytened1 replied to CBDinfused's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When death is imagined to exist it exists because imagination literally is reality. So of course we will be sad because we are imagining its real and so it becomes - but awakened folks can also shift their awareness to a meta level in which they are conscious that this is a dream. They are aware of their own attachments to the dream. -
I originally replied to you when you were asking why someone wanted to awaken psychedelic free. To which I replied that psychedelic awakenings don't stick. To which you replied something about learning lessons on psychedelics (which has nothing to do with awakening). You can't integrate a memory of an awakening. All you can do with such a memory is create an image of an awakened state in your mind and believe that that's awakening, which would take you even further away from direct experience.
Someone else would have taken his place. It was his destiny to serve the creator in this way. The past karmic actions made by the Germans caused the inevitability of this war as their hostile ancestral nature got awakened. Such events are not controlled by one person. He was more like a conductor of the people and manipulated their anger toward his own selfish ideology.
EddieEddie1995 replied to bazera's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I will shoot an episide about it and post it here. I will try to manage tomorrow In the "dream" the "ego" is not so strong so you can definitely explore more! I awakened few times in it, it is very interesting experience. Can't wait to share! ? -
GreenWoods replied to FoxFoxFox's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@FoxFoxFox Do some kriya supreme fire for 30 minutes or more. You will notice whether it works or not. Kriya supreme fire is one of the most powerful practices to achieve what you are looking for. After around half a year of yoga, I noticed how the inner energies awakened more and more. Since that time, I only need to hold my breath for some moments and the energy immediately builds, my heart chakra opens and I'm in bliss. The more supreme fire you do, the deeper the love and bliss and the quicker you can access it, and the more it will be in your baseline. Channeling energy has a similar effect for me. Around 2 weeks ago, I started listening to some energetic audios: Anahata from iawake, and vibration of Divine Love from sapien medicine. I layered them into my subliminal bundles, thus I have been listening to them many hours daily. My ability to enter Bliss and Love has increased significantly during the past weeks. I think it is mainly due to channeling energy (as well as devotion, connecting with spirits, and transmissions), but I believe these audios had their share as well.