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  1. Good point. Correct. Discipline can be correlated with popularity, but may not always be related to pure satisfaction of present moment, which is what I am focusing on because the way I think most people define discipline is doing something you don’t want to do to get somewhere you want. I’m suggesting another way that even Steve Jobs may not have tapped into. What I am suggesting is living through flow rather than through grinding. I agree. The only achievement I care about, which really isn’t an achievement for me is living entirely through my intuition, flow, and inspiration. I use blissipline. I would say that not following your bliss would be more likely for one to use drugs. I mean why do people use drugs in the first place? There are numerous reasons, but one I can think of is because they don’t feel complete and they are not in alignment with their bliss and passions. They are chasing a feeling, and they chase short-term pleasure for long-term misery. When one’s life is aligned with their passions, heart, and bliss, they become high on life and hence don’t feel motivated to do drugs. Whereas, I feel like people who have disciplined themselves to do something they hate for a long period of time end up doing drugs the most. What do you think? Yeah. The thing with the energy of seriousness is that it is associated with grinding as opposed to flowing. The way discipline is typically conceived is to be in that grinding mentality, but grinding leads to more frustration. The more you grind, the more of that energy you will attract. The way that I find helpful is to shift my vibration or emotional state into a higher level to be in harmony with my heart and attract the energies I want. The energies of playfulness, love, inspiration, adventure, excitement, creativity, etc. are more associated with the flow state and being in harmony with your intuition and higher self. Most people overlook the power of flow. Flow is when you become integrated with your art. This requires a certain state of consciousness that cannot be achieved at the level of grinding. There is a certain state of consciousness that can be accessed in the flow state where all your “hard work” turns into effortless play. That is the Blissipline.
  2. All of these people you mention had to have extreme levels of discipline to be as popular as they are in modern culture. Following ones bliss often requires a level of discipline to manifest ones vision of a great life. Without it, all the folks you mentioned could have easily become drug addicts, drunkards, criminals, etc .. Of course you don't want to be a hard ass, and enjoy the journey .. but you must remember that anything worth achieving in life requires a crazy amount of hard work.
  3. I found that the best way to face hardship is by kriyayoga.a single 15 min session removes 80%of all my suffering for 8 gives me mental comfort and bliss that can be used to face hardship.all the best bliss and mental comfort in the world can be acquired by kriya yoga.the magic about kriya is it will maintain that peak meditative state for 8 hours.i will write a article about it. I am a big fan of the one thing concept.i always believed that i need to focus on one thing and take it to extreme.hence i ditched kriya yoga.but that is me. Few main ideas in dont be sad is like this Even if all human try to bring back the past ,they wont be able to do it hence dont waste time thinking about past. There is no guarentee u will be alive dont dwell on tomarrow. When u do nothing ,boredom will always engage in doing things. Dont be sad is poetic and made me renounce the world.if i do not care about nothing in the world like money,sex,fame etc then there is nothing to worry about
  4. Discipline in the traditional sense of grinding through a task to get it done is not the true meaning of the word discipline. Discipline comes from the root word disciple, which means to be a student. Following your bliss is a lesson to learn from Steve Jobs, Joseph Campbell, Buddha, and yourself. Notice how much more alive you feel when you follow your heart and bliss, as opposed to forcing yourself to grind through and do something. What it means to be Blissiplined is to become a disciple or student of your highest bliss and purpose for life. Blissipline is operated from the flow state of passion, joy, intuition, adventure, playfulness, etc. whereas discipline comes from a grinding mentality of taking life too seriously. Notice the different energies associated with discipline vs. Blissipline. Isn’t it true that your best work comes from inspiration and playfulness as opposed to seriousness? This is why a sense of humor is vital. Humor is not just about making people laugh. Humor is a mindset that reminds you to enjoy the present moment. People who have a great sense of humor have a great life. Do you notice this? Humor is a reflection of that within. Become Blissiplined and never work a day in your life. Live entirely through being and put an end to all doing through Blissiplining yourself to turn your life into a playground of purpose and playfulness. Cheers.
  5. The mind never allows us to be liberated, it even fixates on 'bliss' or 'love' or 'freedom' as something to attain and creates questions that need answers, explanations that need to be understood, reasons that need to be met and methods needed to be done. The mind loves the quest, it craves the story, it desires the distraction but it will never allow liberation to be realized because then we recognize the mind is what is keeping us from it. As long as one wants the process and the self justification the mind is addicted to instead of liberation from self suffering then that is what one will have. What's in the title of the thread? Give up the's not a search because there's nothing lost. It's a journey and we can experience the destination of that journey along the way, the fulfillment is in every step of the path through experiencing the whole journey as one.
  6. This is a great explanation, I always sensed something was incomplete about the being aware of being technique. I want to cultivate positive qualities like bliss and love, so I guess I have to find a more direct path. How do you know what purification process will work for you? Yeah, I realize that my thoughts about the world are my issue. My lens and how I view the world is distorted. How long does purification take? So awareness of awareness can work? It seems like you're contradicting yourself here. What is purification in your view
  7. @Raptorsin7 see, aware of awareness is not the most effective practice for purification. It's more to rise awareness and create distance between your psyche and awareness. It leads to the realization that I'm nothing at all and nothing ever happens to me. It's beautiful but it has no quality like bliss or love. It's a different kind of freedom, freedom of silence. Also it's a little bit like problem bypassing. When you do aware of awareness meditation. You jump over all your traumas and problems into that which has no problems. It doesn't purify the mind and traumas much, rather it separates you from the psyche and mind and traumas. The purification element is there also but not so deep like therapy for example. If you’re interested in purification there are other ways to go about it. Practices like vipassana or hatha yoga that focuses more on the body has a deeper impact on purification of the mind. But know this, purification takes a lot of time. There's garbage in your mind you have no clue about. Layers upon layers of garbage, even lifetimes of garbage. So ? but still purification has it's place. I do it also. How much you care about it depends on individual. If you really want to invest in that direction than just find an appropriate practice you can do that purifies your mind on a daily basis. It would be useful. But aware of awareness practice does purify the mind sufficiently enough imo. Hopefully something will resonate here. ?
  8. Crying is good. Sounds that you are getting good results with what you are doing now so what is the problem you are having? Not being in bliss 24/7? Try to stop more. See what happens if you stop a little bit more? No need to be aware of awareness. Just stop it all. Forget about your spiritual to-do list. Just stop. See what arises? Is there resistance towards it? Stop resisting, let it be as it is.
  9. No the bliss of liberation is not my current experience. But my experience is improved from where it was even 2 weeks ago. More emotions, more clarity, less tension etc I have experienced what seemed like an infinite source of bliss pulsing through me, but it required psychidelics. There's always the same energetic/emotional process on psychidelics for me. The more emotional work I do it seems like I am moving in the same energetic direction I move while on psychidelics, except I'm doing it sober and it takes time rather than in the span of an LSD trip. Do you experience divine bliss 24/7? What was your experience like before the shift into bliss? What changed in your experience? I know you said the answer is to simple be, but I am skeptical because right now I am being myself, just being the sensation of what's here, but it's not bliss. One thing I've been thinking of recently is I have to address the trauma that revolves around me, the personal identity of myself as a human. I think the next step for me is to face everything I have ever done. All my guilt, anger, fear etc. I'm assuming this will end up with the death of myself as a character once I face all the shadows. Did you have a lot of trauma growing up? I think I had an usual amount of trauma so maybe just being was more effective for you, then it was for me.
  10. So now you experience the bliss of liberation? Congrats, the cessation of self suffering is really the point of all of the 'work' we think is done. If not.... then you have to wonder if it's the 'work' that is the obstacle to liberation. The mind loves all sorts of practices and methods it accomplishes to establish progress to itself, to justify the process but it will always place another task we need to accomplish to keep us on the treadmill of it's 'work'. Many of those practices and methods can be helpful in training the mind to do something it may not do on it's own but the experience of being doesn't require the mind to be... it's being. So we can experience being 'happy' even while the mind may do the work it thinks is accomplishing something. If your present experience is the bliss of liberation this would be obvious to you and maybe it is, don't let me be an obstacle to it. Just be it.
  11. Nah. A lot of times i just get overwhelmed with the work i have to do (from career to dating etc) and i just get kinda depressed (not depressed in the serious way But cinicism) because i know its all for the ego, at the end the Love, pleasure, Bliss its of Consciousness, and the ego just wants to bs us humans with bullshit.
  12. Fundamental truth of who you are is nothing, not love. Nothingness is the source, love is the manifestaion. Both are you. But to say love is your absolute nature is not true. Nothingness is your absolute fundamental nature. Nothing beats nothingness. Yet all qualities like love and bliss and peace are one with nothingness. Nothingness is King. No logic can beat this. Mic drop. Michael jackson moon walking away...
  13. You must mean something else, cause nirvana is when there is such undifferentiated unity that love/bliss/ecstasy is at the core of it. If it's just cessation of all experiences, funnily enough, that's another experience lmao
  14. Haha holy fuck. I can’t believe the trip I just had. Just want to express my gratitude for Leo, this unique path of awakening, and all of the beings participating in this collective healing of the planet. This is the best and most exciting time to ever be alive right now. WE are apart of the “spiritual rebirth” on this planet. I’m so excited to be playing music in front of thousands with my love for nonduality combined. The visions I had during my trip were beyond magical. I was listening to tickets to my downfall “nothing inside” - MGK, and envisioned MGK playing this to the entire world, with every being on the planet bare naked, god-realized, and in complete harmony with all the beauty and goodness of the universe and earth as a whole. I am SO excited for what’s to come. As long as I commit to staying alive and enduring the pain of existence/life, not killing myself, I’ll have the most beautiful life I could have ever asked for and more. Music, health, consciousness, love, beauty, art, relationships, humor, motivational speaking, shamanic crowd work, and performing is my art and bliss. I am fearless. I know how powerful I truly am. It’s very intimidating what this means for my survival and how torturous this will be to actualize it, however, what the fuck else am I or anybody else doing? Haha Like, I’m going to suffer either way, life is suffering until you awaken. So might as well make the most of it, right? Honestly, I look up to MGK more than Leo at this point. Haha. I realized MGK’s birthday is one day after mine, and Leo’s is 4 days before mine. So, there’s something significant about that, perhaps. During this trip, I become one with MGK and realized a lot of shit that none of you guys may believe, so I’ll keep quiet?
  15. Well there's a thing called cessation or nirvana or nirvikalpa samadhi where all manifestaion and and love and bliss dissapears. What is left is only nothingness. So obviously love and manifestaion is secondary. And nothingness is the fundamental source of all creation. At least it makes sense to me.
  16. @cetus That makes sense. Ignorance is bliss sometimes. @BenG What do you mean exactly?
  17. The collective Shift in consciousness is really happening. At first I was skeptical but there is no denying of this. I can see there is being a vibration separation happening. A lot of relationships are breaking, including mine. I can see people real intentions at first sight. They cant hide and lie anymore. I can see my fake friends and still accept them as they are. And I can see all my darkness rising aswell. I feel more alive and present out of nowhere. Sometimes I get into no mind and bliss states out of nowhere, which was not normal in the past. So, Yeah at this pace, by 2030 the world will be another thing.
  18. @SQAAD yep. same here. been stuck in this for years now. this is what i like to call ignorance is bliss.
  19. @Salvijus My take on fear of death after enlightenment: There are many facets and stages to awakening.. But to try and summarize.- after awakening it really comes down to attachment to form - how attached are you to your current form and what attachments do you still have in that form that you wish to retain... other words on an Absolute level , you are conscious that you are Infinity/God - and thus cannot die.. yet after awakening (which is death or actual dissolution of the ego in which you become the Absolute) there is a return to the ego - where you regain a sense of self (despite being conscious it is imaginary - as there is no actual entity behind the eyes.. The entity or the you and any sense you have of you is being imagined by you as God) ..this in a nutshell really alleviates all suffering and fear...yet still, as a finite being one may still have attachments and do not yet wish to melt into permanent Infinite Love. In fact as God you have designed this reality precisely so that you can experience separation, attachments, an egoic state within some particular form, and the desire to survive as that particular form. ..The thing that the awakened one is conscious of though is that as Infinity - you are a singularity - so all your attachments actually collapse into One and thus there is nothing you are really going to give up or lose...your wife, yourself (your body or form) and your kids for example would all collapse into One. All of reality would collapse into One - as there would not be any disctinions to be attached to - such as a family or a loved one. It is Infinite Bliss and Love - complete and total. But, the awakened may not yet wish or be ready to let go of being finite and separate or distinct. Its this attachment that will still result in fear - ..well, i should say the desire to survive, and fear is a subconscious survival is there as a surivival mechanism to keep you alive and thereby retain your atatchments; the question is does the awakened one wish to stay alive or not......see, the difference is they have already died or had ego death before - so they are conscious that in the big picture its all the same and this fear is unfounded. they have transcended it so to speak - yet it may still occur due to the very fact that you're still alive as a particular form - again because you have attachment or desire to retain you see the circularity here and it's fun in fact to dream but when the time comes that there are no more attachments, even to yourself, then fear goes too because the desire to stay in the dream ends... thats truly when the dream ends and you will melt into Infinity. Right now, though, If you were completely void of any fear you would very soon be dead. @Consilience nice post and I agree that I think sometimes people get lost in the concepts and forget what spirituality is really about. To me it's really about what's actual. Meditation is a fantastic tool for collapsing all concepts into Being/Actuality/Truth.. You don't "know" ARE reality! No self is paramount in becoming God because it is the direct consciousness that the self was an illusion that results in a shift in consciousness into becoming the Absolute. I think if you talk to a lot of neo-advaitans they will not know even what i am referring to by becoming the Absolute/God/Infinity because it is all just conceptual for them or they think it's a really nice story but believe the concept that there is no self in the body. Yes there actually is no self, but when you actually realize there is no self, you die and become Infinity.
  20. To add to that pain is something that "does not want to be itself". In my personal experience I have never experienced only pain, it was always felt with another sensation. I conjecture that if you reach absolute pain you would not be yourself, that is destruction. We can only observe others destruction most of the time unless, we are destroyed along something other than pain , pleasure/bliss is the movement of "creation", "that which loves itself, which wants more of itself and which is timeless and therefore has no quantity", it has no "extra quantity" because it is already whole and it is already as much of itself as it can and should be since it's perfect bliss, however that which "cannot ,will not, does not desire to be itself" exists anyway in the same existence as that which needs nothing else more to exist. Bliss by itself cannot be everything, cannot be more than one because it already is but pain can precisely be because it does not want to be itself it never encounters itself because it never is itself, but are somehow different nothings when mixed together even though neither can exist by themselves, bliss doesn't exist by itself or with something else because that would mean the existence of a self and in perfect oneness you don't need anything more, I guess the only difference is that maybe when we add consciousness, if I pretend that non existence is perfect pain and existence is perfect bliss where is even the being there, not alone as Being itself that's for sure for that would be perfect existence with nothing yet here I am and we are so that's how we make the impossible even in something as trivial as time and space without even needing to go somewhere else. Nham's response is probably more being level based, we can define dimensions of understanding just for fun since we are all completely right and completely wrong at all times. You can replace pain with suffering though I'm sure it works decently well too I just like to use both interchangeably.
  21. Even the notions of selfish and resistence are concepts of a self or doer or so called perceiver. Go out and poll so called enlightened people, at a certain point you'll realize that there is apparant differences. Some will say selfishness disappears, others will not. Some will say bliss remains, some will say bliss comes and goes like anything else. Ask these teachers what they mean by selfishessness, you'll notice here differences, commonalities and what not. You won't find an agreed definition. This is IT, so called selfish, so called good/bad, so called comfortable/uncomfortable. Even in pain/suffering area's, you poll some teachers or random people, and you'll find out one persons pleasure is anothers pain. I like to poke my gums till they bleed sometimes, others find this painful, I do not. Some like really salty, others feel sick from this. Now you could come up with all pains = pains, maybe mine comes from hot water and yours comes from dildo's in a ass (some like this by the way). But you could say my pain = your pain. Maaaaaybe... but you still don't know what my pain is nor your pain is in relation. All interesting things to consider. From my point of view, you really can't nail down ANY-THING, perhaps because there are ultimately no-things, just existence appearing as things and non-things. Also realizing existence doesn't necessarily mean it will eliminate what you call selfish. Hell you could be mother theresa, but another person may find your driving habits or friendship dynamics selfish. This is their experience, but doesn't mean it defines a real thing called objective selfishness.
  22. That's really a good point & reminds me of the phrase "ignorance is bliss". And what's crazy is although enlightenment is usually described as an impersonal experience, it's simultaneously very personal in the sense that every experience is different. Some seem to have an open receptiveness to it, and it can seem quite ordinary while others experience life shattering or debilitating reactions. Even heard it described as a terrifying realization. It's like a box of chocolates you never know what your gonna get. Here it could be described as shockingly ordinary and simultaneously extraordinary but completely unexpected. In a weird way it feels like death and rebirth yet it's recognized no one is living it. ?
  23. The only thing I wanna know is who I am, the ultimate truth, that alone will bring me bliss Im sure, meanwhile Im just gonna live my life in whatever way I want.
  24. My opinion is that meditation needs to be practiced in an experimental, holistic way - learn multiple techniques from multiple masters and in a sense, follow your bliss. If that means jhana practice for a bit, do that, if that means switching to vipassana, do that, maybe shikantaza is what's resonating now, so go do that. The key is to developing enough skill to where we can reliably follow our intuition. It also seems that true momentum with meditation is impossible without dedicated retreat time, whether in a group or solo. I had a full blown, utterly profound Enlightenment experience using Shinzen Young's See Hear Feel vipassana technique on retreat so I am a bit biased towards vipassana. From what I can tell, alternating between a discriminatory practice like vipassana and integrative practice like do nothing all the while throwing in shamatha/jhana for when things get particularly heavy (dark night of the souls like) seem to be the most powerful. The key though is to practice with the clear understanding that what is true is always true, and no matter where we go, we are never moving towards or further away from this actuality. When the increases in consciousness from meditation are grounded in this actuality... This is meditation. At least, that's how I frame it. It's extremely difficult to even communicate or understand conceptually for myself. So yes, generally I'd recommend: - Deconstructive - Vipassana/Self-inquiry - Unifying - Do Nothing/Dzogchen - Enjoy wholesomely - Shamatha/jhana/loving kindness - Retreats at least once a year, if not more First two have provided more depth to consciousness for me though, as in are more non-dual. And sometimes the mind gets into such a state that the first 3 jhanas are really distracting compared to the bliss of resting as consciousness, directly. And anyways, I'm pretty sure you're beyond my level with meditation so what would be your advice regarding "proper meditation?" @BipolarGrowth
  25. Where am I? How did I get here? Where am I going? What am I? What am I experiencing? How is this experience created? What's the point of it all? These are just some of the questions that have been floating around my head for a while and I don't claim to know all of the answers. I do, however, have a theory that I'd like to share and discuss with you in this post. This theory is the amalgamation of various ideas and symbols that I've learned about or 'downloaded'/conjured up in the last few years during deep self-reflection. I could talk/write about how reality is created and experienced for days and the result would be a very long article but I decided to, instead, express an overview of the concepts. This way, my hope is that you can ask questions to get clarification on what you find interesting or confusing. What Is The Wholly Trinity Life Cycle? (see image 'The Wholly Trinity Life Cycle. How You Create Reality') The Wholly Trinity Life Cycle is the process in which I propose our reality is created and consciousness expands. There are 6 pictures in the image above and each picture represents a significant part of the Wholly Trinity life cycle: Picture 1 - Unity Picture 2 - Creating Duality Picture 3 - Duality Picture 4 - Manifesting The Wholly Trinity Picture 5 - Living As The Wholly Trinity Picture 6 - Expanded Unity Each picture is discussed below. Picture 1: Unity A circle represents unity, oneness, life, all-that-is, pure consciousness, pure awareness, love, and the real you - to name a few. What a circle represents, in this case, is really ineffable or too awesome to put into words - this may be why stories and metaphors are used to try and describe unity consciousness. In pure consciousness; there are no distinctions between this and that; it's all one; therefore, there is no such thing as having an experience in unity because there is no 'other' to experience; you are everything. Can you imagine living life with no surprises? There'd be no learning, growing, laughing, crying, playing...there are no experiences when you are all-that-is. Personally, I think that would get kinda boring. So, naturally, we create a way to have an experience - and that brings us to the second picture where duality is created. Picture 2: Creating of Duality This shape, particularly the middle section, is commonly found throughout history and it's called the Vesica Pisces. This symbol represents the creation process; how one becomes two; from unity to duality. Technically, The Wholly Trinity is also present here but it's not activated until picture 4 - at this point, it's kind of like it is still just a seed for The Wholly Trinity in the same way that the seed for duality is in unity. What Are You? There's a thought that's becoming more prevalent in that "I am not the body nor the mind" - is it possible that you are The Wholly Trinity? What is The Wholly Trinity? The Wholly Trinity is the synergy of the three parts that are required for this WHOLE experience of life to occur. You need: the creator (the original you) the created (the human you and all of this reality), and the animating force/energy which allows the creator to be aware of the created. There are more examples of trinities in the image called 'The Circles of Life & The Wholly Trinities" with the most 'famous' trinity being The Holy Trinity; the father, the son, and the holy spirit. A couple of other examples include, from left to right; future, present, past; knower, knowing, known. What Do You Identify As? I am my body & mind When you are identified with the body and the mind, you can't help but suffer when the body or mind is attacked. It's like getting identified with a character in the movie and feeling the pain when they get attacked; it's easy to get caught up in what you are experiencing and the result is either suffering through your body or mind. I am the observer When you are identified with the observer then you experience the end of suffering. You recognize that you are watching the movie and you are not the character in the movie. This stage is often characterized by "the peace that passes all understanding"; a tremendous amount of inner peace. I am that, I am At this stage, you are aware that you exist as awareness I am = I exist I am that = I am the quality that allows me to have an experience When you are identified with all-that-is and the creator, then life becomes constantly miraculous. It's a miracle that billions of years needed to happen exactly as they did for you to experience what you are experiencing right now. It's a miracle that trillions of cells are working together to keep your body functioning and all those cells are interacting with the countless other cells across the universe. Have you thought about how this whole system would be thrown out of whack if one of the planets in our solar system just disappeared? Have you thought about how half of your lungs exist outside your body in organisms that convert what you breathe out to what you breathe in? This is when one may experience nearly constant bliss Your Life As A Movie Another idea depicted in The Circles of Life relates your experience of life to watching a movie in your very own movie theater. The movie screen displays the movie (or consciousness) that is projected from the projector room. This makes the screen appear to be where all the action is at which makes it easy to get caught up in. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to try and change the movie by changing the movie screen? This is what many people are doing when they are trying to change their reality by manipulating the objects of reality. It's frustrating because they are trying to change a projection and not the source. It is possible to change your experience by making changes to the screen but it is relatively difficult and not always effective. Your experience takes place in the seating area or the middle section of the Circles of Life. Some people try to change the movie by making changes in the seating area. One example of this is covering the screen with your hands during a scary part of the movie. While this may prevent you from experiencing something that you find disturbing, you are missing part of the movie; you are missing part of the experience. You may miss what the monster looks like and you won't be able to identify it later which may result in a more devastating experience than the one you tried to block out with your hands. When you have peace of mind, you can watch AND ENJOY any movie. To clarify, there are sad parts of movies where you are supposed to feel sad and cry. There are parts of movies that are meant to make you feel angry and other parts that are meant to make you laugh. All of these emotions are valid and can be enjoyed as part of the experience. Now, if you don't like the movie, what do you think is the best way to change the movie? As we've discussed, making changes to the screen is probably the least helpful. Manipulating your viewing area has substantial drawbacks that create more problems down the road. Perhaps the best way to change the movie is to access the projector room with a handy-dandy app that controls which movie is playing as well as the entire ambiance for your experience - wouldn't that be awesome?! You may have to learn how to 'download the app' and 'hook the app up to your movie system' but don't you think it's worth it to be able to watch any movie you want with unlimited popcorn and a seating area filled with those you love? Picture 3: Duality You may recognize this symbol as infinity. Have you heard the idea that our reality is infinite? The more we zoom into the smallest pieces of the universe, the more we will find. The more we zoom out to the corners of the universe, the more we'll find. At this point, you've created a reflection of yourself but you're missing the mirror, so to speak. You've created the ability for there to be an experience without the ability to experience it yet. Perhaps it's kind of like a football game without an audience or cameras and there's a barrier between the two teams that prevent the game from happening. The Wholly Trinity seed is now planted in fertile soil so it can create roots and grow. Picture 4: Manifesting The Wholly Trinity This is where The Wholly Trinity seed sprouts and starts to develop through vibration. Here's some simple spiritual math: Unity [1] + Duality [2] = Trinity [3] Unity is You. Duality is created when you create a projection/reflection of yourself. Trinity is created when You-nity experiences duality - it's like the binding force that keeps you connected to your reflection of consciousness and it's where your experience of this life takes place. Perhaps this is the big bang? The start of it all? It's the result of the extreme tension between you and your reflection that scatters awareness throughout the universe while attaching to a particular subset of awareness (your mind/body). What do you think? The Key To Presents (see image labeled, 'The Key To Presents OG') Being Present = Presents = Presence The image above is called "The Key To Presents" and it represents several things. In a nutshell, it's a tool that is meant to optimize your present moment and thereby giving you access to life's presents which you may turn into presence, inner peace, and a sense of fulfillment. The vertical line represents unity, the present moment, and the column of light that illuminates your experience of life. The infinity symbol represents duality, this 'reality', projected consciousness, time, and space. The intersection represents where it all comes together; the rendering point that you are experiencing this very moment. Symmetry represents the idea of 'as above, so below' as well as the reflection of consciousness. The expanding infinity symbol represents the expansion of consciousness. To continue with the football game analogy; it's kind of like everyone showed up to the game, the barrier is gone, and the teams are warming up. Using this tool to experience life's presents requires an understanding of how to process challenging thoughts and emotions through suppression, expression, or integration. I can tell you a story to help illustrate this concept - it involves your birthday party that lasts all year because everyone in the world is invited! Please comment if you would like to hear the story! Picture 5: Living As The Wholly Trinity Let the game begin! The real fun begins after the ability to experience duality is created! This is when The Wholly Trinity blooms! This stage is essentially what you are experiencing right now - the accumulation of impressions and experiences that shape the vibration of your being with the conscious ability to generate the vibrations of your choice. These vibrations create divisions in awareness that allow you to experience this reality. Many vibrations enter an infinity holding pattern until they are released into the core of your being while some vibrations may flow right through this experience and into your core if you are in a flow state or a harmonizing vibration. Picture 6: Expanded Consciousness/Unity At this stage, all divisions in consciousness dissolve and you return to oneness. But this time, you have new experiences that you grew from; you have expanded consciousness. Now, you can use these new experiences in the creation of your next experience of The Wholly Trinity! There's a lot more to discuss! If this resonates with you, please post a comment or question regarding The Wholly Trinity, The Circles of Life, The Key To Presents, or The Wholly Trinity Life Cycle! Thanks!