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  1. I understand the part with retracting back to formlessness/nothingness but I guess that state isn't permanent, illusion of duality is again restored. Does that happen with a completly new thought or the old one is reused?
  2. awakening is restoring the ability to see through the illusion of existence. "outside" world doesn't change. But the way you see it does. First, you recognize you true essence. You are not the body. You are this thing inside, this energy, this consciousness. Next you look around you and you start seeing the true substance of " external existence". Things, no matter how different they are, all of them are made exactly from the same material. This material can be seen in different ways. You can see it as nothingness, as consciousness ,as love and as infinity. It feels like the picture below. You succeeded in seeing the code of existence. The coding is universal and it gives rise to infinite possibilities. however the coding is not made out of these green symbols. It is made out of nothing.
  3. No because you are just an object like a thought. There's not actually any person at all. Like a thought, the human you takes form then retracts back into formlessness or nothingness (AKA "consciousness"). It's You which is eternal, and the illusion of duality. There's no point to this except for reasons pertaining to the self you.
  4. It's because there's you and You. The little you being an object or thing like any other. You capitalized being conscious nothingness which is unified indivisible and one. This is exceptionally confusing. Teachings and awakenings and meditation and drugs are games, no different from playing GTA or some shit. Do it if you ENJOY it like how you would with anything else. Because ultimately it is about bringing little you into alignment with You, but it's impossible because little you is an object and to fully integrate into You, the self you vanishes completely. So there's nobody left to experience the benefits of your work if you ever did achieve it, and if you don't you are still in the appearance of duality regardless. And actually the appearance of duality is utterly inescapable because nothing and something can't be seperated... So even when little you "wins the game" and disappears, You continue to experience duality eternally... Capital You does not give a FUCK about your pain or spiritual growth or desires, it just observes them always impartial.
  5. What is witnessed is "real" what is told is "imaginary" though in a grand sense it all is imaginary. When someone tells you a story of their life what you are imagining is a person is telling you a story about their past. You can compare it to a movie, a dream, or/and a video game. Let's say you meet a NPC in a game and they tell you a story about how they were a child in a cutscene. The story they tell you isn't real because it was never programed into the game to play out that moment. So the only thing that is happening is "you" are listening to a story. Not for the sake of them to tell it, not for the sake of you to listen to it, but rather for the sake of "isness". For it "is" what is happening, but it's happening to no one. This means there is no you or them as players. So you will never be them in the sense you will one day "play" them for their POV. But rather you as them is already happening in the totality of the whole "bubble" of awareness or reality that is currently playing out. Reality/God/You decided to play out a scene where you perceive other people. But, this is awareness in a whole or else you would not be able to "see" them at all. Again, awareness is the whole so there is no reason why at one period of time awareness would manifest through their specific eyes since awareness just isn't the eyes but the whole scene. Even though all things are imaginary the closest thing to real is what's being presented in this current scene, we call it the "now". There is nothing more/less than the now or this current moment. There is no unveiling of God/Infinite for all things are already God/Infinite. Due to the paradox that the "now" is both Nothingness and Infinity it has the ability to take any form. That form can be perceived as finite or that form can be perceived as Infinite, but regardless of perception it's always the latter. Regardless of the illusionary nature of reality we should still treat it as if other's past is real. It's for our own sake to be an actor within this narrative, though we should be aware also that it's just a story we are telling ourselves. But, in the grand scheme of things there is no other, there is no you, you will never be other, and others will never be you. Not in the "future" tense rather because they/you are you/they right now.
  6. @JuliusCaesar Well, dreams are way less vivid then real life. @JuliusCaesarI think I see what you're saying. We just have assume that the colour we see are the same. The light spectrum of physics has certainly worked however, because we all can only see the same colours within a certain wavelength range. And not the ones from outside that wavelength range, which we would no know about without physics. @JuliusCaesar Yeah, I get a little lost here. Thus just sounds like semantics to me. All I am aware of is that there is matter and energy and also could be dark matter, dark energy. Could the nothingness that you are speaking about be dark matter or energy? Because according to science, dark matter/energy (I'm not sure which one), has no features but seems to interact with matter in the universe. @Danioover9000 I'm a little confused with the first part of what you. But I'm guessing you're saying that addressing problems with someones worldview to those who have the same worldview ( as well as the person who is sharing that worldview) is just gonna lead to biased answers to the problems and criticisms of the worldview being asked about? I think I'm doing that subconsciously/unconsciously or consciously and just want the world view to be true or something so I go ask the person who is spreading it. Kinda like a religious follower going to ask people in that religion about criticisms of that religions and if they are true or not. I guess that leads me down the wrong road, because one thing I remember Leo saying (countless times) is what he is saying is not true unless you validate it for yourself. And so, I think my biggest barrier to validating this worldview is thinking that me contemplating something for example won't lead me anywhere because even if I did contemplate something for a while, how the f*ck would I know if what I'm doing is correctly being done (watched his contemplation video, and it still seems like such abstract thing that is hard to do properly)? It just seems like such an abstract thing that does not have anything to do with material world or would not have anything to do with the material world, because I'm it's just me thinking/pondering ideas, nothing concrete if you will. This applies for all the techniques that he has spoken about. How did you think about the video btw? I will admit it is a little confusing to take university science course while listening to videos about Leo deconstructing science. (obviously not at the same time). Leo: "All of science is horsesh*t" Prof: "And we know that this atom has 2 electrons in it because we have been able to measure it with this instrument..." Yeah, I don't have a life purpose lol, I'm just interesting in Biology so decided to go to Uni for it, and am hoping that I will stay interested in it so that it will make it simple enough for me get a career in some field within biology. I also don't have any of the material stuff going, if you consider material stuff to be my own independence as a human being (living without parents). And I don't have very many skills, if you consider that social skills, and marketable skills. In general I don't have any long term vision, if that's what you're saying, thus don't have a super clear path of where I'm going, but I have some form of direction. I guess I'm Just using or wasting (whatever word is more suitable) some of my time on a forum trying to convince people that there own worldview is wrong (when I have not deeply pondered it myself), and I am looking for other people not in the worldview to validate that worldview and say if is correct/logical/or scientific, because I don't want to be tricked into adopting one that is false. Because as I've learned, if you want to know if something is true or not, you test it in the world world with repeatability in a high quality study. Thank you, I hope that makes sense.
  7. You have a problem with self acceptance. A part of you is judging you harshly. That's why all the negativity and contempt. Let it go. Surrender to nothingness. Realize that all judgement is only for survival. In the absolute sense everything. What you consider as weakness can be strength if you recontextualize it Love yourself more everyday. What you need is not contempt but compassion. Give yourself some.
  8. All of that is bullshit. I've gone beyond all that. Doubt me all you want. it makes no difference. You guys are so far from God-realization it's sad. It is completely obvious to me who knows what God is and who does not. I can listen to be teacher talk about God for 10 seconds and immediately I know he is not God-realized. What you have to understand is that God is even dreaming up samadhi, cessation, enlightenment, no-self, nonduality, "naty state", nothingness, psychedelics, past awakenings, gurus, RASA, and whatever other spiritual bullshit you are imagining. It's all spiritual bullshit invented by you to keep yourself asleep. Only God is real and you are not conscious of what God is. How can I possibly know all this? Because, I'm God. You'll only understand once you realize that I'm you and that Frank Yang is some clown you've imagined Basically, no one on this forum is fully God-realized. So watch out who you believe. There are many bullshitters here talking about things they don't fully comprehend.
  9. Everything is Imagination. But don't forget: Imagination = Nothingness = Consciousness = Love = God = Oneness = Infinity
  10. Knowing yourself well is the definition of ego jerking lol. It is a trap within itself that ultimately collapses into a paradox infinity/Nothingness. The ego literally wants wishes to validates it's existence by investigation and forming opinions on a perceived belief of what it is. I can't think of anything else that is closer to ego masturbation, though this is not a flaw but rather a design choice. To believe there is only innocence within empathy isn't idealistic. For empathy itself is a double edged blade. The overly empathetic not only suffer needlessly themselves, but their inability to regulate their own self structure without it being tethered to "other" causes the suffering of other. The same, but slightly different, happens with those that lack empathy. I personally believe the usage of the word empathy is counter productive. It was once a label I strongly attached to, but eventually I saw the devilry with the label and what comes with it.
  11. @GreenWoods yeah i yogic tradition emptiness or enlightened state = god and budhist tradition it is nothingness
  12. Maybe he uses different words to say that God is Nothingness. That realization is not higher than God Realization though.
  13. This night during my dream I put some cyanoacrylate glue on my tongue and tripprd really hard for a few seconds ;D ;D I have experiences like yours quite often now - however I did 5 MeO DMT few times. I can reach similar states with yoga, breathwork or when I'm about to sleep. They have short duration, usually they last up to few seconds. It feels like presence / nothingness / energy without thoughts and any identity - I'm forgetting that I have ever been a human. I know it's super scary at first, but I recommend you to try not to resist anything and let the energy flow freely.
  14. Well Christians and materialists face the same infinite regress where it leaves questions forever no matter how deep you go. Why is there a quark and not infinite nothingness? Replace quark with the God of the Bible and you see it's the same issue. Matter never being created btw, I think just applies to the laws inside the universe. Nothingness cannot ever be separated from somethingness, because only things can be finite and limited. If nothing exists, neither do limitations of any kind, so boom infinity.
  15. Day 01 - 16/01/2021 - 30 mins - Morning - Done - Amazing It was really really deep. 30 mins of breathing passed as 5 mins. I was an infinite void of nothingness. It was really peaceful & Blissful. I have no feelings of Body. I detached from my body. And the body was just like a few sensations in that void. My awareness was really sharp. I felt like there were a lot of points opening up in me and at the opening of each point, It was releasing bliss & joy. By discovering my true depth, it was so profound that it made me cry. I felt like a lot of negativity was releasing. I felt very close to God. Day 02 - 17/01/2021 - 20 mins - Morning - Done - Very Good Day 03 - 18/01/2021 - 15 mins - Morning - Done - Good Day 04 - 19/01/2021 - 30 mins - Morning - Done - Good Day 04 - 19/01/2021 - 15 mins - Night (Before Sleep) - Done - Very Good It was amazing. I went into a really deep state of consciousness. I was in a void with no feeling of the body. My Visualisation and imagination power multiplied by 10. Whatever I was trying to visualize or imagine that was manifesting into that void more clearly than the normal state. I was receiving a lot of insights. I was able to experience different states of consciousness. I was able to remain aware while sleeping into Sleeping states. Hypnagogia was a lot more powerful visually. I enjoyed these experiences in that deep state a lot. I was hyperactive psychologically as well. My body was able to sleep but I was still aware of everything. Psychologically it was really hard for me to become unconscious and sleep. After 1 or 2 hours in that state, after all, I slept. Now I have feelings of very different kinds of sleep I experienced last night. I can't explain it. And my dreams were also a lot vivid than my normal routine. Day 05 - 20/01/2021 - 30 mins - Morning - Done - Very Good It was really deep & profound full of infinite bliss. I was void. It was so profound that it made me cry. I felt the closeness of God. I was talking to him. Objects in my visual field were in motion. Breath is optional. I can not die. We are afraid to kill our ego due to our own fears, desires & attachments. Day 05 - 20/01/2021 - 15 mins - Night (Before Sleep) - Done - Good (Vivid Dreams) Day 06 - 21/01/2021 - 35 mins - Morning - Done - Very Good Breathing became automatic after 25 mins. Today I was able to see colorful infinite patterns as well. I was an infinite void. Detached from the body. Flashing lights. I was in pure joy & bliss. At one point I was feeling like my heart was opening and I could feel a really peaceful void in my heart. Currents were running around in my whole body. My body was nothing but a few random sensations inside that void which was me. Day 06 - 21/01/2021 - 10 mins - Night (Before Sleep) - Done - Good The mind becomes hyperactive after the breathing exercise so after this exercise, It's hard to sleep. It takes time to go unconscious. Your awareness becomes Lazer sharp for a few minutes. After 10 mins of Breathing, I detached from the body for a few minutes. And this practice before sleep resulted in Vivid Dreams. But in the morning I forgot most of the dreams but still could recall one dream. Click here if you are interested to read that dream. Day 07 - 22/01/2021 - 15 mins - Morning - Done - Very Good (With Post Breathing Music) I Started Shamanic Breathing while listening following Tribal Drumming: After a few minutes while breathing I started to feel really cold. There was a lot of Tingling in my whole body. My arms & hands are totally numb, Tight, and hard. My whole body started to become so hard that it felt like it’s made of stone. As soon as I stopped doing shamanic Breathing, I held the breath inside. And suddenly it felt like I had detached from my body and had become an infinite void. The feeling of the body transformed into just a few sensations, flowing energy and currents. My Mind & Body was filled with Bliss, Joy & Peace. I could feel that all the blockages and knots in my body are opening and I am becoming more lightweight. I had earphones in my ears from the beginning and then after 5 mins of stopping the shamanic breathing following music started playing automatically in my ears. (I didn't need to come out of the trance to play the music myself using my hands): I achieved the automatic Music phenomena through the following android app: And it was an amazing experience to listen to music in that state of consciousness. I was feeling like I am the invisible being without any physical body floating into this infinite void and that music is the part of that void and echoing in that void. At a stage, I could feel that I am the universe, and then at a stage, I became Music. I was Music. Due to that music different kinds of vibrations were occurring in my body. When the music stopped playing there was amazing peaceful silence & void and I was in the presence of that void. I started to experience flashes of lights, hypnagogia, visualization in the blackness of my eyes. I was able to see silhouettes of some beings in human form, Faces, Eyes looking at me, and then the effects faded away and I was back to the normal state.
  16. So? I haven't yet seen or understood anything in any scientific study that has ever encroached upon the nature of what things fundamentally are... We just break things down smaller and smaller, atoms, quarks, and just keep digging deeper. With "things" there will never be a point where the very nature of the thing will be revealed by the thing. Eventually nothingness must be accepted.
  17. Eternity? That's part of the "nothingness". I haven't been beyond realising this is a timeless empty singular dream. I'm terrified of it too. Time just standing still. I'm not aware of it right now though, just a memory Maybe you're describing something else, but how you describe it doesn't ring a bell.
  18. When you look into my eyes do you see nothing? I hope you do. I hope you see everything that you are when our eyes meet. You know this happened to me once. I had no idea what it meant at the time. I just saw something so deep I couldn't see it at all. All I could tell was that he had seen some shit– at least that's what his eyes told me. But I also felt like they were looking at it. I don't know what they're looking at me for I have no idea about nothingness. What I do know is that I have never felt more seen in this moment with eternity. I wanted to say back to it, "I see you too." But again, I didn't know what it was at the time although I did. I knew the feeling it gave and I gave it back. I was with it forever. He for sure had no idea about any of this he just has taken too may trips to the moon. He doesn't know what he knows and now I know what we both didn't know. I know that I hope you see yourself when I look at you. I hope everybody who crosses my eyes meets themselves in eternity like I did in that moment. I hope they meet me there too... we can find the one in one another.
  19. It's simple. Colors and sounds, all consciousness, which imagines scenes or dreams, and then inserts itself into the dream as the main character. We're in a VR-like reality/experience that was designed by consciousness to keep itself entertained for eternity through lifetimes. The color red isn't happening in your brain. It's happening on the screen that wraps around you and your field of vision. Your face is a void and you're projecting the color red (and your entire reality, for that matter) unto nothingness. That's why you can't see your face, because you see the world instead. There is nothing behind the red apple. It's just an appearance in this VR / dreamworld. Three-dimensionality does not exist. It's an illusion of materialism.
  20. @Leo Gura Evening Leo (from Australia) Brilliant interview today ! I have a few hours remaining due to work, I'll keep this advice in mind, personally I don't drink, and in your interview you mentioned you'd go out and party and stuff and it frustrated me because I'm opposite of that to a degree - Anyways, you've clearly had experience, and your response that I don't need money is motivating, I've read Mark Manson's book called Models multiple times, and still not a lot of tangible success, but maybe it is overrated (except its in music, movies, t.v. and port easily accessible), I gotta get out there ,,, Thanks for taking time out to respond, I think the ability to make posts with a collective community is extroadinary unlike other interesting spiritualists I enjoy following, but all fasinating, I also have one question but no response is cool, infinite intelligence may eventually provide an answer, Alan Watts says we're all selfish, and its powerful to acknowledge that, and to try and not be selfish is still a selfsih motive, I've heard you discuss selflessness, and I 100 % get what you mean when one might become that and slip into infinitity as such, fasinating, but this has been a question if its really possible to be selfless, or maybe you mean selfless as in not having a self, therefore I guess becoming 'nothingness/love' so fasinating !!
  21. My friends I am truly despaired and in need of an external point of view on my life so far, I can't ignore it anymore. I feel helpness and I don't know what to do. This summer I started to have backlashes of suicidal thoughts. One day I was so low: I went in a camp with a knife and I called my country's suicide hotline for giving this life a last chance. I called twice but they did not respond. I don't reccomand a similar experience. Since then I talked about it only to my girlfriend and a friend and that has helped a little bit. I feel judged by people, I feel that I'm not in the way I'm supposed to be but at the same time I don't know "how" to be. I started my self-help journey when I was 16 (now I'm 19). Since then I watched a lot of Leo's videos, read about 50 books of the booklist and still do that daily (I started the booklist about a year ago), I take copius amounts of notes, I journal twice a day, make affermations, meditate, do cold showers... I devoted myself to make my life better but the only thing that I want right now is to end my life in brutal ways. I feel like I should not consume media, but create media. The only thing I do is sell custom t-shirts online. That earn me some money but I don't feel original and when I do the creation does not sell. I feel guilty because I'm chasing money and success; I know that they won't make me happy but I keep on doing that. I feel like a failure because my success comes from a single artwork and even if I put a lot of effort in expanding my business and creating more I don't get results. I also fear that one day I will be betrayed by my girlfriend, even though things are going well with her. I feel like I'm not enough for her. This week I wanted to be alone and focus on my work. But I ended up finishing my goals early in the day and then have nothing to do. I don't know I should I spend my time because I feel guilty in watching videos, tv series, ecc... I meditate and contemplate on what I am but not understanding what awereness, nothingness and God are. Staying with the not knowing and the confusion drives me crazy. I can't explain to myself why the only solution seems to kill myself. I try so hard to prevent that, but no matter what I do I feel like a failure and basically I'm living my life in a confirmation bias upon which I search for reasons and situation to prevent feeling like a failure and by doing so basically confirming that I am one. Sorry I know this is rough and a lot to digest but I needed a toilet where to puke all of this. Most of the times I feel good and happy to live my life but sometimes this shit happens and nothing seems to help. Feel free to tell me any thought that you have had
  22. God = Existence = Nothingness. Therfore God can't die. But when God imagines to be a human, God dies in some sense. Because God completely shapeshifts into that imagination. There is nothing behind the scenes, when God imagines to be not-God, all of God becomes not-God. In that way God can escape its eternity in some sense. But actually, not-God is still God, because all there is is God, therfore God can't actually become not-God. God can only create the illusion of becoming not-God (eg. human), and because imagination is reality, it becomes true in some sense. It's a bit paradoxical.
  23. it's a real mindfuck to think about that. eternity ... the mind shudders, rejects the idea. There is no such thing as a beginning of God, since God is nothing. it was always there, because it is always right now, time is apparent. we are the pure, unfathomable and timeless nothingness that rejoices in its infinity. There is no before or after, there is only that, now, the totality
  24. @Adamq8 those were basically my insights with psychedelics as well. It can be total clarity. Which may also feel like total insanity from the egos point of view, but it may feel very true as the experience is happening. But that is the last mindfuck I realized about psychedelics. No matter how significant and true something feels and appears to be on psychedelics, still does not mean that it is. The sense of what's true is just another parameter of consciousness that gets turned up by psychedelics. In the end, even these seemingly most true insights dissolve into the nothingness/consciousness they came out of. I also agree that it is easy to fall into traps with psychedelics precisely because the insights one has on them feel so significant and true. Doesn't mean they are.