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Gili Trawangan replied to Dazgwny's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You need to look at some data that has been collected by scientists. There are children who in the first years of their lives (until 7 or 8 years old) have memories of a past life and are able to describe with uncanny precision who that person was. Scientists have observed this and have in many cases found the person being described, making sure that the details given by the child were accurate enough. I don't remember the details, but was very much convinced of the veracity of the whole thing. What does this mean for nonduality? I don't know, the human mind can't understand infinity. -
Sempiternity replied to Osaid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
From the Nonduality perspective: You (God) are infinitely everything. All appearances and experiences are happening within your imagination. Anything happening is happening because you (God) imagined it. One perspective of infinite possibilities. So what you think happened happened because you thought of it. -
Ananta replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What anyone says about time, parallel realities, etc, doesn't mean it's real, since every-"thing" phenomenal is an illusion. The relative world may exist, is experienced, but is ultimately unreal (illusion). All things are created by, made of, permeated throughout and within, the only thing in existence ...awareness/consciousness (nonduality) So, time is illusion, in the most fundamental sense. I don't think there's anything wrong with believing in time for practical purposes. We all do it, but psychological time is extremely damaging. -
Tonight I met up with the Czech girl for a few beers, and at a certain point I was spewing nonduality to her. I could see how it was going over her head, but just kept going. And some of it was just bullshit that I wasn't even conscious of, was just mouthing off. I guess I needed to get it out of my system. Or maybe I was bored by the regular chit-chat...
Aha, nonduality teacher Roger Castillo had Ramesh Balsekar as his teacher, and the example of causation Roger gave going in two directions, A to B to C to D and also from D to C to B to A (as I mentioned earlier) Ramesh describes from about 29 minutes in the previous video. "Cause and effect is not a one-pointed arrow, it's a two-pointed arrow", Ramesh said. That's the same as in my models where cause and effect is both from past and future and also from the future to the past. Ramesh also said that it's impossible to know the will of God, and that's as I see it a direct consequence of the two-pointed arrow of causality. We know the past, or at least parts of it, but we actually don't know the actual future.
The idea that reality is an automatic process can feel awful when in ego consciousness, especially when there is suffering. And to the ego an automatic system means something mechanical and robotic almost. That's probably why spiritual teachers, spiritual traditions and religions seldom talk about reality as being automatic even if it's true. Some of the hardcore nonduality teachers, such as Ramesh Balsekar have said it using different words, like in the beginning of this video: Ramesh's teaching is similar to my model, except I haven't heard him mentioning that reality is also evolving into higher and higher complexity and harmony. And there are other minor differences, for example the notion of time. And the way I make the idea less mechanical is to include the higher possibilities in teachings such as ACIM, the Law of One and the Bible. So my practice is to unify the mechanical idea with reality as infinite intelligence and as always progressing towards larger and larger holons.
TheAvatarState replied to TheAvatarState's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It was a great reminder, thank you. Whatever you believe the ego to be, that is a bundle of concepts and images you created to give meaning and form to the formless. While I believe it can be useful in some contexts, ultimately it isn't real. And probably in most contexts, it's more of a hindrance than an aid. It's possible to create an enemy out of thin air. Yes indeed. Even "practical" states of Awakening can make life difficult in many ways, such as hypersensitivity, overanalyzing, difficulty in relating with normal people, etc. I'm sure that will get better with time. I'm not "being" it at all times, but I have the knowledge in the back of my mind. I often bring it to the foreground, where I'm aware of the beauty and infinity of the present experience, and this knowing stems from direct experience. It is not a belief or dogma. I guess I'm about as awake as is practical. This is the answer I was after, thank you. I still have an issue calling myself or others "enlightened," but now I recognize I fit the description. At least this particular and relative description. Going back to the original quote of the thread from Kryon, I actually resonate with that more. It describes a further realization of nonduality, one that is impossible to actualize without being awake. It's like the union of "enlightenment" and unconditional Love and acceptance for all of Creation. I believe that to be a much more potent description, and something I feel necessary to work towards. -
Forestluv replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
My sense is that any answer I give you will be misleading because you are trying to create grounded concepts. When I was immersed in intellectualizing, I found it helpful to relax the mind and just be. I might have a background question like "what is existence?" and then I would let it go. If I was genuine and reset the question, often times things would appear. I wouldn't even be thinking about it and some type of message or insight about existence would seemingly randomly appear. Or I might have a dream about existence. In addition to relaxing the mind, other things like doing yoga, listening to nonduality speakers, sensory deprivation tanks, lucid dreaming, shamanic breathing and psychedelics were helpful. All of this helped me step out of immersion into intellectualizing. Also, I think you seem to be open and curious - which are important traits, ime. -
I understand. May seem like word salad, but I can not be in the moment, because nonduality. Nothing. It’s a conversation, like an episode of Friends. What do you figure is being searched for? I don’t experience that ‘either way’ factor really. I wouldn’t say I do care, no. Idk. That didn’t occur to me. How is it you feel I’m ‘fighting my self’? I apologize if I came across that way, it’s not what is experienced ‘at my end’. The intention of my replies was a pointing to what is prior, and to what is a priori, rather than to “counter” or “argue”. I honestly am experiencing an interesting conversation. I don’t feel any arguing or countering. Indeed. You’ve got to remember though, I don’t hold that belief to begin with. If I express that is not my experience, if I point to that there is prior to, am I “arguing” / “countering”...? Seems like all Neuroscience is not an entity which moves or accepts. Also, a theory is “of the two computers” as you might phrase it. Again, I’m pointing to that being a priori. That is also “of the two computers” / duality. Of course there is disagreement. If one has not “gone” prior to duality, one lives in arguing / debating / theory. The actuality of ‘their theories’, is your thought. Just like... “evolution”.
Leo Gura replied to Endangered-EGO's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Endangered-EGO Your notion of winning or losing debates is silly. Truth and consciousness are not things to be debated at all. Yes, Sam Harris is more developed than JP and of course Ben Shaprio. But Sam has plenty of Orange yet in him, and he is certainly not awake. But yes, he has a good deal of Yellow in him. But Yellow is not that high when we are talking about things like truth, consciousness, love, God, nonduality, spirituality, etc. Yellow is still childhood. Sam Harris is very moralistic and does not understand relativity. So he hasn't fully integrated Green. -
mandyjw replied to mandyjw's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm Thanks! It turned out to be a really good conversation. He said that he didn't like how nonduality and spiritual teachers use their own language to speak about this stuff, and how you have to learn it before you know what they are speaking about. My first mistake is that day in, day out I read and immerse myself in this stuff and discuss it with him very little. Then I expect him to just come along with me only when I want his help with something. I compared the language to our understanding of Christianity and the Bible when were kids, specifically terms such as the "Holy Spirit". Then I tried to explain how communion was really a powerful nondual pointer, which he didn't get, but then told me that he was taught several different things about communion in church, including that if your heart wasn't quite right and you still took it, that God would strike you dead. And then I remembered that his upbringing was far, far different from mine, and how fear and control were so front and center for him. Then I realized that I've been a selfish jerk overlooking and under appreciating a lot of things. -
Balance that out with the opposite. Feel that great in the selflessness of it. Also keep in mind, you can’t want the flow state, and be in the flow state. It’s letting resistance go, and listening to the thought of future flow is resistant to presence now. And also, we’re all where we’re at with non-duality so to speak, but referring to individuals as separate, and or assigning anything to individuals, reinforces the belief one is themself separate. It’s healthy relative to hatred, but unhelpful relative to nonduality.
Had a long conversation about spirituality, psychedelics and awakening with my husband. I decided to read this above to him. He said nothing, so I asked what he thought. "Especially the part about the balance, it sounds like an infomercial ,"it slices, it dices!" He said some awfully judgmental things about psychedelics and made a comparison that particularity hurt. There were jokes, connection and good communication throughout. Towards the end the conversation went to Christianity, and eventually I realized I am a complete jerk, because I tried to tell him what communion means as a pointer to nonduality and he wasn't coming along with me. Then he told how it was described to him in various ways in church and that he was told that if your heart wasn't in the right place and you still took communion, that you'd be struck dead. And I realized and remembered the amount of fear instilled in him. He was dragged to church every single Sunday, to some of the most fundamentalist churches. I read my Bible on my own free will, with a few lose expectations and morality that was set in my family. To tie it to Leo's most recent video which I loved, you can't expect people to hold liberal "woke" values if they are living in a threatened environment. Yet this is exactly what I've done. I'm a selfish jerk. Spiritually, I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth in comparison. We've both made incredible spiritual progress over the course of our lives, and likely he's traversed more "ground" than I have. Partially because he got seduced by the daughter of Satan but whatever, God works in mysterious ways!
Forestluv replied to billiesimon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@billiesimon When a person is conditioned to perceive and identify to only one side of a duality, the awakening comes from realization of the other side of the duality (and then realization both sides are the same). For example, if someone believed waking life is "real" and dreams are "imagined". It would be most helpful to show them that waking life is "imagined". They already have the "real" part down - they don't need any help realizing waking life is "real". That would actually be counter-productive since it would re-enforce their attachment/identification to that side of the duality. For them, the awakening comes from realizing waking life is "imagined". On the flip side, the person is already aware that dreams are "imagined" - the awakening comes with seeing that dreams are also "real". With this awareness, the duality between "real vs imagined" can dissolve. 99.999% of humans are programmed that "sober" waking life is "real" and "altered" mindstates like dreams and psychedelics are "imagined". Very few people are programmed for the opposite orientation. Just look on this forum: how many people believe that psychedelic states are "real" and the sober state is "imagined"? I would say noone. The vast majority of people are questioning how "real" psychedelic states are. I've only met two people in my life with a nearly reverse orientation - and both are getting re-conditioned to believe waking life is "real". The first is my niece. She is a master dreamer and has created a dream reality that is more real than her waking life. While awake, this has caused all sorts of problems. She has various anxiety disorders and various psycho-somatic issues including recurring migraine headaches, nausea and vomiting. She has received years of therapy trying to get her grounded that waking life is "real". . . . The second person was a non-speaking autistic whose default state was nonduality. It took him 10+ years of practice and training to awaken to duality. . . Both cases are the opposite orientation of 99.999% of people. . . I've also met several people that are natural hybrids - the have an ability to "flip" back and forth, yet preferences one side. I think they would have an advantage in that they 90% of the way there starting off. -
billiesimon replied to billiesimon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ok, now I get it. It's just a duality to see imagination opposed to reality. In nonduality they are the same I guess. -
How exactly does this work? Everything just happens? If you look at neo advaita teachers like Tony Parsons or Jim Newman, they are always radical about it, saying there is no one home, and thus there is no free will. So what about murderers, serial killers, pedophiles, serious drug addicts etc? They have no free will? They don't have a choice in killing someone or staying addicted to heroin? I don't understand how this works. Also addictions in general. Do you actually have no choice wether you are addicted and stay addicted to a subtance?
LfcCharlie4 replied to crab12's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
a few resources that helped - @GreenWoods also regarding your last post, why not do both maximise your own happiness and so called “others” who are literally your very own self’s happiness? I don’t see why it has to be one or the other. In fact, sharing and loving and helping others often leads to greater levels of happiness and abundance, so in fact doing both is actually beneficial. I don’t see an issue with someone wanting to live a comfortable life and help others simultaneously. You can never perfectly embody enlightenment 100%, if you look at modern teachers such as Rupert Spira, Adyashanti, Francis Lucille, all of these earn money be deservedly so. Are they not embodying their awakening as a result? an embodied awakening doesn’t have to mean you go feed the poor, you could work at Starbucks and live an embodied Self-Realized life Also, do you have a problem with teachers earning money? -
Nahm replied to crab12's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In the sense, meaning arises in you. Whatever “absolute perspective”, “the human perspective”, “universe”, “reality”, “ego”, “personal you”, “right”....mean to you, is only what it means to you. Nonduality would imply there is not a you and a meaning. There is learning what a word means, like cup, and there is ‘learning’ it was never “a cup”, as “cup” was a word you learned. -
Minecraft is more than just a game. Much more. It is an interactive allegory for the dream we call life. And it is so beautiful... While Minecraft is an endless game of infinite possibility (just like life), there is an "end" baked the game. Starting the game with absolutely nothing, over time you gather resources to craft increasingly powerful items. After many hours of play, if you know what you're doing, you can gather the resources to create a portal to "The End," a separate dimension from the "overworld" where you started. Upon traveling to The End for the first time, you spawn on a platform where you must fight a giant dragon. Notice that this is a reference to The Hero's Journey, where the dragon is a metaphor for the final boss. After you slay the dragon, you drop down into another portal back to the overworld to continue your infinite journey... but not until The End Poem plays back to you. And boy, this caught me by surprise. It's a deep and moving metaphysical poem about two unknown beings (presumed to be of a higher dimension, or gods) conversing. As the player, you realize that these two beings have been with you all the time, but only now are you aware of their presence and thoughts. Let's think about this for a moment. At the end of Minecraft, the most popular PC game of all time, is a metaphysical poem about dreams, love, nonduality, and the infinitude of the universe. All lining up with the work of and eastern spirituality. Excuse me, but WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Only those on the path are open to considering and understanding the deep truths found within... Truly fascinating. Since "beating" the game yesterday, I've browsed the web for other people's reactions, and it shouldn't be a surprise to you that 95% of gamers hated the ending or totally misunderstood it. And even those that "got it" didn't REALLY get it. Doesn't the universe speak to us in the most amazing ways? Even if you've never played Minecraft, Please please please watch the ending. Trust me, it will speak to you and uplift you. P.S. I looked up who wrote the poem, and it wasn't Notch, the famous developer who created the game. He hired Julian Gough to write the ending, based off Julian's short story "iHole," which is a brilliant satire worth reading. I just ordered his latest book called "Connect," which appears to be a riveting work well ahead of its time. Once you read the End Poem, you'll know that Julian isn't your run-of-the-mill fiction writer. He can't be.
Nonduality teacher Roger Castillo who sometimes quotes from ACIM said that some people start to suffer directly when they wake up in the morning, regardless of the actual external circumstances. That has probably happened to all of us. That's the mind causing suffering by itself! That simple fact is suspicion enough to at least consider what ACIM says as a possible truth. Why would the mind torture itself? Eckhart Tolle has mentioned something similar about the ego mind. So a simple practice I will try is to observe my mind and how it creates suffering by itself.
Klaudia replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What do you mean under selflessness? An attribute of a person who cares about other things but himself/herself? Or do you mean Selflessnes which points at nonduality? Sacrifice is only a content like anything else the ego is able to see. It is duality and will never lead to Selflessness (lack of self). -
Martin123 replied to PenguinPablo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Wow! What a powerful story, thanks for sharing that @DrewNows! Thanks for the support and your involvement, I appreciate it. It is not the case that I would hold a grudge or alienate him in any way. It's simply a matter of the fact that within me there still lives a traumatized archetype of a victim who was abused and trashed by overly insensitive masculine energy. One of the main ways a victim is reformed is by reclaiming their voice and saying No! The problem wasn't the advice, nor its legitimacy, the problem was that I did not ask for it. And since we already brought 'Moo-man' (thanks for that name I'll remember that hah) into the conversation, I recall a situtation with him where a former lover who he discarded was complaining about her treatment, and her complaints were dismissed as 'you were just too attached', and I was handled in a very similar way, where my concerns about the use of nonduality as a way of manipulating individuals who are in pain, and perpetuating patriarchal conditioning, was dismissed as a projection and so and so. It's not a projection, it's a very real thing that happens every day. As much as I would love to be complete and healed enough to brush it off without saying anything, I am not. I'm still vulnerable, raw and in various degrees of pain from what has happened to me in my life. I am on a very intense journey, and whenever my journey is disrespected by others, the only option is to speak up. It's very simple. It's an opportunity to heal, as a way of informing my nervous system that its safe to speak up, and if met with consequences, I can always ensure m own safety. It's very important to honor my own process, and so I shall. -
J: And... we're live Leo Gura. How are you sir? L: I'm pretty good thanks. J:You haven't done many podcasts have you? L: I've been saving myself for you Joe J: OK so there's no pressure... if we fuck this up (joking) you'll just never do another podcast L: (More sarcasm) Yeah but I can cross it off my bucket list J: You can absolutely J: Your channel is unusual. Can I say that? I think I can say that. L: It is unusual. J: I've watched a fair few of your videos and there are some very, very controversial statements in there. L: (explains history of making comparisons with more mainstream self-help, meditation, enlightenment.) Cue psychedelics discussion. Joe asks plenty of skeptical questions. Leo responds, with plenty of caveats and fundamentals, e.g. they both acknowledge that you can't just tell a religious person to drop their faith, or an atheist to consider nonduality. Leo may or may not smoke some bud. Politics. Dating. UFOs. Boom.
mhhh i have a complete different understanding of non duality. in some sense we could discuss every one of these positions and probably would come to completely different outcomes for at least half of them. but he somehow makes the talking about it already a no go which makes it difficult to talk about the essence of „what“ he is really talking about which he also denies being of any importance. the sheet therefore is critiqueless in itself. but nonduality for me means to see the juxtaposition in everything.
Is spiritual enlightenment just about removing the ego's identification as a separate self? Yes, that seems to be the main theme according to nonduality teachers and ACIM at least. In practice this is a huge thing. Why? Because all our personal memories were formed from that ego belief in a separate self. And the same with our whole society, and our whole human history and probably our whole biological evolution up to now. So the ego is a massive heap of false conditioning.