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  1. Consciousness = Nothing. Nothing is a more appropriate term. And Nothing = Everything. Srs not just randomly trying to sound "deep". Consciousness is nothingness when paired with somethingness. We experience Consciousness because of Something. But itself is Nothing, and the Something is also inherently nothing. Legitimately.
  2. Let's be real. OK so. We're on a spinning rock out in the middle of nothingness. True? We probably came from a monkey or something. Who knows? You were created by your dad's sperm from him doing some dirty stuff. And your mom has eggs. They magically created you. When they got it on. Birth is like some weird alien process where the baby decides to pop into "reality" . Literally a human inside a human. Apparently were stuck on this rock with some crazy people. People create imaginary concepts and call it real. Countries and states are literally invisible lines. Is this real enough? Then there's this thing called perception. Which makes no sense. Is my perception more real than your perception? Do you know what I am perceiving? Most neuroscientist are clueless to what the difference between perception & reality is. Literally, if you can discern the difference between perception & reality then I'd like to know. What is perception? You see with your eyes? OK cool. Now tell me how that functions? Your eyes magically create reality? OK cool the brain creates reality. Then how does the brain create reality? What is real? Weed. OK cool you smoke weed and think it's like dmt. Have you done dmt? You watch some dude on the internet that makes videos about ideas. Who's to say it is true or false. How do you discern this? How do you know if your perception of reality is true or not? What if there are multiple perceptions of reality? What if you can have part of a truth but not the whole truth? What if your perception of reality is different than someone else's reality? Why so serious? Were all gonna die one day. Shit load of people before us have. Man some information like Recontextualization are pretty interesting. Especially if we recontextualize this conversation. Life is pretty strange. We spend 1/3 of our life asleep. So if you're 15 then you've spent 5 years asleep. That's a shit load of time. What is time? Is time real? Show me Life is a really strange dream. But you gotta wake up to the dream.
  3. God is Nothingness... No wonder you didn't get any results.
  4. Just read a post by justfortoday where the belief was proposed that God (you) live the same human life over and over again forever. Here is the quote: "Reality is a VR experience created with infinite intelligence by nothingness itself, so that it could experience itself from a multiplicity of viewpoints for eternity. You see, reality is a possibility pool. Basically everything, every possibility has already happened outside of time and space. That means this very moment you are "living" has happened an infinite number of times, and will continue to happen as it is infinite." This is a fear I have considered for the past year essentially and I was surprised to see it in someone's post especially as it was stated as FACT. To me this is probably the biggest fear one can have. However, I don't see why this would be the case whatsoever. If God is infinite and free then why would god choose to live the same life over and over again. I think it is an irrational fear but curious to hear your opinion. To me posts like this especially when stated as if they are definitely true are extremely unhelpful and actually very damaging. I would not recommend posting stuff that you don't know for sure. You are only confusing yourself. Make sure you are always questioning everybody's beliefs.
  5. You got it pretty well there. You’re imagining that there is past and future, while there’s nothing but the present. Yet if we get more intricate, the persistence or stickiness is the claiming / identifying, such as I’m imagining. To ‘unstick’ that belief, imagine whatever, then purposefully don’t, and notice it isn’t making any difference. Roll with just ‘the present’, or even better… just… This. “This” is helpful in regard to gettin out of concepts about This, and recognizing ‘it’ IS This. When you add ‘moment’ it’s time, ‘every moment’ is more so, and to realize there is no change sort of requires realizing there is no time. Notice you are not, as you say, ‘imagining the past & future all the time’. You’re imagining it right now, or not at all. The thought about ‘all the time’, is a thought which arises now or not at all. Also notice, whatever could be meant by logic or understanding, it isn’t in a past or future, and it arises ‘in’ the present only as the thought, that there is, logic or understanding. As in, when you attempt to point to it you can not. Then revisit the ‘stickiness’ of claiming and connect those two dots. Don’t expect to ‘think’ realization. Contemplate it, then let it go. For good. Gone. That way the realization can arise where it was so to speak. There’s no experience of “we’re imagining”. You imagine that. Time doesn’t give anything because time is a thought. If it’s given, notice really, you’re givin it. No ‘thing’ gives illusion of anything, you are, or you are not. There is no possibility of imagining the difference of past or future, because there truly is not a past or future. That’s a thought, like logic or understanding, and not an actual comparison of anything. What is meant when we say the eternal now, is nothing, no thing, not a thing, nothingness, nonduality, not two. Meaning makes two. Thought makes two. Those won’t do.
  6. My entire visuali field. I'm not sure but I would call it nothingness.
  7. Awareness = God = Love = Oneness = Nothingness = Truth = Infinity
  8. I feel like even if you dont have a bad trip you will spoil the end of the movie here, see, The problem with 5-meo dmt is that it will catapult you directly to the GodHead but there are many diferent facets of Awakening that you will need to integrate first in order to really understand where you will be in the end ( Reality is a Dream > No-Self > Absolute Nothingness/Infinity > God > You as God ), anyone of this facets it will take a couple of trips to fully integrate and understand them. Sad to say but only with meditation you are 1000000miles away of understanding any of this concepts, i've watched all the Leo's content on non-duality + rupert spira but still had a full psychotic break when i took 3.5g of mushrooms and realize that all my life was imaginary. There is no video, book or anything that can explain how Awakening feels besides your direct experience, its more radical than you think.
  9. @wellbranding Sounds like "nothingness". The fear and body are just reactions to the insight. The fear of death is because it feels like dying. Then there's fear of going crazy too. Either 2 things are gonna happen. 1.It dropped off for good. Have fun with your life. 2. It's too weird/crazy and you're gonna want to own or control the nothingness.
  10. @WokeBloke There is actually no evidence of a big bang either. You just imagine and believe there was one because its widely accepted by your pop culture. You have not gone and proved there was one you just believe it. Also, take this into account. If there was nothing that existed before the big bang. Then it existed. Therefore what created nothing? Why is nothing existing more plausible than something existing? It isn't Because it's infinity which has no beginning and no end. What created an uncreated creator? See, the problem with this right now is that you are not taking into account the reality that paradox exists. You simply end up with an infinite regress problem. If there was a nothing that existed, then who created that nothing? God did, but how could God create nothing if it wasn't eternal to begin with? It makes not sense. It's a paradox. Well, if nothing exists then what created that nothingness? Well, how could nothing turn into something? Is a nothing that is a seed for an entirely complex and intelligent universe really ever 'nothing' to begin with? How could nothing become time, space, temporality, feelings, emotions, food, concepts, beauty, art, people, ants, planets, imagination, dreams, etc... Because its eternal and all powerful to begin with and has no beginning or end. It's infinite creative potential, which is nothing.. which is right now and it has always been. If there was a nothing that existed before something. If you are taking into account of of reality, then that nothing would have had to existed forever, before something existed for a little while and both pre-existence and existence are aspects of the same unity of forever. Forever is right now. Forever. Whether it's the religion of science, or of some religious system. you can actually grok these things without belief.
  11. @OneHandClap Congrats!! I could probably do that yoga nidra technique for 5 yeas without much success. The deeper your sleep, the deeper the void will get. And once good at sleep yoga, it should be too easy to turn the void (= formless Nothingness) into formless Love and formless Godhead, if one is able to recognize God and Love during normal meditation even if only subtly.
  12. Right ok.. so all dualities collapse. Whats left is nothingness/the void or infinite consciousness we will say. I come back from that state, I now believe I am human again . You are talking to me, you are human(you have to eat/shit/sleep). There is a separation between us in this state of consciousness(in my eyes anyway). I make that distinction. I believe you are me in another form. You are saying no, there is no other form, I (TheZeroself) am not conscious?
  13. Good day seekers, When you fully God-realize, when you fully awaken to omnipotence and omnipresence, does the body remain. Can you continue emagining and experiencing it from the human body, or are you pure nothingness, because having a body is kind of a trade-off. The physical body reduces your vibrations, densifies your body of nothingness into form, which cuts you off from your power. I think you can continue having a body, you can manipulate it, you have at your disposal whatever you can imagine off. You can also be in a scenario, whilst creating (imagining it) it at the same moment and the delay is close to 0. You can think up some stories now, can you not? You might dream something that you thought during the day. Can you not? It's just that when you are all-powerful, you can do it with the reality in front of you, not only in thought/imagination form in your current state of consciousness. The thing I am stuck on - when I become one with everything that is, my body was everything that is, not only the human body. There was no difference between the feeling of "I" between my arm, the air, the ceiling, the kitchen cabinet. Only I. So do I have to be in that ALLNESS POV, or can I cut myself off from that and still have full-blown power? I feel like Trump - only concerned with power. Or to be more precise, I don't want that fear-based fake power, I want the real deal baby! Jkjk. But not really. I realize that being all-powerful, some of the situations lose their meaning since there is no challenge. Yet, isn't there like a million things you would first experience before getting bored of that? Also, not sure how much Death reveals. How much does it raise my consciuosness? (Not thinking of suicide, don't worry guys :D) Anyway, perhaps someone figured this out? Would love to hear different perspectives to improve my understanding and contemplation. Thanks, non-existent at the time of writing guys.
  14. @Leo Gura Also This NDE!!!!!!! I am telling you Leo These people who have had NDES really know what you are talking about. I came in this world very sensitive and aware and went through tons of suffering so I would try and question and reach for this love that I felt. This love that I had despite so much abuse. Ndes seemed to be my safe haven. Just before death, July 30, 1994: That morning I had driven about 400 miles with my secretary from San Francisco for a couple of meetings with some clients. For some reason, throughout that day I had been feeling somewhat uneasy, like this was a premonition of sorts. So, I had been in a quiet prayer mode the whole day. I had been invited by one of my clients, in the city of Glendora, for their 80-year-old mother’s birthday celebration. Afterwards, it was almost 11:30 p.m. by the time I was able to call it a day and leave for the hotel. I had thought that I would tell my secretary I was extremely tired and it would be better if she was the one to drive back to San Francisco after the birthday part. As destiny would have it, I was so tired I forgot to tell her while very mechanically getting into the driver's seat. Seatbelts were not mandatory in 1994. Without bothering to put on my seat belt, I started the car and began driving. After about 10 minutes on the road, car with two young boys was driving in the left lane. Suddenly, it swerved to the right, coming into my lane right in front of me, then stopping abruptly at the Stop sign that was just ahead. I had nowhere to go, so I slammed on the brakes; or so I thought! In my immediate shock and sleepy exhaustion, I had pressed down on the accelerator instead! The 560 SL is designed to go from 0 mph to 60 mph within seconds and that’s just what it did. I shot forward at full speed! CRAAAASH! In that moment of impact, I felt my whole body lift up, fly forward with great force, and hitting something. Next thing I knew, I was seeing this white stream of Light, travelling inside my body, which was also filled with a brilliant electric white Light! It looked like light travelling in light. As I looked at this moving light energy, I realized I was also experiencing it. This powerful, white energy which was moving from my solar plexus towards the top of my head. I was moving very fast. Yet, simultaneously, I appeared to be moving very slowly. Somehow, it seemed very natural for my movement to be slow and fast at the same time. Was I in perfect balance? There was no sense of duality. I knew that this light energy was my Prana, otherwise called life force. The Prana was moving upwards through my body, almost as if being pulled by some sort of magnetic power above my head. Just then, I experienced a sinking feeling, very much like one feels when beginning the plunge down a roller coaster. I felt myself go into a gentle convulsion with an upward movement. The next moment it was all gone. There was no light, no body, or anything. It was the strangest feeling, and yet so familiar. It was as though I had before experienced it many times. Without the body, I found myself floating alone in a dark void. I was totally confused as to where I was and what was really happening. All I could see was total darkness everywhere, but I wasn't afraid. At a distance, I saw a pale golden vehicle-like thing in the shape of a small boat. The boat was brilliant in its golden hue and it was coming towards me. The center hollow portion of this golden boat seemed to be filled with that same shimmering, brilliant white light I had seen inside my body. As it moved closer, I could see in the center on its ‘bed’ of white Light there was a very ethereal human body. The body was lying very still on its back, draped in a pale golden gown and glowing gloriously in the dark night. It was a magnificent sight to behold! As it came closer, my entire being went into shock when I saw the face of this body. It was me. 'Oh my God', I realized, 'I am dead.' I was completely jolted by this truth. I looked at myself for the first time and saw I had no body. I was just a spark of Light and was now linked to this sparkling boat. Almost immediately, the golden boat tilted upwards with the feet of the motionless body pointing upwards and head below it. The boat transported me faster than the speed of light, almost like a thunderbolt slicing through the dark night and disappearing into that void. Almost as if I had fully woken up after a long sleep, I found myself surrounded by an All-Pervasive Brilliance. There was no boat, no body structure, no dark void, nothing. There was only this dazzling, electrifying, brilliant white Light all around. The light was everywhere. There was nothing except this brilliant Consciousness! It seemed to have a consistency of the ever-finest, minutest electric-like sparkles and was energetically similar to the ‘bed of Light’ I had come on, except that this light was all-pervasive, limitless. It could perhaps be compared to the light of thousands of brilliant stars reflected in millions of sparkling diamonds, all-encompassing, self-luminous, and pulsating with electric energy: very delicate and smooth. I seemed to know that the light was the Supreme Infinite Light that is God, the Cosmic Consciousness. It is truly impossible to describe in mere mortal words, this Pure Love, this vital energy, this infinite Light, this Supreme Absolute Consciousness, This Presence, which is commonly referred to by most of humanity as God or the Creator: it can only be experienced! So please forgive my humble effort with limited vocabulary to try and share what I experienced. At this moment, I was literally standing on air and was an electric body of Light. I was in this dazzling white void, this Brilliant Nothingness, filled with comfort, delight, and a deep knowing that I had reached my destination. I seemed to know that this was the Ultimate White Effulgent Light. Experiencing myself as a shimmering sparkling white-light energy, pulsating with some kind of ethereal (ether-real!) electric life force, my Being was flooded with a gentle, very expansive Love energy. The energy was like a soft embrace from that all-encompassing Light Presence! This Light Presence of pure, unconditional Love seemed to be in me and around me. It was all-pervasive and extended into infinity. Strangely, there seemed to be no difference between this light and my Light-being. Even more bewildering, was that this Conscious Loving Presence, seemed to be the nature and substance of all of existence. In sheer delight, my Light-self was almost skipping in the air as a further wave of knowing passed through me. I whispered to myself, ‘This is the real me!’ In complete wonderment, with a sense of déjà vu and awe, I heard myself say, ‘I know this place, I know this place. I've been here before. I made it. I finally made it back!’ Drinking in the nectar of the Loving Presence which enfolded me, I saw with complete amazement a very interesting transference starting to happen. There was a string of atoms starting to flow out from within the left side of my electric body and they disappeared upwards into nowhere. Almost as if from thin air, a much finer frequency of atoms seemed to be appear and were entering through my right side into this same electric light body. I was watching and experiencing at the same time, again with no sense of duality. My entire Being was being totally emptied, refueled, and re-programmed with this ethereal, orderly, interchange of atoms. I saw that the new entry was made of a vastly different energy and seemed to have a much more expansive and delicate DNA energy. It had a new wave of very lightweight, subtle cellular frequencies, as they spiraled in, expanding and changing the previous electric body formation. All of the above was happening very fast and yet it seemed to take an eternity. Enfolded in the comforting wrap of Pure Divine Love during this cellular exchange, it seemed as though I was gradually disappearing with the atoms leaving this electric Light body. Almost as if, another ‘me’ was birthing through the newer, finer atoms entering into this Light form. My whole being was cleansed and purified, making it ready for its next role in God’s divine drama. I wished to take a final look and say goodbye to the world I had just left behind. I looked over behind my non-existent shoulder, somehow expecting to see my world; but, to my complete shock, I saw that there was nothing there. My earthly world didn't seem to exist! There was no world, no universe, no galaxy, no earth, nothing! Nothing existed, except this soft Conscious Presence, this pulsating Brilliance, this pure Love that was everywhere as all pure white Light. ‘Oh my God, how could that be?!’ I exclaimed to myself. ‘Where has it gone? What about all I went through as Arti? It was all real! How could it have just disappeared?’ A gentle response seemed to come from the cosmic wisdom that was all around, ‘But how could it be Real, when it has just disappeared?’ There was so much knowledge that was shared with me that I can't share it all here. The response said, ‘What is real is only that which is permanent and changeless. That which changes, is within the mirage of time, and truly non-existent. Consciousness, however, as a gentle, delicate, smooth, flowing Presence is ever present; even within the human form, above and beyond the mind, as it is the Experience-less-ness underlying all experience. It never changes, never disappears, and it is therefore, the only Reality.’ I asked, ‘But if this Consciousness alone is real, the world was an illusion? Then where did it come from?’ It replied, ‘Like all manifestation, the world too is the creation of the great illusion or great delusion, which being the Creative aspect of this Supreme Consciousness, or the Lord, is the divine movie-projector of life, in the all-powerful play of the realm of Creation. Just as a mirage in the desert disappears when viewed from a certain perspective, your life as Arti on earth has disappeared, when viewed from the perspective of the Divine Self, where you are now. Only the eternal is real; and from the viewpoint of that Reality, all that is non-eternal, disappears. Yet of course, you, being eternal Atman (the soul) can still view the ‘world of illusion’ if you wish.’ I asked, ‘So my life as Arti never really existed at all, it was an illusion?’ It replied, ‘Oh, it existed; just as a dream exists, or a movie, or a mirage.’ I continued questioning, ‘So the world, was just a figment of my imagination? How did I create it? With my thoughts and desires?’ The reply echoed all around me, ‘Y-e-s-s-s-s!’ as it reverberated within my being. Y e s: I understood now. The world had all been only in my mind, a thought-and-senses created illusion/delusion. Without the senses, mind and body, there was now no ego to perceive the world illusion! It had all existed and happened only in my mind! Our true reality exists outside of the mind, which is where I was at the present moment. I realized the true vastness of my Being and the minuscule nature of the cage of the earthly body. The roles I had played through the many lifetime dramas with different bodies, flashed again into knowing. I smiled, seeing there was absolutely no attachment whatsoever to any of them! How could I, when it was just a play of mind? I had come to terms with the fact that once I, my ego consciousness, left the body, my mind-created world also disappeared. Universal laws seemed to unfold rapidly and poured into my entire electric-wave body. I realized that the real goal of the mind-created life game was to remove the veil of delusion and ignorance and reach the Ultimate Truth of one's reality in life itself. This Truth, this Self I was bathing in and which had encompassed my Being, was nothing but Love. The Truth was Love; pure, unconditional, Universal Love, that is almost non-achievable in human terms. It was the fabric of this Consciousness of which I was a part. Yes, because Love is God and God is Love. It was very clear that the cosmic composition was made up of nothing but Love! Love is the God-glue that is holding ‘All’ together. I realized I was not just inside the Love but rather, one with 'It', this Universal Body of Love, of God. This was completely natural to me, as flame is to fire because it is fire. This was Home and I wanted to be here forever. Immediately with the emergence of this thought-wish, the ego-wave that was Arti, seemed to gracefully meld into the Supreme Presence, dissolving into that Ocean of Love. Arti as the earthly Arti, was no more. An incredible wave of freedom splashed over my being, almost like coming out scrubbed fresh and clean after a long overdue bath. The cellular interchange of atoms with their spiraling exit and entry had stopped because re-programming of my electric light body was completed. I was birthing a new life later known as Mira S. I knew without a doubt that life on earth was just a playground of experience, an assignment from God, a mirror projection of the Divine. In each new lifetime, as the soul makes spiritual progress, its vibrational frequency gets tuned to a faster, higher and finer level depending upon its degree of evolution. The transformation continues until the frequency level is fine-tuned to such a degree that it connects with the frequency of the Cosmos itself, which then allows it to gain entry into Cosmic Consciousness, one’s true self, which is eternal bliss, otherwise known as ananda. In the Light Presence, everything and anything could be readily created or manifested. It was in the Nature of this Supreme Presence. Everyone and everything, anywhere, was right here where I was, present in the seemingly invisible NOW. One just had to think it, and it was available. The transformation-transmutation within my electric body being completed, the electric body too, was no more visible because there was complete Oneness. It was infinite to such a degree that I was no more, and yet I was that Consciousness. There was nothing else and No other. Oh dear God, That is all that exists, the only 'Being' that is! That Consciousness was all around, inside, outside, above, below. It was everywhere! The ALL! As one touched by the Philosopher’s stone, which is said to transform iron into gold, I had gone through a complete transformation and transmutation of the previous self into birthing a new higher self. I was bringing with it an immediate awakening into the ‘knowing’ of Universal Truths and the Reality of Supreme Self. This magnificent All-pervasive Effulgence was so glorious! It was true, there is only one Being, one God, and THAT is the true Self of all. All are just a reflection of God: All are That One. I, too, was That One. THAT is my Reality. I was brimming, overflowing with the supreme knowing that The Supreme Being is my own true Self, my true identity. It was here, now, and always. There is no past or future; it is all happening constantly in the now. Losing it all, dissolving, I was, ‘I AM THAT I AM’ (Aham Brahmasmi) I knew that I was and I AM all there was to know! Just like myself, all of creation wherever and however it existed; whether human, animal, mammal, plant, or nature, all were full in themselves. All were and are God, a beautiful glorious expression of that same Fullness. Creation was just Divinity experiencing itself through Its Creation!! I was bathing in Consciousness, as Consciousness. I was enjoying this bliss of Union with the Absolute, Divine Self, God, and Full with wholeness of Being. I wanted only to remain as this Cosmic Being forever. I never want to be separate again from this Oneness, this All-encompassing Love! This was my feeling, as a faint memory of the world of separateness wafted into my consciousness and anxiousness seemed to take over all of a sudden. I heard myself repeat twice, ‘Where do I go from here? Where do I go from here?’ By the formation of destiny, which is created by our actions and reactions, the newly transformed Being of myself now in existence, having received a downpour of higher Truths and realizing its Higher Self from having merged in Oneness with It. I knew that it had been brought within and as, the pure energy of That One, of pure white Light for a reason, so an element of wonderment was there at what might be coming next? Much to my dismay, however, the All-Pervasive KNOWING came through with a much different response than what I was expecting. Coming loud and clear, It reverberated through that infinite space of Consciousness, ‘You have to go back. You have to do the Work’ communicating that my real work on Earth was to begin now. I called out, ‘Please I don't want to go back! I'm very happy here!!’ But the Lord, Supreme Consciousness had spoken, and it had to be. Right then, I saw a long flexible kind of tunnel which almost looked like a huge hollow umbilical cord. I could actually see the outside and inside of it. Inside it I saw the form of an unborn human baby, with golden, light-colored skin, curled up like a fetus against the inner wall. 'So this is the Cosmic Womb Tunnel,' I thought. It seemed to be coming from infinity and spiraling downwards. But as I looked at it carefully, I exclaimed in alarm, ‘Oh no, not again!’ when I realized that I was that baby, speeding down headfirst, as the curled-up fetus in this cosmic tunnel-like womb, I was crossing the dimensional barriers. I thought, 'Oh God, oh no, I really was going back into Earth consciousness to be reborn!' Next thing I knew, I heard myself let out a cry. I had opened my human eyes. They were looking in the rear view mirror of a car at a mouth bleeding profusely with the whole lower face covered in blood. In a complete daze, feeling totally disoriented, I touched the face in the mirror and realized it was my mouth! I thought, 'Oh God, I have a human body again! I really am back.' The lower gum-bone had been broken and lay flat on my tongue. The four lower front teeth had come out of their gum sockets but were still held by their nerves as they sat on my tongue in the middle of the mouth. Upon touching my face, I could feel tiny particles of glass from the shattered windshield all over my upper face and even my eyelashes, but none, not one, had entered my eyes. Miraculously, despite this gruesome injury in my mouth, I was feeling no pain whatsoever. There was no physical feeling at all.
  15. I can't believe I didn't listen to people who told me that before. I'm gonna repeat it. "You don't want enlightenment and you can't want enlightenment." That's basically it. I'm not gonna say:"You're already enlightened" because nobody who seeks enlightenment is gonna want to hear that. Me included. Also, it's not about reading this in a right way for you to get it or not. It's more complex than that. And it's more simple than that. Also: "Realisations don't enlighten or liberate you". They just give you insights into reality, that's it, and those insights are gonna tell you to some degree that you're gonna have to do the following things: (after "here's the deal) You don't want to be nothingness/GOD/emptiness all the time. Because what's more empty than no-thingness? Non-existence, and that's death and or the absence of any perception. So here's the deal: Obviously you either want more of life or fewer of those negative things we call suffering. And you heard about spirituality or enlightenment. Bliss, god, liberation, enlightenment. If you took some psychedelics or had orgasmic awakenings you might think you want that all the time. For example, I had a kundalini awakening. I can't describe the pleasure I've had having it awaken. When it rose I felt like I was the sun being loved into existence. The next few weeks I just had to focus for a split second on my lower back and could maintain that cosmic orgasm for as long as I wanted. This sounds a lot like enlightenment, but it isn't. It's like a heroin IV drip. And the heroin is not gonna last, you're gonna lose it. That's your view on enlightenment if you seek more from life. And once you have that, which you don't necessarily need, you're gonna face suffering, which you'd want to escape from too. So here's the second thing. You can want enlightenment because life is too much suffering and you don't care that much about beauty pleasure etc. So you're gonna try everything you can, to escape suffering, because that's what enlightenment is for you. You're gonna cause suffering in order to escape suffering. The insane ego-mind is gonna have those ideas. You're also gonna want to kill yourself to avoid suffering. That's why you can't want enlightenment. You'd rather kill yourself than become enlightened. Because enlightenment is... No more doing, there's nothing you can do, there's just suffering and the mind handling it. That's it. There's no hope. Enlightenment is NOT the last hope, it's the end of hope alltogether. Most important message: "The thing you want to avoid most in your subjective experience is the door to enlightenment" That's it: If you want to escape your shitty life, then your shitty life is the door to enlightenment, and there's nothing you can do about it. That's surrender. Detaching from your shitty life is not enlightenment, it's what keeps you from enlightenment. If you have just one reason for pursuing enlightenment, that's it. That thing is the path / the door. So turn around 180°. There's also nothing you can do except exhaust yourself, until you give up. The grace of God doesn't show up if you're frustrated. It only shows up once you surrender thinking the only way out is suicide. That's how far it goes. And that's not even total enlightenment. That's when the falling into enlightenment CAN (but doesn't have to) start. It's as if you commited suicide, landed in hell for eternity, and had to accept it. That's when the grace of god shows up. YOU CAN'T WANT THAT!!!! So what can you do? Simple: There is "what IS" and there is "Aversion to what IS". Be minful of the "aversion to what is", so that it becomes "what is". AVERSION is illusory. Aversion is already "What IS" The seeking is gonna end with the aversion to the thing that makes you seek enlightenment in the first place. Important notice: 1. Don't play with suicide or suicidal thoughts. 2. Never hurt yourself emotionally or physically on purpose. 3. Never hurt other people/animals physically or emotionally. 4. Don't fuck up your life in any way. Don't change anything in your day-to-day life. Those are not "additional rules", but just indications that if you have those ideas, you don't understand what is being talked about. If you have those thoughts/ideas, feel free to PM me or comment them, I'm gonna tell you what you misunderstand.
  16. What's being explored is not external forms, what's being explored is God itself. To claim this is some tangent or distraction is precisely incorrect. You cannot know what God is without exploring what God is. And it becomes extremely evident to me that Buddhists, Vipassana meditators, self-inquirers, Neo-Advaita folk, and their ilk do not understand what God is. Because they haven't explored it. You cannot understand God simply by shutting down your mind and accessing some Jnana or cessation. That is not what God is. Nor can you understand what God is via Vipassana-like deconstruction of sensory experience. None of that is it. Loss of ego is not it. No-self is not it. Nothingness is not it. Emptiness is not it. Liberation is not it. I love Casteneda's work, but God-realization it is not, like at all.
  17. Hey I fucked the clutch pedal of my car again . Not bad enough to replace it yet. Jesus! I am so fucking stupid. My father is mad again. Went to bed at 3. I watched a movie in the kitchen, drank soda and ate popcorn. I prepared dried leaves of basil from my garden for chopping and storage. It took forever. I have to take off the other ones as well. Woke up late. Went in the kitchen after working out and laying in my bed on IG like a potato. My mother was asking my father to treat her better. He was laughing at this. I was feeling down for waking up late. I said yeah she is right or smth like that. Didn't matter anyways. My brother was very annoyed nobody from our family likes his girlfriend =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) This week is my sister BF's b-day. My family and I asked sister what should we get him as a present. She told us mostly very expensive stuff. Got smth for him but sister said he wont like it. I also got another shirt for myself. Is better quality that the other two i bought. I wanted this shirt for some time. I am noticing these moments of emptiness and silence in everyday moments. Each time i feel trapped. I feel like drowning. Is just nothingness. Just some moment with no meaning and no purpose. Just silence. Just living in the present, moment by moment, day by day and for what? Feels like torture. I find it very hard to be happy in the present moment. But when i worked out today i felt good. Just pushups and 100 abs. I didnt get sore muscles from running a few days ago. I was surprised. I went cycling with brother and his gf. I only invited brother but she came along. She kept complaining. It was very fucking annoying but didn't say a thing. She was like: OMG this road is so bumpy, this road is made of stones, this road is blah blah blah, i don't want to go uphiiiiill agaaaaain, you are riding to faaaaaast =))))))))))) I swear that's how she was like all that time. Dont know how my brother tolerates her. She annoyed me a lot. I didn't fap today. Wont go tomorrow at university. I studied for the massage course last few lessons. It was very hard to focus. Just kept thinking i am shit and i so on. I didnt manage to get as much as i wanted done. I am finding myself trying to do smth for the day to pass at work. I hate it. I just feel stupid not doing stuff for my accounts. I feel stupid for not looking over them. I am just feeling down so often, man. I feel like a pice of shit. I feel impatient to see more results faster. I just feel defeated.
  18. ❤ But I'm not arguing this. I stated things I notice in myself and ways I deal with my emotions and you said they're not real. That doesn't help me. Are you saying you meditate on nothingness? Is remembering nothingness a way to deal with life problems? I want to know what the practical aspect of remembering the non-real quality to reality is.
  19. @Tim R I can see by the replies that people have various interpretations... If Love means total equality and non-discrimination that makes logical sense. Same with lack of any anxiety/fear being Bliss/Peace. And I would ideally like to call consciousness nothingness or infinity tbh... Terminology is so often contested.
  20. Nothing exists out of your direct experience so I would say it's happening inside nothingness.
  21. I understand you on most of this. I understand that any thing is in a state of formlessness when not perceived and that ALL things inherently have no form at all and are thus infinite etc. I understand that red is red, sound is sound, etc. I understand the fact they are happening is a certainty. How I view this however is that all Qualia is EXTREME finitude. Literally one thing in absence of infinite others. Absolutely and inherently there is nothing out there etc etc and thus you are looking at nothingness/infinity in actuality, but the perception exists and perceptions themselves are all limited and finite. I don't think red the perception is infinite, evidently it is not blue when perceived as red. It COULD be perceived as blue but then it wouldn't be red. Red is red, yes, absolutely it is infinity because that's what all things are, but when redness is perceived, it is red and red alone. That is also how I would interpret a dream. Obviously the entire dream is a single mind, and that is like this here. But be it illusion or whatever you call it, it is experienced as dualistic and very finite. The existence of a finite perception does not rob it of its true nature like how a finite perception in a dream does not suddenly give that perception a reality beyond imagination taking place in mind.
  22. @Nahm not knowing it's the same as nothingness?
  23. Im just talking to myself. Time to accept the Nothingness brother. Its actually love ☀️
  24. If it wasn't appearing to be happening then you could not say you are having breakfast or that I am working. The fact it is appearing to be happening is what matters, and that is never going to end. I was glad to hear Leo on Curt's podcast as he verbalized what I think which is that you can't just will a million dollars into your drawer, as there's a deeper level of imagination that is beyond our self mind. Which explains absolutely everything. It's not the self imagining things into existence, it is indeed your perceptions which grant them an actuality/form. I get that. But it is on a deeper level than the finite mind we talk to each other from right now. If there wasn't an appearance of many (trick, illusion, whatever it may be termed) you could literally post right now precisely what I am seeing. Well, actually I don't think there would be an experience of anything because any form requires finitude. E.g. to appear red it must not appear blue and green and yellow. It might appear as those things to other creatures or w.e. but you see what I mean. I don't think infinity can be perceived. Infinity, consciousness, and nothingness, seem to be completely identical... And the process of experience appears to be exactly like dreaming, where there is an apparent world given form via perception and duality. Both the nothing and something being ultimately one, precisely like a dream.
  25. How comes? As far as I can tell, if all objects of perception are removed (which isn't actually possible) there would be no experience ever. What would be experienced if there were no apparent things to experience? Nothingness can't be perceived in absence of an apparent something. You can say there is no subject and object when seeing red, e.g. that there is just seeing, but I think that is a pairing. I can't verbalize why because I know what it is like to "become" the perceived objects, but I think that is just recognition of absolute nonduality STILL taking place in an apparent duality. Dreams are also duality within nonduality. You could never see a landscape in a dream if you weren't seemingly located somewhere in the dream, which is then dual even though we know it is all manufactured by a singular mind. I see multiplicity of any kind as an apparent duality.