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  1. @AverageMonkey The truth is, no one knows anything. Even Leo and the most hard-core psychedelics users say themselves: "there are infinite levels of awakening left, no matter how deep you have already awakened". AKA I know nothing.
  2. Well, several concerns. First, they could take the chemicals they find useful and then keep the real psychedelics illegal. I am also thinking of things like the chocolates that have THC and CBD and is called cannabis. The reductionists assume that cannabis can be embodied by two chemicals and they throw everything else away. When I have used these edibles, it has resulted in paranoid states and nausea, nothing like the effect of a naturally grown plant. It is actually a different substance but they still label it cannabis. Similarly, a mushroom is not just psilocybin, it is a complex living being. The substances could be reduced and altered with the same name used, and growing the real thing made illegal. I don’t trust how stage orange is going to package psychedelics in order to maximize profits, not awareness. They can transform the products and use the same name for a totally different substance. The eggheads see what they call “hallucinations” as just an annoying side effect. In their lower state of consciousness, they have no belief in awakening and view the idea with contempt. To get the "hallucinations" you will need to be monitored by "experts" who have a presumably been tested with a multiple choice test and given a piece of paper to put on their wall, which will make their fees high (which is good for stage orange). Also, why would the ruling elite want the world to be awakened? That is dangerous for them. LSD was quickly made illegal. Richard Nixon complained that his soldiers didn’t want to fight in Vietnam because of LSD. Richard Nixon was right. The indigenous people don’t see chemicals, they see plant teachers – separate beings worthy of respect and composed of incredible complexity.
  3. "If you cannot find peace and happiness unless you drug yourself with handful of nootropics, something seems quite not right." Who said this? You did. There is an implicit assumption that attaining peace and happiness is only "right" if it requires no substances. You can use multiple sophisms to deny it, but it won't fly here. "This is actually your mind that is creating your own requirements to allow yourself to be at peace, but you are the one who doesn't get it." Oh really? I was saying that there is no requirement that is set in stone. It all depends on one's situation. This was further clarified in my next post. But, you now backpedaled saying that I made a Nootropic requirement when in reality I never made such a requirement. I just said that deficiencies need to be corrected and that a holistic approach is necessary for reaching the truth. "There isn't anything wrong with improving your health, yet if you cannot accept living without these, then what is 'not quite right' is the fact that you become dependent on it, and as with everything you depend on, it can be taken away any moment, including your health, and then you enter suffering." Where did I say I can't accept living without them? I can accept it but reaching the highest states of consciousness becomes super unlikely. What you are saying sounds like it's deep, but it isn't. Think of Nootropics as consciousness-raising tools. Now go to a bunch of spiritual seekers in India, China, Japan, USA, Russia, whatever. Then, tell them, "You know what guys? If you need meditation, self-inquiry, contemplation, yoga, fasting, vision quests, proper diet, nootropics, or psychedelics, or any of these esoteric methods to be at peace and realize God, then something about that seems quite not right since you can't depend on them because happiness is already here" What would people say? They would just laugh... You can argue that no one can withdraw meditation or yoga or fasting like they withdraw health or nootropics. I can easily counter it with: You can have people withdraw meditation from you if you are in a prison where there are people constantly screaming and you cannot sit in quiet or peace. Let's say you are a sage who can meditate even when people are being tortured in a prison cell across the hall, then we can say that there will be guards that prevent you from meditating by hitting you with a stick once you sit to meditate. You can have Yoga withdrawn from you easily. All you need is one big injury to your spine or your leg, and it's over. You can have fasting withdrawn from you. All you need is to have serious deficiencies and health problems where fasting daily for even 15 hours can lead to you dying in a week tops. As such, you can't fast. Again, another person here not seeing the paradoxical nature of this whole journey. The paradox being that happiness is already here and you shouldn't depend on things to see it, BUT in fact, you actually should depend on meditation, yoga, diet, supplements, exercise, psychedelics, etc to get there. However, your toolbox of strategies for awakening will vary depending on who you are. Some will use Yoga, Meditation, Psychedelics, and Fasting. They never needed nootropics, a perfect diet, or anything like that. Others will use Yoga, Nootropics, Fasting, and Contemplation. They never needed meditation in the traditional sense or a perfect diet. And so on and so forth. But, someone like you will come and make this rule that, "you guys shouldn't depend on x or y because Peace and Happiness are already here since x and y can be withdrawn and as such, needing x or y seems quite not right." That's nonsense. This is a pure assumption, but I bet you probably wouldn't have flinched to say that we are "dependent" on meditation or Yoga for enlightenment because, in your Egoic paradigm, they are less "icky" since they don't involve substance use. This whole "it is already here" is again a bastardization of the teachings of nonduality. Yes, it is "here," but you do need tools to get there and one of them is Nootropics. Yes, health can be lost, and when that happens, if one isn't already awakened, suffering will ensue. But before that happens, one MUST UTILIZE health to get to this awakened state such that when it is withdrawn by some accident, they are okay. "And if you will, keep your passive-aggressive tone and your fairytales towards me for someone else." Ummm, no. If you will say patronizing things like "drug oneself" and then moralize us with what is "quite not right," then WE WILL CALL YOU OUT with or without a passive-aggressive tone. If you don't like being called out, then Forums aren't for you.
  4. @BipolarGrowth "Do you see how “nasty” and “destructive” your view of this is, or would you like further explanation? Without a problem, there is no solution. If you grasped your “solution” to a high enough degree, you would see that you are not nearly as far from these people you are using as examples as you think you are." Well, I can definitely see right through you; that's for sure. You are trying really hard to sound smart. So let's do some deconstruction on your analysis: Do I see how destructive my view is? My view is how the world is shaped. I am aware of that Your view and your rhetorical question on me needing further explanation came from an egoic emotional reaction to the words "destructive" and "nasty" Do you see that? Or do you need further explanation? "Without a problem, there is no solution" That is how duality works, we all know that. This is why I mentioned you are trying so hard to sound smart and awakened. In addition, I don't want them to have problems so that I can present the "solution" as the other end of the duality. So you saying "without a problem, there is no solution" seems to me that you are assuming that I want to give out solutions while people suffer so that I feel good about myself. Which MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, this is just you projecting your own egoic desires of being a "saviour" on me? Lastly, just because solutions are cognized in consciousness by their contrast to a problem DOES NOT mean we must praise problems. In the grand holistic scheme of things, all of consciousness is Love and Beauty and must be praised, but since we are in the human form, the suffering of other humans due to their disconnectedness from God/Universe will be seen by our ego as painful, if our ego is developed enough to care that is. As such, we will not like it and will want to act selflessly. But what did you do? You saw this, misunderstood it, and imparted your false "deep insight" of duality on all of us as if you are a sage... "If you grasped your “solution” to a high enough degree, you would see that you are not nearly as far from these people you are using as examples as you think you are." I see how you are trying to "ground me in reality" When in essence, you took my honest intentions to help these people, saw two words that felt "icky," and then projected your ego-driven false wisdom on me; all with 0 consciousness of what you're doing... "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." Matthew 23:12 You unconsciously tried to exalt yourself by attempting to humble me. But here, you got humbled. If you have quality criticism to make, I am all ears, but if it is just meaningless and ego-driven, I will have to humble you and put you in your place very quickly sir. Lastly, out of respect for the guidelines, I will not make any further responses to anything you reply back. My point has been made clear for all the other people on this blog. Peace and blessings to all of you <3
  5. Don't worry so much about ego and spiritual death and all of that if you're so new to the work. Focus on practicing personal development and self-love. Playing and modding games is fine, do it for passion if that's what you enjoy. The whole point of self actualization is to see what it is that you can offer this world and to explore your own existence with love and passion driving it. Don't listen to spiritual people with a stick up their ass, you don't need to sit around and do nothing all day to be awakened.
  6. I was talking with @m0hsen in the sleep yoga thread about energy work. I made this thread here to seperate the energy work stuff from sleep yoga. So I'm gonna answer to some of the energy questions here. "What is your experience with energy channeling btw? Are you planning to go for a Kundalini rising or what?" When I channel energy, some sensations are similar to kriya supreme fire. But it's more intense and more energetic whereas supreme fire tends to be a bit more non-dual and more blissful. The energy also feels different. I get a lot of pressure in the crown chakra and third eye chakra area and when the session is very intense, it gets uncomfortable in the upper body too. I also hear a gentle buzzing sound. I think I already have a partial kundalini awakening from yoga, transmissions and other practices. And I'm sure whatever is still dormant will be awakened with my energy channeling.
  7. You may have, or are, experiencing a form of Spiritual bypassing! I try not to use other people’s words and ideas when expressing some of my own thoughts, but in this case Luna & Sol managed to sum-up and provide useful examples of Spiritual Bypassing. In no way am I promoting their web site, other than to use their examples of Spiritual Bypassing, which I have been subject to and still battle to this day. The examples given below are just food for thought, and they may or may not add some practicality to those seeking expanded awareness and consciousness. “Spiritual bypassing, by Luna & Sol” The reality is that not everything in life is ‘love and light’ as is the slogan for many spiritual seekers. Pursuing the light and living enlightened and deeply interconnected existences is also about setting yourself on fire. It is about creating an inferno of your false beliefs, illusions and separating desires, ideals, and prejudices. It is about surrendering to the destruction of every limiting thing you ever thought and felt about yourself, other people, and the world. Spirituality is not always pretty. In fact, oftentimes it is the most shattering, tumultuous, and testing experience we can go through in life. The truth is that there are many types of spiritual bypassing that we sometimes don’t recognize (or refuse to recognize) in life. I have listed ten of the most common types below: I) The Optimistic Bypass We’ve all come across people in life who love to laugh and smile, yet seem to be forcefully optimistic. “Focus on the positive!” “See the glass as half full!” “Don’t let a frown get you down!” are some of the catchcries of these people who tend to use optimism as a way of avoiding the more somber and troublesome realities of life. The optimistic bypass is often a side product of anger-phobia, or the inability to deal with negative emotions. II) The Aggrandizement Bypass This is a type of self-delusion that some spiritual seekers use as a way of masking their perceived deficiencies and insecurities. The aggrandizement bypass is adopted by those who seek to feel enlightened, superior or having reached higher planes of existence. It is sometimes used by self-proclaimed masters, leaders, spiritually awakened souls, and gurus. III) The Victim Bypass When one becomes a victim of their gifts, or of other people, this takes away the pressure of responsibility for shaping a satisfying life and taking responsibility for one’s happiness – such is the case with the Victim Bypass. This type of spiritual bypass is often used by spiritual seekers who believe they have extrasensory gifts of some kind, but due to their gifts they are unable to feel happy or healthy. Identifying as an Empath is sometimes a good example of this type of bypassing, as it can be interpreted as the fault of other people and their emotions for behaving in self-destructive and volatile ways. Other labels, like being a clairvoyant, indigo child, starseed, gifted healer, and so on, can often fall into the Victim Bypass trap. IV) The Psychonaut Bypass Many spiritual seekers explore the frontiers of the mind, the soul, and reality through the use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD, DMT, psilocybin mushrooms, mescaline, and other entheogens that expand the mind and perception of existence. While this is a fascinating way of exploring reality, entheogens, like any other drug, can sometimes be used as a way of escaping reality and avoiding committing to personal development and soulful refinement. V) The Horoscope Bypass When we frequently look outside of ourselves for help and guidance, as is with the case with Horoscopes and Psychics, we are failing to tap into our inner wellsprings of wisdom and strength and are allowing external predictions to control the outcome of our lives. The Horoscope Bypass is derived from fear and mistrust of ourselves, our inability to make decisions, and our inability to deal with anything tough that comes our way. VI) The Saint Bypass As children, we were conditioned to believe that a “spiritual person” is always kind, compassionate, and saintly. In adulthood, we continue to repeat this story to ourselves, and sadly, it can cause us tremendous suffering. The Saint Bypass is a reflection of extreme “black or white” thinking, promoting the underlying belief that spiritual people can’t have dark sides because that would make them “unspiritual.” This type of bypass is essentially avoidance of one’s Shadow Self (dark side) by overcompensating with the guise of a sweet, heavenly, exterior. Self-sacrifice is a major symptom of this type of bypassing. VII) The Spirit Guide Bypass In some spiritual traditions, it is a God who protects, in others an angel, an animal or an ascended being. No matter who the Spirit Guide is, the belief that they are there to “protect” us is pleasing to the mind but ultimately constricting to the soul. When we place our faith in another being’s power to ward off danger and keep us safe, we are committing a classic spiritual bypass: avoiding responsibility for ourselves and our lives and sidestepping the tough development of courage and resilience. We are not children, but when we think of ourselves as being so we mold our lives in such a way that we fail to develop strength of spiritual character. Spirit guides serve to teach us rather than to babysit us. VIII) The Prayer Bypass Similar to the Spirit Guide Bypass, the Prayer Bypass circumvents personal responsibility by putting faith in a higher being to solve all of our problems and issues. While praying can be a healthy practice, it can easily become limiting and misguided. IX) The Guru Bypass Often it is beneficial to follow a guru, shaman or spiritual teacher to learn and grow. However, becoming too attached to them can rapidly turn into another form of spiritual bypassing. The temptation to begin worshiping (knowingly or unknowingly) these teachers means that we eventually forget the purpose of listening to them: to integrate the essence of their teachings. By treating the words of a guru or master as the irrefutable truth and failing to think for ourselves, we are starved of true spiritual growth and transformation on our spiritual journeys. X) The Finger-Pointing Bypass On our spiritual quests, we begin to see through the lies, delusions, and crazy behaviors committed by our fellow human beings and this can make us angry, downhearted, and frustrated. However, when we get caught up in “everything that is wrong” with the outside world and other people, dedicating our lives to the self-righteous quest of finger-pointing, this can be another form of spiritual bypassing. Finger-pointing instills us with a false sense of righteousness, taking away our responsibility of looking inside and working on ourselves. At its roots, the Finger-Pointing bypass is sourced from fear and avoidance and is a powerful form of procrastination. Food for though! Take what thoughts and ideas resonates, and store in your spiritual tool box those thoughts and ideas that don’t at this moment of now!
  8. Hello everyone, To begin, it is my wish that all of you are currently experiencing a deeply fulfilling journey on the pathless path and that you are filled with loving-kindness. I also wish those whose path is colored by suffering, a resolution to that suffering and deliverance into peace. The question: There is a noticing that, as ego develops, its met with ever more challenging realisations about its own state of being. How can the ego best cope with these increasingly damning indictments, without freaking out every time it gets lost in thought? (Assuming a stable transformation into the awakened state has not yet occurred.) Here are some examples: that the ego is not safe, that it will definitely die and probably soon, that society is thoroughly more corrupt and out of control than it previously believed, that the systems it used to construct its current physical/social circumstances are also corrupt and no longer represent its interests, that its very own meaning making process is simply a process without meaning and thus all of its output has no truth value. From the perspective of this ego, it feels trapped between two worlds - one moment, its the peaceful state of presence and allowing. The next moment, its a state of emergency, hopelessness and panic. These new beliefs have simply replaced the old ones and fuck, they are way more scary!!
  9. Seems like you're dabbling a bit. Have an awakening or two and then you will naturally go back to doing 'normie' things. At least that's my experience. Once I awakened, I went back to doing normie stuff after a month or two. It goes full circle. It's like I got what I came for. And no longer needed it. I focus on stage orange stuff now cause that's where I'm at in life. But I also know it's all a game and I just enjoy all the good and the 'bad' that I experience every day. Also, after awakening, I pretty much stopped spiritual practices and watching 'spiritual' actualized videos for about a year. Cause I got what they were pointing to.
  10. A cat or a dog or an ape is fully content and fulfilled by an unreflected life. But animals aren't enlightened. They are only awake in heart, not in mind. Obviously. Just like small human kids (2-5 years old). They are often VERY VERY awake in heart. God, have you seen these jewels? They are so free: FULLY expressing WHATEVER arises: laughter, cry, rage, WHATEVER man, it just gets expressed. They are SO fucking immersed in The Now. EVERYTHING is exciting for them. That ant crawling in the sand? They see it and FEEL it as GOD. Haha. But are 2-5 year old kids enlightened? HELL FUCKING NO. They are cruel bastards, deeply asleep in MIND. But god are they amazing too; so awake in HEART. What happens the kids grow up? Social conditioning. Trauma. More ego. ... the result? They become asleep in Heart, but at least they have the brain capable of becoming both awakened in Mind and Heart, if they just follow the spiritual path with enough authenticity for Truth/Freedom and don't care about eternal suffering (cos that will come before Actual Enlightenment, if you're serious enough). Look at Jesus or Buddha, was their life-histories free of suffering? Hell fucking no. Did they transcend all of it (transmuting it into Love, revealing its true nature) when they finally Awakened? Hell fucking yes. You are always living in the present moment fully. You can never not do that. You ARE The Present Moment. The only difference between Buddha and you is that Buddha is fully AWARE (not only in mind, but also in heart) of IT: that he is THAT, that he LIVES in that. Reality is Love/God. You either feel and see that, or you don't. That's the difference between being enlightened or not. Simple as that. End of discussion <3 The spiritual bypassing here is astonding. Wauw bro. This is some next level zen-devilry neo-advaita no-self nihilistic BULLSHIT here. What a fucking load of deep--crap-horseshit, brother. (A case of kind of awake in mind but still pretty deep asleep in heart, yet in the deep unconscious shadows, the ego is *CONCEPTUALLY* projecting externally as if IT is indeed awake in heart, while it's clearly not, hehe, ... these unconscious projections never cease to surprise/amaze me). Let me repeat what I wrote: And then let me repeat: YOU DO FUCKING NEED THAT. ENLIGHTENMENT IS A STATE. STOP THE FUCKING IGNORANT SPIRITUAL BYPASSING. IT'S PISSING ME OFF <3 Wauw man. I'm speaking from direct experience here. Not from some conceptual ideas/belief systems in my head. I have tried everything I write. Directly experienced. Actuality. I've been to the deepest pits of hell, you can't even imagine. Likewise, I've been to the deepest heights of heaven, you can't even imagine either. And right now, I'm sober pretty high in heaven, if you ask me :-) But it's a state. I can lose it if I go down the nihilistic zen-devilry meaningless route of saying "NOTHING MATTERS SO I MIGHT AS WELL EAT JUNK FOOD AND MASTURBATE IN FRONT OF MY PC ALL DAY TELLING PEOPLE HOW NOTHING MATTERS ON AN ONLINE FORUM. HIHI LOOK AT ME. NO ONE HERE BRO! NOTHING TO DO. NOTHING TO REALIZE. JUST SMOKE WEED AND SMILE LIKE YOU'RE HAPPY!" ... fucking spiritual bypassing is what it is. The immensely sneaky ways of ego never cease to amaze me either
  11. Yup. I like to differentiate between awakening "in mind" and awakening "in heart". What I call "being enlightened" is when BOTH your mind AND heart is fully transcended, awakened. The "heart"-part is the 'hard part' (pun intended) for a lot of atheistic, rational, INTP, Enneagram Five, logical types of people (basically 75% of peeps following Leo). The heart part is hard because you can't become awakened in it: - without pushing your comfort zones to the max - without listening to and allowing ALL of your emotions to come up - without direct experience, actuality. The heart part is especially hard because all INTP/Enneagram Fives are most likely not 'real' introverts, or real logicians, or real nerds or real competition/mental-minded aloof people. Their soul is probably filled with a desire to - FEEL - CONNECT - LOVE - EXPRESS - DEEPLY BOND WITH OTHERS However, all their desire to withdraw from society, to think and rationalize everything, to observe (instead of participate in) life, to create firm boundaries with other people in fear of getting too close to someone etc etc.. is VERY LIKELY survival/defense-mechanism learned in childhood (3-18 years old) due to some pretty intense trauma, that they are NOT fully conscious of today. All fives, intps, go talk to a pyschotherapist, a good one who knows about trauma, and then be honest and open with her (or him) and cry your hearts out. Love <3 The trauma probably has to do with early experiences of getting exluded from the peers' community, and perhaps even bullying, or perhaps father-figures who were emotionally inept / detached. But lots of other possible causes out there. Being awakened in heart is equal to deep inner peace, almost no fear, free expression. Being awakened in mind is equal to deep knowledge of Oneness, Nothingness, the illusory nature of ego/thought, and basically the perspectival nature of reality. A deep knowledge of the mechanics of duality. A deep understanding of relativism/post-modernism, basically a full embodiment of both stage green & yellow thinking. Turquoise requires the 'heart' part + fully integration of stage yellow. Do know that some people are kind-of awakened in heart but pretty asleep in mind. Sociopaths for instance, we could say, zen devils, or some extreme hippies. Likewise a lot of people on this forum are very much awake in mind but seemingly kind of lack the heart part still ( @VeganAwake, @traveler, im looking at you xD). It is basically another more benevolent form of zen delivery, denying their own unconscious attachment to concepts by masking it with their hillarious/sad nihilistic "no-self / no-one / nothingness / nothing to understand / nothing to attain / nothing to realize / no one to realize / nothing to do / nothing to get to / nothing to become / no one to become" - jargon, which all INTPs/enneagram Fives, including me (i've been there) know all too well =D Also guys, now I tagged you for lolz, but you don't have to come in and tell me your repetitious (and often funnily obviously shadow-projective) lines of: "that's just a belief, narrative, story, conceptual-thinking, cute model" "that's just what appears there, and it's perfectly fine - for no one" I got it. You deny Love. But even though you deny it, that it still Love. Reality is fucking Love. How could it be otherwise? :-) <3 What an exceptional post @WaveInTheOcean
  12. Yup. I like to differentiate between awakening "in mind" and awakening "in heart". What I call "being enlightened" is when BOTH your mind AND heart is fully transcended, awakened. The "heart"-part is the 'hard part' (pun intended) for a lot of atheistic, rational, INTP, Enneagram Five, logical types of people (basically 75% of peeps following Leo). The heart part is hard because you can't become awakened in it: - without pushing your comfort zones to the max - without listening to and allowing ALL of your emotions to come up - without direct experience, actuality. The heart part is especially hard because all INTP/Enneagram Fives are most likely not 'real' introverts, or real logicians, or real nerds or real competition/mental-minded aloof people. Their soul is probably filled with a desire to - FEEL - CONNECT - LOVE - EXPRESS - DEEPLY BOND WITH OTHERS However, all their desire to withdraw from society, to think and rationalize everything, to observe (instead of participate in) life, to create firm boundaries with other people in fear of getting too close to someone etc etc.. is VERY LIKELY survival/defense-mechanism learned in childhood (3-18 years old) due to some pretty intense trauma, that they are NOT fully conscious of today. All fives, intps, go talk to a pyschotherapist, a good one who knows about trauma, and then be honest and open with her (or him) and cry your hearts out. Love <3 The trauma probably has to do with early experiences of getting exluded from the peers' community, and perhaps even bullying, or perhaps father-figures who were emotionally inept / detached. But lots of other possible causes out there. Being awakened in heart is equal to deep inner peace, almost no fear, free expression. Being awakened in mind is equal to deep knowledge of Oneness, Nothingness, the illusory nature of ego/thought, and basically the perspectival nature of reality. A deep knowledge of the mechanics of duality. A deep understanding of relativism/post-modernism, basically a full embodiment of both stage green & yellow thinking. Turquoise requires the 'heart' part + fully integration of stage yellow. Do know that some people are kind-of awakened in heart but pretty asleep in mind. Sociopaths for instance, we could say, zen devils, or some extreme hippies. Likewise a lot of people on this forum are very much awake in mind but seemingly kind of lack the heart part still ( @VeganAwake, @traveler, im looking at you xD). It is basically another more benevolent form of zen delivery, denying their own unconscious attachment to concepts by masking it with their hillarious/sad nihilistic "no-self / no-one / nothingness / nothing to understand / nothing to attain / nothing to realize / no one to realize / nothing to do / nothing to get to / nothing to become / no one to become" - jargon, which all INTPs/enneagram Fives, including me (i've been there) know all too well =D Also guys, now I tagged you for lolz, but you don't have to come in and tell me your repetitious (and often funnily obviously shadow-projective) lines of: "that's just a belief, narrative, story, conceptual-thinking, cute model" "that's just what appears there, and it's perfectly fine - for no one" I got it. You deny Love. But even though you deny it, that is still Love. Reality is fucking Love. How could it be otherwise? :-) <3
  13. It seemed to say that the Devil had fetched her, but to be accurate, the dream said it was the wild huntsman, the gundholt, or wearer of the green hat, who hunted with his wolves that night. It was the season of Fohn storms in January. It was Wotan, the God of my Alemannic ancestors who had gathered my mother to her ancestors. Negatively, to the wild horde, but positively to the blessed folk. It was the Christian Missionaries who turned Wotan into a Devil. He is an important God, a Mercury or Hermes as the Romans correctly realized. A nature spirit who returned to life again in the Merlin of the grail legend and became as the spiritus mercurialis. The sought-after arcanum of the alchemists. Thus the dream says that the soul of his mother was taken into that greater territory of the Self, which lies beyond the segment of Christian morality. Taken into that wholeness of nature, and spirit. In which conflicts and contradictions are resolved. He went home and while riding the night train he had a feeling of great grief, but in his heart of hearts he could not be mournful. And this for a strange reason - during the entire journey, he continually heard dance music. Laughter. And jollity. As though a wedding were being celebrated. This contrasted violently with the devastating impression the dream had made on him. One the one hand, music and laughter and it was impossible to yield entirely to his sorrow. Again and again it was on the point of overwhelming him. But the next moment he would find himself once more engulfed by the cheerful melodies. One side was warm and joyful and the other of terror and grief. He was thrown back and forth between these contrasting emotions. This paradox can be explained if we suppose that at one moment death was being represented from the point of view of the ego. And at the next, from that of the psyche. In the first case, it appeared as a catastrophe that is how it so often strikes us. As if wicked and pettiless powers had put an end to human life. And so it is death is indeed a fearful piece of brutality. There is no sense pretending otherwise. It is brutal not only as a physical event, but far more so psychically. A human being is torn away from us, and what remains is the icy stillness of death. There no longer exists any hope of a relationship. For all the bridges have been smashed in one blow. Those who deserve a long life are cut off in the prime of their years, and good for nothings live to a ripe old age. This is a cruel reality which we have no right to sidestep. The actual experience of the cruelty and wantonness of death can so embitter us that we conclude there is no merciful God. No justice and no kindness. From another point of view, however, death appears as a joyful event. In the light of eternity, it is a wedding. The soul attains as it were, its missing half. It achieves wholeness. Many cultures view death as a celebration of this return to wholeness. He had a dream of his father who looked refreshed, they went into Jung's library and spoke to one another and to show off his home and family, his books that he had written - but he saw that his father was preoccupied. His father wanted something from him. His father asked him about marital psychology, but then he awoke - and realized later that it might have had to do with his mother's death. The marriage was not happy and they made typical mistakes couples make. The dream was a forecast of his mother's death. He would have to resume the relationship again but had no better understanding in this timeless state, and needed to speak to someone among the living who would have a fresh approach. Since the unconscious, as the result of it's spatio-temporal relativity possesses better sources of information than the conscious mind, which has only sense perceptions available to it - we are dependent for our myth of life after death upon the meager hints of dreams and similar spontaneous revelations from the unconscious. We cannot attribute to these illusions the value of knowledge let alone prove - they can, however, serve as suitable bases for mythic amplifications. They give the intellect the raw material which is indispensable for its vitality. Cut off the intermediary world of mythic imagination and the mind falls prey to doctrinaire rigities. On the other hand, too much traffic with these germs of myth is dangerous for weak and suggestible minds, for they're lead to mistake vague intimations for substantial knowledge. One widespread myth of the hereafter is formed by the ideas and images centering on reincarnation. India has a highly complex intellectual culture and is much older than the West - the idea of reincarnation is as much taken for granted as among us the idea that God created the world. In keeping with the spirit of the East, the succession of birth and death is viewed as an endless continuity. As an eternal wheel rolling on forever without a goal - man lives and attains knowledges and dies and begins again from the beginning, only with the Buddha does the idea of a goal emerge. Namely the overcoming of earthly existence. The mythic needs of the Occidental call for an evolutionary cosmogony with a beginning and a goal. The Occidental rebels against a cosmogony with a beginning and mere end. Just as he cannot accept that the idea of a static self contained eternal cycle of events. The Oriental on the other hand seems to be able to come to terms with this idea. Apparently there is no unanimous feeling about the nature of the world anymore than there is general agreement among contemporary astronomers on this question. To Western man, the meaninglessness of a merely static universe is unbearable. He must assume that it has meaning. The Oriental does not need to make this assumption, rather he embodies it, whereas the Occidental feels the need to complete the meaning of the world - and strives for the fulfillment of meaning in man, where the Oriental strives for the fulfillment of meaning in man stripping the world and existence from himself. Both are right. Western man seems predominantly extroverted, Eastern man predominantly introverted. The former projects the meaning and considers that it exists in objects. The later feels the meaning in himself, but the meaning is both without and within. The idea of rebirth is inseparable from that of karma - the crucial question is whether a man's karma is personal or not. If it is - then the preordained destiny with which a man enters life represents an achievement from previous lives and a personal continuity therefore exists. If however, this is not so - and an impersonal karma is seized upon in the act of birth, then that karma is incarnated again without there being any personal continuity. Buddha was twice asked by his disciples whether man's karma is personal or not - each time he fended off the question and did not go into the matter. "To know this would not contribute to liberating one's self from the illusion of existence." Buddha considered it far more useful for his students to meditate upon the Nidana chain that is upon birth, life, old age and death - and upon the cause and effect of suffering. I know no answer to the question of whether the karma which I lived is the outcome of my past lives or whether it is not rather the achievement of my ancestors whose heritage comes together in me. Am I a combination of the lives of these ancestors, and do I embody these lives again? Have I lived before in the past as a specific personality and did I progress so far in that life that I am now able to seek a solution? I do not know... Buddha left the question open - he himself did not know with certainty. I could well imagine that I might have lived in former centuries, and therefore encountered questions I was not yet able to answer. That I had to be born again because I had not fulfilled the task that was given to me. When I die, my deeds will follow along with me - that is how I imagine it. I will bring with me what I have done. In the meantime it is important to ensure that I do not stand at the end with empty hands. Buddha had this thought when he tried to keep his students from wasting time on useless speculation. The meaning of my existence is that life has addressed a question to me. Or conversely, I myself am a question, which is addressed to the world and I must communicate my answer - for otherwise I am dependent upon the world's answer. That is a supra personal life task, which I accomplish only by effort and with great difficulty. Perhaps it is a question which preoccupied by ancestors. And which they could not answer. (As I sit here, writing this - this Being speaks. I don't know who it is - the artwork comes from a song called "Stuck in a Timeloop". The Gods must have a slow, drawn, deliberate way of using words - that carry - like playing something of intellectual/metaphyisical substance at .25 and fully understanding what is said, words become LUSTROUS; golden, liquid and FELT - and I will bet the words circle around like that, too - in waves of information, sound, and whathaveyou. I've gotten about ten other signs from the other side, but they come in so fast and there is too much information within them to be able to write it out - which is as it usually goes. There are major things happening across the planet that will change things in one way or another, for better or worse, I don't know - and all the intelligences collected over billions of years culminating into this One Singular moment, and the energy, life, karma, nature, consciousness, awareness... I could make a long list... the witnesses for this event are leviathans. This really is, if there is ever a time - it would be happening Now. It seems odd to say this, because i know that a lot of people have said so in the past - but I can SEE it and FEEL it and KNOW it. And with how the world is changing the way that it is - and the cosmologies that we have... I can't explain it, but the tipping point for everyone is sneaking up and no one can really see it, and I don't know what it is other than an inner knowing, and a process much like Jung's - but at the end of the day you can never fully be sure up until the end. I feel like I am starting to get a good grasp on this, though - but it is not translatable into language. As above, so below. This is especially pertinent to witches/shamans/moons/sorcerers because we have access to some sort of thing that reaches out from the other side. I wonder how they will appear for different people? And I don't much care if people believe me or not, and I don't want anyone to follow me because I am just learning and exploring. I feel that makes me authentic, for those reasons - this morning, a shift in energy - there aren't signs anymore so much as rapid succession of the environment giving me clues about how this reality works - mythology is personal.) The dionysians' side of life to with the Christian seems to have lost the way. Or is the the restless Wotan Hermes of my ancestors who poses challenging riddles? Would I feel to be the resultant of my ancestors lives? Or a karma acquired in a previous personal life might perhaps equally be an impersonal archetype which today presses hard on everyone and has taken a particular hold upon me. An archetype such as, for example, the development over the centuries of the divine triad and its confrontation with the feminine principle? Or the still pending answer to the gnostic question, as to the origin of evil, or to put it another way - the incompleteness of the Christian God image. Through the achievement of an individual, a question enters the world - to which he must provide some kind of answer. For example - my way of posing the question as well as my answer may be unsatisfactory - that being so - someone who has my karma or I myself would have to be reborn in order to give a more complete answer. It might have been that I would not be reborn again so long as the world needed no such answer. And that I would be entitled to several hundred years of peace until someone was once more needed who took an interest in these matters and could profitably tackle the task aknew. For a while a period of rest could ensue until the stint done in the previous lifetime needed to be taken up again. The question of karma is obscured to me. As is also the problem of personal rebirth, or of the transmigration of souls. With a free and open mind, I listen attentively to the Indian doctrine of rebirth and look around at the world of my own experience to see whether somewhere and somehow there is some authentic signs pointing toward reincarnation. A belief is only the phenomenon of belief, not the content of the belief. Jung had a series of dreams that gave him insight into reincarnation but did not find proof in the outer world, but after the experience viewed reincarnation with a new lense - thought without being in a position to assert a definitive opinion. If we assume life continues there we cannot conceive of any other form of existence except a psychic one. For the life of the psyche requires no space - and no time. Psychic existence and above all the inner images with which we are here concerned - supply the material for all the mythic speculations about a life in the here after. He imagines that life as a continuance in the world of images - thus the psyche might be that existence in which the hereafter, with a land of the dead, is located. From this psychological point of view, life in the here after would seem to be a logical continuation of the psychic life of old age. With increasing age, contemplation and reflection, the inner images naturally play an ever greater part in man's life. Your old men shall dream dreams that to be sure presupposes that the psyches of the old man have not become wooden, or entirely petrified. In old age, one begins to let memories unroll before the mind's eye, and musings to recognize one's self in the inner and outer images of the past. This is like a preparation for an existence in the hereafter - just as in Plato's view philosophy is a preparation for death. The inner images keep me from getting lost in personal retrospection. Many old people become too involved in their reconstruction of past events. They remain imprisoned in these memories. But if it is reflective and is translated into images, this is beneficial. Try to see the line that leads through your life into the world and out of the world again. In general, the conception people form of the hereafter is largely made up of wishful thinking and prejudices. Thus in most conceptions, the hereafter is pictured as a pleasant place that does not seem so obvious to me, I hardly think that after death - we shall be sprinted to some lovely flowering meadow - if everything were pleasant and good in the hereafter, truly there would be some friendly communication between us and the blessed spirits. And an outpouring upon us of goodness and beauty from the prenatal state - but there is nothing of the sort. Why is there this insurmountable barrier between the departed and the living? At least half the reports of encounters with the dead tell of terrifying experiences with dark spirits, and it is the rule that the land of the dead observes icy silence, unperturbed by the grief of the bereaved. The world is far too unitary for there to be a hereafter in which the rule of opposites is completely absent. There too is nature, which after its fashion is also God's. The world into which we enter after death will be grand and terrible - like God and like all of nature that we know. Suffering does not entirely cease, granted that what I experienced in my 1944 visions, liberation from the burden of the body, and perception of meaning - gave me the deepest bliss. Nevertheless, there was darkness, too. And strange cessation of human warmth, If there were no imperfections, no primordial defect in the ground of creation - why should there be any urge to create? Any longing for what must be yet fulfilled? Why should the Gods be the least bit concerned about man and creation, about the continuation of the Nidara chain to infinity? After all, the Buddha opposes to the painful illusion of existence, as quote none - and the Christian hopes for the swift coming of this world's end. It seems probable that in the hereafter too, there exists certain limitations, but that the souls of the dead only gradually find out where the limits of the liberated state lie. Somewhere out there, there must be a determinant. A necessity conditioning of the world which seeks to put an end to the after death state. This creative determinant - so I imagine it, must decide what souls will plunge again into birth. Certain souls, I imagine, feel the state of three dimensional existence to be more blissful than that of eternity. But perhaps that depends on how much of completeness or incompleteness they have taken across with them from their human existence. It is possible that any further spell of three dimensional life would have no more meaning, once the soul had reached a certain stage of understanding. It would then no longer have to return, fuller understanding having put to route the desire for re-embodiment. Then the soul would vanish from the three dimensional world and attain what the Buddhists call Nirvana. But if a karma still remains to be disposed of, then the soul relapses again into desires and returns to life once more. Perhaps even doing so, out of the realization that something remains to be completed. It must have been primarily a passionate urge toward understanding, which brought about my birth. For that is the strongest element in my nature. This insatiable drive toward understanding has, as it were, created a consciousness in order to know what is and what happens, and in order to piece together mythic conceptions from the slender hands of the unknowable. We lack concrete proof that anything of us is preserved for eternity, at most we can say that there is some probability that something out of our psyche continues beyond physical death. Whether what continues to exist is conscious of itself, we do not know either. We feel the need to form some opinion on this question, we might possibly consider what has been learned from the phenomena of psychic dissociation. In most cases, where a split off complex manifests itself it does so in the form of a personality. As if the complex had a consciousness of itself. Thus the voices is heard by the insane are personified. I dealt with this phenomenon of personified complexes in my doctoral dissertation. We might, if we wish, adduce these complexes as evidence for a continuity of consciousness. Likewise, in favour of such an assumption are certain astonishing observations in cases of profound syncope after acute injuries to the brain and in severe states of collapse. In both situations, total loss of consciousness can be accompanied by perceptions of the outside world, and vivid dream experiences. Since the cerebral cortex, the seat of consciousness is not functioning at these times, there is as yet, no explanation for such phenomena. They may be evidence for at least a subjective persistence of the capacity for consciousness. Even in a state of apparent unconsciousness, the problem of the relationship between eternal man, the self and earthly man - in time and space, was illuminated by two dreams of mind. In one dream, which I had in October - 1958, I caught sight from my house of two lense shaped metallic gleaming discs which hurtled in a narrow arch of the house and down to the lake. They were two UFOs. Then another body came flying directly toward me. It was a perfectly circular lense, like the objective of a telescope. At a distance of four or five hundred yards it stood still for a moment and then flew off. Immediately afterward, another came speeding through the air, a lense with a metallic extension which lead to a box. A magic lantern. At a distance of 60 or 70 yards, it stood still in the air, pointing straight at me. I awoke with a feeling of astonishment. Still, half in the dream, the thought passed through my head. We always think that the UFOs are projections of ours. Now it turns out that we are their projections. I am projected by the magic lantern as C.J. Jung, but who manipulates the apparatus? I had dreamed once before of the problem of the self and the ego. In that earlier dream, I was on a hiking trip. I was walking along a little road through a hilly landscape. The sun was shining, and I had a wide view in all directions. Then I came to a small wayside chapel. The door was ajar and I went in. To my surprise, there was no image of the virgin on the altar and no crucifix either, but only a wonderful flower arrangement. But then I saw that on the floor in front of the altar facing me sat a yogi in lotus posture in deep meditation. When I looked at him more closely, I realized that he had my face. I startled in profound fright and awoke with the thought - "Aha!" - so he is the one who is meditating me. He has a dream. And I am it. I knew then, when he awakened I would no longer be. I had this dream after my illness in 1944. It is a parable. My self retires into meditation and medites my earthly form. To put it another way, it assumes human shape in order to enter three dimensional existence. As if someone were putting on a diver's suit in order to dive into the sea. When it renounces existence in the hereafter, the self assumes a religious posture as the chapel in the dream shows. In earthly form, it can pass through the experiences of the three dimensional world. And by greater awareness, take a further step toward realization. The figure of the yogi then, would more or less represent my unconscious prenatal wholeness and the far East, as is often the case in dreams a psychic state, alien, and opposed to our own. Like the magic lantern, the yogi's meditation projects my empirical reality. As a rule, we see this causal relationship in reverse. In the products of the unconscious we discover mandala symbols, which express wholeness and whenever we wish to express wholeness, we employ just such figures. Our basis is ego consciousness. Our world, the field of light centered upon the focal point of the ego - from that point, we look out upon an enigmatic world of obscurity. Never knowing to what extent the shadow we form we see are caused by our consciousness. Or possess a reality of their own. The superficial observer is content with the first assumption, but closer studies show that as a rule - the images of the unconscious are not produced by the consciousness. But have a reality and spontaneity of their own. Nevertheless, we regard them as mere marginal phenomena. The aim of both these dreams is to affect a reversal of the relationship between ego consciousness and the unconscious. And to represent the unconscious as the generator of the empirical personality. This reversal suggests that in the opinion of the other side, our unconscious existence is the real one. And out conscious world, a kind of illusion. An apparent reality constructed for a specific purpose. Like a dream which seems a reality as long as we are in it. It is clear that this state of affairs resembled very closely to the Oriental conception of Maya. Unconscious wholeness therefore seems the true spirit of all biological and psychic events and strives for total realization, which in man's case, signifies the attainment of total consciousness. Attainment of consciousness is culture in the broadest sense, and self knowledge is therefore the heart and essence of this process. The Oriental attributes unquestionably divine significance to the self and according to the ancient Christian view, self knowledge is the road to knowledge of God. The decisive question for man is, is he related to something infinite or not? That is the telling question of his life. Only if we know that the thing which truly matters is the infinite, can we avoid fixing our interest upon futilities. And upon all kinds of goals which are not of real importance. Thus we demand that the world grant us recognition for qualities which we regard as personal possessions. Our talent or our beauty. The more man lays stress on false possessions, and the less sensitivity he has for what is essential, the less satisfying is his life. He feels limited because he has limited aims. And the result is envy and jealousy. If we understand and feel that here in this life we already have a link with the infinite, desires and attitudes change. In the final analysis, we count for something only because of the essential we embody. And if we do not embody that, life is wasted. In our relationships to other men, too, the crucial question is whether an element of boundlessness is expressed in the relationship - the feeling for the infinite, however, can be attained only if we are bounded to the utmost. The greatest limitation for man is the self. It is manifested in the experience "I Am" only that. Only consciousness of our narrow confinement in the self forms the link to the limitlessness of the unconscious. In such awareness, we experience ourselves concurrently as limited and eternal. As both the one and the other. In knowing ourselves to be unique in our personal combination, that is ultimately limited, we possess also the capacity for becoming conscious of the infinite. But only then in in an era which has concentrated exclusively upon extension of living space and increase of rational knowledge at all costs, it is a supreme challenge to ask man to become conscious of his uniqueness and his limitation. Uniqueness and limitation are synonymous. Without them, no perception of the unlimited is possible and consequently, no coming to consciousness either. Merely a delusory identity with it which takes the form of intoxication. Our age has shifted all emphasis to the here and now, and thus brought about a demonization of man and his world. The phenomenon of dictators and all the misery they have wrought springs from the fact that man has been robbed of transcendence by the short sightedness of the super intellectuals. Like them, he has fallen a victim to unconsciousness, but man's task is the exact opposite. To become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious. Neither should he persist in his unconsciousness. Nor remain identical with the unconscious elements of his being. thus evading his destiny. Which is to create more and more consciousness. As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. It may even be assumed that just as the unconscious affects us, so the increase in our consciousness affects the unconscious.
  14. You sound like someone who just awakened yesterday. If your chest tightened when you read that, you still have a position to defend. If absolutely nothing happened, you may have the abiding enlightenment goods. If you felt both of the following: completely inwardly unbothered by it, while at the same time having outward anger towards me, that's narcissism.
  15. The secret to distrusting the conditioned mind is simple: Suffer. When you have suffered enough, your eyes will open, and you will directly realize the source of your suffering. All this time, it was the monkey mind making you miserable. Only then will you have the strength to sacrifice its constant chatter to the void. Sweet, sweet silence at last ? Don't be fooled, though. Just because you have awakened doesn't mean the monkey is dead. It will constantly try to climb back out, and whisper into your ear. Vigilance and single-pointed attention will keep you safe, which as it turns out, is the point of practicing meditation. ?‍♂️
  16. accurate. after initiation you realize the rest is state chasing / appearance chasing. one's life becomes a psychedelic trip. embodiment process then unfolds with consciousness permanently raising upward and upward. subsequent trips after are just light shows and reference point drops or interesting material like reading a new book, you already know how to read from the first trip, awakened consciousness stays the same since the initiation breakthrough. nothing has yet to top first breakthrough. every other trip is like a refresher or a change of scenery.
  17. it is a pleasure and privilege to join this forum. I am so pleased to announce that my inner self recently rejected the ego machinery that has kept me unconscious for the last few years. Having chosen to be nothing and create life as a game in the mid 2000s , there were incredible and miraculous experiences experienced. over the last 5 or so years , I took a step back into an unconscious life. safe to say as I approached my late 30s (I'm 43 in 6 days), slowly the space for transformation closed up and meaning, fear and significance took over. I would say there was an event that I did not powerfully deal with, which was the passing of my father in August 2016 that was a turning point. luckily it was less of a challenge as I was blessed with the birth of a child at the end of November and that event made being unconscious just fine. all was great for a couple of years until the untrained ego machinery that runs the programming started to unravel quite significantly. with no conscious self involved, the primitive and limiting ego began struggling to make things work. the consequences were a marriage that was over in everything except title. living in separate parts of the house and just raising a daughter together. the ego continued to sabotage the plans that had been set by pushing for moving jobs and then not being satisfied and quitting said jobs. part of me that was conscious very rarely could see the machinery in action but no actions were taken to put my life plans back on the rails. when the lockdowns began in the UK, i was out of work for around 3 months. I found a new vice which was an online game that I began dedicating every waking moment to. to then make matters worse ( or exactly what was needed), through this online game, I managed to meet "the love of my life"in mid October. the human chemicals and machinery ran wild and we were addicted to each other like heroine addicts. she had a daughter and we discussed a life together. the only trouble was how to exit my current life. all my wealth, assets and fear of losing access to my daughter made the push for a quick divorce stall. by the end of January , my mistress, if I can call her that , was convinced that I would never leave my wife and I think decided to move on. from us permanently being joined at the hip on telegram and being in eachothers arms as often as we could, she lived 150 miles away, all contact was broken. in the realisation of that moment, something amazing happened. my self created identity completely unravelled and before I knew it, I was lost in a story of "intense grief". like a true drug addict, the withdrawal symptoms left my life void of any pleasure. I couldn't relate to my environment including my daughter. I went through fits of trying to contact her and initially she was receptive as she dealt with things on her side but eventually she had had enough of the intense neediness which is really the worst quality a partner can possess. a little light inside told me this was an opportunity to take control of my life. choose whether it was right to be in a marriage like this anymore. to get my career back on track and to awaken from this destructive slumber. within me was a sense of complete dissatisfaction around this ego based existence and this false construct of identity that had unravelled. initially on 26th January, I chose not to confront the inauthentic story regarding my relationship with Roo, while from a physical and mental perspective, she seemed the most compatible woman on every level I had ever met , I held onto the story that she had wronged me and abandoned me for someone else. that context around which I had set my belief system had me firmly trapped in the most intense grief and heartbreak I have ever experienced. from fits of despair and constant tears throughout the day , I chose to use exercise as therapy. that was all fine except there was not enough body to handle the level of exercise required to distract me from the despair. in the meantime I tried to push for a divorce too in case this would change Roo's mind. it didn't. the walls were closing in and all that existed was darkness. I was asleep. completely asleep. meditation and self hypnosis was the next fix, however, within the context of "the love of my life has abandoned me", the results were non consequential. it was only through confronting the lie, the lie that I had made up about my life and this situation and in fact my whole existence that finally created the space for something else to be possible. as a Buddhist may argue that any attachment outside ones self will lead to suffering and the conventional form of love, isnt true love. true love is unconditional. that is something I simply could not experience around Roo. I was completely addicted and was trapped in the human machinery. the ego led existence was in turmoil and disarray. something else is always possible... if you choose to see that your life is a construct and an interpretation of life which is not life. the big lie is the duality of having self being separate from the world. through this journey , I have discovered some amazing tools that I hope to share with anyone interested and this journal is mainly to chart my progress into acknowledging the wholeness and completeness of life , and also the wealth of resources out there. I am truly thankful and blessed to have met Roo, for not only is she true beauty wrapped in human form, but without her , I would not have opened this door into being awakened. I am at a stage where I can pray for her health, happiness and fulfillment and especially that she finds love in her life, someone that can be there for her and support her and love her and her beautiful child. I love you Roo, you saved me. you are my miracle and I acknowledge your immense strength, character and your delicious inner kindness and sensuality which I never knew could exist. I fell asleep at the wheel and you were the catalyst that led to my reawakening. I now am where I always dreamed to be... nowhere. I am who I always wanted to one. my life has all the meaning I could hope for... it means absolutely nothing.
  18. @OneIntoOne how can someone 'become moral' if 'morality is just a human construct'? If I don't think a flower is beautiful, is it still beautiful? That you think 'fully awakened beings become Moral' says nothing about how 'fully awakened beings' actually are.. only how they seem to be to you.
  19. You should check out this vid/YT channel. She was part of what awakened some of my psychic/spiritual abilities and connections to higher consciousness beings. I imagine her advice could really be the start to getting in touch with this stuff for yourself.
  20. I agree with y'all. I don't believe he is fully awakened, never said so either, but still interesting to listen to. He even mentions in other videos that he has not reached a full awakening.
  21. The Law of One gives profoundly convincing and almost intuitively obvious reasons for this. I highly recommend you look into it... It's more involved than anything I can explain here. Not presenting it as fact, just saying...take a gander at it. Aaron Abke has an amazing and fun intro series on it, on his YT channel. We're talking about an infinite universe of infinite intelligence -- rest assured, if ET's want to remain hidden, hidden they shall remain. If they didn't slowly open the minds of an unknowing civilization, the shock would cause major civil unrest and destabilization. If these beings/complexes have transcended time and space, distance is completely irrelevant. Positive, ultra-highly-developed multi-beings (merged via shared ego-death) may quarantine uninitiated planetary civilizations, so that other slightly-less-highly-developed negative beings/multi-beings don't enslave these civilizations (such as Earth). Supposedly, our planetary civilization is destined to become one of these multi-beings millions of years from now, if we don't kill ourselves before we become an awakened society. The Law of One calls these multi-beings "social memory complexes" -- all your memories and actions will eventually be known by the entire civilization, and our civilization can merge with other social memory complexes, and so on all the way to the infinite creator mind.
  22. Well I am mostly speaking from my own experience. To put it into context, I was very happy last sommer. Felt like 24/7 ecstasy almost. Felt like I had awakened. "Thought" 'I' was "done", enlightened. I had a very deep 2cb trip in June. Yet, when winter came, from September-February, I was very very depressed. Worst period was October-January, just 3-4 months filled with suicidal thoughts almost every hour I was awake. Wasn't that far from actually doing it - when it was worst, I planned it deliberately, and almost followed through. I suffered a lot. Deepest pit of depression. Yet, when I look back now, at my suffering, at all my major suicidal depressions (3 now, last 3 winters in fact), I can only see them as humbling, teaching experience. I have managed to transform the suffering into deep healing, wisdom, greater self-knowledge and more appreciation for my shadow and for - in general - what it means to be human.
  23. I have been working on the LP course and have been deeply contemplating my life purpose. I feel various events in my life point to my purpose is within investing. I am just not sure how it can be done consciously. I am sure the LP will answer this as I continue my work. I bought the LP to see if this is truly my calling or if it is ego or survival driving this. I've been reading various things on the Forum regarding investing and it seems that the consensus of those I follow is it is a get rich quick scheme and not creative. That nothing from investing is being creative that adds value or contributes to the world. As a longtime investor, I would agree in many aspects. I started investing when I was in the military back in 2004-2008 after earning extra money overseas. For over a decade, I was obsessed and identified myself with building wealth. I am not wealthy, but have done well. I was fired from my job as an analyst in 2017 due to a trading error. My firing was also due to my opposition of a poor performing product that was to be included in the model portfolios which I strongly apposed and every other member of the committee approved. This didn't sit well with my boss, and the trading error was an excuse to fire me. Good news though!!! It triggered my awakening and this has been the most amazing, beautiful thing to ever happen to me. It was the fork in the road to a path which is guiding me to the Truth. Since the start of my awakening, my attachment to money has dissolved. I used to put on a pedestal milestones of account values. I just hit one of them, but it didn't matter to me. I invested without restriction for a long time, but as I've awakened, this has changed. I am much more mindful of what I invest in, for instance, no oil companies, tobacco, etc. My 2020 performance was really life transforming which led me to the urge and feeling that I need to do this for others, not just me. To many people are under-served. I feel the financial services industry is loaded with people with massive egos (I was one of them ). I take the investing approach as being more of a business rather than ownership in paper. True ownership of a business, impacting lives all around. Some companies I've owned for over 10 years. The investment industry has much regulation (rightfully so) so creative power is limited. This is an issue if always had with the business. I work as a credit analyst now. I feel the organization is conscious, but the work is limited. I can do far, far more and it is time to move on. Perhaps helping no profits would be a niche for me. For an example, I guided a non-profit on how to sell their Bitcoin, they had no idea how to do it. I could manage portfolios with companies that have high consciousness values. This isn't new, but would be a way. Could it be just through conscious, deeply present interactions with clients along with a conscious investment philosophy? I've thought starting a YouTube channel and still might, but feel there are many out there but I feel most are low consciousness, click bait, talking up what they own type of Channels. There are many paths I outline here. By no means am I starting a business in investing now or perhaps ever. It depends what the Life Purpose Course result will be. I love the idea of spiritual teaching as I have healed from a lot of trauma from the military, but that's what Leo is for Right now, I am doing the LPC and contemplating this as a possible life purpose given my path thus far, skills, passion, and intuition. I just need to see if it is correct. Soooooo... Does a conscious investing Life Purpose exist?
  24. @Inliytened1@ i can't remove the tag i just write my thoughts on the topic. Well yes there is no free will. There is suffering that happens to people and some people are able to wake up while some are not. I would say that brains don't play a role (unless a genetic freak) but rather the experiences someone has, the suffering that is experienced, the discovery of the right spiritual teaching at the right time, a willingness to stop the suffering and the basic intelligence to understand a simple teaching. Maybe it has more to do with luck after all that generates the desire and gives the right tools. I'm not an Eckhart Tolle funboy i just know that applying his books someone can awaken. Let's leave the deeper stages out, still awakening is powerful. It has to do with returning in the now and eventually living only in the now while deconstructing the ego bit by bit. It's basically meditating and self inquiring always or another way to put it only now from now on. How can someone not awaken when this is understood and there is the desire to awaken. It's just developing the ability to go meta on every emotion, thought, belief or ego games returning to the now. The i don't belong to the spiritually gifted people is an identity and a limiting belief that can be let go off by self inquiring. It's just the art of letting go everything and living in the now. This is what i experienced. This can become a way of living. I can't talk about psychedelics because my experience is small but glimpses didn't stay in the now after the high unless they do but this wasn't my experience. If i could trip i would. Maybe in the future. I feel the need to write this. I am not awakened. I was 10 years ago for 1 month and it was something unforgettable. My life was complicated that's why it was harder to sustain it. However trying to practice this only for one day recently was extremely effective. I do feel that i have a choice in the matter even if that means me finding out again that i am not real. In a sense i know this and just pretend that i don't.
  25. Tho there is no end to personal development, there is a definitive point that limiting beliefs, grief, fear, insecurities, and shadow work as a whole reach an end. Where most of your experience will no longer be affected by any of it, it happens when you are fully developed and awakened. So follow your heart and keep working at it.