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  1. Those in power have put a lot of pressure on people with the (hoax?) coronavirus crisis. I even read news articles about people starting to protest. And people in general are grumpy! I too feel a heaviness. It's useful to be able to forgive even those in power. How to do that? My approach is similar to the advanced form of forgiveness Leo talked about in this his latest video. That from a nonduality perspective there isn't anyone to forgive! And I even use the idea that everything is happening with perfect order. In practice this means according to my theory that even the nasty things are happening for a greater good reason. Easier said than done, but I find it useful to have this approach.
  2. Wow, except for the science part, Aaron Abke made a really good presentation of nonduality in his latest video. I looked up the term vision in ACIM and found: It's almost as if vision and the holy relationship are the same thing in ACIM.
  3. Leo talked about self-survival of the self image in this video from about 6 minutes: Very interesting. It made me think of how the whole ego is a self-image, a conceptual construction. And the Self is much more than the ego but we get so identified with our egos so it creates a separation. I noticed that with mindfulness practice it's possible to observe the ego and to recognize more of the Self, but for me there is still ego identification most of the time. Maybe the ego and the Self need to become integrated! The ego is already a part of the Self which here means nonduality, but it's experienced as a separate entity. I will experiment some more with mindfulness practice of being aware of my ego. And also test if my ego can become integrated into a field of peace and clarity.
  4. It feels like forever Growing up, although surrounded by the belief and experiences of clinical death, I've never felt like I would someday die. Ever. I remember at some point I realized this, that I don't feel like I'm going to die, and I myself also found it weird because when I'd ask others if they felt like someday they would die - their answer was a sure yes. It feels that way, they would tell me. Maybe it's because I didn't really understand what death meant, or perhaps I'd understood perfectly but just didn't buy into it. No, of course I bought it, otherwise what was I afraid of all these years. And yet, when I sat down and asked myself if it felt like I was going to die - the answer, or the feeling, would always be a sure no. This was before I'd gotten introduced to spirituality and metaphysics, I knew nothing about consciousness and nonduality and so on. I was just doing stuff unconsciously, always in my head, the only place where I was free to question anything I wished to question. And sure enough, one day I questioned death. Right now I'm having mixed feelings about whether or not I'm going to die, maybe it's because I'm no longer sure which part is I and which part isn't I. Was I sure when I was growing up? I don't know. But I was sure about how I felt about death. It's not that dying was not a reality, it's that my death didn't feel like a reality. It just didn't feel like I would someday die. It felt like I would be here forever, it even felt like I'd been here forever. Not as this body though or identity though, it just felt like whatever was happening would be happening forever. I don't know, it was never something that I had made sense of. It does feel like whatever is happening now will be going on forever, but this doesn't count because I now do have an idea of what is going on. But as a kid, not known anything about consciousness, not even once did it feel like I would someday die. And now that I actually think about it, I had associated the central part of me, all this without knowing it, with consciousness. I felt it. My connection with the screen of reality was uncountable. But I never processed this mentally like the way I'm doing now. It was just pure feeling. Maybe I had already knew the truth, maybe I was already familiarised with eternity. It's crazy now that I actually think about it. Everyone I had ever asked, from my peers to adults, they all told me that it felt like they would someday die. As a teen, I was even more specific with my question, I told them not to think about it and just tell me how it felt - does it feel like you're going to die? Yes, the answer would always be yes. Why wasn't it yes for me though? Did I know something that these people didn't know? Or was it the other way around, did they know something that I didn't know? What was it that I didn't know up until my very late teens? I was so confused by this, but in the end I just dropped it and let it go. This feeling of eternity would be mine alone. It's crazy, I never felt like I was going to die someday. And now, from all the consciousness work I've been doing for the past year and six months, I know that this will never end.
  5. To say "live in the moment" that's a false teaching. Why? Because that's a separation between "present moment" and "not present moment". It is possible to correct the teaching, which is to recognize that the ego clings to the past. Even when the ego thinks about the future, it's its own past memories rehashed into future projections. The correct teaching is to be balanced so that past memories and actual future input are integrated into a flow. Actual future means what will happen, not what the ego believes will happen or tries to make happen. True nonduality is past, present and future together as a single unit, a whole instant, a holy instant. ACIM says:
  6. Have you experienced this state? If yes through which method? Yes i did. Ego still comes and goes, but usually i am at watcher positions. Just let body do whatever it is suppose to but i stay in the mind as watcher, which is nothing (thats satori moments). I feel that i dont feel as my body, i feel through the body, and have an arm distance with the body. Because i am aware i am not the body and am the now moment. I did 1 month darkness retreat by myself. And every week i consumed high dosage of shrooms. But within last 3 months i had a non dual experience through meditation. After that I completely realized non duality. Seems like there is duality between duality and nonduality. They both emply each other Yes. You are the duality and non duality. You are human now, if you increase your consciousness in next second you will be god. All is happening at the same time. Thats why all is infinite consciousness, and it is you. All is one and your game. Everything balance each other.
  7. Seems like there is duality between duality and nonduality. They both emply each other.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong. This means that nonduality is simply the state of nothing and no experience whatsoever which we discussed before that it's impossible for that state to exist because that would be a contradiction by defention. So we could say that in order for anything or any experience to exist it must be dualistic. So that brings back the question " if everything that can ever possibly be must be dualistic.. What's the point of speaking about nonduality all day"?!!, I tried meditation btw. It calms me make me feel peace and detachment but it didn't turn the duality in the world into no duality unfortunately!
  9. Speaking of paradoxes, did you ever possessed by the thoughts/questions like 'What should I do to stop thinking?', 'What you suggest to minimize one's thinking'.. I often get to these traps of 'recursion and self-referential' problems quite often.. Interestingly, if I somehow managed to keep my mind relaxed my mind loves to play this daunting trick on me!.. This is how that conversation with me and my mind goes!.. Me: Oh god I'm so happy that I finally stopped my monkey mind and feeling peaceful!.. My Mind: Are you really feeling peaceful, honey? Me: Yes of course.. My Mind: Did you know, most expertise says that we can't stop thinking, so how come are you not having thoughts. You should have thoughts.. And Finally ME!: Oh, yes! you are right... you got me, now my peacefulness was completely shattered!.. THANK YOU MY MIND!!.. This sort of pattern or thought process will have occurred while thinking of much other stuff as well. Like, when thinking about nonduality, practicing meditation, during stressful or traumatic episodes...
  10. No I'm watching Leo's videos for two years now. But I'm not convinced of everything he says. I listen to rupert Spira and mooji as well.. I don't accept everything spiritual people say but I don't reject it all either. I take what resonates with me. It's important to notice that the purpose of this topic is not to validate nonduality. I'm not begging the question here. I'm interested in finding the truth whatever it is.
  11. Here is a quote from Marianne Williamson which I believe is related to the death drive: Imagine if we had free will, eternal life and power beyond measure. That would be incredibly scary! Because then there is the potential for screwing up our whole existence, and with an eternal life that seems like something likely to happen at some point. So it's actually good that according to nonduality we do NOT have free will. And the realization of that total form of 100% reliable control of nondual causality allows us to remove the death drive.
  12. Brad Johnson talked about what he called an all-self instead of a lower and higher self. A higher self is a division he said. Good point! There is a higher self but that's just because our mind divides itself, he said. If we think of our higher self as our future self, then there is that division, yet from a nonduality perspective the causality is One, so there is no actual separation. Separations are second order products, such as the global ego. The whole global ego is built on the belief in separation and in having separate control. Even animals in nature have a proto ego armor and a death drive. In third density, where humanity is at the moment, the belief in separate control results in what Ra calls the Law of Confusion. The first stage of the Law of Confusion is free will it says in the Law of One. And that's the belief in separate control. Fourth density is as I see it the recognition of unity. When we as individuals move into fourth density, then probably most of the world will still be the global ego and third density. But as more and more people move into fourth density they/we will start to form a new holon, a new global morphic field. Brad's newest video seems related to fourth density because it has "Inner Earth Civilization" in the title, which I believe is a collective consciousness, basically fourth density already. I haven't watched the video yet and I'm curious about whether my guess is correct.
  13. Personal individual control can feel like pleasure and power when we feel that we are in control. To feel like a passive victim sucks. Feeling of being powerless sucks. So how to recontextualize the feeling of control without having individual separate control? In my hypothesis, individual separate control is only pseudo-control. It's not actual control. It's fake control. Yes, there can be pleasure in having a sense of being in control, but it's a delusion. The solution is to move into real control. What is real control? From a nonduality perspective real control is a result of all of reality, all past, present and future as a single block of control. And consciousness is a necessary part of that whole universal control. There is a huge difference between actions done in consciousness and unconscious actions. Consciousness itself is control. True control from a personal and individual perspective is through consciousness. And true nonduality - or integral nonduality as I call it - is what Sadhguru said about building a bridge between the external world, the physical body, the mental body and Source. And to include consciousness as a part of that bridge, not as something separate from manifested reality because that would be separation, duality. So what happens is that with correct spiritual practice consciousness itself becomes personal control. And the pleasure is then in being that control. This is the opposite of depersonalization disorder where the death drive remains and there is separation between a passive observer and what is happening. It may even be that many nonduality teachings are false and lead to depersonalization disorder. Every time a spiritual teacher says that you are not this or that, that's duality! That's false teaching.
  14. @actualizing25 Don't let Leo or anyone else divert you from something you are contemplating towards. Yes enlightenment is very very rare, even among the majority of spiritual circles; but seeing from the other perspective its the surest of surest, the easiest thing ever. Its because you are already it, you're destined to wake up as yourself. The reason why 99.99999999% of people won't wake up is because- Phase 1: This message of nonduality will never reach them in a lucid, coherent, logical, rational manner without any woo woo, junks and follies. Phase 2: Even after the message is reached, most likely it will be denied, grapled with, misunderstood, diverted etc in various degrees by most people. A big number of them will think they've got their version right and majority of spiritual people are stuck here. Phase 3: Very few will intellectually understand the message of nonduality without any excess fluff. This results in the death of curiousity and doubt towards all forms of 'knowledge'. Meaning, knowledge of things. Phase 4: the very few who really gets this intellectually now meet the bulk of the work. This is where the rubber meets the road. One has to be emotionally and energetically attuned and focused to realize this Truth. But the habitual mental patterns, corresponding desires and fears and the folly of contradicted personality all work in full force so that one cannot focus properly where it is needed to be. Phase 5: by overcoming all the phases, the rare lucky ones will drop all last vestiges of ignorance and obstruction and get WOKE.
  15. I had a very strong enlightenment experience regarding 'reality is just a persistent hallucination', everything has it's own limits and expiration until it's in a physical form.. Also, I could see myself in the past, I can admire, communicate with my past self. I can learn painful lessons through shadow work. To be honest with you, recently I found it's possible to conceive certain desirable results through psyche experiences. Although, still I used to find myself in a paradox or dilemma. I'm vulnerable to losing hope onto nonduality and psyche abilities. I can delude myself or confuse the neuro-scientific paradigm about hallucination with the spiritual domain. My mind used to play a lot of trickery to make me believe all these spiritual practices are pointless and mere placebo. Yes, I know still it's my mind that spinning the wheel of multiple perceptions and viewpoints. But it's not me. Me is too far from the mind that processes sensations and thoughts all over one's lifetime.. So, by that way, I could easily surpass such dialogues and drama played by my mind aka projection of the conventional society!..
  16. Tony Parsons is the most hardcore nonduality teacher I have found so far. I think his teaching is good as a foundation. For example he says in this new video that "awareness" and "awareness of" that's duality. My model has nonduality only for the umanifested reality and awareness is a result of a feedback loop between the unmanifested and the manifested reality. I will listen to some more of his presentation to see if what he talks about is the same as what I mean by the unmanifested. What I want to add to his teaching is that manifested reality evolves into higher levels of wholeness. Frustratingly enough I haven't been able to include that idea into my model in a clear way yet.
  17. How can causality be explained from a nonduality perspective? With my model that's easy! The Word of God is an infinite string of information which can be represented by a single real number. Manifested reality is a result of that string unfolding in the present moment. As an illustration, take the number Pi = 3.14159265... and then examine what is the cause of say the 7th decimal. The cause of that decimal is the whole number Pi itself! So causality from a nondual perspective is a result of all of reality as a single whole. But who caused the Word of God? The answer is: nobody! How? Take the set R of all real numbers and simply pick one number representing the Word of God. That number just timelessly IS. Or as God said in the Bible, something like: "I am that I am." From dark to LIGHT.
  18. Sadhguru talked about building a bridge between the external world to the physical body to the mental body and into the Source. That's what I call integral nonduality! The usual nondual teachings often lack the integral aspect and many teachers say things like: you are not your body. Roger Castillo said that those kinds of teachings are useful but he also like Sadhguru pointed out that there needs to be an integration into the physical world. If we say that we are not the body, then that's actually a duality separation. Sadguru even said that when we include our loved ones that's still separation and the same when we include our community and even when we include the whole country. Then what about QAnon who often writes about patriotism and especially with a focus on America? My impression is that Q is pointing to a bigger picture and includes patriotism worldwide. So in my opinion Q is including all of humanity in Where We Go One We Go All (WWG1WGA).
  19. @Inliytened1 Damn, nonduality. Infinite and nothingness become one. No good and evil. No real and imaginary. That must be.. something. (And nothing lol)
  20. Nonduality teacher Roger Castillo said that the feeling of free will is important but that there is no actual free will. That's a good point from an integral perspective where the ego is transcended and included. ACIM says: That's similar to what Castillo said, that there is free will in a sense. ACIM says that choice is meaningless. J. Krishnamurti said that choice is confusion. Those are good points too. So how to integrate non-doership and a sense of free will? One approach that I'm experimenting with is to experience prediction of the future as a sense instead of as a control and choice mechanism as in ordinary ego consciousness. This means I can think of possible future outcomes without taking it as definite plans or choices. It also means that I can instantly change my perception of the future based on new circumstances.
  21. @electroBeam I believe (all speculation here) that upon inspection of the reoccurring thoughts which are in discord with feeling, what would be found is that there isn’t any “unique atypical high tolerance” situation. I think you’d find that you are using the substances to suppress the discord between thoughts & feeling, and it is leaving you feeling uneasy, frustrated, unhealthy, and ultimately revealing a desire to align the peace, love, & creator that you are, with the working, surviving, creating & accomplishing you do. I feel a not so subtle “cry for help” in your thread. To me, it reads as “I’ve realized this is a fucking dream - and that’s awesome - but wtf - why isn’t life ‘lining up’?” How to “line it up”? That boils down to aligning thought with feeling, as feeling is the guidance and therefore must be abided by, must be listened to. You have passion, creativity, desire & are very open minded. What I believe is desired, is vision, to answer the question, “how do I align the infinite dreamer I know I am, with this dream, this life?”. When in life is the resolution not “that thing” we’re so sick of hearing? Yep, I know it well too....and here it comes.... Make a dreamboard. Before doing this, thoughts are coming and going, as if if behind our head. We’re aware of them, but it’s kind of hard to ‘see the bigger picture’ when it’s not in front of our eyes. Dreamboarding get’s every thought, of everything you want, in front of you. You know all to well that thinking about doing something, is not the experience of doing something. You’d have to do this, to experience what I’m suggesting. You also know, wether you care to admit it or not, that not a one of us really ever “grows up”. We convince ourselves of this, via responsibility, pressure, deadlines, etc. We all to often succumb to it, at the expense of the relationship with our inner being, our inner guidance - that which you desire so strongly to never feel discord or disconnection with. We’re all in truth God’s children. Nonduality, yep...and yet, he who assumes the upper hand over inner being, does so at his own inevitable peril. Chronic discord of thought & feeling leads to a pretend seriousness, grandiose nonsense, resentment, bitterness, stress, tension, etc. This leads to dis-ease, turbulent relationships, etc. Everything, in terms of feeling, we don’t want. The kick in the balls, is feeling - guidance - told us this since day one. But one can get so lost in the woods, so deep in the pressures of surviving, that a rather simple thing seems blown out complicated and practically unfixable. One accustomed to pressure & efforting their way busting through brick walls, at first struggles to appreciate the effortlessness of a simple dry erase board, vision, and the unconditional love and magic of reality. I suggest you ‘take back your life’, and your happiness - that is, the relationship between you, and You, if you will. While the materialist paradigm and the believing of such thoughts can suggest to the contrary, this place is a dream. Put anyone, or anything, ahead of your relationship with the higher self within, and nothing makes sense anymore. Nothing clicks. The spring in your step & the joy in your heart just ain’t there - and that was what “worked”, what makes it all cohesively function like butter. Talking about your light here, your joy, your livelihood. I’m not suggesting you make any sudden changes, or that there’s actually anything you need to do. I’m suggesting that the dreamboard will reveal to you a series of “ah ha’s”, which reveal to you that your whole life, every experience, has lead up to a perfect culmination of the realization, and the illumination of the path of actualizing it, with natural passion & conviction - with a newly discovered knowing - of what you actually want to do, and what it looks like going forward. This would flush out some emotional misunderstanding in identity, resulting in profound understanding arising within you, making practices like meditation peaceful and fruitful, without any desire for substances. It doesn’t occur in a moment, but overtime. Again, if I’m off, or outta my place here, apologies. I just think you’re a cool, smart loving dude, and I love ya. There’s an “above my pay grade” reason I call it a dreamboard. I didn’t “think” of that my “self”.
  22. The fellow in the video starts off by saying how he gets everything Leo says about nonduality, Oneness, psychedelics and the universe experiencing itself. He says it’s all stuff he’s heard before. He then goes on to show that he lacks understanding and embodiment. . . At the personal level, his views are very rational and practical. Yet he lacks understanding at a transpersonal level. He will be stuck here because he assumes he has understanding that he lacks. And what he lacks, he perceives as “too far”. Indeed it is “too far” for him. Going “far” requires a high level of curiosity, willingness and surrender. It isn’t for the faint of heart.
  23. How to judge whether one is enlightened or not, I really don't know. For me, enlightenment means being fully conscious of all there is, nothing is unknown. And I'll know that I'm enlightened because nothing will be unknown. It can happen that people are just not speaking from the same meta level, or that the difference in meaning lies in how conscious one is. Like you might still find the word consciousness meaningful because of all the ideas associated with it or because it still points towards something for you. But on my side, the word doesn't really point to anything because of my level of awareness, I might have misinterpreted the concept or maybe embodied it or just transcended it to the point where it means nothing. By imagination I'm just referring to this whole meaningful and diverse world/reality. I'm referring to the duality in nonduality, all the form and the finitudes.
  24. "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." Nonduality in a nutshell!
  25. After looking around the forum. It seems that there is a culture that had been formalized around nonduality. After looking at other cultures. In the way things are said and done. There is a culture I have noticed that has spawned. In the way leo has made things to be funnelled. I didnt notice at first. This place is certainly run with an iron fist. But now I see it is all about lessening suffering for the whole. Really an intricately designed organization.