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  1. My very partial understanding of hearing both of your guys videos and the difference, while also reflecting off my own awakening is that you two seem to have of awakened, but in reflection and communication of those events in order to describe to a supposed outside world, different words used to describe the story are different. In this difference you see each-other at different places since what you call No-Self, Leo calls God in many ways, and Leo calls No-self something different in many ways, but these stories are in a imaginary plane with imaginary systems and stages, each meaning its own thing to each of you through your own past experiences. All the while, both of you are the expression of the same "..." doing their best to cover "..."
  2. Prolouge The Ancient Prophecy, June 10th, 1292. 1 It was a good time for all creatures of the earth, but fate decreed that The Dark Prophecy of The Templar Knight could bring a tragic end to this peace, scarring their lives forever. “Shortly before his defeat in the last of the primordial wars between the heavens and hell, Kyrone, the only son of The God King Marson would withdraw to The Fortress in The Mountains. There, sensing his impending death, he will inscribe A Testament of Pure Evil in Seven Black Books. One by one, six of these books would be discovered through out The Ages. However, the whereabouts of the seventh, last and most terrible of all - the book that will contain the key to Kyrone's Ressurection - will remain hidden. In the fortress, Kyrone will command Ten Immortal Demons to carry out his malicious plan so he, Kyrone, could rule once again in The Unholy Name of Cosmic Chaos. And this time, he would Reign Supreme!" Sydney, Australia. December 2nd, 2027. 2 Rise, My Clandestine, Thy Secrecy Invoked 06:01 “Move, General” “You’ve got to move, Sir” The General seemed to freeze in his tracks. Probably contemplating his next action, Charlie thought. Charles Lee was the general’s second in command and if his superior won’t do something and do it soon, his general would be dead meat. A sequence of events that would mean only one thing: He, Charlie, is going to take command of The Squad. A certainly desired post, but he didn’t feel ready for it. Not in the slightest. Fall From Distant Worlds, Red Eyed Skies Above. 06:02 The Sniper, First Sergeant Corey Quigley, has been lying in the same position for 40 minutes. Breathing steadily. Camouflaged. This guy, Charlie thought, had it all figured out: Wind Speed, Temperature, Barometric Pressure. But you know what the most important thing he said is? Patience. The target is attracted to my scope, he said. Always. If you wait enough time, the enemy is toasted. Hark, Lures of the Siren. 06:03 Wesley Michaels is a ladies man. A gambler. An addict. Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. At twenty-seven, he was twice divorced, did a year in jail and impregnated three women. Wes could have been the perfect soldier if not for his authority problems. Undisciplined Fearless Human Machine. or “The Pirate” as he was nicknamed since boot camp. Beyond, The Veils of Dawn. 06:04 A helicopter’s engine is heard in the distance. The General is awakened from his trance. “This stake out is useless.” Wes whispered. “Shhh” Colonel Lee tried to silence him. "This stake out is of the utmost importance, damn it, Wes, didn’t you listen to the briefing?" General David Anderson looked at The Compass. “Fire” Quigley squeezed the trigger. An explosion – 20,000 nuclear weapons just went of, Wes thought – brightened the eastern horizon. “Holy Smokes” Wes Shrieked. “Mission accomplished” Anderson declared. “We’ll convene at the usual rendezvous point at fifteen hundred hours.”
  3. I think the most direct and clearest way to put all those different stages of development and labels under context is the direct Realization on the NATURE OF SENSATIONS. Think of sensations as the atoms of your subjective experience, both inside and outside. What a meditator does is "zooming" into, deconstruct and dissecting and shred Reality into sensations at the microscopic level. All sensations are aware of themselves exactly where they are. All sensations are devoid of self/Self and spontaneously, co-dependently arising No sensation "cause" or "own" another cluster of sensation. Different vibratory velocity of sensations gives rise to the difference between "air", "liquid", "solid forms" All sensations are in equal footing. All sensations self-librate. All sensations are "non-dual" in Nature, as in sensations in of themselves can't tell the difference between "God" or "poop" or "Awareness" or "Consciousness" or "Emptiness" or "Eternity" or "Love" Or "Intentions" "Matter" or "Mind" "Sober" or "Psychedelic Trip", "Time", "Space" etc And since there is only "one substance", there is no difference between foreground and background, context and content, therefore phenomenons do not arise and pass into some "Source" that is more "real" or "permanent" Now the labeling of these experiential phenomenons into concepts is, you guessed it, just more sensations. So what's the difference between the awakened state and the egoic state? in the former the "knots of perception" is forever untied because the nature of sensations is penetrated experientially. Now all sensations in your entire Field of experience "Lights Up", and are aware of themselves without a delay between the perceiver/observer/Witness and the perceived/observed/Witnessed. This is your moment to moment experience of Godhead/Infinity/Eternal Awareness because when sensations are experienced without a doer/controller/seer/hearer/thinker all 360 degrees are KNOWN and COMPREHENDED AS ITSELF without the delay between object and subject. Thus Reality feels OMNISCIENT. Wheres in the "egoic state" a certain cluster of sensation arise in the center of experience, usually inside the head, behind the eyes, and in places inside the body HIGHJACKS other clusters of sensations to "take credit" for other clusters of sensations that are simply comprehending themselves due to conditioning. When this happens there's contraction of energy. There's identification. There's the feeling of "me-ness". See when you zoom experiences down to the atomic level (Max effort contraction), when you can no longer divide it, this singularity loops back into the other side (strange loop anyone? haha) and becomes Infinitely Expansive. This is why the practice starts out as dissecting atoms, but at the end you end up "Vipassnalizing the whole universe" The very small is identical to the very large like the merging of quantum mechanics x Cosmology, Love x Death at the subjective level. The parts is the Whole, the atom is the universe and vice versa. Now you can get to the same end point either by contraction or expansion, which is why the "Do-Nothing" meditation of Infinite Awareness abiding as Itself is exactly the same as Vipassana. And of course you can do both during a psychedelic trip When you take this to the end point contraction and expansion happens simultaneously and both sides of the duality lose meaning, and you abide in Absolute Infinity AND Absolute Nothingness simultaneously. Now what happens when you do not see clearly the nature of sensations at all levels as empty (AND FULL), is that one particular level is always going to seem more or less "real" or "solidified" than another level, hence contraction occurs, and identification takes place. Thus clinging and suffering. Hope this clears some things up!
  4. Leo doesn't want to acknowledge publicly that he has an individual conscious experience, because he's under the misunderstanding that awakening means permanently and irretrievably overcoming that perspective and he's trying to present himself as awakened by avoiding such questions. There is too much ego, too much bitterness, impatience and snark within him which simply wouldn't be there if he was actually retaining god-realization at all times. An enlightened person doesn't look like that - an enlightened person appears humble and good-natured, unfrustrated and willing to provide answers from an egoic perspective if that's what is required to help another attain insight. Many false proclaimers of enlightenment appear to suggest that they no longer have any ability to enter into an embodied egoic state - this is a lie, motivated by their own desire to convince themselves that it is true in order to retain their egoic status as 'enlightened'. In truth to 'forget' the ego state doesn't mean racking your brain trying to remember it and being unable, it simply means that state leaves the conscious perception. It's analagous to how before reading these next words, you had 'forgotten' about the image of a pink elephant. In truth you could have brought to mind a pink elephant at any time you wanted, you've seen the meme before and it's accessible within your mind, but it simply wasn't in your awareness until I mentioned it. This is the sense in which the egoic state becomes forgotten.
  5. This is one of Leo's blindspots, in that he still self-projects into this god. To say the meaning of life and consciousness is that god is bored with his infinite powers and that's why he created this videogame of a reality is selling it way too short. Listen to other awakened individuals like Frank Yang for example, I don't think Frank would ever say things like that. This is why its important to follow different spiritual thinkers and not just one, they each compliment each other.
  6. Where does sex hold a place within an enlightened or awakened person? Has sex become abstinent after a certain point of enlightenment? I realize this depends on the person greatly, however I'm asking as a general consensus. For example, do monks or enlightened people as a general populous become generally abstinent of sexual activity? I'm seeing within self-delepment teachings that sexual desire eventually transcends & becomes a lesser importance. Is this to say that it becomes unutilized? What replaces it if so? To what point does sex become useless, undesirable, & without any true worth?
  7. aware Awakened Careful Foresight Objective Wholesome Wise Meta picture reality truth clarity
  8. When death is imagined to exist it exists because imagination literally is reality. So of course we will be sad because we are imagining its real and so it becomes - but awakened folks can also shift their awareness to a meta level in which they are conscious that this is a dream. They are aware of their own attachments to the dream.
  9. I originally replied to you when you were asking why someone wanted to awaken psychedelic free. To which I replied that psychedelic awakenings don't stick. To which you replied something about learning lessons on psychedelics (which has nothing to do with awakening). You can't integrate a memory of an awakening. All you can do with such a memory is create an image of an awakened state in your mind and believe that that's awakening, which would take you even further away from direct experience.
  10. Someone else would have taken his place. It was his destiny to serve the creator in this way. The past karmic actions made by the Germans caused the inevitability of this war as their hostile ancestral nature got awakened. Such events are not controlled by one person. He was more like a conductor of the people and manipulated their anger toward his own selfish ideology.
  11. I will shoot an episide about it and post it here. I will try to manage tomorrow In the "dream" the "ego" is not so strong so you can definitely explore more! I awakened few times in it, it is very interesting experience. Can't wait to share! ?
  12. @FoxFoxFox Do some kriya supreme fire for 30 minutes or more. You will notice whether it works or not. Kriya supreme fire is one of the most powerful practices to achieve what you are looking for. After around half a year of yoga, I noticed how the inner energies awakened more and more. Since that time, I only need to hold my breath for some moments and the energy immediately builds, my heart chakra opens and I'm in bliss. The more supreme fire you do, the deeper the love and bliss and the quicker you can access it, and the more it will be in your baseline. Channeling energy has a similar effect for me. Around 2 weeks ago, I started listening to some energetic audios: Anahata from iawake, and vibration of Divine Love from sapien medicine. I layered them into my subliminal bundles, thus I have been listening to them many hours daily. My ability to enter Bliss and Love has increased significantly during the past weeks. I think it is mainly due to channeling energy (as well as devotion, connecting with spirits, and transmissions), but I believe these audios had their share as well.
  13. When Ramana Maharshi got cancer his followers tried to get doctors to come look at him to heal him. His response was something along the lines of: "Who cares? It's just a body." When you are that awake you literally don't give a fuck about anything. No condition of life is better than any other. An fully awakened person cannot die. He is conscious forever, regardless of what happens to his body. So losing the body makes no difference.
  14. @Leo Gura I would have no chance of knowing what you were talking about if not I had awakened to the same truth myself. From the perspective of "absolute truth" there is no person trying to teach another person something. There is just infinity being infinity describing infinity to infinity through a human body. Finding an awakened interviewer is where things could get real fun. A conversation like this one:
  15. Im whatching The Gray video and on 11:01 you said they gave you a hint in your crown chakra! Well! I got it too hehehe Always, when I have this hint, I know that shit is going to go down! Yesterday I awakened In a sleep. I got wiped out! And before that I heared voices "he is not ready" I always intuitively knew that it is trying to tell me something, but I wasn't open for that possibility. Also, I had conversations with God. I am God. But it was communication between lower consciousness God with questions and higher consciousness God with answers. He told me(i told myself) what is next for me. Lets get back to research ? My khundalini and crown chakra is going crazyyy hehehe Its telling me Yeeees! We are heree! I got the chills! Its about to go down! ?
  16. The “poem” starts at 4:34. Mania in Bipolar Disorder- Defining My Experience with Mania This is just here to show you an important part of “my” memories which exist in my direct experience currently. This is certainly real to me as an awakening experience might be to you if we’re speaking dualistically. I’ve had many awakenings separate from this, and I must say that these are endogenous or natural mechanisms for a radically higher state of consciousness. It is the internal entheogen. It takes its host to a state so different it may be considered a significant ego death. This affects baseline levels of consciousness for months or even years if unattended. In most cases though, the condition will be attended to in some way. The individual will not sustain the radical nature of activity beyond a certain level of survival threshold needs. Eventually there will be a force from inside or your community or both pushing you to contain this state of consciousness. People who are peaceful enlightened gurus are not some ideal. Consciousness is raw. It’s often threatening to the ego or mostly collective ego/community ego. You can’t allow true expressive consciousness into society. Madness cannot rule. It would produce a reality so different than you’re capable of accepting. I guarantee if I existed in a state of true madness the entire world would turn against me. If I expressed that pure form of consciousness which is an inherent quality to reality itself, it is so much of a primary shadow anchor point that the shadow of nearly every human being would align against me. To become truly mad is one of your greatest fears whether you are conscious of it or not. The light in you wants to love and accept and include, but madness requires such an open and awakened heart to accept that one must be enlightened before acceptance of this quality of reality can even be possible. Your light must be immense to truly hold and become that part of reality. This isn’t to say people with mental illness have an advantage. We have ego-backlash from fear of our shadow worse than anyone when we see our shadow. Most bipolar 1 manics become traumatized by each experience. Life is essentially a permanent trauma between peaks of consciousness and depths of consciousness which are so jarring and disorienting it leaves you in a wounded state after each experience. Your suffering becomes so immense than you will either take steps to awaken or you will die. This is the whole source of mania. It’s the body and ego’s survival mechanism to overcome depression/suffering. It works well temporarily. Just how adrenaline might work well temporarily to save the body and ego. Eventually adrenaline will damage as mania does. PTSD is the life of a bipolar person. So many intimate parts of yourself and your shadow have been exposed to the public. This just pushes you further and further into spirituality. It’s the only coping mechanism that works. The ego has become addicted to killing itself as a form of inner purification. This allows one to stretch into so many new directions.
  17. If theres anything I've learned from this journey is that humans will be humans which means they'll always have blindspots no matter how many times they have "awakened" Chew the meat spit out the bones, you must learn to be your own guru.
  18. A close friend of mine does art like that as well, but he displays a lot of the characteristics of zen devilry (just like Connor Murphy right now), so maybe Naoto is awakened or maybe not, but just about any moderately talented artist can paint trippy animals with third eyes and colorful mushrooms but that don't mean they are truly awakened.
  19. I am not saying it does, I am merely interested in what creations spawn from awakened individuals. And considering the nature of this forum, either all questions are foolish, or they are not. You recommended me Naoto Hattori, I am asking why you think she/he fits my criteria. I did a google search and all I find is her/his art, but no bios or anything related to spirituality.
  20. Define awakened. One way of seeing, is the clarity of an artist with a profound connection with being, often beyond understanding the nature of the connection, only channeling it. All true creativity arises from Consciousness. I love Vincent Van Gogh and Michelangelo, whose works have resonated deeply. More than syrup for the masses, their creations are Conscious art.
  21. The idea of Jesus as an idol comes because it is widely accepted that he was some sort of a more awakened avatar of God/divine/unknowable and a powerhouse when it comes to goodness of character. Like a great example and something to strive for/aim for on a personal level. There must be something more special about that avatar for us to have completely changed everything and even start counting the years from His birth. It would not be 21st century without Christ, reality would be so different even for these small details. But ofcourse people worship Jesus because they believe he is God incarnate, but he taught that everyone has this connection to God and was crucified for it. Kind of a tragic story
  22. Yes, this is the case for MOST religious people. Ultimately even what you are saying about the true nature of God is still a type of idol regardless of your past direct experiences of the true nature of God. Whatever comes to mind when you think of that word is an idol of sorts. It’s more nuanced and developed than the religious idolatry, but it is still likely finite and contained simply by limiting factors of your current state of consciousness. Simply the word or idea “God” is itself the idol regardless of who uses it. The thing is you can be in direct experience of Infinity, and in that moment, the idol has been replaced with what it was actually pointing to. The point is, when you or I who have had direct experiences of the true nature of God think of God, we use it as a catalyst to bring our current direct experience closer to the awakened state. Religious people do the same thing, but they’re mostly wrong about what their idol is pointing to whereas any mystic is going to have a less intellectualized and more accurate route of connecting to that which is pointed to with the word God. There are still a minority of religious people, mostly those with a religious foundation but mystic-like aspect to their approach, who do come quite a bit closer to what the word God is actually pointing to when they have deep devotion to their chosen idol. In all cases, the idol stands as a means to come closer to God. That is the purpose of the idol. Everyone has a slightly different idol burned into their mind to represent God, but most are so far from the Truth that they often just lead to meager or even counterproductive results.
  23. @Consept In terms of my personal experience, basically I noticed the trend is most dominant in people leaving Stage Orange and moving into Green, feeling disillusioned with everything they previously believed. There's a lot of anger, resentment, confusion and disbelief. They're looking for a new "story" or narrative or worldview they can attach themselves to, and often instead of doing the deep challenging inner work that involves being in the mystery and sitting in the unknown, they cling to whatever story arises that explains why they feel the way they feel. For example, that there's an evil cabal of elites harming them. IMO, it's fundamentally a victim mentality that fuels the fire of anger and allows it to be projected outward instead of investigated inward, and as we know, anger is often a cover for grief. So instead of feeling that deep painful grief we turn to rage and project it onto others. It creates a duality of good and evil, right and wrong, awakened and asleep, enlightened ones and sheeples, high vibe and low vibe. It's a strange irony that in the quest for Oneness so much separation can be created. Often psychedelics can help magnify the conspiracy theories, for example, having alien encounters during DMT/Ayahuasca which adds "evidence" that that aliens must be working with Bill Gates to implant microchips in our brains. I had one friend who told me after an Aya ceremony that the medicine told her COVID was an inside job. She is studying to be a doctor and generally is not a conspiracy theory person. Now, perhaps COVID is an inside job, and I believe she had the experience she's claiming she had, but still, it shows how quickly these things can spread because all it takes is her posting that on social media to have all these other people point and say, "See, more proof that COVID is a government conspiracy here to control our bodies!" Things just warp and take on a life of their own. Lastly, because many in the New Age world are so isolated from mainstream society, it creates a bubble that perpetuates the same narratives and prevents outside voices from offering different perspectives. Same shit that's happening with Q-Anon, Trump supporters, etc. We all living in our little bubbles. One more thing, I suspect many New Agers deep in conspiracies are projecting childhood wounds and a distrust of authorities onto "the system." Many in the spiritual world haven't done the deep inner healing/trauma work that one might think they've done, or perhaps they're in the process of working through those old wounds, and so as they arise it becomes easy to project them outward instead of deconstructing them internally. Classic 101 psychology stuff. Hope this helps. Happy to answer any questions about it as it's a topic I've been studying a lot. I also have shifted my perspective on some stuff. For example, I use to laugh at the concept of aliens controlling the human agenda, but now I see how that could in theory be plausible in the astral/4D/subtle realm. If God is infinity, in theory everything is possible, but because I have absolutely no evidence to support or disprove this theory, it becomes something I just don't really pay attention to. Why put so much effort on a hypothetical that, at my stage of consciousness, is completely outside of my control? I'd rather focus on that which I as Tucker in this human incarnation can improve, change, etc. And mostly that starts with myself, hence why I wrote the "I Am The Conspiracy" essay that I did.
  24. This is very sad to hear. I remember finding Jeff Foster awhile back and being profoundly touched by his talks on YouTube, he really helped ground these lofty spiritual ideas into the reality of human experience. To read this is... humbling and heart breaking. This is why I will always practice meditation and why I take practice so seriously. This is why the neo advaita philosophy is so shallow as far as Im concerned. When the conditions of life shift in an instant, how ready are we really? How awakened are we really? How deeply do we see, understand, and accept reality? In many ways, the degree to which we suffer is inversely proportional to the degree to which we are awake. We will all face aging, illness, and death, most of us will face aging, illness, and death before we are ready. It can all be taken away in an instant. It will all be taken away in an instant. May we all have the clarity and openness to acknowledge and accept this loving experience of life, independent of the conditions and qualities it presents. May we see the deeper reality residing beneath. May we all be free from suffering. May we all be truly happy. Sending him love and light.
  25. No sir, I definitely meant masochist because of the relentless demands it makes on a person that never seemingly ends ,,,, 7 days a week, weekends, and holidays, etc.,,, I don’t believe I was projecting either or hope not. It was meant more as speculation or an imaginative conjecture. A Dairy farmer who turned vegetarian reminds me of the paradoxical nature of awakened people. I just reread it and saw he shut down his dairy. That makes sense because I don’t think a vegetarian would have the Will and fortitude to operate a Dairy. This isn’t meant as a put down towards vegetarians, though. I appreciate the example and dedication to non-violence they bring to everyone through their embodiment of that choice and way of living.