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  1. Section 01. Introduction 1. Introduction 2-5-2020 01:54 2. How To Go Through This Program This is experimental, not theoretical. You have to go through it. It is a journey. · From scarcity to abundance · Let the exp take over · It is about inner exp Requirements for this program: 1. Awareness: see things different and global understanding 2. Proof: experimental part, inner exp is key, now you apply it 3. Permanence: how to make the change stay and explore your subconscious Two separate parts of this program · Guided morning and evening routine approach · Outer approach Section 02. Awareness 01. Get To The Cause · Paradigms(assumptions) are lenses/maps; how you see the world o You see the world as you are conditioned, not how it is o You are not aware of it · Main two paradigms is abundance/scarcity (think back to glasses/maps metaphor) o Your assumption is scarcity (not being enough, self-hate and stress) o You are not in the one or the other, this paradigm is a spectrum o Read 7 habits of highly effective people o Your paradigm determines what you see. It determines your reality. o And what you do and what you think enforces certain paradigms o Paradigms don't exist: internal models determine external model 02. Scarcity vs Abundance · It is not what you are doing, but where it comes from · You can do same thing but paradigm change makes the difference o Scarcity(reacting): from desperation, compulsion, from fear(working against yourself) o Abundance(generating): from inspiration, authentic (just happens because!) · Read power versus force o Effort is not a virtue o Less effort the more powerful it is o Effort takes energy out of you o It doesn't mean you do less: there is just less stress o Just let go/unleash ( remember: it is the place it is coming from) · This is source of addiction: o Desperation: you do something to run away from something (what are you running from? Let go from what you are running from) o Inspiration: why are you do something? You welcome everything, not resisting anything, no suffering o When you remove desperation you get inspiration o It is about the intention that should be good, not the urge. Urging anything won't get you anything. o You aren't the character in the game, you are the person who is playing the game. Enjoy the game. 03. The Goal 2-5-2020 13:52 · The goal = Oneness = abundance o there is nothing you can do to deserve it o it can't depend on anything o You have to start with abundance, it can't be learnt, it is assumed o It is a state, it is not in the game, it is before it · Don't wait until you get things in your life before accepting abundance o You can't have the good without the bad, be aware of that = enjoy the thing, don't depend on it · Abundance is about nonduality · Read the Kabalian 04. The Journey · This is journey of removing, not adding o Remove false paradigm of scarcity o It is not about knowledge o Learn by letting go, not holding onto o It is a state o Let go of all emotions: positive and bad · Having > doing > being · You have to be it, not do it · It is a default · It is pre-verbal / non-conceptual · Happiness is opposite of not being happy, let go of that cycle, go into nonduality 05. My Story · Julien escaped life of drinking, day dreaming, sleeping · Don't be stuck and fall into the same trap 1. Step 1: optimize to gain situational confidence a. But you are still acting within the old paradigm where you are stuck b. Optimizing your situation eliminates your excuses c. When you optimize you run away from something to something else d. Misery is your first teacher, dropping it is your second teacher 2. Step 2: drop paradigm a. You have to be ok with nothing, give up everything, come to this point of desperation b. When you are one step away from despair you are one step away from enlightenment c. There are different tools to optimize your life and eventually drop it d. You know you are ready for dropping when you have a state of relief after you dropped it 06. Commit To Abundance · If you don't feel resistance when you are improving yourself, you are doing something wrong o If you drop everything, inspiration is something that is natural, it comes natural o It should feel like a personal attack o It should feel like weight training · You will feel into nothingness and from there you will be "everythingness" = ego death o Be honest: everything you did didn't work o Be sick of it o Be authentic with yourself. How long you want to chase ghosts? How many disappointments you want to take? o Nothing you will get will make you happy; realize this (if you keep it up it will make the graving alive and you will keep stick in your paradigm) o Escapism is greatest problem of this world · There has to be willingness to commit to abundance o When you change the internal, the external will manifest o You can still enjoy the same things but it will come from a different place; you experience it like for the first time; you can finally enjoy life Section 03. Proof 01. How to Let Go · Letting go of false scarcity (and everything is built upon it, and reinforcing it) is the goal · Concentration exercises is good but it doesn't get to the cause. Julian is more about mindfulness(focus on what you are running from) · Recommendation: Pranic healing/breathing. David Hawking. Eckhart Tolle. · You have to experience abundance. That is only way to get it. · You can't figure it out or think of letting go. Detach from your mind/thoughts/emotions · Three steps: a. be aware b. Allow yourself to exp c. Let it come up 02. Step 1 - Be Aware Of What You Want To Let Go Off · Step 1: become aware/mindful · Focus on sensations. Don't focus on thoughts/emotions for this work. o When you focus on thoughts, that thought will lead to another thought and make that pattern in your mind stronger. o If you keep doing what you rae doing it will go on forever until you die · Sensations: tightness, tingling, breath o It is the data in your body, that your brain interprets and converts to thoughts/emotions o Sensations can be located it in your body, emotions can't o If you let go of sensations you can't let go of the associated thoughts/emotions o Learn body awareness 03. Step 2 - Allow Yourself To Experience It Fully · Step 2: allow yourself, accept it fully, don't get rid of it, experience it, don't make sense, don't validate, just feel it, don't suppress it, accept it, be with it unconditionally, don't change it, be with them, don't abandon them · It will change by itself by experience it · Don't do things to change your sensations: they mature by giving attention 04. Step 3 - Let It Come Up And Let It Out · Step 3: let them run their course and reach their natural end · They will disappear in nothingness, they will leave on their own, they want to leave but you are stopping them · Bring awareness to them with techniques · Relief will come which is a good sign 05. Guided Release · Pranic breathing is the method · There shouldn't be external distractions · Back straight, to stay alart · Place hands on lap, facing down · Just feel, don't resist experience them fully, stay with them, sink in with them, let them take over, tell them you are with them and be 1. Be aware of what you want to let go, feel into your body right now, visualize inner chatter, 2. Focus on root/basic chakra which is your base of your spine 3. Breath in from nose for 6 seconds, hold for 3, breath out for 6 out of mouth (maske ssssh sound and letting those sensations go Section 04. Permanence 01. The Subconscious Mind 03/05/2020 14:17 · Letting go gives you proof but it is still in your subconscious, if you want it permanent you need to dig and let it go subconscious · Conscious is on the surface which is 10%, subconscious is under the water which is 90% o If you are conscious of everything you wouldn't be able to survive o Things that are learnt will be stored in your subconscious o Something that can't be faced will be taken over by your subconscious: trauma's, grudges, wounds, beliefs and assumption o Subconsciousness is active if you want it or not o It is on repeat; the longer it is active the more momentum it has · Subconscious is in charge o Get to the cause o Be present o Let go of the assumption of scarcity o Let go off the subconscious shit o Whatever your resist, persists o Whatever you don't use, you lose o You won't do anything harmful to yourself consciousness, you do it unconsciousness o Be aware that subconscious will pull you back. It is stronger than the conscious. o You can't bullshit your subconsciousness: don't tweak the effects, tweak the cause o Subconscious is our friend, not our enemy, although now it is the other way around 02. Social Conditioning · There are acceptable things and unacceptable things by our society: unquestionable dogmas are the walls · There are first and second hand experience o Most of our info and what you accept as truth is second hand experience; info from other people · How certain they are · How aligned they are with it · How many people believe it · Then you accept it as valid although it isn't o Example of second hand exp forms your map of the world: · scarcity · You are not popular · Relationships are painful · Worst punishment: withdrawal of love o It formed you o Your parents didn't know better; don't blame yourself or your parents o You suppressed certain parts because of this; you don't have a memory of this · Birth of Ego: everything that is acceptable, and everything that is nonacceptable (self-hate for example) o You are the meanest people for yourself: you are abandoning your subconscious self, you don't know yourself fully, you kill self-trust because some parts are against you, repelling people because you are a fuckup, when you get it you will lose it 03. Pandora's Box · What is in your subconscious? o Unacceptable thoughts/emotions/traits/trauma's o Not all aspects are bad; they are just labelled that way o Example: being judged for hard laughter, being abandoned, being rejected/shocked/not being loved o You shouldn't laugh less than every two weeks o You won't remember trauma's most of the time; main theme repression · It can manifest into people pleasing, avoiding stuff, being afraid 04. The Process · Don't try to fix it (which means not accepting), accept it by not resisting so they don't get stuck o Accepting doesn't equal approving = validate it that it is there o Don't compensate by inflating ego by trying to get success o Understand your psyche as a whole; create an oneness o Going through it instead of repress it/deny it; head on approach · It is about dissolving the ego, not working on your ego. This how you create abundance/core-confidence · It is a click; being comfortable in your skin · Your default should be deserving 05. Opening Pandora's Box · It won't be pleasant but you are on the right path with trauma release o Let it take over; surrender to it; it will feel like death (ego death) o It is matter of where you invest in. Do you want to surrender/transcend or resist? · Let go of sensations: time * reps until sensations are gone o Things will go bad before it goes good; one step backwards, two steps forward o Trauma is there because you resisted it so experience it and let go of it o Feel whatever is; develop a taste for pain; let the ego melt · Put it into perspective; most stuff is not bad as it seemed · Law attraction angle: whatever is running in the background you attract o Take out momentum out of it o Bring awareness to it, don't think about it 06. Identifying The Subconscious · Step one is becoming aware of the trauma's so how do you become aware of trauma's? · There is no general list because it is different for everybody · Methods: a. Think back of your childhood: what were acceptable and what were unacceptable? What were family values? The repressed are the walls of the castle. b. Think back of returning patterns: What are your returning patterns in your life? There is no coincidences. Accept the suppressed otherwise you recreate situation until you self-accepted. You will be forced until you find a resolution. The scale of the situation might be the same but the underlying thing will be the same. i. The cause is the first traumatic experience (the media scandal is the effect of the original trauma for example) ii. Be aware how you recreate parental relationships in your life: what are you drawn to? And what do you avoid? Remove the cause c. Think back of when you are triggered: when did you react disproportional? It has to do with pain bodies (Eckhart Tolle). Examples of sensations: anger, fear, guilt, shame, rage, drama, addictive behaviour. It is signal of suppression. d. Think back of what you escape from: when did you escape something? Dive into the sensation. Examples of escapism: masturbation to escape, socializing, eating sleeping surf the web, putting up a front e. Think back of fear. When were you afraid? Get to the root. Let go of the resistance. Break the cycle. Examples: fear of being abandoned, FOMO, not being in control, not being accepted. · Follow the reaction to the source: cultivate awareness in the moment, catch it, take perspective and let it go o Take the momentum out of the reaction o It is not what triggered, it is what being stirred up, what is suppressed inside you? See the structure instead of the content o Breath into those sensations o Purposely trigger yourself o It is better to face it right now because with time the trauma will get worse 07. How To Let Go Of The Subconscious Mind · How to let it go which is step 3. Recap: Be aware of what you let to, dive into the sensations in your body (don't get stuck in the story in head head), follow it to the source, think back of the first time you felt this sensation. Repeat the question "when was the first time?" until you get to it. · Method o Don't force the process. Dissolve the resistance by relaxing your body and your mind. o Shame, fear and guilt should be the first pillars to remove before diving deeper into yourself. o Be aware of cues of your mind. There is no wrong path but don't think, just feel through it. It is about de-sensation. o Set and setting is important; verbalize safety to yourself o Ground yourself: base of your feet are roots going into the ground o Use pranic breathing o Accept and validate the sensation; fully and unconditionally o Be patient and invite the sensations to leave 08. Guided Subconscious Release · Place yourself in a safe environment without distraction. Let your subconscious know. · Put your spine straight and your palms on your legs · Visualize chatter box in your mind, change the location to the spine and moving down, lock the position · Operate from the base of your spine · Do 3 cycles of pranic breathing(first round): close your eyes, breath in for 6 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, release for 6 seconds, hold for 3, breath normal, repeat · Operate from the base of your spine but now also to the ground: visualize roots from your foot going deep in the earth, grounding you · Repeat 3 cycles of pranic breathing(second round): breath to the roots, breath in/out strengthen the grounded connection. Breath out with a "ssssh" sound to let the sensations out. · Feel the grounded connection afterwards · You are out of your head and in your body: breath into it o become aware of the sensations, let things come up if it wants to come up (distractions, fears or triggers). Let them take over. o Follow it to the source. Ask yourself what was the previous time I felt like this? Accept it fully and unconditionally o Now ask when was the first time you experienced this sensation. Let it come up. Put your awareness on it. Let go of resistence. o Stay with the sensations and let it come up. Don't label them. Don't try to understand. Surrender to it. Validate and accept it. Breath to it. Be with it. · Do another 3 cycles of pranic breathing(third round): letting go o Let it come up and let it go. Invite them to come up and let them run their natural course. Remind yourself that they want to leave but you are resisting it. o Experience the relief, embrace the experience of the new self. · Do the fourth round of pranic breathing: do it and come back, and afterwards put awareness of your surrounding 05. Conclusion 22. Conclusion · Now you know what letting go is (awareness), how to let go (proof), how to dig up, accept and reown in your subconcious (permanence), but how long does this take? How long before you get self-actualized? It is the wrong question. Leave the paradigm of succeeding. You are already there. It is in the now. · There is nothing to reach. Don't see it as a goal. You will never reach it. Give up by trying to reach it and you will be there. That is the journey. Let go of trying to get somewhere. · Even if you get there you will be afraid of losing it. Don't be too serious about it. It is not about perfectionism. Enjoy the moment. It is presence. · How much are you smiling? That is the indictator of success. It is not a sprint. It is a marathon. · Do it for the sake of doing it. Rediscover yourself. Be curious. · Let go the destination
  2. @actualizing25 Don't let Leo or anyone else divert you from something you are contemplating towards. Yes enlightenment is very very rare, even among the majority of spiritual circles; but seeing from the other perspective its the surest of surest, the easiest thing ever. Its because you are already it, you're destined to wake up as yourself. The reason why 99.99999999% of people won't wake up is because- Phase 1: This message of nonduality will never reach them in a lucid, coherent, logical, rational manner without any woo woo, junks and follies. Phase 2: Even after the message is reached, most likely it will be denied, grapled with, misunderstood, diverted etc in various degrees by most people. A big number of them will think they've got their version right and majority of spiritual people are stuck here. Phase 3: Very few will intellectually understand the message of nonduality without any excess fluff. This results in the death of curiousity and doubt towards all forms of 'knowledge'. Meaning, knowledge of things. Phase 4: the very few who really gets this intellectually now meet the bulk of the work. This is where the rubber meets the road. One has to be emotionally and energetically attuned and focused to realize this Truth. But the habitual mental patterns, corresponding desires and fears and the folly of contradicted personality all work in full force so that one cannot focus properly where it is needed to be. Phase 5: by overcoming all the phases, the rare lucky ones will drop all last vestiges of ignorance and obstruction and get WOKE.
  3. I had a very strong enlightenment experience regarding 'reality is just a persistent hallucination', everything has it's own limits and expiration until it's in a physical form.. Also, I could see myself in the past, I can admire, communicate with my past self. I can learn painful lessons through shadow work. To be honest with you, recently I found it's possible to conceive certain desirable results through psyche experiences. Although, still I used to find myself in a paradox or dilemma. I'm vulnerable to losing hope onto nonduality and psyche abilities. I can delude myself or confuse the neuro-scientific paradigm about hallucination with the spiritual domain. My mind used to play a lot of trickery to make me believe all these spiritual practices are pointless and mere placebo. Yes, I know still it's my mind that spinning the wheel of multiple perceptions and viewpoints. But it's not me. Me is too far from the mind that processes sensations and thoughts all over one's lifetime.. So, by that way, I could easily surpass such dialogues and drama played by my mind aka projection of the conventional society!..
  4. Tony Parsons is the most hardcore nonduality teacher I have found so far. I think his teaching is good as a foundation. For example he says in this new video that "awareness" and "awareness of" that's duality. My model has nonduality only for the umanifested reality and awareness is a result of a feedback loop between the unmanifested and the manifested reality. I will listen to some more of his presentation to see if what he talks about is the same as what I mean by the unmanifested. What I want to add to his teaching is that manifested reality evolves into higher levels of wholeness. Frustratingly enough I haven't been able to include that idea into my model in a clear way yet.
  5. How can causality be explained from a nonduality perspective? With my model that's easy! The Word of God is an infinite string of information which can be represented by a single real number. Manifested reality is a result of that string unfolding in the present moment. As an illustration, take the number Pi = 3.14159265... and then examine what is the cause of say the 7th decimal. The cause of that decimal is the whole number Pi itself! So causality from a nondual perspective is a result of all of reality as a single whole. But who caused the Word of God? The answer is: nobody! How? Take the set R of all real numbers and simply pick one number representing the Word of God. That number just timelessly IS. Or as God said in the Bible, something like: "I am that I am." From dark to LIGHT.
  6. Sadhguru talked about building a bridge between the external world to the physical body to the mental body and into the Source. That's what I call integral nonduality! The usual nondual teachings often lack the integral aspect and many teachers say things like: you are not your body. Roger Castillo said that those kinds of teachings are useful but he also like Sadhguru pointed out that there needs to be an integration into the physical world. If we say that we are not the body, then that's actually a duality separation. Sadguru even said that when we include our loved ones that's still separation and the same when we include our community and even when we include the whole country. Then what about QAnon who often writes about patriotism and especially with a focus on America? My impression is that Q is pointing to a bigger picture and includes patriotism worldwide. So in my opinion Q is including all of humanity in Where We Go One We Go All (WWG1WGA).
  7. @Inliytened1 Damn, nonduality. Infinite and nothingness become one. No good and evil. No real and imaginary. That must be.. something. (And nothing lol)
  8. Nonduality teacher Roger Castillo said that the feeling of free will is important but that there is no actual free will. That's a good point from an integral perspective where the ego is transcended and included. ACIM says: That's similar to what Castillo said, that there is free will in a sense. ACIM says that choice is meaningless. J. Krishnamurti said that choice is confusion. Those are good points too. So how to integrate non-doership and a sense of free will? One approach that I'm experimenting with is to experience prediction of the future as a sense instead of as a control and choice mechanism as in ordinary ego consciousness. This means I can think of possible future outcomes without taking it as definite plans or choices. It also means that I can instantly change my perception of the future based on new circumstances.
  9. @electroBeam I believe (all speculation here) that upon inspection of the reoccurring thoughts which are in discord with feeling, what would be found is that there isn’t any “unique atypical high tolerance” situation. I think you’d find that you are using the substances to suppress the discord between thoughts & feeling, and it is leaving you feeling uneasy, frustrated, unhealthy, and ultimately revealing a desire to align the peace, love, & creator that you are, with the working, surviving, creating & accomplishing you do. I feel a not so subtle “cry for help” in your thread. To me, it reads as “I’ve realized this is a fucking dream - and that’s awesome - but wtf - why isn’t life ‘lining up’?” How to “line it up”? That boils down to aligning thought with feeling, as feeling is the guidance and therefore must be abided by, must be listened to. You have passion, creativity, desire & are very open minded. What I believe is desired, is vision, to answer the question, “how do I align the infinite dreamer I know I am, with this dream, this life?”. When in life is the resolution not “that thing” we’re so sick of hearing? Yep, I know it well too....and here it comes.... Make a dreamboard. Before doing this, thoughts are coming and going, as if if behind our head. We’re aware of them, but it’s kind of hard to ‘see the bigger picture’ when it’s not in front of our eyes. Dreamboarding get’s every thought, of everything you want, in front of you. You know all to well that thinking about doing something, is not the experience of doing something. You’d have to do this, to experience what I’m suggesting. You also know, wether you care to admit it or not, that not a one of us really ever “grows up”. We convince ourselves of this, via responsibility, pressure, deadlines, etc. We all to often succumb to it, at the expense of the relationship with our inner being, our inner guidance - that which you desire so strongly to never feel discord or disconnection with. We’re all in truth God’s children. Nonduality, yep...and yet, he who assumes the upper hand over inner being, does so at his own inevitable peril. Chronic discord of thought & feeling leads to a pretend seriousness, grandiose nonsense, resentment, bitterness, stress, tension, etc. This leads to dis-ease, turbulent relationships, etc. Everything, in terms of feeling, we don’t want. The kick in the balls, is feeling - guidance - told us this since day one. But one can get so lost in the woods, so deep in the pressures of surviving, that a rather simple thing seems blown out complicated and practically unfixable. One accustomed to pressure & efforting their way busting through brick walls, at first struggles to appreciate the effortlessness of a simple dry erase board, vision, and the unconditional love and magic of reality. I suggest you ‘take back your life’, and your happiness - that is, the relationship between you, and You, if you will. While the materialist paradigm and the believing of such thoughts can suggest to the contrary, this place is a dream. Put anyone, or anything, ahead of your relationship with the higher self within, and nothing makes sense anymore. Nothing clicks. The spring in your step & the joy in your heart just ain’t there - and that was what “worked”, what makes it all cohesively function like butter. Talking about your light here, your joy, your livelihood. I’m not suggesting you make any sudden changes, or that there’s actually anything you need to do. I’m suggesting that the dreamboard will reveal to you a series of “ah ha’s”, which reveal to you that your whole life, every experience, has lead up to a perfect culmination of the realization, and the illumination of the path of actualizing it, with natural passion & conviction - with a newly discovered knowing - of what you actually want to do, and what it looks like going forward. This would flush out some emotional misunderstanding in identity, resulting in profound understanding arising within you, making practices like meditation peaceful and fruitful, without any desire for substances. It doesn’t occur in a moment, but overtime. Again, if I’m off, or outta my place here, apologies. I just think you’re a cool, smart loving dude, and I love ya. There’s an “above my pay grade” reason I call it a dreamboard. I didn’t “think” of that my “self”.
  10. The fellow in the video starts off by saying how he gets everything Leo says about nonduality, Oneness, psychedelics and the universe experiencing itself. He says it’s all stuff he’s heard before. He then goes on to show that he lacks understanding and embodiment. . . At the personal level, his views are very rational and practical. Yet he lacks understanding at a transpersonal level. He will be stuck here because he assumes he has understanding that he lacks. And what he lacks, he perceives as “too far”. Indeed it is “too far” for him. Going “far” requires a high level of curiosity, willingness and surrender. It isn’t for the faint of heart.
  11. How to judge whether one is enlightened or not, I really don't know. For me, enlightenment means being fully conscious of all there is, nothing is unknown. And I'll know that I'm enlightened because nothing will be unknown. It can happen that people are just not speaking from the same meta level, or that the difference in meaning lies in how conscious one is. Like you might still find the word consciousness meaningful because of all the ideas associated with it or because it still points towards something for you. But on my side, the word doesn't really point to anything because of my level of awareness, I might have misinterpreted the concept or maybe embodied it or just transcended it to the point where it means nothing. By imagination I'm just referring to this whole meaningful and diverse world/reality. I'm referring to the duality in nonduality, all the form and the finitudes.
  12. "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." Nonduality in a nutshell!
  13. After looking around the forum. It seems that there is a culture that had been formalized around nonduality. After looking at other cultures. In the way things are said and done. There is a culture I have noticed that has spawned. In the way leo has made things to be funnelled. I didnt notice at first. This place is certainly run with an iron fist. But now I see it is all about lessening suffering for the whole. Really an intricately designed organization.
  14. We humans are like "batteries" used by the global ego and are running its "programs". And one of the key characteristics of the global ego is that it operates through planning, predicting and controlling the future. And the personal ego is a reflection of that behavior. What if what the nonduality teachers say is true? That there are no actual separate doers. The Bible has verses about God being the only doer. And if we use the hypothesis Ramesh Balsekar has and in essence also mathematician Stephen Wolfram has, that the future is predetermined, then it might be possible to become more powerful than the global ego, not by trying to control or plan more ourselves but to do the opposite! The opposite is to have ZERO plans. I can feel how my own ego wants to cling to the idea of personal control and planning, but that could be global ego programs! If the hypothesis of nondoership is correct, then it can be tested by dropping all personal planning and control of the future. If it works, then one's personal power will actually increase, because it's the correct perspective and loads of control and management effort is removed.
  15. This is a very short and funny interview packed with some solid non-dual Q&A...thought worth a share ❤
  16. You are already not the avatar, you are appearing as the avatar and realm of duality, so there is already not duality, so the belief to let go is that you are only the avatar, and are separate from anything. If there was anything which could ‘merge into’ nonduality, that would imply there is not nonduality. This is like a flashlight asking from the perspective of the lens “If I remove the lens from the flashlight and there is only flashlight, when the lens is put back on, would the lens return to the light on the wall?” The ‘flashlight’ is eternal and appearing as the lens and light on the wall. The belief to inspect is death, and I’d break it down in terms of direct experience of thought, perception and feeling, and scrutinize how & what you directly experience death to be. No, actually. There is only nonduality. Also, it make sense why someone who experienced trauma would have a likelihood of more fear in ego death, and why there would be an increased likelihood of reaching the void and wrestling with nihilism. My advice would be to contemplate a slight rephrasing of your question, writing down anything that arises...”Why would ego death be scarier for someone who experienced trauma?” If it’s helpful, start from the premise - “wouldn’t it actually be easier?”
  17. @Dino D you( God, the creator) are too powerful and alone, everything is you, thats the reason why you created the ego, because of purpose of duality is satisfaction and love. God loves to see its duality to satisfy itself that it is not alone. Love is the bridge between duality to non duality. Thats why all is one, because both sides complete each other. If god side never realize duality, It will never be understand that it is god. Thats why we created ourselves as a human now. God must create something separate from it in order to be a god, because in non duality everything is god. Such as , if cold is not exist warm can never be exist, if evil not exist goodnesses can never be exist. Thats the reason why many people must not know about they are God, because if everyone knows this knowledge it can never be duality. Because of that evil must be exist in entire civilizations, which is ever existed and will be exist. Additionally, don’t forget that these are all words and sounds. All is one, love and infinite. Duality, nonduality, god, human, bird, superhuman, everything and nothing exist and not exist at the same time. Because it is infinite. I cant find words to describe it. All is happening now. If you can understand it throughout language you know what the enlightenment is according to words.
  18. The Truth sank into realisation. All is one and I am it. I am all of this At first I thought realising the truth would be some out of this world, super special, mystical experience.. This right here is a mystical 'experience' ? There is no such thing as a more or less special 'experience', it's all one and the same thing. I am it all. Realising truth is very intimate and beautiful. What the hell is consciousness?? What the hell is enlightenment?? It doesn't even matter what it is. I am it. Whatever is, I am it. I am time, I am light, I am darkness, I am void, I am death, I am life, I am love, I am fear, I am infinity, I am finite, I am imagination, I am awakening. And what are all those things? Me, I am it all. Because that's the truth. No matter the circumstances, no matter the where or the when. I am There's no grounding myself in this, what a ridiculous notion ? I am it, God damnit! Call it nothing, call it nonduality, call it everything, call it God. Hell, call it evil or shit or nonsense if you want. It doesn't matter, nothing matters. The truth is I am it all and it's one. It's all one and the same thing, and it's me. It really doesn't matter what I do, it all is love, all of it.. struggle, bliss, it's all love. That's what it truly is, what every thing, every state, every phenomena, what it truly is is Love. It's me. How is it love? Because it is. It just is. The question 'How' is love. The answer to the question.. is also love. Every happening is love. It's self love. Love loving itself, it's all one. All along, the only thing I am, the only embodiment there is - is the embodiment of love. I am literally what is! I can't even say the truth has been right in front of me ? It's more accurate to say that the truth has been my face this entire eternity. And this is eternity, there's no attaining immortality and eternity, this right here.. this is it. This is never going to end, Never! Nor does it even change, it all is as it is! It's one and the same thing, night and day are one and the same thing. What the hell is duality and nonduality?? As you breathe, all this is the only thing that is and will forever be. No matter the circumstances, it's all one. Nonduality will never be attained/known until that which already is, in pure actuality, is embodied. Until then, nothing will ever be known simply because there's nothing to know. All that is known is imagined so. This is The Truth So simple, so obvious, literally the clearest thing that can ever be, requiring no form of intelligence whatsoever. One merely has to breathe it in to get it.. It's just that obvious. This Truth is love is one and Is I Am it ? So I'm going to leave The Truth Pilgrimage as it is, and see what the next pilgrimage or journey will be. ??????????????????
  19. So today i had a very interesting meditation experience. First of all i haven’t been meditating for almost a year now because of various reasons. But i have meditated and contemplated in the past a lot. So i think i have a pretty good understanding of nonduality. Also i had my first awakening experience about three months ago while tripping on mushroms. But thats another story. word counter VidMate Mobdro Basically just today i decided i really want to start meditating again. I created a to do list for 100 days of meditation. After that i sat down and started meditating and not even 10minutes have passed when my consciousness started shifting in a very way it wasn't like anything i have ever experienced during meditation. I started to feel this presure on my eyes and then everything started to feel much more lucid. Suddenly i wasn't simply aware of the things in front of me but all consciousness around me. It is kind of difficult to explain but yeah... And then i started getting excited and it faded. i think this was a slight taste of nonduality through meditation. But I never thought your state of consciousness could shift in such a significant way just by meditating. Very crazy I also find it very interesting that i had the strongest experience through meditation after more than a year with no meditation and basically no conscious lifestyle. I think this might me because when i meditated daily amd contemplated constantly i always wanted this awakening soo bad but this was probably the biggest obastacle to it. Anyways i just wanted to share this experience i had with yall.
  20. @Hello from Russia Oh, I think I have not expressed myself accurately enough. My point was that there are many who are overindulged either in survival (people who just chase money and success) or people who only chase enlightenment after enlightenment while neglecting mastering life on a more relative plane (a.k.a. survival). In my current opinion, fulfilling for a HUMAN BEING life consists of being HUMAN and BEING. Therefore balancing the two. In the end, nonduality includes duality. One ramification of this is incorporating survival in one's pursuits. Even though I think there is a point to transcend survival to a high extend I currently strive to become masterful at both. Are we on the same page now?
  21. So today i had a very interesting meditation experience. First of all i haven’t been meditating for almost a year now because of various reasons. But i have meditated and contemplated in the past a lot. So i think i have a pretty good understanding of nonduality. Also i had my first awakening experience about three months ago while tripping on mushroms. But thats another story. Basically just today i decided i really want to start meditating again. I created a to do list for 100 days of meditation. After that i sat down and started meditating and not even 10minutes have passed when my consciousness started shifting in a very wierd way it wasn't like anything i have ever experienced during meditation. I started to feel this presure on my eyes and then everything started to feel much more lucid. Suddenly i wasn't simply aware of the things in front of me but all consciousness around me. It is kind of difficult to explain but yeah... And then i started getting excited and it faded. i think this was a slight taste of nonduality through meditation (but I obviously fucked it up haha). But I never thought your state of consciousness could shift in such a significant way just by meditating. Very crazy I also find it very interesting that i had the strongest experience through meditation after more than a year with no meditation and basically no conscious lifestyle. I think this might me because when i meditated daily amd contemplated constantly i always wanted this awakening soo bad but this was probably the biggest obastacle to it. Anyways i just wanted to share this experience i had with yall.
  22. It's of course fine to use pointers in the form of 'ego' and 'fear' in noduality teachings, but what the spiritual teachers are pointing at is a trans-conceptual state that Shunyamurti talked about. Even meta perspectives can often become just another abstraction level of concepts. The trans-conceptual understanding is more like an under-standing, to stand under the concepts. A sense that sees through the layers of concepts. Regular thoughts are concepts. Words are concepts. When J. Krishnamurti said "the observer is the observed" then those are concepts too! One insight I got is that thoughts themselves are a false perspective of separations. So the whole foundation of thinking therefore becomes invalid! Thoughts are of course valid on the conceptual level but when we use thoughts as a foundation for dealing with nonduality it becomes a false foundation.
  23. One mistake I have made in the past, or it can be called limitation if there are no actual mistakes fundamentally in reality, is to examine nonduality from my conceptual understanding. So what's wrong with that? The error, the false perspective I had, is to start with the concepts as a foundation. That misses the actual nonduality, for the concepts are already a mistaken perspective of separation. The very word 'nonduality' itself is a separate concept so it's already a false duality label. And the same with the word 'ego' which is a label, a false duality concept, pointing to a separate sense of self so it becomes a double mistake of separation. This results in a situation where seemingly clear meaning is in reality a mess of false divisions.
  24. @Leo Gura i think i see where the problem is and im really trying my best to make my points clear and not offensive and at the same time as direct as possible so please try to be open to it.. the problem is that ur stuck in an absolute worldview u either perceive reality in an absolute nondual way like saying that every thing is one being and in an absolute dual way like saying that meaning (dualistic relative notion) is illusory b cuz its imagined, so u perceive duality as nonduality. in ur mind which u cant even perceive as different from anything else right now, theres a thought "duality is nonduality". in other words ur confusing the two and lumping them into one altogether without any distinctions while justifying that to urself by saying that all distinctions are imagined and therefore false or relative. BUT that is yet another imagined distinction or isnt is? so the meta view here is that its a strange loop ie imagination calling imagination out. u see u cant escape imagination b cuz its all there is. and while on the one hand theres truly only one being, on the other hand duality is flexible it can be two or three or infinity and it is in fact infinity. think of the yin and yang symbol. right now when u look at the whole circle u only perceive the circle without color and u cant tell the difference between the yin and the yang any more and even when u try to find them u only perceive one of them and think its both ie ur perceiving a grey circle instead of black and white so ur not able to perceive each color individually and the totality of them together at the same time b cuz ur (hopefully temporarily) unable to create distinctions or contrasts but unfortunately stuck with one and only one malignant distinction that says all distinctions are illusory. right now ur viewing reality from such a narrow perspective that is not even binary and it cannot even allow binaries to exist b cuz theyre imagined and therefore illusory and therefore dismissed but the one truth is infinite binaries and of course we should end up with a strange loop as the limitations of the mind and language impose b cuz once u capture the one truth it immediately splits up into two once again (binary) and so on it goes forever (including this truth as theres awareness of it). thats the nature of god it has awareness and it has thought and theyre both one and the same only in different forms so of course duality is nonduality but that doesnt remove duality it does not dissolve but rather it gets sharper and yet at the same time u understand deepest down that the essence is one and cannot be captured but can only be
  25. With such an attitude, in practice, you won't reach permanent nonduality. Of course you could get lucky. But I wouldn't count on that. If you want LSD levels of consciousness sober, you're gonna have to devote your life to it. One of the reasons I trick you guys into trying psychedelics is so that you realize what is possible if you get serious about this work. Without the LSD you would have never taken the work seriously enough to see what is possible. Now you know what's possible but you are still too lazy to actualize it. Maybe one day that will change. Or not. Up to you.