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  1. So there is goodness, only that some initiates in the past, those who did not transcend, they used the high priest's knowledge on their own lucrative shit. Because an awakened human being does not have that desire, only those who almost got it. And i spoked the truth. Namaste
  2. Thoughts from people usually. Or your own baggage information. The only difference from an insane human and an awakened one is only this, the awakened knows and distinguish his/her thoughts from anyone else, etc.
  3. After many years of soaking in this spirituality stuff and what Leo and others teach in general, something is bubbling away beneath the surface. I'll spell it out, it's my unease at nihilism and talk of the void and nothingness and getting rid of the ego. I'll call it zeroism the sake of lumping it altogether. I understand at a tacit level what all this zeroism is about. Quickly: being attached to a something creates suffering, and a something is pure illusion or more accurately it is not at the root of reality. Firstly, suffering is the human condition, there is suffering and all the things associated with it at all levels, great and small, simple and complex. Pushing past suffering is one of the greatest means for actualising yourself. Secondly, there appears to be more to reality than meets the eye, the immediate sensation of a material world with objects and people is not to be trusted - it is a house of cards which can be toppled over and it should be toppled over - so that you can truly be spiritually actualised - enlightened or awakened. Non-dual speak frankly bores me. For every person that says something is occuring, there is someone that says nothing is occuring. I've even argued myself for nothing going on, using logical thought. It's like eating strawberry ice cream and then someone saying "you're wrong there is no strawberry ice cream, there's nothing there". This is just rubbish. I can't vouch for the experiences of others, because I'm not them (yes I am a separate sentient human being), but strawberry ice cream exists. If I go to my local shop and buy it, I can experience it any time I want. And that's my point. Consciousness or whatever this is exists in all its glory, it is here, right here, right now. To deny that existence or argue against it or to say it's anything different to what it is, is utter delusion. There is meaning to reality, there is something, there is movement and colour, there is ice cream - because reality is all of it, it's allowable, it's not illusion, it's not maya, it's not nothingness or whatever. I exist, because I experience myself existing. Stuff is happening because I experience it (I can feel you all cringing now). I can accept that reality is just experiencing itself and that an "I" is unnecessary, but the fact remains that there is an "I" right here at this moment. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of delusion and ignorance but this is to all to do with the content of reality. However, reality itself is not delusion, illusion, nothingness, or anything else. Reality is exactly as it presents itself right now. If reality presents itself differently in ten minutes' time then that is reality. It's really very very simple. Why all the unnecessary misdirection of zeroism? Trying to overcome suffering is really about utility and actualisation. Actualisation is 99% about the content of reality and deconstructing everything, so it is all utility. You're actualising because it serves you. You are the one that wants to get enlightened, telling yourself otherwise is silly. After a while it should become blatantly obvious that everything is constructed in some way: it's made of parts, it has rules, it fits within a greater whole. Most of human drama stems from the inability to extricate itself from its constructions. But the fact remains that constructions are reality, they're not illusions, they are simply things that can be shown to be arbitrary - that being the greatest single realisation to have. Yes the content of reality is completely arbitrary, but it still exists, I'm here to witness it. You get me?
  4. I just had an idea.... I have every basics in meditation, have read about every path to enlightenment that's reputable. Had a few glimpses. And really Incredible awakenings. But I'm not enlightened not liberated and perceive no real definitive progress in the NOW ... I'm basically just a borderline crazy guy wasting his time on this forum and spirituality. I just thought to myself. If I'm serious about enlightenment, why not livestream it, share my path and multiply the intensity of my practice? I thought about doing strong determination sitting live and increasing the duration from day to day until I'm able to sit 24/7. Then (and during my path) ask teachers, to guide me, help me, live streams. QnAs. etc. Intros and outros. I know that a lot of you guys have blogs and yt channels I'm gonna be the first case study of some regular dude reaching enlightenment. Written stories about people finding enlightenment started 4000years ago. Livestreaming "progress" might be the next step to awaken the world. Maybe I'm just stupid, but I wanted to write down that idea, to see what you guys think about it? Also, just for fun I'm gonna shave my head and beard for the first livestream and let it grow for years, so the more awakened I get, the more my hair will grow. (Just for the memes). I'm not gonna be able to let go of the path, so why not make it fun and share it with people?
  5. No one here seems to mention Ajahn Brahm, but I think he is probably one of the most awakened and embodied humans alive, may this video help
  6. There are some awakened host in coffee shop.
  7. @Goldzilla I agree in a roundabout way. The Teaching I informally follow places a good deal of importance on the belly center to be vitally connected with embodiment. @Zion If these excerpts have any appeal You might find the YouTube about Karlfried Graf Durkheim interesting. Distinguishing Physical Sensation from Essential Substance The capacity to sense oneself must become so refined that the individual can discriminate between physical sensation and the sensation of essential substance. It is not enough that the mind be quiet. It is also necessary for the body to be sensitive. The mind can be quiet while the body is deadened. The body has to be awakened so that the center of sensing, the belly center, can be activated. The belly center, or what Gurdjieff called the physical center, is the center of sensing for all parts of the body. Its deepest function is the subtle sensing, the sensing of essential presence, that the Sufis call the organ for touch. Touch is, in a sense, the most intimate of the physical senses. The skin must be directly against an object to touch it. There is no intermediary medium, like sound for hearing or light for seeing. So this subtle capacity is a very intimate one. Accurately speaking, it is sensing essence by being essence. It is the most direct way of perception. This capacity of touch, connected with the belly center, is very intimately connected with the embodiment of essence. It is the body center; its mode of perception is embodiment. Here, perception as touch, and being, are the same act. So this capacity is the most important one. Essence with the Elixir of Enlightenment, pg. 130 Functioning of the Essential Self in the Belly Center Yes, usually the belly center has to do with embodiment, with the capacity to sense oneself. However, the belly center is also the will center. In a sense, the ultimate function of the will is to surrender to what happens, surrender to the now. And surrender to the now means not to hold on to something. The true function of the will is complete surrender to what’s happening without holding on. That is will. The essential self, like all essential aspects, can function in any of the subtle centers. When one is being the essential self its location is usually the heart center. However, when the essential self is functioning in relation to identifying or disidentifying from any content of experience, it becomes associated with the belly center. The essential self is more like a potential for experience, and it also manifests as a capacity for identification. One of the results of that capacity for identification is embodiment. Embodying something means you are identified with what’s happening. An essential state is present. You are embodying it if you are it. The true self has the capacity to identify with something you are experiencing, but it doesn’t have to. It has a choice; it has the freedom. Diamond Heart Book Three, pg. 79 From
  8. Leo gura, the teacher who has awakened more people in history. and it's just beginning
  9. There is cause and effect. And reality in this planet, those whom disbalance life, they will pay for it, never doubt that. "God" has every detail. And the unawakened is just driven by karma, that is the reality, no matter how much you conceptualize that karma does not exist, only the awakened, the divine, the initiate, the "god", has the power to change reality. The other mass folk they just dream and rage, this is the reality, they can't control shit! Even if they know magic for decades, they are no match to those who awakened the Limbic system and know how to use it.
  10. There are two states. Awakened and the rest. How many awakend people on the planet? I say three or four, that I know of. How many claiming to be awakend, because the experience higher states of consciousness, and emanate Shakti. I say thousands.
  11. It'll always have a special place in my heart, because it awakened me to the mysterious beauty that underlies all of life when I was in my early twenties and feeling rather lost in life. It touched me profoundly
  12. That is a common mistake people make when listening to what I say. The goal is never to out-do anyone. The goal is simply to become as deeply conscious of reality as possible. By flattening awakening, you make it impossible for yourself to reach the highest degrees of consciousness. Which is the saddest thing in the world. If you manage to convince yourself that consciousness is flat, you will forever lock yourself out from the highest self-understanding. I know of many awakened people who have such a shallow consciousness of reality. And they will never move any deeper because they believe that they are done. Most awakened people are like those who have lit a candle. And I am telling you to fly into the sun.
  13. The thing is in Leo latest video he talks about conciousness being self illuminating - the way he describes it, is literally the exact terminology that Daniel Ingram and frank yang have both used. Literally the exact same way of describing reality when awakened, this self luminating quality. It just becomes a pissing contest. The goal isn’t consensus or to understand each other, it’s to try to be more awake then the other person and to not concede anything linguistically, makes no sense
  14. She is speaking from the absolute. Yes, in the absolute sense, all things are what they are and will never be anything else. No matter how unenlightened you are, in the spectrum of eternity, you are already enlightened in the absolute. We have been doing this for eternity, and we will keep going. She is less trying to teach seriously but simply sharing the absolute truth through her, which will not resonate with or truly be understood by the majority of the people except those who are already awake and enlightened (or at least highly developed spiritually). For most people, they need serious/practical spiritual/epistemological teachings that can move them up the spiral. However, this is only considered if teaching is considered as important to that being (the teacher). After awakening, all beings are free to choose what they wish to do or experience. So they are free to place importance on anything they wish, they may value serious teaching, or they may just speak through their intuition. She plays more as an example of a type of awakened being and speaking truth to those ready to hear it, but not really as a teacher who can help raise the consciousness of the masses. The concept of cessation/desirelessness is a deep and important one on the path that will lead to a deeper state of beingness. But most people are not at the point on the path where they are ready to truly reach this understanding. These concepts can still be important seeds that might lead to awakening or insights later on as a person develops into higher states of consciousness. But many might also misinterpret them and become confused or stuck. So one should consume teachings from a wide range of teachers but always verify them through their own direct experience before believing in anything. If you had direct experiences of God, you would understand what Anna said on an experiential level instead of intellectual beliefs, and thus you would not get stuck on them because you did the work to verify them yourself. Do you need to work and seek to become enlightened? How would you know that if you are not enlightened? And how would you know that Anna is speaking the truth? Do you even know what the truth is? Know that you know nothing and test all insights and teachings to verify them for yourself. This way, you are less likely to become too confused, stuck, or deluded on the path.
  15. Anna Brown is awesome! A great speaker. When she says "there is nothing to do because there us no self to be awakened." She is absolutely correct. This message is very useful for spiritual seekers who are caught in the trap of thinking that enlightenment is something to be achieved "out there" somewhere in the distant future. Her message is very important for remembering that when you practice, you are trying to allow the present moment to be exactly as it is. You are not trying to "create" and enlightenment "experience." But you are just trying to surrender to the Truth of Now which is that your awareness is already free and liberated. It's important to mix actual serious practice with the remembrance that there is no reason to practice. There is equally no reason to not practice. So you might as well practice your ass off. Just don't allow your practice to become it's own obstacle. Leo is right when he says that these teachings can easily delude newbies into thinking that they are more awake than they actually are.
  16. Cannot be explained the awakened state. Nor this conceptualization of pain. I know what pain is, that's why i speak about it. I don't have the need to feel the suffering of others, that in itself is bias. Thinking you will se me in you is just another concept. I have a different configuration than anyone else on the planet. We are only one in essence, not in configuration, not in feeling, not in "thought". From an awakened perspective i'm sovereign entity above anything else. And all of you are when you awaken. Until awakening, human being is just that, a walking dead. Not to blame here nothing. Just posting what is real or not. Namaste
  17. If you ask me if i am awakened or enlightened, i will not respond. Even if i said what awakening or enlightenment is, i don't care so much about concepts. I will simply say, i know how to glow my body and go beyond what is established. I simply know how to take my body into another level of perception and being. To those of my inner circle they know this, they have seen me glow etc. To those who want to learn this, that is another subject. This being the main reason i have this all powerful attitude and kinda speak from authority, because i know what i'm talking about and can prove this, not only in concepts and words. I'm trying to be kind, but man, sometimes is too boring to be pleasing.
  18. Yesterday I had an OCD flare up. I should not use this label, because I have already awakened to the fact that my lifelong OCD is actually some sort of deep intuition. It's just the right amount of weird. But honestly, sometimes it fucks with me. I had very limited time, was stressed and getting groceries. I saw this coffee drink at the grocery store and had an impulse to buy it. It made no sense, it's far more caffeine than I can handle. I used my intelligence over intuition and didn't get it. I couldn't let it go. The obsession grew stronger and stronger. I did a good job of opening to it rather than suffering by it. I gave in and actually drove back 35 minutes to the store that night and bought this stupid $3 over caffeinated drink. I had given in to my time shortageness and just utterly said "fuck it." The whole drive there was full of strange synchronicity, like in a dream. Me and the kids had an incredibly fun time, I bought some new, weird random foods because we were out there for really, no good reason, I had JUST gotten all the groceries. It was like an exotic vacation, in the same stupid grocery store I've been going to since I was a kid. We went into Walmart and my daughter was going "Beep beep, beep beep!" and the cart guy honked this super loud horn to entertain her, my daughter loved it and it was absolutely hilarious, perfect timing. Earlier that day I had realized that my wireless keyboard I needed to write my book on on the first retreat I've ever done this weekend was not going to arrive. In Walmart, in the same section I had looked before I found a perfect wireless Bluetooth keyboard. Now I have this $3 energy drink, "Death Wish" coffee I will likely never drink, but "through" which this whole synchronicity and fun experience came about. I guess I could just keep it as a reminder. God works in mysterious ways, ie, Divine Fuckery.
  19. First, Kundalini is only half the story. There are 2 sepents in iconography, kundalini and kundalina. Awakening Kunda Force goes hand in hand with Spiritual Awakening. Those in mental insitutions have an erratic Kunda Force awakened. So, caution, this is not something you play with it. Kunda force also is responsible for giving birth. Trapped in duality is a unawakened state of what concerns Kunda, or the Dragon. Take it this way, we grow as kids because of Kunda, people stop growing because they believe that. Being in love is what Kunda force feels, don't go into paranormal experiences and visions, those are delusions of duality.
  20. By calling it, i'm sensitive enough to sense entities. Something i achieved after awakening. Fimiliarize yourself with the entity you want to bring into your life, study what people say on certain entity. Find a sigil or make your own, google is vast. Angels are steadyfast, they can be more frighten to some than demons. Because in the end they are Daemons, they are not like people, a little different, they have a purpose. Angels and Demons is duality concept. There are 144 natural Daemons linked on the human psyche, meaning, there are 144 pshychological facets in the human being, godhood. In other understanding, all these entities i mentioned are part of the human being, dormant many. Is put this way in occult or religion to scare those trapped in duality. In other point of view in mainstream western occult and mysticism, the 72 angels and the 72 demons are nothing more than ying and yang, on a more detailed approach. Go and read books on this, there are many. Remember, this is not buga buga, are facets in the human being, they can be explained psychologically. Also there is the trap of belief and worship, while one did not awakened yet all the facets of his/her psyche.
  21. Well, i can demonstrate RL the awakening state for others, that can be done. What are you saying never and never, is only a delusion of duality. Those awakened know each other, laugh about it, hahahaha. So, before being so sure about what you are saying, go and experience the real deal, it will surprize you. This thing of awakening is like this, examples: Is like explaining what psychedelics are and feel, to those who never tried them. Is like explaining someone what a love relationship is before they did not experience that. Is like me now showing you how can i change a circumstance according to my will and you don't believe that. So, the clear point is. Those who did not experience spiritual awakening, they don't have a clue about all of this, they can read all the books in the world, and they will not be able to grasp this without experience. So, is not debatable what i'm saying here. Is like explaining to a kid how to be an adult, same thing. Cannot be done.
  22. ? Equally, if a mind can‘t comfortably navigate competing, sometimes outright paradoxical positions, this is a huge sign the ego has built a conceptual self structure out of the new position. If a mind can’t understand the relativity, wisdom, and unity of these competing and paradoxical positions, it’s due to a lack of clear seeing and a lack of fluidity with the self structure. A self with more fluidity is easier to see clearly and to notice unconscious blind spots. The seeing through ALL points of view in a simultaneous integration of ALL points of view is the activity of a powerful mind, and the quality of an awakened consciousness.
  23. Did you wonder why Bruce Lee passed away so quickly? The overdid plexus impulses. He had to take a brake from those practices in order to regain balance. I overdid stuff in the magical world, like mind control and stuff, or simply intimidate. Overdoing this once awakened the kundalini and kundalina, can hurt you greatly in the experiment phases. Takes discipline to not dweolve the wrong way into it.
  24. @OneIntoOne she is good and absolutely awakened. ?
  25. Just because someone has done years of psychedelics doesn't automatically mean they are awakened or enlightened or spiritually grown. Some people have started wearing "I have done psychedelics" as some sort of a badge. It's another form of spiritual dick measuring contest. One such example is that Adeptus dude.