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  1. Wicked Problems the world is facing and/or still havent solved. Wicked problems are •Complex •Full of unforeseen outcomes •Paradigmatic •Multi-faceted •Lacking a clear solution Terrorism Climate Change Homelessness Poverty Mass Incarceration (US) Organized Crime Human Trafficking Mass Shootings Income Inequality Cancer AIDS Pandemics Depression/Suicide Conspiracy Theories/Fake News Democratic Recession (The Rise Of Authoritarianism) Overpopulation ...and more
  2. @Leo GuraThanks so much Leo and @Seed I am grateful. I don’t believe I will make it that far and reach 60. I think I will commit suicide much earlier because of the pain. The spirituality is probably too advanced for me when I can’t get the basics right
  3. @flowboy thanks for the video. I am watching it now. It’s not fair. I did try @Barbara it pains me to get to this point and to have to call a suicide hotline. I don’t believe I matter because someone would love me if I did. The pain is so bad. I hate myself @TripleFly @Seed thanks for the encouragement.
  4. It's still doable. You need a job, get a job at McDonalds, get any job, you need to earn a living so you can buy certain essential things. Good clothes, good perfume, good food. You can't expect a women to get close to you without these things. Get books that you're passionate about, it could be self help, it could be about virgins like you. Start digging your head into reading material, it's good for you. enjoy it. Find a career path. Pay a professional counselor(see why you need money?) to help you figure what kind of a career you can make yourself. You need to get your head straight. Pay for therapy. Find a gym so you can get those feel good hormones, so you can get testosterone, this will boost your performance and drive for life. It will make you also want to get better food to get higher and better nutrition. Good luck. If all else fails, go to a monestary instead of suicide. Monks have been recorded to be able to instantly create bliss, to off record levels of bliss, such rapture and love on command is not something science understand. So if it comes down to it, just go and do that, what've you got to lose. Better than suicide imo.
  5. Text this line You will talk to a counselor trained for this type of crisis. You are having a crisis just like a heart attack. You need to get help as fast as you can. Text or call the line and they will help you. You are enough and you matter immensely buddy! Don't believe your mind telling you otherwise.
  6. Thanks so much for caring friends. Grateful for all your support @Tudo I can’t afford to buy a car to drive with Uber or go to an escort. I’m not able to afford it. @mandyjw sorry for forgetting to tag you previously @Barbara @Knowledge Hoarder I called the suicide hotline today thanks. My life is already ruined so committing suicide would end my pain. @Nahm Thanks for summarizing friend. You sounded very spiritual before. It is hard to change my beliefs but I am currently trying. @Barbara Thanks. But getting a woman to love me is impossible for me. I have been rejected and mocked many times by girls I liked. I am at the bottom of the food chain. Everyone else has normal lives and aren’t virgins at my age. I want to be loved by someone @Bob Seeker I will look into him @Leo Gura Thanks for the plan Leo and for the advice. We are close to the same age. It feels impossible but you said it’s doable for me. I will follow the baby steps. I want to be loved by someone Does everyone think I am a loser being at the point I am now? @Jacob Morres @Husseinisdoingfine @Regan@hoodrow trillson Thanks. Means so much to me. Not all incels are bad
  7. @Gianna I'm glad you found this helpful. I understand that for many people who are not philosophically minded it seems crazy to consider the idea that suffering is an illusion. I wonder what it would take for a society to apply these insights. I remember in high school there were some talks about teenagers getting depressed and committing suicide. These teachers were doing there best to tell people some of the signs that indicate that a student is suicidal. In spite of their efforts, many students still quietly struggled with a lot of emotional problems and did not know what to do about them. For a long time I was also struggling with domestic violence and drug addiction in my family. I felt like I was constantly fighting myself and my suffering felt very real. If these insights were shared with schools, I know their good intentions would pay off. This is similar to my conclusions about my life purpose in that I generate unique and overlooked perspectives with which I can derive powerful truths through my unique way of thinking to approach complex issues in counterintuitive ways.
  8. @Hello world Thank you my friend. If what I said was to lofty, the watered down version is… you are feeling the way you are due to how you’re looking at things. I know it’s very convincing that it’s because of the things. But, to see if this is accurate, change how you’re looking at things even in the slightest, simplest most subtle ways, and notice how it feels. Also, there are suicide prevention experts available who are trained to help. They are not only specifically trained in prevention, by helping bring clarity and relief to where you’re at. Much love, wishing you the best.
  9. Please don't do such a thing. There are many stories of now healthy people who were close to suicide and today they are happy and loved, by themselves and others. Killing yourself would be in fact ruining your life, as there's no way back to that. Your life can change from day to night, you just got to believe that. There are suicidal hotlines in your country. A quick google research will lead you to them. Call them and get help!
  10. @flowboy @Nahm @Barbara Thanks a lot friends. I will watch the videos for sure and try to follow the plan. @Nahm you sound very spiritual I want to be like you one day. I don’t understand much about what you said it’s too advanced for me but thanks for the the advice. @flowboy I haven’t committed suicide yet but I am dangerously close now and without any hope. I am alone in my apartment with no social contact yet alone from any women. I am dragging myself through each day suffering. But I will try. @Barbara love is dependent on external conditions at least for an incel like me who’s a kissless virgin at the age I have reached. Everyone my age is happy and loved in relationships and not an outcast and with stable lives. Look at @Leo Gura he’s so rich and successful at 36 and loved by everyone. I wish I was like him or alone with normal happy lives. I am unloved and an alone incel living in poverty. I haven’t even held a woman’s hand before
  11. Watch this video. You already decided subconsciously to not actually commit suicide, so might as well start fixing your life now. I gave you a step by step progression that you can use as a plan. If you commit to taking action to change, people on this forum can help you over obstacles every step of the way. You are not alone.
  12. Thanks guys. Just know that not all incels or people my age are crazy cruel people. I am a good person but I am seriously struggling and to the point of suicide now. Everyone my age has succeeded. I am left behind. Call me bitter or resentful but I am a good person just seriously broken
  13. @Gianna I meant that I do this in a physical journal. It has a different feeling compared to doing it online when it feels closer and more personal. I also feel pressure to keep posting when I commit to these online projects. I did an online journal a while back before I purchased the life purpose course and book list. Aside from the journal, what I discuss with my brother is specific to our life experiences. secondly, in order to resolve inner emotional tension, it takes a lot of different perspectives. Overtime, you can observe your thoughts and emotions and watch how they gradually evolve in terms of how you react to them. This happens through many small insights, gradually being integrated into your psyche. Do you have a thread about low self esteem in which you expand on this topic? The most powerful insight weakens suicidal thoughts a lot. Although you can moralize to yourself about suicide being selfish and use this to avoid killing yourself successfully, it is not optimal. It is far more powerful to recognize that the desire to die comes from love in that one seeks to reduce suffering. If you hesitate to commit suicide, then this is also a form of love when the desire to survive conflicts with the desire to die. If there is hesitancy, then there could still be hope. Rather than having these desires conflict with each other, one can meditate and observe both desires while releasing attachment to both. If one attempts to make the desire to live win out, then although this is another form of love, it backfires if the desire to die is repressed and not fully resolved. This leads to further inner conflict and backsliding into depressive episodes full of hopelessness. Through this counterintuitive move to release both the desire to live and the desire to die, one can begin to recognize the deeper underlying truth. The truth is that love is your essential nature and nothing can truly separate you from it. This also means that evil is an illusion, therefore harsh moral judgements about your behavior become untenable. This insight is what is being missed by most of society and it could save a lot of people's lives while fixing self esteem issues. This is how one can move from suicidal, to getting by, to optimally coping. I am currently checking my coping mechanisms to see if I am getting by, or can I optimize them to discover something powerful and counterintuitive as this can lead to a massive difference in our thinking. It is possible to self reflect so deeply that you can experience a state of consciousness in which you realize that all suffering is love, and in this sense you never truly suffered as outrageous as it may sound. you could feel as if all of your suffering was an illusion and you were never hurt at all. This makes me feel like crying in a good way. This might have been what Jesus meant when he said "the kingdom of heaven is found within.". My brother struggled with the philosophical and religious sounding insights and he found it helpful to study ego defense mechanisms as a form of practical psychology. You can find a list on Wikipedia and ask yourself "how do I use these defense mechanisms?"
  14. @Marcel We talked about mom Grandad issues... Felt unsafe and uncomfortable as a teen How compassion is needed to heal mom's issues. Using gentle approach The incident with dad. After that a phone call with grandmother. He had npd. (avoiding conflict) did not understand when you were 15. Cold behavior And that there is conflict between. You don't tolerate disrespect. You won't take disrespect. Expenses, how many euros were spent in different ways? Money mis management Start working in 4 months. 4 months time for emotional healing, psychological healing, cultivation of compassion, ignore dad, mental health struggles, problems with expression, suicidal tendencies, open communication and sharing, you want to be able to access emotions properly, mental instability, no control over emotional state, weight loss, physical exhaustion (over exertion and body and mind abuse, self destructive behavior), existential crisis, confusion state there is no sense of direction, feeling all emotions at once, music was having a bad influence, mental and emotional exhaustion because of crying and pent up emotions, talking about and crying was making you feel better, healthy crying, uncontrollable crying causing exhaustion, you want to work out 3 times a week for 30 minutes. You cut out superficial friends Past addictions - TV, overeating, music and video games, walking, over exertion, studying Stage Orange mindset (from family) blue in family, maternal is green Suicidal tendencies Free therapy - planning to go to a therapist conflicted about therapy due to bias and bad experiences with therapists in the past Integration of masculinity Shaming your own masculinity Free expression of feminine side Morgue helps you. Some of his work Bob Proctor - stage orange Struggle with Stage Green emotional side. Can't relate to it Dominant and submissive side Food preferences changed - vegetables and fruits. Walking in early morning for 30 minutes Sleep quality - all over the place. Very sleepy. Over sleepiness. Not a proper schedule. Not able to keep a schedule for more than 2 weeks Don't watch porn Emotional issues - majority /major Definition of spirituality - to develop love, compassion and care and understanding Suicide attempts - 2, 18/20 Loneliness 2 years (last) Pyramid scheme- it helped you become more extroverted. Don't regret it. Lost money on it. Regret losing money on it. Overall negative experience. Interacting with different people was a positive part of the experience Number of friends - very very few. Bullying - 7th grade (13 years) to 10th grade (16 years ) cold environment Defensive at times in teens Some anger issues due to suicide based trauma Emotional Maturity - need to develop. Access to feelings needed. Impulsive during triggers. Less control on emotions. Dealing with everything all alone
  15. of course not dude, you are not at all overthinking. i am quite surprised at the same things I have encountered on my journey. I might not be as advanced as many on this forum claim to be. dunno i u might find this useful but, anyways i will say that what you are experiencing is not uncommon. Even i got into this shit of questioning my own existence and reality around 16 y/o. this questioning lead me into depression and lost my entire view on reality. sertraline ain't the worst med i've taken . intrusive thoughts kept hitting my head every 5 minutes and I even seriously thought about suicide . super intrusive thoughts similar to the ones you describe are the most painful things I've had in my life.. .I believe that u r not having much of an emotional prob but, as i believe a shattering of your self image. I have witnessed a lot of things you say in my own personal life and have asked the same questions too. don't worry mate. you GOT THIS. !!!! i would personally recommend to stop all the mind-stuff you are doing and come back to the REALITY. get to a psychiatrist if you hv to and take some meds and the intrusive thoughts will vanish.
  16. Their songs Wait and Bleed and Everything Ends are, in my opinion, about the lead singers suicide attempt. He really adds emotional depth into his work by channeling that anger and sadness he felt during that moment.
  17. In the relative domain yes and no: - human can commit suicide - a rock can't in the absolute sense no
  18. If god had the desire to, could he somehow stop existing? I've always found the idea of death comforting because an endless life has always seemed tragic to me, and I think if I found out I was god and that I can't die I would find that deeply horrifying.
  19. My friends I am truly despaired and in need of an external point of view on my life so far, I can't ignore it anymore. I feel helpness and I don't know what to do. This summer I started to have backlashes of suicidal thoughts. One day I was so low: I went in a camp with a knife and I called my country's suicide hotline for giving this life a last chance. I called twice but they did not respond. I don't reccomand a similar experience. Since then I talked about it only to my girlfriend and a friend and that has helped a little bit. I feel judged by people, I feel that I'm not in the way I'm supposed to be but at the same time I don't know "how" to be. I started my self-help journey when I was 16 (now I'm 19). Since then I watched a lot of Leo's videos, read about 50 books of the booklist and still do that daily (I started the booklist about a year ago), I take copius amounts of notes, I journal twice a day, make affermations, meditate, do cold showers... I devoted myself to make my life better but the only thing that I want right now is to end my life in brutal ways. I feel like I should not consume media, but create media. The only thing I do is sell custom t-shirts online. That earn me some money but I don't feel original and when I do the creation does not sell. I feel guilty because I'm chasing money and success; I know that they won't make me happy but I keep on doing that. I feel like a failure because my success comes from a single artwork and even if I put a lot of effort in expanding my business and creating more I don't get results. I also fear that one day I will be betrayed by my girlfriend, even though things are going well with her. I feel like I'm not enough for her. This week I wanted to be alone and focus on my work. But I ended up finishing my goals early in the day and then have nothing to do. I don't know I should I spend my time because I feel guilty in watching videos, tv series, ecc... I meditate and contemplate on what I am but not understanding what awereness, nothingness and God are. Staying with the not knowing and the confusion drives me crazy. I can't explain to myself why the only solution seems to kill myself. I try so hard to prevent that, but no matter what I do I feel like a failure and basically I'm living my life in a confirmation bias upon which I search for reasons and situation to prevent feeling like a failure and by doing so basically confirming that I am one. Sorry I know this is rough and a lot to digest but I needed a toilet where to puke all of this. Most of the times I feel good and happy to live my life but sometimes this shit happens and nothing seems to help. Feel free to tell me any thought that you have had
  20. Go to the Andy Cutler Chelation website and forum, and follow every step of the process. If the research you have done does not mention the dangers of heavy metal redistribution when beginning to detox, then this is probably dangerous advice to follow. If you half ass a heavy metal detox you will for sure debilitate yourself, people have been driven to suicide caused by mistakes made whilst detoxing.
  21. I think I just realised the Essence of every teaching that promises spiritual liberation and purification. Please correct me if I am wrong or if you would like to add something to it. I'm gonna put it in advaida and vipassana terms. The distance between now and Liberation is at every Instant always so close. The distance is between "What IS" and "What should BE". When "What Should BE" becomes "What IS" then there's only what IS and nothing obstructing what IS from you. If I am right, then every instant of "What should be", that feeling of aversion, subtle or not is an OPPORTUNITY to be re-wired to WHAT IS. Shinzen Young calls that "recycle the reaction" and "the taste of purification". Easy example: Melancholy. I use that, because it has a taste of nostalgia, love and grief to it. You were so in Love, and you have lost it. I'm going to simplify it. In an Instant of Melancholy, WHAT IS Without you wanting to change it: Love, Nostalgia. WHAT SHOULDNT be: Grief and Loss with the thoughts about why grief and loss is bad. Integration means observing grief and loss with the same openness and concentration as what is accepted. The aversion ALWAYS gives a hint to "what is, but shouldn't be" The stronger the aversion, the stronger the purification if integrated entirely. "Once you get the taste of purification, the progress is going to be exponential" -Shinzen Young. So every type of suffering is potential for extreme growth, if handled correctly. I was a Wim Hof fan for so long, because intense physical pain would put me in a state of equanimity. Even though there's nothing wrong with it, the problem was I used cold and hot pain to avoid the Aversion towards what is (emotionally), without needing to face it right away. The Intense suffering Wim experienced after losing his daughter to suicide is what led him to jump in ice cold water for the first time. Sorry I'm rambling haha. The punch in the face is: For whatever reason you believe you want Liberation. You're gonna have to eventually work through that suffering you want to escape from. But don't worry, you're not gonna have to start with that, you can get the taste for purification first. Shinzen Videos:
  22. 3rd-jhana, despair, insights into the dukkha nanas. It's an insight into the nature of suffering of living in duality, and it goes up to suicide being the only way out, just before gods Grace shows up, if it shows up. That's what Eckhart Tolle went through. For example. I made just a post about suffering that should be up in the list, where I describe what happened.
  23. @Flowerfaeiry It's the ego's security shutdown. The ego has to, at one point go through every possible form of suffering an individual can experience. It's not to grow itself, it's to bring it to TOTAL DESPAIR beyond the point of suicide and no-return. Then God's grace shows up if you're lucky. It's futile and hopeless to do anything about the suffering that occurs. That would only bd leading to more conditioning and fighting. The only thing suffering teaches you, are insights into how miserable life in duality is. I fell into the trap of trying to fix my suffering because something feels wrong with me.
  24. I'm in my early 20's, and for the entirety of my life (despite the past two years), I have been overtly empathetic. This has caused me to struggle in social situations and being overly sensitive due to the varying emotions I can feel in situations. For two years, however, I was in a relationship with a narcissist that would be emotionally abusive - and would often threaten suicide. This caused me strife with my education, and seriously strained my relationship with my family. Quickly after my relationship ended two years ago, I attached to a new friend (who is very objective and rational). This did not appeal to my current emotional state and neediness for his validation (especially after getting out of my abusive relationship), and caused me to emotional spiral which has been going on two years now. This altered my entire perception of myself, due to my external validation needs, which I am trying to learn how to get rid of. I have found myself incredibly numb, especially within my emotional state and how I feel towards others. I find myself not caring when I hurt someone's feelings, which causes extreme strife in my relationships. I can recognize when someone can feel pain towards my actions, however, I am so internally occupied with my own frustrations and feeling miserable, that I don't feel any emotions towards those I care about. This is upsetting for me, and makes me feel foreign within my own skin - as I used to care immensely for everyone and everything (a skill I would love to regain, without the attachment/neediness for validation). I believe part of this is also due to the fogginess I feel in my brain - I cannot consciously think through many things. Something that is also incredibly foreign to me, as I've been pursuing consciousness work since my early childhood. I am worried that I never truly cared, I only cared so much to gain other's validation. I worry I was only so nice and giving because I felt I had nothing else to offer. Then I wonder if this is true, then I need to learn how to build genuine empathy. Whatever the reason, I would love anyone's input on how to regain my empathy, or any thoughts on my situation. Thank you so much, I appreciate it.
  25. Excerpt from a book that discusses possible interaction between the two: Homoerotic experiences? And further: Both the later philosopher and the later dictator remained known throughout their lives for the bizarreness of their behaviour, for their absolute inability to have normal, uninhibited contact with other people. The philosopher had two homosexual brothers who committed suicide; he himself was homosexual and more than once pushed later lovers into situations (for example, participation in the Spanish Civil War) that led to their deaths. Cornish probably falls a little short here when he only touches en passant on the question of the dictator's sexuality. Was Hitler homosexual? Was he what is known in English as a "closet gay"? (So was he a "concealed gay" who possibly kept his "true nature" shamefully hidden even from himself - "in the closet")? Is it not striking how the dictator dealt with homosexuals in his own movement? Röhm and other gay followers of the SA, who had initially backed the "Führer" but could have become "dangerous" to him later, were liquidated. Residents of the men's homes in Vienna who knew him from his younger years were systematically investigated and eliminated. And all his "normal" sexual relationships, even when he was already in his prime, took place with almost boyish, barely twenty-year-old young women, who were consistently driven to suicide in the course of these relationships. (The same applies, in a modified form, to the relationship with Eva Braun). Curious? Certainly. And was there perhaps a particular experience that could be used to pinpoint the beginning of this development? Cornish believes it was the encounter with Wittgenstein. He had already had a relationship with Pepi, the son of his Linz host parents, which in quick succession included "infatuation", "rupture", "half reconciliation", "semblance of innocence", "reconciliation" and "tenderness" (according to the diary notes). "Tenderness" of this kind may have been commonplace at Haus Wittgenstein, the finest address in the cultural Vienna of those days, with two older brothers experienced in the matter. In Linz, this seems at least questionable. Among pubescents there may well be occasional moments that one later prefers to sweep under the carpet of a gracious oblivion. But how would it have been if there had been "tenderness" between these two teenagers? lol