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  1. @Godishere I just listened to Leo's solipsism video. It was by no exaggeration the best video he ever made .its a shams that he took it down. It guided me directly to myself as God. And I've also contemplated this stuff for myself for years. It's all clear to me right now. Im the only conscious thing In existence and everything is my dream .I'm eternal bliss and goodness that there are no words to describe. But you can get there through many ways psychedelics, meditative exercises. Or simply questioning the hell out of everything until you completely deconstruct your mind and sense of reality. There is only one Dreamer. YOU. YOU are imagining your parents .but not just them. The entire physical universe is your own imagining at work .
  2. @Ulax practcie kriya yoga.kriya yoga gives amazing intoxicating states/ecstacy/bliss for hours.i had the best moments of my life from kriya amount of money and woman will make u happy like kriya yoga
  3. @Kalki Avatar Bliss tears and cosmic giggles. What more you want?
  4. Hello! I wanted to share a note I took from Leo's video. I still love watching his relatively old, motivational type videos as much as i love his newer, deep, metaphysical videos. The video's called: “A Vision for the Self-actualized life - Get Yo Ass Inspired!” (part 1) Self-actualization is: The realization of one’s potentials, capacities, and talents The fulfillment of one’s mission in life A fuller knowledge of one’s intrinsic nature Getting really in touch with your authentic self Becoming a whole human being An unceasing trend towards unity and integration within oneself Maslow's two types of pleasures: Scarcity pleasure - relief that one gets from loss of tension and anxiety Abundance pleasure - ecstasy of functioning at one’s prime; the bliss you get from living an excellent, virtuous life, acing life Self-actualization is an unceasing trend/pursuit of: Humanity Creativity Knowledge Fairness Rationality Playfulness Authentic love Virtue Truth Beauty Feeling of joy Deep gratitude & fulfillment with life What’s possible for you: To feel Creatively alive every single day To turn your work into your top passion To make the most meaningful contribution that you can possibly make to the world To be a leader and be someone who’s inspirational to others To free yourself of your neurosis, fears, and other limitations To learn and master all the key areas of life (career, health, wealth, friendships, intimate relationships, self-esteem) To learn and master emotional development To learn and master family life ----------------------------- It continues though. I'll post the part 2 of my note later.
  5. "The relative self keeps existing but you're not identified with it" is an accurate statement, but it doesn't capture the seriousness of the situation. It makes it seem like it's something trivial that you can shrug off. No, from the perspective of the relative self who transitions into this state, it feels like absolute death, and the ramifications are obvious: you will be dead forever and you will never come back, or even more accurately, you will be perpetually dying. Of course the upshot to that means immense bliss and peace, but it's by no means a joke. You're framing it as a failure to communicate while it's more a difference of emphasis. Enlightenment is not a joke. When you're given the opportunity to surrender, the question of dating or not dating should've been decided a long time ago.
  6. I think the UK is similar to this, they love their monarch, no matter how many scandals the monarchy is involved in. I personally do not see a problem with Czar-ship or dictatorship as long as people are benefitting from it. These days I'm increasingly against democracy, not that I actively favor a dictatorship as I'm aware of the trouble, yet, democracy has huge holes in it and America is a prime example of these holes, it basically causes a bipartisan system difficult to control, there is more homogeneity in a dictatorship at least, since dissent is discouraged, it's like this forum, if you have too much democracy here, even trolls will get to survive and proliferate unattended, you'd need some degree of tyranny( although it's leadership not tyranny but it will appear like tyranny) in order to maintain peace by throwing out the trolls. Similarly positive dictators will be able to sort out the gold from the dirt much better than democracies and this can stop internal chaos. Democracy gives an illusion of goodness. But ignorance is always bliss.
  7. Entry 12: Chaos with some bliss. This week I've been a bit of a mess. I wasn't used to working eight hours a day and waking up early. This messed up my sleep, made me sluggish throughout the day and when I got home, I barely had any energy to work on personal developement work. Only two out of the four days I read Limitless. The other two days I yielded to my brother wanted to play magic: The Gathering which I used the excuse of it being a experience that I was doing consciously. It was partially true however, as I now know I treated it in the same way I do with movies. A escape from reality for a little bit of dopamine that quickly fades away. I'll only play to bond with him if I have time, but other than that I will abstant from the low concious activity. Yesturday I watched Leo's Video on Being a strategic Motherfu.... (that word I dare not to say) - The 7 Pillars Of Strategic Thinking. It made me plan ahead and quite lilterally, force me to spend hours planning my future 20 years ahead. Now though, I know what I'll do as I planned it for more or less what I want to do. First I'll complete high school, get into a social science program, get a bachelor in psychology, get a masters and a doctorate in counselling psychology to become a counselling psycohlogist. I'll then work to pay off the debts of this. while doing so with part time jobs during my study and afterwards as well. I'll try moving as soon as my finacial situation allows, getting a roomate to cut costs. Finally, once I have accumulated enough wealth, I'll use it to get a life coach certification (if needed) and then start my company which will be healing people, followed by improving them once there healed. I'll do this until I retire, which I will delay as much as possible. However, when I do, my life purpose will be complete. This is probably the time where I'll discover the truth and take Leo's course on discoever it, which I hope he'll release within 40 years. Note: This is a rough sketch of my life plan, I neglected a lot such as relationships and the small, details plans to not write this all day. It is though, a solid plan for me up to now. Other than that, from Friday and forward, I've been reading and preparing to go back to school. The readings definitely helped me out, as it made me gain a insight/reminder of something I forgotten. I love to read! I've gotten a little stale because I wasn't reading and I feel like that made my days working as a janitor harder as I wasn't advance, making my life stale. Now I know though, I'll make sure to always read when I'm down, especially french fantasy books as it lifts my spirits as much as personal developement. (a little side hobby of mine to boost my morale from time to time when needed) That is all though, so see you next week!
  8. My direct awakening experiences around reincarnation came from a few years ago after getting very sick, and while exploring memento mori, they have given me personally tailored truths, that reincarnation is the name of the game. If you have not experienced proof of this, don't worry about it - each person's path is unique and we are each given different pieces of the puzzle. The less you conceptualize it and the more you actually face your fears around death, if you have any, you'll be more likely to have a direct awakening into reincarnation. The process is called memento mori, and by learning about different cultures, by practicing dying before you die, what can happen is that you can get a download aka awakening into the nature of reincarnation. You are really just "here" and always were, but the outside layer changes. This is what goes on after death: Break me in don't break me down Swimming in these empty towns I wonder if it's all so master planned Diving into sweeter bliss Falling fair before we miss Taste the taste before it's gone and you're too late Won't change what I am To find who you are Can't stay in these lines When I'm bursting at the seams My body might collapse If I carry one more dream If I carry one more dream I could be anything I could be anything Breaking out beyond the night Reeling in the quieter times Saving all the flavors of my mind Reflecting on the lessons learned The broken bonds and bridges burned Take the taste of hate and throw it away Won't change what I am To find who you are Can't stay in these lines When I'm bursting at the seams My body might collapse If I carry one more dream If I carry one more dream I could be anything I could be anything Some sources on reincarnation: Jane Robert's Seth Speaks books and Sri Aurobindo's book "The Psychic Being" along with the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Check out NDE's as well, and listen to people who are going through the dying process. Get very comfortable with it. Start a journal. Live, breath and feel it = what is inevitable, the body will pass on... go through every emotion that comes up with bravery - nature respects and rewards bravery - and offer gratitude and Love. Love combined with surrender can wake a person up if they practice this. You have to go on your own path to find the truth of reincarnation and not what me or anybody tells you. Awakening experiences happen when a person is ready usually, when they have inquired into something with an honesty and a curiosity. The answers to whether reincarnation exists rests within this research, spiritual practice, honesty, open heartedness and bravery. Some questions to get a person started: Am I afraid of death? If so why? What do I think will happen? And then go from there. There's a whole rabbit hole when it comes to exploring this kind of stuff, most people that genuinely have insight into reincarnation got there through going through some form of a death, be it an NDE or a spiritual death, an ego death, even when someone close dies, they can experience loved ones giving them messages about the other side.
  9. Burn through your karma. Shadow work. The best way to grow up the ladder is to do as much shadow work as possible. Really get to know everything about yourself as the human that you are, for this incarnation. Treat yourself as soul that is on a journey and is growing as much as possible. The Seth material by Jane Roberts and the Psychic Being by Sri Aurobindo are both good reading material that can teach you how to do this from a yellow/turquoise perspective. You'll have to do a lot of learning, detaching, and meditation. You will want to get to the point where you can see/feel the screen, where you are above your emotions and thoughts as the witness. When you die, you can imagine whatever you want. Nahm's dreamboard idea helps bring positive things into your life, and the actions you take will carry over. What do you want out of this life, deeply, feel into your soul. Love. Deeply. Do good things that feel in alignment with who you are and your purpose. Rather than worrying about the next life, make this one the best you can. This carries over, not the feelings of not wanting to be human - as the soul actually loves learning and being all sorts of things - what you can do is direct your life in a way that includes the next life. Do you have a goal that you would like to accomplish that would take more than one lifetime? Often, martial arts teaches that it takes a few lifetimes to become a master - and so people learning think in terms of next life aptitude. You can direct your soul in any way you like. But the best way is to open your heart and follow what that intuition tells you. Also, Love. Love deeply, as Love is what opens the doors. Practice Love. The soul has an inherent direction to move towards, and it is all just about uncovering that soul and moving in what feels most 'right' to you. Reincarnation is like a katamari, you pick up as much stuff as you can (learn as much) and when you die, you get to "make" your next world based on what you have learned. Maybe you will want to be human again, maybe something else. Think of yourself as an archeologist uncovering hidden aspects of your deep psyche. Practice your death, pretend you are dying right n ow and go through all of the experiences - do you feel complete, or that more needs to be done? Do those things, practice your death again - until you are at peace. ^Take what feels right and throw away the rest, or set it aside - follow what works for you. Break me in don't break me down Swimming in these empty towns I wonder if it's all so master planned Diving into sweeter bliss Falling fair before we miss Taste the taste before it's gone and you're too late Won't change what I am To find who you are Can't stay in these lines When I'm bursting at the seams My body might collapse If I carry one more dream If I carry one more dream I could be anything I could be anything Breaking out beyond the night Reeling in the quieter times Saving all the flavors of my mind Reflecting on the lessons learned The broken bonds and bridges burned Take the taste of hate and throw it away Won't change what I am To find who you are Can't stay in these lines When I'm bursting at the seams My body might collapse If I carry one more dream If I carry one more dream I could be anything I could be anything
  10. @Koeke I'll provide some source materials, and then I give a few comments. Information regarding Khecarimudra can be found in most Yogic scriptures, such as Dattatreya Yoga Sastram, Goraksha Samhita, Hatharatnavali, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Shiva Samhita, Khecarividya, and the Yoga Upanishads, as well as many others. I don't know of many contemporary writers that really have anything to add beyond what can be found in the source texts. In the past, this teaching was considered secret, and it was only given from guru to disciple. I was fortunate enough to have a guru who was well versed in the subject. In the scriptures, there are details about how to prepare for the practice, how to perform it, and what are the fruits of the practice. Usually the preparation involves cutting and stretching. I honestly would not recommend this path unless you are being guided directly by a knowledgeable guru. I will say that there is another way that does not involve knives, which is Sahaja Yoga. The creative force or energy of Consciousness is called Shakti. In the body, this energy is referred to as Prana. Prana is responsible for maintaining all the functions of the body, and this energy is subdivided into 5 vayus (literally "winds"). The two most important are Prana vayu and Apana vayu. There are thousands of energy channels, or nadis, in the body, but the 3 most important ones are the Ida (to the left of center), Pingala (to the right), and the Sushumna (in the middle). Prana vayu, warm in nature, normally flows up the Ida nadi, and Apana vayu, cold in nature, flows down the Pingala nadi. In Yoga, the Prana vayu must reverse it's flow and meet Apana in the Mooladhara, or root chakra. This is the meaning of "Hatha Yoga," which translates as Sun-Moon union. This generates a great deal of heat, which disturbs the Goddess Kundalini, awakens her, and ultimately motivates her to move up through the Sushumna nadi, pulling Prana along with it. When this energy reaches beyond the throat chakra, Kecharimudra is the technique that takes it to the next level, which is the Ajna chakra between the eyebrows. All of the physical postures, movements, and breathing exercises in Hatha Yoga are for the purpose of purifying the energy channels, uniting the vayus, and raising the energy through the Sushumna to the Sahasara chakra above the head. At the stage where Khecarimudra manifests, your whole relationship to sexuality is transformed. You'll begin to understand what true union and bliss really are. It's not the final stage, but it is very advanced. I apologize for only scratching the surface, but this is a very deep science. Perhaps if there are specific questions, I can attempt to address those.
  11. @axiom His fear could be deeper than that. An existential fear of Russia losing its identity when the West gets too much influence over Russia. He already saw Ukraine slowly 'westernizing' and feared the same thing happening to Russia. That the westerfication of Russia will make it lose its identity, and in turn, makes Putin lose his identity. Because Russian culture is the only thing he truly trusts, and if that slips away, Putin will have nothing to hold onto any longer. A fear of change can be pretty brutal on some people, even if that change is for the better. A lot of people rather have familiar misery, than uncertain bliss.
  12. Goals: Practicing yoga every single day. Full time yoga teacher. Building a 6 figure income through teaching yoga. Highly proficient Mandarin Chinese fluency. 10,000+ word vocabulary. Radiant health and strength. Be a multi millionaire. Buying a house. Buying a Tesla. Realizing God. Self-Actualizing. Happiness. Bliss. Peace. Calm. Joy. Attracting my Dream girlfriend and high quality intimate relationship. Starting a concious awakened family in 10 or so years from now.
  13. The character you're experiencing is a character, i.e. an imaginary construct, that only seems 'concrete' and 'real' because you simultaneously imagine 'time', 'space', 'brain', 'physical world', 'other', 'self' etc. Consider that everything you "know" about yourself, i.e. age, education, friends, parents, siblings, job, country, year & date & time, girlfriends, life events, personality, that your body is 'yours' , every fucking thing in reality is nothing else than a story, a serious story, sure, but still in the end just social conditioning, programming. You're hard-coded by your genes and upbringing to believe you are 'a person that was born and that can and will die' ... The most fascinating thing we do to our children is we tell them 'please, Thomas(ine), be a good boy/girl and be it by yourself, not because we told you to!'... You see? We tell our children they should be loving, good, tolerant, well-behaved adults, while simultaneously telling them that if they don't feel that naturally, they are still sinning. You see how fucked up that is? It's called a "double-bind" (google the term). We are basically programming souls (our true most essential nature) into socially survival-oriented robots (ego) without telling these souls that we did it. Dude, all of your beliefs, age, history: it's all code. And you didn't code it yourself (most of it not, at least). Age? Who gives a fuck about age. Career? Who gives a fuck about your career. Beliefs? Who gives a fuck about what you believe in. Success, money, your outward fake appearance? Who gives a damn. Well, dude, I don't, cos I'm not sleeping in ego anymore, but most people actually seen to take all these 'statistics'/stories very, very seriously, and they seem to be happy with it (being robots, being asleep). But when it dawns on you one day, that the whole of your life has been nothing but code/programming, well that fucking hurts. That fucking hurts. Ignorance is Bliss as they say. But when you have that realization, you are basically beginning to wake up. And when you are completely tired of fake games and inauthenticity, well, then you're gonna wake up. But it takes time. You can't fuck around with ego or survival. It takes time. You are already completely perfect in the eyes of God. Reality is an eternal Infinite process/movement; and you're right in the middle of that process.
  14. @Raptorsin7 In hindsight yes. The journey has been difficult. Kriya brings up A LOT from the subconscious. No spiritual journey is a linear easy path. Kriya is a powerful path but you will have to face your self again and again. Deep rooted memories, emotions, traumas, kriya brings ALL that shit to the surface, no hiding. But after 6 years, now the fruits are truly being reaped. Was worth all the struggle. Life is Bliss. Life is Love. Life is Joy. Life is Peace. You are all beautiful.
  15. Hi all, one is completely new to all this so please go easy on one. Where to start???? So 6 earthly months ago (now to one), one somehow became completely balanced within the mind and everything unravelled like the mechanisms on pandoras box just before it opens. it was like the jigsaw was finally complete not that one had even known one was completing a jigsaw. Obviously one was like WTF is this and in the early stages one rationally and logically diagnosed oneself with Metaphysical Solipsism as ones ever overthinking mind there has to be causality for everything. So how could one be imagining everything and why isn't ones life perfect if it is all ones imagination??? One was in turmoil trying to get to the bottom of it and one came to the conclusion that one is either already dead, in a coma, or dreaming. so one hit google, obviously. but when one realises that one is google where then???? One stumbled across Advaita Vedanta relatively early on, One Gave Tony Parsons a call as he was the only person on the Planet that seemed to be talking ones language. After attending one of his gigs, It still wasn't going away it was being reaffirmed with every step. Its no so much Bliss that one requires but having heard about nirvana, moshka n all that jazz one would have expected something a bit jazzier!!!!!! If it helps anyone, not that there is anyone, believe nothing literally , don't even believe that you have just read the above. The conditioning you have received all your life, one would imagine, is impossible to break free from. one now finds "one self" living in the eternal now with a working mind only. one still doesn't know what meditating is and to be honest it never interested one. one previously only really ever believed in science "FACT" and lived in the future how ironic!!!!!!!!!
  16. As @Tim R said, nothing really changed. The dream is still the same. If you could enjoy it before, you can enjoy it now. And as others mentioned, when you have a complete and balanced awakening, it's not negative, but perfect and blissful. You woke up from the dream, but maybe you didn't realize the other facets of awakening equally deeply. Every kind of negativity or depression comes from the ego. It wants it one way rather than another way. With a full ego death, there is no depression. But yeah I understand, right now you probably aren't interested in dissolving your ego more, in order to be happy with Truth, but rather to get back some of the illusion to enjoy the dream as before, the way your ego was used to enjoying it. If you want to go back, forget about spirituality and immerse yourself in the dream, after some weeks you will probably have regained a lot of the illusion (unless you went seriously deep). Or you try to deal with it, integrate it. After some time, which can take months, it will be the new normal. You had a deep awakening, but there is more to understand. Realizing how Creation is perfect, how Oneness is perfect, realizing that it is the best way it could be. Because it means that God is Whole, One and not seperated. You are literally all of Infinity, all of God right now, If you realize this on deeper levels you will realize the Perfectness and Love and Bliss and Beauty that Leo mentioned. Also, You are Infinity, so every person that could ever exist within Infinity is right here. Every possible human, animal, alien and universe shapeshifted into your bubble, became the substance of your bubble, become you, is you. You as God will keep dreaming and shapeshifting for ever, so from a relative perspective, all these other dreams, all these other forms exist too, and from that perspective you also aren't alone.
  17. Sometimes i feel like "ok, i'm god , i can relax and enjoy" but then is that i remember how i created my gf looking at her. Like i designed it my whole to life to this moment, she told me i was god and everything collapsed into me!!! Time, space, her,everything. i gave life to her, and everthing else!! I have 0 idea how to life just life next, everything lost all mystery and meaning to it, instead of pure bliss. I can't tell it to anyone, because everyone is me, just a fragment of my infinite imagination. I'm all alone.
  18. I know this, I feel this now. I am sometimes feel like almost 80% healed and it feels amazing. It is feel.. healthy and I dont need to go any further. I can function very well. Knowing this, I am excited to doing more inner work! Thanks. Need to feel the 90%! YES. Suffering in other side is bliss from God.
  19. " The sweet nectar" of kriya yoga as Yogananda said. Don't treat your kriya yoga or meditation practice as a pain killer. Don't treat yoga as a drug. Kriya yoga does not change your state like MDMA and then you return to "normal". Go into yourself with Kriya. There is no separation between the bliss and yourself. You are the bliss. You can not lose the bliss, for the bliss is you. You can not go 'back to normal' because the bliss is what is normal. The mind will do what it wants. Let it. Just come back to the kriya practice, come back to the bliss. As you return, again and again, the bliss will make itself known as your true Self. Your true home and you are always here. It is simply natures divinity. I'm 27. I started when I was 21. Trust me friend. Just keep practicing and you will see...
  20. Definition of solipsism: : a theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing also : extreme egocentrism taken from Merriam-Webster dictionary (I bolded the words) Infinity/Reality/God is all there is. However, this certainly isn't nor can it ever be a theory, it can never be conceptualized. And more importantly: there isn't a self, and there certainly isn't a thing anywhere. Case closed. Enlightenment is not solipsism, it's so beyond solipsism that it's a disservice to Love to continue to use it. This concept is only being used on this forum, just notice that so many spiritual traditions have steered clear of such theories. Using this word is sloppy, incorrect, misleading and not aligned with Source, Love and all there is. This solipsism business is a sham, and it doesn't feel good because it isn't aligned with Truth. Truth feels amazing, it feels like love, connection, bliss, wholeness, perfection, heaven. Trust your inner guidance.
  21. the matter is much simpler. There is only one truth and that is unity. reality is one. the more you move away from the unit, that is, the more you fragment, the less happy. the closer you get to unity, the happier. if you are in a pure non-dual state, pure bliss. If you are in a fragmented state, you can be a great person, have great relationships, have the best job, the best sex, and be a millionaire, there will be little happiness in you.
  22. I saw this video on youtube. In the end part he talks about "the right path" is directed with either an adrenal rush in the body(EGO mind) and bliss(the right way). I want to hear from you, any insight on this topic? I myself tried this but it´s really hard for me to know the difference. Im planning on starting a buisness and when I think of it I sort of get an adrenal rush in the body, but it can also be because Im a little scared and nervous for the task.
  23. What do you mean with opposite direction? From the absolute perspective, You as God are doing everything, in that sense you might say there is only one direction. There are inherently no different directions. From the relative perspective you can conceptualize/invent different directions. Like becoming a saint or not. I recommend pretending to be the seperate self in order to be able to be pragmatic and effective in life. And then when you wake up you have 2 options: pretend like you still are a self. In order to be more pragmatic or in order to enjoy the dream more. While at the same time being fully conscious how you are God, and these games are just games. Or you can decide to align the illsuionary self with what you conceptualize to be alignment with high consciousness. Then you can become a saint. It's still just a game, but from the relative perspective, a more conscious and more mature game. Yes. Playing the character is fine. But when life gets tough, it's a good idea to remember that God is doing everything. That you are God and Love and everything is Perfect. And even suffering is actually Love and Bliss, from the egos perspective it doesn't seem like that, because it is misperceiving it.
  24. @The0Self Can you give an example of someone who embodies what you describe? I paid him to guide my spiritual path, and embody my blissful states from psychidelics. I think it's fair to assume he offered to help me progress on the path to happiness and bliss, i mean idk why else he would have been talking if that's not what he was offering. He also mentioned awakening, like he was going to help me awaken. Go read the other thread if you're curious, I outlined more about what took place. You can also read through my journal history and see my earliest posts on the forum, that's when I had the most interaction with Nahm