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  1. @Wilhelm44 What's the difference between the fun of solving a problem and bliss?
  2. Bliss is more fun
  3. @Prakhar “Man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth.“ “Every thought-seed sown or allowed to fall into the mind, and to take root there, produces its own, blossoming sooner or later into act, and bearing its own fruitage of opportunity and circumstance. Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bad fruit.“ “Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its fruits; thus does a man garner in the sweet and bitter fruitage of his own husbandry.” “As the reaper of his own harvest, man learns both by suffering and bliss.” “By pursuing this process, a man sooner or later discovers that he is the master gardener of his soul, the director of his life.” - As a man Thinketh- James alllen
  4. This shit was funny as hell, I can’t. I’m loving this ’extra’ non-bullshit, straight to the point vibe from ya. Go Leo! P.S. You have probably thought about this a bunch already but maybe now, seriously, consider taking a break from this public work and just bask in your own high vibrational energy, bliss and satisfaction for a while. Enjoy life a bit, won’t ya
  5. Watch Sadghuru please. Guys we have to stop this victimhood mentality towards the Monster (or inner Child, which is an eufemism of the Monster to protect itself ?). Sadghuru says It pretty clear imo: "What has happened is that your intelligence has turned against you" "If you had the controls of this machine, wouldnt you create the best possible bliss for yourself?" Imagine Sadghuru crying like a bitch hoping to finally "heal his inner Child" muahahhaha its just ridiculous guys. We are NOT the inner Child. We are not whatever fucked Up bullshit mechanism has taken the controls through the years. Just take the controls and generate / create What you want. YES, its obviously better said than done, But no, lets stop feeding this narrative of "i have to take Care of "my" inner Child"). Sadghuru would laugh of having to heal any inner Child. He just get high AF when he wants because he has the controls. Hes not the Monsters bitch, as many of us are.
  6. @Raptorsin7 Is that you? @Baum Could you please elaborate on that? Yes, my kundalini isn’t awake to the degree you are describing it (complete awake in the third eye & crown chakra). There are three knots in the spine and the first one has been untied (kundalini can flow up to the heart knot). Will do a detailed post soon but I basically have the typical kundalini arousal symptoms (orgasmic sensations & heat in the spine, uncontrollable laughter, love, bliss, etc.) Makes sense, thanks!
  7. @Javfly33 The monster- your negative thoughts, beliefs, habits and behaviors come from your subconscious mind. Which controls 90% of your brain. While your conscious mind (will power, decision making) controls 10%. Your subconscious mind starts developing in young childhood where you start to gather ideas, beliefs, habits and behaviors from experiences and things you observe around you from parents, friends, family members etc. This is what forms who you are as a person. This “monster” you are labeling is you, your inner child. We are our worst enemy but we can also be our own best friend. This inner child doesn’t need to be destroyed or hurt…it needs love, to heal, to let go, to be forgiven! Your inner child needs to heal- it can take time and is a multi-step process. Going to a hypnotist helps! Unraveling the negative feelings and where they are rooted from and how they started. Most negative emotions are started from some sort of lack of self love or self worth. I like to think of my emotions as a compass. The goal is to feel happy, peace, love and bliss- going in the right direction. And if you aren’t feeling well, unhappy, negative - something needs to be changed and shifted. I honor my negative emotions for letting me know what I don’t want, so I can go after the things in life I do want. These emotions are a guide that you deserve something better. Learning to control negative emotions can help. Deep breathing to calm down helps me alot. Find a technique that works for you- exercise, yoga, meditation, etc. Negative emotions can also be triggered by food intake as well. Junk food does not help, and can induce issues for some individuals. I found out several years ago I was allergic to wheat gluten and corn, which causes my thyroid to shut down and unable to process emotions properly. I was misdiagnosed as bipolar for years because of something I ate. You are not alone in what you are experiencing. Everyone here in this forum has their own inner monsters/inner child’s they are healing. Be patient and kind with yourself when you are healing. You will get there! Best of luck to you!
  8. It includes them as what they are: projections of your mind. Bliss/terror Alone/together Both tend to arise together. It's gonna freak you out when you realize your mother is imaginary. Hard to avoid that. Once you face and surrender to that, then the love and bliss comes.
  9. @Leo Gura it's interesting you say the higher you go the more alone you are. The seperation when in duality causes a sense of lonliness when you perceive yourself as seperate you feel alone. In my experiences I felt less lonely or that wasn't ever on my radar as I was so caught up in the experience. Seeing all as cells within one body. I too have had terrifying experiences where it felt like nothing was real I had one experience multiple times from just smoking weed where I felt like I went back to the "beginning" silence and a feeling of going from orgasmic bliss to utter terror. Like I was coming together just to be broken apart into tiny little pieces I "knew" this was eternity. My body would go into random yogic positions and I couldnt grasp onto anything I felt like I was dying. I felt unholy and dirty. I also asked this question many times to people who have had these experiences of becoming the void or becoming love/God and they all say there is no loneliness whatsoever. One person described it as feeling as if she had been washed clean. I wonder why you don't make that distinction between aloneness and lonely? This is why I like talking with people who have had near death experiences or awakenings that weren't brought on my psychedelics they seem to have a cleaner feel to them with less fear. I sense you have a hard time with the alone feel and almost want to hammer it in to other people.
  10. learn to love the work or practice. too much love for practice can paralyze u and no love at all can make u hate the practice. there is a sweet spot of balance to how much u can love the practice or job. find it and do the practice or work with the correct balance of love when u push yourself always push within 5 % outside your comfort zone.when u push within 5 % outside your comfort zone , u will be in flow state , meaning u will be in a bliss when making the change. u will happy about pushing . if u do that then u will move form point a to point b without effort. means moving from over weight to 15 %body weight without effort. so always push within 5 % out of comfort zone and u will be happy and in deep bliss about u making the change
  11. There’s a really weird peculiar type of awakening you can have. It’s where you see the entire supposed outer world as your very own reflection. So reflective that it can not be explained until experienced. You can’t look at the walls of your home, certainly not other people in the eyes and see anything other than yourself. So your ‘I’ becomes everything, all inward all outward seeming things. So it collapses in and of itself there’s nowhere to look nowhere to go other than just… well that’s an experience, but something that you probably can’t even call an experience. It just is what it is. Your ‘I’ so collapses in on itself that you realise you were never an ‘I’ but that you are the all, and then paradoxically you find yourself as the ultimate ‘I’, the only ‘I’, ant then what the fuck do ya do??‍♂️?. Here you are, doing this, being this. Until you give it up completely. It’s a choice. You don’t realise it’s a choice. But it is. And you choose the dream over the infinite bliss or however you want frame it. Your ‘I’ is the only ‘I’, hence ‘ I AM’
  12. I don't want to make this a full trip report and describe the entire thing. But basically, I took one puff of a disposable vape pen like this one: And depersonalized / derealized / dissociated (idk what the technical term would be) for like 3 hours. This was a grey market vape pen (weed is legal here, but only through government-run or approved dispensaries) so it's possible it contained synthetic cannabinoids like spice or something crazy. But I had a very similar experience with 100% for sure pure/authentic THC oil from the government before as well. The seller seemed reputable and had lots of positive reviews from this product that seemed like they were from real people. In a place where weed is legal, I don't think they can get away with cutting their product with fake stuff nowadays. So I'm pretty convinced it was pure THC and I guess weed is just not for me. The main thing that really freaked me out was... it was like I was following myself a split second after the fact. And I could jump between being slightly behind myself, in the present moment, or slightly in the future. I guess my main concern is... if I react this badly to cannabis, am I going to have a similar experience with mushrooms or DMT? I thought I was just going to relax a little bit as an introduction to mind-altering substances but I blasted all the way off the deep end into insanity. I haven't done mushrooms before, but this is literally what I would've expected a 3+ gram or more mushroom trip to feel like. I had to lay in bed in the dark listening to music to try and hold onto the present moment, and every 10 minutes at a time felt like an hour. I had maybe 20% positive and 80% negative from it. I think I felt what Nothingness is at one point, and absolute bliss at another point. But then waves of feeling terrible would always come back and took up a lot more of the time. This CAN'T be what taking 1 hit of weed feels like to normal people. There's no way Elon Musk could do a podcast in this state, there's no way Snoop Dogg could record music in this state. I couldn't do this and then play video games and just chill out. I'm wondering what it all means... Does cannabis just not agree with me? Is the plant trying to tell me I'm not ready? Is being this sensitive a sign of spiritual development, or a lack of spiritual development? Should I still try mushrooms or DMT to see if I react better to them? Or is this a sign my mind is too weak and if I try a more potent substance I may permanently go insane? After being in that state I definitely have a newfound appreciation for being sober and living in reality. I don't want to go back there any time soon.
  13. You are not only one saying that "I'm GOD" , BUT you are the only one saying, that's scary, lonely, hard for stomach etc. Other teachers say only about love, bliss. So either they don't want to scare any spiritual pursuers away, and you are the only one saying it realistically, or something went wrong during your way.
  14. Total bliss is what you fear most. You call it death. God's goodness will kill you.
  15. But why is it so hard? The higher you are, the less ego you have, so the less amount of suffering there should be... and the more GOD-LIKE you become,t he more "love" you are, so shouldn't it be total bliss istnead of fear?
  16. I am not here to be popular. You're not going to manipulate me that way. I could shut down tomorrow and you will never hear from me again. Enjoy it while I still bother putting in the energy to teach you guys. Eventually I will just retire into my own solipsistic bliss. I have zero need to teach anyone. I don't care about helping you in any other way than understanding. Understanding is the only thing I offer.
  17. Is ignorance bliss or is ignorance suffering? Yesterday I was crossing a road on my daily walk. The road is a small junction onto a busy road and it's slightly uphill. There's always a car waiting to pull out of the junction, so people tend to cross behind the waiting car. If you drive a manual, then you know you have to keep good clutch control to stop the car rolling back down the hill before pulling away. Inevitably, there is a small amount of roll backwards. Enough roll to make contact with any pedestrians crossing immediately behind you. This in fact happened, and the pedestrian was slightly taken aback and glared at the driver in disgust. Who's at fault here? I'd say the pedestrian. His own ignorance caused him suffering, both in terms of being angry, but also the potential for being physically harmed. I'd like to think he's no longer ignorant. On the surface it seems that ignorance is a good strategy for living life. You only worry about the things happening in your immediate environment, and everything else is irrelevant or for somebody else to deal with. It allows you to be carefree and not be burdened worrying about things over which you have little control. We are all ignorant to greater or lesser degrees: we can't know everything. What about the things you ignore over which you do have control? The problem with ignorance is that you don't know what you don't know. It's possible there are many things you could do to reduce your suffering (e.g. keeping more space when cross behind cars), but you're unaware of them until something happens that brings them to your attention. This is how we all mature (by becoming less ignorant), we simply learn the hard way through experience and often by suffering. But the process of becoming less ignorant doesn't have to be completely passive. We can actively choose to reduce our ignorance, so that we can pre-empt and avoid future suffering. The main way to do this is through learning. I don't particularly mean formal learning such as a course in mathematics, but more informal curiosity driven learning. For example asking: why do cars roll backwards? And then doing a quick investigation. I would say that most people are not actively reducing their ignorance in this way. It all seems so frivolous and pointless. However, over time all these tiny reductions in ignorance amount to a big reduction in ignorance and potential suffering. The tiny learnings about how the world works often synergise with each other, and you end up with a deep understanding of things. This then affords you the ability to be strategic and actively avoid future suffering: you get X-ray vision and begin to see things others can't. To really deeply self-actualise you should actively and continuously choose to reduce your ignorance as much as possible. Ignorance is not bliss.
  18. What is understanding? The recognition of one's self in things The recognition of self-similarity in things The recognition of love in things When I say "I understand you", what does it mean? It means I have imagined being you and experienced existence as you It means I have expanded/put away (a part of) my sense of self to include you in it. What about when I say "I understand how something works"? Let's say it is gravity What does it mean when I say "I understand how gravity works"? First, "I" is the understanding occurring to, I as a human being, for God do not need to understand, since God is already understanding all (Paradox, I am God) Second, gravity is defined as a concept in my experience of existence Third, "works" means I acknowledge the existence of this concept and how it functions in the logical systems of this universe. So it actually means: I acknowledge the defined/imagined concept/phenomenon of gravity as a part of this functioning universe I (as God) then create this concept in my existence But what if I don't understand it? It still exists. What is the difference between understanding it and not? For example, I have been trying to understand Voice Leading I know of its existence and its phenomenon But I have yet to define it. Or rather, my current definition of it feels incomplete or untrue I don't yet fully understand it. But I know it. What is the difference between understanding and knowing? Knowing is the acknowledgment of the existence of a concept/thing. Understanding is realizing the nature of that thing in existence. And the truest nature of all things is that they are God/self. So the deepest understanding is the realization of God in things. And the moment you realize that, you also realize your own nature. Thus that thing, from an existential point of view merges with you into one. So really understanding can be defined as: **The process of conceptual unification.** We may understand things in different degrees and depths And they are all pointing towards the absolute truth. And since the absolute is infinite, we may continue this process for infinity. And thus you may also define it as: **The process of self-recognition/self-realization/self-identification/self-unification** This is true, but it also reaches the level of absolute to the point that it now defines existence. Existence is the process of self-recognition/self-realization/self-identification/self-unification Existence is understanding Understanding is existence Understanding is God This is why you can understand God, but you can't know it. You understand what God is when you understand what understanding is. (Strange loop) Knowledge is defined/confined by existence and experience. What we define as knowledge is information/concepts that we've created/experienced through our senses. Without experience, there won't be any knowledge or knowing, since there will be nothing to acknowledge. But God is beyond (including) existence, thus you can understand God by becoming one with it. Once you unify with it you reach the deepest/truest nature of that thing/yourself/God. It is a recognition, not an acknowledgment, since you've always been it, you simply forgot. Recognition: The remembering of self Acknowledgment: The conceptualization of existence The second definition of understanding is more fundamental than the first. What is a concept? A concept is imagined Conception can equal to imagination Thus conception = creation Thus conception = existence Existence is a concept, That which God/infinity conceptualized/created (Strange loop) Thus we can redefine understanding as: **The process of existence/creation/God unifying with itself.** Thus when I say God is in the process of understanding itself I mean, God is the process of understanding and it is understanding and it is... (Infinite strange loop) It all just is... Back up a few levels of abstractions: From the human perspective, understanding seems to be associated with the mind What is the mind? The mind is the conceptual self The body is the physical/experiential self The soul is the fundamental self Beauty is experiential unification Understanding is conceptual unification Being is Spiritual unification (in process) Pleasure is physical unification Happiness is emotional unification Bliss is Spiritual unification (in actuality) What is the difference between experience and concept? Experience is a higher abstraction Concept is more fundamental Concept can exist "before" experience Conception leads to creation, creation then leads to experience (Strange Loop) Experience is a subset of conception/creation For God, all concepts are created and explored Conception is a subset of God/self/infinity So why do I desire to be understood? I can see the true nature of others, but they can't see the true nature of me/themselves. What I desire is actually to unify with them conceptually, As a creation of existence to recognize that we were/are conceptually one being. Why do I experience human emotional pain when I fail to create understanding? (Even tho it is very mild and only from those whom I wish to understand) 1. Because I alone understand the truth 2. The sense/illusion of separation gets intensified 3. The desire is not fulfilled The truth is, there is no one to understand, or that we all already understand, we are already what we are. But this conceptual existence is designed for us to have the imagined experience of separation and unification (love) We designed the process of this function so that we can experience this love. I have this desire because I wish to experience this love. But the process is designed to maximize the impact of this experience. Thus there are those who cannot yet understand (or pretend to be that way as a human) I need to recognize that this too is a part of infinite love. And continue to follow my heart and be a part of God/existence. It is funny if you understand, how all these people are convincing themselves that they are not what they are, how they (we) are playing this game while their true self knows full well how everything is. Like actors shooting a scene. The sense/illusion of separation (aka the ego) (or the lack of it) is a part of the design of this whole structure in order to intensify/maximize love. Unification won't feel satisfying until separation is experienced to the extreme (in infinite different degrees). It's all love... Thus we have unified with the concept of understanding... (strange loop)
  19. 1) Truth is everywhere. You don't need to go in a cave. 2) I'm not basking in bliss 24/7. And I still have cravings. The level of consciousness necessary to be in constant bliss is very difficult to make constant. If you were able to reach that point then you probably would just live in a cave because no material pleasure could match it. You will be lucky to glimpse Truth for a few minutes. Never mind making it your constant baseline state.
  21. No one has ever physically died who you can talk to. The people who will claim such a thing are confusing a profound experience of loss of self which might even include all loss of a body, but this is not physical death in the traditional sense. Therefore, no one can actually tell you shit about the moment of actual death unless you’re open to believing a spirit or entity which could very well just be a projection of your mind’s expectations about the subject even if it appears to you as a “real” entity right in front of your own eyes that you can touch, smell, and talk to. This is coming from someone who has completely lost all sensations of the body in the sixth jhana and higher jhanas, experienced entities of a similar type as I described, and had a complete loss of intense bodily pain replaced by profound bliss in an experience of surrender to the notion of physical death while in a physical emergency. Now I will say though that from my experience the loss of attachment to the ego that comes from intense physical duress does correlate with wonderful experiences, so it’s not necessarily a bad theory that it will be a wonderful moment. My mom describes one of her near death experiences as probably within the top two experiences of her life if not the top also, and we all know there are plenty of others who say similar things. From my experience, I’d wager that going from “normal” life with a body and everything rather humanish to infinite consciousness (not referring to the sixth jhana in this part, something closer to how Leo might use that term) to the eighth jhana to cessation to the eighth jhana to infinite consciousness to “normal” life in the span of two to three seconds takes a big shit over most NDEs in regard to profundity and general awesomeness, and you can do that without having to actually die as a human in an “objective” sense. I have really no clue how to get someone or even myself to that point again plus it’s not even the best thing I’ve experienced, but I bring it up simply to point out there’s a whole lot of amazing shit you can do in this life. You don’t have to procrastinate until your death bed for something amazing on the hope that some people’s assumptions are correct about death. Get to work.
  22. The white light reality state is. Its unlike any other emotion I could describe to you. If you took a yoga bliss state and intensified it 10 fold, you'd have that emotion running through you. It needs no drugs, all it needs a complete state of love for long enough, self love, love for everything around you. I also detoxed, did self inquiry, and did kundalini yoga for six months every morning.
  23. I'm happier than I have been in a very long time. I think part of that is just spending time with the kitten, just watching how beautiful she is, how agile, how intelligent. I love trying to decipher her behavior. Is that a domestic cat adaptation or an Asian leopard cat adaptation? I don't look it up very much because I prefer to just have my theories. I've been in a relationship since April. I haven't been in a relationship since getting sober. I actually have not accomplished all that much 2014-now. 2022. That's tough to acknowledge. In my mind, I like to tell myself that I needed "several" years to get myself together, but really, I wasted just about a decade watching cnn and msnbc on my mom and dad's couch. I just completely lost any hunger for life. I suppose it's good that this finally bothers me. We made a lot of progress in therapy. We talked about "learned helplessness". This might be over-simplifying it but I basically worked very hard academically. I didn't ever learn how to be happy until alcohol, and then after alcohol, I was lost. I really didn't think I was going to live much longer. I didn't want to. I was just in such a dark place for so long. It feels foreign to be making plans for the future again. To go from a 6-figure job to jobless and living with parents and losing the only coping skill I had was just so devastating. Not that my time in active alcoholism was some kind of perpetual bliss, but if nothing else, I got to feel alive intermittently back then. The relationship though. It's going very well. I moved in with him. He makes sure I take my meds. My past doesn't seem to scare him. I tried something different and actively tried to let him have the upper hand, lead, be the man of the house. I really am amazed how well it's been going. It couldn't have been this easy all along. Will it blow up in my face? I don't know. Most importantly, though, the more I get to know him, the more I realize what a solid human he is. The other huge realization I had is just how terrified I was to try my hand at writing. It's my talent, and yet, I never dared enter the arena. Instead, I sought "stability" in law. Why didn't I just go for it? I was terrified. I had an immigrant working class upbringing. I know what it's like to lack. I didn't want to lack again. The realizations can be painful, but I'm happy with my progress.
  24. I see, glad to know what i shared didn't apply to you. Psychedelic therapy helped me tremendously with my depression and moving forward in life. There really isn't anything better that I know of. I know youre not looking for anything spiritual, but psychedelics can really help with depression and emotional "issues" more than anything else. Spirituality to me is just connecting with yourself and finding your own bliss, which is completely unique to you, so I wouldn't worry about that too much. You wouldn't even have to do therapy with them, just do some micro dosing or take a dose that feels right, comfortable, and isn't pushing yourself, then contemplate whatever is bothering you and that you want to change.
  25. You will come to know yourself as a creator being of limitless power. Time, space, energy and matter are all illusions created to make certain types of games work and could be easily manipulated. When you know that you are a part of the oneness, then the illusions only work when you want them to work. So these things become flexible. Then you see that time and space are the same thing. They are simply an illusory separation of things. Energy is created by this separation and flows between two or more points that were separated by the illusion of time and space. Matter is simply the result of holding patterns of consciousness in the flow of the energy. Up till now, you have believed yourself to be inside the illusion. You have looked at the forms that result and, not only have you believed these things to be real, but you have actually believed yourselves to be these forms. But it is not so. These forms, which result from the patterns, are not you. They are just your temporary creations. You will see that. You will see that you are the creator of your form. And then you will learn how to alter the forms that you create, to your will. I mean, you will be able to consciously create, or co-create, your world, your body and anything around you, as you wish. Then you will learn instant teleportation. You will be able to simply let go of a form here, where you are, and your body will simply disappear into nothingness, only to reappear from the nothingness elsewhere on the planet. Or, indeed on another planet, if you wish. All you need to do is hold your form's patterns in energy there and then you shall be there. Or, at least the form you are using to represent yourself shall be there. Teleportation is the favored mode of transport for high-order unity conscious beings throughout the universe. Neither space nor time will be an obstacle for you! And, of course, you will never again feel the need to die. Death is a very important and valuable tool for beings on the Karmic Wheel. It is quite normal for beings still on that path to get lost in their games and illusions and to lose sight of the greater purpose and goal of their journey. Not only do such beings get a little lost and confused, but they also begin to create a great deal of pain, fear and confusion for themselves. So, death was created to allow these beings to interrupt their passage so that they could, with some regularity, be brought back to their intended path. Death allows a means for the being to bring their journey to a halt and return to a higher consciousness for guidance and help. Without its merciful release, those beings would become very weary and traumatized. But, as you move into a state of being pure, radiant love, such release becomes utterly unnecessary. There will be nothing you will need release from. If you ever require rest, you may simply still your being and put down your burden and you will instantly find yourself in that state of blissful, balanced, harmonious oneness that is your truest nature. And for you this will be as normal as a night's sleep currently is. These are some of the general attributes of a life in true unity consciousness or God-realization. And being of unity consciousness is the same thing as being Love. The perfect, unconditional love of All That Is. Attaining such awareness and being of such high consciousness is not a limitation. You will not find yourself confined to a life such as I have just outlined. You might, for example, choose to reside in unity consciousness and, from there, make expeditions into the lower realms of separation and duality on missions of discovery or adventures of service for those who require guidance on the journey to God-realization. Or you could move through the portal of the oneness and go and visit other realities entirely. I don't simply mean other places in this universe or other universes, no, I mean other entirely different frames of creation. Creations, which do not operate at all like this one does. As you move from a place of oneness, you can enter any other realm that is within the oneness. And you may go and create there if you desire. This is all open for you to choose. You shall realize very quickly too that you no longer need a three or four dimensional perspective. You will realize that you can operate from outside of time. This means that you might want to maintain a life in one reality and, at the same time, explore and create in a thousand others. There are no limitations on you, save those which you place upon yourself. These are some of the general traits of the life of a being who creates its world entirely with love and who lives in a unity-conscious reality. It is what you can expect for yourself if you open your heart to love, and then stay the course on your journey to oneness. But they are only general traits and you will be free, of course, to choose other experiences if you wish them. As to the specifics of your life – where you will live, how you will live, what you will do – these, of course, are questions you will answer for yourself. I cannot tell you what you will decide. But I can tell you that you will be able, if you wish it, to live a truly sublime life. If you decide to surround yourself with others who are also of God-realized consciousness, then you shall feel nothing but soul-connection on all sides. You shall be held in the soft embrace of love all the days of your existence. You shall trust all whom you meet and your trust shall be returned. You shall seek always to give your greatest gift and you shall be loved and respected for your giving. And whatever your greatest gift is, it shall indeed be something worthy of your time and attention. And you will give your gift away with open-hearted generosity. You shall never need to ask, "But what is in it for me?" because all those around you will be likewise giving their greatest gift. And in an infinite universe, there is guaranteed to be someone, somewhere whose greatest bliss it is to create exactly the thing that you might think you want or need. Taking your need to them will be a gift to them! The fact that you have need of their greatest gift will bless them. And that will be the new economy of the new world in which you shall dwell if you choose to live amongst others who are of unity consciousness. You will give and give and give. And when someone takes of your gift, it will bring you joy. And if there is something you want or need, you shall simply have to accept it, as it will be offered to you. Your accepting it will bring the giver joy. Love shall be the currency of the new world of the God-realized, but the result of every transaction will be joy for all concerned. Greg