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  1. You experiences some pretty hefty nonduality during your trip nothing is what you are the chemical lsd isnt real you imagined that you woke up to yourself as nothingness lsd is in the nothingness.a good way to look at infinity is to ask yourself what is not included in infinity? There is no beinging or end nothing outside of it there is endless creation in nothingness
  2. This sounds all nice and good but isnt this just basic nonduality 101? I mean everything is an illusion is not a new teaching, it's pretty basic stuff. It's as old as spirituality. I doubt budhha was not aware of this. Also I have a question, why are you not aware of the things that these great masters talk about like other realms, angels, demons, disembodied beings, celestial beings, different universes, different dimensions, past lives etc many more things that they speak of like 84th universe. Why are you not become aware of any of these things in your trips? Because if your awareness really is higher in those states, you'd have to be able to be aware of these things effortlessly. It's only natural that a Phd student would understand everything that bachelor student knows and much more. But it doesn't seem to be the case here. Why is that?
  3. Added to cart... enlightenment on a spring! JESUS, I could have saved myself a lot of time if I had found you sooner. Oh but Jesus isn't made of plastic, are you being ridiculous? No, I'm deadly fucking serious! Nonduality. The church led me astray, "plastic Jesus is not Jesus." John Lennon led me astray "Money can't buy you love." Leo led me astray. "You have to take this work seriously." FOOD is LOVE! Donald Trump is my spirit animal! The insights, the realizations! OMG the reviews on this. I was going to do some shadow work, but I guess this is it, so many years of repressing laughter at Jesus jokes. Is humor avoidance? Or is humor the deepest insight itself? BOTH. Who's laughing? Contrast, contrast, contrast, contrast.
  4. There are as many ‘layers’ as it takes to realize there are no layers. Nonduality is apparent surfaces, of no depth. All that could be said to truly be boundless, is this love within us all.
  5. “One of the marvels of the world is the sight of a soul sitting in prison with the key in its hand!” ― Rumi, Is guilt/shame and anxiety/fear the same feeling? Well yes... I suppose it has to be in feeling, because nonduality, but holy cow, I never really saw how tied together they are, how one feeds the other. Last night I had a dream that I was throwing a dinner party but I didn't really prepare but this wasn't obvious to me until no one showed up anyway. I was sitting alone and looked up and I was sitting by the woods and it was windy and all these rotting, dead trees were hanging over my head waiting to fall and I realized I probably shouldn't be sitting there. I also had a really symbolic dream about clothing, the symbolism of which I've been becoming more conscious of lately over the past few days. I feel very stuck right now. Maybe the gentle practice I learned of following pointers, signs and feelings through shadow work, waiting, being patient, works with feeling as well. I'm dogmatically trying to force myself into allowing, which is a ridiculous strange loop. I'm opening to those disgusting feelings that come up so often during the day, feeling like I should be doing something else, or that I'm wasting my time, or just awful resistance to what's at hand. I'm feeling the sensations, the feeling in my body, the knot in my stomach. Am I, or am I thinking about them more? THINK MANDY, THINK! You're stupid, you never did think the right way. It's ok, you can avoid that shortcoming by demonizing thinking. Thought demonizes itself. The day before yesterday I told my husband that I felt bad for 8th graders and high school students missing their graduations this year. He said something like college graduations were more important, a bigger deal. I sat with it a moment and recognized that I was triggered, that he had had a college graduation and I hadn't. I wanted to react but then I came back with an answer that I told myself was only half reaction of what I wanted to say, half trying to one-up him. "Well, a very small percentage of people get to experience a college graduation. So high school graduations are a bigger deal for more people." That night I dreamed that I went back to high school, not college but high school to take three classes, and it felt really strange. Then the dream shifted and I had bought my Grandmother's house and committed to fix it up and make it mine. Life in general can go take a flying fuck right now. What the fuck did I do to deserve this existence? What the fuck did I do to deserve this existence? Same question, same words are asked following great appreciation or great suffering. I didn't do anything? I don't own any of it. What if I'm imagining all the pain in my body, all the blockages, the powerlessness? Isn't that what I've been taught here? It's imagination? Then how is it not my fucking fault? How am I not to blame? Or how am I not a victim? How do I forgive a self that doesn't exist, how do I love a self that doesn't exist? The depths of nihilism itself. I won't deny love. But I would deny myself. I would kill it. I would wish it was never born. Just fucking die already. I've seen behind the curtain, there's nothing to kill. The desire to kill it persists. Sometimes you have to let some punches out in thought. This was all pretend to me. All play. I saw how it unfolded, I saw the mind blowing connections, I felt them, I've seen through the charade. But I still pretend, doubt and live and feel as if it's real, life and death. "I've been knocking and no one answers. And I've been knocking most of the day." Why is Self Love, utter alignment? It is existence without existence. I just binge ate an entire dark chocolate bar and some other things. It's getting ridiculous. Getting fat is what every woman fears the most and yet wants the most. Maybe if I make myself completely undesirable to others, I'd actually love me. Oh Jesus Mandy you're so dramatic. Creed, now? You can try, but you know none of this even sticks anymore. My newly found carefreeness terrifies me. Just read that again, oh God, that's funny.
  6. Sat 11-apr-20 Day 21. Tomato seedlings growing fairly quickly onto the true leaves now. It looks like I've sown them too thickly and I'll need to prick out soon before the roots get too entangled. When I have a glimpse of mystical awareness, there's a temptation to make comparisons with 'regular' life, and generate dualities. Doing vs being, grasping vs letting go, emptiness vs fullness, spirituality vs materialism, that type of thing. Integration can mean finding a wholeness so that life doesn't start to feel split or compartmentalised by these dualities. I guess there's a cycle of integration and disintegration, coming together and falling apart - re Leo's video on Division vs Unity. My inquiry is to see if the 'nowness' of the eternal present moment is one with the apparent flux of contents, or are the changing contents distinct and passing through, in time, as it were. Rather like the analogy of the eternal TV screen with its changing images. Is the present moment a point travelling through time, or is it the whole of time? Being & becoming is a duality. Perhaps we can call it a meta-duality because 'being' is itself a nonduality formed from the collapse of the subject-&-object duality; being is another name (according to me) for the total unified eternal present here-&-now itself; becoming is the flux of changing processes/phenomena which are the fragmentary contents of being. What can I call it when this meta-duality collapses? Be(com)ing, be/com/ing perhaps. I'm basically looking for a vocabulary free of God-language, so I'm using this ontological (being) language instead. More importantly, how do I see, notice be(com)ing? I seem to flip between the duality of being & becoming; nondual and dual consciousness, and, as well as increasing my time in nondual mind (eg when meditating) I feel the next breakthrough could be entering a state beyond both (or combining) duality & nonduality, is there even such a thing, or am I merely creating intellectual philosophical abstractions? Meditation practice has been slipping over the past few days due to it being the Easter holiday period: I seem to find it easier to keep my spiritual practice going when I have the structured routines of working life. But I have been practicing in other ways, such as mindful gardening in the unseasonably warm & dry weather at the moment.
  7. Jim Newman teaches the most extreme form of nonduality that I know of so far, similar to Tony Parsons. It's even more direct than Ramesh Balsekar's teachings. It's beyond even nihilism, lol. I think it's a useful teaching to get a sense of the nondual nature of nature, when it's integrated with other teachings that describe the progress of reality such as the Law of One.
  8. Now this is porbably going to get lots of hate, but I just have to say it: @Leo Gura: You are doing it wrong!! This first part goes directly to you. I don't want to piss you off, but I am about to get really offensive. You helped me out so much in my life by always being straight to the point. Now I strongly feel, that I have to do the same for you. All this comes from a place of genuine compassion for you. What you are trying to do with your work is amazing and I really want to see you succeed. And thats why I have to say it! You are doing it wrong!! You are trying to realize nonduality by being in some oneness with god state all the time that you found on psychedelics. But you fail to see, that this state (can be called "small nonduality") is based on the assumption of a duality between nonduality vs. duality. "Big nonduality" would involve both, that nondual oneness with god psychedelic state and the dual, seperate from god "normal" state. Being in that oneness with god state is NOT awakening. Awakening is realizing, that oneness with god is everpresent, and that taking a psychedelic cannot bring you any closer to that. This is one of the main pathology of working with psychedelics. They show you these profound states. But the mistake is to build up an identity in that state and then get attached to that identity. That is the main blindspot that you have and that is holding you back. Here are two main things, that I think are really harmful about all that: Firstly, and this is just my personal belief: You won't realize "big nonduality" that way. If you continue to use psychedelics the way you are doing right now, you're only going to fuel that identity, you created for yourself in the psychedelic state, that you are so attached to. You will probably try to prove me wrong by taking even more psychedelics. And honestly, I think that I can't really help you with that and that you just have to learn that the hard way. The real problem here is not that you are getting stuck, but that you are misleading people. Over the last yearsworth of videos, I saw you developing a strong hybris and, dare I say, messiah complex. You are just way too serious about that shit, dismissing any practice other than psychedelics! Which is really ironic because you have been talking about cult psychology and zen-devilry in your videos. Now your in that position yourself and you fail to see it because of your seriousness! Thats why the spiritual journey demands a great sense of humor. Allthough you have to be very serious to get anywhere, being able to laugh about yourself is crucial to not get stuck. All your really doing right now is blasting yourself nuts with 5-MeO to scratch that God-addiction itch of yours. And you are totally loosing that down-to-earth-ness which was one of your greatest qualities. Stop doing that! Its not going to work and its harming people, that try to follow you and getting them stuck! Secondly, and this is way more important imo: You are making the stigma of psychedelics even worse. If we ever want to get them legalized we have to advocate for responsable use. You did that in your first few videos about psychedelics. But lately that psychedelic evangelism of yours went way over the top. I bet if you could, you would go around the world and plug 5-MeO into everybodys ass, starting with mine... This attitude is not going to help! Stop it, please! We all really want to live in a world, were these substances are legally and openly avaliable to everybody for responsable use. What we need for that is a significant number of people, that show how to make use of these substances without causing collateral damage. We need you to be an example by taking a very nuanced and careful approach. We don't need another hippie, frying his brain with substances. And we definately don't need another spiritual teacher, that is getting lost in the rabbit whole of his own teachings and possibly even dragging other people with him. Please be very aware about how people recieve your teachings, Leo. You will probably dismiss what I am saying by means of some epistemic assumption, that I am making. Something like "Notice, that you are just god talking to itself". Or you will say to yourself, "This is just the devil, trying to use gods teachings against god himself." Yeah, if you do that, you totally failed to see the point that is to be understood here: You are doing it wrong!! My last piece of advice is something that a fellow actualizer and good friend of mine once said: "I think the best thing for Leo would be working some stupid job, refilling the shelves at wallmart or something!" I am serious! Stopping to do psychedelics and still maintaining total presence while living a profundly mundane life, would require an enormous spiritual realization. Blasting yourself and talking about how awake you are does not. I challange you: Don't do any psychedelics for at least one year! Face the grief that will be coming up over the illusory seperation from god and simply be with it, until you realize, that there was no seperation in the first place. This will benefit your teachings, both in maturity and profundity. Just to be clear: I am not interested in having a discussion about the personal behavour of Leo or of any teacher for that matter. I want this to be about learning whatever we can about the spiritual path. And in my opinion the main thing Leo is teaching us right now is, how NOT to do it! This thread is probably going to get locked or deleted. I don't care. All I really want is to help you out, Leo, by sharing my honest opinion. Please spend some time thinking about what I wrote.
  9. Your physical body has already died and been reborn numerous times within your lifetime. The cells that make up your body are completely different from the cells that made up your body 5 years ago. From a direct experience perspective, your body is made up of passing impermanent phenomena that are being born, existing, and dying in every moment. What you call "your physical body" is just a series of transient sensations. So, in this sense, your body is always changing...yet...something (in your experience) is remaining unchanged and unaffected by the constant changing of experience. What is that thing that you call "you"? Can that thing ever die? Sure, I guess your physical body will eventually end... (and I'm not going to claim that I know forsure what will happen when that happens) What I think happens is that the content of the movie changes... but the screen stays the same ... To be honest though, it's kind of silly to ask these questions from a dualistic frame of mind and expecting a logically coherent answer. The answer to your question is nonduality. But unluckily for you, nonduality can't be captured very well in a forum post. Perhaps it would be beneficial to spend some time pondering about how body and death are both ideas. Neither of which are actually present in this moment here... Your question is based in a fantasy. Unwravel the fantasy, and the question is dissolved.
  10. It’s a lovely post and I feel ya, & I hear ya. However, you have not realized Nonduality, and you’re simultaneously creating problems for yourself unnecessarily not only with respect to this (nonduality) forum, but likely in your life as well. To claim to be a disciple in the name of anyone or anything, is to speak via the method of unaccountability. When two people do it, wars are started in this manor. Say what you like, but as yourself, you will find you are entirely accountable as such in any and every case. If you are of nondual awareness, if the Bible has ‘decoded’ before you, please share from you, from your heart, rather than under any false pretenses. There are many passage where Jesus cautioned of this very thing. And you might also want to google Jerusalem to see what’s been going on there ever since.
  11. Ok I will explain this simple method that I noticed it helped me a lot. 1) start watching the video 2) leo now is explaining this fact that you heard a lot from him, now the first trap is continuing watching the video tricking your self that you understand what leo says. Notice how you don't really understand that. 3) pause the video 4) write what you liked in a short note, just a single statment 5) start thinking and contemplating deeply and appreciating what really leo says 6) keep contemplating untill you reach the bottom of you current ability to contemplate, you will know it when you reach it 7) start the video again and repeat all of the above. * Watching a single video of leo videos will take many hours doing this method but you feel the difference and how silly you were thinking you were getting what really says.
  12. This will help us contemplating each of those mechanisms and noticing them in our lives. I am interested in those tricky mechanisms that prevent us from totally accepting nonduality, at least theorically. Examples: Self-righteousness Projection Ridiculing Distraction I am now more interested than ever contemplating these because I realized how much power and trickiness these mechanisms have. Please help me, much love for all of you ♥️♥️♥️
  13. Okay Isn't nothing like saying nonduality? There reason I can't look at a chair and see nothing, even in meditative states, is because I don't even have to imagine what that is for it to be apparent. Duality is apparent in consciousness, whether I recognise it or not. So I'm imagining that in nondual states, if I can call them that, there is no apparent difference between stuff and everything is one, with me included.
  14. If it’s helpful, clarifying....Non-duality / advaita (not-duality), is the pointing of not-two. This pointing never implied “one” to begin with. Ajata “not even one”, is a misunderstanding of advaita. (An implication nonduality / advaita meant “one”.) Nothing, everything, anything, any thing, any no thing, no thing, self, no self, human self, no human self........and “illusion”....are the very “two” to which advaita points to as being, not-two. “Nothing matters”, and “it’s this”, are already the implication of, “two”.
  15. @Leo Gura Leo why do you still teach us? Repeating the same things again and again, don't you get frustrated from us? It really takes a lot of love to do that. Thank you, much love ♥️♥️. Another question , why don't you make episodes reacting to other videos on YouTube or clips from movies explaining nonduality and spiral dynamics through them. I think this will be very effecient approach , what do you think?
  16. Roger Castillo has this new video. He has sometimes quoted from ACIM in past videos. I haven't watched this new video yet but his teaching is about nonduality which as I see it is useful for removing even the feeling of fear.
  17. You're actually correct. Not long ago I became aware that I have been holding back a lot of emotions, and it manifested itself as a tension in the gut area. I started to try to provoke emotional releases during my meditations, and after maybe only 2 months of doing that, I noticed the tension subsiding and I was becomming more "embodied" rather than numbed out. Sometimes meditation can make you totally disregard your emotions, and it's not healthy. Anyways, I was doing well, and then spring came and my energy levels naturally started to increase, and I was catapulted into non-dual states of awareness out of nowhere, and I responded in fear, because it feels like death, and I'm not ready for it. I believe the main tension that I was unconsciously holding onto all those years was the fear of death, and when I trained myself to become conscious of this tension, I reached a point where I can drop the tension at will, but then I would go into a process of dying. So basically, like I've explained in a topic I made 2 weeks ago, I've spent the last few weeks trying to consiously recreate some form of emotional tension in order to ground myself, because I don't want to let go into nonduality. It scares me, I feel like I'm not ready, that I have to grow as a person. These 3-4 years of daily meditation has totally shifted how I experience reality, and there is really no turning back, even though I'm trying my best. It's really idiotic if you ask me haha
  18. @Prevailer I like what you said about the gap between thoughts. But I don't get why people in nonduality say that you are not your thoughts... I get it as a perspective to distance onself from self criticism and see the consistency of self-acceptance. But your thoughts are as you as your body and your car and possessions are... perhaps they are an expression and in that sense "not you" but nonetheless you are your thoughts and your feelings. Everything about you composes who you are. . . But I seem to have different perspective on metaphysics than most people here it's interesting!
  19. Hi everyone Thought it would be a great idea to start a thread where people can genuinely help one another with this spiritual journey that we have all embarked on. The idea behind this thread is that people would share their insights and realisations with the aim of pointing out to those who have not yet had that awakening in the right direction. So we would sort of just be holding hands here and pulling one another in the path so that no ends up getting lost so to speak. For example, if you've had an awakening and you're directly aware of some truth which is overlooked by many then if you could.. you would post whatever ever that insight helped you realize as to shed some light on common misconceptions regarding reality. These pointers would then be sort of shifting perspectives in a way that if a person is holding a belief or some idea about reality which is preventing him/her from directly accessing it then this will help make that clear and help focus on what is actually going on, what is actually there. So if you, let's say, had an awakening to what love is and you're directly aware of what it is then your job would be to shed light on common ideas regarding love like how it's an emotion.. you would have to say why that isn't the case. But not just say so, actually help us notice why it isn't the case, point out the idea, expose the egotistic belief and what we're imagining, kinda like the way Leo does in his videos. I've titled this thread "Actually" because we would only be pointing out what is actually happening, things we've taken for granted. Like: "Hey, you know that thing we call an emotion that is triggered by electromagnetic chemicals? Well, actually it's not that at all because if you notice x y and z you'll understand that emotions are just imagination." So, this is not about getting other people to awaken to the thing that you've awakened to. That won't happen. That person would also have to put in some of the work you've put in in order to really get that awakening. Same way watching Leo's videos won't suddenly make you awake to whatever insight is being shared in the video. Here we're basically just all traveling while holding hands so that everyone has better chances of coming out into the light. I just figured that hey.. since we're all on the same path why don't we just hold hands and guide each other to the same destination. Rules: 1. Don't talk about it if you're not directly aware of it! I'm trying to prevent debates from happening. This is not 'the battle of the insights' thread. If you're directly aware of it then there would be no point in arguing because we all see that the grass is green. And if a person is not getting whatever that you're trying to point to and is just opposing in every direction then drop it. Clearly that person is not ready for that insight. 2. No dropping nondual A-bombs! Guys, we are trying to share radical insights from personal awakenings and we are trying to radically shift perspectives for the good of the path. But don't just show up heavy handed with it saying things like "Nothing exists". I mean come on! You're missing the point of this thread then. I mean if you're directly aware of nonduality then great for you, but show consideration for the guy who just started with this work. Me, I'm the guy who just started with this path and for me it sure as hell, clearly, seems like a lot of things exist. Alright, and those are the rules. Please, don't be stressful be helpful. If you get the impression that the other person is not feeling helped then immediately let it go. It's okay Okay then, I hope I've made things clear and that my post isn't that long. But most importantly I hope most you folks would be willing to help and share some insights with care and love. I'll start just so that everyone knows how I mean this. ?
  20. Christianity is in itself a path to enlightenment, it's not necessarily a problem or a handicap although it might seem to be for most, it has nothing to do with the religion itself. Most relationships don't match up in the level of spiritual development, but since spiritual development is all a facade anyway, it doesn't matter. The beliefs we have about other people are what keep us from our own development. There is love and connection within us always, we don't need prerequisites for it. I was raised Christian and I remember a lot of discussions about whether you should date someone who is unsaved. Saying that you shouldn't felt wrong. Thinking MAYBE you can save (change) them by dating them felt a little better but also wrong. It strikes me as funny that this same exact question at its root is asked just as often by those seeking enlightenment. In the area of who we should date and marry, we want pure unconditional love and yet we allow ourselves to make our most harshest judgements in this area, and that's what makes romantic love so damn challenging. We often hold from ourselves what we want most in this area. But because we blame the other person, we don't see that we do this only to ourselves. I'd try to show her how Christianity is pointing to nonduality, ask if she really understands the meanings of the parables of Jesus. Read the gospel of Thomas, read what Eckhart Tolle has written about Christianity, study Gnostic Christianity and you'll be able to speak to her with her language she was raised with and you'll not come away unchanged yourself. I'd do this only if it seems fun, and not if it feels like you're doing it just for an end goal and have an agenda. The best relationships are curious and seek to learn, understand and fully experience one another, they are open and loving. Open-mindedness is curiosity and love itself, but... you're the only one who can experience having an open mind. When it is imposed as an ideal on another it immediately becomes closed mindedness.
  21. As weird as it sounds I've come across descriptions of the same kind of thing. Basically even spiritual energies are regarded/recognized/worshiped as dualities... because people and the mind create dualities, that's just what we do. It's easiest to think of it in this example, the Christian church recognizes one, wicca and witchcraft recognizes another. They even imply gender, the Heavenly Father and the Goddess. Each deny the Oneness or divinity of the other. Because of the imbalance, severe imbalance can manifest as intense charisma, such as in the case of Hitler with severe consequences. And having grown up in Christianity, I've seen the same smaller scale effect in many pastors and leaders. Outside of religion, with people who recognize oneness and nonduality, the same imbalances can manifest.
  22. Like I'm watching Leo's video on perception and it's not making sense. If there is no internal world, it is all external, and there is no bubble, it is all one big sponge, I am all of everything..... what do I do with this me stuff that remains? This body and these thoughts and this concious experience.... it doesn't go away just because I cease to believe in it. When ego dies there still remains an individual living a life with certain consious expereinces and not all of everything. I cannot suddenly become all of everything and leave this "body mind" thing. I'm limited and that won't go away until I literally die, and who knows what happens to that "soul" so if I'm nonduality itself, what happens to this me-ness? What am I supposed to do with it? It needs to eat and sleep and exercise and etc. I can't just stop being that - it hast to keep going - if it is an illusion what of it?
  23. @Bluff You seem to have theoretical understanding of nonduality and are immersed in theoretical ruminations. There is nothing wrong with that and it can have practical value. Yet the theoretical ruminations can lead to contractions within, and attachment to, those theoretical constructs. You’ve got the theory of nonduality down pat. You understand in nondual theory how there is no degrees or stages of awareness. You seem fluent in this and you don’t need anymore work to realize there are no degrees or stages of awareness. This has truth, yet attachment to this truth is a limitation. If I say “I have already arrived”, that has truth from one perspective. Yet if I become attached to that belief and extrapolate it, it will block me from realizing that I also haven’t arrived. This is the dilemma of theoretical constructs, they have inherently contradictions. If I think “I have arrived” and I don’t take a step to a destination, I will fail because I will not move toward the destination. Yet if I think “I have not arrived” and I take steps toward the destination, I will fail because there is no destination separate from where I am here and now. To me, it looks like you have the nondual “arrival” theory down, which is a profound understanding of truth. Yet attachment to this aspect of truth will hinder realization and understanding of other truths you have not yet arrived to. What you are writing is not completely wrong. It is partial and incomplete.
  24. 99% of nonduality students and Buddhists and so forth. They don't understand DMT worlds.
  25. As unbelievable as this sounds, I have reached levels of Awakening which clearly show me that no nonduality teacher is fully awake. But I don't expect you guys to believe me. Okay, so you've given them some degree of awakeness. But it's gonna be a very mild degree. I'm not saying you shouldn't do that. It could be very helpful. I'm just saying there are higher levels.