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Leo Gura replied to lardplanet's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Ego, ego, ego. Evil does not exist. If you actually followed an awakened teacher you would realize that. -
I tend to sleep between 6-8 hours these days, which feels about right. I know since my initial awakening back in 2012 there have been times when my sleep pattern's been all over the place, particularly after I awakened my kundalini in 2013, and also when I was experiencing chronic anxiety in 2017. So frustrating to be waking up after only 2-3 hours' sleep and not being able to get back to sleep again, I learnt after a while not to fight it (talk about an exercise in futility) and to just get up. That's an interesting point, and not something I'd ever considered before - it does seem to make sense. I always remember Adyshanti saying that the egoic state of consciousness chews up a lot of energy, and of course the more energy you're using up, the more you'll need to sleep.
Typing some fresh ones that come to mind 1. Where am I along my self actualization journey? 2. What is self acceptance? 3. What does it mean to be wise? 4. What systems do I have in place to ensure I remain grounded? 5. How am I overly dependant on teachers like Leo? 6. How can I take more personal responsibility? 7. How can I bring more consciousness into my life? 8. What is intentional living? 9. What types of contemplation are there? 10. What types of meditation are there? 11. How do I become open minded without losing my footing on survival? 12. How can I use math, logic, reason and strategy more often in my life? 13. How can I balance spiritual pursuits with the very real external environment so I live a balanced enjoyable life 14. Why am I doing this? 15. Why do I enjoy this? 16. What are my addictions? What is the nature of addiction? What tools do I have to overcome this addiction? 17. Why do I know better than I perform or act on a daily basis? 18. Why am I so scared of what people may or may not think of me? 19. Why is the particular thing taboo? Am I brave enough to deeply question this cultural standard? 20. Why do I hate or think this person or group of people is evil? 21. How are my current strategies and life paradigms helping or making my life worse 22. Do I know what this substance, technique or peice of information is? Or has it been distorted through my own faulty database and interpretation mechanisms 23. How do I let go off past errors and mistakes which still haunt me? 24. How do I embrace unconditional love? 25. Why is there this difference between my ideals, my self image, my spiritual values and my ability to embody them. Do I have a practice of measuring this? 26. What are the areas of my life that I am most unconcious? 27. What is the nature of the ego? My ego and those around me? 28. Why do I give such importance to the opinions of other people? 29. What is the difference between a rational thought and irrational neurotic thought? 30. Why do I avoid getting help? 31. How does my need to see myself as strong, independent, a leader or awakened get in the way of my asking for the help I need 32. What false identities am I clinging to? 33. What does the truth matter to me? 34. Why do I fail to change even when I know I should? 35. Why does this thought loop through my head? 36. What is transference and its role in mental distortions? 37. How does my body feel? 38. What would maximal health look and feel like? 39. How would it feel if my muscular and skeletal system were in perfect condition? 40. How many stretches are there? Why are there so many? Have I taken time to feel into my body? 41. What is body awareness? 42. What are chairs? 43. What is the relationship between difference forms of Qigong, Yoga, Meditation, chanting, healing sounds, energy healing, psychedelics, talk therapy, dance, tantric and taoist sex practice, ectsatic dance, community, art, etc 44. What would the best human operating system look like? 45. How am I changing for the better? 46. How has this new tool helped, or hindered my progress 47. Why did I begin this in the first place? 48. Why am I scared of taking action, talking to that person etc 49. What is the difference between the stories I tell myself and my direct experience? 50. What are books? Memes? Threads? Articles how do I treat different pieces of information? 51. How do I research? 52. What is the relationship of time to the human lifespan, hours of work, survival, life purpose, rest, relationships, body bare, mental healthy, personal finances etc and keeping it all balance and harmonious 53. What are skills and what is the nature of skill building? 54. What do I really want? 55. Is this the right technique for this moment in my life? 56. What does it mean to become successful? 57. What is systems thinking? 58. What does it feel like, look like to myself and others when I am totally sober, clean minded, present, without fear of past or future. 59. How can I be my own best friend? 60. What is the difference between using a psychedelic, and meditation? Are they use for all the same goals? How and how not? 61. How have I become complacent with my personal work? 62. How can I improve this health issue? 63. What does it mean that you are God? Does that mean the rules of the game changes for me? Or, am I changing in relation to the game 64. How many hours does each skills, technique, are of mastery involve to develop? Have I created a mock study plan and see how long it actually takes to learn anything? 65. How am I bullshitting myself? 66. What being sane, grounded, wise, truthful and sober mean? 67. What does contribution mean to me? 68. What will my life look like when I am calm, collected, focused, organized, taking the small hard steps everyday, 69. What does the ideal path forward look like to being making positive changes in my life? 70. What does it mean to be a kind, loving person? 71. What does it mean to develop healthy strong boundaries? 72. Who is Osho, Sadhguru, Leo, Mosho, etc what are their simulatirities and differences? Do I see how each one has someothing unique to offer? Am I able to blend the golden nuggets of each teacher? 73. What is consent? 74. What is a healthy relationship? 75. How do I accurately or can I even accurately gauge my own maturity or level of knowledge in the areas of mastery in my life? 76. How can I use my suffering as guide to greater happiness and self awareness? 77. How can I use mistakes as powerful tool of self correction? 78. What does it mean that every day is a new opportunity of adventure in self discovery towards cosmic truth and riches 79. What is spirituality? Why am I pursuing it? Am I doing so in a healthy way (swop in any pursuit) 80. Why am I avoiding doing the things I love? 81. How do the mental movies I play in my mind free me or keep me in a mental prison? 82. What would I do if I was fearless? 83. Why do I NEED to be liked by others to still perform at a high level 84. Why do I hide from myself with social media, youtube, forum and videos 85. What is sleep? 86. What is Art? 87. What is God? 88. What is hard work? 89. What is the value of high quality, consistent habits? 90. What is the difference between models of reality and systems for living? What is my refresh rate? 91. What does it mean that different humans around me are operating with subltly, or profoundly different operating systems, datases, experiences, word meanings contexts, schema etc? 92. How do I navigate complex social environment skillfully and with grace? 93. What is de-armouring and how could it benefit my life? 94. How do I let my gremlins go? 95. How often should I refer back to books? 96. Why do I waste time in fear and distraction and not joy, growth and creativity? 97. Why don't I deserve love? 98. Who am I? 99. What is death? 100. How do I enjoy playing victim? 101. How do I go about watching Leos Videos 102. How do I act impatiently or impulsively? 103. How do I gather and use statistics to form my world view? 104. How do I stop being mechanical and live my own life free of constant mechanicalness and fear? 105. Am I doing this for pleasure or for growth? 106. How does this fit into the larger picture of my goals?
Inliytened1 replied to wildflower's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@wildflower your talking the distinction between enlightenment and embodiment. They are two different things. I'm awakened l but I don't always embody Truth. It ain't always easy when you have a powerful ego. But it doesn't mean you can't be enlightened or be spiritually gifted as fuck or an intuition though the roof. The older I get though I start to embody it more because it causes less suffering. Selfishness is the cause of all suffering. -
VeganAwake replied to Demeter's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah that's right. Oneness points to the recognition that the individual experiencer within the body is an illusion. (Adviata) While sunyata declares even that apparent experience of no separation as ultimately illusory. (Ajata) If you're interested check out Robert Wolfe's Ajata Sunyata Project: "The seeming person continues to live out her life (from supposed “birth” to “death”) in a seeming world, in a seeming universe. Yet, in what could be said to be the true or ultimate reality of emptiness, not anything ever has, or could, happen. From the ultimate standpoint, there is not anything that ever needs to be explained. Any questions which arise and any answers are within the Dream–and the Dream is not real. Those who understand this, the sages would say, have awakened from the big Dream. Whether one does or does not, in the end, makes absolutely no difference. But for those who do awaken, all their questions–within the Dream–are seen to be utterly empty" - Robert Wolfe -
TrippyMindSubstance replied to TrippyMindSubstance's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is pretty much what makes it hard for me to balance surrender and action. I've had these awakenings where reality collapses into a singularity, everything disappears, time doesn't exist, preferences are absolutely meaningless etc. and then its like there's nothing left to do but restart the universe and separate back into a separates self. But once I'm back in separation, I have two desires that seem to be in conflict with each other: the desire to know God, Truth etc. and basically re-enter the singularity, and the ego desires like survival, pleasure etc. The pain caused by my ego desires is always what pushes me back to spirituality and re-seeking enlightenment, and then the result of enlightenment always seems to be "congratulations you've awakened, now go back into duality and play the game. Without rules there is no game, so go play within the limited rules of duality!". Maybe this back and forth process is what I need to surrender to. Maybe it's equally as okay to seek enlightenment as it is to seek normal "wordly" desires and that I need to fully give myself to whatever seems to be calling me. I can tell my mind is just getting way too chatty right now so it's definitely time to go meditate and enjoy the present moment and let all these thoughts subside for now. -
erik8lrl replied to The Buddha's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The more awakened you are, the more connected you are to God. You will more and more be living through intuition and your true desire (Love). To those who are truly God-realized, it's impossible to live without viewing the world from a perspective that is closer to God. A perspective that is as holistic as possible, combining logic and emotion to form intuition through wisdom. You no longer need to know how everything will play out. Being God/infinite love, you are free to just be and enjoy existence for what it is. For the first time in your existence, you are truly free to make decisions for yourself (as God), no more illusions and self-deception. You know with absolute clarity what you are and why you exist. You are then free to follow love/God in everything you do and wish to experience. And everything you do has the balance/maximization of the love you have for yourself, for others, and everything else in existence. -
Intraplanetary replied to caspex's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
oh my this is so true. acceptance of and surrendering to suffering healed and awakened me. -
It still doesn't address my central point, which is that it's obviously possible to experience direct consciousness and one's true nature without ever framing anything through the word God. Buddhism (and the Buddha, for that matter) never mention God, either as a metaphysical ground or as an aspect of reality. And yet if you look at the global landscape of awakened beings, Buddhism has seemingly produced a great many more than most religions that use the term God in any capacity. My point is, the language is frankly irrelevant. One does not need to employ the word God to reach full understanding of reality. It is one term among millions that may apply, based on one's cultural and religious fixations.
Not sure what all the commotion is about. Human minds are very thick and dense, and in this case...the word God has to be used to get through all cleverly programmed defense mechanisms of the Ego. Language can only go so far, and this word (necessarily) pushes it to its limits. If you still identify as a human, you ain't matter how "awakened" you claim to be. Most of you don't want to take responsibility for constructing all of reality, especially your problems, neurosis, bad habits and people you resent/take issue with. Being God means you take full ownership of every aspect of reality. And that is hard for many Egos/dense human minds.
Carl-Richard replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It was what lead to the insight of the middle way ‐ that extreme deprivation was yet another survival drive. He didn't actually have his final dying breath while fasting. That was only when he finally awakened -
Don't you think using the word such as God is problematic? when you communicate with people! as long as you are a social animal, you live with people. when you say I am God or you are God words create communication problems. instead we can say I am enlightened, I am awakened, I am the image of God, I am servant of God, etc. what is the purpose of using the word god if it did not refer anything? if evey bit of thing in the universe is God, what is the point of saying, it is God? if ant is God, Mario, human, animals, plant, microbes, everthing in the universe is God, what is the word god refer? nothing. it become useless word in human dictionary. I don't appreciate people use the word God. what if we swap the whole dictionary words in to different words? how are we gonna communicate? words and language here in are used in Gentiles ways. it makes them unSpritual and unscientific. has created its own culture here. one of the essense of spirituality is not to be attached and absorbed by culture. culture only makes humans a trained animals. so how do you see language and words?
OneHandClap replied to spinderella's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Conflate means to, on a basic level, muddy two concepts to the point where they are useless as individual terms. If someone conflates happiness with success, they have entangled the two definitions to the point where we can't use them properly in a rational discussion. Bear in mind that at this point in your path (you are just getting into it, yes?) you do not have to take anything on belief alone. If you have not verified that consciousness is the only thing that exists (it is apparent with a little bit of contemplation, yes, but we have not been taught that in school and culture), then don't worry about believing it on faith right now. What matters is your moment-to-moment investigation of what is always true for you. Stay with that. Don't worry about what any religion, teacher, doctrine, book, or video tells you. You are your own best detective in the matter of reality. If you can keep returning to stillness over... and over... and over... again, the words will fall away. The truth will be made evident on its own. Remember—the human brain is wired to try to understand reality in a neat, prepackaged way that it can use to help your body persist. Its only job is to keep you alive, not happy. Let the brain veg out for a while. Let it relax, unwind, get away from the searching. Then the whole notion of enlightenment will seem silly, because it will become clear that you have always been what you are, which is awake. Enlightenment is merely the recognition of this awakened nature. Edit: I am aware that my use of brain here is provisional. Yes, there is no such thing as a brain, it is a concept. We get that. I'm merely using this language since it will resonate with most of our materialist upbringings and preconceived frames of reality The map isn't the territory! -
OneHandClap replied to Vision's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You have more work to do. There is nobody to claim consciousness. Consciousness is sovereign, and you are speaking as a human being. "You" as javfly did not make a single thing. If you think your mind is real and everyone else is a figment of your mind, you're delusional, not awakened. Consciousness is impersonal—it created you as well as everything else. One wave does not make the entire ocean around it. -
From what I understand, and I can be wrong... Leo's videos are wide and sprawling and cover a full 'spectrum' of personal development advice. With the internet today there is no reason as far as I can tell that a creative individual can't make a lot of money and free themselves from wage slavery by creating a lot of value in a field they are passionate about. I know many people who are doing this. For example my ex girlfriend does Kundalini and reiki work with people and she makes at least 6 figures if not 7. Be mindful of the distinctions you make. The higher spiritual values can be embodied by anyone. Hmm, for example if you look at the Susan C's ego developmental models you see that the ego goes through phases of maturity. The lower stages such as the achiever stages are really important I think. I don't think spirituality and massive success are at odds with each other. In fact, we need highly integrous and awakened leaders who are in business in all sectors.
Endangered-EGO replied to Giulio Bevilacqua's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Giulio Bevilacqua I had pretty mild symptoms, the bliss was way better than any of the mild symptoms. Just don't drink too much coffeine or nicotine or anything that excites the nervous system. If you are on no-fap, you can try to release some energy. If you have physical symptoms, then go to a doctor. Kryias are not only a symptom from Kundalini, but also a sign of nervous system disease, so you should get that checked out. Relax, it will pass and enjoy the ride. I recommend the "Awakened kundalini support group" on facebook. They are truly gifted in telling you the right things you need to hear. -
Nahm replied to Lindsay's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Awakened or not is thought activity, and awakening is not a product or a result of thought activity. If ever in question that is not ‘it’. Letting go of any questioning of it, can only be of it. -
TheSource replied to Lindsay's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I assume your question is: "How can I know that (e.g.) a spiritual teacher is awakened?" I think, especially at the very beginning of your journey it's pure intuition and a good bullshit detector. Unfortunately the bullshit detector of many people will not work properly as it is blinded by the ego. Either they are paranoid "This person is after me and my money he/she, cannot be awakened". Or it's too trusting "This person is sooo fantastic he/she promises to materialize all my wishes in x amount of time". So at the end of the day my recommendation is to grow with the teachers you are following and always verify for yourself what they are communicating. Always assume (not in a paranoid way) that they could be completely wrong. I think it was the Buddha himself who told his disciples to not believe a word. Are you sure you haven't had an awakening when your parents told you, you acted out of character? From the "normal" mind's point of view awakening is, well, literally losing your mind. -
I viewed many videos on consciousness. But how can anyone tell if they’ve awakened? I had an episode of what I thought was an “ah ha” moment, but actually I was sent to a psych ward for 2 weeks for bipolar psychosis back in March. Everything felt connected. Literally everything I perceived was connected to my inner train of thinking. I can’t really explain it. But at the time I thought I had an awakening. My family thought I was acting out of character and took me to the hospital. It took a week of meds in the ward to go back to my original way of thinking. Was it just information overload?
Leo Gura replied to Gianna's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Keep in mind that my videos are about a lot more than awakening. There are insights my videos could provide even to an awakened person. There are many insights besides strict awakening. -
Endangered-EGO replied to anxious_turtle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@fopylo by experiencing it myself. There's also a little bit more to it. I think I was 30 days nofap when my K awakened. Also no sex in case you aren't abstinent, not sure about that though. Meditate with one pointedness of mind, wait for the stinging in your spine to come up, and then place your focus on it. It'll explode. @The0Self I have experienced piti, but it wasn't as intense as kundalini. A few years ago I was able to enter the first jhana for a few minutes every day. Kundalini is definitely forst jhana on steroids. However I didn't have a crown opening. What happens during the crown opening? -
Nahm replied to Wilhelm44's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
How does an awakened being experience decision making ? By appearing to. -
billiesimon replied to billiesimon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thanks for the replies, to everyone. Well, I get what you are saying. The Self is the one who awakens inside the dream, and not the imaginary people (my ego is included of course). But what I mean is that an awakened "person" is capable of showing that they are realized. I was just wondering if other people, EVEN THOUGH they are conceptual and not actual, can show this sign of realization once you realize the True Self. I guess it's still a game of duality that my mind is playing. Nonetheless, I found it possible. -
Anahata replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Etherial Cat What I can point you towards is doing consciousness work that leads to realizing the fact that you've never been born. Only after realizing that you will be able to get it. What's gonna happen after you get awakened to this = realizing that Reality is conscious of you and it's happening in the same Awareness as the very 'thing' that's being aware of it. That's when you will see 'others' exactly as they are. Which is Consciousness taking different forms and interacting with You/itself. You're teaching yourself the way to yourself.