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  1. Yes, looks like many here has expanded/ dissolved their ego and awakened to infinity and bliss closing their senses, but is it possible to maintain that same state in our day to day life, while doing everyday activities? What about when you interact with others or where you have to make choices? Can you maintain that blissful state while doing so?
  2. I see potency in my practice, and this happened about a year ago but it's a gradual phebomenon for me. This potency expresses as an invitation to sit longer when I choose to do it which is not often. But I can see myself sitting longer because there is bliss available and it's like the experience pulls you in into more and more intense sielence. I can see myself becoming amphibious meaning that I can act and I am slowly learning how to not act. Will see how it goes, meanwhile I will keep meditating and some form of yoga and contemplation going for myself. You can say it's a breakthrough or asset I have earned just by doing these practices or maybe there are some other past life influences which are expressing now.
  3. Yeah, the most intermediate helpful was doing something like yoga namaskar, sambhavi mahamudra and naddi shuddi daily, since it takes about 20-30 minutes to complete. That gives good lubrication. There are other things I can share privately. The problem is that different things will help at different times. Burnout happens due to lack of bliss and sense of overall health it think. If you manage to nail that, then I think you can change any other area of your life more or less sensibly.
  4. The moments leading up to cessation (while meditating eyes closed and seated in half-lotus position), I would describe as a progressive sense of stillness, both in the mind and in the body. The progressive unwinding of tension in the body that occurs in meditation starts coming to a conclusion, and your body becomes very still (close to zero movement). The tiny muscle twitches in your legs start to disappear and you can distinctly sense them relaxing at another level. The space between thoughts become wider, and the thoughts themselves become quicker and more subtle and faint. The very last moments leading up to cessation, I would describe as slowly getting injected with an anesthetic, where all your senses slowly dampen and "equalize", until you lose all sense of being in a body and having a mind. The visual static behind your eyes gets smoother and more clear, and the visual field expands and zooms out slightly. The now unmowing body starts losing its sensation (interoceptively as well as externally, like the pressures under your butt and the feelings in your face and head), and it feels like you're slowly fading out of existence. This loss of bodily sensation is maybe what is most reminiscent of anesthesia, and the sense of being headless is an experience all by itself. The sounds in the room get dimmer and slowly disappear. The mind is now essentially quiet. The moment of entering cessation itself, I would describe as entering an enormous "place" which has no sense of time, no sense of space, and you feel that it's a place that will last forever and has lasted forever. It existed before you were born and it will exist after you're gone. And it's a place of perfect stillness, tranquility and bliss. Of course, the main "attraction" or challenge of the experience is the sense that you're going to disappear forever and never come back, that your sense of identity is fundamentally collapsing and that you're being erased from existence. This can feel extremely terrifying, literally like you're dying, but this is only the last throes of the ego before it can choose to rest and you identify yourself with the larger identity of Consciousness.
  5. You are right in the sense that both desires arise due to a craving for good emotions like pleasure and happiness or to get rid of bad emotions like pain and suffering. Both materialistic and spiritual paths are taken to feel good. What is to be understood from this insight is that people pursuing both desires are not different in any moral sense, and hence people should not be judged for taking a materialistic path. But what creates the opposite polarity between materialistic and spiritual paths ( here materialistic can be assumed as geared towards pleasure , and spiritual as geared towards bliss) is the ego. Any activity geared towards pleasure is egoistic in nature. For example, take a car. If you buy a Mercedes to showcase yourself as rich before others, it is egoistic in nature. If you do it for the sake of enjoying the experience, it can't be termed as entirely materialistic, kindly note the difference). Any activity geared towards bliss is self less or ego less in nature. For example, relationships, kind and compassionate activities, enjoying nature, being in a flow state, mindfulness etc. If you're in a spiritual path and you are meditating with the intention to become a powerful god, it's still egoistic, please note the difference here as well) There are not assumptions here, as plenty of scientific researches point out to these as a more long lasting forms of happiness. Also, karma is a formidable force that rewards effort but punishes egoistic activities, if you believe in spiritual traditions. Why does the universe or God differentiate between these two qualities? That many of you I believe know the answer. For those who don't, the answer lies in the direction towards which the universe moves.
  6. There is just something about the sexual act with a beautiful, feminine and loving lady that just compels me. That sexual merging with someone I'm infatuated for. I go all in with the emotional connection, that makes it astronomically better. If I desire something, I want it to be as pleasurable as possible, I want to explode with bliss upon entering in contact with that object of desire. It's like if food didn't taste good, it would be some kind of chore. You can frame that animalistic desire in any way you want. It's like the pleasure of tasty food. We can make delicious healthy food tasty, or we can be obsessed about eating as many types of food as possible and make our entire lives around it, etc. But here is a opposite view:
  7. Because the state of cessation (or the dissolution experience) tends to reduce grasping/attachment because it partly frees from the "grabbing/grasping" character of the egoic mindstream after having had that state/cessation for a number of times. In short, it makes life easier and suffering/grasping less. But it doesn't provide full liberation/the potential for Full Enlightenment. The ideal of early Buddhism was the escape to these states of cessation, the more permanent the better. Permanent Niroda = permanent dissolution = Nirvana = No more rebirth. With Mahayana, the Buddhist Traditions broke through to true Nondual Enlightenment. Leos God-Realization, see the God-Realized approved Supreme Source for example, link above. Sounds a bit different than cessation/dissolve/die and get off the wheel of Samsara/Niroda/bye bye forever? Oh yes... Why? Because Absolute Truth is always right here. Never can not be here. Why shut it all down when IT is always right here? When the suffering/grasping clouds of the separate-self/ego are structurally dissolved (Full Enlightenment), and not just temporarily switched off via cessation, Infinite Nondual Impersonal Being replaces the separation/grasping/suffering of the ego in daily life. And the Sat-Chit-Ananda aspect of it (Bliss/Love/Compassion/Nondual Awakened Awareness) is off the charts. Trust the Salesman by the River. Caveat Emptor is good, but sometimes there is enough good Karma to just buy the right "stuff". by the River So no need for dissolution afterwards... Mahayana philosophy is a totally "different beast" than early Buddhism/Hinayana. For example: sometime around the third,cosmic vision of the universe. In Mahayana, Enlightenment is not the end/extinction/cessation/dissolution, but the beginning of the caterpillar having turned butterfly, expressing its enlightened intention not only in this life/bardo, but also in future ones. The whole Reality then goes like "Oh nice, one more for the team"... A whole chain of being of enlightened beings (human, alien, ET, Buddha-Field Creator/Sustainer/and so on) fits into the manifested Infinity of Infinities of Infinite Being. See the WbtR 2x2 matrix of enlightened & or merely awakened Aliens & Humans. Its a totally different and much more positive worldview than Early Buddhism, which was more like "die, cease and get off the wheel". Would be a lot of effort on creating humans via an evolution of billion of years and then getting rid of the gig asap., don't you think? Chris Bache in "LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven" called the visions he had been shown of the future evolution of humanity a growth towards what he called the Diamond Soul, a magnificent destiny for the species. And since even that isn't the end, its Infinity up the Chain of Being... well, mucho adventure ahead. So it seems that at some point, Leo gets to become his n+1 AWAKE Alien permanently. Hopefully, he doesn't take to many detours on the way there. Being reborn automatically as n+1 "Infinitely consciousness" awakened Alien is not guaranteed, but earned and developed towards. Soul, Karma and such. Not that the suicides influenced by certain inadvertantly & flippantly irresponsible teachings/statements say "hello" in a less than amused way after he has left his current bodily-vehicle. So in summary, early Buddhism doctrine just didn't reach Full Enlightenment. At least in its doctrine/philosophy. It reached causal states, but not truly impersonal nondual/fully enlightened ones. There have been Nondual Realizers for sure between "the Buddha" (aka time the doctrine was formed)" and the Nondual Breakthrough towards Infinite Reality/ Infinite Being that happened first with Nagarjuna and his Middle Way/Madhyamaka doctrine/philosophy, but the doctrinal break occured with Nagarjuna towards Middle Way, and later Yogachara/(Infinite) Consciousness only. Selling non-extinction of the River by the River for the River by The River
  8. I agree, most ppl today are just living at various levels of Survival or Accumulating more of whatever their currency is, be it more Ppl in their lives, Experiences, Power, Money, Success, on and on, if You want more of it, then Your still in Survival Awareness because Your searching outside for Inner Fulfilment or Completeness of sorts, most ppl are on this path, and are Unaware that there is another way to Live.. Rather than trying to convince anyone of anything, we've all tried I bet lol, just be the Example, Be the Light, the Awareness, the Bliss, the Completeness, the Spirit, then ppl will notice as they won't be able to miss It!
  9. i would say my identity is bliss but i will rather sacrifice it for scraps of quick fix instant gratification as i am a lazy good for nothing unwilling to sit and toil over being what i am i mean, everyone else is jumping off the cliff so why not me
  10. you are not mistaken, IMO "Yogapedia Explains Nirvikalpa Samadhi Nirvikalpa samadhi is recognized as one of the highest states of consciousness, and the second stage of samadhi. In Hinduism and Buddhism, samadhi is regarded as the pinnacle of all spiritual and intellectual activity, in addition to being a precondition for attaining moksha (release from the cycle of death and rebirth). In yoga, Samadhi is considered to be the final limb of Patanjali’s eightfold path, a state in which individual and universal consciousness unite. Although schools differ in their interpretation of how many levels of samadhi exist, it is agreed that the state prior to nirvikalpa samadhi is savikalpa samadhi, in which meditative absorption occurs and one’s experience of time and space alters. In savikalpa samadhi, thoughts still exist, but they do not affect the practitioner, whereas in nirvikalpa samadhi, mental activity merges with the self. As such, it is a state of total absorption, in which it is not possible to perceive any distinction between the knower, the act of knowing and the object known. In nirvikalpa samadhi, the ego and samskaras (mental or emotional impressions) dissolve, leaving behind only pure consciousness. It is considered to be a state of being at one with the Divine, in which Atman (the individual self) and Brahman (universal consciousness) merge. It has been described as a state of oneness, limitless bliss or true ecstasy, but those who have documented it find it difficult to describe since it is a state beyond the thinking mind" I resonate with these words.
  11. For me, Before and after enlightenment taste of an apple do not change. However, life changes. After enlightenment, if mind on control, suffering is inevitable. İf mind under control, bliss is inevitable. Before enlightenment, I was just an ordinary human being, who seeks for only pleasure and believes the thoughts, therefore I.
  12. Be conscious of the neurotic emphasis on need and ego defense mechanisms including distraction, self-judgement and even pride over progress. Find a balance and do not suppress your feelings, you don't need to express them either, feel them. Face the source, transcend and forgive. Notice the evolution and traps of past stages. Purple superstition, Red domination, Blue subjugation, Orange materialism, Green contrarianism. The endless pursuit of new technologies, academic studies, ideal relationships, hedonistic lifestyles, social dynamics, philosophical utopias, existential angsts, artistic statements, societal endeavors, individual entitlements, religious zealotness, sadism, masochism, pleasure, pain, conditional love, truth seeking, aesthetics, reward and punishment, judginess, strategy, hierarchies of needs, models, comfort, preference, bias, spiritual ego, superiorness, avoidance of suffering, separation, falsehood, lies. Contextualize psychedelic experiences: Spirits, cues, synchronicities, gods, mystical experiences. The unraveling of the ego through a visual representation of one's subconscious and expansion in awareness. The recognition of one's self-delusion, waking up to the experiential truth of one's motivations, neurotic actions, external projections, deluded exceptions, karma creations, foolish unconscious behavior, suppressed emotions, mental illness, physical illness, bad posture, muscles cramps, headaches, negative emotions, discomfort, lack of love, hiding the truth, suffocating addictions, distorted perception, "irrational" fears. Symmetry, yoga, non-duality, unity, merging, expansion, inclusion, prayer, meditation, love, truth, infinity. Dissolution of limitation, the ego's release of its distorted idea of self-control. The raw naked sensation of the vastness of existence in its unconditional manifestation. Freedom, samadhi, god. Stories, likes, motivations, ego defense mechanisms. Is this one? Maybe. When reality starts unraveling and you realize the magnitude of your own creation, how will you react? When you realize the source of personality and the self-protected creation of others, how will you react? When psychedelics transform your environment into living breathing entities, how will you react? When the barrier between real and hallucination breaks down, how will you reconcile that? When you're trapped in a time loop with amnesia, unaware its your own doing to process a lesson, face those fears and let go of all ideas of self, other, past and future, forgetting all context, how will you manage that? When you fall asleep and wake up hung over, in anhedonia, pain and shame, how will you manage that? When all energy leaves your body and you collapse, feeling guilt for being alive, how will you bear it? When every surface turns into a mirror and you turn transparent, facing an eternal void, how will you face it? When the rate of change increases exponentially and not only your perception starts distorting, but your own sense of self, of the perceiver being aware and interpreting it matches morphs away at the same pace, losing self-awareness and memory of context, then what? When time starts lagging, deja vu increasing, and the usual ear tingling distorts to sound like a jagged roaring chainsaw and then that reflects in how you feel and see reality vibrating covered in white noise, how will you handle that? When you look at a pine tree and remember the sensation you felt as a child, when it felt deeply mysterious and alien, uncertain and uneasy, dangerous and alluring, how will you integrate it? When you remember the first time you became self-aware or saw your own reflection, how will integrate it? When you go back in time to when you were a toddler in the midst of experiencing perception warp into objects and distinctions capable of being focused on for the first time, how will you integrate it? When your environment and all its surfaces turn a sea of liquid mercury waving in ripples, what will you do? When you remember your child self, how unhinged and free you were, how mysterious reality felt, how long the days were and how much detail there was, how in tune and aligned your feelings were with your body, how will that experience feel? When you tune into the eternal now, all that is, center of ripples, when everything around collapses and particle waves turn into an ocean of probabilities, and all lights dim out, then what? Don't you want to let go, surrender? Is it going too fast? Do you want to reconcile your drama before you release it? Is it uncomfortable to see through each question and motivation you come up with? Do you need excuses not to dissolve? Do you want to turn back, resist? Are you clinging onto your humanity, your creaturehood, your existence, difference, uniqueness, separateness, individuality, perception, limitation, sensation, story? Are you missing your life purpose, that distraction that makes you feel amazing about yourself? Would you prefer to meet some aliens, go scuba-diving, talk to the trees, create shadow clones, astro project, reimagine your reality, jump through a portal, visit machine elves, go to the garden of eden, become a cat, jump off a plane where there's no ground, meet a philosopher, traverse history, see the future, beam up onto the enterprise, use the force, dodge bullets, meet dead relatives or skip forward to technological singularity? Are you aware you can do all that and more and not god but your own ego is the only thing preventing you from doing so? Do you feel resentment towards it now? Oh wait, that's more ego. All you can do is forgive. Are you dissatisfied? Are you aware any of these desires itself is ego? Are you aware that beauty is ego? Are you aware god doesn't care about continuity, only you do? Are you aware that there's a part of you beyond all that funny business, one who takes care of reality on such a deep level it couldn't care less about those little things and that you are unaware of that part of you that keeps you grounded, the part so well hidden in your unconscious, that maintains your existence and prevents actual hell from manifesting, that lets you delude yourself into massive suffering but prevents it from being absolute? The part that upkeeps your sense of self, shapes your every experience, feeds you desires and experiences through your "unconscious"? The part you can thank for not becoming part of "I have no mouth and I must scream", from not having "The Thing" enter your reality. The part that designed each atom, molecule, cell, body, lifeform, psychological structure, psychic entity, in whose mind you're living rent free? The part beyond all absolutes responsible for all of them. The one shuffling you between different states of consciousness from relative to absolute, without you knowing how you do it as you merely navigate by intent unaware of what makes the navigation and experience itself so consistent and possible to begin with? The part that is not merely conscious of all of existence, but its most intricate mechanics in full scope of infinite density, that has every possible problem and solution worked out to begin with. The part that is so intelligent that there's no room for "it" to be intelligent, that contains unconditional love equally within itself having not even it be a trait its biased towards over non-existence and non-love and non-intelligence. Where Love, Intelligence, Truth, Existence simultaneously become all inclusive with their non-existent counterparts. Did you experience that, are you even aware of it or merely aware of it? More stories, more pointers, more questions, more wonders, makes you question to what degree you want to know over just being content living, but I'm you're not content suffering. But wouldn't you trap yourself in a bubble if you weren't suffering? Would it limit you if you were able to construct your reality and spent all time exploring your specific fantasies? To what degree are you addicted to suffering? If you were absolutely content in the present, would you go exploring? If you were God, Infinity would be your nature, everything in every superposition existing simultaneously as you, nothing to miss out on. But as a human, or story, or entity, you seek freedom and exploration but above that experience itself. And experience as you understand it predisposes time and change, transience. Time, if only in order to describe the change of one's state of consciousness, as we experience and grow in awareness and context, retroactively describing our own evolution, an ever morphing spatial ripple disguised as time. The act of observation itself creating the sensation of time. When you get addicted to your own experiential philosophical inquiry, materializing and sharing it through language. All context, ideas, stories, pointers. Getting caught up in bliss while pursuing understanding the nature of this. But its not enough, question it deeper and deeper, understanding predisposes duality. But there's more to break out of it. Words associate feelings and experiences but are not them. We can only wonder to what depth Leo became aware of God. There's always more, infinite depth of detail to any experience since all limits are self-imposed. There's nothing and infinity and all in-between containing and reflecting both. Now all there is afraid of is fear itself. But actually, not even that is a problem, avoidance is, fear is merely a sensation, a pointer, a reaction, instinct, behavior. Avoidance seems to be the core issue, so let's face that too, face the core of any discomfort to dissolve it, to release the resistance. Face the core of love to dissolve that? Maybe, since it means its not unconditional? But does the conditional remain as the inclusive part of the unconditional? What about unconditional fear? What about fear for the sake of fear? Raw sensation without suffering? Is exploring fear constrictive or expansive or a distraction from realizing its source? Either way, face what emotion points to and include it in yourself. I guess that's the problem, remaining in ignorance, but what about ignorance for its own sake, won't magic tricks lose their magic? What if ignorance can be included and explored for its own sake, what if ignorance is itself a sensation, something that obscures reality with that being its role, since reality by god is known beforehand, explaining the possibility of current experience. What if ignorance is an additive sensation and state of mind instead of a lack? Just Let go of ignorance, in order to see? That's so funny, way too simple! Hey, just let go of ignorance, its that easy lol. Like you're actively keeping up a mist around yourself to obscure your vision and focus you into your current experience but that's exactly it, that's how god does it. How the hell did I stumble on that? If I let go of ignorance or the need to know right now, I will literally remove all my suffering? I create a belief where I allow myself to let go on psychedelics and not otherwise and its my own doing, this is intense.
  13. I may not be full of self love or anything, but I’m also nowhere close to being self hating. I have way too much hatred directed at everyone else and most of the world to have any leftover for myself since I’m not the one that did anything wrong. All I ever did was be myself and all it has gotten me is permanent virginity. But let’s say I magically wake up tomorrow with maximum self love and tons of happiness resulting from it. Then there won’t be nearly as much bliss in getting laid as there would have been had I gotten it when I really needed it. The whole point of doing anything is to fill a void. Food doesn’t taste good at all when you’re already full. There would be no point in building a fire if your house already had a good heating system, etc. I’ll leave you with this: Who do you think would get a better experience out of having a hot girlfriend; an ultra horny, basement dwelling NEET who hasn’t seen a woman in person for years, or a high status, fully self actualized alpha who can get all the girls he wants and has had plenty?
  14. From your perspective it is. From my experience it is cool, but not that life changing after the dust has settled. I realized that the only thing to do is to pursue what I enjoy. I think most people, including myself until recently, believe that there is something we must do in this life. For people who pursue spirituality a lot of the times it comes across that we should become more loving or help others. It can be a variety of other things, but it is wrapped up in an idea that there is an objective purpose to existence. If I don't meditate x hours a week, believe x ideas, and live a certain way I am not awakened. People package awakening that it is a great thing that can happen. I think its value is highly overstated. The only real way my life has changed after pursuing awakening i that I am conscious on a deeper level of why I do things. I used to act unconsciously on desires without knowing any of the biases operating the steering wheel behind my life. Spirituality made me believe, and I think a lot of others too, that these biases are bad and should be removed. But, I have recently realized that thinking this way is just as subjective as the biases. So I have now adopted a lifestyle where I simply try to embody the purest form of my existence. I simply do what I enjoy and exist the way I enjoy. In fact, my life is, in many ways, similar to the way it was 4 years ago before I started philosophy/spirituality. The difference is I realize the absolute relativity of my beliefs and everyone elses, and I am making a conscious decision to experience the things I enjoy, rather than let them unconsciosuly control me. I do not think many people here can relate or understand what I am saying because they have not awakened to the fact that awakening is only relatively better than staying asleep. Most people pursue awakening because they think it will be genuinely better than many other things they can dedicate their time to. I think that many also believe that it would be a great thing for other people to pursue awakening too. Now that i see how this is as relative as any other value judgement, I have come to accept that there are many other things I enjoy more than experiencing the bliss and peace of no mind. Awakening has significantly reduced the suffering I experience in life, but now that the dust has settled, I realize that there are many other things I genuinely enjoy more than letting go and experiencing peace. It is not that I cannot return to that state to enjoy it also, but that I have many other things which I would rather do.
  15. God is the Fountain of joy - Joy and Joy alone is God's Being. A state exists in which there is only Bliss, Beatitude, Supreme Felicity. At your level, joy has its opposite; you speak of the joys of heaven and the torments of hell. But where there is Eternal Love - Love in its own right cannot be expressed. It is entirely beyond such words as "what is or what is not?"
  16. True, Chad Angel Gabriel was pointing to the eternal where you can be bliss. Thats the thing thats missing, intention. Its pointless if its being forced on people. I do think theres possibly something to praying even if not consciously engaged in it. Most people due to human bias and a evolutionary mismatch of ancient instincts in modern environments just seem to have bad thinking patterns and habits. Prayers and gratitude such as ''thank Lord for another day to live, thank Lord for my oatmeal and coffee I'm about to dive into'' can be a habitual practice that can have positive effects regardless of one's conscious engagement. Even if its half assed, you're training your brain to spot silver linings in a world that often feels like it's on fire. It's like you're hacking your own operating system. We don't need to understand every line of code to benefit from the update and our subconscious is doing the heavy lifting, rewiring neural pathways while we're busy doom-scrolling or netflixing. The shift on the subconscious it has may keep us slightly more on the positive end of the scale - thats probably what the studies are picking up on when they conclude positive benefits to prayer - something can also be said about rituals being relaxing. Its a bit like robotically brushing teeth, most aren't conscious when doing it but it has certain health benefits nonetheless.
  17. In experience yes. But only one is being "there", only one is in a way real. You can't kill the darkness, but you could blow up the sun. That's because darkness has no reality of its own, it's merely the absence of something – which is in this case light. You can't fight darkness – but it simply disappears when you bring light. So: Don't focus on the suffering, focus on your true nature, which is eternal bliss.
  18. That bliss is something one has to forget in order to experience oneself as an ego. What's real? The darkness at night or the sun?
  19. I should’ve written self awareness in particular to be more clear. That bliss might be accessed in the absence of ego I guess ?
  20. In the so-called material world there's constant stress for every living being, that's true. Also called survival of course. But with ever more awareness, there's Ananda – a sort of existential happiness/bliss. But it's not always easily accessible.
  21. When you do sadhana, you are increasing the speed at which you digest your karma. Life starts happening quicker and the things you would normally change after 10 years you will change in one. The Negative is that you will go trough a lot a lust and it's acctually hard to pinpoint how to deal with it. There are techniques for sure, one example is to keep doing sadhana which stimulates your vishuddi, anja or sahasrara chakra. Then your lust doesn't just build up and get trapped and find expression in the ways you have known before but to experience distance between you and the body so that you are energetic, yet lighter and in restful awareness so that you don't feel you have to go into some lust to feel some moments of bliss. In reality this rarely goes perfectly, so some abstinence and struggle is needed as our society is largely built on exploiting your needs and pleasures.
  22. Those are two ways for sure, dis identifying is also a way, dropping all Your conscious/unconscious beliefs, living in the NOW, Accepting all that is as it Is, learning how to Breath right, Sit right, Think right, Eat right, many ways to do it, getting Yourself to a place of natural Peace or Bliss, this gives You great Clarity, when Your looking outside of Yourself for Fulfilment, that makes You Blind I think...
  23. In my experience, the best way to develop freedom from attachment is to find yourself experiencing something so fantastic, pleasurable, wonderful, and blissful that all of your desire for everything and the entire world of experience, consciousness, and form is quenched, if only for an instant. I think people will find this potentially counterintuitive in practice. My first taste of this possibility came entirely unplanned in the middle of a normal day and typical activities for myself. It seems like many people get the idea that reducing attachment means getting less of things they want by some forced monk-like behavior. To me, this is doomed to fail. You’ll end up repressing behaviors and your desire which does not reduce it or do away with it. It only hides desire and instead develops aversion which is just as rooted in attachment as any sort of desire is. We are attached to numerous things, feelings, people, and activities which has us wandering in samsara endlessly. This happens because we keep looking in this world for deep, fulfilling, and perfect satisfaction when this world is entirely incapable of providing that. With the right practice, the Mind can recognize that there is no solace to be found in this world. It helps for the Mind to see some of the highest levels of bliss that experience can offer though. Before this point, the Mind might think it is still missing out on something in the world of experience. It can then stop trying to pry perfection from what is imperfect. Then the Absolute can rest within itself. This is the liberation I’m seeking.
  24. For each unit of freedom, bliss and love there will be a proportionally higher amount of intensity and time spent in suffering, we are in an evolving universe so this proportion will progress towards more and more suffering, so you can start at a 1 to 2 ratio and end at a 1 to a trillion rate of suffering, until you say fuck all proportion, all fairness, all selfness and say yes to all your greed, I want everything for free and for no repercussions and for there to be no negative consequences 100% of the time at 100% of intensity, seeing that this is not the case my own and your suffering will keep increasing to absolutely unfairly crazy levels, you might be thinking everything's okay now, you suffered your part to deserve your reward but that's not how it works. How it works is, either you have everything, all the time in every possible good way for the absolutely freeist and laziest way, whatever way you like or be stubborn and insist that you need to torture yourself and be egoless and get your "reward" which is progressively higher degrees of horrific torture until you develop a real ego so you can finally say fuck all and everything and be the absolute most selfish one, the ultimate selfishness that knows no limits because fuck you and all your torture and say yes to all your depravities with no shame as they come in their infinite forms. It's an abnormal kind of selfishness so that doesn't mean just to be evil but it will certainly look very scary from the outside.Sorry.
  25. This is the nature of all sensory and intellectual pleasures which are not of a permanent nature due to the factors of saturation or impermanence. You have to keep chasing such fleeting pleasures in the hope of eternal happiness which is but a mirage or illusion. However joy and bliss of a permanent nature and greater intensity than sensory pleasures, is within ourselves and accessible if one makes the proper efforts for it. Being in present moment awareness or mindfulness is one such way forward. Present moment awareness or mindfulness however requires a lot of intelligent practice as it does not come easily due to the incessant thinking and emoting of the mind. It would be great if you are in the midst of nature or in the beach as the high prana/chi levels enables better present moment awareness. Being in present moment awareness is not contradictory to enjoyment of work. In fact, if you enjoy your work projects it automatically ensures awareness. This saying by Barry Long will shed light on the subject..