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  1. Not in this one, it was very much focused on Love. I've had some insights into nothingness before, though I'll admit I haven't contemplated it as deeply as some other aspects. "All Roads Lead to Rome" hehe This book is new to me, but I'll be sure to put it on the list, premise sounds great. A lot of material to get through during this summer break!
  2. Did you realize what nothingness is in your trip? Of course, Mind is one big bucket. And everyone have similar experiences in this path, because direction goes to same destination. Path is same and just tradition is different. Moreover, have you ever heard Irina tweedie? She has a book that is called daughter of fire. It is an amazing book. I read all of it and than consume 7 gr dried shrooms. Love melted me, I understand the book completely within hours. Lol. It is amazing to read and after that experience. What a beautiful ride.
  3. In those wild awakenings did you drown in Divine ecstasy? It's so fundamental that you will be too busy being it to need to understand it. Maybe you've already tasted it. If you are looking for some logical explanation of Love to be revealed to you on an existential level I don't think you can find it. Because the word Love in human language references an emotion. And it is that but existentially it is so much deeper. While nothingness, Consciousness, Infinity, and Oneness, those things line up to their definitions both on a human level and existentially. Wikipedia" Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure.[1]
  4. Excellent. Although the spectrum you mention with up and down exists, calling it up and down already probably has for many a subtle value-judgement inherent to it, since often "up" is prefered to "down". In my perspective, it is either deeper into manifestation/temporariness/appearance (and finally the illusion and its mechanisms), what you call "up", and which I consider finally deeper into illusion/appearance "deeper" into everpresent eternal unchanging always here True Infinite Being, creating a karmic-momentum on the soul level to tending to stay realized and aware of True Infinite Being. Or what you call "down" Yes. I would even phrase it as Infinite Being CONTAINING Consciousness OF + ( Human body + thoughts). When Infinite Being expresses itself in one perspective/being as Deep Sleep, there is not even Consciousness (since consciousness as the term we normally use is always consciousness OF). Just the potential of Awareness is "there"/"not there". Since it is NOTHING-ness if nothing arises. Yet it is real. More real than "anything" else. But since here all duality collapses, one could call this Infinite Being either Awareness (or not call it Awareness, but just Absolute/Infinite/Nothingness/True Being). Awareness is an inherent potential of Infinite Being, but it is just "not there" (as consciousness, or more precise consciousness OF) if nothing arises. At the same time, it can be validly said Awareness "is always there", independend of something arising or not. It is just not the normal consciousness (OF sth.) we think of when nothing arises. When anything arises (and be it a very subtle consciousness OF any arising), we have consciousness OF. And that is already one level "lower" from True Infinite Being. Fully grasping this is the last step to Enlightenment. Mind/separate-self can't go "there", to Awareness/Nothingness "of" nothing. "And again God said, Thou mayest not see my face, for a man shall not see me, and live." Any movement of focus or attention, any mind-movement, is already not IT. Too much movement in "the" pristinely empty Infinite. "It" can't turn around over its shoulder to see itself, that is already too much movement, subtle manifestations and movement of attention/focus. Yet, the Absolute can be intuited as that where any mind-movement can not go to, the spaceless timeless Absolute "beyond" all experience/movement. Space (or any n-dimensional room) is the first manifestation/arising in the Infinite, and then come appearances which change/move (which is time). And then comes consciousness OF arising/appearance, but only when these building blocks are in place. So already quite late... And when these first archetypes (space, time, appearances) are "understood/realized" as appearing/arising in Infinite Being/Awareness, and Infinite True Being as always here, as that formless Infinite Reality before which all other states like waking,dreaming, deep sleep, Alien, n+1 "roll" before... That Infinite True Being where attention/focus/Consciousness OF can never "go" but only appear within... then the Absolute/Infinite can be intuited/realized. "One" can stand at the threshold "of" "it" and realize no attention/focus/mind/separate-being/consciousness-OF can ever "go" "there". And paradoxically, "IT" can be realized from looking "back" from one level lower. All "one" can do is bounce at that threshold (of the Infinite, "its" Event Horizon) and truly realize that NOTHING can ever "go" to the Absolute Infinite Being, since that would already be a movement within it. And this way, paradoxically,IT can finally realize/understand itself. But all necessary conditions must be met, and separate-self (I thoughts I feelings, the hypnotizing machine of concepts), all arisings of the "outer" world as empty appearances, and time (as always here) and space (normally the last to go and realized as imagined too within the Infinite) must be transcended and seen through. All manifestation, including the first archetypes of time and space... And then the Infinite Ocean of timeless limitless Awareness/appearance can realize itself to be the only Infinite eternal Being, one without a second. Your Muppet-Show Salesman by the River, selling to Himself within Infinite Being
  5. It's identical. If you havent shaken and rolled across the floor from the waves of Infinity, nothingness, and Consciousness - (Divine Bliss and Being itself) than guess what - you havent awoken to Love.. There's more to go. Buddhism was the most accurate when it comes to awakening. And to my knowledge a specific awakening to Love simply isn't there. It wasn't for me either- because Love is the whole thing and doesn't have to announce itself. If you aren't writhing on the floor than you aren't awake. It you are than you know Love and Being. Love is a kundalini awakening. My awakening was spawned purely from meditation just as a side note. I still have my doubts about forced awakenings. But that is why I align with Peter Ralston. The difference is I acknowledge that all of it is Love.
  6. I'm not integrated in yellow at all. I think my world views are green, but spiritually orange. I grew up Baptist Christian and lost faith in high school after learning more about world history and science. Leo's God videos kinda go over my head. I understand his words but not his experience. Lately I been wondering about life after death. The atheist in me thinks nothing happens, lights out for eternity. I push those scary beliefs out of my thoughts. I have some aging and sick relatives that I'm not ready to lose and I'm having a hard time accepting their impending nothingness. I'm not healthy either and I wonder about my death and I'm afraid to leave my young autistic son alone in this world. I respect Carl Jung's work on consciousness and psychology. I never heard of him until Jordan Peterson went viral. I had hope when Jung said he doesn't need to believe in God, he knows. I respect that confidence in knowing. I watched an interview with Ken Wilbur. and I was really impressed with his overall theory of self. The quadrants are hard for me to grasp but it was an interesting interview. And the YouTube algorithm recommended the inner world outer world documentary which really blew me out of the water. It was so visually convincing and beautiful. Well put together. And it stirred a lot of emotions and thoughts in me. I rejected my Christian faith because I believed it was man made to control the masses and is utter bullshit. My church used to pray for George Bush and the youth leaders had rigid attitudes about abortion and same sex marriage. I just had contempt for them. I am realizing that the ancient principals from the Bible and other religions are useful stories, motifs, or patterns to be interpreted and applied symbolically. And now I'm curious about universal consciousness. Source. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
  7. Dr David Hawkins already solved all of this theory and work. Conciousness itself is not the highest field. Awareness itself suspends conciousness, and Perception suspends Awerness, and Nibbana/Void/Nothingness suspends perception. Each layer is infinitely times more powerful and energetic. Enlightenment is beyond the last layer. Leo is clearly not interested in these layers or enligthenment, he enjoys simply exploring conciousness in its infinte imagination, that his joy and bias. Probably as an INTP 548 he has an egoic need to find some novel understanding or add something intellignet or competencey to the domain of spirituality, and so hes trying to do it with conciousness exploration. This is not the same as enlightenment. Enlightenment is of a energetic field that contains and suspends conciousness
  8. Nothingness or suchness is the essence of every appearance, appearing in Infinite Impersonal Being. Form(or appearance) is Nothingness, Nothingness is appearance/form. The same "stuff/non-stuff". Realizing this beyond a doubt is Enlightenment, expressing and stabilizing these awakened impersonal states in daily life is the path that follows after it. Infinite Being lives itself, the universe "universes", without any contraction into a centre of perception and its lenses and filter-illusions. Consciousness OF a woman, OF a man, OF a human, OF an alien... any consciousness OF or more radically, any consciousness OF anything, be it self-reflective or not, is like a show of states (appearance/form/temporary/not really existing but just appearing) rollling "before" the impersonal Awareness of True Being. Which is pure Impersonal Awareness, unaware of itself if nothing arises, but with potential for sentience. Infinite Being. And which is Nothingness if nothing arises/appears. The consciousness OF something (man/woman/alien) is wave surfing on the ocean of Infinite Being, stabilizing living from the impersonal nondual awakened states where this Infinite Reality if Infinite Being is obvious (and "living itself") is dropping into the Infinite Ocean and becoming it fully. And afterwards, one can still do wavesurfing, or consciousness-OF-x exploration. And rumour has it that wave surfing the Infinite Ocean can become quite tiring & stressfull & and a bit less than relaxed if done for too long by a separate-self-contraction. And at some point when one doesn't want continue surfing ever new waves (of which there exists an Infinity of, forever and ever to be explored by God "itself") the dropping & dissolving & and fully BEing the ocean can happen. But wave surfing is all fine and well as long as it is fun... Selling neoprene suits so that the dropping into the ocean feels comfy for all tired wave-surfers by the River
  9. Look, understand what it is that I do here. I explore Consciousness to discover things about it. It's like exploring the Earth back 2000 years ago. You never know what you'll find. All I'm doing is exploring Consciousness and making certain observations about it. This doesn't mean I have all the answers. I speak of what I have discovered so far, and who knows what I will discover tomorrow. So I don't place any limits on it. But what is obvious is that humans are generally stuck in a very narrow band of consciousness, regardless of whether they are enlightened or not. As a basic example, an enlightened man can fail at a basic thing like understanding what the consciousness of a woman is like. A woman does not have the same consciousness as a man. It's qualitatively different. Even though of course Nothingness is at the root of all consciousness. But reducing it to Nothingness means you still don't understand the consciousness of a woman. To understand the consciousness of a woman you'd have to stop being a man and become a woman. And if you actually did that, your understanding of consciousness would grow.
  10. It's a very tricky question because the future IS a dream. And you are asking about the future. In general I would say that it is God's nature to dream forever. However it's also possible to take pauses in dreaming and rest in pure Infinity/Nothingness.
  11. You have to be able to press the button: nothing means anything. the meaning does not exist. then reality opens up. It is not a question of space between thoughts but of deactivating their charge. You have to get into a mental frequency where you are completely aware that nothing you think has any meaning. then you enter a state of flow. Whoever says that this is entering into nothingness does not understand. Without thought there is something, in fact, there is everything. It is the thoughts that are nothing
  12. I was chasing enlightenment for years and thinking that I can reach enlightenment via pychedelics (thats how my addiction to infinite love therefore pychedelics was created). However, it is not true. Consuming pychedelics, activates the mind. Therefore attachment with thinking still occurs, such as I am god / creator (because, you feel as god, which is attachment with thinking via feeling), same as infinite love, infinite nothingness, infinity etc... However, enlightenment has nothing to do with mind, out of any charts. Because, "I" (who consume pychedelics or etc...) can not be enlightened, when "I" drops enlightenment happens. Which is True Being ( As deep sleep, No experience, no thinking, nor attachments etc...) The one who Borns, consume pychedelics, realize what god is was just an illusion in the first place. Therefore, nothing has never happened and now is before so called birth. As Peter Raltson says "Enlightenment is simply being where you already are". or Papaji "Nothing has never happened, and realization of that is Nirvana". or Ramana Maharsi "You are closest to who you are when you are in deep sleep", or Rubert Spira "Eating an apple better than Recognition of Enlightenment, which is what You really are". And with Enlightenment, the mind permanently becomes quite, desires ends, therefore suffering ends. that's it. I am not against the pychedelics. I tripped many times and was addicted to pychedelics / mystical experiences. Because, they are the best ride in the park. I hope this helps. Much Love!!!
  13. It also is a thought though. That's one of the things that many nondualists and Buddhists get wrong. You definitely can grasp Infinity with thoughts and mind, however it does require a shift in your state. The only reason that thoughts do not grasp Infinity is because humans have too low of a default state of consciousness. This is common mistake across my different teachings. See, when nondualists and Buddhists meditate, they turn off their higher mind in order to hit Nothingness, and the limitation of that method is that you cannot think deeply about Infinity. Which is a shame, because there is much worth thinking about it. Using mindlessness to reach Nothingness works, but no one appreciates at what cost, and takes that to be the only way. But it is far from the only way. You are just a simple state change away from being able to grasp Infinity with your thoughts. But it's a huge leap in state.
  14. Time and space are similar. Without space everything would be concentrated into a point or a singularity if you want. There would be no "room" for anything to exist in. The same for time. Without time everything would happen at once. There would be no "room" for stuff to happen in. I imagine that is what being God would be like: a singularity without space or time, everything would be "known", but it would also be a kind of "nothingness".
  15. Hey folks, hope everyone is doing so well. As the title states, do you think posting on your personal Facebook profile to gather a following is a good idea? The intention is to gather a following and eventually, sooner than later, make an offering, i.e: coaching, sell something I believe in... Thing is most of my fb friends are old friends prior to awakening, and while I'm getting better at judging myself and others less, there's still some feelings of self consciousness that come up. I randomly get these ideas of posting a random thought or spiritual idea. I've done this in the past, but wasn't consistent about it. That's another thing, i really want to feel into this before doing it half heartily as i have at times in the past and then not stuck to something because I wasn't feeling too excited about it anymore. Sometimes I get 'deep' and go to the Who Am I, nothingness, non-duality area, and not even a lot of my spiritual friends would resonate with that. Or maybe they would? Not exactly sure what i would be posting but there is some excitement. What's your opinion on this? Thanks!
  16. Death feels like an ultimate escape. Suddenly everything doesn't matter. Responsibilities, work issues, health issues, psychological issues, family, society, other people, war, disease, end of the world. Nothing matters. It's like you suddenly gain ultimate control over everything. All those things that you were so afraid of and worried about are powerless now. It's like when you graduate school and realize that you don't have to care about opinions of your stupid teachers anymore, or grades, or relationship with other kids. Or like waking up and realizing that you don't have to go to that work that you hated anymore, because you've just won the lottery. Not even for a single day. It's over. I think a lot about how you can just drift away into nothingness and everything will be gone. And you will finally be at peace. Darkness and total silence.
  17. 1 hour ago, Water by the River said: Like any other being, it seems to me you strive for what brings you satisfaction. Now you equate pleasure with bliss or non-suffering. Which I didn't do: The Sat & Chit in Sat-Chit-Ananda, or the bliss & love that a sobre Awakened Nondual State brings is also not pleasure, and I assume you are well aware of that. So lets look up Wikipedia (I know..) "Pleasure is part of various other mental states such as ecstasy, euphoria and flow. Happiness and well-being are closely related to pleasure but not identical with it." "Pleasure refers to experience that feels good, that involves the enjoyment OF something". For example of Infinite-Consciousness-chasing-exploration. The bliss or love of Awakened Nondual States doesn't NEED the enjoyment OF something. Then we would have to consider the nondual essence Nothingness behind all appearance as OF something. Which luckily it isn't, because it is not OF something (but Infinite Being, Nothingness and nondual appearance and not something specific IN/OF it) Selling the basic difference between pleasure and between causeless Sat-Chit-Ananda by the River
  18. Enlightenment in the zen and Ralston sense is just figuring out that you are the awareness or nothingness in which reality unfolds. Psychedelics help you go more into the Godmind and Oneness aspect of reality which is more profound. Enlightenment is akin to figuring out how a car works (its running on wheels) but there’s still so much about the car to understand.
  19. What is the source of everything that exists? That's what you are, the horizon of possibilities, the unfathomable depth that exists, the infinity that is conscious of itself, The source of the infinites universes, the power that arises from the nothingness, the totality that can't avoid being because there are not limits. The absolute freedom. God? That word is confusing. Just existence, what you are
  20. @Ahbapx Try this meditation, be as you are, perhaps sit and close your eyes for less distractions. Ofcourse this can be done while eyes open and even moving about, you will just have more objects of experience to be with. Whatever thoughts feelings sensations arise, let them be there but be more interested in what knows those. Once you get an answer as to what knows all those, keep being interested in what knows that answer, dont take the answer as the Truth. The truth is constant. if you had to paint the knower of your experience, the literal knower, not the known, would you even need to strike a single brush stroke? The sky is already there, even when there are clouds, but we must not focus on the clouds as the truth, because clouds are temporary. Sky is the eternal Truth. This is another analogy. To begin understanding emptiness/nothingness/consciousness, try thinking in your mind about the smallest object, a point. What is a point? It has 0 dimensions, it actually is not an object, we think of it as an object, but if you really had to represent a real point in reality, you don't have to add ink at all. The point is nothingness, you let go of the tiny image of a point, and what remains? Only the entire page! The page didn't have to be drawn! Now that you know the point covers the entire page, anything you draw on the page is smaller than a point! Paradoxical, the smallest thing suddenly is the largest thing.
  21. "It" is. Always there. Infinite, boundless. Groundless. Any boundary would appear within "It". "It" is Infinite Reality itself. "It" is Nothing when no appearances arise. Nothingness. Groundless. Void and empty. Not even space. Yet, "It" is everything as soon as appearance appears. Without appearance, there is no time. "It" is not even self-aware then. Yet, "It" is always "there". "It" has the potential for awareness if some appearances arise, and for self-awareness if I-thought/I-feelings arise as appearances. "It" doesn't arise. There is no beginning to "It". Who or what would watch "Its" arising? Only "It", the only Awareness. "It" is fundamental. It can not not "be there". "It" can't go anywhere. Anywhere would be imagined within it. "It" can't end, since It would perceive its own end, and so it wouldn't end. Nor begin. Before any appearance, "It" is. After any appearance dissolves, "It" "is" still there. Neither existing (as anything), nor non-existing. Words of time loose there meaning, because "It" is more fundamental than time, since there is no time without changing appearances, or "objects". "It" is Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Universal Reality/Being. And "It" is "You". Capital Y, True you. Impersonal You. Or better, "not-only-personal"-True You. But nondual, Infinite Being, big You. Not small/illusion you, but that which is always there. Even in deep sleep. Impersonal. Infinite. Immortal. "It" looks through all eyes, is the essence of every being and every appearance. And to do that, "It" needs to be impersonal. Only impersonal (not-only-personal, but universal and fully empty) Awareness is "compatible" to look out through all "personal/individuated/not-empty" eyes/beings/perspectives. "It" holds all perspectives, looks through all eyes at the same moment (not sequentially), but forgets these "dimensions" of all the other perspectives "real-time". "It" imagines the clouds covering True Being/Infinite Awareness, hiding "It" in the clouds of solidity, materiality, duality and separation. Magnificent illusions. "It" plays a game of hide and seek with "Itself". When one has access to verify that sobre anytime one feels into "the" Infinite (which means that one fully realize the structure of ones own perspective ("subject" and all appearances, truly nondual) and has access to that realization anytime (nondual, infinite, mere appearance, impersonal, groundless ,Awake).... this realization is the case for each and any being, since "It" is boundless , infinite and limitless. There is nothing besides "It". N+1. ... one walks in the home one never really left. There is nothing else, nor can't be. The only price: The frog has to jump fully into the mixer and see whats still left of its essence. And THAT is it. Neti Neti until Infinite Being is realized without the clouds of boundaries, separation and duality. And the crocodiles ensure that at one point. One lifetime, the frog actually gives up resisting and playing games, gets rid of the last clouds of duality, and jumps in the mixer. And finds out that the frog never really existed, only appeared to do so. And then the former frog (Which never actually was a frog) wins the ultimate price: Everything. Each and any possible universe arises in Infinite Being, as Infinite Being. Since there is nothing besides "It", nor could be. The mixer only appears as mixer before the Gateless Gate. Beyond the Gateless Gate, it was just the wind that has blewn away all the clouds of duality and ignorance. So who is reading these words right here, right now? Offering best-practice mixers by the River
  22. False. This is just another trap. You cannot reduce Consciousness to anything, not nothingness, not essence.
  23. I wasn't asked, but since that didn't prevent me from commenting ever since, please allow me my musings... So, here is the Ultimate Crocodile. Or Trap. Since it is pretty close to Ultimate Truth: The problem (or rather near impossibility) in realizing Ultimate Truth/Full Enlightenment (not even to talk about realizing & keeping that on a stable basis in daily life) with mainly/only psychedelics (vs. a combined meditation and psychedelics-approach) is that the separate-self/ego is never fully seen through, and happily hijacks all insights gained and projects itself onto them. Like nondual merging with the visual field, aka non-dual-Unity-states of a still separate-self merging with the visual field. that the visual field is mere empty appearance hovering in Nothingness that this Nothingness is "IT", is Infinity, in all possible dimensions, is boundless limitless nondual Consciousness/Suchness "God-Realization" (aka that pretty much everything which appears is imagined to fool oneself into a false-body-mind-identity. That includes past&future imagination. Which is true, but still there is a subtle separate-self-something left and not seen through having all these insights, and proclaiming "I am God". It is not truly impersonal yet, and Absolute Reality is impersonal. Yes, True You is totally impersonal. Shocking, but true. But only shocking from before the Gateless Gate. After the Gateless Gate, it was just one more trap on the path/maze to Infinite love&liberation&freedom). That is pretty much the development Leo has taken, from nondual, to Infinity, to "God-Realization". And then some ETs (which is of course just more appearance/mind-stuff/content consciousness) since the God-Realization didn't went any further from there. And then after some psychedelic-substance-fallout-crocodiles ET said not permanently in this life darling, but maybe permanently in the next life in the 7th heaven, and the message was heard, and the phone was (increasingly) hung up (for now). Ultimate Truth is beyond all of that. Contains all of that. Unchanging. And eternal. All the rest mentioned above rolls "before" and "in" your true formless Infinite Being like a show. Waking/dreaming/deep sleep/normal life/nondual/infinite/God-Realization/ET/crocodiles: All these states roll before your True Being like a show, never changing anything real even for a moment. All just appearance. What is watching all of that? What can never not be here, even in Deep Sleep? And btw., the essence of the frog is completely understood by throwing it into a mixer and looking what it is made of (Suchness). That is how the frog gets truly impersonal. And the essence is all that stays, eternally. The rest is just changing appearance, an illusion, a show. Including any "understanding", which can be dead&gone&forgotten. The essence never can go anywhere, ever. That is what each being truly is. And realizing & embodying that is true freedom and liberation. And why is this kind of psychedelic "God-Realization" not stable? Psychedelics: The filters/lenses of the last subtle separate-self illusions don't get disassemled/transcended/cut-off in real time (aka impersonal, or "not-only-personal-awareness,"). Because of lacking strength&speed of Awareness in cutting all of that off in real-time. And that is why Infinite Nonduality/mere appearance/Awakening states break down after the trip: Unearned wisdom/states. Not impersonal, but still personal/separate-self/ego. In "God-Realization" there are still remnants (although subtle ones) of an ego/separate-self too much left alive & hijacking the insight/state. Meditation: Transcending separate-self/ego-elements (speed and strength/knowing each and any separate-self-arising illusion/I-feeling/I-thoughts/...) leads to nondual/infinite/mere appearance states: stable & personal transcended (aka impersonal), "earned". Psychedelics: psychedelics lead to nondual/infinite/mere appearance states without transcending all (subtle) separte-self/ego-buildings-blocks: unstable &"unearned" & can hijack the states: "I am God/-realized, whatever". The True Being of every being (Infinite Consciousness/Reality, impersonal or universal Awareness) is always right here, eternal. Can never change. It can only appear to be clouded. Looking out for less-than-impersonal-crocodiles by the non-personal River
  24. I am just addicted to invite love and nothingness feeling. That's all. I can overcome. However, they are the best rides in the wonderland.
  25. I know, I am not saying that I am not feeling love, I am in love. However, in Pychedelic state it burns the shit out of me. I had 100 bad trip, however I still love it. Lol. Thank you for the explanation. However, I am addicted to nothingness and love. Those feels amazing, there is no such experience beyond that.