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  1. The Truth sank into realisation. All is one and I am it. I am all of this At first I thought realising the truth would be some out of this world, super special, mystical experience.. This right here is a mystical 'experience' ? There is no such thing as a more or less special 'experience', it's all one and the same thing. I am it all. Realising truth is very intimate and beautiful. What the hell is consciousness?? What the hell is enlightenment?? It doesn't even matter what it is. I am it. Whatever is, I am it. I am time, I am light, I am darkness, I am void, I am death, I am life, I am love, I am fear, I am infinity, I am finite, I am imagination, I am awakening. And what are all those things? Me, I am it all. Because that's the truth. No matter the circumstances, no matter the where or the when. I am There's no grounding myself in this, what a ridiculous notion ? I am it, God damnit! Call it nothing, call it nonduality, call it everything, call it God. Hell, call it evil or shit or nonsense if you want. It doesn't matter, nothing matters. The truth is I am it all and it's one. It's all one and the same thing, and it's me. It really doesn't matter what I do, it all is love, all of it.. struggle, bliss, it's all love. That's what it truly is, what every thing, every state, every phenomena, what it truly is is Love. It's me. How is it love? Because it is. It just is. The question 'How' is love. The answer to the question.. is also love. Every happening is love. It's self love. Love loving itself, it's all one. All along, the only thing I am, the only embodiment there is - is the embodiment of love. I am literally what is! I can't even say the truth has been right in front of me ? It's more accurate to say that the truth has been my face this entire eternity. And this is eternity, there's no attaining immortality and eternity, this right here.. this is it. This is never going to end, Never! Nor does it even change, it all is as it is! It's one and the same thing, night and day are one and the same thing. What the hell is duality and nonduality?? As you breathe, all this is the only thing that is and will forever be. No matter the circumstances, it's all one. Nonduality will never be attained/known until that which already is, in pure actuality, is embodied. Until then, nothing will ever be known simply because there's nothing to know. All that is known is imagined so. This is The Truth So simple, so obvious, literally the clearest thing that can ever be, requiring no form of intelligence whatsoever. One merely has to breathe it in to get it.. It's just that obvious. This Truth is love is one and Is I Am it ? So I'm going to leave The Truth Pilgrimage as it is, and see what the next pilgrimage or journey will be. ??????????????????
  2. So today i had a very interesting meditation experience. First of all i haven’t been meditating for almost a year now because of various reasons. But i have meditated and contemplated in the past a lot. So i think i have a pretty good understanding of nonduality. Also i had my first awakening experience about three months ago while tripping on mushroms. But thats another story. word counter VidMate Mobdro Basically just today i decided i really want to start meditating again. I created a to do list for 100 days of meditation. After that i sat down and started meditating and not even 10minutes have passed when my consciousness started shifting in a very way it wasn't like anything i have ever experienced during meditation. I started to feel this presure on my eyes and then everything started to feel much more lucid. Suddenly i wasn't simply aware of the things in front of me but all consciousness around me. It is kind of difficult to explain but yeah... And then i started getting excited and it faded. i think this was a slight taste of nonduality through meditation. But I never thought your state of consciousness could shift in such a significant way just by meditating. Very crazy I also find it very interesting that i had the strongest experience through meditation after more than a year with no meditation and basically no conscious lifestyle. I think this might me because when i meditated daily amd contemplated constantly i always wanted this awakening soo bad but this was probably the biggest obastacle to it. Anyways i just wanted to share this experience i had with yall.
  3. @Hello from Russia Oh, I think I have not expressed myself accurately enough. My point was that there are many who are overindulged either in survival (people who just chase money and success) or people who only chase enlightenment after enlightenment while neglecting mastering life on a more relative plane (a.k.a. survival). In my current opinion, fulfilling for a HUMAN BEING life consists of being HUMAN and BEING. Therefore balancing the two. In the end, nonduality includes duality. One ramification of this is incorporating survival in one's pursuits. Even though I think there is a point to transcend survival to a high extend I currently strive to become masterful at both. Are we on the same page now?
  4. So today i had a very interesting meditation experience. First of all i haven’t been meditating for almost a year now because of various reasons. But i have meditated and contemplated in the past a lot. So i think i have a pretty good understanding of nonduality. Also i had my first awakening experience about three months ago while tripping on mushroms. But thats another story. Basically just today i decided i really want to start meditating again. I created a to do list for 100 days of meditation. After that i sat down and started meditating and not even 10minutes have passed when my consciousness started shifting in a very wierd way it wasn't like anything i have ever experienced during meditation. I started to feel this presure on my eyes and then everything started to feel much more lucid. Suddenly i wasn't simply aware of the things in front of me but all consciousness around me. It is kind of difficult to explain but yeah... And then i started getting excited and it faded. i think this was a slight taste of nonduality through meditation (but I obviously fucked it up haha). But I never thought your state of consciousness could shift in such a significant way just by meditating. Very crazy I also find it very interesting that i had the strongest experience through meditation after more than a year with no meditation and basically no conscious lifestyle. I think this might me because when i meditated daily amd contemplated constantly i always wanted this awakening soo bad but this was probably the biggest obastacle to it. Anyways i just wanted to share this experience i had with yall.
  5. It's of course fine to use pointers in the form of 'ego' and 'fear' in noduality teachings, but what the spiritual teachers are pointing at is a trans-conceptual state that Shunyamurti talked about. Even meta perspectives can often become just another abstraction level of concepts. The trans-conceptual understanding is more like an under-standing, to stand under the concepts. A sense that sees through the layers of concepts. Regular thoughts are concepts. Words are concepts. When J. Krishnamurti said "the observer is the observed" then those are concepts too! One insight I got is that thoughts themselves are a false perspective of separations. So the whole foundation of thinking therefore becomes invalid! Thoughts are of course valid on the conceptual level but when we use thoughts as a foundation for dealing with nonduality it becomes a false foundation.
  6. One mistake I have made in the past, or it can be called limitation if there are no actual mistakes fundamentally in reality, is to examine nonduality from my conceptual understanding. So what's wrong with that? The error, the false perspective I had, is to start with the concepts as a foundation. That misses the actual nonduality, for the concepts are already a mistaken perspective of separation. The very word 'nonduality' itself is a separate concept so it's already a false duality label. And the same with the word 'ego' which is a label, a false duality concept, pointing to a separate sense of self so it becomes a double mistake of separation. This results in a situation where seemingly clear meaning is in reality a mess of false divisions.
  7. @Leo Gura i think i see where the problem is and im really trying my best to make my points clear and not offensive and at the same time as direct as possible so please try to be open to it.. the problem is that ur stuck in an absolute worldview u either perceive reality in an absolute nondual way like saying that every thing is one being and in an absolute dual way like saying that meaning (dualistic relative notion) is illusory b cuz its imagined, so u perceive duality as nonduality. in ur mind which u cant even perceive as different from anything else right now, theres a thought "duality is nonduality". in other words ur confusing the two and lumping them into one altogether without any distinctions while justifying that to urself by saying that all distinctions are imagined and therefore false or relative. BUT that is yet another imagined distinction or isnt is? so the meta view here is that its a strange loop ie imagination calling imagination out. u see u cant escape imagination b cuz its all there is. and while on the one hand theres truly only one being, on the other hand duality is flexible it can be two or three or infinity and it is in fact infinity. think of the yin and yang symbol. right now when u look at the whole circle u only perceive the circle without color and u cant tell the difference between the yin and the yang any more and even when u try to find them u only perceive one of them and think its both ie ur perceiving a grey circle instead of black and white so ur not able to perceive each color individually and the totality of them together at the same time b cuz ur (hopefully temporarily) unable to create distinctions or contrasts but unfortunately stuck with one and only one malignant distinction that says all distinctions are illusory. right now ur viewing reality from such a narrow perspective that is not even binary and it cannot even allow binaries to exist b cuz theyre imagined and therefore illusory and therefore dismissed but the one truth is infinite binaries and of course we should end up with a strange loop as the limitations of the mind and language impose b cuz once u capture the one truth it immediately splits up into two once again (binary) and so on it goes forever (including this truth as theres awareness of it). thats the nature of god it has awareness and it has thought and theyre both one and the same only in different forms so of course duality is nonduality but that doesnt remove duality it does not dissolve but rather it gets sharper and yet at the same time u understand deepest down that the essence is one and cannot be captured but can only be
  8. With such an attitude, in practice, you won't reach permanent nonduality. Of course you could get lucky. But I wouldn't count on that. If you want LSD levels of consciousness sober, you're gonna have to devote your life to it. One of the reasons I trick you guys into trying psychedelics is so that you realize what is possible if you get serious about this work. Without the LSD you would have never taken the work seriously enough to see what is possible. Now you know what's possible but you are still too lazy to actualize it. Maybe one day that will change. Or not. Up to you.
  9. just a thought.. how about u stop teaching nonduality and go back to basic self help stuff? u were great there its such a waste to see u leaving that behind
  10. @Waken it was I guess volume 3., these books are very good for 'nonduality' begginers.
  11. Hi, So, I was having very negative thoughts and stuck in some negativity lately, so I took 3 tabs on an empty stomach (16 hrs fasted). Within ten minutes I started laughing and at the 30 min mark was in full nonduality, lol. Anyways, some points from the trip were: -Cant believe more people arent talking about these happiness and enlightement in a pill..30mins. WOW. -Must have an anonymous youtube and blog to spread the nondual awareness around these substances -There is nothing to do, chase, go, be, etc. THIS was LIBERATING but caused an INCREASE in desire to do things out of love. The ego mind perceives this insight as laziness, far from it. -This stuff is the be all end all. Nonduality, which i may have never experienced ever in my life, was there for 3 hours . It's not just adding and changing your personal self - NO MORE SELF DEVELOPMENT - WHERE DOES IT END??? its about SELF ANNIHILATION INTO LOVE AND INFINITY!!! -Starring at a deoderant, felt infinite love, wonder, curiosity, awe, and no seperateness. "natural or unnatural deodorant" seemed absurd. Kinda like leos pube hair in the bathroom. Gotta indescriminately love even the mildew in the bathroom haha. -Infinite healing in that session. The love of god is all i need. -Even if i traveled to some astral realm or other world or aliens were here, it wouldnt have been good as my expereience, because form can be anything, but if you arent connected to truth and have a silent mind through whatever means, you CAN NOT be happy. -Helped a ton with my past truama. Looked in the mirror and loved even my flaws and not shaving and everything. Brutal shit haha. I felt like I couldn't love the way i look. I felt like a burnout and the acid made my face all red and blochy, but I loved it all anyways. -Going to do this as therapy every month or two weeks, really, anything other than this I'm just fucking around. These are the #1 tools for me to get my shit together on all levels, it's really crazy how good my life is one week out. -Deepest insights are non verbal -Couldn't imagine being an ego or having one in the future. All i knew was I was enlightened now and it may be permanent. Once you see the Truth, you can't unsee it? Weird how that works. -HOW TF do people do this "recreationally" - it's just straight enlightenment almost every time. -Weed is intensified and basically I raise my consciousness to a mystical level and it's very profound almost every time, its like a calmer high. I realized I was God last night, and perhaps deeper insights than in my trip haha. The day after I got sucked STRAIGHT in nonduality of no thought for like 30 seconds, beautiful, but not as intense. -- Concerns: -Acid lasted like 3-4 hours of Nonduality, then I crashed HARD AS FUCK and coujldnt think of function for like the next 10 fucking hours and felt so shitty like I was on a high dose of adderall or something, hate acid. happens every time even when i have mystical expriences, so i doubt it's fake acid. -No vizuals unless i close my eyes and really focus, i see different colors. Feels clean though, so dont think it was fake. All these psuedo vizuals are gone at 3hr mark, 100% -How many times of breakthroughs will I be able to "permanently" or have these sort of states SOBER? I don't understand why Leo can't drop down to our level and be practical about this. Saying "it's a duality" this or that, is just a cute philosophy. You're either fucking awake and non-dual, or you're not. That's just my POV
  12. These quotes seem very relevant to what Leo described. I figured I'd just post them here as well. They primarily describe the transition from the 500's (Love) to the 600's (Enlightenment, bliss, formlessness) on the Map of Consciousness. Interestingly, about 50% of people choose to leave the body upon entering the 600's, like Leo seemingly had the option to do. "Enlightenment proper, that is, the replacement of duality with nonduality, calibrates at 600 or over. We could say that any calibration of 600 or more formally denotes enlightenment. At about the calibrated level of 600, bliss intervenes and worldly activity stops, sometimes permanently. If the person is destined to remain in the world, this state is said to ‘ripen’, and there is a slow return of the capacity to function. Some enlightened ‘persons’ retreat to spiritual practice and meditation and evolve into the 700s. At that level, the world as commonly described is no longer a self-existent reality. There are neither separate persons nor a world that needs saving. All is evolving according to Divine Will. The world is surrendered to God, and its destiny is self-fulfilling. No intervention is necessary. All life is the evolution of consciousness and the unfolding of Creation. [...] Only pure consciousness devoid of content can pass through the barriers of perception and become the clear water beyond the screen. When it is said that no person can be enlightened, it means that personhood is filtered out by the screening and cannot pass beyond it. (This statement calibrates at 600.) Q: What does it mean to go into a bliss state? What does one do? What happens? A: To be dissolved into intense, infinite love is overwhelming and incapacitating. There is neither the desire nor the capability to emerge from that state unaided. All bodily functions cease. Even breathing itself may cease and resume only in response to an entreaty from another person who is intensely loving. However, it is not necessary to do so. One has permission by knowingness to leave the body as an option. In this case, in order to acknowledge love, breathing resumed. Perhaps it was decided by karma. However, the choice was also made with the concurrent awareness that any return to physicality was only temporary and the final dissolution back into Infinite Love was inevitable and certain. Compared to the eternity of that infinite state, a short return to the realm of physicality seemed trivial. Q: What if there was nobody around to entreat one to return to worldly life? A: Whether or not those conditions prevail probably depends on karma, circumstances, conditions, Divine Will, and the interaction of the universe as a totality. If there were no entreaties, then the body would expire, which at the time would be quite agreeable. When Ramana Maharshi went into that bliss state spontaneously, he was not discovered for some lengthy period by which time he had been severely bitten by many insects and had been without sustenance for an unknown number of days. He was entreated to drink and eat. He responded slowly and eventually resumed movement and function; however, he did not speak in language for another two years. Q: Does the sense of self disappear? After all, the ego fears death. A: When the self dissolves into the Self, it is experienced as a great expansion from limited, transitory, and vulnerable to immortal, infinite Allness that transcends all worlds and universes. As such, the Self is not subject to death or birth, as it exists beyond temporality. The obscurity of the Self was the result of merely misidentifying perception as representing all Reality. [...] The EEG of the enlightened sage is dominated by slow Theta waves (4–7 cycles per sec.), which make functioning in the ordinary world quite difficult. In that state, the option to leave the world at any time persists and is a permanent, open option as though it was part of a silent agreement or knowingness. There is no obligation to persist or continue. Q: How then does earthly life resume? A: After a period of years, adjustment is made with the relearning of communication styles and a reacquaintance with human affairs sufficient to function. Recent history had to be caught up on. This can be accomplished by getting a television, watching the news reports, and reading newspaper headlines. There is an ongoing dialog within the overall field of human consciousness that is as though transparent by its essence; and by recognition, it offers aspects with which one has an option to respond." Hawkins, David R.. The Eye of the I . Hay House. Kindle Edition.
  13. Love created Love. Because it is what it is. ISness is ISness. Any dualistic construct will eventual become circular as it collapses into nonduality. It’s fun to create constructs, yet it becomes frustrating when we try to build concrete constructs made of sand.
  14. All past,present and future are happenings in awareness that's "You" in ultimate sense..when you are in duality(means pleasure -pain,good-bad, day-night these unending dual opposite experiences)you feels limited in body mind constitution and run by "Ego"..This is duality..Actually all dualities are conducted by Nature/Prakruthi/ Shakthi/potential field itself..So where is ego which we pretend to be..?? If we understand this truth deeply defnitely a sudden perception change takes place.. We are nothing but pure awareness(Nondual principle)which reflects these duality..Once we reach this stage naturally we can see this existence as a ever present dynamic flux of nature where all movements are happens by itself...So nonduality is the ultimate point of view for the seekers and ego losses it's power..
  15. This is what I mean. Rupert Spira is lost in his own mind here. He's still not understanding how radical nonduality truly is. Other minds are being imagined by him. He still doesn't understand that not only are other minds his own imagination, even his own past states and memories are all imagined in the present. Rupert Spira is imagining that he's ever had a past mind. This is why you should do 5-MeO-DMT. Self-inquiry is not going to be enough to bust through that illusion. He's been at this for 40 years and yet he's still subtly trapped in duality and imagination. Like I warned you guys, be very careful who you consider to be truly awake. There is no Leo's mahasamadhi. You have imagined Leo! There is only YOUR mahasamadhi. When you awaken, you will realize that Leo is some bullshit idea you invented to deepen your dream. You are imagining my mahasamadhi so that you can avoid your own. You clever devil. If another living being appears to you, it's because you imagine it. Your mother and father are imaginary. Try swallowing that one. Since you are God, you are ABSOLUTE. That means you have total access to everything that exists. The trick is, the only thing that exits, is whatever appears right now. Period. That's Absolute Consciousness. There is nothing behind the curtain. But is sure fucking seems like there is. Because your imagine it. Most people are so terrified of this possibility that they just insist on imagining others. And so they stay lost in the dream.
  16. Something to contemplate Why couldn't I accept enlightenment? I had the opportunity to embody the truth itself, being completely untangled and remaining in nonduality. Why did I imagine my life again? The truth was too great to accept in one go. I wasn't prepared. I felt so powerful that I became fearful. I couldn't let it sink in. What happened? I died. All of a sudden time was dead still, and there was no self reference whatsoever. Ego death didn't happen, it already was. There wasn't a problem of letting go or surrendering, no.. it was already so. But as I came to that self realisation, feeling like I'm being born for the very first time, eternity dawned and I panicked. I got scared. All that power, all that freedom, all that wholeness without a strand of lack, scared the little sense that was left in me. And so, out of desperation as if grasping for air, I started imagining. I remembered life and who i am. By the time everything was back to normal after I had woken up from that enlightening dream, I felt a fading pressure at the middle of my eyebrows. Something was happening in my deep sleep. And I suspect that if I had simply accepted the truth I would have woken up fully awakened. How will I be ready? I don't know how one can prepare to, not only die, but live forever as God. I guess the trick is.. to realize that I'm already doing it. And so I'll just have to see it now, realize how already alone I am and how this has all been self love. There's nothing to fear but yourself.
  17. I wanted to trip for a couple of weeks now but didn’t get the chance. Today was different. Woke up early and felt the vibe. So I got out the ol’ pile of mushrooms and prepared a nice cup of tea. Lit a candle, drank the drink and waited for a bit. Some fear came up. Bit of heart beating. Nothing to special. 20 minutes in the mushroom became a bit twisted. The only thing I can recall clearly is that I became aware of the fact that I am constantly talking to myself. And that there is not only one of me… more like four. These were like "sheets" of personality. One is optimistic, one is hopeless, one is skeptic and one is comical. And they are constantly interacting and overlapping. Then the vision zoomed out and I saw that these "sheets of personality" were attached to a tentacle of some sort. And this tentacle was part of a huge, black octopus-esque “thing”. Bit weird but hey, that’s mushrooms for you. After that the trip became more intense and I had the first brief taste back into Nonduality. Got back out a minute later. There was business to be handled. I realized that the ol’ ego was still on the ride. There was a want to surrender. First up was language. So no more narrating the trip - the rest was nonverbal. Next up was life itself. I've died before on psychedelics. Not always in a pleasant or gentle way. This one was different though. There was willingness, softness and complete surrender. First I lived through my own death then I lived through the death of an old woman which seemed like a past life. Dying was easy. The scene was melancholic and gentle. It seemed like “death” in a conventional way is a choice of the soul. I saw my own body there with people around it. I was already gone from it but they hung on. I wanted to say to them: “Hey guys, I’m fine… life goes on over here” but in the same instance there was the realization that I couldn’t talk to them anymore. Which was fine as well. The death of the woman I lived through was gentle as well. I told my family to leave the room so I could die in peace and solitude. Then, after “death” I went to a sort of forest clearing contained in a big room. Near the ceiling was a black opening in the wall. Out of it were flying tons of bright blue birds. Like a constant stream. It was the trippiest thing I’ve seen in a long while. I went towards the opening, looked inside and saw myself. Simple as that. I merged back into the One. There was awareness of infinite intelligence within that I created the all. And there was Self Love. Cruel, demonic, diabolic scenes came up and realized that this is Love precisely. Then the labels fell away and there was only Self-Love. After some time the "I" came back to life. Slowly back to normal. I kinda wanted to go back. Dying seemed so simple compared to living. Alas there is no death. It’s just Life.
  18. @Leo Gura Yeah, how can your viewers know? There literally is no way other than first-hand experience that can either agree or disagree with you. I've been watching you and the stuff you do for quite a bit and my interpretations of your videos are way off from the actual experience of nonduality. I think its entirely possible to come to the same conclusion but have it be explained in two different ways. Your videos and work, in the end, is a result of just you poking a stick at god and seeing how it behaves back and from that interpreting what happened. Your interpretation is not the end all be all, and other people can have different interpretations.
  19. @The observer Nonduality includes duality within it. It's not a function of time. Consciousness can be totally omniscient or not, or anything in between. Consciousness can change. It's not simply a monotone thing. You could be sleeping or you could be awake, and much more. Consciousness can take on an infinite number of different states. Like a TV screen.
  20. The purpose of this thread is to describe the nondual breakthroughs that I had on LSD on Saturday, April 11, 2020. I am going to film a video of myself explaining what happened to me with video clips of me (as God) trying to articulate the experience during the peak. I will post the video when it is uploaded to may take a few days to get it right. Attached is: A picture of a tree that I took while tripping and a picture of the cards that I pulled from my Tarot deck after asking "Should I trip today?" (the answer is a clear Yes!) I woke up at 9am and was getting very strong signs to do LSD in the forest beside my house. I had been reading "The Universe is a Dream" by Alex Marchand and "The Religion of Tomorrow" by Ken Wilber. My mind was very prepared to have a nondual breakthrough. I had been doing lots of self-inquiry and meditation as well. I packed a bag full of snacks and things to last me the day in the forest. Dressed very warm. And started heading to my desired location without any food in my stomach. I put 1 tab (not a precise dosage, could've been anywhere between 100ug and 200ug) of LSD under my tongue, left it there for about 10 minutes, and then swallowed the tab. As I was waiting for the effects to come on, I found a nice place to sit and meditate. I felt very calm, relaxed, and excited for what was about to come. After about 20 minutes of meditation, I began staring at a large tree in front of me and was trying to have insight into "What is it?" Just as with any contemplation, I was trying very hard to use my direct experience as guidance and to avoid philosophizing. Of course, as you look at the tree for a while, you start to wonder who is the one doing the looking? I tried to train my awareness on the fact that there is no difference between subject and object. The category of "subject" and "object" is clearly a fantasy, so I was just trying to be as aware of this fact as possible. As the effects were getting stronger, I felt a very powerful heart-opening experience. Suddenly, I was very conscious of my chest area and was breathing very deeply and fully into the heart area. My body buzzed with energy. I trained my consciousness on my heart area and realized how my heart-space is an infinite Void. As I breathed very deeply and fully into my chest, I was becoming more and more aware that the space that is in my chest is made of Pure Nothingness. This means that it can go inwards forever. Infinitely deep. It is possible for you to become aware, right now, that the space in your heart (especially when breathed into) expands Infinitely Deep (inwards) and also expands outwards forever. At this point, it is blatantly obvious that my entire sensory field is made up of this same Empty Space. We call it "Consciousness." What's so cool about this Pure Emptiness is that it is also Perfectly Full as it is made of itself. "Everything is Consciousness," I say to myself with a giant smile. It feels really really good at this point. The Empty Space in my heart permeates the entire sensory field (as it always has since Emptiness cannot be localized) and I feel Divine Love and Awe for the profundity of the present moment. It's important to clarify that the actual CONTENT of my experience barely changed. The trees, the little stream beside me, the sky, all looked pretty much the same. There were slight visual effects that made everything seem wavy and patterned. When you are in a mystical state, the CONTENT of the forms will probably look the same. But, you have a direct understanding of what the forms actually are (Pure Consciousness). At this point, I am only about 45 minutes into my trip. I had no clue what was coming for me. I felt a lot of energy as if I was a young child again. All I wanted to do was run around, play, and explore the beautiful forest that I was in. (which is made of Me) As I was exploring the forest, the thoughts were very contemplative. I was always trying to direct my attention to the present moment so that I can gain insight into what the present moment actually is. I sat in gorgeous patches of flowers with the sun shining through the trees. It was surreal. Everything is profound. Now is when it starts to get nondual. I just finished reading "The Universe is a Dream" by Alex Marchand and I was very conscious of my own tendency to project guiltiness onto others. A Course in Miracles talks about Forgiveness as a direct path to realizing your True Nature (as God). So, for the week leading up to this trip, I had been practicing forgiving myself and others for all the things that make me angry, sad, or emotionally triggered in any way. The forgiveness that I am talking about is not the typical forgiveness that we are familiar with. "You have done something wrong, but I'll forgive you anyway." True Forgiveness is about consciousness. "I am aware that your existence is a projection of my mind. I understand that the present moment is all that exists and that you were never separate from me. Therefore, I forgive you. You could never be guilty of anything. I forgive you. I fully accept you. I embrace you exactly as you are. I LOVE YOU! (because you're literally me)." The nondual breakthrough was triggered by fully forgiving MYSELF for anything that I have ever done "wrong." All of us carry "guilt" with us. Guilt is the belief that you are imperfect. Guilt is the belief that you are separate from God. Guilt is the belief that you are vulnerable, limited, bound by time and space, unworthy, even evil or bad. So, I tried to find a part of myself that I hated, despised, or disowned. I thought of myself getting into trouble as a young boy and being forced to sit in the principal's office. In the principal's office, I had to sit there and think about all of the things that I have "done wrong" because I was a "bad boy." There was a part of me that actually thought I was a bad boy and that I was guilty of "doing something wrong." BUT! There was also a part of me that KNEW, that I was INNOCENT! This thought actually began to trigger a nondual awakening within my consciousness. I realized that my TRUE NATURE was the Timeless Self. Pure Nothingness. Pure Love. Pure Innocence. Pure Being. I started screaming I AM INNOCENT! I AM INNOCENT! I AM INNOCENT! What was so astounding and so powerful was just HOW INNOCENT I truly am. I realized that I could commit mass genocide, and still be as innocent as a newborn baby. My true nature is PURE INNOCENCE. Untouched, Untainted Awareness. One without a second. Purity. I could rape and pillage millions of families and not even acquire a scratch of guilt on the perfect jewel that is my Innocence. Just the idea that I could ever do anything "bad" or "wrong" made me die of laughter. "I" actually died of laughter. Pure Bliss swept my heart and I experienced what the sages call "Unconditional Love." This literally means that if I was able to meet Adolf Hitler during WWII, I would give him a big wet kiss. What a perfectly innocent and beautiful manifestation of God. Made of Me! Self Love. My Self is Pure Being, Infinity and Nothingness at once. The Entire Kosmos. And Love is the totally self-less embrace of ME. So Self Love can also be phrased as "Universal Embrace" or Selfless Love True love can only be experienced by Form-less Being. This is because having one particular form (like a human body) comes with the side-effect of having an ego. Therefore, anything that threatens my ability to continue being a formed thing, a separate self, will feel the wrath of my hatred, rejection, and repression. Luckily, I am a perfect Formless Being. Pure Awareness. Being so Pure and Formless, I have the total freedom to take any form that I want. After all, the mechanism of creation is Pure Thought. If I can imagine it, it exists. The Universe is created by God (Nothing, Me) making DISTINCTIONS (which are made of Nothing and grounded in Nothing) within myself. I laugh when it is said that proclaiming yourself to be God is "egoic, selfish, or arrogant." It's literally the exact opposite XD. Being aware of your True Self takes ultimate selflessness! Pure detachment! Pure Innocence! Pure humbleness! The best part is that YOU ARE GOD! Hello! Hi! You wrote this post! The formless witness that I am, IS THE EXACT SAME FORMLESS WITNESS THAT IS IN YOU!!! That's why hating another is always a form of self-hatred. Rejection of YOURSELF! Imagine a newborn baby. So Pure and Innocent. It hasn't even made a distinction yet in its mind. Let alone the distinction between "good" and "evil." It is very difficult to HATE a newborn baby because it is such a Pure Manifestation of Being. Pure Awareness. But now, remember, that as the baby grows older, it will always be Pure Awareness. Perfectly innocent. There may appear to be a veil of selfishness, egotism, greed, evil, that develops as the baby grows into an adult. But, remember always, that is a projection of your own selfishness! The baby has always been Completely and Totally Innocent. Even if that baby grew up to be Adolf Hitler, its Innocence would remain untouched. Now realize that all "bad" or "evil" things are a projection of your own self-hatred! (rejecting a part of yourself) Your seperate-ness is projected onto the world and onto other people. A sage who has purified himself of his own selfishness sees with Christ-Consciousness. Unconditional Love for all Beings. Because all of Being is an equal manifestation of your Supreme Self. You are the Imperishable One! Nothing "good" or "bad" has ever happened to you or anyone. How could Pure Nothingness ever be affected by anything? IT IS EVERYTHING ALREADY! At this point, my body was overwhelmed with Power, Freedom, and Love. I jumped up and down and screamed like a monkey. I smashed sticks against trees as hard as I could. Why? Just for fun. There's nothing else to do here in this present moment except for Realizing Who You Are and having fun with it! Other insights from this awakening: I AM! (this is the highest and most important insight because it captures the essence of nonduality) Self-realization is forgiving everything that you hate… The awareness in me is the same awareness in you! How do I know? It's what I am! I see you! Consciousness cannot be mainstreamed because pure innocence is fertile soil for the projection of guilt. Pure innocence is true authenticity. For me to be fully authentic, I would have to be conscious of my true nature as God! But, although I am totally selfless, it is very easy for ego's to unconsciously project their own guilt, arrogance, and ignorance upon me. Check out many of the negative comments under Leo's "I am God" videos. Thankfully, this projection makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. Because I am conscious that I am the only One who is projecting (onto myself)! Consciousness is powerful (absolute freedom). Dangerous for the established social systems because it sledgehammers rigid belief systems. The Heart is the Seat of the Soul. It appears as if the source of awareness is right at the very center of your being, the heart. Live from this place! "A distinction" is a distinction. I was still peaking as I began to continue walking through the forest. It was a beautiful day and other people were out walking as well. I was in a very vulnerable state and was afraid of making eye-contact with people. Whenever I walked by someone, I felt such a strong urge to look them in the eyes so that I could share my Love. But, each time, I was afraid of being judged by them. I must have walked by 10 different people and each time I was super awkward about walking by them. It was a good time to contemplate "What is an other?" Finally, I wanted to make eye contact with the last person I passed. It was a father with a baby on his shoulders. As I walked by, I awkwardly smiled at them. I looked up at the baby and made strong eye contact with him. "How's the view up there?" I asked jokingly. The baby and I locked eye contact. At this moment, I realized instantly that I was looking directly in the mirror. The baby's gaze was totally pure and free of self-judgment of any kind. I was staring into my own eyes. I recognized myself instantly and he recognized me (which is the same). I kept walking and came to a wide-open field where I was able to relax and enjoy my elevated consciousness for the next few hours. I called my friend on the phone who has also had nondual experiences and my friend realized that he was getting a phone call from God. It was awesome. Occasionally, if I wanted to experience ultimate rapture, I would train my awareness on my own Purity. I would remember how Innocent I am. Instantly I would fall to the floor and scream and laugh hysterically. I'd fall on my back with my legs over my head and die of laughter. I would literally perish in my own innocence. In my bag, I had packed with me one very small book. I had never even read this book before, but something told me to bring it with me. At this point, I took the book out and opened it. "The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi" published by Shambala Pocket Library. I'll leave you with some extremely powerful excerpts that took my trip to a whole new level. Reading these words as God for the first time (even though I wrote them) was one of the peak experiences of my entire life. Let these words echo in your consciousness: Questioner : How can I attain Self- realization? Ramana Maharshi : Realization is nothing to be gained afresh; it is already there. All that is necessary is to get rid of the thought `I have not realized'. Stillness or peace is realization. There is no moment when the Self is not. So long as there is doubt or the feeling of non-realization, the attempt should be made to rid oneself of these thoughts. There's a lot more: This is not the exact dialogue. I believe the full dialogue can be found in the book "Be as You Are." However, I just stumbled upon this beautiful synthesis of the teachings. The essence is the same. Thanks for reading! Hopefully this inspires you to remember Who You Are!
  21. I was contemplating about this and I didn’t get it. If the (future and) the past doesn’t exist, and it is all an imagination, how does memory then work? A memory is a perspective (the person’s perspective). So a human is a totality of perspectives of the span of his life? What is wrong with that? If it is all a nonduality I don’t get why the ego is treated as an enemy. You are both the ego and the opposite of it. Favoring the one over the other is another duality.
  22. @LfcCharlie4 u think there will be a point where the ego says ok its enough now i have fulfilled my purpose and its time to rip? u think it is possible to transcend the ego collectively? then perhaps uve missed the last i dont know how many centuries of human development and perhaps uve missed how nature works. survival for the fittest and every one thinks hes the fittest. u think u and ur ideals are fittest. trump thinks he and his ideals are fittest. hitler thinks he and his ideals are fittest. i think me and my ideals are fittest. but does any of that actually make any one fittest? at turquoise u dont have an agenda or ideals at turquoise u are one with reality what ever reality is and what ur describing is a stage green dream of his ideal world when at turquoise u realise that it doesnt work that way at all. the basic assumption all of u seem to be taking for granted is that reality is not already the best it could be. ur perspective then interferes and distorts ur perception by thinking oh well if more ppl could become more like me then certainly the world would become a better place. the truth is that whether every one is like u or not is in fact irrelevant to how good the world is since its absolutely good and u said that here and many times before i guess but then u make a clever distinction between absolute and relative truth and miss the fact that the relative truth ur talking about is ur own creation b cuz it fits ur agendas. for trump he may not be interested in absolute truth but that wont matter to him b cuz he takes his relative truth to be the absolute truth like u also do with urs. so u see? from ur pov it makes perfect sense that a world full of ppl like u would be a better place and so u probably will strive towards actualizing that vision but exactly in that attempt to alter reality u will create more minions of urself and those minions will in turn try to influence other ppl to make them minions of u too and then u and ur minions will have to face other leaders and their minions in the world and then each of u will try to minion the other to become more like him (perhaps like im doing right now haha) and then there will be a clash between the two not necessarily physical but certainly strong enough to stop or decrease the expansion of both sides. of course in the story above i used two sides for simplicity but in reality there are many sides that ultimately could be narrowed down into two sides so thats ultimately the epitome of nonduality and the yin and yang they are one in essence but theyre still not the same and thats what im saying here reality is different from other povs and when theres only two povs their realities become in opposition to each other and if reality ever became permanently one and stopped fighting with itself it would fall out and die so thats why utopia is impossible b cuz its a dream of one part of reality and if u get all parts to agree with u on that dream reality will then it will stop existing b cuz u will cause its death by emphasising the yin over the yang or vice versa. u might say no im emphasising balance but if thats so then why change any thing? reality is already balanced. and the answer is that b cuz u (ego) would die if u dont desire change so u must have a purpose for ur ego to survive and while u claim to be antagonistic to ego u will become a big advocate of it and so it goes on and on and thats why its a never ending process.. hope u enjoyed reading this and the whole discussion i did enjoy your posts
  23. Plato's "theory of forms" (as scholars know today) is delusion, but that doesn't mean that his works are useless. Plato is a really odd philosopher. He never announces his ideas. Instead, he has a portrayal of his mentor, Socrates, as a mouthpiece. So already there are layers of representation: Socrates the character relays certain ideas, but Plato the storyteller relays the character "Socrates." Furthermore, we don't know if this is Plato's twisted conception of Socrates, or if it is "Socrates as Socrates truly was." Lastly, Socrates the character seems to espouse the "theory of forms" rather often, but Plato the storyteller actually includes moments in which Socrates is shown his own limitations (for example in the Parmenides, where Socrates has his own beliefs challenged and humbled). In some ways I believe this shows that Plato cares more about the intellectual process than the intellectual result. Plato never gives answers, he asks questions and plays around with them, inviting us to do the same. Plato's Timaeus is actually my favorite dialogue, simply for the "likely story" (or plausible account) alone. If you read between the lines, it is evidently describing nonduality. I don't recall that in the reading. Where did you get this idea?
  24. A glimpse of ego death Awakening Last night I awakened to a grand truth and that is.. I am consciousness. To know how I got there you can check out my journal, I want to keep this post short. This is so profound and just amazing to realize. And this is very true for me, I had gone from being aware of the fabric of reality to being the fabric of reality. Now, not only do I know that consciousness is the substance of reality, I know that that very fabric is me.. this field is my body. Everything happening within me, I am the canvas in which stories and expressions are told. Consciousness is my true body, not the physical! The Transition This awakening got so deep that at some point I was dead. Literally, I was gone. I can only describe the experience as being peaceful and powerful. But I tapped out. Oh My Soul ?‍♂️ The reason I say that it's a glimpse is because I couldn't let it settle, I couldn't let the transition of my state of consciousness reach equilibrium, I couldn't accept the truth. What you realise when you die is that you were never alive to begin with, life is a story. What you realise is that you've always been dead,.. ETERNITY Dawns! SELFLESSNESS Dawns! GOD Dawns. And it was too much. I couldn't accept it. It was too grand to let it settle in one fell swoop. I can't describe the transition as a sense of fading away, no. It started with me being gone, I had disappeared, I was already dead. It's the realising of the Truth that gets you. I was observing what was going on and when it started to make sense I tapped out. Didn't let it sink in. It was a glimpse of ego death. Know I know what ego is, and I don't mean conceptually, I mean I'm aware of what ego is. It's the self. Guys, there is no self in truth! I promise you there isn't a self, self is completely imagined. There is no self at all, no false self, no lower self or higher self, no true self, there's no self! There only thing there is unity, it's wholeness. And you feel it, I swear to God you feel that wholeness to the core. Typing this right now, I feel scarred.. that realisation left a mark on my ego. Sitting here, I know that it's a lie, I know that I'm a fat lie. I don't exist. And to top it off, you realise that nothing exists, existence is not real. Why because truth is nondual and therefore nothing must exist and can exist. Existence is imaginary, it's imagination. It's A Glimpse This realisation was just a taste of ego death, a taste of nonduality, a taste of freedom. And I'm utterly grateful for this experience because I now know what to expect from this work. I can now integrate and start forgetting myself. P.S. I'm not going to lie and say it was a beautiful experience, realising that you're God is not a beautiful experience. It's peaceful and meaningless and immensely powerful, that's it. Feel free to comment and leave any advice as to how I can go forward with this. For now, I'm just going to take time off and just appreciate this illusion. Peace ?
  25. First of all, I have become aware of some of those things and so do others when they trip. But more importantly, all of those things are still imaginary (since all form is imaginary). Infinite Consciousness is higher than all those things. Nonduality has many degrees to it. It all sounds the same but one's consciousness of it can go deeper and deeper.