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  1. Thank you for your post ?? I broke down in suffering a few weeks ago. A voice I never thought would come through me, used this vessel to send me the message I needed. How can I ever come wake you up from your dream if all of your dreams are good and pleasant? You would be stuck in the illusion forever… I think suffering is there as a reminder that “we” have bought in the illusion and identification with thoughts, identity, separateness and duality to much. Think of it as the ribbed edges of highway roads. When you don’t pay attention to them or when you fall asleep on the road, they quickly wake you up with the vibrating noise your car “vessel” makes when you drive over them. Its just there for yourself to guide yourself back to your original Self. Because your finite self don’t think it will be at peace unless it’s the Infinite Self, in every sense of what that word might mean for You. But thats also a thought and a mechanism that comes from the separateness illusion. You are already perfect and love, you just want to know that you are before you disappear in nothingness again.
  2. Everything is shapes in nothingness, so they are nothing, but on the other hand, nothingness makes shapes, so it is everything
  3. I see, I think I can relate a little bit. There's just primordial nothingness as an ever present presence that can't be found or pointed to. That I am. That's self-realization for me. But definitely no sense of infinity or supernova galactic explosion of energy. It's just nondual nothingness beyond any quality and makes no sense whatsoever. I think the sense of infinity when people speak, they speak about an infinite mind which comes after 4th jhana, where all the telephaty and godstuff opens up. I'm not a budhhist so it's not my territory but I've heard goenka slightly talk about it in his satipatthana discourse about these things. It's also possible that you simply skipped those states and went straight to shoonya or total dissolution. Which is very possible if you followed a budhhist teaching because buddha was very clear that total dissolution is the only important thing, everything else is just a spiritual entertainment. They do this in yoga aswell. I think you'd enjoy watching this video. There's a full video on this subject in the sadhguru exclusive app but it's not available for free sorry ? Pranam ?
  4. Hi @aetheroar Great post. When you say gods realization do you mean state of infinite love or smth? I think from a purely intelectual level there can't be anything beyond nothingness and that nothingness is your self. That's self-realization. Maybe levels of ego dissolution can be there but nothingness has no levels. I mean it's just logical, you'd have to dumb to disagree ? but states of love is a different thing. Idk if there's anyone here who could help you. If the claims you made are true, then you should know better than anybody here about these things. Regards ?❤
  5. Be the boundless nothingness and the rest will take care of itself. The dilemma and the questions comes from the mind and the mind can't go to the place where it wants to go. You are exactly where you supposed to be which is right here in this moment. From here it's all about seeing through the illusion of the next thought and feeling and surrender them.
  6. @Ry4n I obviously don't know where you're at in your journey but to be clear this was not my first awakening, I've had plenty of non dual states before and many insights into Love, bliss, oneness, God consciousness, nothingness etc but just not to this level. At this level, you feel insane because you're so conscious that nothing is real that everything loses all meaning. I'm not sure what would have happened if I faced this infinite horror but it was just too much for me. In my mind I thought that this life would be up. That if I became that conscious that nothing was real, life would become meaningless, so I distracted myself from going any further and as I said, begged for my life/the illusion back. People can say whatever they want about solipsism, but at that level, there is no other. Which means right now, there is no other, I'm just buying into the fact that you're me in "another lifetime". The bizzare thing to think is that whoever reads this, will experience this cosmic horror, as you are me. You are me.
  7. @Godisherei would say that you were on the threshold of the last door: to become absolute nothingness. without love, without god, without consolation. just nothing, no limit. I have been there several times, it is absolutely terrifying, to a level impossible to explain. but the reality is that you are that. If you are able to accept being nothing, nothingness will open and you will know what you are, without a doubt. it is a kind of change of point of view: you realize that you encompass everything, but everything is nothing. there are no others, nothing at all, it's horrible. cosmic loneliness on a level that goes beyond horror. sterile loneliness, dead. infinite death. But are if the change of perspective occurs, you see what it is you: infinite. the well opens and has no bottom, you are an infinite flowing, you are happiness flowing. everything and nothing are the same. But this is impossible to understand to me, only once happened and it's a mistery The thing is, keep in mind the question: what am I? it does not matter the others, the emptiness, the cosmos and whatever. Look around, look inside you. Are you infinite death? you are. go deeper., But first, integration. I'm talking to myself ehh, I'm in the same way , when I embody the absolute nothing it's a non escape void, and it's the bottom: nothing, nothing nothing. It's that we are, others are tales for kids. Not alone, not me, no- thing. But let's see! It's Soo challenge for me , last time I vomiting because be nothing. Only once the well got opened, glory. But next time I dissolve my ego again there was simply void but for me it's an enigma. Embody the nothingness....there is the key. My respect for Leo and the others who dive in the absolute void of existence
  8. I have such a negative speech because today I had what I call an endarkment. I have had several: morning of meditation, then 5 meo. as soon as I did it, I always think: this without substance is impossible ... and dissolution, beyond everything, to the nucleus, and the nucleus is ... nothing. there is only nothing. sterile, empty, encompasses everything, I am that and I am nothing, I am death, I am absence, I am empty. I know this is the last door. behind this, I am. or was me before the void and i deceived me? haha I know not, because here I am. I am. So tomorrow I will return to the void, until it opens. It has only been opened once, and nothingness was everything, it was an infinite source from which I flowed without limit. the jackpot, but before there is this emptiness ... you have to die to live, you know. serve this story as an explanation of what a substance does you may think: is this any good? I don't know, I just know that I want to get to the nucleus, I have to open all the doors, and that's it, I don't care how. Following the theme of the thread : i do psychedelics for about 1 year and a half (not so often but many times,more than monthly) it has changed me completely. I have seen the enormous impurities that existed in my life and I have been polishing them, I have seen that the truth exists and I understand that I have to be worthy of it, that I have to eliminate any trace of lies, crooked behavior, desires, ideas about the enlightenment. I have to purify myself to be who I am, I meditate for several hours a day and it's wonderful, before was a pain, I have eliminated the lie, which I used without problem before, I have stopped any practice with a connotation of evasion and addiction, my day to day is much happier than a year ago in several orders of magnitude, my relationships with people better, have dived into the trauma of my life, I have understood it, I have decreased anxiety x10, I'm more me than ever, and this is not by far the end. Without psychedelic it would take me 2 lifes
  9. you mean empty or nothingness? why isn't there pure consciousness?, also what do you mean annihilation? I have some questions..
  10. This is the conclusion of what your contemplation/intuition is leading you to IMO. Fruition (phala in Pali) is the fruit of all the meditator’s hard work, the first attainment of ultimate reality, emptiness, nirvana, nibbana, ultimate potential, or whatever extrapolative and relatively inaccurate name you wish to call something utterly non-sensate. In this non-state, there is absolutely no time, no space, no reference point, no experience, no mind, no consciousness, no awareness, no background, no foreground, no nothingness, no somethingness, no body, no this, no that, no unity, no duality, and no anything else. “Reality” stops cold and then reappears. Please also note that, like Fruition, there is no experience at all during NS. There is no time, no space, no something, no nothing, not anything at all. Just as a desktop computer shuts down totally when you press the power button, so too with anything to do with experience in NS. I have friends who have talked about something they got into where they could still feel time passing, and that is definitely not it. NS is like the ultimate rest for the mind, something far beyond even deep sleep, as even a few seconds in it leaves one with a massive feeling of having gone extremely deep in a way nothing else can match.
  11. The vanishing, etheric quality of each moment: right now thinking about the question What Do I Love The Most About Life? that vanishes into nothingness as it it thought about.
  12. How the one does this? That's exactly what I did. Why do you think that would happen? Why do you think that nothingness exhausts thoughts?
  13. Clickbait Not really full moon, it was day after - I have no idea if it really has any impact.. I have never experienced this kind of intensity while being sober (except for my dreams), it was beyond anything I have experienced on LSD. BE CAREFUL if you want to try my method!! Because of intensity it happened to me to pass out a couple of times. I hit my head on the floor twice and once I hit it against the wardrobe. Holding on wardrobe might not be enough if you have no sense of what is up and what is down and your whole reality is shaking. This day I took half of Armodafinil quite late, if I remember well it was at 1 pm. Experience I'm describing happened at 2 am. Before that I masturbated in a way that has risen intensity of my energy - I noticed that it has significant impact on states I can reach with energy practices like Kriya or breathworks. I attached an image of my diy kriya. There is nothing complicated about that. I take a full breath in and I'm slowly bending back almost into the bridge. I try to stretch as much as possible - this is my main goal. Than I go back to a straight position with my hands up - I stand like an arrow. Than I forcefully push the air into my stomach. When I'm done I slooowly breath out the air into my feet. Proper posture and breathing direction are very significant. You can play with intensity using your lungs and contracting muscles. I hope you appreciate my MS Paint skills Coming back to 'trip report'. This time wasn't first time but now I experienced levels of intensity almost on a par with 5 MeO DMT. I had some mild fractal visuals. It could be described as mini 5 MeO. It hits quickly and hard and takes into nothingness/everythingness where no human ever existed. Sometimes to the point when I'm scared I'm going to stay there forever. For some reason last night I experience was much more intense than before (like x4 factor). As long as I was holding my breath I was able to feel energy traveling through my legs. This time each experience lasted ranging from 10 to 30 seconds. Peak lasts maybe few seconds - hard to estimate if time doesn't exist This practice works as long as there is energy left to dissipate. It might be especially effective if your body is tense.
  14. I agree with your concept of transcendence there What Im talking about are the many people in the “enlightenment community”, who want to “transcend”, and do Away with emotions all together. The talking points and language can conflate You are also just as much a human as everything else, we are here to live not to transcend life. Theres a reason source broke out of formless nothingness to experience.
  15. Emptiness refers to the content in the cup while nothingness refers to the true nature of ‘the cup’. But don’t try to bend the cup, that’s impossible. Simply allow it to empty.
  16. I was given birth by a chicken that was orange and blue color, and that chicken was created in a laboratory that was working on creating new mutant beings by giving those chickens all sorts of chemicals and stuff. After laying the egg that was me, my mother just disappeared into nothingness and i was sold to a woman called Zehra, and she took care of this egg (by the way it was a blue egg, because they were creating the male eggs as blue and female eggs as link, a classic sexist thing really). After being in a glass box for three or four weeks, the egg hatched and there i was, and Zehra took care of me, as my new adoptive mother, from then onward. And i learned that my real mother actually was a chicken about two weeks ago, and first i was shocked and i did not believe, i said this is a joke and laughed it off. But then they showed me all the evidences (and they were very powerful evidences which i will not explain in detail now), and now I'm just convinced about that.
  17. It's the same thing. From what I remember, 7th Jhana is about distinction between Nothingness and Somethingness. And in 8th you kinda go beyond this whole thing and find both of these qualities in each other, hence, your perception inverts itself and you break your head in paradox
  18. There seem to be three types of experience of reality... 1. The mundane typical focus on object out there evolved into humans. 2. The bizarre and unusual peek into the mirror via something to see that consciousness is in fact literally nothingness. 3. And finally the collapse of the distinction. I found the second to actually be the most shocking, where there was still subject/object divide but I could know and be nothingness. To me it had more element of logical proof I could bring back than the collapse of distinction.
  19. Emptiness is not a "thing," but rather a quality inherent in all phenomena. Emptiness means empty of self (Svabhava), or self-defining qualities. Nothingness is closer to what it sounds like—an absolute lack of sensory data. The 7th Jhana isn't full-on cessation, but it definitely is characterized by the exclusion of sensory objects in comparison to the lower states. So, in that sense, "emptiness" is really another way of expressing the nature of reality, while nothingness is an immediate description of perception.
  20. How do you distinguish between emptiness and nothingness personally? I find the 7th Jhana (Nothingness) particularly hard to get into also. If anyone has advice on that, I’d appreciate it.
  21. You're awesome, thank you for this I guess I should also mention; that when this "shift" happened and I saw the void/nothingness and then I became it, and the "I"/"me" disappeared, everything that Leo, other gurus, spiritual pointers, why people are the way they are, etc ALL made absolute sense and it was the TRUTH. I even realized that the TRUTH is also a story. It's stories behind stories behind stories. I "remember" this event from my current point of view and man I wish I could go back there, even though I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm already there. It was incredibly trippy though. I remember opening my smartphone and looking at social media and almost laughing at everyone thinking they're that person--like truly believing they're a real human making pouty kissy faces and taking selfies lmao. I maybe laughed too hard because I'm still that selfie taking human LOL
  22. Great thread. As a visual learner, this is incredibly helpful. And I’ve also realized and “seen” the nothingness behind my eyes and beyond the edges of perception. I actually didn’t even “see” it, I *became* it briefly and I realized I was the whole entire show. Unfortunately, the mind tried to grapple with this and by doing so I’m back to me me me me lol. Please provide more good pointers like this thread for us visual learners.
  23. For me: Mushrooms opened my Heart. ? LSD alligned my Heart and my Universal Mind. ? = ? 5-MEO made me see that I am Infinite. ♾ And ultimately, everything has to be surrendered, even Consciousness, in the end. To become Infinite Nothingness, Forever…
  24. True. You are actually experiencing nothingness right now, to a certain degree. And yes, you can perceive nothingness, as you have realized. The "nothing" behind you is actually being perceived, that is the only way you can know of it. Try to find the edge of your visual field, you can't. There is no edge. The edge is nothingness, and that nothingness is infinite and expands forever. There is simply a lack of sensation or "nothingness" at the edge. But the fact of the matter is, you are able to perceive this nothingness, and you use it to distinguish finite items in your reality like your lamp or table. It can be very hard to notice this nothingness in the finite domain, especially without a solid experience of pure nothingness or pure consciousness or turiya or whatever you wanna call it.
  25. Maybe that is the challenge. Like, I am not in the state right now. It's hard to contain and remember it. I've seen beyond.. I've realized "Between the click of the light and the start of the dream" The nothingness that is actually what this is. I am thinking about it right now... But, not when I was in these particular states. Who knows, I have more tripping to do. You would think I would "Know" if I found the truth. But, I don't really know. I don't know my own mind well enough. It seemed like it was true. But, I've been wrong before. I think I am still immature, thinking the Truth is something I can use. Ps... Loving the irony of this thread.