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happyhappy replied to goldpower123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
you are not kidding are ya? it takes a big leap of faith to accept it. i mean if u are really saying the truth, then u might be one of the most awakened or diffeent ppl on this forum. -
digitalkaine replied to digitalkaine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I hear what your saying and I agree that he was enlightened before and after but the crucifixion itself seems as if it does metaphorically represent the death of "self" It seems like its written and portrayed as a physical death but almost seems like a real time explanation and guide almost of dissolving of all insecurities and acceptance of imperfection. "Crucifixion and resurrection." When you start to preach enlightenment to a bunch of people who are so consumed by selfish greed the egos ultimate defense mechanism is physical violence. What he taught threatened the structure of society in Rome during that time. The crucifixion itself is him metaphorically and physically being freed from his ego and dissolving of all imperfections. The moment in which he is near death is the exact moment he is in truly perfect form. The belief is that after the crucifixion he was thrown in a cave and believed to be dead just to reappear 3 days later. My belief is that all that is true except he had never died in reality, and the death as told in the bible is metaphorical and what it represents is the idea of sense of self, as in that moment he was selfless in being tortured for the sins of everyone else *Transcending himself and everyone else*. He has one last bout with "god as the father" or "himself" saying "why have you forsaken me?" Questioning fairness in his direct experience. He believed that by going around awakening people it would make the world a better place. But at the same time he still knows better. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" The way he's conditioned himself psychologically is allowing him to seek forgiveness for the outside world in himself as he's being tortured, as he understands the outside world is himself. Meaning the thieves beside him are still programmed and projecting previous traumas and being killed in result of something that is basically outside of their control. The environment created these conceptually deficient people so how is it their fault that they project how they do? No one is to blame and this punishment can never fit the crime. Hes begging for the one true way to heal the environment *forgiveness*. In this instance he's talking about everyone involved, as in hes forgiving the soldiers torturing him and everyone else who is taking part and basically the whole world. He finally lets his ego go and understands that what is happening is fair. His last words are those of acceptance. "father into your hands I commit my spirit." Him accepting things as they are completely, death of ego. I believe he did not die at all after, instead he was taken out of the cave near death and was brought back to Kashmir by Buddhist monks. In this state he was awakened and completely stripped of all insecurities. His extreme vulnerability, physically and mentally was absolute freedom at that moment and he understood this.*Total acceptance of imperfection* There was no one to blame for what occurred and it happened just as it should have. He understood that if it would have went any other way that it would imply some kind of imperfection in that instance. He didnt have time, energy, or the will, to judge or hold resentment for what had happened to him and in his understanding he found nirvana. In the bible they describe how after his death he takes a seat at the right hand of God for eternity. I dont think this implies a physical death rather a state of enlightenment that was everlasting. I get the bible states hes basically referring to the father as something outside of himself but if you change the word from "father" to "self" and if self includes everything else it basically seems like hes asking himself for forgiveness and than accepting the current state of the world around him. -
Guest replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I don't claim to be anywhere close to being "awakened" (whatever the heck that means anyway... the longer I do this, the less I feel that I know what it means), but watching Leo's vid on pickup, I really wish that I had learned this before embarking on the so-called spiritual path. These days, I feel less sexually assertive than ever before in my life, not to mention that I lost pretty much all interest in social activities such as going to gatherings/parties/bars/dance venues/any place where you could potentially make something happen. Yeah, I don't know. Part of me is content with just staying celibate and enjoying the peace and quiet of my single life, another part would like to have some romantic encounters before I turn into an old man - which in my case is not that far away anymore. I have no idea how to resolve this chasm within myself... or if it even makes sense to try to actively resolve anything. Sigh. -
Arcangelo replied to Terell Kirby's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Exactly you get it! I agree but it did happen to me. I awakened and it instantly killed my monkey mind chatter. But after a week my monkey mind chatter came back. I was enlightened for about a week. It was so peaceful. I remember the exact moment when my monkey mind chatter came back. I came back from the supermarket and I told myself: -"Wait a minute, haven't thought about anything in about a week!'' And all my attachments and desires came back along with my neurosis. It's hard to explain. How can someone totally eliminate his/her inner dialogue specially if it isn't too positive? -
Arcangelo replied to Terell Kirby's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I am awakened, and I agree. -
Seth Speaks notes - chapter 2 My present environment, work and activities: While my environment differs in rather important respects from that of my readers, I can assure you, with ironic understatement, that it is as vivid, varied, and vital as physical existence. It is more pleasurable, though my ideas of pleasure have changed some since I was a physical being, being more rewarding and offering far greater opportunities for creative achievement. My present existence is the most challenging one that I have known, and I have known many, both physical and nonphysical. There is not just one dimension in which nonphysical consciousness resides. My environment, now, is not like the one in which you will find yourself immediately after death. I cannot help speaking humorously, but you must die many times before you enter this particular plane of existence. (Birth is more of a shock than death. Sometimes when you die you do not realize it, but birth almost always implies a sharp and sudden recognition. So there is no need to fear death. My work in this environment provides far more challenge than any of you know, and it also necessitates the manipulation of creative materials that are nearly beyond your present comprehension. I will say more of this shortly. First of all, you must understand that no objective reality exists but that which is created by consciousness. Consciousness always creates form, and not the other way around. So my environment is a reality of existence created by myself and others like me, and it represents the manifestation of our development. We do not use permanent structures. There is not a city or a town, for example, in which I swell. I do not mean to imply that we are off in empty space. For one thing we do not think of space as you do, and we form whatever particular images we want to surround us. They are created by our mental patterns, just as your own physical reality is created in perfect replica of your inner desires and thoughts. You think that objects exist independently of you, not realizing that they are instead the manifestations of your own psychological and physic selves. We realize that we form our own reality, and therefore we do so with considerable joy and creative abandon. In my environment you would be highly disoriented, for it would seem to you as if it lacked coherency. We are aware if the inner laws that govern all materializations, however. I can have it night or day, in your terms, as I prefer, or any period of say, your history. These changing forms would in no way bother my associates for they would take them as immediate clues as to my mood, feelings, and ideas. Permanency and stability basically have nothing to do with form; but with the integration of pleasure, purpose, accomplishment, and identity. I travel to many other levels of existence in order to fulfill my duties, which are primarily those of a teacher and educator, and I use whatever aids and techniques serve me best within those systems. In other words, I may teach the same lesson in many different ways, according to the abilities and assumptions that are inherent in any given system in which I must operate. I use one portion of myself from many personalities that are available to my identity in these communications. In other systems of reality, this particular Seth personality that I, the larger Seth identity adopt here, would not be understood. All systems of reality are not physically oriented, you see, and some are entirely unacquainted with physical form. Nor is sex, as you understand it, natural to them, Therefore I would not communicate as a male personality who has lived many physical existences, though this is a legitimate and valid portion of my identity. Now: In my home environment I assume whatever shape I please and it may vary, and done, with the nature of my thoughts. You, however, form your own physical image at an unconscious level in more or less the same manner, but with some important differences. You usually do not realize that your physical body is created by you at each moment as a direct result of your inner conception of what you are, or that it changes in important chemical and electromagnetic ways with the ever-moving pace of your own thought. Having long ago recognized the dependence of form upon consciousness, we have simply been able to change our forms entirely so that they more faithfully follow each nuance of our inner experience. This ability to change form is an inherent characteristic of any consciousness. Only the degree of proficiency and actualization varies. You can see this in your own system, in a slowed-down version, when you observe the changing forms taken by living matter through its evolutionary history. Now, we can also take several forms at one time, so to speak, but you can also do this although you do not generally realize it. Your physical form can lie sleeping and inert upon the bed while your consciousness travels in a dream form to places quite distant. Simultaneously you may create a thought form of yourself, identical in every respect, and this pay appear in the room of a friend quite without your conscious awareness. So consciousness is not limited as to the forms it can create at any given time. We are rather more advanced along these lines than you, and when we create such forms we do so with complete awareness. I share my field of existence with others who have more or less the same challenges to meet, the same overall pattern of development. Some I have known and others I have not. We communicate telepathically, but then again, telepathy is the basis for your languages, without which their symbolism would be meaningless. Because we do communicate in this manner, this does not necessarily mean that we use mental words, for we do not. We communicate instead through what I can only call thermal electromagnetic images that are capable of supporting much more meaning in one sequence. The intensity of the communication is dependent upon the emotional intensity behind it, although the phrase emotional intensity may be misleading. We do feel an equivalent of what you call emotions, though these are not the love or hate or anger that you know. Your feelings can best be described as the three-dimensional materializations of far greater psychological events and experienced that are related to the inner senses. Suffice it here to say that we have strong emotional experience, although it differs in a large measure from your own. It is far less limited and far more expansive in that we are also aware and responsive to the emotional climate as a whole. We are much freer to feel and experience, because we are not afraid of being swept up by feeling. Our identities do not feel threatened, for example, by the strong emotions of another. We are able to travel through emotions in a wat that is not now natural to you, and to translate them into other facets of creativity than those with which you are familiar. We do not feel the need to conceal emotions, for we know it is basically impossible and undesirable. Within your system they can appear troublesome because you have not yet learned how to use them. We are only now learning their full potential, and the powers of creativity with which they are connected. Since we realize that our identity is not dependent upon form, therefore, of course, we do not fear changing it, knowing that we can adopt any form we desire. We do not know death in your terms. Our existence takes us into many other environments, and we blend into these. We follow what rules of form exist within these environments. All of us here are teachers, and we therefore adapt our methods, also, so that they will make sense to personalities with varying ideas of reality. Consciousness is not dependent upon form. It always seeks to create form. There are no real barriers to separate the systems of which I speak. The only separation is brought about by the varying abilities of personalities to perceive and manipulate. You exist in the midst of many other systems of reality, for example, but you do not perceive them. And even when some event intrudes from these systems into your own three dimensional existence, you are not able to interpret it, for it is distorted by the very fact of entry. I told you that we do not experience you time sequence. We travel through various intensities. Our work, development, and experience all takes place within what I term the moment point. Here within the moment point, the smallest thought is brought to fruition, the slightest possibility explored, the probabilities thoroughly examined, the least or the most forceful feeling entertained. It is difficult to explain this clearly, and yet the moment point is the framework within which we have our psychological experience. Within it, simultaneous actions follow freely through associative patterns. For example, pretend that I think of you. In so doing I immediately experience - and fully - your past, present and future in your terms, and all of those strong or determining emotions and motivations that have ruled you. I can travel through those experiences with you, if I choose. We can follow a consciousness through all of its forms, for example, and in your terms, within the flicker of an eye. Now it takes study, development, and experience before an identity can learn to hold its own stability in the face of such constant stimuli; and many of us have gotten lost, even forgetting who we were until we once more awakened to ourselves. Much of this is quite automatic to us now. In the infinite varieties of consciousness, we are still aware of a small percentage of the entire banks of personalities that exist. For our vacations we visit amid quite simple life forms, and blend with them. To this extend we indulge in relaxation and sleep, for we can spend a century as a tree or an an uncomplicated life form in another reality. We delight our consciousness with the enjoyment of simple existence. We may create, you see, the forest in which we grow. Usually however, we are highly active, our full energies focused in our work and in new challenges. We can form from ourselves, from our own psychological entireties, other personalities whenever we wish. These, however, must then develop according to their own merit, using the creative abilities inherent in them. They are free to go their own way. We do not do this lightly, however. Each reader is a portion of his or her own entity, and is developing toward the same kind of existence that I know. In childhood and in the dream state, each personality is aware to some extend of the true freedom that belongs to its own inner consciousness. These abilities of which I speak, therefore, are inherent characteristics of consciousness as a whole and of each personality. My environment changes constantly, so does your own. If a room suddenly appears small and cramped to you, and you take it for granted that this change of dimension is imaginative. The fact is that the room under such conditions will have changed quite definitely, and in very major respects, even though the physical measurements will still measure the same. The entire psychological impact of the room will have altered. Its effect will be felt my others besides yourself. It will attract certain kinds of events rather than others, and it will alter your own psychological structure and hormonal output. You will react to the altered state of the room even in quite physical ways, though its width or length, in inches or feet, may not seem to vary. You are constantly changing the form, the shape, the contour, and the meaning of your physical body and most intimate environment, although you do your best to ignore these constant alterations. On the other hand, we allow them full rein, knowing that we are motivated by an inner stability that can well afford spontaneity and creation, and realizing that spiritual and psychological identity are dependent upon creative change. Our environment therefor is composed of exquisite imbalances where change is allowed full play. You own time structure misleads you into your ideas of the relative permanency of physical matter, and you close your eyes to the constant alterations within it. Your physical senses confine you as best they can to the perception of a highly formalized reality. Only through the use of the intuitions and in sleep and dream states, as a rule, can you perceive the joyfully changing nature of your own, and any, consciousness. There is no end to our environment. In your terms there would be no lack of space or time in which to operate. Now this would put tremendous pressure on any consciousness without proper background and development. We do not have one simple, cozy universe in which to hide. We are alert to other quite alien systems of reality that flash on the very outskirts of consciousness as we know it. There are far more various kinds of consciousness than there are physical forms, each with its own patterns of perception, dwelling within its own camouflage system. Yet all of these have inner knowledge of the reality that exists within all camouflage and that composes any reality, by whatever name it is called. Now many of these freedoms are quite natural to you in the dream state, and you form dream environments often to exercise such potentials. You can learn to change your physical environment, therefore, by learning to change and manipulate your dream environment. You can also suggest specific dreams in which a desired change is seen, and under certain conditions these will then appear in your physical reality. Now often you do this without realizing it. Whole consciousness adopts various forms. It need not always be within a form. All forms are not physical ones. Some personalities, therefore, have never been physical. They have evolved along different lines, and their psychological structures would be alien to your own. To some extent I also travel through such environments. Consciousness must show itself, however. It cannot unbe. It is not physical, it must therefore show its activation in other ways. In some systems for example, it forms highly integrated mathematical and musical patterns that are themselves stimuli for other universal systems. The senses that you use, in a very real manner, create the environment that you perceive. Your physical senses necessitate the perception of a three-dimensional reality. Consciousness is equipped with inner perceptors, however. These are inherent within all consciousness, regardless of its development. These perceptors operate quite independently from those that might be assumed when a given consciousness adopts a specialized form, such as a physical body, in order to operate in a particular system. Each reader, therefore, had inner senses, and to some extent uses them constantly, though he is not aware of doing so at an egotistical level. Now, we use the inner senses quite freely and consciously. If you were to do so, then you would perceive the same kind of environment in which I have my existence. You would see an uncamouflaged situation, in which events form and were free and not stuck in a jellylike mold of time. You could see, for example, you present livingroom not only as a conglomeration of permanent-appearing furniture, but switch your focus and see the immense and constant dance of molecules and other particles that compose the various objects. You could see a phosphorescent-like glow, the aura of electromagnetic structures that compose the molecules themselves. You could, if you wished, condense your consciousness until it was small enough to travel through a single molecule, and from the molecule's own world look out and survey the universe of the room and the gigantic galaxy of interrelated, ever-moving star-like shapes. Now all of these possibilities represent a legitimate reality. Yours is no more legitimate than any other, but it is the only one that you perceive. Using the inner senses we become conscious creators, cocreators. But you are unconscious cocreators whether you know it or not. If our environment seems unstructured to you, it is only because you do not understand the true nature of order, which has nothing to do with permanent form, but only appears to have form from your perspective. There is no four o'clock in the afternoon or nine o'clock in the evening in my environment. By this I mean that I am not restricted to a time sequence. There is nothing preventing me from experiencing such sequences if I choose. We experience time, or what you would call its equivalent nature, in terms of intensities of experience, a psychological time with its own peaks and valleys. This is somewhat similar to your own emotional feelings when time seems speeded up or slowed down, but it is vastly different in important ways. Our psychological time could be compared in terms of environment to the walls of a room, but in our case the walls would be constantly changing in colour, size, height, depth and width. Our psychological structures are different, practically speaking, in that we utilize a multidimensional psychological reality that you inherently possess , but are unfamiliar with at an egotistical level. It is natural, then, that our environment would have multidimensional qualities that the physical senses would never perceive. Now I project a portion of my reality as I dictate this book to an undifferentiated level between systems that is relatively clear of camouflage. It is an inactive area, comparatively speaking. If you were thinking it terms of physical reality, then this area could be likened to one immediately above the atmosphere of your earth. However, I am speaking of psychological and psychic atmospheres. It is also in a way distance from my own environment, for in my own environment I would have some difficulties in relating the information in psychically oriented terms. You must understand that by distance I do not refer to space. Creation and perception are far more intimately connected than any of your scientists realize. It is quite true that your physical senses create the reality that they perceive. A tree is something far different to a microbe, a bird, an insect, and a man who stand beneath it. I am not saying that the tree only appears to be different. It is different. You perceive its reality through one highly specialized set of senses. This does not mean that its reality exists in that form in any more basic way than it exists in the form perceived by the microbe, insect or bird. You cannot perceive the quite valid reality of that tree in any context but your own. This applies to anything within the physical system that you know. It is not that physical reality is false. It is that the physical picture is simply one of an infinite number of ways of perceiving the various guises through which consciousness expresses itself. The physical senses force you to translate experience into physical perceptions. The inner senses open your range of perception, allow you to interpret experience in a far freer manner and to create new forms and new channels through with you, or any consciousness, can know itself. Consciousness is among other things, a spontaneous exercise in creativity. You are learning now, in a three-dimensional context, the wats in which your emotional and psychic existence can create varieties of physical form. You manipulate within the psychic environment, and these manipulations are then automatically impressed upon the physical mold. Now our environment is itself creative in a different manner than yours. Your environment is creative in that trees bear fruit, that there is a self-sustaining principle, that the earth feeds its own, for example. The naturally creative aspects are the materializations of the deepest psychic, spiritual, and physical inclinations of the species, set up in your terms eons ago, and a part of the racial bank of psychic knowledge. We endow the elements of our environment with an even greater creativity that is difficult to explain. We do not have flowers that grow, for example. But the intensity, the condensed psychic strength in our psychological natures forms new dimensions of activity. If you paint a picture within three-dimensional existence, then the painting must be on a flat surface, merely hinting at the complete three dimensional experience that you cannot insert into it. In our environment, however, we could actually create whatever dimensional effects we desired. All of these abilities are not ours alone. They are your heritage. As you will see later in this book, you exercise your own inner senses, and multidimensional abilities, more frequently than it might seem, in other states of consciousness that the normal, waking one. Since my own environment does not have easily defined physical elements, you will be able to understand its nature by inference, as I explain some related topics throughout this book. Your own physical environment appears as it does to you because of your own psychological structure. If you gained your sense of personal continuity through associative processes primarily, rather than as a result of the familiarity of self moving through time, then you would experience physical reality in an entirely different fashion. Objects from past and present could be perceived at once, their presence justified through associative connections. Say that your father throughout his lifetime has eight favorite chairs. If your perceptive mechanisms were primarily set up as a result of intuitive associate rather than time sequence, then you would perceive all of these chairs at one time; or seeing one, you would be aware of the others. So environment is not a separate thing in itself, but the result of perceptive patterns, and these are determined by psychological structure. So if you want to know what my environment is like, you will have to understand what I am. In order to explain, I shall have to speak about the nature of consciousness in general. In doing so I shall end up telling you much about yourself. The inner portions of your identity are already aware of much that I will tell you. Part of my purpose is to acquaint your egotistical self with knowledge that is already known to a larger portion of your own consciousness, that you have long ignored. All of your attention is focused in a highly specialized way upon one shining, bright point that you call reality. There are other realities all about you, but you ignore their existence, and you blot out all stimuli that come from them. There is a reason for such a trance, as you will discover, but little by little you must wake up. My environment includes, or course, those other personalities with whom I come in contact. Communication, perception and environment can hardly be separated. Therefore the kind of communication that is carried on by myself and my associates is extremely important in any discussion of our environment. I hope to give you an idea, quite simply, of our existence, the world in which we are involved, the dimension in which we exist, the purposes that we hold dear; and most of all, those concerns that make up our experience.
TheAlchemist replied to Terell Kirby's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If this hasn't popped up in your visual field, you you aren't truly awakened yet -
Phoenix11 replied to Terell Kirby's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Terell Kirby I think you mean to quote Gautama Buddha, Buddha in essence means the awoken one, so everyone's a Buddha, in their degrees ? I simply find that being in the present moment translates to some sort of an awakened state. -
Five fridays in a week Universal heretic celebration day The title stems from my station as being both a Zigzag Idiot and a universal heretic. I've titled today as that just for the hell of it and because it's raining outside. it would be more serious if it were also raining inside. I agree with Almaas when he says you have to have a lot of nerve to let go and voluntarily lose your mind. The average Jack or Jill in no way will be up for it because they want to be accepted by the herd. Now for a comercial. At times I will come off as being a goody goody and at the drop of a hat I will say extremely raunchy things sometimes. I'm not bothered by this because through understanding I've come to accept my multifaceted nature. This doesn't mean that I never get rattled or embarrased because of .the depth this multifaceted nature. I'm just not as fractured as I was in youth and early adulthood. What most of you actualizers reading this needs is someone to slap your sorry ass around. Either to make you angry so you'll quit crying foul and telling everyone what a poor helpless victim you are or to put you face to face with your own schadenfreude. Saying this won't win me many friends but I write this with sincerity and conviction. Expressing my inner truth means more than winning peoples approval. Whenever I express from this facet of myself it drives compassionate Idiots completely berzerk. They start jumping up and down pointing at me and blowing a loud whistle. They may say "Look, look look. See how terrible and uncaring this ruffian is. Oh how awful." If they're lucky, there will come a day when the need to show the world how caring and compassonate they are will be gone and they will have a more complete understanding. I intuit that in Leo's approach at times what people are seeing as arrogant is his way of slapping us around a bit to make us think or wake us up. He's possibly playing the role of the malamat at times. The way of blame. I could be wrong about that also. Anyway, in light of that there is the idea that at times an awakened person needs to learn when it's best to just go run and hide. So as not to be pecked to death. Somewhere in my journal I remember writing about the aggravated chicken pecker syndrome that manifests both in poultry farming as well as in human sociology. The tone of all this may sound like I'm putting myself above everybody or that I don't have any empathy in regards to the hardships others have to endure. Not so. I do care deeply about people but at times my selfishness may rule the day. In addition to occasionally being a complete fuck up to boot. I try to be honest with my self observation and inquiry. To help pay my dues, so to speak.
EntheogenTruthSeeker replied to EntheogenTruthSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@BipolarGrowth thanks bro, love you so much. I really appreciate you reading the whole thing, as that probably took a lot of time. Your compassion, immaculate nuanced advice on the phone completely revolutionized my state and ability to manage the mania. I went from awakened to manic real quick after our call. However, right after I had Panda Express (Meat/grounding food), my symptoms vanished within two hours completely. Fucking crazy how an imbalanced diet may have been the issue with my bipolar all along. Like, just eating meat/standard diet, I get chronically fatigued and depressed/suicidal, yet eating just raw vegan makes me batshit energetic/manic/infinitely conscious/dangerous levels of happiness and liberation for my development. God wants me to be a master of my homeostasis and balance of my surroundings. Maybe if I was just by myself I could totally let go and transcend all of that stuff, but it is not wise when I’m around other people and I’m not intending to go super spiritual or willing to. I mean, being overly spiritual at the wrong times can be extremely disadvantageous to you and society as a whole. -
Once in a distant galaxy a planet was enslaved by terrible beings. But 20% of the population awoke and regained their power. On the ruins of the past they began to build a new world where only peace and harmony reigned. Jaguaralen - NEW WORLD (Lyrics) (english translation) Cheers to existence, we celebrate life. Every breath is appreciated, we honor our planet. No matter if black, white, yellow, green, blue, everyone participates. Know no races, a family, we are colorblind. Our seven chakras flow in peace and harmony, love the phantasy, fly like in paradise. Remind us of the forgotten treasure, the infinite power. Eternally freed from all suffering, we have finally awakened. We are beautiful beings blessed by light & love as if our souls came from other planets. We refuse to take, long for the blessing of giving, forgive the rain of misery, strive for the seas of light of life. Lose ourselves in the flow now, flow into the depths of the stream, a peaceful codex, always transforming process, feel the love of death, have been reborn in seven dimensions raised to peaceful warriors. We are one forever in eternity free from space and time we are one consciousness ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪ I hope you enjoyed it.
I just found out about the Metaverse. I thought this post might be good to bring it up in, I am curious what everone's thoughts on it are. It seems like someone could get so immersed in it that realizing their existence outside of their technological overlay reality would be like a kind of enlightenment. Like I can imagine generations of people immersed in these lives so overlayed with technology that sages will tell them about the real world of physical existence. Which they would then have to become awakened to, in order to get to the level of awakeness we take for granted. It could be like going more into sleep, like a dream in a dream. I admit I know very little and it could be very cool but I see this as a real possibility.
@fridjonk Please forgive the slowness of my responses. I understand what you express about the cost of running a farm in a responsible way with a long term view. When I managed our family ranch there seemed to be no end to the things I could spend money on ( x 10 ) with good justifications. I got tired of working my ass off whie deciding what I had to spend money on that was most crucial and then paying taxes with the rest. Often denying things for myself like health insurance and taking vacations. @fridjonk Expounding on the question I asked you became a launching pad for a spontaneous spiel that I just typed out and in no way is directed at you but to the forum at large. I wanted to make that specifically clear and thank you for allowing me this space in our conversation for this indulgence. My question about the possiblilty of deceptive potential mates probably gives away my tendency for having a rather pessimistic 'glass half empty' view of the world, At times anyhow. That admission is likely to push the buttons of lurking self righteous zen devils that are currently trolling this section of the forum. When I say these things that appear to have an inherent negativity, I do so with a non-judgemental heart, or try to, because in the past, I was one of them. A zen devil that is. This is my expression of how I've found this work towards Self actualization to be a two edged sword. I could often see others shortcomings but lacked the love of absolute truth enough that I would put on the blinders to avoid seeing my own self deception and folly. I've also found these type of confessions to draw out the beginners and partially awakened neophytes who are quick to dog pile onto others and in which they fail to recognise their own judgemental assessments. The neccessity here that I see of this work to eventually resemble an ouroboros. A similar cryptic statement out of the Fourth way is that one must work on oneself and purify emotionally in order to become food for Arch-angels. When one has cooked enough internally in an alchemical way, anything which happens will no longer be taken in a negative way. Even seemingly "bad" things. This realization is one that comes and goes with the flux in my degree of being. My daily yo-yo of being. When I have objectively seen my own bullshit, how can I judge others at all for theirs,,,, When my degree of being is at a higher level I perceive how Understanding is a magic bullet for unconscious behaviors and unneccesary suffering. It comes with a price though.
Tyler Durden replied to Tyler Durden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Shin Yeah, that seems like a good description of the situation ? Why do you think God made people that way? Was he trying to keep the illusion of reality alive as long as possible? Labeling awakened people as crazy or putting them into asylum seems like an effective method to discourage them from exploring the metaphysical stuff and finding out the Truth. -
OneHandClap replied to Tyler Durden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well said! I definitely had a low-key manic phase where I went around telling all my friends, family, etc about how they needed to meditate and directly perceive reality. I wanted them all to share in that bliss. A few awakening/insight/satori experiences later, I understood how futile and empty that compulsion it was. It was more of wanting to be viewed as some awakened being than actually having a genuine drive to teach. A few close friends still do consult with me about practices, but I never pressure, only reply to what they need at that moment. As you said, everyone has their own path -
LfcCharlie4 replied to GreenWoods's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
GREAT Thread! Only ever utilized RASA but loved it and still speak to Ramaji & Ananda often, and attend the odd Satsang. Also, interesting note on Gareth's website, he talks about his own RASA journey, and how it evolved into the work he's doing today. I'm not sure why, but I much more relate to the whole 'normal person' waking up, than the Ramana Maharshi / Monk / Living in an ashram type, probably because I always intuited I want what most would regard a 'normal' life- Family, Friends, Hobbies etc. Seems Gareth worked with Ramaji to stabilize his awakening, as he had already had many awakenings before reading 1000 and contacting Ramaji. One more note, I wish there was more awakened beings who just shared their everyday life, as you only tend to hear from people who go into Teaching for obvious reasons, but not so much those who just crack on in 'Normal' jobs, or don't teach, there must be quite literally 1000s of people who've Awakened and feel no call to teach, but spread the teaching in a less formal way, even if that is just with their presence! -
has some great subs imo like /5meodmt /psychedelics /meditation /awakened etc.
Nahm replied to PepperBlossoms's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Essentially, this web page is what I mean, or is an attempt to communicate or point, and it is organized in a top to bottom fashion. Short of reading all that, the highlight of what I mean by no more rollercoaster experience is the section called ‘mental & emotional equanimity’. One way to say it is enlightenment is what I am. Therefore, when thoughts arise about enlightenment, and or what I am, in any definitive manor… the believing of such thoughts is the opposite of equanimity. Being me / one, I don’t have to see someone living their life to see in the words that they are experiencing emotional fluctuations that they prefer not to be experiencing, and to know what it is they therefore desire (equanimity). In the same way there is no actual experience of a me searching for a knowledge in the first place. If that thought arose, and I believed that thought, experience has been shaped such that I am a separate thing, and knowledge is a separate thing. That is confusing because there is no actual direct experience which matches such a thought. Liberation would therefore be the stark opposite of the experience which ensues, from believing that or those thoughts. Going a bit further… in the believing of those or similar thoughts in regard to knowledge… from believing said thoughts, it would then seem that there’s ‘something I need to know, learn or remember’, in terms of spirituality, awakening, enlightenment, etc, while the actuality is there never was, never is, and never will be something necessary to know, learn or understand… and feeling tells me so, if you will. Always was, is right now, and always will be the case. Then it is seen that spirituality is an abstraction, a cover up, which started with, aversion. Only then, could “I have awakened or awakenings or be enlightened”. To arrive at such a conclusion would actually be indicative of ‘being asleep’ in, reaction. Or, to have adapted to the thought attachment ‘right under my own nose’. Or above it, really. Apparently. -
Godishere replied to Godishere's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's the alone part that gets me. It's too much my ego to handle. I don't know how others have dealt with it. I see alot of people of this forum playing hide and seek with themselves. Awakened. Asleep. Awakened. Asleep. It's just so backwards though. -
i don't think so eating plays a great role in the process of awakening, but if they are awakened and returned to unhealthy eating they will go to lower states of consciousness.
@Moksha awakening won't necessarily eliminate all the bad habits in the day that it happens, like addictions. There are awakened unhealthy eaters and smokers.
I HATE THE ANTI-CHRIST! I WANT HIM TO BURN IN HELL!!!! lol look at the irony To reconcile the evil in others and in the world, look at and realize the evil in yourself, your repressed shadow aspect and the need to be liked and seen as good, and see yourself as good. Actually understand what creates the conditions for “evil”, extreme trauma which causes immense fragmentation of the psyche to cope, which disconnects one from themselves and the rest of the world. Learn what is God, consciousness, and Love. Opposite of evil. And what the hell is evil anyways? Define it. Those who commit “evil”, are just incredibly hurt and damaged people, who have been most effected by evil themselves, and are probably suffering the most on the planet as they are completely disconnected from everyone in it, that they can dissociate from the pain they cause others. Think of the most intense extreme loneliness, sense of fear, isolation, separation from the world, and need to survive, this is what causes “evil”. They are disconnected from God/Love, limited and constricted low vibration consciousness. Recognize the selfishness, the self centeredness, narcissism, desire to hurt (boiling and destroying others like you said), lack of awareness, disconnection, lack of empathy, and ignorance you have in yourself. Etc. What are the reason behind these traits, states, feelings, etc and what are the root causes and trauma behind them. How have they served you? Why would you want to do such things?? It doesn’t have to be the worse thing in the world to be considered evil. Here’s a little help. evil= ego attachment, belief in separation, unmet needs, sense of powerlessness Evil acts often give others sense of power in their feeling of powerlessness & hopelessness, Lowest vibrational state, you get why some people might get a rush from killing, rape, or causing a genocide? Also to be felt heard and understood, “evil people” often only feel hurt and pain, deep emptiness, they want to inflict on others what was done to them, and so others feel their pain. Hate is the epitome of evil, what causes hate? Hurt. Also, most evil people don’t see themselves as evil at all, but good, and that the world is evil. This isn’t rocket science. You’ve just suppressed this aspect of evil so much in yourself you’re completely unaware of why would someone be evil when, even you’re talking about boiling or destroying others yourself. Killing others. All from complete lack of self awareness. That’s evil. Also Where is the line between “that’s not so good” and “PURE EVIL I TELL YOU”? “I only hurt some people intentionally sometimes when I was angry” Ummm that’s evil… ”I try not to kill anyone” okay..?? Lots of Freudian slips of evil there. Seriously a sign of such an deeply suppressed shadow aspect in yourself. Reconcile the evil in yourself. That you are deeply afraid of it. Possibly even afraid of yourself. Please dedicate yourself to a practice of shadow work, and journaling, and parts work, to heal integrate and reconcile the lost and suppressed unconscious parts within yourself, bringing your shadow to the light of consciousness making you more whole again, and more awakened. Also meditate more.
Moksha replied to Godishere's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Godishere Maybe I'm not understanding your self-reference, so let me ask: "yes I do believe that the cosmos dies with 'me'." Are you referring to the "you" that is typing on this forum, and thereby excluding the "me" that is responding to you? Or are you talking about the Self, which is the essence of both "you" and "me"? When you say, "I am the entire cosmos", it points to the latter, and if so I agree. Consciousness is all there is, including the apparent cosmos that it creates. Ultimately, you can't become infinite Consciousness because you already are. Consciousness doesn't change, it is nondual, and it is beyond time and space. It only appears to change, and creates the appearance of separate beings, who reside in a relative cosmos of time and space. It is all an appearance, not ultimate reality. When your apparent body is buried in the apparent ground, Consciousness still appears as other bodies not yet buried in the apparent ground. I don't know if you have awakened, but if so, when you look into the eyes of the people around you, what do you see? Like you, I can only speak to my direct experience. I see the sameness of myself in others, and the sameness of others in me. The apparent individuality is not ultimately real, and this can be realized even within the dream. -
@Thought Art Trust your instinct. It sounds like you have had insights, but have not awakened yet. Awakening is the direct realization of absolute truth, beyond any experience. If thinking is involved, it is not awakening. It is the direct spiritual resonance with your divine nature. This enduring realization of unity, where boundaries dissolve and you see the sameness of yourself in all things, is the purpose of life. But where there is unity, one without a second, that is the world of Brahman. This is the supreme goal of life, the supreme treasure, the supreme joy. Those who do not seek this supreme goal live on but a fraction of this joy.