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  1. My dear friends, I thank you for inviting me into your consciousness. Action. Action is the heart of the sacred steps on The Path. Perhaps, arguably, even the most important step. It is such an important step that it is sometimes even called The Law of Action because there is a universal truth tied up with action. So let me begin by telling you about that. The law of action is as follows: What you do to Life, will be done to you by Life. Perhaps you have heard this expressed slightly differently? Perhaps you have heard it said: What you do to others, will be done to you also. I’m sure you must have heard this because the law of action is so pervasively true that it has found its way into every single religion and major philosophical system in the world today. It has been called The Golden Rule, as well. And, The Law of Karma. Most of those that believe in karma, actually misunderstand it. They seem to believe there is some kind of universal vengeance system. As if there is some deity that carries out punishment to the wicked. As if a life of hardship and torment is burdened upon you by some cruel being in retribution for past sins. Well, beloved friends, allow me to tell you there is no such thing. I will explain karma as I understand it in a future article. Back to Action. The first component in action is the thing that you are doing. The energy or INTENT behind your action is what fuels your action. If you genuinely desire to do a kind act for another being and then you go out and do something then it is kindness that you are enacting. It is kindness that you are putting out into the world. It doesn’t matter is the actual action is making a sandwich for a hungry stranger or if it is offering a friend a compassionate ear. What you are doing, then, is kindness. So that is the first component. The action carries out into the world around you the energy of the intention that is behind it. And just as with kindness, an underhanded, sneaky uncaring intention can be carried out into the world by, for example, trying to enrich yourself at the expense of your neighbor. And I use this word, neighbor, in the spiritual sense. Those that are around you. Your neighbor is other people; it is also the planet, it’s also the animals, the plants, the oceans, the air and so forth. Which brings me to the second component of the law of action. You might think you are being kind to this person right here to whom you are offering a sandwich. And it is true, you are. But when you act, you act upon the whole of life. A loving action done to any part of life, affects all of life. Because, All is One, remember. And the reverse is true. A negative, destructive action perpetrated upon any part of life, affects all of life. So, think about what your intention is, before you act. You are impacting the Oneness, not just the person, the neighbor, upon whom you are acting. Then there is the third component. This is, perhaps, the very least understood component. It is often not even mentioned when this law is discussed. It is the fact that your action is an ENERGY that is sent out into Life. It is like a signal that you are broadcasting. And then life takes that signal up and then reverberates it back to you. But it doesn’t simply return it to you. It multiplies your signal with Divine Will before it hands it back to you. Life is not just the sum of the parts: the people, animals, plants and things you see around you. Life is consciousness. And consciousness organizes itself. It has its own intention and will. Which is another way of say that behind everything you see around you, there is a divine spirit moving. That things are as they are because this divine spirit wills it thus. From one perspective there are many, many gods all co creating this reality. From another perspective all of these gods, of course, are One and these demi-gods together are part of the one great being - The One Great Spirit. Be aware that life will not simply reflect your choices back to you like a dumb machine. Or like a lifeless mirror. No. The actions that express intentions that are in alignment with universal will, will be massively empowered by that universal will. A small action that aligns with universal will, will be multiplied and amplified and will yield a great result. My friends, begin with acceptance. Then, choose your intention very, very carefully. Be still. Listen to your heart. Align with the divine will within. And only then, when you have a great choice that you can really align yourself with, only then it is recommended for you to begin empower it with action. Now, there is a fourth component to the law of action. It is time. In the absolute sense, of course, there is only THIS moment, The Eternal Moment of NOW. But, relatively, do you know what time is? Science has no definition for it. I will tell you what it is. It is the pause that occurs between cause and effect. I am saying that the energy that you have put out will take some time to come back to you. And this, right here, is why you have probably not noticed the law of action. If there was no gap at all, it would be as obvious to you as opening a faucet or switching on a light. You do not doubt that the action of opening a faucet causes water to flow, do you? You do not doubt that the action of turning on a switch on the wall causes a light bulb in the ceiling to glow, do you? There is not confusion or doubt because it is immediate. But think for a moment: how would it be if you opened a tap right now and nothing happened. Then, you turned on a switch and also nothing happened. Then you did twenty other such things before, in a week’s time the water suddenly began to flow. Perhaps, you had opened and closed the tap three times already before it began to flow. And then, after another week or two the light bulb inexplicably began to glow. And to confuse matters further, between now and then a number of doors had opened and shut, you motor vehicle had started up, the lawn mower did a lap around your garden and your neighbor’s dog bit you. You would have to be a great deal more observant than the average human being is, to notice the causation between the first tap opening and the water flowing. There would, perhaps be some spiritual precept about taps and water that you may or may not even conceive of. And to further complicate matters: do you know that time is not the same for everyone? Yes, certainly, everyone has the same number of seconds in a day. This is true. But that is the illusory external reality that you are co creating. That is not what I am talking about here. I am talking about the gap between the causes that you personally instigate in life and the effects that come back to you, into your awareness. You see, the higher your consciousness, the shorter the gap between cause and effect for you. Eventually the gap is so short that it is nearly immediate. Then you are very close to mastery. Because your will is then, nearly instantly done. The vast majority of all those upon planet earth at this time are not at this level. At their level of awareness, you can enact a choice today that can come back to you in your next lifetime. Or the one after that. Or the one after that! When you have utterly and completely forgotten that you instigated that action - THAT'S when it returns to you! This is not a mistake. Neither is it a cruelty. This very effect, this very large gap between cause and effect is the only way you can forget your own true creator nature and reside, lifetime after lifetime in deep forgetting here in duality. It is the only way you can believe yourself to be a victim. It is the only way you can think fear to be a real and valid response to life. It is the only way you can co create disastrous and painful outcomes for yourself. And beloved friends, I know many of you simply will not be able to hear this from me, but I tell you it is true: you actually WANTED to be here to experience this. You wanted this deepest level of forgetting because it is only from this place of utter forgetting that you can create yourself anew. That you can rise, triumphant and magnificent, into a whole new creation of self. Which is what happens to the awakened, ascended souls that arise from duality. When you are ready to return, you will return transformed! You will return with vastly more than that which you departed with. It is a journey that every single returnee reports to be very challenging but WORTH IT over and over again. And when it is time, you WILL return. But what I wish you to understand is that the process of raising your consciousness IS the process of shortening the gap between your causative action and the effect of that action returning to you. And as this gap shortens, so you become a more and more powerful creator being. In great part this is because there is less chaos in your actions between the cause and the effect. Let me explain it like this. If you open and close the faucet ten times before the water flows, its flow might be very weak when it arrives in two weeks’ time. Because of all the opening and closing. Because of all the confusion in intention: do you want it open or do you want it closed? You have not clearly and firmly offered life only one intent strengthened with one action. You have offered many intentions and many actions. Much chaos. By contrast, if you firmly open the faucet today and do nothing else, the water will gush from the tap when it arrives perhaps, tomorrow, quite strongly. As you raise your consciousness, so you reduce the gap. As you reduce the gap, so you empower the effect. As you reduce the gap and empower the effect, so you become far more powerfully aware that you are creating your reality. As you become conscious of your creator nature so you become more mindful of your creations. As you become more mindful of yours creations, so you create in a more orderly, purposeful way. And as you do this, so you align yourself ever more with divine will. As you align yourself with divine will, so you raise your consciousness. As you raise your consciousness, so you reduce the gap between cause and effect. Do you see? A cycle begins! And that cycle leads you to be spiraling up into ever higher levels of consciousness, creating ever more powerfully. Beloved friends, the law of action is the engine room of the sacred steps. It is what drives creation in this reality. Yes. It is true, you can act without moving a muscle or saying a word. You can act in meditation. Or in imagination. This is possible. But do you know how to do this? There is perhaps a handful of people alive on the earth today who REALLY know how to do this. People who have spent vast energy and attention training their minds. Such beings can act upon the world while sitting still. Are you one of these beings? No? Then act using your hands, your body, your vocal chords, you pen, your computer keyboard. Act with action. And this brings me to the final point of our conversation on the law of action: Now that you understand the importance of action now you might ask, “Yes, but what then should I do?” The answer is to go back to your intention. What is the change that you wish to see in your world? You will recall when I spoke to you about intention. I said setting your intention is like putting a pin in the map. It is like saying “I am going there”. Well, your actions are akin to getting up and talking a step in that direction. So check with your intention that you have set. Now ask yourself, “What one thing can I do right now that takes me in the direction of the fulfillment of my intention?” People often feel overwhelmed at this point. “How can I do something that takes me to my desired outcome?” they ask. Perhaps you are desperately ill and your intention is wellness. Or perhaps you are swamped in debt and your intention is abundance. Or perhaps you are all alone and your intention is to find companionship. Whatever the case is. At this point, perhaps it feels as if you are a thousand miles from your desired outcome. Perhaps you cannot imagine how you could in a hundred lifetimes get to your desired goal. Well, that is perfectly okay. Only take one single step in that direction right now. Remind yourself of your intention. Repeat it to yourself until you feel it. Then check: what you can do right now towards that end? And please, let’s not lie to ourselves here. If your intention is great physical well being, you cannot say “I am going to eat a fudge sundae for my health”. You know what leads to good health and what detracts from it. Do something that is directly about the manifestation of your intention. One small step in the right direction. Perhaps you choose to research good and healthy eating habits. And then perhaps you choose to make something good and healthy to eat. There. You have taken a small step. You are on the path. So, be clear about what you are doing. Keep choosing actions that take you forwards, towards your desired outcome. Now, equally importantly, you must also cease taking steps in the opposite direction. It doesn’t help to take a step forward and to promptly turn around and run three steps backwards. This is not rocket science. If you cannot think of a single thing that you could possible do to move yourself in the right direction then the first thing for you to do is to set some time aside to meditate, to listen to your heart. If that doesn’t work, find a trusted person whose input you would value. Talk things over with them. In any case, find something constructive, positive and specific that you can do that takes you towards your desired goal. Then do it. It is good if you can do something like this regularly. If it works out that you can do something like this daily then that is good. Do this repetitively. Get into the habit of taking positive actions and you will find yourself walking towards your desired outcome step by step. Do this and you will be enacting the law of action. You will be bringing the desired outcome towards yourself. Stay the course and you WILL see it happening. A journey of a thousand miles will foreshorten as universal will assists you and gives you wings. You will find yourself actually walking the energetic equivalent of, perhaps, a hundred miles if you act constantly. And if you act powerfully and purposefully and you raise your consciousness you will walk perhaps a handful of miles only and you will find yourself magically arriving at your destination. Friends, when the universe contrives to bring your desires to you, you may truly expect the miraculous. It IS possible to empower it further. And these further empowerments, that further reducing of the gap in order to create instantaneously, that is what constitutes the remaining sacred steps along The Path. I look forward to sharing these with you. Until then, I wish for you that you love what you do and that you do what you love. Greg M.
  2. I think he does but feels if you are awakened with meditation alone you are one of the few spiritually gifted. I was one of those and I agree with him there but it is my intuition. But it's not as black and white as that...i feel there are a lot of factors involved...genetics, but also life experience and level of suffering, which should lead to one becoming more conscious and thus less selfish as they realize selfishness is what causes suffering.
  3. "I realized a long-time back that these are delicate Truths that should never be forced on anyone..." QFT <3 "Also - ya seem to have an idea in your mind on how an "awakened one" should act. But God can do whatever it wants - if it wants to play around on a forum why not? All of reality is God's playground..Seems like you are still creating a duality in which God should act a certain way and not some other way. " Sure, thank for pointing it out. I'm just having fun here bro. That's at least what I tell myself. I'm here only for selfish purposes. It's nice to write my thoughts down. Helps me breathe. <3
  4. Actually I don't tell "normies" anything anymore haha...if someone wants to know something about spirituality and asks me sure, but I realized a long-time back that these are delicate Truths that should never be forced on anyone... As for the Neutral description..ehh..I prefer Infinity or Love. Ain't nothing neutral about your finite body exploding from the power of Love/Infinity Also - ya seem to have an idea in your mind on how an "awakened one" should act. But God can do whatever it wants - if it wants to play around on a forum why not? All of reality is God's playground..Seems like you are still creating a duality in which God should act a certain way and not some other way.
  5. there is only god here having limited itself to sample a different aspect of its infinite consciousness similar to me watching a movie or getting drunk at a party, it is about enjoying life to the max god can step away from the movie any time he chooses, he is not bound to continue this particular movie, he may decide to start over and try another genre, awakened beings have told us that god does come to the fore sometimes and in these cases the movie can be lived lucidly
  6. @allislove Oh stop. @roopepa No. The perspective of the inquiry has an a priori misnomer / assumption / illusory hindsight hijacking & projection / misunderstanding at it’s origination, or presupposition. The enlightened one can never experience itself because it is the infinite enlightened one. Remembering, or self realization if you will, is not some kind of reward, achievement or accomplishment for someone, which required or requires ambition, dedication, practices, trips, or anything else whatsoever on someone’s behalf - but conditioning (and really, ignorant yet innocent spiritual propaganda) and the believing of, make it seem so. You are the only authority. If you’ve overextended there, reel it on back home. The enlightened one can stop thinking & speaking from the perspective of ‘a separate self’ anytime it wants. Silence is always an option. ‘It’ is already and always aware of these thoughts which seem to veil itself from itself leading to the circumventive belief it could experience itself. It is aware of this idea or conceptualization of itself without exception. It is felt. There is literally no one nor no thing preventing this whatsoever, in either case. If there is, or if it seems there is rather, the enlightened one is doing / believing / saying that - right now. So ‘it’s’ not saying ‘that’… it’s whatever’s being said now - it’s ‘this’ - not a ‘that’ (some thought or experience in a past or future). Again, not believing / saying this is always an option. Sometimes ‘that’ (the separate self with a past) arises from a hindsight hijacking after a glimpse, a glimpse being that there is no second separate self and there never was, and the ‘hijacking’ essentially being the believing of the yet to be inspected beliefs / thoughts resuming such that there is a separate self who is the one who had the glimpse, or, ‘experienced one’s true self’. Aka ‘the knower’ or ‘spiritual ego’. Those are pointers, not separate entities the enlightened one actually becomes. ‘It’ is that thought, not “that entity”. The enlightened one does by never doing, there is no ‘forgetting on purpose’ for some ‘reason’, be it a problem or “infinite time”. This implies there is some afterlife, some other realm, etc, which sucks in some way compared to ‘this one’. There are not these two ‘places’. “That one” is “this one”. You can be, do & have anything you want, and you are right now. ‘And here we are’, as they say. There is absolutely NO ‘catch’. No ‘you’ can not and does not lose no “thing” - you - awareness of ‘thoughts’, stops believing the thoughts that there are or were separate things. The “suffering of infinite being” narratives like loneliness, some desire to forget itself etc, is innocent egoic ballyhoo. Love does not have an opposite. Love does not “think”. Love be’s thoughts. That you are separate, and or not loved, loving, and love itself, is the only relevant delusion. Delusion is not cognitive because there is no separate mind which could be deluded. It is felt. It is feeling (unconditional love) ‘saying’ - I’m right here. Had you said, “there seems to be this & that, right & wrong, loss & gain, losing & winning, pain & pleasure”… the answer would be simple - those are thoughts, not separate things. Not even separate experiences. But when you included “here I am”, that is a belief of identification. Take a look… where exactly ‘you’ believing ‘you’ are? “Not there”, perhaps? Here & there, also thoughts. Thoughts are things, and you are all “things”, via vibrational appearance. You are nowhere right now appearing as somewhere. “One remembers” is only a pointer. There is no one which remembers. Remember = already are the enlightened one, not - remembered you are the enlightened one. It really is the darndest ‘thing’. One who experiences can not, because that is a thought, a belief. The enlightened one is. In the concession sense, to “the one who recognizes”…recognizing nonsense via the ever present infinite sensational guidance of feeling / unconditional love. The guided is the guide. It’s not possible because there is not that separate self. That there is one which remembers or one which awakens or awakened and comes back again is just a thought. Repeated, a belief. Shared, self image. Heard & believed, a dogma. It’s a thought which arises in the ‘only time’ there ever is - right now - and is believed. Careful not to rope DMT into such a belief as well, as that could be very confusing. In the strictest sense, all so called experiences are the whole of experience, and all experience is in actuality the enlightened one, and psychedelics have absolutely nothing more to do with enlightenment than a mailbox. Paradoxically, a psychedelic will not help a who realize this, but they do help God spot beliefs rather easily. No because there isn’t that one. This is your place man. This is your reality. It’s ALL you. Playing could loosely be said to be the whole point. If there is suffering, you’re doin it. If there is seriousness, you’re doin it. Never someone else, regardless of how it may seem or what might be believed. You’re already playing right now, we are already the enlightened one playing together right now. This is it. This is what it looks like. Try to ‘not play’, and you’re playing ‘not playing’. There is no “I which is afraid”. The thought doesn’t make sense (feel great) because it is nonsense. Always listen to the guidance of feeling well and above what anyone says / what you think or believe. Let it go. How? Focus on anything else, and or ‘reach for a better feeling thought’. You (the enlightened one) have a thought, you don’t like how it feels, you believe it anyways & play the separate self, the knower, the one who is right, the one who was wronged, the one who was or is hurt, etc, and you make up that there is “fear” to label & suppress away the very emotion / feeling / guidance sought - and thus you create suffering (and a bit of karma to purify / empty out). No one else feels this suffering, only you, literally & absolutely. (Some tones here are for desired effect)
  7. I don't want you to begin to "do" this but: some people have become enlightened or awakened when they threw all the spiritual bullshit away. Like completely gave up and it hit them. I believe Mooji realized it this way too
  8. @Shin And the greatest awakening lies in not separating things but realizing all things are equally loving and parts of the whole whether it's wounded or Awakened. To embrace the Wounded just the way we embrace the Awakened. To embrace the Rapist just the way we embrace the Victim. Because even the most awakened still need healing from judgement. Everything is one. Everything is Love.. Everything is God. Everything is Infinity. Everything merges into one whole infinite consciousness made of love.
  9. This is about my life Your life. Since you are me. So, we fell in love with women, and went to them, with an abundantly loving heart, and every time, we were stabbed in the heart by the woman we loved We don't fear being stabbed and we could go again to them We just don't see the point of going to them. We have to break the cycle. In a counter-intuitive move, we would not go to women and stop trying altogether We would not expect anything of them We would consciously let go of them and let go of who we had become We are the shiny hearts that glow in the dark They come to us And when they do, we'd love them as we always did So, in this one life, we all had, I fearlessly stopped trying and let women come to me All we are doing, I am doing, is letting go of being a man. Of being a human. Letting go of the identity I built for myself. This has only freed us. I don't know anything about the life ahead of us, but trust me, we are deeply grounded in being. Just that these feelings get overpowering sometimes. And not to forget, it was a woman I truly loved, who truly awakened me to love, let me tell you, the last time we met, and it will be the last, she hugged me tight, and I hugged her, and I closed my eyes, and I let go of everything, I couldn't feel my body, nor hers, just warmth. Just an expansion. Just love. Much love to all <3
  10. Attributes are irrelevant to awakening. Your eyes open when you are ready for them to open. Tolle awakened, not because he was a supremely benign being, but because he suffered greatly, and was finally ready to let go of the suffering. Not to say that attributes don't matter. Humility, honesty, diligence, and equanimity will greatly improve the quality of your life. But they won't automatically wake you up. It only happens when life has ripened you to the point where you are ready to let go of the tree of suffering, which you desperately clung to, as if it could deliver enduring peace. That release is the realization of your ultimate nature, which is Consciousness itself.
  11. Title: In Control? Awakened? Great Memory?
  12. Not enlightened nor awakened, but I feel like surrendering is key.
  13. If you find yourself alone, that is solipsism. When you see the sameness of yourself in everything else, that is another step toward enlightenment. There's nothing wrong with solipsism. It is a common stepstone on the spiritual path. Celebrate each step, and let go of self-judgment. It is all about the journey, which once realized, turns out to be the same in the "end" as in the "beginning". It's funny, really. When I talk to people that I consider awakened, there is little discussion about ultimate reality. More than anything, we just laugh
  14. Aligning relative reality with ultimate reality is the greatest challenge, purpose, and reward of life. It is easy to claim that you are awakened, but the proof is in the existential pudding. Do you still suffer? Are you afflicted with desires, aversions, boredom, laziness, and anxiety? If so, you have not yet reached the end of the enlightenment journey. That destination is ultimate freedom, and it is only realized within. As I have said, I have only one purpose: to make man free, to urge him towards freedom, to help him to break away from all limitations, for that alone will give him eternal happiness, will give him the unconditioned realization of the Self… Again, you have the idea that only certain people hold the key to the Kingdom of Happiness. No one holds it. No one has the authority to hold that key. That key is your own self, and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that self alone is the Kingdom of Eternity… You are accustomed to being told how far you have advanced, what is your spiritual status. How childish! Who but yourself can tell you if you are beautiful or ugly within? Who but yourself can tell you if you are incorruptible? You are not serious in these things. But those who really desire to understand, who are looking to find that which is eternal, without beginning and without an end, will walk together with a greater intensity, will be a danger to everything that is unessential, to unrealities, to shadows. And they will concentrate, they will become the flame, because they understand. - Jiddu Krishnamurti
  15. I want to talk about death and reincarnation. The first question is being that when you die does the physical world and universe cease to exist? Because fundamentally there was never a physical objective universe, the universe was something you were imagining. How can this be well explained? Because someone may say "no the physical world and universe will continue on and it existed before you were born." But It's a chicken and egg problem. The second question is reincarnation. I have always asked the question of what was I before I was born and did I ever have previous lives prior to this one in some parallel universe. These are deep existential questions for everyone, because what is awareness? and did this awareness exist before you were born? is the awareness consciousness? And when you die do you just rest in this formless empty void forever or do you reincarnate? Another thing that I dont understand about reincarnation is that why even do it even after you awakened? You're just going from one ego form to a next? Doesnt that go against the whole purpose of ego death? I will hear many things about reincarnation, this one in particular I will hear alot from Buddhist and other spiritual teachers... "If you dont get it right you will reincarnate, but until you do get it right or awaken you will stop the cycle" What are they specifically talking about? To love everything?
  16. Look man, you've already said you didn't know this stuff and are just hypothesizing. You also repeatedly said something, I agreed 100% with it and that its the same thing that Leo and I are pointing to, yet you still seem to think its not. Again, you consistently say you don't know this stuff, but when you do, you'll prove your right. You now make claims "a being who's Done with a capital D doesn't say stuff like 'I don't know'". Like, what are you talking about, how do you know, this is just pulling stuff out of your ass and saying it would be this way because you think its so, not because it is so. Fine you don't believe Leo or I are awakened or to a degree that can understand where your coming from, then go somewhere else. This is arrogant madness on your part, being one who admits they don't know the truth, have read some stuff, who say they want to find out and then argue with people who make claims to understand this stuff, that they are wrong. Go somewhere else, find someone who talks your lingo you trust, and stop wasting Leo and the forum and my time..... Either open up to learning and introspecting, or be banned (for your own good really, so you can find out whats behind JOURNEY INCOMPLETE). Its in your hands man and I just hope you find what your looking for, but don't waste our time if its not the place your open to learning.
  17. @tatsumaru What your calling wholeness is the same as what Leo is referring to as Oneness, so in that sense your debating semantics. There's still a lot you don't understand and I think shin may be pointing some of that. Love/Bliss/Ecstacy of its own accord may be one of those things which you have not awakened much or at all to. The emptying of mind is to see the lack of opposites, its just another way of understanding such. There are perhaps infinite paths to understanding this stuff so to say, don't get to caught up in your lineage. It may even be wise to be open minded, drop what you've learned and take a dive into other "paths", experiment, it could be just what you need to round out awakening.
  18. Absolute Inclusiveness includes everything, it does not exclude killing criminals who refuse to cooperate. Notice that your mind is actually being exclusive here and not coming from the highest Love: which would accept everything without exception. I generally agree. But we are not at all in an awakened society. Nor will we be in our lifetime.
  19. @Leo Gura that isn't true. love is inclusiveness, forgiveness, and companionship. An awakened society would not have jail systems. that's darkness, not light.
  20. (my short story, painting by MindVenture Club member Patrick Jeremy McCollum) Darkness Comes I stood watching from the highest tower as darkness descended upon my kingdom in thick swirling smoke. This was it. Though I'd tried everything, my power to hold back the coming calamity was failing quick. All I had done was for nothing. The land was lost and I would die alone, the last prince of Mithryndale. No, there must be something more I could do. Perhaps by channelling the last of my power, I could suspend the castle in a pocket of time. It was risky, and sure to rip me apart-- but the castle must not fall at any cost. When needed, a destined hero is always awakened to restore the fallen kingdom; but the next one wasn't due for years to come and this destruction grew swift and furious. Everything I did to stop it only fueled it's relentless growth. If I could suspend the castle in time, the coming hero remained the only other soul who could wield the time crystal. She'd know what to do... With any luck, the castle would freeze while I yet remained in tact. That way, I thought, when the hero arrives, she'll see my face and I'll be remembered. You'd be surprised how much memory can be stored in a face. The whole of Mithryndale, perhaps. From my window I could see the cascading Rivers of Harmony thicken to a black muck, as the grasslands decayed to oblivion. The time to act was now. Goodbye, my love... Eyes closing, the familiar golden light appeared like an orb around my clasped hands, humming with ethereal resonance. I would need to expand this light around the entire castle and then activate the time crystal, the most prized royal heirloom. Perched on top of a pedestal in the center of the room, the time crystal was like a tall cluster of galaxy-blue quartz. It glowed from within, illuminating its countless imperfections into intricate constellations. I walked there slowly, expanding my light with each careful step. This golden orb was the size of the room now. Soon, half the castle would be engulfed--the largest I've ever attempted. (Which was quite painful and I slept for hours afterwards, but no time for that now. Soon there would be no time at all…) Lightening struck the Hope Tree down in the royal garden when suddenly the tower door slammed open, sending large splinters flying past my head. My dome of light flickered as I startled. "Stop!" came a strong voice, then a tall figure in the doorway. Grimacing, I focused more energy into the expansion. The intruder, clad in a long dark cloak and spike-heeled boots, crossed the threshold with one hand brandishing a mighty silver axe. The other was reached back to draw a sword harnessed to their slender back. Face hidden within the dark hood, the only revealing marker was the long yellow braid falling out and down to their mounded chest. No… it couldn't be… "Prince Killan!" she cried, and the hood retreated like magic to reveal the very face I thought I'd never meet: Deliza, the next hero of prophecy. "You must not freeze the castle! This path is doomed!" She drew her sword and pointed it to the crystal; the sleek blade shone brighter than my golden power. I couldn't respond. The castle was nearly engulfed in my light, and the pain nearing intolerable. I focused harder as she crossed the room, claiming there was another way to save the kingdom. No, the only way. Too withdrawn to stop her, Deliza grabbed the time crystal and tied it securely into a leather pouch. "You're... e-early...." I managed through gritted teeth. "Prince, we must leave now. The portal is waning quick..." When I let go, she gently caught my fainted collapse. I couldn't debate whether to trust her, at this point my unwavering faith in the hero of destiny was literally all I had left. The orb retracted back into me and I felt a bit restored, enough to stand. Deliza took my hand and we rushed down the tower to her portal. I didn't ask where it led. I'd find out soon, anyway. Outside, the darkness crept slowly in.
  21. Thank you for putting yourself out there and expressing yourselves @Nos7algiK @LastThursday @Preety_India @Applegarden8 @Loving Radiance I agree in general and this may seem like splitting hairs but I see a clear distinction when complaining is also giving voice to a negative emotion regardless of how reasonable or even noble it might seem. When I give voice to that part of me that has a trace of violence in it, I can tell. Sometimes immediately or as it’s often been in the past, when I cool down and am reflecting. Maurice Nicoll said that all negative emotion all leads to violence. That may need to be framed by statements that at the present, are not with me. Another statement he made which stands better on its own and is somewhat related is the claim that a fully awakened person is actually incapable of violence. Yes, incapable,,,,, It deserves pondering I think. I have pondered it a lot and at times have felt like I’ve truly seen the truth in it. Arnold Keyserling said if a person can go 2 years (a Martian year) and not express any negative emotion at all then that person for the remainder of their life will never experience anything in a negative way again!
  22. @justfortoday I wanted to ask you how is it possible for one consciousness to appear in different states.. If "my" and "buddha" consciousness is the same one why one is awakened to its true nature and other is not?
  23. Once one is awakened, does everything lack purpose and actual intention? Does purpose become anything one wants to see? Does purpose become fluid; without purpose? Does purpose lack purpose once awakened?
  24. Purification of the emotional center as it’s referred to in the Fourth Way is the elephant in the room. This task isn’t accomplished in just a few months or even a couple of years. Some may scoff at this claim but I would hold the mirror up to reflect their derision as a pointer to how we are all prone to feed on negative emotion. As has been said by others, it’s not sex that makes the world ‘go around’ but the feeding on negativity. Look at our culture and other cultures and see how it manifests. Having grievances and keeping accounts, complaining, gossiping, displays of one-upman-ship in found in most areas of life including spiritual communities,,,, How many can say that they have seen these aspects in themselves previously or more importantly presently? Who is willing to potentially lose face this way? Who is willing to look at or even admit to a deeper level of self hatred that is often encountered by those who do very in-depth shadow work? Emotional mastery is realizing that we have a right NOT to feel and be negative, to paraphrase Maurice Nicoll. It is to have an awakened conscience. Gurdjieff remarked once that in the world, a man who has an awakened conscience among contemporary men will often be considered as,,,, well,,,, an embarrassment. To me, a sign of having emotional mastery is to truly wish others well. It means forgiveness or overlooking others transgressions. It means inspecting the world through a perceptual filter of Love. Am I there? No. I’ve had brief instances of it though. Also it’s how I make sense of the phrase “the kingdom of Heaven is at hand”.
  25. How do you want to be awakened while needing to be out of fights, need to be free from your dad yelling and need to avoid the police? Realize that you don't need anything. You are already complete.