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  1. Just follow your bliss man I once came across a comment of Abraham Hicks I liked, it went something like this 'look at you no longer trying to control things, because you understand the universe has an infinite number of ways to bring you what you want. Wisdom looks good on you'
  2. agreed with @Osaid its mostly metaphorical . Although, doesnt seem to prevent the terror from getting through! According to this, I am sooo going to burn in eternal hell :-D But Also maybe whatever you believe becomes your next dream? and perhaps only when you awaken yourself, you recognise yourself as god and then get lost in the eternal bliss and love.. Just a thought.. !
  3. At this time, nothing resonates with me more than the focus on allignment. In other words this could also be more or less translated as just being yourself, as you are/following your bliss/going with the flow. You can make it your work to just allign your thoughts and actions with what resonates most with you/is most you. Via that approach you start thus to allign more and more with your own design, and thus come more and more into the expanded space of what is you. If you try to make things happen, you train away from your own inner guidance system and your own design. My approach: don't try to make life happen, relax, support yourself emotionally/be there for yourself and expand your comfort zone by stepping more into your passion/attraction when those oppurtinities arise.
  4. Insights this week Spirituality has many aspects. Some of these aspects are Morality and conscience The state of bliss. I'll call this the Blissful Awakening Charity or giving back to the universe Serving the divine order(creating a great place) To achieve blissful awakening there are many roads or ways These are Serious contemplation work Spiritual practices of meditation Worship of God or Bhakti method Eternal Romance(strong romantic attraction and love) Detachment and nihilism Melancholic poetic state (acceptance of sorrow) Deep introversion(introverted state) Psychedelics and alcohol like drugs that produce euphoria Three major aspects guide life and the universe on a deeper level Divine Masculine (part of Romans ) Divine Feminine (part of Samaritans ) Divine wisdom (part of Acutians) There are body parts associated with these 3 aspects (or tools) The Soul/conscience(divine Masculine ) The heart (divine feminine) The wisdom center(divine wisdom) How do we take care of these 3 parts Taking care of the Soul/conscience and spirit Align these parts to Divine Masculine and embody the divine Masculine in these parts Taking care of the intellect(the crown chakra) and heart and the subconscious mind Align these parts to Divine feminine and embody the divine feminine in these parts Taking care of the wisdom center Align these parts to Divine wisdom and taming of the heart and intellect
  5. Another entry, for this forum alone: The idea of fulfilling one's desires in life, I have found, to definitely be a pre-requisite before any focused enlightened endeavor. After listening to two audiobooks that happened to center around the masters of Himalayas, I was reminded how deep consciousness can expand into. I have always longed to retreat into some kind of monastery, and the better it would be, if I was taught by great masters. Masters who have realized beyond many physical limitations. But, this idea, I have finally realized is far too lofty for me to undergo at this time. Perhaps, even within this life (though I am not so sure of that conviction...). During the winter I decided to stop doing any creative works, after finishing my fledgling video game "World Tree". During these meditations I definitely found (and continue to find) a profound sense of bliss and perfection. And yet, most days my mind would wander into ideas of material advancement. "Will I ever afford a house?" "Maybe, I would enjoy the experience of a family?" "Will my creative works ever give me an income?" "What do I need to focus on in order to become someone who makes an impact within the world?" (or if not the world, at least the internet!! HA! Ha!) These questions would arise even when I attempted to convince myself I was done looking for anything other than Enlightenment. My meditation was just simply not becoming any deeper or more profound than it already was. Thus, the futility in the idea I would ever make a good monk, at the moment. Work has to be done, and I am glad I was able to realize that by posting about my struggles in a more inquisitive way on this very forum (instead of usually being the one with the answers). For of course, I see many questions of which I know the answer to. Absolutely know, and without doubt, because I have already gone through the experience the questioner is struggling with. But, for ways to make an income? I have no answer as of yet. Only many suggestions. So after talking with Consept (member of this forum), the pendulum of my life swung to the opposite extreme and I had completely forgotten all my mindfulness work up until that point. I was filled with so much energy I didn't know what to do with it, and my mind was in a haze from lack of focus on my energy body. Yet, I was able to create many things during this time, and garner ideas of what I could do to improve my work. I came up with several animations: I also decided to do some quick informative videos: As well as record several podcasts: Along with a bit of writing: You may give me your opinion, so I can improve my work. I am not so sure what will allow me the most success, so I still find myself exploring a variety of content. Though definitely, I feel as though I need to focus on my animations and podcast the most for whatever reason. It has also been challenging to realize that perhaps more research of trends will be needed, and ways to attract more people to my content. As well, difficult to see how poor my animation/video quality is compared to the more popular content out there. I trust I no longer have to delete anything from embarrassment. All that i have to do, is make the next piece of content better than before. All I can do is what I know to do in the moment. I am glad now, that i have begun my regular meditation practice again. Focusing on my energy body whenever I can, as well as sitting for several hours a day. Rhythm has certainly compensated the extremity of my recent experiences. I also had one of the greatest lucid/astral dreams I have ever had in awhile when I begun this journey. An ET like lady caressed me, and pulled me out of my body into an enchanted tree. I felt as though, this entirely new dimension I found myself in, was created for me and because of me. As though, there was some kind of future cult that found my work most useful (hard to imagine that as being real.) I will continue to find ways of improving my work, if at all possible. And then, perhaps I will be able to finally afford that house. Certainly if I succeed, I will stop posting these journals. I am 33 years old. 33 being the master builder number, gives me some sense of balance in the process. "One step thou has gained on the long pathway upward, infinite now is the mountain of Light. Each step thou taketh but heightens the mountain; all of thy progress but lengthens the goal. Approach ye ever the infinite Wisdom, ever before thee recedes the goal. " - Thoth the Atlantean
  6. @mojsterr fuck dmt man. you dont get bliss if you push harder you just get more directionless chaos and terror haha. fuck that. what your talking about (pushing through the terror till the breakthrough to get to bliss) is 5meo. Ive never had a good experience with DMT really...unless i take 150mg MDMA an hour before hand. Im off all psychs atm, need to build my egoic existence a bit before i tear it to shreds (which i still very much intend to do).
  7. @mojsterr Perhaps a memory and feelings from a past life that you need to integrate before you can really feel that bliss. You may wanna try MDMA.
  8. (N,N DMT, not 5-MeO) I can remember only one time, as a complete beginner, I came into an oval shaped room and some humanoid like beings were trying to teach me something with their hands. That was just a really interesting trip. I was "somewhere". Then after that I've had a lot of mild trips. Just the visuals. But the ones that were really strong always show me complete horror. I reasoned to myself that I always took just one hit too litle (2 instead of 3, as everyone keeps instructing) and I came into some waiting room and if I made a breakthrouth it would pass and I would come to complete bliss. Because of this sheer terror I could never get myself to smoke it more than once or twice a year. And each time it was the same. Showing me hell. So I still have some old stash at for some years now, that I haven't really gotten to yet, and a few days back I decided to do it again, after 2 years. I wasn't scared, because I said I'm gonna go easy. I was actually excited for the first time. No jitters. To smoke a little, just to get those visuals. And I liked it, I wasn't scared of it anymore, so I smoked it for the last 3 days in the evenings. Every time putting a little bit more inside. I loved it, I actually just wanted to smoke it again and again, it was that good. So, yestarday I smoked some again and said I need more. Still in a daze I went to the table and put in twice as much as the last dose. It was a pretty neat I lighted it up, took it all in one long inhale. Waited 10 seconds, exhaled, and immediatelly knew this was it. That feeling when the trip just dawns on you. I laid back and it was strong as hell. Immediately I knew I took too much. But I didn't break through to some blissful dimension. I saw a women standing over me, not actually seeing her but feeling her and her voice, as she said "You've overdone it". Like a paramedic telling me this while we are driving in the ambulance. A similar thing happened some years before. In that trip I was also lying somewhere on the ground and some woman yelling at me "Look what you did!". It felt like I have brokend a large window of her street side shop and was lying in the glass in blood, just looking at her and not able to pick myself up. Like I was a drunktard who had a really really bad accident. So now I'm left wondering about yesterday. Was this again just some space before that bliss? Or did I just jump over to some terror space again? All the while I knew I exist, and that "I am", perhaps I didn't know that I am the same person who I am here in this reality. Or perhaps I did. But no loss of ego I think. No complete loss of identity. It was just me - or should I say some person who did something bad, somewhere - with a woman looking over me and telling me I've overdone it. All this time I kept feeling shame for doing something bad and I was just powerless to the people yelling at me. So. Should I put more in next time? I don't get it. Do I need first to get through some deep trauma in me, before it lets me visit the blissfulness? What? I do have a lot of problem with shame and I haven't yet been able to resolve it in my life. Could it be that it is that's why it's taking me there? Is it a problem of just letting go somehow? I just can't imagine taking a strong dose and actually getting to a nice place. Any insights?
  9. Hi, the ACC FB group seems pretty hostile to the provoked urine test, can anyone direct me to how I can interpret it? The lab analysis seems quite useless. I've taken the equivalent of a round of DMSA 25 at once, sampled it over the next two days while also directly doing my first round. I've done all the research and all the symptoms are there, mostly cognitive. Side effects during and off round were there, mostly sluggishness, intense tiredness, but also glimpses of euphoria and bliss. So i'll definitely keep doing it. If anyone has experience it would be greatly appreciated. Seems like Aluminum (72 ug/g), Chrome (0.9ug/g), Nickel (4.54 ug/g) are high, not sure about the Mercury (1.1 ug/g). Thanks Leo for sharing this stuff, and anyone who can help.
  10. Is it useful to describe this in human language? Is your purpose to get intellectualized understanding or to achieve liberation? If you are not filled with bliss, then you didn’t get it. The mind has no power to make itself disappear and anything told to it just becomes another category, intellectualized distortion, or imagined fear (e.g., “solipsism”). Zen makes more sense. There is limited talking and an enlightened master gives you instructions on what to practice next.
  11. Have you ever experienced DP? I have. And i have also experienced awakening to no self. They are almost identical with the exception with raw DP you do not become Awareness itself..or Consciousness itself. (Aka God)You are depersonalized but instead of a shift in identity there is simply no identity. So it's a rather depersonalized experience no pun intended. There is no bliss. There is no Divinity or no Love. But so it's like enlightenment without enlightenment so to speak. When you do awake you will experience a type of DP + God realization. You guys might disagree but I have experienced both.
  12. Existential Ecstasy. Bliss beyond words, there are no struggles.
  13. Understanding IS the ultimate Bliss. If you were to become totally omniscient you would also realize Absolute Love, and Yourself as God. Only awakening proper will do here and I would second @Michael Jackson here and leverage all the tools available to you for awakening. This will allow you to awaken to no self, Infinity, Love. You said you did but if you did you would have died and thus you would no longer have any questions about death. The pbysical body is imagined along with pnysical death. When you directly realize the self is an illusion it dies and you brcome God. There never was physical death. Death is a concept just as the small self is a concept. There can only be the falling away of concepts because all is Mind.
  14. This is a big question, but the one biggest thing that I'd say helped (then again there are many), is look into the outlook of stocism. Get comfortable with imperfection and not quite the way you'd like. Embrace a little soreness, backache, fatigue, disapointment. Get comfortable or at least understanding/more relaxed about that neighbor or dog that keeps barking outside. Once you see that the neighbor and the dog barkin outside are not different than the sounds/feelings/thoughts of "ego" supposedly inside your head/body, you may see it that its possible to relax if its there, or at-least appears to be there. Also let go of expectations and beliefs that something else should be happening like bliss or non-ending comfort. This is just a distraction, a longing that in the end you may find is just creating a discomfort, which funny enough is the opposite of the very comfort your wanting.
  15. For siloed consciousness (i.e. you as a human), physical pain happens whenever you push closer to the boundary of self. Pain lets you know where those boundaries are. For example, in the movie The Truman Show, Truman's emotional pain massively increased the closer he got to escaping the dome. A hand held over a flame for long enough will be maximally painful because pretty quickly it will no longer be a hand, and eventually it will burn away into nothing at all. Physical pain is only troubling to the individual, and only as long as the individual believes itself to be there. From a higher consciousness, physical pain is on the same ontological level as a chair, a table, an oak tree, or a cloud passing in the sky. It is possible to observe pain from the outside, and react to it as you might react to a cloud passing in the sky. It is within everyone's grasp to experience this phenomenon directly with strong-determination-sitting meditation (SDS). Actually, SDS can completely recalibrate your sense of what it means to suffer by enormously increasing your emotional and physical pain tolerance. In so doing, if kept up, then eventually (and inevitably) it leads to total bliss, total love, total compassion. Suicide is pointless. You'll just find yourself somewhere else, and you'll have to deal with all of this again (and again, and again). No fear, enlightenment eventually comes to everyone. EDIT: Just realised this thread goes back to 2018...
  16. Contemplation with a journal will generate more insights than you can integrate. Watch out for the trap of getting frustrated because you can't integrate what you realized. Begin with the topics Leo offered in the video to start training your introspection muscle. Then go more into the direction of identity, perception and choice. When you contemplate rather than thinking about things, meditate on a question. Focus on your awareness. Focus on the tranquil water. Something will arise from the depths of your awareness and give form to a sentence. You feel the form and know immediately what thoughts describe that. You know the validity of these thoughts by looking at your direct experience. Do that and you will download stuff you never knew. Watch out for the trap of believing to be brilliant because you are generating these insights. No, you are only a transistor for the insights. Rather than getting frustrated because of cutting it dead in one moment and being lost again, better just stay in the present and focus on what you do. You do to come to the breath every time when you are noticing a thought. Only that. There are no judgemental thoughts of past meditation needed. Funny enough, letting go of these judgemental thoughts will skyrocket your practice. It's like a self-steering ship. The difference between expanded and contracted times in meditation is there for you to know what you don't want. Expansion and contraction are, like unity and division, always oscillating. That's a feature of limitation. Just stay at it. Only when you look back at notes of how your meditation went from months ago, then you'll be able to see the improved quality of your practice. How are you bringing your meditation into every day life? Do you notice that you can better choose the reality you want to experience? You'll see the extent of these questions when you are in an expanded state of consciousness, like in shamanic breathing or on psychedelics. The questions then hit more home and you see the impact of them more clearly. It's like dropping a stone into water while sober and only noticing that it's gone. Then you can also do the same on psychedelics and see the extent of it. The ripple effects of the stone are quite literally the ripples and waves of the water. In an expanded state you'll see the ripple effect of these questions more clearly because you have access to more holistic perception. Use expanded states like a telescope: You want to spot a planet and use a telescope for it. After looking through it, you can take a step back and find the planet with your eyes because you know where to look. You know where to focus on in meditation & self-inquiry. That's also the case for contemplation. Notice that you get frustrated when you believe the thought "I am not improving". It is entirely optional to get an emotion because of a thought. When you notice that you don't feel good & suffer because of the thought, then just cut it dead like in meditation. The fact is that "I am improving" is more so the case because you came here to ask In general, expand your requisite variety. Get more different experiences of spiritual practices. And don't only limit yourself to shamanic breathing or psychedelics. Explore and notice what works for you. Perhaps yoga is your bliss, who knows. All the best.
  17. I have accessed my core before...without even meditation and was filled with a ridiculous amount of bliss and unconditional love. What I discovered is what the spiritual teachers teach is true...we are literally bliss and unconditional love and we block it from ourselves. We can access it at anytime and the kicker don't have to meditate or use any drug to access it. You literally can just choose to experience it....AND YOU WILL.
  18. LSD+MDMA+Nitrous produced a stillness and bliss in me so profound it was almost too much to handle
  19. Actual deep God realization/awakening on extremely high dose psychedelics. Feels like a full body orgasm, except it can go ten thousand times stronger than a normal orgasm (I am not exaggerating when I say ten thousand - You become unable to do anything due to the sheer amount of ecstacy). Actually it can feel infinitely euphoric. Feels like the most profound peace, relief, euphoria, love, happiness, bliss, ecstacy, healing, and everything positive at the same time at maximum level. All other experiences pale in comparison to it. If you would scale happiness, all everyday life would be from 0 to 100, this would range from millions to billions. There is just no comparison with anything. Opiates like heroin don't produce anything even resembling true euphoria.
  20. Being in fear but not in suffering, hating others without hurting anyone, creating through destruction, being attached to your body with no pain yet be fully alive just like children or teens can be, being attached to your thoughts without them hurting you or anything, I don't want to go too far because it's ban'able but yeah I think because so many spiritualists either seem to rely on drugs or rely on old traditions they have never understood creativity, they're using the term imagination as actually unmagination which is cool but of course they are scared of real imagination which creativity is because they could create new horrors, I believe one part of the endgame of this reality is to truly incorporate this, aka real love through real contradiction and real paradox, I'm childish so I'm just expressing my disappointment at how love is used to actually mean escape through transformation of evil(which is one good way) rather than the type of creativity I'm pointing at which would actually fully embody it, so tldr suffering without suffering and if you want real madness suffering through bliss(don't go there), pain is pain so you don't need to go there.
  21. Okay. So here are the best practices/teachings/teachers i've come across in my past few years of being seriously into spirituality and psychology etc. I'll give a brief description of each, and then if any of these peak your interest I can explain more, or send you links and you can ask any questions you have about it. Basically, the logic behind all these practices is our normal way of being in the world and how we feel and operate is sub optimal. Most people are way more unhappy then they realize, but they are able to repress it with video games, food, porn, woman etc so they may think they are "ok" but they could be operating at way higher levels of well being if they were to pursue it. These practices and teachings are wise people's way of finding happiness and well being in the most optimal and efficient way possible. Although some of the things i'll recommend are stand alone products like books, I really recommend finding a good mentor/teacher because it makes a huge difference. I've done it both ways where I was just doing my own thing, and I've done it where I had a bunch of mentors, and it's clear that mentors will sky rocket your practice. 1. A course in miracles (Book) This book has two portions. There's a wisdom portion that you can just read for a few minutes per day if you want, and it's designed to get you into a better feeling mood and give you a little blessing essentially. And there's a workbook which consists of 365 exercises to be done once per day, although you can skip days but it recommends you just do 1 per day max. The exercises are really good because it's designed to slow and systemtically retrain how you percieve the world. All of us see the world through our own distorted lenses, we don't actually see reality as it is clearly. Imagine a really a hot girl who always says how ugly she is, everyone knows shes hot but she genuinely beliefs she's ugly because of her own fauly thoughts and judgments/feelings etc that she has about herself and the world. That's just one example, but you can apply to that virtually everyone to some degree or another. This book is designed to address that fault perception, and the end result is more mental peace and clarity because you no longer suffer your own distortions and judgments. 2. Koharalan (Mentor) 3 months of coaching for about 3 grand. This is the best mentor i've ever come across, and i've spent like 50 grand over the past 3 years on therapists/coaches/gurus etc. He has a spiritual approach, and he's the guy who taught me pc clenches so you will learn exercises like that, but he also talks specifically about anxeity on his channel and I bet if you asked him he could provide a lot of great insight and help with your anxiety. You can book a single session first and see if he resonates and you like what he's saying and then go from there. I got an immediate benefit the first call I ever did with him, so 1 call could be really helpful even. His program takes you through a series of exercises and concepts that are designed to slowly develop your inner strengh and masculinity. You work on bringing energy into the body and that also correlates with aspects of our life. The lower spine/groin energy relates to sexuality, the energy in our stomachs (where anxeity is) relates to feelings of confidence/self worth/value etc, and feelings in the heart relate to how feel about other people and our relationships. 3. Sadhguru's Isha Kriya. This one you have to go to a center in America or Europe, where you spend like 4 days at a retreat and they give you a specific yoga practice. The practice is incredibly powerful, although I haven't done it yet, I have a good friend I trust who swears by this and said it's one of the best things you can do to improve yourself. The guy who designed this yoga system made it so enhance people's mental functioning in the world, and it also brings greater bliss and mental ease through practice. It's really good because the practices are simple, it's not like gym yoga where you are doing downard dog and shit like that, it's simple breathing exercises that are very specific and scientific to get max benefit in as little time as possible. I think you will only have to do it about 5-20 minutes per day, and if you are consistent you will be guaranteed results. My friend said when he was doing this kriya yoga a lot, he could dominate league in perfect flow while having full conversations with his friends. That's how much mental balance you can get from this kind of stuff. The downside is you have to go to a center to get the practice, there is something about receiving the teaching from a guru and in the context of the center that his it's own power, and I was skeptical about this too I used to ask my friend why can't he just show me, but I think if you do it the right way and go to the center then you will get max benefit. 4. Sahaja Yoga This is a simple yoga practice where you chant a mantra for 15 minutes, and then you sit in meditation for 15-60 minutes and surrener your will and basically let a higher intelligence come up with whatever pracitce you need in the moment. I know it sounds woo woo, but this one is really powerful. Basically, if you think about it, there is a higher intelligence within our own bodies that governs our lives. None of us control our blood flow, our digestion, etc. It's all done by a natural intellgience of the body. The idea behind this practice is that most of us don't know what is the best thing to do for ourselves in the moment. Each one of us is unqie and so there is no one size fits all for practice. But if you can learn to surrender and allow god/higher power etc/ to come up with whatever practice you need in the moment, it can be incredibly powerful. Let me know if you have any questions I wrote this for a friend, but i may as well share this here too
  22. @Javfly33 Well, this whole thing is not black and white as we tried to point out. But okay, if we want to simplify things, you have two options. Either you keep living your ordinary life in society, you go to work, you socialize, etc. You'll have addictions, you'll struggle with everyday life, and you'll experience suffering on a daily basis. You'll feel like this whole life is just a drag. Like what the 98% of humanity is doing. Or you can go to a monastery, meditate several hours a day, thus you don't have to worry about external things like stimulation, food, sex, relationships. Do that for several years or even decades and then maybe you'll have to chance to bliss out for days on end just by sitting. The choice is yours. If you want to do the two at the same time, you'll have to bite the bullet and try to find a balance.
  23. Go Tell that to Sadghuru. Which can bliss itself the fuck out by himself. He wont have to Tell itself the BS story of "Yeah I am God But Also lets not confuse the relative and Absolute ok? So let me go Chase some sex like any other human". Bro, stop kidding yourself. If you are not Conscious of God/Love NOW, then you are dont get the benefits NOW. If you cant put yourself minimally into a non dual/completedness state right now, then yes, of course you Will have all of those rationalizations as to why "you need to burn karma" or "first handle survival needs" ? which btw its all Parroted by Leo. Nobody in forum actually thinks by itself lately damn. You guys keep thinking you can take the Absolute as a memory and rip off the benefits like Its an actuality. But in reality, it doesnt work like that. Just read What i told the Guy above. You are literally parroting the same BS as everybody else.
  24. To know everything. Abandonment. 1. Insecure 2. Because real love is worth fearing losing Love. I still want to experience it all after knowing it all. all 4 combined. Bliss. Chaos. Chaos. Love. Most difficult.
  25. Yes, this is a very important part of the process for most people. Having a glimpse of awakening can seem to make it all the harder to face these feelings, ironically, because they feel so shitty in contrast to the bliss of spiritual liberation, and there can be a temptation to try to hold onto spiritual truths as a way to avoid having to face these feelings within ourselves. After a while, though, it becomes apparent that this doesn't work and that these feelings have to be faced in order to be truly liberated. But do you have the stomach for it? I think this is what Jesus meant when he said, 'For many are called, but few are chosen'.