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This work comes from an article by Bonnitta Roy and the work of Jaak Panksepp, Diana Fosha, and Eileen Russell. Jaak Panksepp identified 7 primary affect streams: LUST, PLAY, ANGER, SEEKING, FEAR, CARE, and PANIC. Each affect is present from birth. Affect vs. Emotion: Affect: neurochemicals, pupil dilation, breath rate, heart rate, sweating, muscle tension. EX: A dear could be experiencing the 'FEAR' affect stream, yet not feel fear the emotion since that would be counter-productive to getting out of the way of a car. What the dear experiences is alertness and different physiological processes and state-changes. Emotion: The regular feelings we all experience and associate with words like fear, guilt, joy, love, shame, etc.. usually in the frontal torso (belly, chest). Affect to Emotion When a baby falls down, it will experience an affect-state shift (change in heart rate, breathing, muscle tension, etc.), but it won't necessarily know what that means. So, it will then look to a primary caregiver to see how they react and then use that to interpret how to feel about the state shift they just experienced. If the primary caregiver responds with a more open and expanded disposition to what happened (e.g. perhaps saying "Oh, look at what happened!" with a big smile and relaxed posture, indicating it's ok) the baby will then interpret that affect with more positive associations and emotions. The opposite is true if the primary caregiver responds with a more contracted disposition (e.g. fear, wide eyes, perhaps saying "OMG Baby! Are you ok! I need help!"). This is how certain Affects are imprinted with either more expanded or contracted emotions and associations. Groupings Eileen Russell saw that each affect, besides LUST, was potentially associated across vagal tone. She saw CARE and PANIC affects functions for connection. She saw PLAY and ANGER affects relate to mastery ("Because that's how we learn). And she saw SEEKING and FEAR affects relating to tremulous since it's how we "tremble" with excitement on the boundary of fear and seeking. Spiritual Path Groupings Bonnitta further identified connections between the spiritual path and each group. Mastery stream = PATH Tremulous stream = GAOL Connection stream = BASIS Awakened Modes Bonnitta Roy saw Eileen's research and saw how they connect also to "Awakened modes" of each group. Mastery stream = Wu-Wei (or Effortless Action) Tremulous stream = Awe Connection stream = Universal Compassion Expanded Modes Mastery stream = PLAY Tremulous stream = SEEKING Connection stream = Care Contracted Modes Mastery stream = ANGER Tremulous stream = FEAR Connection stream = PANIC Deeply Contracted Modes Mastery stream = RAGE Tremulous stream = DREAD Connection stream = GRIEF Exercise For a week, see monitor and observe yourself going through each of the affects, identifying when you are in each one. Tip: wear a wristband to remember (thanks Leo for that hack:)) Tip: put on alarms throughout the day to stop, become more mindful, and observe to see which one you're probably in or most identify with. Remember, it's not emotion we're going after (not those things in your belly or chest), but more physical sensations. Tip: I know it's a hard distinction to make, and is one I'm still confused about. But, if you feel caught with emotions, try to instead focus your attention over your entire body, doing a more expanded observing of yourself rather than on specific emotions. See what type of state your in. Are you seeking something? Are you desiring or in a more care-connection state? Or are you in a playful learning, skill centered state? Good Luck! And have fun Also, I'd love feedback on how you found my layout and summary of the article. Did it work for you? Improvements? How was the exercise? Cheers.
OneHandClap replied to QandC's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There's really no point in debating metaphysics with Leo, IMO. He did (and does) a bunch of 5-MeO and takes those subjective experiences to be the bedrock of reality. And because of the uber-solipsism bent, he is unwilling and unable to contend with alternative points of view that go against the Actualized dogma. And I know Leo is wrong, because I used my ultra-high-powered omniscience and Absolute Will to make it so! Just like he taught me All jokes aside, I do hope you "wake out" of your arrogant prison of beliefs, Leo. If you think Peter Ralston is not as awake as you (from my ultimate God POV, I can see he is likely magnitudes closer to the truth), you're just playing games with yourself. And as Wildflower pointed out time and time again, your metaphysical position that anybody who criticizes your teachings is not "fully awake" is nonsensical. If you were as awakened as you claim to be, none of us would even exist in your perception. You would be floating in an endless love-bliss-void of your own making. But seeing as there is still the duality in your teachings of believing there is any such thing as "Absolute Will," it's obvious there is more to go for you. And I don't know if there is enough DMT on this entire planet to make you see this directly. Hasta la vista, dudes. Beware who you deify. -
Nahm replied to SonataAllegro's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
‘Suppressive, separate, limiting, or restrictive’ is (still) content of the mind. ‘God realized mind’ is an oxymoron, and is content, and likewise so is ‘elevated’, ‘awakened’, ‘true thoughts’. Content about cessation is not cessation, like the thought ‘sky’, is not the experience of the sky. Experience, is also content. Cessation could be said to be the result of having inspected and resolved all conflicts, or discordant opposing views, in / of one’s own mind, including the belief in one’s own mind, and that cessation could be content. All which is said about cessation is only content which points. Using content to point, notice the ‘three cups, but no peanut’ situation. This video can serve as a pretty good pointer. Notice the overall message of the video is ‘held up’, only by using content, to justify, other content. Three cups, never a peanut. (No implication here this has anything to do with any religion or Christianity, please do not read into the example in that way). The only ‘rule’ of cessation, is whatever anyone says about cessation, is not true, about cessation. -
Pure Imagination replied to SonataAllegro's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Would you say that a God realized, active mind would have more elevated thought patterns of questioning and insight, rather than something egoic? For instance, I could have an active mind in one moment that focuses on my social anxiety and that could create a web of negative, ultimately untrue thought patterns. But perhaps a God realized mind would look at that and see those same negative patterns for what they are? A way to awaken rather than believing self destructive thoughts. I guess I’m just wondering where the line is between an egoic active mind, and a God realized active mind. Wouldn’t any content of the mind count as being suppressive, separate, limiting, or restrictive? Even the most elevated, awakened, true thoughts generated from a God realized mind? -
LfcCharlie4 replied to iboughtleosbooklist's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Probs one of my favorite artists of all time, no doubt doing the amount of drugs he did likely led to some spiritual 'experiences' but awakened? No, I wouldn't say so. Although, his fascination with Love & pure artistry may have taken him there eventually, remember he was only 21 when he died, no doubt he would've outgrown certain aspects of the Rap game -
WelcometoReality replied to iboughtleosbooklist's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@iboughtleosbooklist When death's been experienced what is left to fear? Fully awakened never happens though. ? -
This issue is not the incident, but rather it awakened subconscious trauma inside that you can now release. Try self therapy by Jay Earely
I started writing this morning quite spontaneously, and this story appeared. I felt some on this forum may resonate and find these pointers helpful. A careful reminder that this is indeed one way of framing reality, and should by no means be taken to indicate I believe any of this as though it’s absolute. Therefore, while conversation, clarification, and challenging can be helpful, argumentation or any of these from positions of right and wrong are useless. Of course, this too is a story ;P - One of the keys to manifesting our highest desires is to recognize the ultimate nature of reality, on any level. We don’t need to be completely awakened to recognize the non-dual nature of reality, but any degree of such recognition will inevitably open the mind to enormously powerful possibilities. This mind and its contents, activities, and orientations, from the subtlest to most macrocosmic, are inextricably entangled with our entire field of experience. Therefore, how we think literally creates. The synchronicities of circumstance and opportunity cannot be separated from the mind in which is observing them. There is no separation between mind and what is normally referred to as “physical reality.” Upon deeply mindful investigation into reality’s infinite casual-chains and interdependency, i.e. it’s true nature, we can see that our mind’s and the unfolding of life are a self referencing loop of experience. Just as the unfolding of life shapes, penetrates, and conditions the mind, so too does the mind shape, penetrate, and condition life. The key is to recognize the beliefs which limit this mind’s penetration such as “the mind is in the head” or “the mind is just a brain.” These two beliefs are merely contents within experience that shape, penetrate, and condition life, even when such beliefs are operating below the threshold of awareness within the subconscious mind. When one sees clearly the nature of beliefs, we can see these two examples as just lenses that artificially filter the way in which life is experienced. When we change our beliefs, or better yet, move toward an alignment with reality’s ultimate true nature, such beliefs and their conditioning qualities fall away. As we practice an honest, objective observation of our direct experience, we can see how much fabrication and relativity of the world coexist. In every moment, we are shaping and transforming our realities based on this mind. A mind that is clear on its desires and free from unhelpful beliefs, or clear on how to reprogram itself out of unhelpful beliefs, is a mind capable of transforming, transmuting, and alchemizng how the unfolding of life unfolds. The key insight is to realize this flowing of life is always subject to our mind, all of it. When the actuality of this flowing is recognized at deeper and deeper levels, it starts consciously moving rather than its typical unconscious moving. The other point to recognize is the multiplicity and relativity of identity, or of “who we are.” Who we are is not merely a human being with a human mind. There is a deeper, more primordial level to identification and fabrication of self identity that extends beyond a single lifetime. This is what we can use the word “soul” to represent. The desires, intentions, intelligence, and mind of this soul are also conditions which are attractive forces on the unfolding of life and reality. When life hands us seemingly impossible or bitter challenges, or even mundane circumstances we feel in no way aligned with, it is paramount to recognize even these forces and attractions are our doing perhaps on subliminal levels of unconscious conditioning and trauma, or the soul’s higher intentionality, as well as the non-dual entanglement of both and the ineffable, a-causal, boundlessly free, intelligence behind every moment.
People who haven't awakened enough to bypass their sexual desires can use reasons to rationalise why they shouldn't pursue sex as a cope, only repressing themselves and hurting themselves in that process. Spiritual work will shed or weaken such desires as a snake shedding its skin, but its not repression. The problem with sex and a lot of the studies done on it that the video talks about is not that sex is bad but that casual hook up sex can be bad, because it objectifies the other person and isn't actually intimate, the other doesn't feel 'seen' which is our most important need. To be in a crowd and still feel lonely is the worst feeling, to be so close to someone that your literally inside each other and still to feel like you haven't been seen deeper thank your skin is even worse and makes us question, ashamed of the whole act. But to add to that, knowing that casual sex can cause suffering as it can cause emotional baggage for others to deal with would be another reason to not engage in sex with lots of partners. Engage in lots of sex with a partner, but not lots of sex with lots of partners to minimise human suffering. Check this video out, particularly from the time stamp: Especially for us on the spiritual path, being conscious of the suffering sex can cause others as it attaches them to you biochemically and you become their major source of pleasure of which if you part ways causes a massive feeling of loss, yet not being conscious enough to the point you don't feel the need to have sex with others, puts us in a bind/paradox. Sometimes we can know too much for our own good.
If enlightenment is real, and if no one can come here to disagree (which is what that guideline is basically going to lead to), how can any productive conversation go down? It’s only going to be people agreeing with each other and if no one questions anything there’s not going to be any constructive criticism. If most people aren’t enlightened (assuming it’s legit), how is anyone “lost” going to get there? It’s not productive for a group to leave outsiders out, while the group does 5meo and tells each other how awakened they are.
Let go of everything you have learned. Let go every teaching, concept and idea you have internalized from all the videos, books, philosophers, gurus and especially Leo. All that has been nonsense. You have been living an illusion this whole time. There is no ego, no awakening, no survival, no states of consciousness, higher or lower, no enlightened or awakened people. Everything you have heard is no more true than Pirates of the Caribbean. is no different from fundamentalist christianity. Stop meditating and taking psychedelics. Stop trying to get to some realization or mystical state. That's all bullshit. You are wasting your time. The only reason you are doing any of these practices is because you have been telling yourself you are not okay as you are. Stop listening to Leo, Rupert Spira, Sadhguru, Peter Ralston, or Spiral Dynamics. Everything you have gathered from your sources is just a map you have drawn, a projection wherein you hide from emotions, rather than allowing and expressing them. What you call "spirituality" is a prison. You have brainwashed yourself. So for the love of God, wake up, stop believing and living along this nonsense. This is your life. Life is here. Go for a walk and enjoy it. You are done already. There is no need in your being. There is nothing you have to do, or to be. You are already. Enjoy yourself.
Tanz replied to BipolarGrowth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Frank is an awakened person but I don't consider him fully enlightened in the context of historical masters out there. I believe his brain physiology make him makes him naturally gifted in understanding things but at the same time his composition makes him limited to fully grasp the entire spectrum of what it means to be everything Sort of like that gifted guy that can fly in a helicopter around the city and draw the complete landscape with a photographic memory, Frank is like that spiritually. The end game is embodiment plus action = full enlightenment IMHO -
ABM1294 replied to ABM1294's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah that’s a good point to make, in the trip you see people behave differently which points to solipsism but the aftermath was just them saying I had a hell of a trip and they were normal. Same with mystical states like awakening, other people don’t see things the same way and I’m dreaming up huge differences between self and others. in reality solipsism doesn’t go far enough and Self encompasses all bodies. My body is just as much a part of consciousness as anyone. A solipsist would attribute sentience to their mind or body but awakened people know that the mind and body are just projections of infinity. -
Moksha replied to roopepa's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Every concept, including the concept of letting go, is bound to the dream. I'm not suggesting that the finger is the moon, only that it points toward it. We don't understand how Consciousness dreams, only that it appears to do so, including appearing to awaken to itself within the dream. Spirituality is the game of Self-discovery that it plays. Once the appearance of you has awakened to its ultimate nature, there is no need for spiritual teachings. However, these can help you cross the river to the true shore of yourself. -
Carl-Richard replied to sir meowski's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
But that's rare – Ramana Maharshi rare. Discovery and confusion is a part of the path, something which you are actively contributing to as a pointer-giver Besides, don't discount the value of the guru-student relationship. Not all communication is conceptual/verbal. Transmission is a real thing. An awakened guru's presence can facilitate beingness just as much as an any other environmental factor (sun, river, air). Being is shared – impression is unavoidable. Frame this on a wall ? -
TheWhollyTrinity replied to TheWhollyTrinity's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Tyler Durden Thanks again for your kind words; I don't develop these theories for validation but it is definitely nice to know that I'm not 'out to lunch'. lol Also, I appreciate your thought-provoking questions; it makes me think this through more thoroughly. The question about infinite cycles before and after the current cycle is tricky because cycles can't be perceived when in unity; the present creates the past and future. From the trinity perspective, yes, I'd say that there were an infinite amount of cycles before and will be an infinite amount of cycles after the current cycle. Are memories erased? Well, when you return to unity, there are no distinctions in consciousness so memories are not perceived in the same way. With that said, your experience becomes one with you and I wouldn't say it is erased. It's like if you erased the borders on a map; in reality, nothing changes - only the concept of separate nations is erased. I can't say that I've looked into past lives too much. It appears that some people can remember past lives. My guess as to why some people do and some people don't is a similar reason to why some people remember their dreams and others don't. There's one idea that this existence is a dream to which some of us will awaken within and others have to wait until it's over to realize that it was a dream all along. One thought is that the cycles allow for both free will and the appearance of no free will/determinism. I have had this thought for a while that I haven't really discussed with anyone else regarding the idea that those who are living unconsciously/habitually can have their future read and accurately because they will stay in their cyclical/predictable nature. Those who are awakened and not living through habit experience infinite possibilities and can't have their future accurately read - or, perhaps more accurately, their future is read based on their present energy but their energy isn't in typical cycles so the reading is only good if the awakened person then starts living habitually. So, is it all scripted? I think it may be for some but part of the fun is realizing that there is a script - this makes it less personal and allows space to fully experience the present moment without getting caught up in it. Then, when not identified with the script, you can begin to edit the script to suit your preferences. Again, I don't claim to know everything...this is just a discussion of thoughts...please let me know what resonated with you as well as anything that could use some clarification And, please feel free to keep the questions coming! Thanks for your comments and interest! -
Brandon Nankivell replied to Tim R's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Leo: First insight into no-self First insane dial-1000 awakening experience that lasted 4 weeks Osho: Incredibly inspiring, direct-as-hell, relatable, and nuanced J. Krishnamurti Very helpful to refer to any topic after an initial glimpse, and see how every problem in life leads back to the 'what is' A man I met in the marketplace from the Neem Baba Karoli lineage: Multiple Kensho experiences in his presence Pure character Incredible to be able to converse with an awakened one in-person and get direct and precise feedback on blind-spots -
Inliytened1 replied to Consilience's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Salvijus My take on fear of death after enlightenment: There are many facets and stages to awakening.. But to try and summarize.- after awakening it really comes down to attachment to form - how attached are you to your current form and what attachments do you still have in that form that you wish to retain... other words on an Absolute level , you are conscious that you are Infinity/God - and thus cannot die.. yet after awakening (which is death or actual dissolution of the ego in which you become the Absolute) there is a return to the ego - where you regain a sense of self (despite being conscious it is imaginary - as there is no actual entity behind the eyes.. The entity or the you and any sense you have of you is being imagined by you as God) ..this in a nutshell really alleviates all suffering and fear...yet still, as a finite being one may still have attachments and do not yet wish to melt into permanent Infinite Love. In fact as God you have designed this reality precisely so that you can experience separation, attachments, an egoic state within some particular form, and the desire to survive as that particular form. ..The thing that the awakened one is conscious of though is that as Infinity - you are a singularity - so all your attachments actually collapse into One and thus there is nothing you are really going to give up or lose...your wife, yourself (your body or form) and your kids for example would all collapse into One. All of reality would collapse into One - as there would not be any disctinions to be attached to - such as a family or a loved one. It is Infinite Bliss and Love - complete and total. But, the awakened may not yet wish or be ready to let go of being finite and separate or distinct. Its this attachment that will still result in fear - ..well, i should say the desire to survive, and fear is a subconscious survival is there as a surivival mechanism to keep you alive and thereby retain your atatchments; the question is does the awakened one wish to stay alive or not......see, the difference is they have already died or had ego death before - so they are conscious that in the big picture its all the same and this fear is unfounded. they have transcended it so to speak - yet it may still occur due to the very fact that you're still alive as a particular form - again because you have attachment or desire to retain you see the circularity here and it's fun in fact to dream but when the time comes that there are no more attachments, even to yourself, then fear goes too because the desire to stay in the dream ends... thats truly when the dream ends and you will melt into Infinity. Right now, though, If you were completely void of any fear you would very soon be dead. @Consilience nice post and I agree that I think sometimes people get lost in the concepts and forget what spirituality is really about. To me it's really about what's actual. Meditation is a fantastic tool for collapsing all concepts into Being/Actuality/Truth.. You don't "know" ARE reality! No self is paramount in becoming God because it is the direct consciousness that the self was an illusion that results in a shift in consciousness into becoming the Absolute. I think if you talk to a lot of neo-advaitans they will not know even what i am referring to by becoming the Absolute/God/Infinity because it is all just conceptual for them or they think it's a really nice story but believe the concept that there is no self in the body. Yes there actually is no self, but when you actually realize there is no self, you die and become Infinity. -
For someone who is high-turquoise+ I predict that Leo's teachings don't apply because: Approach anxiety: "suffering is imaginary therefore I don't feel negative emotions" Charisma: superhuman levels due to fully awakened throat chakra. Doing enough approaches: 1 is enough. Coral figures the person out before saying a word. Might even recognize them from a past life. Reading people: easily picks up on their archetype and temperaments. Knows what response it'll get before speaking. Talking to yellow and below is like talking to children. Worldview: "my life is mythology in action. Of course the hero has lovers" Problems in life: Already solved the problems that normal people face. It's probably attractive when coral seemingly has no problems. However, may cause problems in relationships because it's boring otherwise. In a nutshell, for coral life's just fun and so is their love life. Playing as coral is like using auto-aim in COD; eventually God might decide to drop the ban hammer and make you a martyr. Disclaimer - This is not from my personal experience. I haven't reached such a level.
Recently I've been reading: Conversations with God (Bk 4): Awaken the Species, A New and Unexpected Dialogue by Neale Donald Walsch. In it he talks about advanced beings who move in between dimensions who are awakened and whose job it is to guide and protect humanity. Quite frankly I think that Neal has lost it but I like to leave no stone unturned and have been thinking about if any of the UFO footage currently in the spotlight could be related to this. Craft that disappear from radar screens as if they never existed? The only reason I've thought about this is because Luis Elizondo in his most recent interview with Kurt from Theories of everything he said that they where looking into the possibility of these craft being from earth but shifting in and out of our dimension.
Who are you talking about love? What ‘had this insight’? There are states of you love? What are awakened guys love? Comparing yourself to… yourself love? For real, who / what are you talking about love? “Unloving”? God? Inability to love? Huh? Finite? Who’s mind, who’s survival love? Me? The awakening…? Time!? Love so crazy today love.
So I remember asking some weeks ago why love has to be equal to consciousness. I thought it is the direct product or main intent of consciousness. However in my last awakening I got proved otherwise. (Btw. thank you all for being part of this journey) But now I somewhat wish to never have had this insight. Because now, I see how unloving as selfish I really am. And how endlessly good existence would be if I'd love every little dirty, corrupted state of consciousness equally. So how you awakened guys deal with this dilemma? I've heard Leo say "just try to be a little more loving everyday", but every "little bit more love" is mice shit compared to what's possible. And how you guys deal with moments, when you were exceptional unloving? Of course Gods loves my inability to love, but this is precisely my point. Why is my mind so incredibly unable to love finite, corrupted stuff. It wouldn't endanger my survival if I'd love that fascist just as much as the hardcore leftist. This really is a Pandora's Box for me. But the awakening is still really fresh. Might need some time to integrate everything.
Although, is there anything really wrong with enjoying luxury? What about luxury that is done in a sustainable way? For example, instead of expensive fur coats, and expensive fake fur coat. Instead of a Rolce Royce, a Tesla? Even Osho loved luxury, he loved his Rocle Royce's and swiss watches, as well as expensive clothes and luxury sunglasses. Luxury wine, food apartments, etc... Can awakened people enjoy all of these things? Edit: I do recall Leo saying in his Conscious Politics series that he supports a tax on all luxury items, and then proceeds to say that in a conscious society, these luxury items would not even exist. Is this true?
digitalkaine replied to digitalkaine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I had an awakening and I know I'm slow but I've never been religious unless it was forced on me. During my awakening I kept realizing how everything in the bible is exactly what I had been practicing, then I started learning more about the bible and how everything seems like a metaphor for consciousness and spirituality (Duh obviously) but it was always so hard to see because I had a bias against anything in it and I thought devils and angels were just nonsense but now I see how they use them to represent different aspects of reality that are often misunderstood. I believe the devil is nothing more than fear and misunderstanding, The holy trinity is mind body and soul. Crucifixion/ Resurrections is being shed of all imperfections embracing extreme state of vulnerability. Taking the right hand side of god means he was at permanent state of enlightenment. He made a blind man see not in the physical sense but he awakened him. Dont judge because it brings you closer to what we are. etc I could go on all day. I think to get the most you have to see the bible for what it is including all its flaws. -
pickup IS fake problem is otherwise the birds can't reach the bees and the bees can't reach the birds no matter how poetic sublime or awakened you are it is a game a phase a role you are not going to be like that going forward, but hey the girl is not going to be like she was either thing about beauty for every person is, you will never ever be more beautiful that you are today your clock is ticking and i am not talking biology but beauty so get cracking like freddie mercury says, play the game