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  1. I have not thought of it as a permanent enlightenment at all, but rather as an interesting state of bliss. It was magical, I want to be back there again
  2. I felt joy without any reason for about an hour today. I had these joy moments before, but it was rear and did not last long. This feeling is familiar to me. Joy of being without this monkey mind that determines, separates, and judges all the time. I have recognized recently that there is no separation truly, and every time mind wanted to make any assumption, I stopped it there. My main practice was in keeping awareness on itself all the time. I am constantly observing thoughts, feelings, and perceptions, but I do not get involved. This is my meditation, LOL. This state has become so natural to me that now I feel like my body does things on its own, I actually am observing my body in motion and various processes, and I do not make any volition, it does things on its own. Guys, this is the craziest thing I’ve ever experienced: mind is always late, first body does something, then comes the registration of the fact, post factum. As I cook dinner even right now, I do not register “Oh, I need to reduce the heat of my boiling water” Body goes to the kitchen, and as I get up from the chair, registration of the fact happens afterwards. There is literally no “doer”. Thought is always late. First motion. Also, I have this love and compassion toward "other". My sexuality is on the rise, even a coffee table seems sexy to me. But even this feeling is a bit heavy compared to the bliss I have experienced. This feeling of blissfulness comes sporadically, does not last long. I am just happy because I am conscious. The closest description would be pleasure, orgasm, deliciousness, peace, joy and unconditional love toward Being. Guys, I used a lot of “I”, please do not be judgmental here, I realize that awareness does not have any individualized quality, but I am using this “I” for a purpose of understanding. I can not pin point this “I” anymore, everything became like a big movie on the screen and is seen now holistically.
  3. Everything feels perfect. There is no resistance, however things can feel annoying, boring, etc, but there is no resistance to it and it doesn't feel like a problem so it still feels perfect. A very stable happiness, and lots of joy and bliss. Less fear. My relationships are good, no problems. I have more interest in living, being a human, I am life, I am light, I want to live and follow my true purpose which comes from the soul, sometimes it feels blissful to say something, to touch things, to walk or sit down, normal everyday things like that are amazing. Following my intuition is the most important thing.
  4. If this moment is all there is, how could you be missing something? And if you were in bliss would that question arise? Probably not. Usually these sort of questions come up because there are an uncomfortable feeling in the body (contraction) and conditioning to move to change that feeling to something that feels better. So instead of finding an answer to the question you question it and then you feel your body to identify the contraction which is causing the discomfort. Then you focus in on the feeling. Usually that feeling will start to dissolve and when it has dissolved completely the question has disappeared. What's left is peace.
  5. If you're on that level where consuming shorts/reels/tiktoks for you is a form of growth(as in coping, or distracting yourself to a point where you reach a low point and finally decide to grow.), it can be helpful. You wouldn't be watching the shorts if there was no part of you that wanted to satisfy that craving. For self-actualization, you wouldn't be interested in it unless it was some form of burning karma. It's not really 'bad' for you in terms of growth, it's just a step of the way. It seems like a downhill road but for someone who needs that suffering to grow, it's necessary. It will suck you in, even if you consider yourself up there on the spiritual path. Why? Because there is something you need to learn, something you are still ignorant about in yourself that you need to fix, that's why you get easily addicted to it. After burning that karma, learning that lesson, you won't WANT to watch more than one, you wouldn't want to scroll because it just wouldn't be interesting. There is no need to restrain yourself then. What it is bad for is achieving success, maintaining health, relationships, and stuff like that. You could argue it's bad for practicing embodiment of spiritual truths, but that is something you achieve further along the path. The reason you don't watch tiktoks/shorts/reels when you embody bliss/god/love is not because you restrain yourself but because you don't have that craving in you.
  6. You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? [Takes a bite of steak] Ignorance is bliss.
  7. Future #1 - The good future This is a possible future 5 years from now if I do the following things: limit instant gratification to 2 hours a day go to the library every workday enroll in therapy and do some active imagination/inquiry by myself continue doing sports practice meditation and contemplate which will bring about higher consciousness, compassion, wisdom and Love in my life make social connections happen I have a degree in psychology and am a certified body psychotherapist / yoga teacher. I am in the best shape of my life, extremely happy in my body, strong, supple, healthy, full of energy and vibrant. I am financially independent. I have mastered my emotions and thus have no blockages from experiencing life in its fullness. I have become my own best friend instead of an enemy - thinking of myself and caring of myself with the purest love I have yet to experience. All trauma has been integrated, allowing me to express myself to the core. This profound radiant change has attracted love in my life in so many ways - I now have a loving partner I couldn't even dream of having 5 years ago. My friends are the some of the most remarkable people I know to have walked this Earth. I am extremely proud of each and every one of them and thank God every day for having them in my life. They are proud to be my friend as well and find my presence inspiring. Every day is an adventure and a step forward to complete realisation and actualisation. Due to the immense beauty of this actualised abundance, there is no obstruction to realising deeper and deeper insights on the nature of reality. There is no obstruction to the flow of my love. I am finally in a place where I can offer my numerous gifts to the world. I am finally in a place where I can fill the cup of those in such dire need. I am filled with such a profound sense of awe, gratitude and bliss each and every day for experiencing this kind of life, making any and every endeavour effortless. I have exited the Dark Night (Vipashyana jñanas) a couple of years ago and look at 5 years ago with a sense of compassion, gratitude and relief. Future #2 - the bad future This is a future 5 years from now if I do the following things: indulge in unlimited instant gratification avoid schoolwork neglect the cultivation of thumos neglect the cultivation of other virtues neglect spiritual practice avoid deep emotional work that will perpetuate the bad habits and patterns in my life that will make me miserable eat shit food, overeat neglect training isolate myself, do not share myself with the world, do not put myself out there In this future, I would be fucked. I would be super unhappy. I didn't even finish university due to it being emotionally too hard - not because I didn't have the skills to do it, but because I did not put effort in good habits that would make me pass and also things that would let me get over the inner blockages (eg therapy). This future is too shit for me to even contemplate it. I am overweight, making it way more difficult to move and making me have less energy and feel bitter, resentful and angry. People disrespect me because of my apparent unhappiness. I miss opportunities left and right. I am single and have unsatisfactory friendships. I'm so disconnected from Beauty and Love and Consciousness that I'm probably having thoughts of suicide on a daily basis. First try, I was disgusted about the second future which definitely lit a fire under my ass to make the first future a reality. I will expand on this prompt as I see it can be very transformative, I am tired to do more now.
  8. @Gabith I also had such beautiful experiences with K, I looked at my friend and could see her pure soul, seeing beyond the ego. I think ketamine dissolves all the samskaras/ blockages of the body and we can feel our true nature, it relaxes the body, the substance doesn't provide us with love and bliss, we are love and bliss, our traumas and stuff that are on the way to experiencing this state in our sober reality. On the other side and given that I did K only around 25 times, I developed sinus problems and till to this day never fully recovered. I believe there are way better substances to work with.
  9. Thanks for the reply 1) My bladder is really fucked, its healing and recovering as I type (been over 3 months since I did ketamine), also it screws cognitive ability after a certain point, chess score drops by 20-30% after an inflection point of consuming has been reached. I definately pushed the boat here, but alot of my friends since uni have had to go to hospitals etc and have their bladders stretched or partially removed. There is a danger with ketamine, it can be used an escapism from life and suffering, and get pretty addictive. This is via snorting, and is an extreme. I was always careful 3-4g per week, where my friends would do this everyday 2) Interesting shizen young I dont regard highly, Ingrams book is okay for a specific type of meditaiton which you mention. Both these though don't represent the fullness or joyness of meditation. After two vipassana retreats which are no fun at alll, I switched and learnt shamatha or Jhana practise as taught by people like Ajahn Brahm, they have a complete over take on meditaiton. I achieved the first Jhana in meditaiton retreat, and its indescribable, its stronger in my experience then any psychedelic's I tried, and more pure and wholesome. Close your eyes, and imagine letting go of everything in the universe apart from your breathe, joy and happiness arise, and when you get proficient, the strangest thing occurs, in your visual feild (with eyes closed) the purest brightest white light/disc appears, and with it comes a release, kinda like being unbinded, and the joy and happiness and contentment it brings become unlmited, and you can actually absorb into this bright white light. The whole fo reality dissapears, sense of self etc and your just immersed in this pure bright light, but drenched in pure joy and happiness. This is the 1st Jhana, many mons describe it as what people assume heaven to be, and theres 8 of these things. This Jhana is completely indesriable, it literally puts you in the best mood you could possibly be in. Furthermore to even get into this Jhana, you have had to orchesrate your life to be more and more selfless and joyful, so its like the most wholesome pursuit possible Monks like Ajahn Brahm describe God as Peace or Love, he wrote Mindfulness and bliss, and then the Art of dissapearing, both are worth reading. Id be super cautious of learning buddhism through this guys like shinzen or daniel, Whenever i come out of a period of ketamine, my motivation for meditaiton is 10x What I would love is for you to train and obtain all 8 Jhanas full absorption and then tell me how it compares to your experience with psychedelic's.
  10. By the way, if you're just doing "concentration" (stillness; happiness; blissfulness; steadiness; samadhi; jhana) meditation to get into those wonderful expanded states, stillness, and jhanas... you can do that all day for months, or even an hour a day for years (or even a whole 10 day retreat of 18 hours a day), and still never reach jhana... or if you do reach jhana you might only develop the ability to feel insanely good -- on demand maybe, if you're really skilled... But concentration meditation will never ever lead to awakening. If you're not investigating experience, you might not get much insight. If you're having a difficult time reaching jhana (the inflection point where meditation becomes preposterously fun and blissful), perhaps try noting -- Mahasi method or just noting experience (preferably aloud, once per second, for a full hour at first -- this can blast you right through a plateau like nothing else) by using the 4 foundations of mindfulness... I like Kenneth Folk's guide to noting more than any other. The insight stages (mind and body, arising and passing away, dissolution, dark night, equanimity, etc) are indeed real, and when you're able to clearly move up and down that ladder (you actually feel it and can clearly identify the stages/states), jhanas become far easier, as you'll find specific jhanas correlate to specific nanas (insight territories). Check out these links: "Every time you discover the "problem" with your meditation, note your reaction to that thought. Note the thought itself. Note once per second, aloud, for the duration of your sitting. Note catastrophizing, dramatizing, histrionics, self-pity, evaluation thoughts, impatience, despair, self-loathing, joy, triumph, scenario spinning, longing, desire for deliverance, irritation, doubt, bliss, absorption, distraction, fear, anger, rage, disgust, euphoria, hope, contentment, anticipation, softness, hardness, coolness, warmth, pulsing, burning, itching, throbbing, stinging, tingling, hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, pleasant, unpleasant, neutral, petulance, futility, dullness, fatigue; what have I left out? Of course you would like some kind of a shortcut or a tip. There is no such thing. There is only the mastery of this simple technique. By the time you master this technique, you will be an arahat. If you distract yourself from this technique by trying to tweak the recipe, the warrantee is void." Kenneth Folk ^^^ Quote is not from the links provided, I had it saved. The thing is, noting is very hard to start with and get the hang of, but fairly soon it's impossible to deny its power. So don't get caught up in pure concentration, the noting/investigation will help the concentration practice tremendously. If you think you can investigate effectively without noting, or simply can't believe it works, just try it. There are people who have tried to just get into 1st jhana, for an entire year of intensive meditation, without success... and after a week of noting they get to jhana literally on accident. When you get the hang of noting to the point where it happens automatically temporarily after a sit, you might find yourself avoiding noting, not because it's so hard (it'll be easier at this point), but because the territory it leads to is SO far out and unfamiliar and it's changing your perception so quickly. In my experience, noting is even far more conducive to kundalini explosions than even TMI/TM/TWIM/samadhi/etc... but especially more conducive to awakening, if not necessary for certain kinds of awakening. If you're like me, you'll go through a period of avoiding noting... because it's very easy to delay your awakening by simply avoiding the hard (especially until you get the hang of it) work of noting. Edit: This woman was not getting much progress until she started noting. Lots of concentration practice (left work to meditate many hours a day) but she didn't start popping off until she tried noting. She didn't see the logic behind how noting could possibly work to awaken into truth and end suffering, but this was her last option, and so she took a leap of faith and was pleasantly surprised. She's a physician, and the side effects of doing real noting for a couple hours a day were so intense she self-diagnosed them as simple partial seizures (clearly it was kundalini energy). She starts talking about it around minute 19...
  11. I will try to explain my idea as clearly as possible. I've been wondering for some time now if it's possible that a map of reality exists. By that I mean a tool of some sort (written, video, something else ?) that can be used at any stage of the spiritual path by anybody to locate exactly "where" or "what" he currently is in the infinite and speed up one's enlightenment process. It would be like pressing the fast forward button. By enlightenment here I mean not only realise that you are god, but also get the whole workings of things so that you can direct yourself to experience exactly what you want to experience. Please tell me if you think I'm wrong. I totally get that wanting to experience something in particular is an ego thing, but the whole point of seeking enlightenment is an ego thing, so even if there is no such desire "after" enlightenment the point and the result are the same. So, back to the idea, I've been yo-yoing with it. For me true infinity also means anything is possible, so a map would make no sense if from one given point (your now or mine, with all it's content) anything is possible and every possible reality can join. HOWEVER, in actuality even if I believe reality is infinity, I experience it from one standpoint at a time, so it makes sense there is a path anyway, even if the path is "meant" to lead to the whole outside of itself. Hell, actually from my standpoint, finding this map "outside" (as opposite to simply meditate it out of myself) would feel like bliss, infinite love and thus enlightenment itself. I say finding because for me it also makes sense that anything possible already exists in a way and all we do is get to it. Or the present shape shifts into it depending on where one puts his attention. And yeah, I'm aware that posting this message with hope to dig such a map into actuallity is not really different than meditating to find it more "by myself", but I just had to post it anyway. That's exciting, and that feels true.
  12. @thisintegrated and now you know why people become monks and ascetics. Consider becoming on and just sitting in pure bliss for the rest of your life.
  13. Make a decision that you'd rather feel this, than (binge eat / whatever pattern you're trying to break) and the negativity that follows that. Knowing that if you choose to feel it fully, it will get resolved, but if you escape it, you'll never be free. Also being aware that whatever you're feeling, is there for a reason: it needs to be felt. Your subconscious needs you to pay attention to this and fully feel it. If you do not, it will just keep coming back stronger. I mean, "often", or "on a daily basis" is good to shoot for. Always is aiming very high, and I personally believe it would get perfectly boring. As long as we're alive, we'll occasionally invent things to feel negative about and want to change. It keeps life interesting. Though I can relate to wanting to always feel serene after a rough period, it's a perfectly natural desire. I don't know if you include shadow work and emotional healing work in your definition of consciousness work, but they're important. I see two categories: Work to make the ego healthy. Includes shadow work, inner child work, trauma release, different forms of therapy. Work to transcend the ego. Meditation, yoga, enlightenment work, psychedelics. I believe both categories are needed to experience the aforementioned state on a daily basis, feeling serenity and inner peace, bliss, and joy. Transcending an unhealthy ego creates very unbalanced humans. Think of the neo-advaita type that always wants to point out that "there is no I" and that's an answer to all your problems, and is kind of an unempathetic asshole about it. Just doing shadow work and healing can also be a trap, because there's always more to heal, you're never completely done. And so people who are too much on that side are always busy healing, their heads up their own ass so to speak, and never get ready to actually live their lives. But both are important.
  14. Are you sure your ready for ego death and the ego backlash that will follow? Yes God is Love and bliss but also this could shatter and recontexualize all of reality for you so be prepared.
  15. I sometimes feel loneliness too. I once heard Abraham Hicks say that feelings such as loneliness aren't caused by who is or isn't around you, but are all about you thinking thoughts that are out of allignment with your natural vibration. I couldn't hear it at that time too well, but a little later I found I could move myself from rather deep feeling of loneliness to bliss in a minute of 5/10, and such experiences changed how I relate to feelings such as loneliness. Whenever I feel lonely now, I remember to relax and know that the only thing I really got to do, is to guide myself to well-being again with my thought or awareness, or however I feel to do it. Of course, that doesn't diminish the satisfaction we can get from deeper relationships, but if you don't currently have them, perhaps the best thing is to know that guiding yourself to well-being/allignment, is what the work is all about, and perhaps all we really need to do. At the other hand, maybe some sense of (human) connection is necessary, but I doubt that's the problem here.
  16. Disclaimer: there is no other, so everything I will describe here will be used as a mere representation of polarities at play. Everything that you see in other is nothing more than a projection of your own mind. There is only one thing that exists, and it lies within “your” current direct experience. You are hunting pleasures all your life, and sex is the most desirable one. Goose bumps, short of breath, pumping heart, butterflies in your stomach when anticipating sexual intercourse with the other, blood rushes though your veins. But what is sex really? Is it just a genital pleasure or a multidimensional divine paradise? Sex is the physical act of intimacy that can have different dimensions and goals. You can achieve so many goals through sex, and pleasure is just one little facet of it: healing, success, ascension, energetical charging, talent expansion and profound insights about feminine and masculine nature. Dimensions of sex can be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetical. Unfortunately, many of us only utilize couple of sexual dimensions during the whole entire life course. Spiritual aspects of sex are unknown to mediocre people. Perceptions can have different doors, sexual intercourse with a soulmate is your door and way to the Absolute/Pure Consciousness. Energy can play out itself as an appearance of masculine or feminine. It is one energy that carries different polarities. By contrasting and playing with polarities, the infinite potential deepens its Being. The most important condition that leads to insights and revelations is when you meet yourself in the another being. When your inner self embodies in opposite outer polarity, it closes the infinite loop, and leads to profound God realization. Ascension happens when you penetrate your outer self (partner) and realize that you have never been separated, and actually is One experience (Being/Reality). In the moment of pleasure, you are losing yourself to Divinity, to a point where you can’t define the borderline of your and partner’s body. You literally merge, dissolve, and melt into each other, this is Souls’ Ecstasy. Time slows down and you get so much pleasure that you are tittering on the edge of abys, you are about to lose your egoic illusory self. Every part of your body is in sync with partner’s one. Sex becomes an effortless tireless dance of naked bodies that move rhythmically toward each other, and only drops of sweat on the face bring you back to reality. The most erotic moment happens when you can unceremoniously throw everything off, not only clothes, but your ugliest parts into the love’s face and elate by being exposed. At this moment you become weightless. Healing happens when you build trust and integrity. This level of intimacy requires tremendous courage on both sides, a pretty high level of awareness. Can you imagine being a masculine guy and disclose all your complexes and fears to the woman you love? What if you appear as a loser, unattractive “little” person, who pretends to have so much confidence, when in reality, you are just a child with bunch of wounds and preconceived notions. But what if you go that far and receive acceptance, and when intimacy deepens with time, you will gain the whole appreciation of your most absurd, awkward traits in your woman’s eyes. Soul orgasm happens. It is important to understand that sex is a pure projection of your mind, plus it works on a hormonal level as well. You are constantly co-creating your partner, sex is not in your genitals, it is in your head. Sexual energy is very powerful. Usually, man gives, woman takes in sex. After sex man keep utilizing feminine resources because they are bound energetically. It comes hand in hand with masculine success, when feminine and masculine energies have a proper balance and exchange, they can create wonders for both genders. Man takes sexual energy to go to conquer, woman retains and preserves to keep the survival at stakes. However, why so many of us live in relationships that are far from perfect. Improper balance of polarities and willingness to compromise your deepest desires just to be with someone and never experience loneliness. You chose a wrong partner, consciously or unconsciously. Doors to divine sex are within the realization that to develop, keep and evolve your sexual intimacy off the charts you must meet certain condition. And this condition is your own Self. This is what you long the most, to find and drown in yourself with the help of the opposite gender. You want to splice inner and outer, and to die in this union. You, as man, all your life, desperately looking and waiting for your “inner woman” to be manifested in the outer woman you meet and recognize in the crowd. The greatest pleasure of all when in sex is to observe these two women making love to each other. You can fuck hundreds of women, and never experience the bliss of fuse with your inner Self, when you actually disappear as an idea and become everything. Sex starts with connection, prior to any physical activity. Mental dimension of sex is to get pleasure by sharing and being understood, by saying and actually be heard, by being accepted and forgiven, by being trusted and get totally naked, absolutely vulnerable. And the cherry on top when you see yourself in your partner. You understand his motivations and fears because you are alike, one enclosed in two separate bodies. Your inner woman breathes through her body, and her inner man moves through yours. This element of recognition allows partners to achieve the greatest orgasm, on all levels. Because your soul and body elate from just one thought that you can be loved unconditionally, and when loved like this you are invincible. Your masculinity thrives and wins all the bottles, it expands, and it wants to give. No clitoris/vaginal/g-spot orgasm can be compared to the one that happens between two souls that are alike. You can have a set of pretty boobs, beautiful pussy, face, and figure, but her fundamental difference will push you off, you’ll never be satisfied. Sex will suck your energy because your woman wouldn’t give nor her full heart, neither her pussy, she won’t reflect you. But when you do have soul consonance with her, she is always wet and you are erected, because you cannot get enough of each other: mentally, physically, and emotionally. That’s what true sexuality is: when masculine closes feminine nature. It is unbreakable, it does not know any time, other people, or obstacles. You are always hungry for each other, simple things turn you on, even despite distance, discord, or silence. Sex is always there, and this intimacy takes different shapes and forms. In bed it is in variety in positions, in mundane life is in insights when you interact with each other. This intimacy is sacral because it carries knowledge, expansion, and bliss. And the more ego you dissolve, the further you penetrate your woman: through your penis, heart, actions, and love. All the masks are taken, you are totally naked, in this merge and splice you’ve become One. There is no other, has never been, and never will be: transparent, naked, sexual Being.
  17. There is nothing disturbing in the video. You are disturbed because you are taking snippets out of context and misinterpreting what he means. You are getting triggered by certain words, in essence. What he is saying is what anyone who is enlightened knows. First there is a self, a center, then there is a localized expanded self (i.e. a bubble), then there's a fully expanded self infinitely radiating outward, then there is bliss or God consciousness...and the last step is the cessation of any strand of self. So think about the logic of the process of becoming awakened: gradual expansion of self until all sense of self is lost and merges into a field of awareness. At that point, you can perform a test: look at something, like your phone, e.g. and mentally ask "who is the subject and which is the object?" The feeling that returns is that there isn't a subject or object, there is only one field of awareness. So stop getting triggered by words people use. Words have different meanings in different contexts. Stop subjectively assigning the scariest possible meanings to them.
  18. Had an unexpected experience while walking the dog. Let me try to put it into words: I was there. It was me and now, and I was consciousness. There was no division in my experience. My sense of self disappeared and yet I was there. Before the event, there was radical openness. I was simply "holding" the question of my nature in no particular form. There was also an unprecedented sense of freedom and bliss. The state of openness remained throughout the experience. It was profoundly beautiful. The aftereffect lasted for about two hours. I'm avoiding hype and misrepresentation as best as I can. Thoughts? Help me clarify what went on, if you will.
  19. Yes, of course, but that's still not the same as omniscience. Omniscience is more than self-realization. It's knowing every single thing within the game. Every useless fact. I thought that's what he meant. But again that's not omniscience. I've had many "expanded awareness" experiences with euphoria, bliss, sudden big realizations, sudden understanding of concepts, but I never knew every fact about life, so I could never claim to have experienced omniscience. @Leo Gura is there a more accurate word, or do you really mean "knowing everything there is to know in existence, including everything outside your own direct experience / perspective"? I may not be within Leo's experience right now, but if I flew to his house tomorrow, the information about me right now would have a direct impact on Leo's experience tomorrow. Information about me right now would be processed within Leo's reality, even though I'm not real to him. If I was planning to do something bad to him, and I'm on the road travelling to his house, even though I'm not in his experience, the facts surrounding my actions are within his experience, and will have real consequences.
  20. This knowledge comes from the Golden Chain of the Naqshbandi Order Dear reader, this is the most important message you have received in your life up to now. While writing this message, we assumed that you would have only reached a conclusion after reading the entire message. This text has been carefully put together so that the common reader can understand this extremely difficult subject with relative ease. Take your time. The following key points are addressed in this text: -The Coronavirus -Vaccinations -Nanobots / Chemtrails -Mind control -Weather manipulation by means of HAARP -Djinns / satans / shaytaan of the fourth dimension -The false phenomenon of enlightenment -The third eye / pineal gland as an instrument of the false messiah / antichrist / mesih ad-dajjal -The deceptive technique "Law of attraction" -The second coming of the real Messiah Jesus / Al Mesih Isa ibn Maryam -The Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) for protection against the fitna of dajjal " Oh, surely the friends of Allah have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve." (Surah Yunus 10 verse 62) This text can be perceived as urgent. This is true in some respect, but that does not mean that you can sit back and take the time to study this information. If you have eyes to see and ears to hear, you will have noticed that the world is no longer what it used to be, and that it is changing very quickly. There are many different opinions and interpretations about the current status of the world with regards to the Coronavirus and everything related to it. We are convinced that there is much more going on in the background than a simple virus that has turned the whole world upside down. We will not withhold any information from you and we are straight to the point from the start. We live in the end times, which means there are going to be many drastic changes in the world. The start of these drastic changes is the CORONAVIRUS. The Coronavirus originates from the world of the jinns / satans (the fourth dimension). The Coronavirus is the FIRST SIGN OF THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. DABBAT UL ARD. The virus comes from the jinns / satans in order to further and more thoroughly realize their plans. This virus is a cause for many consequences that the world will experience. To finally complete the arrival of the ANTICHRIST aka AL MESIH AD DAJJAL. Who will declare himself as god from JERUSALEM. Before the antichrist can come to earth to declare himself "god", he will have to convince all mankind of his so-called status. This is the plan that he and Iblis and all of the satans have been working on for over a thousand years. They have access to four dimensional technologies. With these technologies they have an enormous influence in our current world. They greatly influence our thinking, beliefs, actions and deeds. They have achieved this by infiltrating all aspects of our lives, from the food we eat to the type of music we listen to and what entertainment we seek out. From the education system to the workplace. And even the air we breathe. They long for total control over the masses, control over how we think, what we eat, what we see, in short, the satans want control over all our senses, and especially control over our brain. They have already succeeded to a large extent. And the Corona virus will contribute a great deal to this; which silences us in many areas and takes away our normal rights. The whole world can now be easily steered in the direction the shaytaan/satans want. We warn You of the vaccinations being forced on all of humanity, which are going to prepare the human brain for total submission to their plan. let's talk a little bit about our basic need; air / oxygen: Our air has been sprayed for decades with nanobots and ultra-fine (nano) particles of metals (such as aluminum, strontium) and toxic substances by means of so-called chemtrails. These penetrate our body very easily and make the brain and its way of thinking docile, dependent, accommodating and naive. But more importantly make the body an antenna for very dangerous frequencies / mind control. Vaccinations are brimming with nanobots (billions) that will take over the heart and brain. The heart is sabotaged and manipulated. Many nanobots are stationed at strategic locations in the heart and brain to send signals, frequencies and electrical impulses. With the pure purpose of mind control. In order to whisper thoughts into the brain (these come from the world of the jinns), and to make these thoughts / whisperings seem as if they come from the HEART, with the result that the individual is completely manipulated to be convinced that these thoughts belong to oneself. The heart is much more than an organ. The heart is where Allah is. The whole plan of dajjal is to bypass the heart and its FEELINGS / REALIZATIONS and make the brain (and the third eye) master of the heart. This bypassing is accompanied by thoughts / logic that resembles a feeling but is in fact a thought from the brain. So in addition to forcing artificial and unnatural thoughts, the heart and its feelings and realizations are IMITATED. These signals that the nanobots receive and send come from the fourth dimension, the nanobots themselves are from the third dimension but they are designed by the jinns and receive assignments from the jinn world (the fourth dimension). NANOBOTS / NANOMATERIAL / NANO DUST / ULTRA FINE PARTICLES is in our food, in the air, and can also be carried in large numbers with weather conditions such as snow/blizzard or hail, these weather conditions are manufactured by highly advanced technology (HAARP). This means that this is artificial snow or hail. This kind of snow or hail remains intact for a very long time without melting. An example of this is the last snowstorm in early February 2021 in Western Europe. It was fabricated snow that did not contain water. Artificial snow does not contain water because nanobots and nanodust cannot withstand direct contact with water. Nanobots are very small, making it necessary to use a means of transport such as these weather conditions. By means of these manufactured blizzards, loads of nanobots can be transported to a specific place to target someone. They call this a "targeted individual". Or, for example; to flood a certain place in the world with nanobots. Nanobots contain very advanced technologies and are largely autonomous and can repair each other at a nanoscopic level and even build new nanobots from the nanomaterial, they can also perform certain tasks by through these frequencies/signals. These nanobots are made to enter an individual's body and to create havoc, but especially to make humans an antenna / receiver for signals and frequencies (these extremely low frequencies can also cause diseases and ailments such as cancer in the human body e.g. by mutating cells). These frequencies and signals come from cell towers and satellites. The bandwidth used is different from that we use for cellphone contact or internet. This technology originated in the fourth dimension and the jinns from the fourth dimension can use these transmission masts and cellphone towers as a portal / opening for their own frequencies and signals. This with the main goal of mass mind control and mass brainwashing. We live in a time where mass censorship is the norm. We live in a time where one is constantly influenced by the satans (jinns of the fourth dimension), a time where one has no opinion of his own and can think for himself, but belongs to a GROUP MENTALITY. This is exactly what iblis and dajjal want to make their plan work. We assure you that this plan will fail. The plan is to proclaim the FALSE MESSIAH as god on Earth, and to sabotage the heart of every individual to stop being able to distinguish the truth from falsehood. To create a false enlightenment in everyone so that one thinks that nirvana / eternal pleasure / bliss will come to Earth and that good and bad do not exist. That good deeds and bad deeds will both lead to enlightenment. So that no matter what you believe, no matter what norms and values you have, everyone has to accept each other for the choices they make, no matter how blasphemous and scandalous they are. This plan goes in conjunction with mainstream media and mega corporations. These are controlled by individuals with increasingly higher functions (pyramid system). Each time they in turn receive assignments from someone in a higher rank, those assignments ultimately come from the "elite". These are SATANISTS, whom have sold their souls for a small price. They in turn receive assignments from the fourth dimension or the world of the satans / jinns. This is a hierarchy that has existed for over a thousand years, and has been working on the dajjalic master plan for over a thousand years. his mission is to impersonalize the real MESSIAH. THE REAL MESSIAH IS JESUS / AL MESIH ISA IBN MARYAM (Peace be upon Him) who will come back to rectify his name. (The SECOND COMING of Christ). The false messiah / antichrist is a jinn who devised and executes this master plan from the fourth dimension, and who will eventually emerge in human form in the third dimension. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said the following about this fitna (trial) in a hadith / tradition: "From the creation of Adam (Peace be upon Him) to the end of time there is no greater fitna than that of Dajjal." The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) has warned us of this, and has told us the following; "The dajjal (false messiah) will be blind in one eye, and between his eyes will be written Kaafir (denier)." You will have to interpret this literally. The dajjal in human form can be recognized by his left eye, the right eye is blind. The symbol of the ("all-seeing") eye can now be found everywhere in entertainment, such as music and movies. This is to prepare humanity for his coming. The "all-seeing eye" also has a deeper meaning; it stands for the third eye, or the pineal gland, which is an organ in the brain. This organ is calcified in 99% of humanity. The reason for calcification is the use of fluoride in our drinking water and toothpaste. Fluoride is very quickly attracted by the pineal gland, and fluoride in turn attracts calcium very quickly. The so-called "enlightened gurus" or "enlightened masters" all have an open third eye. These are FALSE PROPHETS. This third eye is also called "the seat of the soul". This is not the seat of the soul but a PORTAL / entrance to the fourth dimension or the dimension where the jinns / satans live. When this organ is decalcified, or "opened", the person comes into contact with the beings (satans / jinns) of the fourth dimension. This by means of visions, communication and four dimensional information that are, as it were, uploaded to the brain of that person. The phenomenon of "enlightenment" is nothing but a complete BLASPHEMY devised by satans to prepare humanity for the arrival of their leader: THE ANTICHRIST / DAJJAL / FALSE MESSIAH. Enlightenment is an artificial form of spirituality that goes against the will of Allah and is directed from the fourth dimension. The satans of the fourth dimension have very advanced technologies and simulations to send a lot of information to the third eye. This is a second way to sabotage humankind. For the non "spiritual" people there is a third form of blasphemy which prepares them for the coming of the false messiah; and that is the "LAW OF ATTRACTION" AKA MANIFESTATION. Law of attraction (manifestation) is by no means a law of the universe. It is a false technique of shaytaan / jinns of the fourth dimension and part of the fitna of dajjal. It prepares people to recognize themselves as god on earth and to believe that they themselves can manifest their destiny. The people who seem to succeed are helped (knowingly or mostly unknowingly) by these jinns of the fourth dimension to get certain things done, such as worldly success and wealth. The jinns can (even without the help of the aforementioned technologies) read people's thoughts, influence them and also whisper new thoughts. In this way they know the desires and wishes of the individual and will do everything they can to ensure that the "law of attraction" appears to be working. Our advice is: stay as far away from this fitna as possible. The first way to prepare people for the coming of the antichrist by means of / brainwashing / mind control: Placing billions of nanobots in humans so that one becomes an antenna for the four dimensional frequencies / mind control. This by means of food, air, vaccinations, medication, etc. The second way to prepare people for the antichrist: Making the path to enlightenment specious and worthwhile to them and subsequently making them open (decalcify) the third eye. As a result; the brain and with it the heart are hijacked, and it is very difficult for the person in question to escape this madness. The false messiah wants to make the world completely sacrilegious before his coming, and make all of mankind believe in enlightenment. The third way to prepare for the coming of the false messiah: To convince people they can manifest their own destiny and life circumstances, and that they are themselves the cause of their success and sustenance(rizq). This by means of the false "law of attraction". This technique will make it easier for these people to walk the path of false enlightenment and self-centered behavior. Enlightenment is to take away the feelings of the heart, and make the brain master over the heart. To recognize himself/herself as a god on earth and to be convinced that this life is the only life there will be, without consequences for your actions. That there are no good or bad deeds and that everything is a game of the mind. That the world is an illusion and that it doesn't matter what you do or believe in. This is complete and total BLASPHEMY. The above three ways are each in preparation for the false messiah's coming and for recognizing him as a god on Earth. He will proclaim himself from Jerusalem as god on earth. To impersonalize the REAL MESSIAH Al Mesih Isa ibn Maryam. The real messiah will descend to kill the dajjal and to restore his name from all that has been told of lies about him. THE REAL MESSIAH ISA IBN MARYAM DOES NOT BECOME GOD ON EARTH AND IS NOT THE SON OF GOD. This whole situation and even worse calamities will come to the earth because humanity does not follow the Sunnah (way of life) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him). And have denied the signs of Allah. To give some examples; Gold and silver has been replaced by electronic money. Working in Allah's name has been replaced by 9 to 5 slavery in the workplace for a "boss". Spiritual knowledge and heavenly knowledge has been replaced by worldly education. Blessed clothing such as the turban and headscarf prescribed by Allah (swt) has been replaced by modern jeans and shirts. The recitation of the Holy Quran has been replaced by music. And there are countless more examples that can be cited. These substitutions are against the will of Allah and these are signs of the end times. Anyone who lives in this society without any rebellion or counter-will is contributing to this unblessed modern world in which we live. After reading this text you may wonder what the solution is to all this = THE SUNNAH OF THE PROPHET MOHAMMED (Peace be upon Him); A simple but very important example is the making of Wudu (the ritual washing), this washing has much more meanings than just washing body parts, the water contains realities of angels that we cannot comprehend. Making wudu preserves your energy and protects against diseases and shaytaan (satan) that want to attack you. And protection against the frequencies. Using the Miswak / Siwak (Islamic toothbrush) daily as all the prophets did and especially the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) is more than just cleaning the teeth and cleaning your speech. It is a way of grounding yourself from evil energies and electromagnetic frequencies being sent to your head and heart. Wearing a ring with Aqeeq (agate) protects you from the fitna of dajjal and ground and protects your heart and energy. The use of Musc (black musk) is to scare the bad jinns and to protect yourself against these frequencies. The Asaa (walking stick) is a way to ground yourself from these electromagnetic energies and frequencies. The Habbat Sawda (black seed oil) is to protect your skin from these frequencies so that it is more difficult to enter your body. And internally it will fight the diseases. All the Sunnahs of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) are a protection against the fitna of dajjal with infinite wisdom and blessings that Allah has put into it. Sayyidina Muhammad (saw) was sent as a mercy to all mankind from Allah the one god. His Sunnah / way of life is therefore applicable to every age, and to every kind of fitna / trial, not just the fitna of dajjal. As it says in the Holy Quran: ‘And declare, “The truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Indeed, falsehood is bound to vanish.”’ Surah Al-Isra 17 verse 81) The ultimate peace and blessings to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him). May the one god Allah protect you.
  21. @Inliytened1 @Inliytened1why was my Absolute Solipsism awakening the most terrifying experience of my entire life? Like I've had these minor awakenings where I felt the Love etc. But Absolute Solipsism was maddening.. didn't feel this eternal Bliss at all
  22. This topic of masturbation is bothering me these days as I'm trying to figure out the perfect lifestyle that resonates with me . Not all the information I will be giving here is confirmed by modern science. .but modern science is not perfect in my opinion and is limited to the material pradagim..and completely igoners spirituality and reilgions and metaphysics. According to eastern religions..especialy Hinduism(the oldest religion to ever exist ) there exist energy centers in your body called "chakras". 7 chakras .the root chakra(The sex centre).the sacral chakra .the solar plexus chakra .the heart chakra .the throat chakra. And the third eye chacrka. When your chakras are closed. You are asleep. Which means you are stuck in "maya" or illusion . The dream world of endless attachments and aversions .how you wake up to the truth?! opening your chakras. And this happens through sexual transmutaion .by rising your sexual energy (which Is life energy itself) up your chakras until the third eye. And when the third eye is open discover the ultimate truth. Which is that the self is an illusion .The world is a dream. Your true nature is infinite unconditional and immortal awarness. You are god himself! . Now ..its impossible to achieve enlightenment if you waste your"virya " -semen.which is the sacred life giving energy inside of have to preserve it and transumate it by mediation and yoga so you can achieve "nirvana"- the ultimate bliss. Semen retention is the first step towards achieving the goal of life itself . Either you use your semen to connect with your soul mate and create new life. Or you retain it to grow on every aspect. I want to know once and for masturbation actually healthy and good for you or not ?
  23. No it's because your work here is not done in this dream. When it's done you will once again become God in its fullness. Only then will you dream again but you will forget everything again. You see the problem with being Infinity is you cannot escape yourself. All you can do is realize yourself over and over again for eternity. And that is infinite Love. You being yourself and realizing that you are God is eternal bliss - so you recreate this realization to eternity.
  24. yes it is obviously problematic for some but for me is not an issue as i want my partner's greatest fulfillment that is perfectly acceptable and understandable and highly possible ... if with another is where their heart and bliss lies, then that is an expedient development how does one limit and proscribe love and deep attraction? do you enjoy the same meat and vegetables every night?