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  1. I really like the things he talks about cinema. For example, how violence or tragedy can act as a character. also, how the things he’s going through in his life has to intertwine with the movie he’s making. And as far as LP is concerned, I can’t think of a better example of someone who is on the right track. This even has a nonduality touch to it lol
  2. Teachings that say that "you are not the doer" might be useful at some point in spiritual development, but really it's an ego trap. It's like saying "don't think about a pink elephant." It fortifies the idea of being a separate doer. A better and the correct approach is to say: "you are the doer" and then go on explaining what the doer is. In nonduality the doer is the totality. And our past memories need to be seen from a true perspective which is that the "me" as a doer in personal memories in reality is the totality as the doer. Everything is the totality as a doer.
  3. ? Thank you, yes that's the intention. In my opinion it's generally more helpful to unravel "wrong knowing" than to "explain how it is" (except insofar as such explanations may help someone do their own unraveling). Not only is "explaining how it is" rather impossible, but it's also prone to becoming just another belief system. Explanations need a frame of reference, and generally speaking ones existing frame of reference tends to only get in the way. Because that's where the obstacles reside. And that's why straight-up explanations are often misunderstood, or not understood at all. So to me "the path" is always subtractive, hence Via Negativa, Neti Neti, etc. Even if that's ultimately just another device. No one ever needs to wake up, but everyone could always do with fewer obstacles. Development clarity and insight are automatic in the absence of obstacles, they are a natural consequence of being alive in the absence of unnatural barriers. Just like you don't need to pull on grass to make it grow. So addressing obstacles is usually the crux of what I try to do, for myself as well as anyone I talk to about this. To quote Jed McKenna, the only construction required is that which facilitates demolition. Or at least, that's one way of framing the approach. Until everything turns out to have always been nondual... ? Therefore reality can't exist in the way that it seems to exist, yes. Foundationlessness would be another equivalence of duality, relativity, finiteness, etc. In short, strange-loopy. But that is part of the illusion, in truth the foundation that's always been hidden in plain sight is consciousness. In other words when you go looking for the foundation of reality, the only possible candidate turns out to be consciousness. And to go one further, it's not even a foundation because there is nothing else apart from consciousness. Which is why all duality can only ever be apparent, not true. Nonduality appearing as duality without actually being duality. Hence illusory. Consciousness pretending to be not consciousness. Some people like to say that nonduality is so flippin' nondual that it includes duality. I think that's a misleading word game, although it may help against overly exclusionary tendencies, so sure fine why not. "Real" is subject to interpretation or redefinition. It's often said that reality is both real and unreal. Personally I'm not a big fan of those kinds of word games, I don't see the value in them except perhaps as cute little tests of comprehension. Tests of your ability to do "nondual thinking", I suppose. And also because it's equally false to stick to one side. Real and unreal is just another duality/mental category. Mental categories are false in the sense that they purport to refer to something pre-existing outside of itself, when they actually don't. So basically they are lies, albeit useful lies. They are how you create past, future, other, and indeed self. They are like a thin layer of narrative draped over an underlying structure, like a secondary layer of apparent duality. Together with the fuel of emotional energy, they form the "gestalts" that make your reality (including especially yourself) seem convincingly solid and objective, and differentiated. That emotional energy is what's refered to as attachment, and where the real work of disillusionment is done. The result being undifferentiated (nondual) consciousness. Even though of course differentiation is also illusory and consciousness has actually always been nondual.
  4. @khalifa How’s everything other than psychedelics and nonduality going my man? How’s you’re life purpose, job, career, hobbies, relationships, etc?
  5. This video is amazing. A great summary and documentary about the evolution of Advaita Vedanta and nonduality in India
  6. Here I found a new scientific result done with actual experiments: With confirmation bias I pick ..... superdeterminism! In nonduality superdeterminism is a result of reality as a whole being the cause. So there are no separate causes, neither from the past nor from the future. And the new scientific experiment is consistent with this and even says that superdeterminism is a possible candidate.
  7. I like to repeat explanations, because those can evolve and also for my own practice it helps me to recondition my mind. And by posting it in a journal like this makes it easy to make sure that my ideas become more solidified and coherent. So what is God? From a nondual perspective I think of God as the infinite intelligence of the process of reality. So God is not some separate being or even a process by itself. God is an aspect of the process of reality. And nonduality means changeless or there would be a duality where one thing controls another thing. So not even God has free will. God is not some boss separate from us. God is the only will. And thus even the ego is acting according to God's will. The ego is a necessary development in order to produce individual personalities. And the thinking mind is a higher state of development than animal existence without the intellect. The nasty thing with the ego is that its thinking is fueled by suffering. Therefore I will use Gurdjieff's intentional suffering practice and focus on the suffering instead of the thoughts! That is not going back into animal pre-intellectual consciousness. Instead it's a meta perspective above thinking. The purpose of which is to identify and resolve the conflict-ridden habit of the ego's thinking.
  8. I know this is an animated children's TV show but don't underestimate it. It has a lot of higher consciousness teachings and lessons that everyone can learn from. I'll divide this post into different parts of the spiral so that it is more organized. Stage Green: The main premise of the show is that the protagonist needs to defeat the Fire Lord. The Fire Nation is a nation that developed quite quickly because of the nature of the element they bend fire, and as a result got pushed into their version of the Industrial Revolution (stage orange). However, the Fire Nation also has a lot of blue and red in it and wanted to "spread their prosperity to the other nations" by conquering and manipulating them with violent means. This resulted in the Hundred Year War, colonization of other lands, and ultimately the genocide of the air nomads. Taking all of this into consideration, the show takes a stage green approach to really articulate everything that is wrong with these things throughout the entire series. And the best part is, despite having many heavy themes, they are all portrayed in a kid friendly way while not sugar coating or diminishing the issues. I remember when I first watched this show as a child, I related to the characters and thought it was a really cool action series but when I revisited as an adult, I really understood the concepts much better On top of the main themes, other side stage green things the show touches on are animal rights (Season 2 Episode 16: "Appas Lost Days"), sexism (S1E1 "Boy in the Iceberg" S1E4"The Warriors of Kyoshi" S1E18 "The Waterbending Master"), disabilities (this wasn't one episode but was encompassed by entire characters such as Toph and Teo), cultural appropriation (S1 E17 "The Northern Air Temple") and mental health (dealing with loss, dealing with abusive family members, Azula's mental break down etc) just to name a few. As far as character development goes, all of the characters are well rounded and complex. The show especially excels at representation. The female characters all have their unique form of femininity whether it is Suki, Katara, Ty Lee, or Azula, regardless of whether they are protagonists or antagonists. On top of that each culture in Avatar the Last Airbender are modeled after a different culture in real life. The Fire Nation is based on Japan and it's colonial past. The Earth Kingdom is based on China. The Air Nomads are based on Tibetan Monks. The Water Tribe is based on the Native Americans. The Sun Warriors are based of Mayan Civilization. Those are just to name a few but the show has amazing representation for Asian and Native American cultures. But I believe that all of this was done in a excellent way for people in other spirals. The show does introduce stage green concepts without being overly preachy or controversial to the point where it triggers people who aren't green that are likely also watching the show. I believe they can be used to articulate larger conversations and help people understand the point of view of green. I wouldn't say that it would directly push people to green, but it will plant seeds if that makes any sense. Stage Yellow: The show does a good job at not demonizing the Fire Nation, despite them being the antagonists of the show. On an individual level, you see a lot of humanization whether it is from the beginning from Prince Zuko and Uncle Iroh and how their redemption arc flourished, or in the end of Princess Azula's mental break down in the final battle. On the collective level the show also brings into question the differentiation between soldier and civilian (S1E10 "Jet") as well as showing the propaganda that is in Fire Nation culture (all of season 3 but especially S3E2 "The Headband" and S3E17 "The Ember Island Player" because they directly deal with ideology and propaganda). Also S2 E10 "The Library" calls the audience to question who they're even rooting for. This episode is when the characters walk into Wan Shi Tongs Library, a library infinite knowledge (I think it was supposed to be based on the Library of Alexandria). When Sokka says something along the lines of "with this infinite knowledge, we can defeat the Fire Nation and end the Hundred Year War" the librarian, Wan Shi Tong, depicted by a really creepy owl that gave me nightmares as a kid, gets angry and asks the kids and the audience "do you think you're the first ones in this library who believed that their side of a war is justified?" Firstly this is important because even though the Fire Nation has created chaos for the other nations, it establishes the protagonists position as yet, just another perspective. Additionally, I think it also addresses the desire to use knowledge for our own egotistical desires such as war instead of a healthy system. The show also depicts the cycle of war and how victims can become perpetrators of further violence because of the bitterness that comes with loss. This is first introduced in S1 E10 "Jet" where a group of orphaned kids basically beat up innocent Fire Nation civillians as well as wipe out entire settlements because of the pain they felt because their villages were burned to the ground and their parents were killed by the Fire Nation. It is also delved into on S3 E16 "The Southern Raiders" where Katara tried to hunt down and kill the man who led the raid on her village and killed her mother. While Katara is kind and loving for much of series, this episode delves into other more painful parts of her character. The pain of the loss even caused her to use waterbending techniques that basically went against her regular moral compass. Another episode where this is discussed is in S3 E8 "The Puppet Master" where Hama manipulates (and in some cases tortures) Fire Nation civilians using her powers because of they way she was hunted and imprisoned earlier in the war as a young woman. I also think elements of stage yellow can also be seen by how the show articulates green concepts as I mentioned earlier in this post. It doesn't push anything on it's viewers and lets the audience draw their own conclusions. Because of that the show is seen as progress and if I recall correctly, has faced little to no controversy from anyone really. I also think its smart to depict stage green concepts in a fictional universe to people who aren't at green so there is some personal distance between their egos and the issues and as a result they can see the limitations of their stages in a more objective manner. Stage Turquoise: Finally, the show scratches the surface of stage turquoise. Because the world is based on Asian culture, there are concepts of Eastern philosophy that is scattered throughout the show. Some examples include death being an illusion, separation being an illusion, letting go of egoic and worldly desires, and aligning chakras. The best episode for this is S2 E19 "The Guru." I have seen previous posts on this website talking about it more in depth and I'd recommend people check those out. Its a great way to introduce people, especially children, to concepts regarding nonduality without over complicating anything while still getting the message across. But yeah, those are some of my thoughts on this show. I got a lot from it as a kid, especially from the timeless humor that people still make memes about 15 years later, but I got so much more from it as an adult when I got more serious about self-development which is why I wanted to share all of this on this forum. I believe this show is a gem in general, but especially for kids because of the amount of complexities that are depicted in a simplistic manner.
  9. It seems like this maze is infinite.. And something about you is that there are no basics or certain facts That I can get from you.. You can deny anything.. And you can approve anything.. And then deny it again in a different context.. What is the criteria? Non at all. So if both me and you exist.. What is nonduality? "Not-two"? How is it that there is only one thing or absolute underlying oneness if you assert the separation and independence of me AND you?
  10. Turquoise / nonduality...It’s fully realized (feeling / no mind) sex & orgasm is an appearance / experience created by the limitation of yourself, which you are / you’re being 24/7. At that stage-less ‘stage’ feeling = “orgasmic” 24/7. The bliss that appears as the intuition, or the calling home in thought, is actual you, feeling, which is why “you” can’t think what sex is like, at turquoise. Only direct experience, and at that point not even, will do.
  11. Honouring separation. That's what the game is all about. Don't use nonduality to strengthen the underlying ego-structures (of self-judgement and judgement of the world). Oneness has absolutely zero value from the intellectual standpoint. But at the same time its incredibly practical. If you're distancing yourself from the world/people and become more bitter by the day. You might want to contemplate whether you really get the teachings. (Even though the distancing of oneself and self-denial can be an important step in the process to integrate..)
  12. But the perspective of the Source, isn't that already obvious from a nonduality perspective? No! Because the ego deals with the level of thoughts and remains trapped there. So this is a for me new perspective I experience. And of course, it's not only my own thoughts being created by the Source. It's everybody's thoughts! So when we are running around in ego consciousness believing that we think independently from each other, that's a total illusion! It's Source, like a big projector projecting all our thoughts into existence along with the entire physical world.
  13. Nonduality teacher Francis Lucille said that the mind doesn't create. It's the Source that creates the thoughts, he said. That made me able to recognize that my ego and my thoughts are created from Source! That's a kind of meta perspective, but it's more than that, because an ordinary meta perspective can still be on a conceptual level, meaning still the ego thinking at a meta level. The perspective of Source is to sense as an experience that all of one's thoughts, the sense of a personal self and the entire physical world are created by the Source.
  14. Here I found a short Sufi presentation of nonduality. Very similar to what I have found in other spiritual traditions and very clear.
  15. I had the same thought as Leo: tell them about Spiral Dynamics! I think most stage Green people sense that they're the most "progressed" one can be at the moment, except for maybe a handful of unobtainable enlightened masters living in ashrams somewhere. To teach them the spiral and open their eyes to the 2nd tier could be a game changer itself. I'm almost finished reading Wilbur's Integral Life Practice book. It does such a beautiful job of distilling all of Wilbur's complex concepts into a very practical and approachable book that I presume most stage Green people could resonate with. Thinking about life integrally could help one begin to shift. If they're spiritual and especially if they have Christian roots, I highly recommend Richard Rohr's book Falling Upward about the "two halves" of life. Rohr, who has taught Spiral Dynamics, nonduality and other integral maps, basically talks about the difference between 1st tier and 2nd tier but does so in his own words which are very approachable and inspiring. I read this book before I discovered Spiral Dynamics or any of Leo's work, and it was the book that made me understand why I suddenly felt so disconnected from Stage Green. It was a small miracle that it came to me at exactly the right time when I was transitioning into Yellow. Lastly, in additional to psychedelics, another consciousness-shifting transformational experience for me was a 4 day vision quest via Animas Valley. Bill Plotkin started Animas and has some amazing books about Soul Initiation, which doesn't entirely overlap with SD 2nd tier but is certainly heading in that direction. The Animas vision quest programs are incredibly powerful and life changing experiences. Good luck!
  16. Suffering is a result of individual control, for the reality of the situation is that no separate control is possible so it inevitably leads to conflict, strife, friction and effort spent on an illusion. A Course in Miracles mentions several times that suffering including pain is an ego trait. Many nonduality teachers make a distinction between pain and suffering, and that's valid since suffering can be seen as the psychological reaction while pain is a physical sensation. With integral nonduality it's possible to add development, evolution and progress. Integral nonduality is a more complete model. Ordinary nonduality teachings I have found lack evolution and progress. The danger with that is that it can lead to a false kind of acceptance of pain. With integral nonduality it's possible to treat pain as a warning signal indicating that growth and development is needed.
  17. If nonduality could be explained, no one would believe it. You & a universe is two. Nothing is emerging to dismiss. I love creation, I’m not dismissing it. I’m saying there aren’t two. Dogma is the opposite of inspecting direct experience, or, nonduality. Yes, the idea of reincarnation is not the direct experience of it, just like everything else. Direct experience requires seeing through beliefs. Direct experience is ‘correct’, because it is direct experience. If direct experience is deception, then the direct experience is that of deception. There’s no direct experience of a brain, sans a thought, ‘brain’. The ‘brain’ appears to, but does not produce. What is can’t be predicted, it’s already what is. 100%. ?
  18. Enlightenment will suprise you. What it really is. Ain't gonna shoot that video. Still didn't found dominas for that. What kind of nonduality genre is that. Stick to basics.
  19. Ok thanks for idea for new nonduality video.
  20. There’s no one to understand or define nonduality. That’d be two. Nonduality is a pointing, not a concept. The word doesn’t suggest what it is, only what it is not. If it is a concept, follow the pointing until it isn’t. Stop looking at the finger and see the moon, sts. An idea can not be perceived any more than perception can be thought. You can mistake reality for your ideas everywhere you look, yes. You don’t have to though. The universe is an appearance. There are no process, there is an idea that there are processes. It’d all be as it is, without the idea or label. Ideas aren’t wrong or right, that in and of itself is an idea. The universe has no processes. There are no humans. Start from what is actual, now. Notice evolution is a back story, not anything which can be pointed to. The actuality of anything pointed to, is now. That there is a past comes in as an idea, about now. There are not-two. We observing some thing, any thing, is twoness. All twoness is apparent. This is why moms & dads are called a-parent. You created yourself, and not even. Nonduality is not a concept. Your insistence that it is, is the point. Yes & yes there is. When all beliefs are seen through and as such disappear, only truth remains, and not even. Universe is a thought. A universe has never existed or been witness or observed. “Understanding itself”, is twoness. What is, simply is, itself. There is not that ‘me’ or that ‘universe experiencing through it’, not-two. Like this...there is nothing to get around.
  21. @electroBeam You make valid points. In retrospect, I did conflate them and I might re-shoot the Turquoise video to correct for that. At the time of shooting, I felt that ultimately we have to push towards nondual and mystical understanding, which requires leaving behind the Spiral model. Basically once you get to Yellow+, you should start seriously getting into nonduality and mysticism and transcend all models. Spiral Dynamics cannot give us the deepest levels of understanding and development that we seek. So I was trying to bridge that gap. Ken Wilber's model is actually better. The problem with Spiral Dynamics is that the people who invented it and teach it are not themselves awakened or mystical. This severely limits their understanding of human development. Ken Wilber has corrected for that.
  22. Is it possible to have a stage Turquoise / Purple tribe? Could a group (20-50) of people who have a deep understanding of Self/God/transcendence of ego/Nonduality form a Purple type tribe where they are family, live together and share survival responsibilities in nature? Coming full circle in the Spiral Dynamics so to speak. Seems like it would be almost easier to be in a tribe at Turquoise because you understand that everyone else is You, no separation, all working as One.
  23. 2 personal insights today: 1) Always value the Truth/nonduality/God consciousness over materialism/3D matrix/ego consciousness. Do everything for God, not for the ego. 2) All of the wisdom, insight, love, honesty is in the present moment all the time. You don't need to chase it or go after it. Every atom in the universe has infinite love, wisdom and bliss. And all of your chasing is coming from wanting what's in that atom. You already have what you seek. All the time. 3) Be ruthless with thoughts. Don't give them any space to be believable. For example: bad pickup session generates negative thoughts about appearance, women's motives, fears about lack of income (inferiority complex), etc. For 1) you aren't picking up girls for pussy. You're doing it to get in touch with non duality and God consciousness more. Every rejection, embarresment, attack, bad perception that others have of you is an opportunity to drop thoughts, shed ego, and get closer to source. For 2) you already have everything that girl can give you every single second. For 3) The battle here is not believing thoughts. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Further insights from 11/08/2020: 1) basically everything that causes suffering doesn't exist. It only seems to exist. Embarrassment, disappointment, annoyance, irritation, hatred, judgement, hopelessness, depression, are all surfaces. But they are not substance. You confuse those surfaces for substance, and that's the generation of suffering. Remember that the game has already been won. You've already completed the boss battle. You just haven't realised it till you penetrate the surface and enter the substance. You've already got everything that you ever wanted. Its the substance. 2) Your fear from doing great work (career) and picking up the hottest women (sexuality) comes from your fear of not being able to accept Truth. What if the truth is you're a shit guy? And that hurts your ego? What if pickup reinforces that? What if that hurts the ego? What if you can't accept that? The trick is, you can accept that, but you've been tricked into thinking you can't. THAT is where the suffering is coming from, from the fear that you can't accept the thing that causes the fear. Know that, you are capable of accepting everything. Regardless of what your thoughts or reality tries to tell you. Its in your nature, your blood, your DNA, to be capable of accepting every possible thing there is to accept. When going through fear in pickup or career about being rejected romantically or because of the work you do, know that if you penetrate through the thoughts, you CAN and WILL accept the way reality is by your nature. You don't need to fear about not being capable of accepting reality the way it is, because you CAN and WILL do that by default. Corollary to 2) if fear was real, you wouldn't be able to accept it. But you can accept it, precisely because its not real. You can accept the possibility of being raped, murdered, blown up by ISIS, going to jail, etc. Because the fear of those things are not real. You only think the fear is legitimate because you think its real. Literally the answer to being fearless is simply the realization that what the fear points to isn't real. Can't get any more direct than that. Its all about revealing the trick, opening the curtains on fear. Seeing what fear actually is, rather than what it seems/tells you it is. It is the ultimate trick of the entire universe. The heart/core of the devil. You were born to accept Truth. Its in your DNA to accept truth. Its not in your DNA to accept fear (or what the fear points to as a real thing). But that's the whole trick. Fear isn't real(or what fear points to isn't real), and the reason why you can accept everything, isn't because you are capable of accepting what the fear points to (you/God is not capable of accepting that) but you ARE capable of accepting the thing that is revealed once the fear has been seen as illusion. And that thing that reveals itself once fear is seen as an illusion, ALWAYS ultimately is revealed because its permanent and true. Fear is impermanent and so its temporary. Truth is eternal. Fear is limited while Truth (opposite to fear) is unlimited. For example, you fear being rejected when handing in your resume to an employee. Because you fear him revealing you as an imposter, bad worker, surfacing old traumas. The trick is, those things the fear points to, imposter, bad worker, surfacing of old traumas, aren't real. And what's real is the creator. So when you hand your resume to your employee, you're worried about all of those things becoming true (imposter, etc). But in reality, all that will come true is God. And to be fearless, is to realise that the things your fear points to are not real, and what's real is God. So when you hand in that resume, what will be revealed in actuality is God. But its so God damn hard to accept this. You're so scared of the alternative, that its hard to realise this. But that's the core of the devil. If you unlock this, you get everything you want. You're right in that you cannot accept being an imposter, bad worker, etc. You/God is incapable of accepting that. Its too bad to be true. So you're right to fear those things. But where you're wrong is those things aren't real, and the only thing that has to be accepted in this universe, is something you can accept as your birth right: which is Truth. The creator, the one that is revealed when you penetrate through the millions of layers of thoughts. EDIT Holy shit, all negative emotions stem from confusing truth for something that isn't true ?????? Holy shit my life was a lie. Again. How many times am I gonna realise my entire life was a lie, before I finally accept its a lie? Alright next goals: Go through the most challenging, difficult, hardest, things in life (and most rewarding) and fucken do it blissfully, fearlessly and lovingly. Put this insight to the maximus test. Bash ALL the fear out of you. 0 fear is the goal.
  24. So I've got massive dissatisfaction with my career at the moment. I feel completely uninterested in the work that I'm doing on a daily basis. Its reaching a critical level. I don't see the value of it, I don't feel like I'm progressing in the right direction. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I don't feel inspired, fascinated, or excited with the work I'm doing. I'm always distracted by other things, stuff I'm more interested in. I don't have passion for my work, and a neglect of care for the outcome of my results. There is clearly something I'm more interested in, but I've kept away from it my entire life and tried to distract myself with other stuff because that thing is hard to make money off, and I've got autism and don't feel comfortable providing value through understanding people. I've also tried to apply Rupert Spira's wise words about his life purpose. He said he use to be a pottery maker. And he only transitioned to being a teacher because it helped more people, not because it made him happier. So a confusion I have is, I hate my job, does that mean I should really be trying to love the job I have, rather than changing? Is changing jobs an ego trick? On one hand I feel like Rupert is onto something, the path is about accepting what is. But on the other hand, I'm very very very drawn to other things. Its a powerful force that cannot be stopped. I'm deeply ineffective with my work because I don't like it. And I can't apply Rupert's words no matter how hard I try (been trying for past 3 yrs). I'm very very very clear on what I don't like, I've tried many things, through university courses and in the field. I don't like: Science, Technology, Engineering or mathematics (massive hate passion). Visual or musical art. western medicine and law. policing. firefighting. being a journalist. being a pilot. being a mechanic. being an athlete. being a tennis coach. magician What I haven't tried, but am quite sure I wouldn't like it: alternative healing personal development coach seduction coach using siddhis somehow to provide value (like siddhi vasi healing) alternative medicine nutritionist What I'm drawn to and interests me: 1. Eastern Philosophy. 2. How to live a good life. 3. Nonduality. Tantra. 4. Very big picture thinking. 5. some of the very big picture aspects of sociology. Not studying and science. I don't like science. I don't like making hypotheses, testing them, repeat. Rather I like applying eastern teachings and being directly aware of knowledge. What I truly want to do: 1. provide really valuable content that helps change people's perspectives to help them get through life with less stress, better health, more open mindedness politically/socially/scientifically/culturally. 2. Showing people, helping them experience the beauty in life. Helping them release tension, opening their minds up to timelessness, eternity, detachment, love, empowerment, etc. What are some videos or introductions to some people who are doing the above 2 points really passionately, and loving it?
  25. Just replace the last word in the url with anything and receive quotes. This is open AIs latest creation. Some random quotes that where genrated. - “In true nonduality, there is no me or you. It's all One.” - “Once you can conceive of duality, I'm sure you can conceive of nonduality.” It can do alot more then this... Its AGI... Imagine a multi perspectival search engine that can categorize article by perspective and order them by level of consciousness. So a search result would return multiple answers from every perspective. We can even categorize content by its spiral dynamic stage... and search vai does criteria...