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  1. Transformation Series (by The Perception Trainers) Part 1: Awareness Practicing awareness comes easy to me. I often worry though that I don't do it correctly or that I am not going deep enough. Over the last few days I have been mainly focusing on awareness which makes me feel stable and calm. I also don't feel like I am going anywhere though. I feel like the mud has settled but like I am still there where I always was.
  2. Over the past weeks I have been soaking up a lot of spiritual information (mainly 'the perception trainers' on YouTube). I definitely overdid it though and tried to apply everything all at once which led to a few crazy breakdowns I am ready to do things properly and to change my beliefs slowly and steadily, being gentle with myself. I started reading 'the transformation series' from the perception trainers again, which I funnily read over 1.5 years ago already. I dismissed it at the time because seeking external change still felt too real to me. I am excited to get back into it but I am also doubting myself. What if thsi is just another thing you are adding to your tools? What if you are not ready, what if you are moving too fast? The transformation series is basically all the information from the perception trainers put together in order so it's not even like I am jumoing into new tools but I am still questioning myself. I highly recommend looking up The Perception Trainers on YouTube! As radical and effective as spirituality and personal growth can get imo.
  3. I also wanted to discuss this snowball effect in life. Where things go wrong in your life and then they continue to go wrong like a chain reaction set up. Especially with health problems In my childhood every day was like a bad day. There were no good days. So sometimes it feels like this whole life is a journey of waking up to a bad day . Like you are living just to feel bad every day. You are sick of feeling sick everyday. 2 mysteries these are the how does a person turn out to be good and the other bad. What causes this change in person to person . I know that parental upbringing and culture and genetic factors play a huge role but I'm also aware that there is more than only these. The nature of the spirit of how's it's acquired is a huge mystery the next mystery is the transformation. How does a transformation occur. That certain people when they are placed in certain circumstances they learn to survive and adapt and this causes spontaneous mutation and adaptation and transformation. I will call this spontaneous transformation. Yet this does not happen all the time. Certain harsh conditions can elicit a fatal response rather than invoke an adaptation response. Which means those harsh conditions can prove fatalistic and the person dies. There is no scope for adaptive mutation. So here is the mystery. What's the exact point that decides the difference between adaptive and fatalistic and how does this mutation or adaptive training occur. What set of conditions or caveats are needed for such a spontaneous beneficial or protective transformation to take place.
  4. @DoubleYou I’ve been thinking about that too! But then I worry, I don’t want to lose everything I’ve worked for! So it’s kind of a two sided deal, I both want to give up and don’t want to haha. But I really have been trying to work with this idea of just letting go of all the ideas I have about myself, total transformation is upon me.
  5. @Leo Gura contemplating for life purpose in the transformation of economics / commercial psychedelics. This story in particular caught my attention today: I am considering making video games that give people psychedelic experiences, but with so many psychedelic retreats becoming available online and around the globe, I'm starting to wonder if inventing new psychedelic business models is a more pressing need. Basically my question is, do you have any plan for a video, or direct action through your business, to help prevent what this story is portraying? (which is essentially the over-commercialization of the psychedelic industry by big pharma (see the story If you don't have time to read it that's OK, but it seems relevant to your mission and to the not so distant future of a society potentially lead by Bernie, that is growing up the spiral. Thanks for any input.
  6. I would be cautious of creating a standard of success to be a permanent nirvana-like state in which I have zero "bad" desires and 100% "good" desires in which I am happily motivated to be productive all the time and spend 100% of my time being productive and engaging in self improvement and spiritual practices. That standard is just so unreasonable and it sets the person up for failure. . . It would be like me wanting to get back into good physical shape - yet my standard for being in good physical shape is: never missing a single day of working out under any circumstances, never eating any snacks or candy, having 5% body fat, bench pressing 150% of my body weight and winning an olympic gold medal in both weightlifting and the marathon. I would just be setting myself up for failure. With this standard of success, as soon as I fall short I will think "see, I knew I would fail. I might as well go back to playing video games all day and eating potato chips". For personal transformation, I think it's much better to develop healthy habits incrementally and have attainable goals - both short-term goals and long term goals - yet not be so demanding and rigid that I sabotage myself and set myself up for failure. For example, a goal of running at least 5 miles everyday is too rigid. What if I am sick one day and it would be unhealthy to run? What if I get a minor injury and running on it would seriously injure myself? A better goal might be "I am committed to 45min. of exercise five days a week". This provides structure, yet also flexibility. Regarding freedom of addiction, it depends. . . I still have desires that would be considered "spiritually incorrect". That is part of the human experience. I wouldn't want to live without some of those desires. Yet I also wouldn't want my life to be constantly driven by those desires. . . Regarding specific addictions, yes some can be completely overcome. The strongest addiction in my life was chewing tobacco. I was mentally and physically addicted hardcore. I tried to quit for many years and kept failing. . . Quitting that habit was one of the hardest thing I've ever done. My mind and body was obsessed and I thought I would never be free of the physical and mental addiction. Yet with time it got less and less intense. I would say it took about two years to become completely free. I have not had a single desire or craving to chew tobacco for over 15 years. I don't even think about it. Even the thought of it doesn't arise. It's a non-issue in my life. So yes, it is possible to become 100% free from an addiction.
  7. @Michael Paul im not sure if I'm completely getting your question. But the thing that springs to mind for me is that we know there is no free will, that everything is conditioned patterns. The only way to change a pattern is not by resisting it and attempting to "do" something else, but to observe the pattern and the identification that keeps the pattern repeating itself. Then the pattern becomes integrated in time and new thoughts and behaviours emerge. I think that's the only instance in which we can say we can do things "differently". But that's just a way of symbolising the process. On close inspection we don't really "do" anything, everything is being done by existence itself, whether that serves us individually or not, even new behaviours. So the only options are internal struggle or acceptance and transformation . I chose the latter because that is the only real way that we can "change", because change is destined anyway, but change should happen according to how well we let life make the decision for us. Trying to force things just keeps the old habits and conditionings in place , even if the appear to be changing, they are not, not until they are made conscious
  8. Looking at the polls indicates that Williamson will require a miracle to win in 2020. I have strong doubts about that happening, but who knows! My current guess is that Trump will remain President. Anyway, Marianne even being included in the first debates is a sign that integral spirituality is peeking into the big power structure. And historically it indicates that we are in a transformation of the whole world within a very short period of time. It will take many years before we see any radical changes, yet it's about decades at most, not 1,000 or even 100 years into the future so from a historical perspective my take is that it's a very fast and accelerating shift going on right now.
  9. Become aware that there's no such thing as "depressive, yucky feelings." All feelings are neutral. "Depressive and yucky" is how your ego has labeled them. This doesn't mean that these feelings aren't intense or overwhelming. But more and more try to open to the possibility of accepting them as is. That's where transformation happens. When a small glimpse of no-self kicks in, the only thing that's happening right now is you resisting that which arises. In this case, these so called depressive feelings. So the only way to get comfortable in no-self, is to get comfortable in silence. The more you do, the more you start to trust it, because you become conscious of the fact that there's nothing there to be feared. And in time, this will accelerate the healing. This fear arises simply because you don't know what will happen when you let go. If you knew, you wouldn't fear it. So make it your goal to find out, to learn to trust it.
  10. Not only do crystals come in all sorts of colors (amethyst, rose, aquamarine) and serve different intended purposes (improved sleep, added protection, attracting abundance), but they’re also found in many different shape formations. Just like the colors of the crystals convey unique meanings (since they often signify what type of stone, exactly, it is), crystal shapes also matter. Experts say the structure of a crystal doesn’t change the type of energy it emits, but the shape does affect the way you receive said energy. “Crystal shapes can help to amplify your intention and your experience with them,” says Heather Askinosie, crystal expert, co-founder of Energy Muse, and author of CRYSTAL365. “Choosing a crystal shape that pairs well with your intention will enhance and magnify your transformation.” Below, a few experts weigh in to help demystify the different crystal shapes, what they mean, and how to use them. It’s great intel to note next time you find yourself roaming the shelves of a metaphysical shop in search of a new crystal or simply perusing your own crystal collection. Learn what 7 common crystal shapes mean—and how to best use them. 1. Cubes If you need some grounding vibes in your life (don’t we all?), a cube-shaped crystal might be the perfect gemstone companion for you. Askinosie says meditating with cubic crystals in your hands can help you connect to the energy of the Earth. You can also place them in each corner of a room to protect the space. 2. Pyramids Crystal pyramids are said to be powerful for manifesting your desires. “Their strong base acts as an anchor for your intention,” says Amber-Lee Lyons, chakra expert and founder of Chakra Girl. “The apex of the pyramid sends the intention out into the universe. Whether it’s a self-serving stack of cash you want to manifest or to send out love to the collective, pyramid crystals will take you to that next level.” 3. Spheres “The crystal sphere reminds you that you are a part of the greater whole connected to all the energies in your surroundings,” Askinonsie says. “You can imagine that you are holding the world in the palm of your hand.” The Zen vibe these magical crystal balls give off also makes them great meditation buddies. Amber-Lee Lyons says adding a small one to your crystal collection that fits nicely in your hand while you meditate can also double as a mini massage ball to relax any tense muscles. 4. Tumbled stones Consider tumbled stones as stepping stones into the wonderful world of crystals. “Some may call them basic, but I call them practical,” Amber-Lee Lyons says. The small, smooth crystals tend to skew inexpensive and easy to find online or at your local crystal boutique. But don’t be fooled by their size—these travel-friendly stones are indeed powerful. Amber-Lee Lyons says what’s especially great about them is how mobile they are. You can easily carry them in your pocket or purse, or even tuck them inside your bra to help you connect with the energy all day long. Having one so close, maybe even touching you directly, can act as a reminder of your intention. 5. Crystal points As its name suggests, a crystal point keeps you sharp and on point. It’s your BFF whenever you need to stay uber-focused on something. Mariah K. Lyons, crystal healer and founder of ASTARA, says to use these powerful points for manifestation purposes. “Write down a mantra, affirmation, or desire on a piece of paper,” she says. “Fold the paper and place the crystal point on top, pointing up. This acts like a pyramid, directing all the energy from the intention on the paper upward into the cosmos and radiating out into the surrounding environment.” 6. Hearts Heart-shaped crystals are not naturally occurring; they’re cut and polished into this shape, but they still radiate a strong love energy. Mariah K. Lyons says to meditate with a heart-shaped crystal to activate your heart chakra. “Focus your energy and attention on your heart and imagine filling your heart with pure loving light,” she says. “Imagine the light fills your heart and weaves in and out clearing any old wounds and traumas and bringing healing and peace into the heart and body.” 7. Clusters This is, as you’d expect, a cluster of crystal points in their natural form (and they’re oh-so pretty to look at thanks to their sparkle and mystical vibes). “A cluster is great for bringing unity to a space,” Mariah K. Lyons says. “Place a cluster crystal on your family dining table, living room table, or other communal spaces in the home. It’s also great to place in conference rooms in an office or places where people come together. It helps create a space of open dialogue and community.”
  11. For the next week or so, among other things, in this journal, I will post word for word some of my favourite passages from my favourite books. These are things that resonate with me on a massive scale, that I try to action and implement in my life. Meditations - Marcus Aurelius Ego & Humility • The mind without ego is a fortress. No place is more secure. Once we take refuge there we are safe forever • If you stick to your Truth’s, you will be a new person with a new life. It won’t matter if others do not know the Truth. You will set sail and steer a steady course toward freedom • Do what’s right, accept what happens, and speak the truth Compassion & Forgiveness • Just do the right thing. The rest doesn’t matter. Cold or warm. Tired or well rested. Despised or honoured. Busy or not Others • If you stick to your values, you can find fulfilment in anything you do. No one can prevent that • In a sense, people are our proper occupation. Our job is to do them good and put up with them • It’s silly to try and escape other people’s faults. They are inescapable. Just try to escape your own • You’ve given aid and they’ve retrieved it. And yet, like an idiot, you keep holding out for me: to be credited with a Good Deed, to be repaid in kind. Why? • Let it not make one bit of difference if other people blame you for doing what is right • Some people with their resentments are like pigs about to be slaughtered. Kicking and squealing until the bitter end • It isn’t me who is harmed by that. It is you • When someone appears to have tried to harm you, rest assured that he’s already been tried and convicted – by themselves Spirituality & Fear • To be the same in all circumstances • Concentrate on doing what’s in front of you. Do it with justice, precision, and willingness. Free yourself from distractions as if it were to be the last thing you would do on this Earth. Stop letting your emotions and thoughts overwhelm you. If you manage this, that’s all even God can ask of you • Don’t be dependent on anyone else doing something or not doing it • What stands in the way becomes the way • The first step: Don’t be anxious. Nature controls it all • If it’s endurable, then endure it and stop complaining. If it’s unendurable, then your transformation will fix it, so stop complaining General • To read attentively – not to be satisfied with “just getting the gist of it” Letting Go • Objective judgment, now, at this very moment. Unselfish action, now, at this very moment. Willing acceptance, now, at this very moment. That’s all you need • Blot your imagination. Turn your desire to stone. Quench your appetites. Keep your mind centred on itself
  12. One advantage of an integral approach instead of a pure ACIM following is that it makes my ego a part of me instead of something that is deemed as bad. Sure, from a higher perspective the ego IS insane. Still, from an even larger perspective the ego is perfectly healthy and a necessary part of reality. So one trick I came to think of is to just keep identifying with my ego and let the transformation happen automatically. And to focus on inner peace.
  13. There are two people, who is more "evolved"? Person A: Person A decided to stop wearing fur clothing because they saw how terrible animals are treated in the fur industry. Person A is talking about on facebook and shaming others for doing so, because of how much empathy Person A is feeling towards the animals that are abused in fur factories. Person B: Person B does not care about animals at all, yet Person B points out Person As hypocrisy. How can Person A stop wearing fur if they are the same time are eating meat? It's hypocrisy! And not wearing fur won't change anything. Perso B continues to wear fur and eat meat, and uses the hypocrisy of Person A to justify that. Notice that Person B is right that Person A is a hypocrate, yet Person A cares more about animals than Person B. Person A is in that sense a "better" person, they have taken a step towards less cruelty, even if they are currently remaining in an inconsistent position which actually doesn't change anything about the situation. Eventually Person A might stop even to eat meat, because they take one step further to reduce the impact they have on others. In the meantime, Person B has remained at their position, both wearing fur and eating animals. In a similar vein, people who are very much concerned about things like cultural appropriation and the like, even if it is neither the most effective way to reduce suffering and maybe means they become hypocrites, they are still more evolved than people who do not care about it at all, who use that hypocrisy as an excuse not to bother to think about the impact they have on others. Sure, sometimes the more evolved person might be overconcerned, but that is part of their evolution, of their increase compassion. You frame it as if these people were less evolved "hiding their white guilt", so you can comfortably remain where you are and dismiss any of these concerns as non-issues. It is fundamentally your frame of mind that is "less" evolved, even if this particular issue was a non-issue, the fact that you so easily dismiss it and show no concern and interest in it's possible validity is essentially what is "less" evolved about you. You concern is primarily individualistic, you have a priority about what you as a individual can and cannot do over what will have a better impact on others. You do not see it, but you are arguing from that desire and it determines how you speak, what arguments you provide, what things you view as non-issues and which you view as issues. It's not merely in this particular situation in which you show these individualistic, freedom, stage orange value tendencies. You have brought them up in our conversation about animal rights too. You put your individualistic needs infront of the life and suffering of others. We of course do that too, but to a lesser degree. We are concerned about these issues, we try to find validity in them, while you are biased towards rejecting them because they limit your freedom. This mechanism is what eventually leads, on a larger scale, to for example complacency towards the treatment of billions of individuals, like the animals we are putting in factories. For you that is pretty much a non-issue, as long as you don't contribute to it, you can do whatever you want in your life. However, if you truly were concerned without bias, you would see it as a problem, you would feel (!) it to be a problem. A huge problem, that does not just require an absence of action on your part, but an actual proactive approach so as to mitigate that kind of discrimination of suffering. It is not enough to simply not eat factory farmed meat, it is paramount to actually make others not eat factory farmed meat and to generally make efforts to reduce that kind of suffering. This is stage green, it is not about "live and let live", it is about "Help those who need the help most". It is a deep desire to involve yourself in the increasing of well-being of those who suffering the most. Orange is only interested in not being "hypocritical", in not being immoral, in not being "bad". See how self-centered that is? For green it is about actively identifying the issues, of actively going against discrimination, of actively participating in these movements which solve social issues. You show only very minor interest in that, which allows you to dismiss issues like cultural appropriation as non-issues. While I agree that there are far bigger problems that need to be solved, I cannot simply dismiss it like you anymore. I could have probably even a year ago, but now I feel like I need to take these issues seriously. It is an emotional transformation, which again will determine what kind of arguments you will find appealing in what you will view and dismiss as non-issues. I have noticed this shift in myself very radically the past few months. While previously I would have seen a insect and might not have bothered to help it because "I would be kind of a hypocrate if I helped this insect while eating products that kill insects", that kind of mentality just became obsolete. I helped the insect, even a tiny fruit fly, out of an innate desire to help that insect. I required no justification, there was a motivation that was just present. I did, at that moment, not care about what kind of person that action would make me, I just did what I felt was best. The carnist will focus on the hypocrisy of the vegan to justify his habits. This is hugely important. The carnist will be most concerned about "what kind of person" he will be in his own and other eyes. The vegan does not care that much, one that is truly concerned about animals. They will backwards rationalized to help the animals at any means possible. A very interesting shift, because many vegans start being vegan because of their own identity attachment, because "they dont want to be animal abuses". A more fully green person will be detached from that, they will help because of a desire to help, because of true empathy towards these beings, whether they viewed as "hypocrates" or the like is secondary and only relevant to the point it will be a detriment to the animals.
  14. @Shakazulu Got you, yes I will give it a year then. To answer your previous question, I started reading pickup materials since May and have been tuning into RSD programs/contents for 3 months now. So I'm pretty new to it all. At least I'm glad that I'm aware when I start feeling needy every now and then even though I cant do much to change it every time. Also, I recently got Julien's transformation mastery program. Although that has hot nothing to do with pickup and girls, it has brought into my awareness the frame of scarcity vs abundance. And it's really helpful to let go of my infatuation for the girl which comes from a scarcity mindset.
  15. Hi people If you had the chance which of these spirits would you rather recommend for deep healing, transformation, self knowledge, spiritual growth? Which one offers more guidance? Also which country suits better to travel to for the spiritual growth. These spirits lie in different regions as well. Would you say ayahuasca is rather heavy?
  16. The transformation towards santa muerte came around October 10 and 11 and October 12. ..... October 9 I was still skeptical. The videos that caused that transformation from skepticism to acceptance are
  17. @Nahm OMG you and @Leo Gura went to All phases. Source took over me. OMFG. Help All that is you. Do God's work. It's happen ing, It's actually happening. OMG I dunno where this leads. But you guys know it. You went All way through. How deep this is. OMG. OK ok I get it. Serve Reality, Serve Reality OMG and I can't stop with work. God force It's God force. Thanks a lot. IS there more? Super Nova Heart Halo Awareness and Wings. Wings, I got wings hahaha can't beleive this. I know wings were missing. Ok this is so cool. Ok expect crush but crush is Just unfoldment. Some sort of development you gone through before every transformation. Wow. God is amazing. Fuck it I Will offer my head and be on knees everytime for it. It's All Well deserved. OK bit late lets see where it leads. It's quite fucking amazing. Yeah Kinda like that biblical Lucifer lol. Good story like really really good story. If anything it is romantic Selfless story. Yeah Light (Love) bringer. Ha. Just amazing. Once devil now angel WTF is All of THIS. ? IT is so great, so great. Love is great and amazing. Love is Everything.
  18. // pasted from youtube comments --------- MY OXFORD DICTIONARY TRUTH: The state of being true. The state of being true, actual facts. A fact or belief that is accepted true. TRUE: In accordance with fact or reality. Rightly so called. Real or actual. Accurate and exact. In keeping with standard or expectation. Loyal or faithful. Correctly positioned or aligned. FACT: The thing that is definitely known to be true. Information used as an evidence. REALITY: The state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to how one might like them to be. A thing that is actually experienced or seen. The state or quality of having existence or substance. SUBSTANCE: The real physical matter. Solid basis in fact or reality. REAL: Actually existing or occurring; not imagined or supposed. Not artificial; genuine. Worthy of the description; proper. Significant; serious. OCCUR: Be found or present. Happen; take place. ACTUAL: Existing in fact. Existing now. EXIST: Be real, be present in a place or situation. Be alive; live. EXISTENCE: The fact or state of existing. A way of living. ALIVE: Living; not dead. Continuing in existence. Alert and active. Aware of and willing to respond to. LIVE: Remain alive. Be alive at a particular time. Spend one's life in a particular way. Survive in someone's mind. LIFE: The existence of an individual human being, animal or plant. A particular type or aspect of people's existence. The period during which something continue to exist, function or be valid. Vitality or energy. The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the ability to grow, breath and reproduce. STATE: The condition of someone or something at a particular time. CONDITION: The state of something or someone. The circumstances affecting something. TIME: Unlimited continued progress of existence. Events in the past, present and future, regarded as a whole. PRESENT: Being or occurring in a particular place. Existing or occurring now. Period of time now occurring. GOOGLE Truth: noun - The quality or state of being true, that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality, a fact or belief that is accepted as true. True: adjective - In accordance with fact or reality, real or actual, accurate or exact, honest, loyal or faithful, devoted, dedicated. CAMBRIDGE DICTIONARY Truth: The quality of being true, the real facts about a situation, event, or person, used to show or emphasize that something is true. A fact or principle that is thought to be true by most people. MERRIAM WEBSTER Truth: The body of real things, events, and facts, actuality. A transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality. The property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality. Fidelity to an original or to a standard. Sincerity in action, character, and utterance. OXFORD LEARNERS DICTIONARIES TRUTH: The true facts about something, rather than the things that have been invented or guessed. The quality or state of being based on fact. A fact that is believed by most people to be true. As I can see, none of them actually tells you anything satisfactory. It's like asking someone what is truth? he pointed towards her and she did the same. Just more word game, circular definitions. Looks like these definitions feed off of each other just to keep surviving in the dictionaries. There is no mention of consciousness or YOU anywhere in these definitions, which is a travesty, and if someone did mention terms like consciousness, god, ego, me, non-duality, etc. it would be a travesty for the most academics and even most non-academics. No one except few, asks you to SHUT UP, be silent and look within and very few do the work till the end. ----------- Episode Notes 1: "How come Truth is such a slippery beast?" -Douglas Hofstadter "If you find Truth you will become invincible." -Epictetus Warning: Advanced Episode! Tricky Topic! It is a big deal to understand what Truth is (and not just hear about it) People take it for granted (Materialist paradigm) It is possible to become conscious of absolute truth. Leo (and many others) have done it. Do your homework. Pursue the Truth. Do not turn this into a Dogma. Leo's Story: - Taking a piss while tripping on LSD - Wondering: What is the Truth? - The conceptual notion of the Truth melted away, leaving the actual Truth. The Truth: - It is Being - The entirety of the present moment - It is the most radical (yet ordinary-seeming) thing Psychedelics help;) Common misconceptions about the Truth: - Truth is a belief - It is a concept or an abstraction - It is a philosophy or ideology - It is knowledge - It is a theory, model, concept or abstraction - It is science, logic or mathematics - It is impossible to access - It is subjective - It is logical and must make sense - It can be communicated via text/speech - It is provable - It is not a big deal - It has no implications on ordinary life Relative truth: - Conceptual truths of the mind Examples: - The sky is blue - The Eifel Tower is located in Paris, France - A human hand has 5 fingers - 1+1=2 - Squirrels like to eat acorn' - World War 2 happened - Objects are made out of atoms Why are these Relative? - These are all contingent, pseudo-truths - They depend upon concepts, symbols, language, and thought - These are all held within our minds (and are not fundamental to Reality) - Blue sky: ○ One needs to understand the language. Other animals cannot understand it. Be careful: Don't assume consciousness of all beings is analogous to that of humans, or that humans have the highest level of consciousness possible ○ Which planet's sky? What time of the day are we looking at the sky? Which shade of blue? Does it appear blue to other life forms? - Human hand: 5 fingers ○ People with 6 fingers exist - 1+2=2 ○ One needs to understand the symbols ○ One needs to understand the logic of arithmetic - These are based on a correspondence theory of truth. ○ All Western and Eastern philosophies are also based on this ○ It assumes Realism and tries to confirm theories/philosophies with the help of 'external objective' reality - There is a big difference between the actual sky being blue and the thought/concept that the sky is blue - Example: A donkey may be able to see a blue sky, but have no idea what 'blue' is. - Relative truths are second-order; they are something our minds do on top of Reality - They have a negative: Falsehood, thus creating a duality Absolute Truth: - True under all circumstances - Actual rather than conceptual - Exercise: Hand exercise from 'What is Actuality?' - Exercise: Observe the room you are in. That's Absolute Truth: What is! - What we call 'Experience' is the Absolute Truth ○ It isn't what we think it is ○ If something is happening to you, it must be True ○ Truth is that which IS! The ISness itself. The direct experience - What is Truth = What is Reality = What is Actuality = What is Isness = What is Being - We don't have experience of anything that isn't ISing - Truth is the actual state of Reality at all points in space and time - It isn't our knowledge about Reality; knowledge is just a part of Reality that we are conscious of - Knowledge by itself will lead to a self-reference problem, it will not lead to the Truth - ISness is the most fundamental thing - Analogy: The Universe as a computer ○ An infinite number of bits ○ Absolute Truth = State of all bits in the system ○ The present moment is a part of that system - Reality is not made out of atoms, it is made out of the Truth - If we keep dividing objects, at some point, conceptually we hit rock bottom (Quarks, Strings, Membranes), which then leads to strange loops and self-referential problems - It is possible to understand the rock bottom nature of Reality, aka Truth. It requires an Awakening. - Everything is fundamentally made out of Truth - Truth isn't dependent on any other aspect of Reality - Analogy: God's complete view of the Universe - The Truth includes all little parts of Reality, which are also the Truth 1+1=3 - Is it the Truth? - Yes! - Not symbolically/mathematically - The ISness is important - It isn't true (logically), but right now, it is the Truth - Distinguish between knowledge and ISness False things must also exist! - Because it is in our consciousness - Falsehood is a second-order, relativistic thing - There is no opposite to Absolute Truth - Non-existence is a concept. - Falsehood and Non-existence are impossible in Actuality But Leo, there's no Kangaroo here! - The concept of a Kangaroo just popped in your consciousness - You then projected that onto the narrative with Leo What about Death? - Is it Actual, or is it conceptual? - Contemplate But Leo, what is the Truth? Tell me - Language, logic, the human mind is limited and exists as a result of the ISness. - Truth is already here - It must be grasped. It is right in front of us. - Any words are just more ISing - Put your attention on ISness. Eventually, one can breakthrough - Analogy: Recognising one's image in the mirror. Takes a high level of consciousness You can't get to the Truth, because it is already here. (Ta-Da!) - It’s the lack of consciousness on our part that keeps us from Truth, not lack of proof/evidence/logic - The brain/mind cannot think/hold the Truth - Truth isn't a thought. The thought is a part of the Truth If the entire Universe was destroyed, the Truth would still exist! - Because then, the Truth would be that there is no Universe - It is a really slippery beast What if there is no Truth? - It is contradictory. Truth is the ISness, which supersedes any fact about the Universe - Analogy: The content of the hard drive does not affect the hard drive (as an object) - When there is no Universe, there will be Nothing, which is different from non-existence - Pure absolute Truth = ISness = Nothingness Truth is prior to everything else - Time, space, energy, matter are all aspects of the Truth - Truth is not a linguistic or semantic notion Objection: Subjective Experience - Materialist paradigm ○ It's just human perception ○ Objective Reality exists independent of the self and is True - The Ego has turned Truth into subjective experience - See 'What is Perception?' episode - Subjective experience is a delusion, created by the Ego (thanks to science and the culture) to convince that the self exists and that things are happening to it. - In short: You are not real - There are no biological entities, no subjectivity. There is only Absolute Truth. Truth is Objective. - This is the Real World. It is pretending to be you and pretending that it has feelings, relationships, a job, problems, etc. - The Universe/God is doing you Awakening = Entire perceptual field - The 'I' - Then there will be radical recontextualization of subjectivity and it will be recognized as the Truth - The reason why we’re stuck in subjectivity is because we imagine ourselves to be a subject - The Universe imagines that it is a human - Emotional reaction? Existential Terror? ○ It is a defense mechanism ○ You are on the right track ○ By default, we are interested in survival rather than the Truth Truth is metaphysical and not epistemological - The duality between metaphysics and epistemology collapses with an Awakening since the perceiver is taken out of the picture Episode Notes 2: Features of the Absolute Truth: - It has no opposites - It cannot be proven by scientific experimentation - It cannot be symbolized - It cannot be quantified - It cannot be communicated or taught - It is infinite - It is one, singular, total - It is utterly illogical, paradoxical and it makes no sense to the mind - It must necessarily negate itself - Any quality ascribed to it is true, false, both and neither - It possesses all qualities, including the quality of having no quality - It is Nothing, it is Consciousness, awareness, pure ISness It might take one several years to understand what is being communicated here. That's okay and the Truth is worth it. Use this info as a roadmap. Important aspects of the Truth: - It is the whole Universe - It is consciousness - It is God - It is Love - It is uncaused, amechanical and Self-created - It is eternal and nonlocalized - It is intelligent and sentient - It is (Absolutely) Good - It has no beginning or end - There is nothing beyond the Absolute Truth - It is Everything and Nothing at the same time - It is Form and Formlessness - It includes all dualities, distinctions, and differences - It is all-powerful. It creates everything - It is NOW. The present moment of the Now! - It is impossible to avoid - It is mysterious and mystical - It is true not knowing (Peter Ralston) - It is utter mind fuckery - It is enormous - It is life-transforming - It is beyond importance (which is relative) - It is beyond meaning (also relative) - It is Life and Death - It is the only thing that there is and the only thing that there could ever be - It cannot be turned into an ideology - It is radical - It is awesome and terrifying at the same time - It is Paradise and total perfection - It is Self-awareness - It is self-illuminating, self-evident and self-knowing - It is Omniscience - It is totally direct. It has zero processes, method or mechanism - It is the solution to all human problems - It is the aim of all philosophy and spirituality - It has many practical implications - It is You (I). It is not separate from the Self - It is multidimensional - It is the substance of the entire (fucking) Universe. That is its function. FAQ: Where did the Truth come from? - From Nowhere/Nothing - Truth is Nothing = Everything = Infinity = Life - There is no difference between Possible and Impossible - That's God. God always was/IS. - You exist forever What if you are deluded, Leo? - The Truth must be directly grasped - Someone else discovering the Truth does us no service - Delusion is what keeps us from the truth What if there's something beyond the Absolute Truth? - It is Infinity, boundless, Everything - There's no such thing as 'beyond the Truth' How come science does not validate this? - It’s You! - Science is a second-order phenomenon. The Truth comes before it. - It can only be accessed personally What is the relationship between Absolute Truth and Relative Truth? - Science/Math is full of relative truths, which facilitates survival - Knowing Absolute Truth doesn't add any value to survival - There is a correspondence between the Absolute Truth and second-order Scientific truth - Relative truths are partial and dualistic, Absolute Truth is the end of all dualities and complete - The relative is a part of the Absolute How is Absolute Truth useful/practical? - For the Ego, it is pretty useless, even detrimental - However, usefulness itself is a part of the Truth - Usefulness requires Existence. Truth is so useful, that it is useless Why should I pursue the Truth? - Stupid question - There are no shoulds in Reality - There's no reason to pursue the Truth - Benefits: ○ The beauty and the wonder ○ Eliminates suffering (which is falsehood) - Pursue it out of genuine interest How can I discover it? - Meditate and develop laser sharp concentration abilities - Kriya Yoga - Psychedelics - Self-inquiry - Contemplate - Read books How will I know that I have discovered the Absolute Truth? - The truth will be self-evident - It is You, so you will know that it is the Truth - It is a Massive Epiphany How can a psychedelic reveal the Absolute Truth? - A psychedelic isn't just a chemical - The proof is in the pudding How can the Truth be Love? - They are absolutely identical - Love = Consciousness = Truth - Awakening to the Truth and the true nature of Love are different Can my Truth be different from your Truth? - No - It may be interpreted in different ways What has been said in this video is the Truth? - Truth is paradoxical - Words are not the Absolute Truth, and they are, at the same time Is it Egotistical to claim to know the Truth? - The Truth IS - Leo is trying to make his content interesting - The Truth transforms everything about life Warnings: - Beware of anyone who claims to know the Truth and uses it to brand themselves and their teachings. Devil loves to co-opt the Truth - If you think that the Truth is a property of the mind or some human phenomenon, then you haven't grasped the Truth. Go deeper. - Truth is not merely formlessness or cessation. The entire relative domain (of forms) is the formless in disguise. - One Awakening does not guarantee that you understand Absolute Truth - You will not access Truth without a change in the state of consciousness. Psychedelics are a good catalyst. - Anything you think is the Absolute Truth is probably just delusion (and ironically also the Truth ;)) "All the techniques of the therapist are in one way or another truth-revealing, or are ways if strengthening the patient so he can bear the truth" - Abraham Maslow We all need self-therapy to increase our capacity to bear the Truth When we get disconnected from the Truth, Egoic and neurotic problems arise Your true mission in life is to transcend survival and discover the Truth Everything else seems nonsense once Truth is grasped The cost of the Truth is the Ego. That's real Transformation. What Leo teaches isn't religious or scientific dogma. It is meant to serve as a pointer and map for Self-work. It is the finger pointing at the moon. is a set of relative truths and mental scaffolding that is meant to guide us to the Truth.
  19. Becoming Free from Karmic Structure Sadhguru gives us a simple method by which one can move towards becoming free from karmic structure. Q: If our thoughts reflect our karmic structure, can changing our thought pattern impact our karmic structure? And how can we become free from it? Sadhguru: There is a difference between thought and thinking. Thoughts are simply floating away, depending upon the content of your mind. Thinking means you consciously think about something. How you think may be strongly influenced by the content of your mind, but still your intellect has some discretion to think beyond that if you are willing. In the Inner Engineering and Isha Yoga programs, we spend over thirty hours with you to transmit a twenty-one-minute practice. What we are doing in this time is helping you to consciously think beyond your karmic limitations. When you do a certain kriya or sadhana of any kind and your thought does not facilitate this, energy may burst upwards, but your thought may go downwards. If thought and energy collide, it will create a certain amount of friction and struggle This is what is happening to a lot of people. You sat in the program and suddenly realized, “Yes! It’s really me who is doing all this. I always thought it was someone else who is doing something to me, but it’s actually me!” That was true for you for the first three months after the program. It was like a dream – everything transformed. But slowly, people fall back into the same old patterns. You again start to blame others for what is happening in your life. That means you are re-establishing your ignorance. Then there is no ambience for your sadhana to flower. If you do the practice without setting the necessary psychological ambience, it will only create health benefits, no transformation. If you do the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya (from the Inner Engineering program) without setting the psychological ambience, the energy will go up, but your mind will pull it down. This is not because the practice wears out. This is not because your sadhana has become ineffective. This is simply because you are not setting the psychological ambience that is necessary for the practice to succeed. If you do the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya (from the Inner Engineering program) without setting the psychological ambience, the energy will go up, but your mind will pull it down. That is why those of you who have done the program should give yourself a three-minute crash course in Inner Engineering every day before you do your Shambhavi. This crash course will create the necessary psychological ambience for you to distance yourself from your karmic structure. If you do not create that psychological ambience, the content of the mind will catch up with you. What we offer you in the Inner Engineering program is a fool-proof way to fix that. There will be no room for you to get stuck to anything. If you fix that every day and do your practice, transformation will be a continuous process. As long as you live, the transformation will go deeper and deeper. Just one practice is enough. You do not have to keep doing different things. If you give yourself to this one thing, it will take you all the way. To become free from your karmic structure does not mean to forget about it. Forgetfulness is not freedom. It is important to know it but not be stuck with it. Being ignorant of something is not freedom. Knowing it and being untouched by it is the important thing. If you set this ambience, it will take you beyond your karmic structure. Editor’s Note: For dates and details about Inner Engineering and other Isha Yoga
  20. How comfortable are you in silence? ... How long can you stick with it? Before your mind starts asking questions. Do you fear something is going to happen after staying in that space for too long? Like some kind of event is going to take place after a while? Maybe death? Are you afraid you're not ready for that yet? Maybe there will be an awakening. Or even... enlightenment. Now that would be something. And what would that mean? Maybe you'll change. Become someone else completely. Something else, completely. Or dissolve. Maybe. ... ... ... Or maybe silence is just, you know... ... Silent. And maybe that's all it will ever be. Just that same silence that was there when we first started this contemplation. The exact same. And it will be like that five hours from now. Ten thousand hours from now. And so you'll find that after five seconds of silence, you've come to know eternity. That was it. Already! ... But then suddenly a voice was heard. Asking itself wether it was comfortable with this silence or not. If maybe after a while some kind of event, like death, or enlightenment, would start to take place. And the silence was lost. Or so it says to itself. And it goes on and on like this. Not seeing the joke of it all. Not realising you had it the very first second! And everything you'll ever imagine it could be or become is simply projecting concepts onto that same empty silence. You're expecting things to happen from a being that is simply silent. And that's kind of unfair isn't it? Because it can only be itself. Silent. ... And yes, still, form may change. Ego may dissolve. Love may arise. Awakening may come. But it won't be any different than whatever it is that is here now. Cause before all that there is just that ever-present silence. And its YOU! So if that silence is ever-present... so are you! Cause what else is there? But silence... What a relief! You're completely safe! So how comfortable are you with this silence? How comfortable are you with yourself? The next time in meditation where you find yourself in a rough situation. Lost in a web of thought. Just keep reminding yourself. Anything you fear could happen, is just a projection onto something that is incapable of happening, for it is here already. It can't happen. So in the same way, your enlightenment can't happen. It is already here. Patiently waiting for you to claim the truth of it. Or shall we say, unclaim that which is not. So keep asking yourself, how comfortable am I in this silence? The answer to that will reveal what's next for you. I hope this contemplation has showed you that there is nothing to fear. This silence is not something new that is going to occur. If you've been meditating you know it already. So, keep that in mind in meditation. Maybe it will ground you like it has done for me. I used to be scared shitless everytime I entered this silent stream for just a tad too long. But it is here where transformation happens. By not running away from it. Realising your safe. You'll get so comfortable in this silence that nothing will ever be able to destabilize you again. In time you'll be reborn. Awakened. Enlightened. Someone else completely. Now how did that happen? Felt like sharing this. Hope it helps. <3
  21. where we are now, resolves of trying to heal the now by trying to solve the now through solutions for the future. transition and transformation will not happen through denial, by applying these solutions without solving the issues and problems of the past. what happens in the future can only be made through solving the issues of the now. we tend to search for simple solutions and oftentimes they are the best in sense of how they can be applied. but because something is a simple solution doesn`t mean it works for every issue. the difference between a paperclip and a safety pin is not such a big one at the first glance they both could even do the job of the other for a short time, although they are not the right solution for the speciffic problem the other solves. which one we apply really has to do with the actual problem we are looking at. in terms of progress, pumping in money alone has never solved any real issues - they talk about automation since decades so that`s where it will probably proceede further towards, but not everything can be solved through automation, even in production lines. one aspect of automation is safety and until then there is a reason to put it on hold even with a paperclip. but what i`m aming towards with this comparison is not the problem of how the issue of massive automation is solved in the future but more about how to arive at a point where these automations are even used on/at and also how they will be fueled? these questions are much more relevant for the now. one of my personal fears about the ubi in the us is that if you guys mess this up because it`s prematurely applied it will take decades to use it again elsewhere. using a safety pin would mean going with sanders, testing basic income in two three or even more regions/cities wherever it makes sense and working towards a major shift in awareness first. the other option would be to build a wall with that money.
  22. It's only because you are focused on trying to retain a memory, that you don't know what you need to know when you need to know it. We have no memory at all, and thus we forget nothing, because we have nothing to forget. Therefore we know everything we need to know when we need to know it. Bashar, July 6 2013 "A new definition of memory i got from Bashar reflection :- Q - what is memory? A- memory is accessing information you need when you needed it, it is created in the present , it does not come from the past. you know what you need to know , when you need to know . Reinventing history in the present." "Q- Obtaining info by not using Wi-fi & a new definition of memory from Bashar B:Your brain is a receiver & idea is create in a moment. You are not actually remembering - you think as Memory . neurological pattern in your brain that represent concept of memory,, it is not what happening by present neurologist knowledge , What is a happening is in that moment - brain rearrange itself , rewiring to knows at that moment , it is not memory storage. it is memory realignment so that that information arises exactly when you needed it.. it is malleability of brain works to become a receptor that is in vibrational harmony with inflammation you needed at that moment. From :-2019: Crossing the Threshold Q& A" "We create our memories in the present, so why do we believe that creating certain memories in the present that we perceive to have a negative emotional effect serve us? As the motivational mechanism states- we always move in the direction of what we believe serves us. Maybe because we wish to learn to transform these negative states, but maybe realizing this is all the transformation we need and then can choose a different memory. “I don’t prefer that perspective of that memory.” - and/or maybe it’s just- ”I don’t prefer that perspective”."
  23. Reminded me of Almaas writing about 'basic trust'. Basic trust is the soul's way of attuning to a fundamental law of reality, the fact that our sense of existing as a separate and isolated entity is false, that our ego experience of isolation and helplessness is an illusion based on identification with the world of physical manifestation. Knowing that we are all part of one reality means that our true nature is not defined by ego experience in the physical body and cannot be fundamentally hurt or destroyed. If the individual soul is in touch with this reality of non-separateness, then it will reflect that by functioning in a way that expresses this knowledge. Facets of Unity, pg. 24 Basic Trust Enables You to Completely Stay with Experience As we have seen, when you are trying to make something happen, you are not trusting the natural order; you don't trust that Essence itself will manifest in the way it is needed. The first point of departure from this trust is always a rejection of the now. To apply the perspective of basic trust, of true will, you must have the complete confidence that staying completely with what you are experiencing in this moment, will result in what needs to happen, without your having to think about a certain outcome. When the confidence is there, your awareness of exactly what is happening in you will allow you to see that your organism will do the best it can in the situation. Your mind, however, doesn't allow that complete Presence in the now; it thinks it knows what is best for you, but of course it knows only what has happened in the past, and can lead you only in ways conditioned by your history. Diamond Heart Book Two, pg. 118 The Innate Sense that Life is Fundamentally Benevolent The presence of basic trust indicates that you have the innate sense that life is fundamentally benevolent, and that benevolence exists independent of you and your actions. You will have this sense to the extent that your grounding in the universe has not been disturbed. The relative presence or absence of basic trust is a belly quality, something one’s whole being is either grounded in or not. The disturbance of basic trust is a significant factor in ego development because the perspective of ego is diametrically opposed to the sense of basic trust. The ego’s perspective arises out of a lack of this trust. It is based on distrust, on paranoia, on fear, on the conviction that you're not going to be adequately taken care of and that the universe is not there to hold and take care of you in the ways that you need. This conviction causes you to believe that you have to engage in all kinds of manipulations and games to get your needs met and to make things work out. Facets of Unity, pg. 25 Trusting the Dynamism of the Inquiry In time, you develop basic trust and you learn to trust the dynamism of the inquiry. This will happen as result of several things: first, clearly recognizing the optimizing force in the dynamism of your own unfolding; second, truly seeing that optimization is the nature of the dynamism; and third, having faith that the optimizing is occurring even when you can’t feel it in the moment. Then you are trusting the guidance and the unfoldment. Basic trust – the knowing that you just need to relax and things will work out fine – is an automatic result of this developing knowledge of reality. Spacecruiser Inquiry, pg. 122 With Basic Trust You Take Risks When you have a lot of basic trust, you are courageous and authentic. You take risks. You don't sit on your capacities. You engage in life wholeheartedly, doing what feels appropriate to you with the confidence that it will work out. Without much basic trust, you are paralyzed with fear of failure and fear of rejection. Facets of Unity, pg. 28 Without Basic Trust We Live Our Lives Defensively If basic trust informs your experience, your psyche is relaxed. Your soul is at peace with itself and with your situation, resting in the unquestioned confidence that the universe provides, that you have, and will receive, what you really need, and that things are workable. If we really have this trust, this deep inner relaxation, it becomes possible to live our lives out of love, out of an appreciation of life, out of enjoyment in what the universe provides for us, and out of compassion and kindness for others and ourselves. Without it, we live our lives defensively, in conflict with others and with ourselves, becoming self-centered and egoistic. To find our basic trust is to reconnect with our natural state that we have become separated from. When we are innately infused by reality, our soul or consciousness is completely transparent to the truth that we and the universe are one, that we are supported by reality and that reality is by its very nature good, and that what happens is inevitably right since it emerges out of that inherent perfection. When you understand this, it becomes obvious why it is so difficult to relax and let go, and why it is so important regain our basic trust. Facets of Unity, pg. 32 Without Basic Trust We React According to Our Conditioning Now we can see how the presence or absence of basic trust is crucial to the initial step in the process of the transformation of any sector of the ego. This step is only completed by giving up the particular structure we have been holding on to. Basic trust gives you the capacity and the willingness to let go of the images, identifications, structures, beliefs, ideas, and concepts -- the remnants of the past that make up the ego. Implicit in this initial step is the second one: If you are able to surrender, then you are willing to be. You are willing to not try to change things, to not manipulate them, to not push and pull at them. You are willing to just be present, which is a sort of realization itself. First, then, is the death of the old; second is the realization of Being. If you don't have basic trust, you will react to what arises in accordance with your conditioning and will want your process to go one way or another. You won’t let yourself just be present; you’ll be tense and contracted. So basic trust is needed for you to be able to allow the ego to die, and also for you to be willing to just be, without reacting. Facets of Unity, pg. 26
  24. In this work ego is great. The bigger or the worst it is, the better the letting-go of it will be. The better the transformation, more tears and joy. And after that you will still use ego elements in the daily life. But there's a catch to this. You might not get enlightened in one swoop, it may take you dozen of years and in those dozen of years you will get so many ego backlashes that it will make you sick of all of the enlightenment work. Also I read that you can get deep insights and yet still not lose the ego that you are attached, that can be horrific experiences. You will want to lose it, but the ego resists. All in all you have to have something in order to lose it. Have a big ego so it could impact you more. Have you ever seen criminals going spiritual? That's a big transformation
  25. Leo has a new video about corruption: Great stuff. Leo talks about corruption from a very big picture perspective. I got the feeling that what he was describing is what I call the global ego. Anyway, how to solve the problem of corruption in society? With Leo's explanation it seems that a total transformation of our whole worldwide civilization is needed in order to, not fight corruption which just perpetuates it, but to transcend corruption altogether.