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  1. Well... I think it can go both ways. Burning yourself in public to protest against the soviet regime doesn't sound like an appealing way to die for me personally. I'm very much focused on internal transformation as opposed to external change. As far as his perspective is concerned... Really, it's still a matter of attitude. He can do it feeling greed for paradise, he can do it in rage, he can do it feeling pride for being willing to make such a sacrifice, feeling superior for having done it. He could've also been in failing in life and ending up in hopelessness and despair. At such a point, using the excuse of being a martyr is a good excuse to commit suicide, whilst suicide was something he wanted to do regardless. This is also a possibility. So all of that would be coming from the ego. It could've also been possible that he did it in a very clear moment, where there was no struggle accomodated with it, and where his decision to do was just a very clear recognition that his consciousness called him forth at that moment to do that act. So really, the act itself is not necessarily indicative of the state of mind such a person is in.
  2. Start with some introductory material by other authors. It's impossible to piece together his writings without either guidance or a really, really long time of study. There are two books I recommend starting with: 1. Anthony Stevens' "Jung". It's a very light introduction to Jung's ideas, but you'll also have a really wonderfully written biography of his life, which I feel is surprisingly helpful to understand his ideas. What kind of person was he, what was his background, when and how did he have his breakthroughs. It will be a good foundation that you can "hang" other knowledge on. 2. Murray Stein's "Jung's Map of the Soul". This is a proper introduction to Jung's ideas that is light, but also goes right to the core of them. These are books that won't necessarily make you a Jung fanatic, because they're not sexy, but they are extremely helpful as a foundation. If you now want to make Jung more sexy and just get a general feel for how to look at him, you can binge-watch Jordan Peterson lectures (which gets Jung wrong sometimes, but I wouldn't worry about it since you're still gonna learn after this), or people on this forum or Actualized videos. After that, you can start on Jung's own writings (finally! lol). I recommend starting with Man and His Symbols. It was written for a more general audience and is super interesting and has a lot of illustrations and dream interpretation and is easy to read. Symbols of Transformation is great because it analyzes fairytales and dreams and stuff. Psychological Types is also interesting if you're interested in personality psychology and typing (MBTI was built on this). After this you can start on Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious and Aion. This in many ways is the "core Jung". You won't understand these completely on first reading, but they'll give you a thorough understanding of the archetypes! They also include grand analyses of western civilization that requires that you are more historically, religiously and philosophically aware, but don't worry about it. After this you can go down the road of the alchemical psychology writings (Psychology and Alchemy, Mysterium Conjunctionis). This is crazy shit. Don't start here. Hope this helps!
  3. Hello, back in 2013 a book got published about, how the stage yellow would adjust the economics system in order to improve growth of society according to the Spiral Dynamics Model. Has anyone read the book? What do you think? I in the process of getting it... Links: BOOK: "MEMEnomics: The Next Generation Economic System" – September 7, 2013 * - Amazon link - book: by Said Elias Dawlabani (Author), Don E. Beck (Foreword) * - VIDEO: Economic Systems and the Emerging Values of Humanity: Don Beck & Said Dawlabani * - Don Beck, author of "Spiral Dynamics", & Said Dawlabani, creator of MEMEnomics, walk us through the Spiral Dynamics model of understanding the evolutionary transformation of human values and cultures - and how that applies to economics. * - link:
  4. Through my insight work I will try to define 3 terms and what they mean to me Ego tripping Ego inflating Ego tricking. Ego tripping - this is the most basic thing that a person does to help his ego. Let's a say a teenager learns a skill just to master others in the group. A woman takes a lot of selfies to get the attention of everyone to herself in the classroom. Both are examples of how people love attention seeking and doing things that help pump up their Egos. They can fall for it and this can be dangerous especially if they go too deep down the rabbit hole. Certain things can help. But not always. Sometimes it's difficult to keep up the false ego just like it's difficult to keep up with a mountain of lies. Ego inflating - you inflate your ego to make yourself better who you are. I mean you want to look better. Example. Let's say a guy says something like "I have a big house in New York." in reality he doesn't own a house at all. Ego tricking - this is about tricking others into feeling bad in return for a pay on your ego.. For example if a marketer says something like, "you have no idea how this scheme works. It works beautiful. For me this trick has always worked and given great results. It will for you too." the person who tries it does not get any benefits from that sort of investment or method and he feels miserable for even having tried it but he always has admiration and awe for the marketer believing that he is top notch and really telling the truth. All the lies fed to this person was an effort from the marketer to mask his failures and up his ego. To feed on the insecurities of people and claim them and make it look like he has achieved triumph over their insecurities meanwhile masking his own behind a mask of lies and deception and manipulations.. He doesn't wish to be questioned so he makes it sound like magic. In reality he is not himself to the test to prove it and he can only do the talk but can't prove shit..yet his yapping makes people believe him. He does this to create an elaborate blanket of security to hide those insecurities he is secretly dealing with that he doesn't want to be exposed so he already pitches tent in advance before an objection is even raised at him. Example - a dating coach.. He might come up with scenarios like how he got 100 girls by so and so technique. But in reality he never did. He never had a girlfriend or woman. But he never wants to be questioned for it in his business. That's his greatest insecurity and he doesn't want to feel like he doesn't have it so he creates lies and stories to make it seem like his dating history is awesome. And this is all a farce to keep his ego intact in public. Since he suffers from horrible insecurities with respect to dating he has chosen exactly the same field to create a blanket for his ego and make it sound like he is perfect.. This he does successfully by playing and feeding off other's insecurities with regard to dating. This works because people with insecurities are easiest to prey on, they readily believe that someone has it better than them, so they are less likely to ask for evidence or proof or question the audacity of the dating coach... This audacious covering up of the insecurities of the ego and tricking others to get an advantage out of it, I will call it chutzpah.. Although this is not the classic meaning of the word but I'll call it Ego Chutzpah. A beauty marketer. She might be advertising how wonderful a face cream is dealing with skin issues when she herself hasn't tried it. And she never had to. But she puts up fake before and after pictures to show what a transformation she has achieved with that cream. Meanwhile if she herself develops the skin problem that her clients complain about, she won't be able to solve it with the cream she sells to them. Now this was an example of massive deception.
  5. @Yahya you are 15 so you can massively change in the course of one year! 15,16, 17, 18 are the transformational ages, but you have to take it seriously! one point of course is outer transformation, unfortunately that`s a part of the game of being part of the group - they probably are all into looks, fashion, music, coolness thing. so you could transform in one of these aspects like bridge to infinity says in point 3 for example. if you want to change, you can... also it would be interesting to know about the dynamics of people calling you names. is it one person? a group? usually there is a driving force behind it, one or two people in the center. are you usually alone or do you have friends around? hanging everywhere alone is usually one of the problems, so if you try to make one or two friends, this might stop the bullying. best is also to keep more to someone with a high status in the class but more because of social reasons. but any kind of koalition/friendship might work to improve the situation. try to figure out the political class dynamics.
  6. Then what about sayings like "die to the self" and "deny thyself"? Aren't those about self-sacrifice? Or about becoming selfless? No. Absolutely not. It's about an awakening into a higher level of consciousness. When we wake up in the morning after having had a dream then we "die to the dream" one might say. So it's about a transformation, not about an actual death or destruction of the individual.
  7. @Surfingthewave Not exactly sure. Perhaps I was subconsciously attracted to their pain bodies. One could say I have a thing for darkness I am able to see beauty in it. But I am obviously referring to my past experiences here. Expressing things here is just another way for me to shine light on my past and reach a deeper understanding of it. I doubt I'd be a match for similar relationships now. I've been going through a big transformation.
  8. No, psychedelics can give you some amazing glimpses, but they will not do this kind of bodily transformation which takes decades of daily training. But then again, ordinary meditation and even awakening experiences themselves will also not give you this kind of super-natural degree of bodily transformation. You're asking for something which extremely few people have ever achieved via whatever methods. The only person who has a chance of achieving this is a full-time monk who has no life other than meditation/yoga. So even talking about such things is almost pointless because no one who is connected to the internet will ever achieve it. If you need guidance on how to achieve it, you will never achieve it.
  9. @Preety_India I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, to be honest, but in my case, it was a bit of a necessity. I went through a Kundalini Awakening 7 years ago and struggled quite a bit to overcome some of its effects and to adjust physiologically. At the moment, all of my sexual energies are transmuted at the muladhara and channelled upwards to the sahasrara. This is a biological, as well as an energetic transformation and it is fuelled by the reproductive system. At the moment, it seems all the energy produced by it is needed for a higher spiritual purpose, but perhaps my priorities will change with time.
  10. This 36-minute documentary/interview with Suresh Ramaswamy distills many key concepts about personal transformation into an easy-to-understand language. Wow.
  11. @Charlotte I've watched Leo for a few years now, and used to browse this forum from time to time. I was a hardore seeker for a good 12-24 months, just kind of spinning my wheels and addicted to reading books and listening to teachers like Rupert Spira on YouTube, while it, of course, has value, even Rupert himself said he doesn't recommend constantly binging him as the teaching is to be embodied! I've been working 1-1 with my teacher and receiving RASA since February and recently have felt a need to share and help people as much as possible, I'm certainly not finished in my awakening but the transformation in my existential experience that I would've never imagined, and honestly I couldn't be more thankful for finding my teachers, hence my recent posts. As well as that, I'm always looking for ways I can optimize my self-actualization and growth so enjoy all the subforums on here! Plus, a lot of my irl friends don't really speak about this, most 20 year old boys from the UK who's main common interest is football and sports don't tend to haha, so it's always good to connect with like-minded people. And, yeah it's been an amazing season so far, it's a shame Liverpool as a city isn't appreciated more, it's such a beautiful city, yet scousers are regarded as 'Bin-Dippers' and Liverpool a shithole which is a shame and very far from the truth. (Thatcher's tactics clearly worked ) Anyways, what brings you here and what's your story? Have an awesome week.
  12. I was following this guy for some time (3~ years) but later I understood that he was just pissing his trips randomly thinking that he knows something and doing videos about tripping on substances which IMO were very unclear, foggy and just stupid. But wow what a transformation he has gone through, I can definetely say he jumped from Green to Yellow in Spiral Dynamics model. Cool how it clearly shows a transition in ones consciousness. A huge leap. Enjoy.
  13. I want to add that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. @Mikael89 this is your blind spot. You think you know and that's what keeps you unhappy and having suicidal thoughts. This is the ego. It's covered in every single decent authentic spirituality book written. Enlightenment is demystified in the 21st century. It couldn't be any easier to understand how transformation works. But you chose to hold onto theories you don't understand, like karma, so that you can maintain the unhappy mind made self which runs your life, thinking, behaviour and makes you unhappy.
  14. Hello. I need some help as I currently find myself in a confusing place. For my entire life I have been living within the realm of the mind. I have been completely unaware of my power as in infinite creator on this Earth. And now that I have come into understanding of this power in the past year and more so in the last two months I find myself at a point of transformation and transition. You see a few months ago I quit my job. This was one of the best decisions that I could have made for myself, mentally, physically and spiritually. It was an OK job by society’s standards but it heavily damaged my soul and for the three years I worked there my life was in a very dark place. I have enjoyed the past few months and they have been the best time of my life so far. I have grown immensely in a short time. However my monetary funds are beginning to lessen and this has created an anxiety in me. My true passion in life is the study of spirituality, ecology and human development and I am writing a book on the subject of Ecopsychology. However this is a huge endeavor and while I have made great progress on the book every cell in my body feels called to place all of my energy towards the completion and publication of my book. However when I look at my external reality I do indeed feel an air of anxiety when it comes to how I will do this. Every cell in my body is telling me to not go back to getting a traditional job. And yet over the last month there is one job offer that is continually appearing in my life and I have no desire to accept this job. I do wonder if this job offer continually appearing in my experience is a test of faith and or an external manifestation of my fear. Whenever I think of working this job I do not see light in my minds eye, only darkness and subsequent pain. I guess what I am trying to ask is, how do I know if something is truly for me or not for me if it keeps appearing in my life? I am very keen on making good decisions and am quite a decisive person so this level of confusion within me is unsettling. I am going to meditate on this as I have a feeling that my intuition is telling me to not regress back into old fear based ways of thinking and perceiving reality and thus that it would be in my best interest to follow the path I feel guided towards even though I cannot see the steps. I have never had this much faith before, this is new alien territory for me but I know that I cannot go back. Again the thing I am struggling with is the discerning whether the reoccurring job offer is a temptation, a test of faith to see if I will fall back to my old ways or if I will truly transcend my fears and go towards a new version of myself and access a new level of my life? All I know for certain right now is that I have to trust the process 100% even though I cannot see ahead and have a knowing that the universe has my best interests at hand and truly does want the best for my unfolding life in this realm.
  15. I'm not that familiar with the different stages of Vipassana, I follow my own meditative practice. Looking at the link you posted, stage 15, fruition, is what happened to me 7 years ago, it describes my state of mind, when the Kundalini pierced through the veil of illusion and broke through to the Sahasrara. I then experienced universal consciousness, expanding into infinity in an explosion of light and becoming boundless, which was also the most exquisitely pleasurable feeling I have ever experienced, like a thousand orgasms. I was all-knowing and infinite in that state, though I don't know how long it lasted, probably about an hour or so. When I returned to my body, I felt small and constrained and I could only remember a fraction of the infinite knowledge I had access to, in my boundless, universal state, though it was still a lot more understanding and wisdom than I had before the breakthrough happened. Since then, I am at the stage which is referred to as the Drinking of Soma. There is a constant, drip-drip release of Soma into my brain, at the top of my head. It is hot and intensely pleasurable. My energetic system then distributes each drop of Soma along the body and it is effecting a slow transformation, to what I presume is a higher vibratory state. What I referred to as my "DNOTS" was actually my energetic system trying to adjust to this higher vibratory state, though I now see that this is not what you mean by the term. I did have an earlier stage of difficulty, when the energy was stuck at my heart chakra and I could barely breathe or move as well as think or function normally. I was saved by divine intervention. I hope its clear, I know these concepts can get complicated and jumbled up at times.
  16. @ivankiss Yup. I agree there. It's journey. It's realizing your nature as God. Realizing the "you" as a finite (yet infinte) part of the Absolute infinite. And then consious creation (which is already at play, but unconsciously) can bloom. Leo advocates and wants you to awaken to the God in you... The Lion Cub living amongst the sheep grows up to eat grass and run away from hyenas... And then comes along a lion one days who takes him by the color and shows him his reflection in the water! The sheep lion sees that he's a real Lion and then begins the transformation to living his true potential. He roars and soars! "Wake up and Roar"! The sheep-Lion is sheep-Lion A Lion is a Lion They aren't the same. Until they are... ♥️?♥️
  17. It could have something do with an inner transformation and as a result wanting to change the outer to align more with the inner. Also, it could just be that he wants to change things up and wants to wear a different shirt, lol. Don't overcomplicate everything.
  18. Hard work, worth and progress This week I began working in a new ward at the Clinic I'm working at. Saying it was challenging is almost euphemistic, but I managed to do almost everything. I kept wondering what "working hard" really means and if I could say I was and am working hard. Because I know I could do more and also could have done more in the past. So what can be described as working hard enough? Two weeks ago I spent a few days in Sardinia, the official excuse being that I had to do some papers to move forward the validation in Switzerland of the two years on Internal Medicine I did in Italy. It ended up being mostly a few day of vacation to see friends and go out a bit. So instead of doing that I could have stayed home and study a bit or go on with work. A sort of answer came from the incredible Ali Abdaal quoting Derek Sivers: Never forget why you're really doing what you're doing. Are you helping people? Are they happy? Are you happy? Are you profitable? Isn't that enough?? So: I do what I do (in my work) to make people healthier through consciousness. I am helping people and I'm sometimes astonished at how little it takes sometimes (things like closing a window or just being there.. Nothing I learned in medical school but God if it changed the situation and made the patient healthier in the large sense comprising of "happier"...). I am happy and profitable too. Yet the question remains: should I just work/study more? Like abandon everything else and just work and study because I so much need to get better in my work. It's obvious that there is a way to find a balance but as always it takes some discipline... Things like: how did I end up spending four hours on online shopping today? Yes, there will be an event for which I'll need a formal dress on December 8th but... Yet again it's all about consciousness. I'm now conscious it wasn't as urgent as I decided to view it: even if I'll be on call next weekend and the one after I'll probably go back to Sardinia there still was the last weekend of November to do some shopping and I could also have worn something I already have here in case... So right now, things being as they are, should I go for a run or go on with some work? I'll do a 7 minutes workout and then work. Talking about work, there's a line that fascinated me listening to Mastery from Robert Greene: "The goal of an apprenticeship is not money, good position, a title or a diploma but rather the transformation of your mind and character, the first transformation on your way to Mastery." Transformation of mind and character. That's exactly what's happening. After this first six months in Switzerland and after this week in particular, I can see how I am more: courageous ( for example if I have to make a call to a consultant or for anything that makes me anxious I just do it instead of worrying and procrastinating); loving to myself. I also recover sooner from the little relapses of anxiety (I am more practical in a sense, I don't dwell on anxiety or how people could judge me); compassionate towards other people, I know we're all in the same boat so as I make mistakes sometimes so they sometimes and the only thing to to is to find a solution, being angry or similar is useless and counter-productive; wise. It's not something I relate so much to the work experience but rather to the experiences I had in general in the last six months. For example yesterday I went to a party and drank some alcool just because someone opened a bottle of sparkling wine I wanted to taste, not because I needed it to be more relaxed or enjoy the night. The only regret I have about last night is not talking to a guy who was just perfect, like perfection chez perfection.. The excuse I gave was that there will be other occasions to meet someone.. Yes, maybe.. But at the same time the only time I can actually experience is the present so next time I'll remember to take advantage of the present!! surrendering to reality, or Truth if I may.. I goes back to being courageous too.. I am more able to accept things (and people) as they are and deal with them without wishing they were otherwise. "Truth is consciousness. Truth is what I am. The cost of seeking the truth is my Self"...
  19. Yes they seem to have a more limited understanding yet more complex (trapped in the modality/box of treating symptoms), that video is pretty cringy for me to listen to ? Of course fruit is key to hydrating a stagnant lymphatic system. Plants do not help with the regenerative process like fasting. Herbs help with parasites and targeting specific areas of weakness. I used iridology to confirm the areas I am working on. Raw foodists are not necessarily detoxers but they understand how their body responds best to less acid forming foods, the role of gut bacteria on our food habits. Those who went through their detox process received such profound benefits from going off the food that (does not serve them) builds up acid in the lymph, drys out cells, stresses the organs, causes congestion, fungus, unwanted parasites/bacteria, and various impairments, they choose to lead by example as a raw foodist and educate others. Unfortunately it’s inevitable for our minds to create all these categories/fads/meanings in belief systems surrounding all the diets related Water is actually hard on our kidneys, water from fruit is better absorbed into the cells. For detox on a high fruit diet I hardly need any water and the key for detoxing effectively is filtering kidneys, which requires healthy adrenals. Dr Morse understands how all the organs impact each other. It’s funny we all have belief systems we operate from but they key is knowing we are not these beliefs and imo many raw foodists faced spiritual or existential shifts/obstacles aiding in their journey and psychological development if they went through detox. Detox is extremely challenging as it brings up all your weaknesses, even trauma attachment issues from childhood. Sure someone could go raw food without detox and be trapped in their religious beliefs but with detox there’s a purification process or transformation, which is a true test for the psyche
  20. Not meaning to sound overly dramatic but this song has been a part of a repeated mystical experience. These guys got together for a short time in the 80's. George Harrison, Bob Dillon, Tom Petty wrote and put together a lot of their songs over a week long period at a reclusive rural location. I think they shared some psychedelics and produced a song about Alchemy and transformation of Consciouness. In my mind they were mystics hiding in plain sight. We become miserable living outside in but find peace when we live it inside out. ... A miracle inverts perception which was upside down before, and thus it ends the strange distortions that were manifest. Now is perception open to the truth. - From ACIM
  21. ‘The return’ is a transformation in one’s understanding of what was once believed to be... after this there may be several more awakenings and it’s all aimed at living one’s greatest joy beyond the relative truths what makes one more spiritual who understands how it is possible for there to be breatharians? They are no longer identified with their beliefs
  22. I've been watching actualized for quite some time now and I'm also doing the inner work stuff, without psychedelics yet, but I would say that I really heightened my level of consciousness and definitely some transformation has been occuring this year, it's like I'm just about to get struck by some deep insight, or lose my identity completely during the night of sleep, as it, weird to say, almost happened. In many videos, Leo says how everybody is God but most of us don't realize it. Funnily, what immediately comes through my head is does he mean me as a whole organism, or because everything is God, therefore every part of me is God? Would me minus my left ear still be the same God he's describing? I'm guessing yes, as he is saying that literally everything is God. Or is he "playing the game" that I'm the god, I just don't realize it because the "I" I'm refering to is a false self and that actually doesn't exist, only the God, Consciousness, Absolute Truth and Love exists? I know this is not a conceptual knowledge and everything, and if the answer won't really help me in any way, I don't mind getting this post deleted, but I thought it's worth a shot.
  23. To the ego the Holy Spirit described in ACIM might seem like a dictator. Dispenza said that in a collective consciousness everybody is the leader, so then the idea of the Holy Spirit being a leader is wrong in the narrow sense. And I came to think of how there will be an integration between the global ego and the emerging collective consciousness. So there will still be external authorities and such! Some kind of massive transformation will take place in the entire world I predict, yet it may be a fairly gradual process of integration.
  24. Exactly. Once you start trusting yourself and the journey of transformation fear becomes a sign post you are headed in the right direction to achieve your goals. Stopping at the emotions along the way and resisting is only going to recreate the same obstacles you’ve made
  25. these are the how does a person turn out to be good and the other bad. What causes this change in person to person . I know that parental upbringing and culture and genetic factors play a huge role but I'm also aware that there is more than only these. The nature of the spirit of how's it's acquired is a huge mystery the next mystery is the transformation. How does a transformation occur. That certain people when they are placed in certain circumstances they learn to survive and adapt and this causes spontaneous mutation and adaptation and transformation. I will call this spontaneous transformation. Yet this does not happen all the time. Certain harsh conditions can elicit a fatal response rather than invoke an adaptation response. Which means those harsh conditions can prove fatalistic and the person dies. There is no scope for adaptive mutation. So here is the mystery. What's the exact point that decides the difference between adaptive and fatalistic and how does this mutation or adaptive training occur. What set of conditions or caveats are needed for such a spontaneous beneficial or protective transformation to take place. There is always a threshold point. Below this threshold limit, the circumstances make you stronger. Beyond this threshold limit the circumstances can be fatalistic and cause demise.. .. The third mystery is about good and evil. Whether there is a good side to evil. I don't know how to question morality. This has been tough on me. To question morality. It's a struggle. If right or wrong is eternal and truth of the universe or if it's only invented for social reasons and has no divine aspect to it. This is just another mystery out of all the mysteries of life .