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  1. Good morning everyone, Please let me know if there’s a better thread to put this in. So I had my first mushroom trip last Sunday. It was about 2g of golden teacher. I ate it, snorted some rapé, set my intention, and started meditating. No music, no tv, just a candle, a blanket, a blindfold, and complete silence save for some birds chirping. It was honestly amazing, no nausea, no headaches, just bliss. It was strange though because I told a few people and they asked if it was fun and oddly enough, the answer was no. I tried to explain that it was for spiritual insight so while it was a glorious experience it wasn’t necessarily “fun”. I’m actually happy about that because I realize the mushroom’s function in spiritual development. It’s not like weed to where you may be tempted to do it more. I still have another 2g and don’t feel any rush/pull to take them anytime soon. It’s kinda weird because after that experience I truly see why they’re considered sacred and it’s just funny how people use them for leisure, missing out on all of the insight they bring, both consciously realized and not. It’s also weird because I thought I’ve never “properly” tripped before, but I realized I have tripped after doing the Shamanic Breathing exercise where you pretty much hyperventilate into a trip effect. I’ve done this a few times before and have enjoyed it. I guess my question is, is there a way to make shamanic breathing “stronger”? I realized the main difference was the engagement with “voice” or with your Self wasn’t as strong with the shamanic breathing. I understand mushrooms are a shortcut, but when I do the breathing, I’ll feel the effects of a trip, but not really an engagement with Self. The longest I’ve done is an hour and I usually try to do 45 minutes. After I stand up, I’ll usually ‘trip” for like 10 minutes. I get a few insights both while breathing and the slight trip afterwards, but whereas the trip felt like a full conversation with an entity that’s engaging back with you, the breathing is more like looking at flash cards. I know I can try to do it longer and on a more frequent schedule, but could I ever develop it to be as strong as a mushroom trip? I understand that it may not since a mushroom is a true psychedelic, but I’m just curious as to if anyone has had a mushroom-like trip from just breathing. Sorry for the long post, but this has been in the back of my mind for a few days. Thanks!
  2. Samadhi is quite difficult to attain. 1. You need to be in an "awakening qualification zone" - to know that you on the cusp of something big happening in your spiritual life. 2. You need to enhance your meditation more, but be more gentle of the thoughts that arise. See where the train of thoughts takes you. (if at any time you need to go back to balance state, you can) 3. There is a moment. In which your meditative practice will intertwine with the big thing thats coming, You'll be ready for it. that's what meditation is for. To prepare you for just such moments. 4. Once those two merge, you experience the sweetest bliss. You are a Yogi. You can enter Samadhi states at will. It may last 3 seconds, 2 months, 45 years, or more. Peace & Love, Greg.
  3. So my internal monologue is extremely weak and I have very few thoughts naturally, maybe one every 30 seconds if I want to, and this makes it rather easy to enter a state of no thoughts by meditating (not all the time, but still very frequently). The thing is that I do not feel any sort of union, bliss, or anything special in this state of no thoughts. There is no dissolution of anything. It isn't a nondual state of consciousness. The only thing that happens is that instead of my head having thoughts occur on it there are none. What more do I need to do to actually enter samadhi?
  4. Shame is more an emotion, it doesn't say much about the exact underlying feeling. There's the distinction between emotion and feeling. Emotion is an abstraction or categorization of a set of feelings/sensations that have a certain quality to it. Feelings within a certain vibrational range have a typical quality to it that we call shame. But this incapsulates many different subtle feelings. Such as not being good enough, unwanted, unloved, insecure, rejected, left out, embarrassment, wrong, ugly, and many more. When I say that you feel a sense of shame, it points at a more specific underlying feeling. Which in your case it may be some of the above examples. You can. It's just because your nervous system is wired to instantly react with anger as a defense mechanism and so you have to become conscious of whenever this is happening so you can redirect your consciousness to make healthier choices, to turn the anger in on the shame underneath for example. 'The power of now' and 'the power of now in practice' has wonderful chapters on this subject. It's really about retraining your awareness to become proactive instead of reactive. Although you have this intention to become aware, the next time you become angry, you may lose yourself in it completely and forget about all of this, but the stronger this intention to become aware becomes, the more you will become aware over time. You just need intention and your subconscious will bring it out when it needs to. Each time, you become a little bit more proactive. And then there is this pivotal point where you have retrained your consciousness to turn inward instead of outward and it is effortless. And that's where you transmute anger because it's not about reactivity anymore. It's about seeing what's hidden underneath. Healing anger really is about healing your shame. And it is also not about controlling what you think. It is letting yourself think whatever you are thinking, not trying to control anything. It's letting yourself relax with whatever is inside your body and mind, and riding the wave. You don't hyper-focus. You simply let things be and you fully accept the sensations. It's also not good to want to get rid of your uncomfortable feelings as soon as possible. Liberating yourself from them is to release attachment/aversion towards the feelings. It's having the feeling and being completely in vibrational alignment with the sensations. You can literally treat it like a game. It's like this. 'I notice I'm angry'.... 'Wow, this feels intense....' 'I feel so powerful and alive'...... 'Grrrrrrrrrrr' You literally stay with the sensation of intensity within your body. You feel it's subtle qualities and you find a sense of enjoyment within that feeling. You can do that. But you can't make the anger wrong. Making anger wrong is what will keep anger alive. We have been guilted into believing anger is wrong. And we subconsciously try to repress and avoid it whenever we feel this way. Try to see anger as something healthy and something that can help you become a lot more powerful. I have a suggestion for you. It may help you. So above, I said that awareness is something that deepens the stronger your intention becomes. Without intention, the way you react will always be the result of the way you have been conditioned to react - It's your nervous system's automatic response. Your subconscious mind is completely taking over at that point. So the suggestion is to keep bringing the intention up in your conscious mind to become aware and to turn anger in on itself whenever it manifests. For example when someone insults you. I have a journal for example, and everyday, I write in it my intention for this day. For this week. For this month. For this year. For the coming 5 years. And for the coming 20 years. And I keep adding to it everyday. You could get such a journal and start to journal your intention to become more aware within anger. And as I said, you may not be aware the first time. But the more you journal, the more powerful your intention becomes, the more you will get these glimpses of awareness within the anger. It will seem very powerful and enlightening when it happens. You'll be in the midst of anger and then get this recognition of your own power and the freedom that lies within the power. It's THERE where you have proactivity. It's a sense of choice. NOW, you have control over the anger. By generating stillness within it. By not being in aversion towards the anger, instead seeing how it can teach you and how you can use it to go inwards. Now you can reveal the shame underneath and shine light on it. Now you can transmute/release shame. You're already doing that by this process but it goes a lot deeper as well. But this is such a good start. But yeah. Please be with your anger. It's just an intense feeling in your body. It can't hurt you. It's just intense. You can really handle it. And it feels so fucking good to feel anger and be able to just sit with that anger. So good. You can even transmute anger to pure ecstasy and bliss. Yes, above I wrote a suggestion so you actually have some benefit of what people write here to you. Because I really understand how difficult it is in the midst of being in it. You won't change instantly just because you get what we say here. You have to make the internal changes and that's when this will click more in your own experience. I really recommend the journal processing. It's super powerful. Every day and night, you can journal your intention to become aware of your anger. Writing down all experiences that made you angry. Write down the experiences in the future that would make you feel angry and really make it an interactive process within your imagination. You could also already practice at the same time you are journaling. You can evoke memories that have the associated vibration of anger to it. And if you can really connect to that memory and get into vibrational alignment with it, and you really energetically model it as if it is now, then you can learn to transmute anger to love while just sitting in your bed, with your journal. And then it is super simple to bring that awareness to your day to day life. It probably is shame. Remember that shame is just an emotion. It is the same like fear. Fear has different subtle feelings to it such as tightness, nervousness, cautious, frightened, blocked, doubt, worry, etc.... Yes exactly. What you say here resonates for me very much because I've acted out a lot out of anger and there was always regret. I've been in jail because I acted aggressively towards police. I've stabbed someone in his head and legs and almost killed that person. And then another time, someone had punched me on my head out of nowhere when I was walking down the street and I took my knife out with the intention to stab him. So I know anger all too well. It's devastating. But only when you are reactive. When you become proactive within it, it's really wisdom, love and a more calm power. Now I see the joy in it. Like wtf. Lol. Being angry and needing to stab someone. That's super reactive. Maybe the guy who punched me just wanted a hug because he feels so alone. And then I come wanting to stab him... But yeah, the core lesson is that it was reactivity towards my sense of weakness. He punched me. I felt weak. And my want to stab him was my need to compensate for this internal sense of weakness (shame). It's denial. So the key here is to use anger to see a lot deeper, to what's REALLY going on. Anyways, good luck and enjoy being
  5. The Goddess Kundalini Speaks I am Shakti, light of the Divine Into thy soul I shine my light I illuminate the darkness within What has been hidden, will be revealed. Into the void I enter with life Once dark, now it is filled with light All resplendent, shining and magnificent Life is created by my shining. In thy soul I shall rise up Thy body I shall cleanse Thy spirit I shall purify And liberation you shall surely attain. I shine my light onto you to illumninate your darkness To lift the veil of ignorance that clouds your mind To give you the knowledge and power needed To lift yourself up from the dirt and achieve liberation. In your heart I reside, the seat of your soul, Yet, I can be found in all things, Everywhere, where there is life, I am present And the whole universe is my playground. If you look within, you shall find me. I am that which moves you to do great things I am the power behind love I am the Goddess of All Creation Shakti flows in everything that moves Shakti transcends everything that loves Shakti motivates all that seek out the divine Kundalini is the hidden power of Shakti in all. I rise up in those that seek me out Not for power or glory, but for the love of all. I am motivated by your love for the less fortunate I am also the Goddess of compassion for all living things. I have many forms, yet whichever you seek out, You will find me, for there is only Shakti And though my forms are many and resplendent All are dear to me and lead you to the truth. Do not despair, if you don't find me at first. Keep searching and seeking, look in the right places, Which are all within you and by turning inward Shakti's divine light will shine upon you. All Joy in life is by my grace I am the love that the mother feels for her child I am the passion that creates life from the loins of lovers I am that, which holds the world together by my bonds of love. In Shakti, you will find the happiness you seek The bliss, that has been eluding you will fall upon you The knowledge you lacked, will be revealed to you, The liberation you seek, will be granted to you. I created this world and yet, by the end of it We will reunite with my beloved And in his terrible dance, all this creation, This web of illusion, will be no more. Similarly, in your body, you are a microcosm of the universe. You were once created and you think you are real and separate. Yet, only I am real in you and I long to reunite with my beloved. When I crawl up your spine to reach him, I destroy all attachments. As I cleanse your body of what the past has left behind I annihilate the bonds of matter, I destroy the ties of ignorance I lift the veil of illusions, I reveal what was hidden, And when I reach my crowning achievement, we shall dance. Me any my beloved dance to the song of destruction The demons of illusion we slay, their dark world we vanguish, Our loverly embrace illuminates all that was once dark And only the pure light of the absolute remains. When you realise this, you shall be free.
  6. That is conceptual. What i am pointing to cannot be conceptualized because concept is dualistic. I'm pointing to actually being what you are infinite state of pure potential in which all possibilities are held, but unactualized - yet are all there without needing to be actualized into one particular finite form. That is God Consciousness. It is Absolute Bliss or Love-because it is everything and nothing, there are no differences. That's enlightenment .
  7. @Someone here I totally understand that you are puzzled by Christianity, I was too and in some sense I still am, the thing with Jesus is that he is the Eternal Logos, the Universal Mind who is ordering and structuring the world into a coherent whole, but as promised by God in scripture he would enter or send the Savior/ his son, because humanity had lost its way and it still has since the Fall of humanity, one has to see the red thread going through the bible. Can you not feel that something is missing or something is actually wrong, like it could be another way which feels better in your spirit. Truth is a person and not a concept, you and me are persons and so is God. He is the living God. Jesus entered his own creation to lead the way to Salvation and Eternal Life. He explicitly says that NO ONE comes to the Father except through him, he is the light of the world. The divine hypostasis assumed a human nature and in so doing he deified human nature so that we can become divine too, thats theosis in orthodox faith, if we follow Jesus, by his grace, we will become christ with a little c, God will be God for all eternity and we will be god, we were created in order that we might live with God always in harmony and bliss and without death. Thats what the fall is all about, Jesus set the record straight, he is the second Adam. Jesus defeated death, he said he would die and said he would rise again and he did. Read the new testament, try to keep and open mind and contemplate and especially feel into it, listen to podcast who deepens your understanding of the history of the faith and what its all about. You have : Search the scriptures by Jeannie Constantinou Lord of spirits podcast Bible in a year podcast Jays analysis is also a great source, he will explain the Orthodox faith and he goes deep into everything related with philosophy, theology, debates etc. and lastly Church of the Eternal Logos youtube channel. Also the Orthodox Study Bible, its on Amazon, great resource as well. There are alot of great channels and podcasts, Christianity is the most profound tradition ive ever encountered, if you can see past the shallow version of it, which unfortuneatly is what alot of people see when they investigate Christianity, you have a deep and profound wisdom from the Church Fathers, its ancient but profound. I have hundreds of books about Christianity, and even Islam, I enjoy Islam alot, but still i truly believe that Jesus is God, been investigating this for a year now, and I was born and raised atheist, found Leo after profound insights from trips etc, then I found Christianity as the last stop and investigated it, trying to keep away my biases and see past the low level tier of evangelists and some protestants and found Eastern Orthodox Church, which had it ALL, mysticism, theology, philosophy, practical, profound churches, awesome people following Christ and was truly living a good life in Christ so to speak. I deeply recommend the Chosen tv series, it is free as an app that you can watch, to get the feeling of Jesus and what he actually did, it is the most crowd funded tv series in the history of films, it is awesome, season 3 is in the making, I deeply recommend that for you brother. I am still a baby and new to this, so I am not the best to answer all your questions, but I provided good sources you can investigate for yourself, and keep in mind your own biases as well, which is extremely hard i admit. I still respect and listen to Leo tho, and read about other traditions, but Orthodoxy felt like coming home in my honest opinion. But since I started praying, my life has improved alot. You are a sinner and you know it, we all are. There is no figure in history who was like or is like Jesus, thats my conclusion after investigating all the different mystical traditions around the world and doing different practices. Sorry for the long rant bro ?
  8. So it all starts with my hobby being psychology for like 6 years, i started playing in virtual reality where you're using an avatar in the game using full body vr technology to interact with users in different (gaming) reality. I started doing alot of tests and discovered myself 100% how female psychology/biology works unconsciously. Consider this like Michael Newtons past life regression technique that the discovered. (We humans can discover alot of things by doing things on our own, these things that we discovered will be unknown to people) Basically reaching a higher level of consciousness in certain real life subject. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ For many years i was always thinking about our life purpose or what the purpose of life is, i discovered that the only real purpose of life on this planet is to reproduce. I discovered that low conscious female human brain subconsciously is mostly looking for good genetics, so she mostly will go for males that will show her good genetics in behaviour. The behaviour in male will mostly be based on survival, the main aspect of this is : If i reproduce with him, will my genes survive for thousands of years? This is just a very very small part of female subconscious. I was always thinking that the purpose of life is to reproduce because there is nothing else important to do here on earth, i was thinking about our ancestors. They have been reproducing for thousands of years just to get me here into this future, so i must not dissapoint them and reproduce myself???? Being a man with 10 children is more important then to be a billionare with 1 child??? Oh boy, i was wrong. ( You will know later) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ With my knowledge about female psychology/biology and knowing the purpose of life i applied to a sperm donor clinic, sending them consciously a very narcissistic e-mail. In the e-mail i bragged how much i earned, how good looking i was, that i fighted many times and had 0 losses, told them i achieve everything easily without doing much. After this, they called me for a donation appointment to see how good my sperm was and if they needed it. It was good enough and i could progress further, After sending my donor pasport i got called by a gynaecologist, he said due to corona he couldnt speak to me and sent me straight away to clinical psychologist. He would say things on the phone like : And you are good at fighting? I realized that he was being very judgemental and because of this e-mail he didnt want to talk to me and sent me straight to clinical psychologist but i also realized that it was a test he specifically said: And you are good at fighting? But ignored the sentence next to it where i said: I can achieve everything i want easily. His last sentence on the phone was: If you can pass clinical psychologist you can become a sperm donor. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I was hoping that the clinical psychologist would be a female, this would be an ultimate test of the knowledge i have. She called me on the phone and started talking to me in a condescending voice like i was a little beby boy. During this phone call i was aware that she was talking to me like this because i sent a narcisstic email to the clinic and that this was a test. But i didnt know which test it was because it can be a test for many things that i was aware of. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ So after a month or so i went to the appointment with the clinical psychologist. She called my name and i walking behind her, first thing my intuition told me is that she had this narcissistic energy about her. When i walked into the room she asked me : Are you gay? I said: No is this genetic? She said: Some are born gay and some become gay. She said: Can you take off your mask we're sitting 2 meters from each other so there is no danger from Corona. I realized she said this so she can watch my mouth and see things more clearly in behaviour. I said: It doesnt matter to me and throwed the mask on the table. She was looking at the mask with a wtf look because i throwed it. After i throwed it she says: So how did you come to the idea becoming sperm donor? In a very condescending voice like i was a little beby boy. I was 26 at that time and she was 51. The only option i had from all the options on female psychology/biology is to stand up for myself and pass the assertiveness test, i started telling the story in a very heavy manly pitch with non squinting eyes to the point that she had to look down like she submits. I instantly stopped , she lifts her head up high and looks down on me (Then suddenly a random picture in my thoughts got sent to me out of nowhere the picture showed me a person in virtual reality that had exact her personality, it showed me by this what actions i should undertake to pass this interview against this person) and then left its back to the normal position and asks: What are your educations? (I said: Nurse . I said this to show her empathy and to let her know that i was probably an empath and also because this was my first education but i quit it during first year.) She looked surprised and shocked from my answer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ So basically she was asking me all sorts of questions and doing tests, i was aware of every test and question and why she was asking them. I could pass everything easily, during this interview i felt that her consciousness wasnt on a very high level but that it was high and that i didnt meet anyone like her before. Because i was aware of everything she was doing to me and what purpose these tests/questions had. So i decided to take it a step further and apply my knowledge on her and see the results. I was answering all her questions and tests specifically that will make me look good to her subconscious. I noticed that during this interview it felt like i was being lead by higher power or maybe i was in a state of superconsciousness, the higher power was aware that i had this knowledge so it told me exactly what to do. ( it was also sending me pictures randomly to what to do) For example: It showed me a picture of the most beautifull girl that i have ever seen in real life, she was smiling at me without breaking eye contact and saying anything. What i got from this picture was: I have to smile to her without breaking contact until she smiles back. Then i looked into her aroused red lips when she smiled back like i really wanted her really badly making her feel good etc. So to make it short: I was in a state of superconsciouss and was definitally getting helped by something during this interview. At the end of the conversation i was doing short giggles to show her that there is more to this life because i could sense that i passed this easily and i could also see that she was hypnotised. When she said her finale sentence because the time was up, i stand up very fast consciously. (I did this because i knew if i would stand really fast she would experience a breaking connection miracle where she would feel that we disconnect/ her soul is coming back) I don't know how to describe this. So i stand up really fast specifically for this purpose and walk towards the door, my thoughts randomly tell me : She will experience this too look back. I look back and i see that she is staring into nothingness like she was hypnotised the suddenly she lets out a moan of pleasure (because her soul came back/disconnection was felt. She walks towards me and stands really close to me, when she walked into my space for the first time in my life i could feel an energetic field around a human body. It was like 8 inches from her body , it felt like very strong loving heat energy . It felt so strong to me that i felt like i was being burned by love and warmth, i got overwhelmed and was in total bliss. I was also seeing the world in Full HD felt like this was the worlds full color spectrum that looked like Golden Light all the dull colors were much lighter ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3-4 weeks later i got called and they told me i was accepted as a Sperm Donor. Months after this incident i started awakening and many more miracles happend: Like going out of body 4 times, or seeing the future during conscious dream. In the dream for example they showed me a map of Ukraine and Russia on this map the east side of Ukraine was red they showed me that Russia is going through Ukranian border thats why it is red colored. After this i wake up and my thoughts told me that it was going to happen. I went to work and 6 hours later and i see breaking news Russia is invading Ukraine. So because i reached a new state of consciousness, i realized what the real purpose of life is ; The real purpose of life is: It doesnt matter just be yourself and develop your consciousness. We are here just for fun learning things and playing the game and developing our consciousness since we are god ourselves being split into different ego's/souls. So we are basically mini gods you can call god our Father. Abilities that i gained: -Going out of body if i really put my intent into it. ( it doesnt really matter anymore, i had this experience and know how it feels like there is no purpose of this) -Seeing future events , i only had this one time after awakening and it also doesnt really matter. By showing me this future event the lesson was: There is more to this life/develop your consciousness - Seeing/feeling how developed someones consciousness is in real life is a major one and how to respond to them to fit their level of consciousness. -Materializing holographic picture in total white color: to clarify - If i look at the picture of the clinical psychologist and after that i look at the wall of my room it materializes on the wall the same as she is on the picture and then it starts floating on the wall to the sides. Lesson for me from this: There is more to this life/develop your consciousness In 2 months i also have my first ayahuasca/psychedelic trip i wonder how all this will apply to what i will see! ___________________________________________________________________________________________ if you took your time to read through all of this, thank you and know that there is more to this life!
  9. From what I know, most of such unpleasant kundalini symptoms happen from spontaneous kundalini awakenings. From what I know good shaktipat transmissions are the safest and smoothest way to awaken the kundalini. It might sound a bit contradictory, because shaktipat is also the most potent way to awaken kundalini, and thus speeds the whole process up. But it does everything with more intelligence and gentleness, and blocks are easier dissolved, therefore it seems to be overall smoother in most cases. Even after the biggest part of the kundalini awakening is over, I think receiving shaktipat transmissions can still support and make things smoother and increase bliss. Gareth Duignam gives very good shaktipat transmissions. He gives live group transmissions on youtube and zoom every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. There are other great transmission givers too.
  10. Hi All, First up, I'm not trying to tell you what you shouldn't do, all I want to do is post a warning based on my experience with Holotropic/Shamanic Breathing. I hope that you take heed of this advice and don't go through the intense involuntary healing that I have been through in the last 3 years. I had a strong desire for the spiritual path and had been meditating for 4 years, sometimes up to 4 hours per day but normally at least 1.5 hours. I felt pretty good and had no existing psychiatric issues (that I was aware of.....) In early 2019, I felt I was ready to speed up the process as I wanted to progress spiritually and felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. So I started Shamanic/Holotropic/Breath of Fire (It has many names). I started on 2 minutes and gradually worked up to 30 to 40 minutes per day over the course of many months. I was still meditating but not for as long as I had been. Everything was fine for many weeks without issues. I felt good and felt normal both physical and mentally. Then, one week I started to feel off, it is hard to describe but I just didn't feel right. Felt really tired and unhappy (I am normally a care free happy person). I immediately stopped the breathwork but continued to meditate. About 1 week after I stopped the breathing practices completely I was still feeling tired and just not right mentally. Then one day I was sitting is lotus posture and I suddenly felt really anxious for no reason and this incredibly uncomfortable energy started surging through me. I did not know at the time it was energy as I had never really felt it before but it was really uncomfortable. I couldn't sit still and I felt really anxious from the excess energy. I had no idea what was going on and ended up in hospital, I started screaming in hospital for no reason and almost had to be sedated (I am normally never like this, normally one of the most chilled out people around me). Anyway I was released a few hours later when the energy calmed down a bit. For the next 6 months this energy was with me all day everyday (even though I ceased all spiritual practices). I had trouble sleeping (I normally sleep like a baby). I felt extremely fatigued (I thought I had chronic fatigue) and could hardly get out of bed for weeks. I was close to panic attacks all the time. I was so scared and had no idea what was going on. I had to quit my job as I couldn't really function. Luckily I was financially prepared for this. It was only after I reached out to three meditation teachers who could "read my energy" were they able to advise I had awakened Kundalini. Kundalini was moving through my physical and subtle body cleaning out past traumas. Boy was it hard. You don't realize what lies in your subconscious until you open it haha. I then had a relatively stable period of 12 months with no symptoms and felt pretty good. I thought Kundalini had become dormant but now I know she was still active in the background. I then started doing something similar to straw breathing just to try and calm my system. I felt great for a few months. But then boom without any warning again I went from feeling great to these massive surges of energy running through me that still haven't really integrated fully with my system even after 7 months of no spiritual exercises. The negative impacts of my healing have been the following: - Intense suicidal depression (Never really been depressed at all in my life until I awoke Kundalini). Almost ended up in a psych ward a couple of times. The only things. Mostly when the energy surges were moving through my chest and heart area. - Intense ADHD, couldn't sit still almost all day for many months. (Never had ADHD before, I am normally more sloth like haha) - Intense sensitivity to people, unable to be around some people. - Intense weird mental states, hard to describe but they aren't very comfortable. - Insomnia. This was really bad in the first healing period but not so much the second, still not sleeping as much as I need to but it has improved. - Intense sensitivity to fasting and certain supplements. Fasting and magnesium amplifies the energy and it feels very uncomfortable. Positive impacts (a lot less than the negative ones so far.....) - When I close my eyes my body mostly disappears. I don't feel it at all the only thing I feel is the energy moving against blockages. - Body gradually feeling less and less like "me". A little bit scary. - Can feel expansion of aura around me. - Small periods of intense bliss. This can almost be a negative impact if too intense. - Small periods of seeing intense beauty in even the most simple things. - Heightened intuition. - Synchronicities at times. Not all the time but occasionally. - One 5 minute period where all my thoughts just stopped. My head was clear, this was very cool. Only had it once though. - Greater understanding of subtle energy in general. The two laws that you must always apply for safe use of it. I sought help from a few teachers, tried a few practices to help calm the energy and ground me but in the end the main thing is time as the energy integrates with your body and mind, this can only happen so fast and takes time. Acupressure helped a bit and also something called White Light Protection Visualization which you can find on the Kundalini subreddit. One respected Kundalini teacher had me try all sorts of herbs and exercises that seemed to do nothing or make it worse. So I have come to the conclusion that very few people actually are able to teach this sort of stuff if you have a spontaneous K awakening. I share this in the hopes that others healing journeys won't be so intense and involuntary as mine. I also want to thank all those have helped me in this journey so far, those seen and those unseen. Especially for helping me to keep my second job and family. Good links: - IMO the White Light Protection visualization should be done by everyone everyday. - Some good info in this book. TLDR: Shamanic/Holotropic Breathing awakened my Kundalini without warning and gave me what is called Kundalini syndrome. I went through hell on earth as I was healing for the next 6 months then I went through A relatively stable period of 12 months and then the last 7 months have been by far the most difficult. Still healing from my past at a rate that is far from comfortable.
  11. It's fun when you get interesting new insights/awakenings. But the only real reward is being free of your own delusions/fear. No fear = no suffering = bliss
  12. That's right. In one book of his written discourses he says that after a while the extremely powerful bliss disappeared. I suppose that when he was blissing out at the foot of the mountain, he was in a state similar to a deep awakening of 5-meo-malt, where all distinctions are collapsing and you are close to formless infinity. Basically, God was making Love with him, that's where the bliss came from. Someone in a state like that can't function in the world, and whoever says otherwise hasn't experienced the level of awakening that I am talking about. So, after this bliss state, his level of consciousness must have stabilized to a level of non-duality in which he was able to live normally, walk around, and answer questions to students until his death.
  13. @BipolarGrowth Neither pain nor pleasure are real, but they are part of the appearance. Identifying with either ultimately leads to suffering. Recognising that you are beyond both leads to bliss. Discerning bliss from pleasure can be difficult. Pain is a great teacher.
  14. Yes, it was after his awakening, Ramana didn't really follow a spiritual practice himself. I guess he was spiritually talented or had extremely lucky genetics. For weeks he was in a state of bliss, at the foot of Arunachala. People from the village had to take him to a temple to wash him and feed him, otherwise he might actually have died there. Goes to show that a person can't function in the world from an extremely high level of consciousness. David Godman has a video about this specific story, don't recall which one exactly.
  15. Suffering becomes identical to bliss at a certain point.
  16. Acceptance of pain leads to a much deeper bliss than acceptance of pleasure.
  17. Comparison between Transmissions There are 3 main transmissions: Light Transmissions (including RASA): They only target the Illumination Dimension. SAT Transmission: SAT Mainly targets the Void Dimension. Shaktipat: The main effects of shaktipat are love, bliss, kundalini awakening, purification of your whole system and energetic releases. Shaktipat transmissions can increase the void and intensity dimension to some extend. And a kundalini awakening can temporarily increase the illumination, void and intensity dimension. And in rare cases these increases can be permanent. The different Dimensions of Consciousness are explained here:
  18. Reality is love and bliss. There is no need to escape from love and bliss.
  19. Just enjoying a peaceful life hiking, finding new music, finding moments of bliss and peace.
  20. You are completely biased and have no clue about what psychedelics do. Some people have opened their third eye PERMANENTLY off one use of a psychedelic. Psychedelic work WAY faster and take you to higher states that ordinary practices won't do as quickly or efficiently. Psychedelics are just a catalyst, a tool, you are still dealing with your own mind. 1. Psychedelics make you hallucinate. All hallucinations are visions and trances created by the mind to force you to deal with a specific fear. This is why the moment you overcome the fear the hallucination STOPS. The medical field hasn't even discovered this but I learned this off ONE use of the drug. 2. When he talks baseline he means how you are in normal settings. But here is the kicker, some people get kundalini awakenings off psychedelic use. Once kundalini is awakened it becomes INCREDIBLY easy to raise your baseline level of consciousness through meditation. In fact the PURPOSE of meditation is to release that energy, so you CAN reach what is called samadhi or a natural state of bliss by being connected to the source of all creation. Pyschedelics can hasten both of these processes which would take DECADES to reach. I took 5 grams of psychedelics ONCE and have never used that drug opened my third eye, showed me the other side, and started the dark night of the soul process. That was me taking it for the FIRST TIME!!! You know how long you would have to meditate to reach that process? I got into a car accident 2 days later and then had a kundalini awakening. So I reached 2 divine states that many spiritual practioners take decades to experience in 2 days!!! Because of psychedelics. Yeah....sure why would anyone listen to anyone telling them no. The truth is Leo was right, Psychedelics are a GREAT tool to learn to raise consciousness I speak from my own DIRECT EXPERIENCE. I learned more in those 2 days and 2 weeks following them than I learned my entire life and it was the greatest moment of my entire life. Things were revealed to me and I was tested and learned so much.
  21. @Leo Gura what you said in the lasted video is more congruent with the TANTRIC view of reality. Have you checked the book TANTRA ILLUMINATED, by Christopher D. Wallis? It does contradict solipsism in the sense that it states that we are fractals and there are multiple perspectives of one mother consciousness. "All that exists, throughout all time and beyond, is one infinite divine Consciousness, free and blissful, which projects within the field of its awareness a vast multiplicity of apparently differentiated subjects and objects: each object an actualization of a timeless potentiality inherent in the Light of Consciousness, and each subject, you and I, the same plus a contracted locus of self-awareness. This creation, a divine play, is the result of the natural impulse within Consciousness to express the totality of its self-knowledge in action, an impulse arising from love. The unbounded Light of Consciousness contracts into finite embodied loci of awareness out of its own free will. When those finite subjects then identify with the limited and circumscribed cognitions and circumstances that make up this phase of their existence, instead of identifying with the transindividual overarching pulsation of pure Awareness that is their true nature, they experience what they call “suffering.” To rectify this, some feel an inner urge to take up the path of spiritual wisdom and yogic practice, the purpose of which is to undermine their misidentification and directly reveal within the immediacy of awareness the fact that the divine powers of Consciousness, Bliss, Willing, Knowing, and Acting comprise the totality of individual experience as well—thereby triggering a recognition that one’s real identity is that of the highest Divinity, the Whole in every part. This experiential insight is repeated and reinforced through various means until it becomes the nonconceptual ground of every moment of experience, and one’s contracted sense of self and separation from the Whole is finally annihilated in the incandescent radiance of the complete expansion into perfect wholeness. Then one’s perception fully encompasses the reality of a universe dancing ecstatically in the animation of its completely perfect divinity".
  22. @marinaaniram Had this realisation last night, high. Noticed that between moments of presence there was this grasping urge to resist or to hold on to something, an identity. Feels like it’s constantly running, trying to control and fix shit. Mad. Presence is pure bliss but hard to settle in for long (least for me atm) without the ego nagging in the form of some thought or trying to solve tension or whatever other problem. Even when it appears there ain’t a problem, it’s there labelling still? @Leo Gura doesn’t love want to survive?
  23. I would say if you are attracted to men then you are gay. Not because you like to see a dick. It might just remind you of your own and you like to see yourself in others, I don't know. Don't just believe everything Leo says. Things are more complicated than that. Also no one is 100% gay or straight. So your levels may be 60% straight and 40% gay, or 50/50. I have a gay friend who says he likes women too, but only about 30%. That shocked me to hear it from a gay guy. But it did open my eyes more. And yes, man can have hours long orgasms. I've read stories of people explaining about them like being in DMT world, with pure whiteness and some form of connection to God, among other things, just pure ecstasy. So, one way would be that tantric option that Leo mentioned. If you want to go this way, you can try reading The Multi Orgasmin Man by Mantak Chia. I'm reading that book right now. It involves practices like imagining your sexual energy in you and then trying to move it with your thoughts to your head, and some other stuff. And then another option is massaging your G-spot - your prostate. This is the part where I've read the stories mentioned above. I've been trying to achieve this for 7 years now, but for me it's difficult. Some people take longer, some people get it in the first few tries. There's a lot of rewiring to be made because we are only used to the penile orgasms. But it's is a whole different world out there. Stories of people lying on the bed, having endless orgasm after orgasm, with only seconds apart, lasting for hours, without ejaculating. Pure bliss. Google Super-O for that ultimate orgasm. And check out subreddits r/ProstatePlay and r/Aneros. There's people explaining how they made it work.
  24. It's real simple. Your "physical body" reacts to what you program it with during your "day to day life". If you sit down and meditate and turn your whole life in to a meditation practice, obviously your physical being is going to produce exactly what fits in with your type of living. When you start your practice and you are new to meditation, you go through a process of filtering out the blockages between your truest state. This process, if done long enough, will produce exactly what psychedelics do to your "physical body". So when you sit down and meditate for 2 hours, you start to produce the experience of being in harmony, bliss or clarity. As you mentioned. It's the exact same thing with psychedelics. When you begin to take your psychedelics you go through the same filtering process, but during a shorter period of time. But since people just pop these without knowing or preparing themselves with a genuine practice or lifestyle change, it forces them in to changing drastically. And when they don't = the state changes and you go back to baseline. Same thing with meditation, you drop your practice completely = you go back to baseline. Because your physical body reacts to what you do, or program it with. The problem with these debates and topics is that people fall under the false impression that its ONLY about meditation, or ONLY about taking psychedelics. It's both. But if you have a hard time living a "normal" life and not meditating 12+ hours per day, psychedelics will work just fine. It's about changing your way of being and lining up with your TRUTH, and keeping yourself aligned with your life and your way of being. No matter if you do meditation, breathing techniques, trauma-work, deprogramming, or psychedelics. Work with whatever fits your style. And stop thinking that this is a one sided approach.
  25. Love this question. Being able to live life as expansive as possible is the biggest thing for me. Being able to choose my experience. To be living a fully spontaneous life. To be in control completely but also completely unattached to anything. Just flowing with life, letting your bliss guide you into the unknown without ever being attached to past and future. Just living in the now and letting inspiration come out of the body without any resistance telling you 'No, you can't'. It's laying with your girlfriend in bed, sharing joyful moments together, and then just super impulsively saying 'Let's go to the airport right now and just hop on a plane to a random country', and then just doing it... And only coming back whenever you want to. Maybe not coming back at all. And then sharing that with other people. Being in other peoples presence and guiding them to more peace is super rewarding. I'm not fully there, but my path to it is clear and I just know that every year, my life is only getting better. Every day I go on walks for a couple of hours, and it feels so blissful. I feel this ecstatic energy running down my body. When I come across people, I just open my heart to them, smile, sometimes stopping for a conversation. That's super huge because I was always very contracted socially. If you want to get to freedom, you have to fulfill the deepest desires you have in your life. These lusts connected to your deeper karma. Sometimes we suppress them and avoid them. But the key to freedom is to move all of your desires into being because that's where you gain your power to move beyond your personal desires and to live from a sense of flow and spontaneity. It's where all your contractions are and the goal in life is to transcend all those limitations and to embody your full potential. Freedom is Imperturbability. That's what liberation means for me. And then enlightenment is just the clarity of the deeper nature of everything. And that's the other side of the coin. Freedom is also understanding and intuition. Just knowing what's up without needing to analyze too much. You know you are free when everything is just so effortless.