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  1. @Nahm Wolfram only said that the graph isn't made of anything. That the graph is all Mind is something I made up. But it makes sense from a nondual perspective. Wolfram and his team are hardcore scientists, I haven't heard them talking about nonduality or other spiritual concepts. Although one commenter mentioned Indra's net which I found fascinating.
  2. @Member According to my view all past choices are information in the now. And only that! So it's a kind of illusion of a past separate from the now. But that contradicts our experience of free will, at least in ordinary consciousness. Many nonduality teachers talk about how there is no choice. Some of the most hardcore nonduality teachers, such as Tony Parsons and Jim Newman even say that nothing ever happens. My own experience is that I have free will, and that I have made choices in the past. But logic tells me that it's more likely that I don't have actual free will and that the past is only now. So I need more practical experience before I know with more certainty whether my theory is real or not.
  3. @Galyna Would you be open to having a Skype call one of these days? I've had my share of awakenings and can point you in the right direction and answer your questions with no judgement. Of course, my answers are a very literal interpretation of non-duality. However, I think they would still be helpful in getting you over the hump you seem to be on in regards to understanding what oneness, nonduality, non-materialism and objectivity are. The invitation is there, just DM me.
  4. @Artsu It says in the Bible that Jesus is the Word made flesh. That to me means a physical human being. But Jesus also said that he and the Father are one, so Christ to me means all of manifested reality, while Jesus the man represents the whole Word as a person. And Christ consciousness is the same as self-realization or what it's called in nonduality. But something that puzzled me right now is that if the Father is the unmanifested and infinite Word, and the Son is the manifested Word, then what is the Holy Spirit?! It's a Holy Trinity and I have heard that the idea of a trinity exists in other religions too. Then I came up with the idea that the Holy Spirit means consciousness! Consciousness is an undivided whole, and holy as in Holy Spirit means whole. And Spirit means that it's not something material nor something unmanifested. And consciousness is truly timeless in the sense that consciousness is always the immovable witnessing/experiencing in the now.
  5. @Artsu I interpret Christ as being the only begotten son since there is only one Word of God. I don't even know whether Jesus actually existed as a historical person or not. But what Jesus said seems like true knowledge to me, although in metaphors and parables, such as Jesus saying: In the beginning the Word and God are the same thing and all there is, but then the Word became manifest in the form of Christ and this it the beginning of creation so of course Christ is before Abraham was born. On the other hand, as it says in John 1, the Word has created everything, including us, so we and Christ are the same Word unfolding. I read that in Christianity the Body of Christ means the churchgoers. But that seems too limiting to me. The Body of Christ I think means all of humanity in Christ consciousness. The Bible is ultimately about nonduality it seems, just like all other major religions. And in nonduality all time is always now, even the beginning of time is now. So the Word made manifest happened now. It's a real mind twister but it makes logical sense to me.
  6. Because why? Covered pretty well by Christianity no? Even if he's not a fictional character written for a book to control people, which is debatable, he'd still be a imagination character of God (you). Nonduality is about waking up that you are God and imagined everything.
  7. You're spreading "misinformation" here like wildfire, yourself. There isn't anyone there to die, before "it" or not! He's trying to point to letting go of the beliefs, and sometimes around here we hold on to the belief of letting go like the last string keeping us from plunging over the cliff. We're all standing around made uncomfortable by watching this charade. Jokes on us. There's no VeganAwake. You're holding him as what he is in your imagination. You're doing this to him. You're suffering in place of him. Your image of him is you. What are we trying to hold up? What? If you suspend someone for posting while intoxicated that's a good reason. Spreading misinformation on a nonduality forum with the assumption that there's truly correct information, doesn't hold up.
  8. So Leo, what is your opinion then on the future of AI? Is it "impossible" to generate artificial consciousness? It is very easy to create organic life, and there seems to be no "limitation" on organic production, so why would God limit our ability to bestow consciousness on machine life? If the brain channels infinite consciousness into finite consciousness, shouldn't an artificial brain be capable of doing the same thing? If not, why? If so, what does that imply? (ie. IF conscious AI can be built, does that invalidate all of nonduality? It would experience Being with no self, and yet be finite and limited) It feels like a wrench in the system, but I would love to hear more on this.
  9. Okay it's your duty to erase the confusion on this topic and explain how does nonduality fit with solipsism because apparently there is a lot of confusion going on recently. So that when someone ask about it you can just reference to him the video lol. I would be very interested in hearing your take on this in a detailed video.. Leo.
  10. So today i had a very interesting meditation experience. First of all i haven’t been meditating for almost a year now because of various reasons. But i have meditated and contemplated in the past a lot. So i think i have a pretty good understanding of nonduality. Also i had my first awakening experience about three months ago while tripping on mushroms. But thats another story. Basically just today i decided i really want to start meditating again. I created a to do list for 100 days of meditation. After that i sat down and started meditating and not even 10minutes have passed when my consciousness started shifting in a very way it wasn't like anything i have ever experienced during meditation. I started to feel this presure on my eyes and then everything started to feel much more lucid. Suddenly i wasn't simply aware of the things in front of me but all consciousness around me. It is kind of difficult to explain but yeah... And then i started getting excited and it faded. i think this was a slight taste of nonduality through meditation. But I never thought your state of consciousness could shift in such auto clicker a significant way just by meditating. Very crazy I also find it very interesting that i had the strongest experience through meditation after more than a year with no meditation and basically no conscious lifestyle. I think this might me because when i meditated daily amd contemplated constantly i always wanted this awakening soo bad but this was probably the biggest obastacle to it. Anyways i just wanted to share this experience i had with yall.
  11. @Red-White-Light Actually, I am proposing a bridge between solipsism and classic nonduality, and you're completely missing my point.
  12. @Inliytened1 am I aware? . You are aware obviously you know that for certain. But am I aware? Yes or no? If no that's solipsism. If yes.. Please explain to me what is nonduality if there's more than one focal point of awareness in the universe or separate individual awarenesses?
  13. @Sandy6 I had OCD manifest in very similar ways such as you did, I also grew up in a religious home. Mine was "promise your soul to the devil". Carl Jung had this vision of God pooping on a church steeply, and had great relief when he allowed himself to have the vision and let it go. The OCD you experience is like an inner voice that forces you to destroy your ideas of right and wrong and destroy your attempts to be good and pure. It also forces you to dis-identify from your thoughts. Most people believe that they are in control of their thoughts and are thinking their thoughts but that's just not the case, for anyone. We believe that we live in a dualistic world, of opposites and things to avoid. There is right and wrong, pure and dirty, good and bad, etc. To someone with these kinds of thoughts nonduality and spirituality does not seem like a choice at all, it feels as if it's being forced on us, but by the thoughts that we believe are ours and coming from our own heads. This is experienced as something incredibly uncomfortable until we question what we are, what thoughts are and what they really have to do with each other. This kind of contemplation and questioning, along with mediation, mindfulness, consciousness work and self LOVE is the medicine. This voice is really attempting to free you from your own suffering. We make the mistake of blaming the impulses and voice FOR the suffering. It's not, it's illuminating it, it's showing our own suffering and resistance to us. It's an amazing gift. Mediation and studying nonduality and spirituality is key to accepting this gift, that comes in really scary ugly wrapping paper. This forum is a great place to start. Studying the Law of Attraction, Abraham Hicks was a huge help to me. OCD turns into impulses, which is intuition which leads you to joy and the unfolding of life you want to live the most. Again this is not a problem, it's a gift. If you can see what it is and what it's trying to liberate your from, you instantly become liberated from it. This won't happen until we realize that the voice itself is not what we need to be liberated from. You cannot let it go until you stop trying to get rid of it. What you resist persists. I know, I KNOW that sounds crazy to a mind that thinks it knows right from wrong and insanity from sanity. But THAT is the crazy part.
  14. I started a blog for nonduality. I'm probably going to put some old stuff I've written up there as I come across it. I'll probably continue my journal with my random, spontaneous freedom that I currently love so much and post the "useful" stuff to the blog. Although my perceived differences between creative expression and knowledge sharing is starting to die. “The man, the art, the work--it is all one.” ― Eugen Herrigel
  15. @zeroISinfinity talking about the infinite one self? You haven't realized yet that nonduality =solipsism? If you assert the existence of any "others" in any literal sense then it's duality. Or explain how can it be nonduality and there is seperate individual awarenesses?
  16. I looked up what ACIM says about lies, and found some quotes, but also this passage which is more fundamental: That's an amazing contrast to the common view of life. That ACIM quote might at first seem incomprehensible, yet it's simply nonduality. An all-inclusive perspective includes change, but we cannot isolate the change out of the whole and have it be an independent and separate phenomenon. An analogy is a wave on an ocean. The wave doesn't have an independent existence. And with nonduality the "ocean" is changeless. Nonduality itself is changeless, for if it changes then it goes from one state to another, which is duality, from "what it is" to "what it is not". Change and relativity exist within nonduality, but as a wholeness it cannot change because time is duality.
  17. @JayG84 "If Time vanished how could anything remain?" - This is a very underrated question IMO (and great job for asking it!). Along similar lines of thinking, I've asked myself the following two questions many times before and have compared and contrasted my answers to them to help myself develop a better understanding of what might more fundamental/true (ie consciousness versus time): #1. Can consciousness exist without time? #2. Can time exist without consciousness? #1 seems possible to me, and also more likely than #2 (if I were forced to pick between #1 or #2 as being more true/fundamental), because I can imagine everything (the total collapse of all conceivable dualities into a uniform substrate/essence/being/intelligence - including all possible sensations, frames of time, dimensions, realties, etc) existing in a single moment. However, a counterargument here could be that maybe this ISN'T possible to imagine without any time whatsoever, because there is SOME amount of time required (even if it's an infinitesimally small amount) to imagine such a nondual/infinite substrate/substance/essence/intelligence that IS all of these things. I'm not sure, but it's always good to play devil's advocate. #2 seems mostly implausible to me. I don't know how time could exist without something (consciousness) to experience/witness it. I could see time and consciousness existing simultaneously though (this seems consistent with oneness/nonduality). But again, to get back to your original question and close the loop here (pun intended), what does consciousness with ZERO time look like??? Does consciousness even exist with no time whatsoever? If 'yes, then would god consciousness experience infinite possibilities in a true time-less state? If 'no,' then would something like true 'nonexistence' (not to be confused with formlessness/nothingness) be possible if the converse were true and literally everything disappeared because there was no time for anything to exist or be experienced in the first place? I have a lurking suspicion that there is more to the concept of 'nonexistence' (or something like it, if you want to argue that nonexistence can't exist because it directly contradicts itself). I know most people on this forum disagrees with this possibility, but I think it's worth investigating this further to see if there's yet another veil hiding key info on what something like 'nonexistence' might look like and how that could fit into total nonduality/infinity.
  18. I have found Tony Parsons' nonduality teaching extreme but he said something I can relate to, that the sense of being a contracted individual can melt into the whole of reality. Very interesting! It seems like a practical possibility to me. Tony described it as a huge relief.
  19. When a normie asks you to explain nonduality. - - - - - - When a newbie is raving to you about his first glimpse of awakening. - - - - - - When a newbie starts explaining their self-inquiry process to you. - - - - - - When someone is trying to explain to you that Love is just an emotion. - - - - - - The fist time in your life you hear that you do not exist. - - - - - - When your self-inquiry session ends and no magic happened. - - - - - - When you have perfectly explained the unexplainable.
  20. That's fair, perhaps I rely on guidance a bit too heavily. I'm a big question asker, I should learn more the hard way. Already though I'm settling more into the realization and working with it. Awakening isn't something that happened to me, I don't possess the awakening, and I think one of the harder things to cope with is seeing how everyone is asleep and there is little I can do about it. Without a doubt the hardest mindfuck to handle is the difference between real and unreal. When I had my first real, intense and eye opening DMT trip, I had a hard time believing that any of this was real for a long time, and my awakening reignited that feeling. I'm beginning to understand that it's all real, but I guess at the same time it's not? Seems like that's the nature of the mindfuck that is nonduality, it's all the same and exists within itself. I used to think that spirituality existed on some separate plane. You chase and chase this one thing but once you have that big realization, you realize you were chasing the wrong thing all along. I'm just going to have to push through the ego backlash and learn to align myself once again with my core values. There's a beauty in the purposelessness of it all, because it's just infinite creation. Resistance is suffering, and that's the number one important thing to know in this work.
  21. @Shiva99 have you experienced the breakthrough non-experience? Learning about nonduality may play bad role since by learning something you add some ideas, new beliefs. Spiritual work is about LETTING GO, meditation is about LETTING GO, it's not about adding, it's about losing. To lose everything for nothing. Theoretical pointers are important but they should be directly investigated. What I am saying is: let go that "it doesn't work", even don't put your attention on it, really. It works, use dreamboard, write what you want, anything which comes to your mind, work with it everyday, meditate, continue practices. It is worth it. If you are tired of all of it - 5-MeO may be your answer ALL IS GOOD NOW.
  22. I don't know what i enjoy anymore. I've been trying to find out but it's not working. I had a passion for Psychology, and after doing the LP course i wanted to become a Psychologist, but learning about nonduality ruined it all for me. I had a dreamboard and all, but it doesn't resonate with me anymore. I can't get back the same zest i once had. Yes. Doing all of these except for the breathing. Also running 5k daily.
  23. Nonduality means that reality is a single system. And the belief that the system can attack itself is clearly insanity. Yet that is precisely what the ego believes and through this belief has emerged the world we live in today. The ego has a deliberate purpose of developing individuality, growth, uniqueness and creativity, but that doesn't make it sane. The ego believes viruses can attack it, that other people can attack it and that it can attack itself. It seems so real to the ego for it has made it real through thousands, nay billions of years of evolution.
  24. There are lots of nonduality speakers that present more heart-centered, rather than cognitive-centered.
  25. I think Leo has described his personality as INTP. I get a “T” fill-up with Leo and “F” fill-ups with nonduality speakers like Lisa Cairns and Ananta Kranti.