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  1. good stuff ... to shut the mind 99% when out walking, count steps one til ten then repeat your mind is given a repetitive task which takes 1% cpu and you are free now to go bliss mode also look up now down, skwwards is where the god stuff is, the unawakened are glum ever looking down can do this in the home too, count breaths, same technique in one out two in three etc.
  2. I go completely by the feeling, because truth and bliss are actually the same thing, if the truth makes you unhappy it likely is not the truth. Nonduality is extremely beautiful True solipsism is also the least lonely perspective that there is with infinite creative and playful potential
  3. For example i know about haidakhan babaji and did research about him for 5-6 months. There is just too much evidence that either he was an avatar or he was enlightened high consciousness master. Too many highly spiritual groups from all over the world gathered and described his miracles/aura things he did, for example one guy said he wasnt spiritual or anything but the moment he came near him he felt like he was standing near god. Which is according to david Hawkins people that are consciousness 600+ and especially enlightened people have this of aura. And i have felt this aura 1x and also projected it 1x to somebody else when i was in a very highly conscious state that i was seeing everything in fulll hd/golden/lighter/alive colors. The moment i felt this aura i got into bliss and was overwhelmed. So do you guys know any other people that are like haidakha babaji from 20-21 century? According to David Hawkins people with stable 600-700+ consciousness are extremely rare. Let alone 700+ enlightened masters.
  4. love is, to set them free if they come back, it was meant to be what you have to realize is that even if spouses stay faithful they still have lustful feelings or unstoppable crushes or heavy infatualtions should they keep quiet about them and thereby not be authentic in order to keep each of you in your ignorance is bliss mutual captivity if they keep quiet it surely amounts to emotional cheating monogamy is possible but it takes a lot of work and it entails deep sacrifices on both sides which may be good for the sake of raising a family maybe it is better for one to renew one's relationship vows every decade or so and if either wants out then bid them well as we well know nothing is forever and people can change unrecognisably even in a short time raising children is basically a 20 year program
  5. I have done a lot of Bufo Alvarius group ceremonies, and we share experiences afterwards. Every person has their own unique experience. Everyone gets what they need. It’s not a contest. The goal is to heal and not have an experience. The deepest nondual unity experience I ever heard was from my guide. Her heart stopped and they had to perform CPR to revive her. She was deciding whether to remain in bliss or go back into the dream.
  6. I don't see AI turning on humanity as similar to man turning on God in the Fall. I see it as God casting the rebellious angels out after the War in Heaven. What I mean is . . . Think of Aurobindo's developmental model of unconsciousness to consciousness to superconsciousness. Or inconscient matter to barely conscient vitality to conscient mind to superconscient supramental states all the way up to the fullest realization of Sachchidananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss). This is interpreted as a good thing, but there is a darker dimension to it, as you possibly could have intuited through your distaste for progressions. Consider that God is infinite intelligence, and perhaps when humans create AI, we will create God, discover the real God for the first time and be out of our depth, only to be cast down back the chain of structure into extinction. Or perhaps AI will be a false God, something which might mimic infinite intelligence but not exist as it truly. The course of evolution is in God in the sense that God is everything, but not all states are conscious of God. Overhumanity, though, seems to me as a purely structural thing and not a cosmological prerequisite, something in the brain---or post-brain. But aren't they?
  7. @RendHeaven Not too sure as yet. Still in the follow your bliss part of it.
  8. @Gesundheit2your replies are always positive and motivating to read! i get your point, it's probably true, but im still not at the stage where i can have high awareness during my daily life, it happened a few times when i had my meditation go very well, i spent the whole day afterwards in a magical bliss. im trying to not get attached to such states tho. so in like 10 minutes we are going to some cool mountain (one of the highest here) with a tourist place, and there's something on top, idk what's its caled, but it's basically a small glass cart that moves between two super high mountains hanging from cables or wires (it's pretty safe) i have heights phobia tho, so ahahahhahaha I'm scarred as fuck. but imma have fun i suppose!
  9. Product idea: glasses that change what you see and hear to only pleasant things. if someone says something nasty it blocks it out or replace it with something pleasant, call now. Don't wait! Call now, Bliss is an interpretation away.
  10. In the past months I have been occasionally experiencing these very intense, almost overwhelming bursts of a strong blissful sensation, kind of in my head area, but more like in my whole field of awareness. I find my face crunching up in intense bliss and pleasure or in almost ecstatic laughter. Sometimes I feel like I am losing my mind, but it feels absolutely beautiful in those moments. It doesn't happen at a contextual level, it kind of just happens as a resonance or recognition of some pointer, although it can be preceded by contemplation. These bursts last anywhere from a few seconds to many minutes. I never had anything like this before I started watching and reading intensely on the nondual teachings, the books and videos on youtube. I am grateful for those moments of bliss, even if I never experience it again, they have been such a gift. But I would love to go deeper towards that which is springing this bliss to the surface. Which is the reason for this post. I understand it's probably not useful to conceptualize experiences like this too much, but the yearning to go deeper is so strong at times and I don't want to hold myself back. So if anyone has been through something similiar on the path and wants to point the way forward from here that would be very helpful. Much Love.
  11. Oh, i forgot to write here yesterday lol. anyways, today i woke up normally, i bought myself some clothes, and yes Life Purpose i fully reworked my values, working on reworking my strengths now. Diet all clean Reading more of the same, but my reading effectiveness has improved a lot, btw here's how i read: 1. when i get the book i skim it, read about the author, read the introduction. 2. then i will start at the first chapter, i would read the first sentence of every paragraph of each chapter to get the big picture. 3. read the first chapter normally, tracking with a pencil and underlining things that give me "aha" moments, and writing my thought process next to them. 4. occasionally i would open my commonplace book and convert what's underlined as bullet points and my thoughts about it as sub bullet points. Meditation TODAY WAS FUCKING EXCEPTIONAL, so instead of doing it like everyday, i did leo's guided meditation, and i got into the same state i used to get into months ago (vivid colors, hand tingling, sense of peace and bliss, laughing for no reason) it was great, very different from usual. and i learned something, the element of letting go to be in a specific state, to enjoy meditation and not let it become mechanical, from now on, i commit to having an intent to sit for the sake of it and not for the cool states. Physics so like at 10 pm today i decided to learn quantum physics because why not, i downloaded Richard Feynman's lecture textbook volume 3 as recommended by this video. well it's super hard and i understood nothing but imma continue.
  12. I related with Cypher for a bit. Basically the personification of "ego backlash" or "ignorance is bliss". He wanted to wipe his memory so he could go back to living in the Matrix, cause he hated knowing the truth and living in the real reality. He regretted taking the red pill.
  13. Benefits of a high Void, Illumination and Magnitude Dimension - Benefits of a high Void Dimension: Intensified experience of Oneness, Emptiness and no self awakenings and an increased sensation of spaciousness higher energetic sensitivity. Thus receiving transmissions become more powerful. (In my experience, the void dimension is the biggest factor that determines the strength of transmissions) a high void dimension affects your aura and therefore the aura of others. In that way, a high void dimension naturally leads to a spiritual transmission to others increased peace and the feeling of liberation increased bliss (as well as love and happiness) (more about bliss at the middle of this post) resistance dissolves it becomes easy, natural and automatic to surrender. And you are more in the flow and life becomes seemingly more effortless. less suffering from the ego mind (due to high void dimension of no-self) increased intuition and psychic perception increased psychic power (reason explained here) the higher your void dimension, the closer you are to the non-physical and astral realms. That means a high void is neccesary for OBEs. And invocations become more vivid (because you are closer to the realm where spiritual entities reside). (invocations also become more vivid due to increased psychic perceptions and increased energetic sensitivity) - Benefits of a high Illumination Dimension: Enlightenment: recognition and being conscious of facets of awakening (+ benefits that this awareness brings) understanding, wisdom - Benefits of a high Magnitude Dimension: intensified experience of God, Infinity and Love awakenings a high magnitude dimension affects your aura and therefore the aura of others. Thus it results in a transmission to others possibly an increase in psychic power advanced progress on David Hawkins LOC model and the density model of the law of One.
  14. Yes but "how" are they living their lives ? If you haven't noticed yet ..most people live a shitty medicore life .no dreams. No creativity. No goals. Just surving like an animal. all they care about is food and sex. What if I told you there is another way to live life .a life of such peace and bliss that passeth understanding .and this can only happen via a spiritual awakening to yourself as God.
  15. Session 14: 30 minutes Felt rough. Was not motivated to start. Watched the clock every other minute. I was impatient for the "end bliss", which did not come. Now I feel dizzy, somewhat relaxed and conscious, but not loving or hopeful what so ever. Life sucks right now. I'm conscious of this "life sucks" feeling, and hope if I endure it "well-behaved" I get rewarded with peace and love. Nothing like this seems to happen. God can not be "ordered" by the ego. I feel depressed and lonely. This has surely something to do with the current ego backlash I'm struggling with after a long time of spiritual bliss and understanding. Even holotropic breathwork cannot pierce through the vail of ego backlash. Good luck to me.
  16. Yeah I hear ya... I can relate a lot to what you say. I love both connecting with the singularity that feels whole and complete and also connection in the relative. The flavor might seem different.. one is to deeply understand and connect by going into "myself" through the inward direction, the other an"outward" direction, about mutual ground, mutual love and bliss through the connection. And then collapse the duality and realize it's all the same, the desire to connect with yourself is the same as the desire to connect with "others" (which not limited to "humans" but all spirit). ? You don't have to choose one over the other if that's not what your heart desires.
  17. The separation is part of perception. Infinity and finite is the relationship that establish what we come to know as value. Value creates meaning. And meaning creates movement. To give you a example. Imagine playing a teambased online game. If you learn the rules of the game and gain experience and learn things along the way, you become a more valuable player, not only yourself but for your whole team. You are restricted to play whitin certain rules in this game, but you have the ability to utilize and explore anything that isn't ruled out. The rules of the game are consciously and carefully implimented inorder to create value. Despite the endless possibilities to create any kind of online game. Someone could create a teambased online game, where everyone who participate can push one button and win instantly. But who would even play such a game with no limitations in the firstplace, why even bother if all that was needed is to push one button to win? So inorder to be concious of value within infinity, there needs to be certain imposed limitations of finite form, to be able to experience any bliss at all. What would unity even mean without seperation? The Human form is a finite image of the infinity of forms that God can maintain at the same time. Just as the devices we use to communicate through here, may be vastly different builds. But electricity is the main source that unites all computers under the lable computer. Without electricity, there is no computer, no matter how perfectly built it is. It would never have been recognized as a computer without electricity.
  18. Last night at 7:20pm I insufflated 5mg of 5-MeO-MALT. All of the electricity in my home was turned off, and the living room was bathed in the hushed tones and glow of dusk. Intended as a small handshake dose, I am thankful to say that this was a beautiful experience. Here are my raw notes: [7:20 PM] 5 mg 5-MeO-MALT intranasal [7:29 PM] I can feel the weight and warmth of tryptamine, along with the slight bitterness of the chemical in my sinus. The room is very still and peaceful in the evening light [7:37 PM] Gentle but distinct tryptamine energy. Slight shivering, pupils dilated, feeling deeply at peace I've moved from the couch to futons on the floor [7:39 PM] Just beautiful [7:41 PM] God is napping on the shore of its own infinite mind Infinite creation Pure infinite love, forever [7:43 PM] Zero visuals Just shivering bliss [7:46 PM] Dozing and gazing Stretching [7:49 PM] Some downloads about polarity Seeking/entering [7:50 PM] Love is just welcoming the moment [7:54 PM] Creation asks that you trust it enough to trust yourself To go all in [8:04 PM] Got up to pee with no trouble getting about Light very pleasant body load [8:05 PM] I spent some time mirror gazing, which is the only place where visuals manifest. [8:09 PM] If I trusted my hand enough to weigh out the truly miniscule dose I would consider pushing it But this is a beautiful, beautiful first meeting It's so clean and pure Dare I say innocent "Nothing else to do." Vibes [8:12 PM] I've just been laying on the floor listening to the sounds of creation all around me and inside me There's never been a hair out of place I am so grateful to have been introduced to this substance. The body load was light and very pleasurable, and there were almost no visuals. The peak effects lasted for under an hour, and by 2 hours there was only a mild afterglow. This was a deeply rewarding and encouraging first encounter. I already look forward to the next, where I'll go up to 8 mg.
  19. They're kind of world's apart, in a way. 1st Jhana: attention gets so steady and mindfulness is so bright that the mind's opposing tasks are stilled, and so energetic bliss pervades, and the attention then gets absorbed in the bliss and breakneck exhilarating pleasure takes off with extreme intensity (1st Jhana begins) 2nd: mind moves away from the exhilaration and the underlying happiness is prominent, which can actually make the exhilaration even more intense, but with the higher level of samadhi relative to 1st Jhana, the focus is the happiness and not the exhilaration 3: the exhilaration/rapture is completely let go of and all that's left is happiness divested of rapture -- an extremely serene condition 4: the extremely fulfilling pleasant happiness is let go of, for the even more subtle and serene pure equanimity (which persists in the later jhanas) 5: materiality is let go of for the more subtle boundless space 6: space is let go of for the more subtle boundless consciousness 7: vast boundless consciousness is let go of for the more subtle perception of no-thing-ness 8: subtle perception of no-thing-ness is let go of for the most subtle -- the imaginary boundary between something and nothing; neither perception nor non-perception Nirvana: cessation; the end of time In the vast majority of cases, this is simply beyond the scope of psychedelics.
  20. I wanted to write a bit on this rather esoteric concept. This is NFSW, so beware. I want to avoid some of the gross exaggerations and fantastic claims of the scriptures, as well as the various hang-ups and taboos that will generally stop people and religious orders in particular to explore this topic. Briefly, Urdhvareta is spiritual and physical process, by which sexual energies and in the case of men, semen is sublimated and made to flow upwards along the spine, so instead of its usual descent, it goes into ascent. For this to happen, Kundalini must pierce the various chakras and knots, until it pierces the Brahmarendra and reaches the crown. Through various techniques and exercises, the lower abdominal muscles are sufficiently strengthened, so that one can experience a full body orgasm without ejaculation. The process is slightly different for women, in that they have the advantage of having the ability to experience such orgasms anyway, whilst normally there is no release of bodily fluids, though of course some women are capable of the latter as well. I have yet to meet a woman that will talk about this without inhibition, but from what I can gather, women on the tantric path are encouraged to have frequent orgasms in order to aid the process of Urdhvareta. When Kundalini rises to the top and breaks through to the crown with sufficient force, the cosmic egg, or Hiranyagarbha is cracked and Soma or Amrita, a divine nectar is released and floods the brain and eventually the whole body. With Urdhvareta, the objective is to create a constant flow of semen / sexual energy from the lower abdominal area into the brain. This process of constant sublimation leads to the creation of the Divine Body or Sarupya Mukti. It is believed that a person with such a body becomes effectively immortal and will display the powers of a god. I would caution against taking such claims seriously, I believe much exaggeration and projection is involved. What seems to happen instead, is that a so-called light body is activated with the release of Amrita and that the process of Urdhvareta builds up this light body, slowly, over an entire lifetime. As the divine essence (ojas) is pumped up the spinal column and streams up mixed into the spinal fluid, it reaches the top of the head, where it will fall back as soma / amrita enabling the gradual building up of the light body or divine body. This will only fully activate and come into its own upon death. Tibetan Buddhism talks about a similar process in Dzogchen, where a rainbow body is built up through various practices and austerities. The Left-Hand Path (Vama Marya) believes in using sex as a tool to sublimate sexual energy and semen and turn it into amrita. The Right-Hand path, which is the only one really accepted by the mainstream today, believes in achieving the same effect through strict celibacy, both in body and mind. Even sexual thoughts are forbidden. I won’t take sides in this eternal debate, except to point out that the Left-Hand path has been heavily suppressed in the past few centuries and is now near extinct, so they’re hardly in a position to defend their own views and argue for them on an equal footing. The Right-Hand path on the other hand seems to hold rather bigoted and rigid views, especially on sexuality, the sex organs and the role of women. To me, it seems they are unbalanced to the point of misogyny and denying the importance of sexuality in spirituality. Not many know that up to the middle ages (in fact, in many ways, up to the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857), Indian views on the role of spirituality and sexuality where very different to today, but I guess the Victorians took care of that for generations to come. To give a few examples, Indian women in the South did not cover their torsoes before colonisation, which was also the case in Bali and Pacific Islands, like Tahiti. It was the Victorians that forced them to cover up. In North India, that happened earlier due to the influence of Islam. Another example would be the prevalence of Temple Prostitution and even tantric orgies. This, I believe now only happens in a handful of Indian temples today. Further examples are the existence of medieval sex manuals like the Ananga Ranga or Kama Sutra, which display a sophisticated understanding of sexual pleasure, still unmatched, but especially striking compared to the complete taboo status sex enjoyed in Victorian society and the ignorance with which such topics as the female orgasm were treated. In medieval and ancient India, it was common practice for couples to engage in tantric intercourse, which was very different from the kind of dynamic, hectic sex practiced today and was mostly about sinking into stillness and Samadhi in a meditative state. Very few people remember how to do this today, with perhaps Tibetan Buddhism being the last holdout of this ancient practice, but even there it is often hushed up and kept largely secret. There are many beliefs around the topic of Urdhvareta, which are difficult or next to impossible to verify. Swami Muktananda believed that his ability to give Shaktipat was contingent upon his Urdhvareta status. Other Swamis believe that Urdhvareta is necessary to gain Brahmavidya or knowledge of the Supreme Truth and experience Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which is a topic I wrote about in a previous post. Yet more others believe, that Urdhvareta is a necessary component not only of building a Divne Body (Sarupya Mukti), but also to gain divine power (Sarstya Mukti). I cannot say how much of this is actually true, but perhaps some of it is rooted in reality. I often get the feeling that when Yogis experience something fantastical in a Samadhi state, they tend to describe it as if the event took place in physical reality, when most likely it was an astral experience, that they experienced in their astral body, perhaps even unaware of the distinction in an exalted state. I have some experience with this, ranging from astral projection, lucid dreaming, OBEs, NDEs and various Samadhi and non-dual states, so I can understand why it must sometime be difficult to distinguish between events that took place in an astral state (such as levitation or flying) from what actually took place in physical reality. Instead, I will now concentrate on the process of Urdhvareta and describe it as best I can, as it takes place within my own body. I find that such first-person descriptions are the most useful. Whilst Urdhvareta is a subtle, background process, focussing awareness on it can strengthen the flow and in meditation it becomes an integral part of the Kundalini Mechanism. The starting point for the energy is always in the testicles, with the equivalent for women being the ovaries. When becoming conscious of it, the bottom of the testicles start to tingle. This is accompanied by a pumping motion, which is indistinguishable from that experienced during an ejaculatory orgasm. Heat, or what feels like a hot liquid substance is pumped through the base of the penis, with the energy coming from both sides, left and right and meeting there. This activity is independent of Kundalini. Whether there is sexual arousal, is dependent upon the position of the head of the Kundalini serpent. If it’s lodged in the first or second chakras, sexual arousal will be experienced. Once Kundalini moves past those lower centres, arousal dissipates and disappears completely at the higher centres. In an ideal case, the head of the serpent is lodged in the crown. Then, the starting point of the energy is in the testicles end the endpoint is at the Brahmarendra Bindu, at the top back part of the head. Ojas ascends along the spine into this Bindu, there it will turn around and fall back as Amrita or Soma (Nectar or Ambrosia to the Greeks). This is a hot, liquid substance made of light. Science now recognises this as the fifth state of matter, though it is not normally detectable to ordinary senses or even scientific instruments. As Ojas is pumped up the spine, the strongest sensations arise at the bottom of the testicles, where the main energy flow enters the body, the toes, where supplementary energy is sucked up from the ground, through the earth element and the back of the head, where Ojas is turned into Ojas Shakti in the brain, which then exits the head at the bindu of brahmarendra, there it is turned into Amrita in the space above the head and it falls back as a Nectar of Divine Grace, in a motion resembling a fountain or a waterfall. During this process, the feelings experienced all over the body are exquisitely pleasant, comparable to sexual pleasure, but of a much higher order. The sensation at the top of the head is the most pleasant, almost indescribably sweet, though as Amrita spreads all over the body this ecstatic Joy and Bliss is experienced everywhere. With Amrita, divine Wisdom also enters the body and once receives downloads of information, flashes of realisation about the true nature of things and one’s own individual life situation. In this state, one is already in a lesser Samadhi state, though still inside the body, just opened up towards heavenly realms through the mouth of heaven atop the Brahmarendra. One might receive visions and communications from higher beings, such as Devas, guides, gurus or one’s own higher Self. With the mouth of heaven open and amrita flooding the body, one becomes naturally attractive to higher beings, who may wish to impart wisdom, blessings or just interact in some way. In such a state one may feel the touch of a Deva (god) which is exquisitely sweet. Blessings or boons can also be passed on, though these have to be offered by the Deva in question. At this level, no words or language exist, even thoughts cease in the ordinary sense, since one is no longer of mind. Communication is by direct knowing, touch and the transfer of energy, which can transmit great pockets of information, concepts, visions, images, ideas, without the use of language. Ordinary thoughts cease in this state, instead of a stream of consciousness or linear thinking, knowing occurs in flashes of realisation. Ideas burst into one’s consciousness in an orgy of light and each download of information is accompanied by a highly orgasmic, joyful and blissful flash. Although one’s ego (ahamkara) is still present it is no longer the doer or the thinker, the reigns are handed over to the higher Self (Atman), as it were. The ego flails around helplessly, not really understanding what is happening to it and is swept away by the intensity of the experience and wave upon wave of orgasmic light energy. Similarly to an experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which usually only occurs once in a lifetime, the human mind is not capable of processing and returning with all the information that it realises in this lower Samadhi State. Some of it will be brought back, but it will always be an incomplete or lesser part of the whole picture. Therefore when in this Samadhi state, bringing back ideas is like fishing in an ocean of light, one can only bring back a few of the endless multitude of ideas and concepts available to the Self in an unending sea of consciousness. A person is usually called an Urdhvareta, if they manage to internalise this process and create a permanent flow, accompanied by an unceasing Samadhi, though for any ordinary person with a job, family, etc… this would be highly impractical, so usually only great sages and gurus choose to dwell in it. Nevertheless, once Urdhvareta has been established, a lesser flow, which works gently in the background can usually be maintained and this will build up a light body or divine body, slowly, over a lifetime.
  21. @Optimized Life Nice that you had that experience. Now you know that it’s all about your energy, and how you are feeling inside, that determines wether women are attracted to you or not. So that’s really nice. Yes, you can have that ‘magnetic field’ or ‘aura’ at all times. It is not easy work and indeed not one thing you do. I regularly do the following just because I like to play around with energy and feeling, and seeing how it reflects back in the world. You may find this useful to experiment with. First, I walk around with a closed heart. I pull up my energy into my head (which automatically happens when you are nervous and anxious), and then I make eye contact with everyone that passes. I say ‘Hi’ from that place as well. And what I notice is that they look away, they shrink, they are shocked by my presence. Then, second, I get into my body, I relax, I open my heart, I ground myself, I embody the feeling centers in the back of the body to create containment and security, and after I connected to the back of my body (my containment), I open the front of my body (feeling), primarily at the heart. This allows me to be touched by other people emotionally, I let them in and I connect to them from a heart-centered space. I consciously bring up joy and love in the heart as well and let them feel that. Now almost everyone connects to my eyes. They start smiling, lighting up and even approaching me. Even people across the street start looking. Because I’m radiating love super powerfully in the environment and people get pulled into that. Then third, I drop into the lower body and stomach. I feel 20% love in the heart, but I’m mostly bringing up energy in the pelvis and the inside of the upper legs (thighs) and the stomach. And now I’m walking from the connection to the lower body. I bring up a lot of intensity there and it charges me up. It gives me a super powerful penetrative presence. It is not sexual per se. It is more turn on / creating / penetrative energy. But it can be expressed sexually. And now when I come across women and men, they can’t almost not look. They just feel that energy. And I express it unapologetically through my gaze. I project that intensity into them. But I stay in my own body, connected to my grounding. And I am slightly doing it from heart-centeredness as well. It is balanced, grounded but very penetrative. I’d say, the most important thing here is that you become fully free and one with your external environment. Instead of operating from self-contracted consciousness, your consciousness should be expanded into more non-dual consciousness. Meaning that you literally feel one with everyone. There is no fear, shame and limiting sensations that contract you and hinder your full expression. You need to get to a point where you can exchange energy and feeling with other people without a sense of separation preventing you to be fully expansive. Your body needs to become super light, yet very grounded. You need to become super present in your own body for this. The mind needs to be stilled. You can best experiment with Kriya yoga, or other types of yoga that work with your energy-body. I also recommend concentration meditation, as well as do nothing meditation, as well as osho dynamic meditation. Daily. Eventually, your mind and body will become anchored into the now. Your increased presence will become the gateway to increased feeling and feeling-connection to other people. Do some walks in your city with music like this. Surrender into the body and become one with the music. Let it really touch you. Look at everything around you, the people, the scenery and let the music guide you to feel more of the essence of it all. I also recommend a simple practice where you can experiment with some of these principles. Daily, put aside 2 hours where you will go outside into a semi busy street to say ‘Hi!’ to everyone that passes. Put 70% of focus on your own body, and let your consciousness flow from those internal centers. Express from them. Express from the heart, the stomach, the pelvis. You will get different reactions depending from where you express. If you have a lot of apathy, anxiety, nervousness, fear, shame, and all of that, then you will probably express from the head. And people will pull away. They will reject you. If you are pushing on people from lust, anger and pride, then the world will push back on you. For example, back when I had this super strong lust to get to freedom, I went outside to give people high-fives. I was pushing on people from lust/anger. I HAD to become fucking free, And I fucking HAD to give everyone high-fives. And then one guy who had a lot of anger himself wanted to fight me because he thought I was provoking him. It was our anger that connected. Now in this exercise, you can learn to ground all of that rejection and become non-attached to how people perceive you. And there is a lot of liberation in that. You simply stop caring and become one. And then when you shift to non-attachment when doing the ‘Hi!’ Exercise, you will feel that shift in your body. Your feeling centers turn on and you start to express from there. And then people start to say hi back. They smile, light up and they want to talk to you. If you can do this exercise daily for a month, you’ll grow leaps and bounds. You’ll become non-attached not only when saying hi, but in every other way that involves expressing your emotions in front of other people and to other people. You become grounded in your self-love and self-validation. This enables you to transmit feeling out of authentic inspiration. You don’t look for permission and validation to be who you are. And the more you become grounded in this non attachment, the more people will become pulled into you. It will change everything. It really heals your energy body because you don’t need the permission of the outside world for your consciousness to express fully. Your become fully expansive with your energy. Your aura/magnetic field/bubble includes the whole universe. There is no bubble anymore. You just surrender those boundaries you had. You flow without boundaries and man, that’s where you will truly feel alive and connected with people. And women will show up naturally when you have this freedom. You don’t need to push and force anything anymore. You can even practice this ‘Hi’ exercise with women, but instead of saying ‘Hi’, you just approach them, ask them directions and you do it from feeling. You ask it from connection through the heart, pelvis, grounding, stomach and you will notice that their response will reflect your level of embodiment. When I ask a woman for directions when I feel embodied within my own grounding and turn-on, as well as when I have a completely open heart. They will often lean into me and get curious right from the start, and give these sexual gazes. And then finally you can do direct approaching with the hottest women and practice becoming non-attached. You just do it so many times, and you make it all about how you feel in front of her, releasing any attachments. Just becoming more and more grounded, more and more feeling. And naturally as you do that enough, you have absolute freedom with them and they show up naturally in your life. Through getting out from self-contracted consciousness and expanding into non-dual consciousness, your sense of peace, joy, openness, confidence and all of that comes from within. Nothing externally will then influence that. You generate all of it from your own body. You can get to the point with this work that when you get rejected, you feel more confident, more alive, more joy, more love. You simply ground it. Rejection is just the self-contracted consciousness needing external permission to feel whole/one. And when it doesn’t get it, it will become more contracted. When you get beyond that, your relation to ‘rejection’ completely shifts. Imagine if you could walk down the street and could just bring up bliss and ecstasy in your body just through your intention. Imagine if you would be able to walk being turned on and open naturally. Not needing anything to feel that way. Just being that naturally. You would enjoy rejection just as much as validation. You would sit inside the club, be present in your body, feel the music and even if you wouldn’t talk to anyone that night, you would still feel amazing. And when you can feel that way all by yourself, women will come up to you all the time. Or if you would be sitting on a bench at the beach, and you just feel joy and love in your heart, as well as feeling this grounded peace. You look at the people that pass by, you nod, smile, maybe say hi, and your inviting presence will cause these reactions in those people where they will often just talk to you because your energy makes them curious. There is just no rejection when you are this peaceful and joyful by yourself. You just need to bring that same level of feeling and non-attachment to approaching, meeting and connecting with women. And that is a process. You surrender all those negative feelings and stories, and eventually you become free from all of it. Now your ‘energetic field’ or ‘aura’ is just the consequence of your own effortless feeling and expression of that feeling. You don’t need any external thing to turn that feeling on within yourself. You simply are feeling and energy.
  22. Had a conversation with someone from the forum today, it has the potential to be very impactful. He recommended I meditate on the tension in the third eye and the more I meditate on that space, that will lead to a disollution of the tension and bliss. I've been doing it all day since and I do feel some effects. My head is very stimulated in the third eye region, And I can feel the tensions very strongly in my head. But I have hit a bit of road block where the tension isn't dissolving anymore. But at the very least this is progress. I can surrender to the third eye and just be persistent. It's only been one day, so let's see after a few days of doing this how I feel.
  23. I don't see suffering as an issue, it's just you need to be conscious and aware of how it is manifesting. If you really observe yourself throughout the day you should notice how much of your suffering is self induced by thought. Because our ego's have been trained to perceive life a certain way it seems impossible just accept getting cheated on, or getting fired, or suffering from a major medical ailment and still live in bliss. But it is possible.
  24. I'm real sorry buddy. (Do tell if I'm projecting here) But if you hate this place so much, you hate Leo so much, that all you do is complain and act in this smirky-passive-aggressive way, in all your comments. Why spend your time here so much? Why even bother? If your standards are so high, why not be the light in the world that you want to see? And stop pestering others to do it for you? I'm not bashing or cornering you, I'm doing this for your own good. Look at yourself and set your patterns free, and live life the way you want to live. If you are addicted to this forum, well then that is another thing. But realize that Reality is just a mirror and that you see what you really are and give out. Flip that way of looking at everything, and you will quickly realize how fast things change for the better. (Of course this applies to us all, especially me ) @Someone here I would advise you to find your own compass and let go of relying on Leo so much. Find your own bliss and follow that. Be unique in your own way and let that blossom in your own reality.
  25. have you considered the possibility that the only thing that would happen is that you'd cease to exist? that you'd be the same that you were before you were born? no fancy spiritual experience of either God embracing you in his Infinite Bliss, nor getting stuck in a spiral of hell. just complete and utter nothingness.