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  1. I think 2 people commited suicide after the enlightenment video series because they misundestood liberation with death, so yes, it's dangerous for average people.
  2. @Nahm one of the reasons i got hooked by is because of the lax psychedelics policy. i know plenty of people who messed up their psyche with drugs - i know plenty who didn’t, only some can take them repeatedly while staying sane to a point. i doubt its the best choice for a forum who has a section about depression and psychological issues. there is one case of suicide connected to the forum where someone tried to heal himself using psychedelics instead of seeking psychological, psychatrical help. psychedelics further create confusion while some people need more clarity. its mainly for people who already had a stick up their a** and not exactly for creative people with already issues getting along with reality. if someone is already floating in space sober, you don’t tell them to let go of security lines, because then the experience would be so much more exciting. worst case scenario after letting go, flying away with the spaceship, because there are other exciting realities to explore. @FlyingLotus leo doesn’t teach much about psychedelics in the videos, it’s not the reason why people start writing in the forum. most do because they have some issues to deal with, or because they made the step to buy the life purpose course.
  3. Are you saying the reason not a single other spiritual teacher on that list warns against ‘the dangers of spirituality’ and Leo does, is money? I’m not following your logic here. Had you said he can’t afford not to, because his income is contingent on clicks, that would seem logical. Can you explain further how, because he can afford to, is the reason he ‘warns against the dangers of spirituality’, and none of the other teachers do? How is meditation the cause of ‘the dangers’? How is psychedelics the cause of ‘the dangers’? How is Leo (implied) “teaching psychedelics”? I’ve taken em. Seems like the psychedelic essentially is the teacher. So to speak, not one single person ever said a single thing to me about psychedelics, to this day, maybe two hundred or more trips, not one single iota of ‘dangers of spirituality’, or ‘dangers of psychedelics’. Never projected a single thought onto the psychedelics, let a lot of beliefs and behaviors, like projection, go. This is circular logic. The ‘risks involved’ are the content. Helping one to recognize thought attachment is “coddling and lying out of guilt”? Not following that logic either. Seems like a justification via an implication of intensity limited options. I see the user mentioned an attempted suicide. I do not see the “manipulating people” or the “threatening suicide”. I might be missing that though, the thread’s a bit long. If one is commenting, why does not demeaning someone equal “becoming his close, personal, one-on-one guru”?
  4. -Leo can afford to release episodes about the risks of spirituality because his revenue is based on Youtube clicks, not selling products. Those teachers are selling mainstream products (many of them are good products!) It’s not smart marketing to tell customers all the stuff that could go wrong with the stuff they’re buying . -Those teachers mostly teach meditation, lectures and journalling, which have a lot less risk than psychedelics. However, as Neph’s case shows, meditation still has dangers. The fact that those teachers don’t say anything about the risks of their work is negligent on their part. -Leo’s videos are very clear about the risks involved with various spiritual practices. His forums posts might not always be clear, but is it really his fault if people willfully choose to ignore his videos and don’t do proper research? -Some Youtuber isn’t going to help Neph with his problems as effectively as family, friends and an in person therapist. It’s good for Neph’s well-being to be honest about that instead of Leo coddling and lying to him out of guilt. -I do think that anyone who’s experiencing suicidal ideation deserves compassion and help, but they don’t have the right to manipulate people and threaten suicide because they’re in pain. It's not in their own best interest to get rewarded for that behavior. -My heart goes out to Neph. I feel sorry that he has to go through this situation. I’m glad his condition has stabilized and it’s awesome that you’ve offered to help him ?. However, Leo still has the right to not become his close, personal, one-on-one, unpaid guru.
  5. It’s interesting you see it that way. To me it reads as Leo setting a firm, clear, healthy boundary. OP’s msg reads as wanting close, one-on-one attention from Leo and not just good advice. I can think of at least three different people on the forum who’ve tried to get personal attention from Leo by threatening suicide, and that’s just in the last year. It reminds me of an article I read about Jackie Chan. Back in the 80s he announced his engagement to his now wife, and two of his female fans attempted suicide. One even did it in front of his office. He visited one of them to be a nice, helpful guy and this just inspired more of his fans to attempt suicide. They were all hoping to get some personal attention from him (and of course they had other mental illnesses going on). Thing is, Jackie would’ve been better off making a blanket statement against suicide or not giving them any attention at all. If you’re in the public eye and people keep trying to get your attention with bad behavior, doesn’t it make sense to not reward that behavior? To me it does, even if it means being blunt and sorta unsympathetic. So Leo’s “coldness” isn’t a knock against @Neph personally. It’s about maintaining strong boundaries with everybody so he can do his work.
  6. @Leo Gura would you ever make your own retreats for people to visit? I know you don't want to deal with the cult stuff and whatever And if people already threaten suicide on the forum, what would happen in a retreat? but..... i think generally much more could be learned in the real thing than over the internet. it could be cool have Satsang and hire some cool nurses who plug the good stuff you know I know that the guy from the "here we are" podcast for example organised mushroom retreats in Jamaica
  7. @Neph What do you want Leo to say? If someone attempts suicide then it seems like an appropriate response to tell him to seek professional help. Mental issues can be hard to deal with and no answer that Leo makes will be adequate. When I had mental issues (depression) I went to an hour long session once a week for 2 years.
  8. If you are raising kundalini you should be aware of the many issues and dangers that come with that and you should already have prepared methods and resources for how to deal with it. I have a book on my book list that specifically talks about the dangers of kundalini and offers various solutions and troubleshooting strategies. If you are doing Kriya yoga, most Kriya yoga books warn about the dangers of raising kundalini too rapidly. The "misuse" in this case is simply going into the process too naively and not taking the risks and warnings seriously. And also not having enough knowledge and research for what to do when you start to unravel. For example, if your kundalini starts bothering you, obviously you should have enough knowledge and intelligence to then go see a dedicated kundalini expert who can give you suggestions and guide you through the difficulties. Instead of just letting it spiral out of control to the point of suicide. Likewise, if you start having signs of mental illness or instability then you should have enough intelligence to hire a therapist or professional for guidance. I expect this kind of intelligence as a default from people doing serious spiritual work.
  9. but seeking professional help to get some stability and get grounded for a while isn't a horrible advice if you had an attempted suicide or not?
  10. I am not your babysitter. You have been warned about the dangers of spiritual work. What you do with spirituality is all on you. You can use it wisely or foolishly. You can use it for love or for evil. This is completely on you. If you decide to harm your body, I will certainly not be taking responsibility for that. I have said repeatedly that that has nothing to do with what I teach. If you are suicidal, seek professional mental help. I am not going to guide you out of your suicide nor mental health issues. It should be obvious that my spiritual teachings are DIY -- Do It Yourself.
  11. It's more empowering to think of your mental health as mental fitness, something that you have direct influence of as opposed to some terminal diagnosis. Now I'm not diminishing any major disorders (I have one myself after all) but just like someone bound to a wheelchair you can still exercise and make the best out of your situation as opposed to giving up, getting fat and feeling powerless to change or improve. The more I've delved into developmental psychology, philosophy, meditation (thanks leo!) the more I've come to the conclusion that mental health is kind of a misleading term. There are so many things you can do to change the state of your consciousness, memory, creativity, focus etc. that are action oriented - like exercising for the body. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and had a traumatic childhood which left me fairly "unhealthy" mentally. Smoking a bunch of pot didn't help longterm (although it did push the pain away enough to avoid suicide which was a real concern for years.) These diagnosis or stories we tell ourselves "I have anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder" can turn into learned helplessness and limiting beliefs. Obviously depression and anxiety are different from conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar (which don't "go away" as easily) but kind of like type 1 vs. type 2 diabetic you will always have type 1. but you can manage your symptoms to the point where it's not a factor as opposed to type 2 which you can actually cure yourself of through diet and exercise (see Jason Fungs The Obesity Code.)
  12. If it wasn't for leo I don't know if I had started my spiritual journey... I followed his meditation techniques & it worked for me.. My kundalini got awoken.. But it was a dangerous energy to live with.. I didn't know how to handle It...It drove me mentally insane.. And at the end I couldn't control it & attempted suicide & injured my hand... But when I confronted leo about this all he had to say is that you should seek professional help for your mental issues.. Like seriously dude that's all you got to say to me... Which makes me question did leo have a kundalini awakening?.. Like did he have any awakening?.. I had put so much trust & faith in this guy & that's how it ended up..I had expected better answers from you leo..
  13. This was the most recent video of Mr. Girl reading internal emails between healthy gamer coaches. I made either a thread or post about the probability of Mr. Girl wanting a discussion with Dr. K, and the likelihood of such a discussion going sort of south in the past, don't know where it is, but I thought it's not gonna likely happen, but clearly the current situation is Mr. Girl is serious in wanting not just to discuss with Dr. K, but to even go as far as canceling him from being an online therapist to gamers, in relation to the suicide of Reckfull! Mr. Girl is , in my opinion and intuition, like the rough equivalent of Jesus Christ getting angry at the jewish priests in the temple. However, I don't know much about the situation with Reckfull suicide, nor have the feeling that Dr. K was obviously malicious. I get the sense Mr Girl wants Dr. K to confess his sins before him. What are your thoughts about this situation? Do you think Mr. Girl is trolling, or is Mr. Girl being serious? From a spiral Dynamics/Integral theory modal, do you think that because of the differences in terms of values, cognition, morality, personality typing/ego psyche, life domains and states of consciousness that Mr. Girl is viewing Dr. K as sort of the bad guy that is more responsible in part for Reckfull's lead up to his suicide? Do you think, from the perspective of ego development and shadow work, that Mr. Girl's reaaction is a projection of the differences in terms of spiritual development between the two? I'll continue over time discussing this because Mr. Girl, while not fully at stage yellow, lacks the systems thinking or conceptualisation of systems, it's values, it's higher order thinking, is having like a stage green emotional triggering towards Dr. K, whose also due to his spiritual development and study of psychology has found a niche of being an online 'therapist' for gamers. It's very interesting to me because Mr. Girl is very authentic, has a slightly different personality typing and morality, and if they ever will have a discussion, I think the discussion will become very heated.
  14. Instead of dropping a bomb on the house they sent ground forces in an attempt to not harm civilians. Ground forces was much riskier for the US forces but they did it to protect civilians. The terrorist chose to blow up himself and his family with a suicide bomb. That's where all the civilian casualties come from.
  15. @Bob Seeker I know you weren't asking me, but I don't think anyone would choose suicide because we could still read spirituality books and practice spirituality in prison. So even in such an unfortunate circumstance, we would still have plenty of free time and hopefully a few information sources with which to obsess over our little hobby. I hope this reply gave you dopamine. May you seek well, friend.
  16. 492. Summary: Introducing 5-MeO-MALT - The Other God Molecule -5-MeO-MALT is a little-known research chemical that’s as powerful, if not more powerful, than 5-MeO-DMT. Leo’s had some ridiculously powerful God realizations on MALT. MALT is not as well documented as 5-MeO-DMT. Because of this the potential dangers are higher with MALT than with more common psychedelics like LSD, shrooms and DMT. Do not do research chemicals unless you are mature and understand exactly what you’re getting yourself into. The responsibility is on you to use these substances very carefully and to follow all safety protocols and guidelines. -Don’t expect MALT or any psychedelic to be a magic pill that solves all your inner issues. Drugs won’t let you side step the need for inner work, meeting your survival needs intelligently, grounding between trips and proper integration. -The descriptions of MALT in this episode are based on Leo’s experiences. There aren’t many trip reports out there, so we’re dealing with a tiny sample size. Your experience will likely be different because Leo’s a very experienced psychonaut who follows proper safety protocols. He’s done hundred of trips and years of inner work. You might have to spend years working up to the kind of beautiful trips that Leo has experienced on MALT. -In this summary, DMT refers to 5-MeO-DMT and not n,n-DMT. ___________________________________ In a nutshell: 5-MeO-MALT is more loving, gentle, feminine and erotic than 5-MeO-DMT. MALT has all the same qualities as DMT, but in a different flavour. It’s holistic, very stable and great for contemplation and trip exploration (more on that below). Visuals are mild. It has a lower body load than DMT. Start with a low dose then work your way up. Be responsible. Ensure that your set, setting, and dosages are proper. At high doses, MALT packs an epic mindfuck that will melt your whole reality down to a puddle. Say goodbye to all sense of “other.” If you have big fears about solipsism, don’t take MALT. MALT & Dosing: The trip lasts 90 to 120 mins when plugged. Only 20 to 30 mins when vaped. Dosing is similar for MALT as it is for DMT. Plugging starter dose: 8-10 mg Vaping starter dose: 5 mg Plugging is perfect for MALT. Vaping is more intense and more likely to lead to a bad trip. The trip is a lot shorter too. Micro scoops are more accurate than milligram scales. Scales can be wildly inaccurate, unless they're laboratory grade. But scales are fine for measuring shrooms and maybe even DPT. -Make sure to post your trip reports!! Leo’s excited to get feedback about MALT and start gathering data. @Gerhard has good trip reports about his experiences with MALT on his channel. They can be found here. The MALT mega-thread can be found here. It has a few trip reports too! ____________________________________ -MALT has enormous potential to psychologically and spiritually heal people. It deserves to be explored and researched. We're making history by talking about it. Even most serious psychonauts don't know about MALT, and they’re missing out! Leo discovered MALT by experimenting with various research chemicals. He didn’t invent it in a lab of course, which is too bad. I was hoping he had a secret drug dealer name, à la Heisenberg. -There’s a powerful love component to MALT. If you want to discover the Absolute, Infinite Love of God this is an effective way to do it. -MALT will show you that everything is an infinite hallucination, infinite imagination, that absolutely everything you thought was real is unreal. Things like science, math, logic, reason, language, society, humanity, the Earth, human history. MALT will take you to Infinity and God realization. You will be coming face to face with God. -MALT is not a recreational psychedelic. Don’t do this at a party around a bunch of people in a loud setting. Do this with a serious spiritual intent. -Leo’s never had a bad trip on MALT, but this doesn’t mean that you won’t have a bad trip. Leo starts with low doses and observes all proper safety protocols (set, setting, dosage). -Exploration can be dangerous and risky, so you need to be aware of those risks. How much risk are you willing to handle? Misusing MALT can cause genuine injury, both psychologically and physically. If you give a normie MALT and just blast his consciousness, he’ll have a bad trip because he's not prepared. Your Body and Senses on MALT • MALT has no tolerance just like DMT. You could dose often, but you shouldn’t do it more than once a week. Don’t do it multiple times a day either. It can become addictive. • MALT has very mild visuals. Slightly stronger visuals than 5-MeO-DMT, but not nearly as many as n,n-DMT. There’s no fractal geometry. It has a faint neon, magenta tint that’s very beautiful. It has more colour and flavor than 5-MeO-DMT. • MALT is much more comfortable, manageable and less nauseating. It still has a body load but less so compared to DMT. A lower body load means you can focus more on contemplation rather than body discomfort. DMT has a pretty strong body load for most people, especially when you're coming up. You can feel nauseated or get all tense. You may have to work through bodily tension in order to access the deeper, metaphysical, existential aspects necessary for contemplation and consciousness raising. • You’re still very much in control of your body with low to medium doses of MALT. Because it doesn’t distort the visual field very much, you’re less likely to lose control of your body. Although that could happen if you take too much of it. High doses or breakthrough doses of MALT can create such deep states of infinite consciousness that you won't really be able to walk around very much. Your Consciousness on MALT • MALT is holistic and very stable. Because MALT is stable with a long trip time, you can stay in the God-realization state for much longer than with DMT. You can also experience long strands of thought which makes it great for contemplation. Shrooms can give you short, twisty, loopy thoughts, which makes it less holistic. • At high enough doses, terrifying levels of Oneness, Love and Ecstasy are possible. (It’s almost as euphoric as watching Cap’ lift Mjolnir for the first time ?) Yes, it is possible to experience so much Love and Unity that it scares you and drives you crazy. Leo talks about this here in his interview with Curt Jaimungal. Part of your spiritual work is raising your capacity to experience greater and greater levels of love and bliss. • Too much MALT can unravel your mind and reality. You can potentially develop mental disorders and lose grounding in your life. You might start acting out in unhealthy ways with your relationships, career, money, your physical body, etc. • MALT is very solipsistic. If you want to maintain the illusion of other people, this substance is not for you. • It'll blast away all your ideas about enlightenment and the stuff your gurus have taught you. All of that is nonsense compared to what MALT can show you. Substance Purity -You have to be careful about the purity of whatever substance you’re taking. One way to judge purity is by color. The closer it is to white or off-white, the purer the formulation. If a substance is darker in color, you should start with an extra low starter dose. Just make sure you’re not having any allergic reaction to impurities. Your body should feel good and comfortable, like nothing's being damaged. -Start slow, dose gradually (by 5 mg), until you figure out your personal breakthrough dose. Check for allergic reactions or weird sensations. Does it feel healthy or toxic? -MALT is naturally brown. The MALT Leo used was the color of brown sugar. Other trip reports say it looks like hot chocolate powder. Route of Administration -Don't assume you can handle a medium dose right off the bat. MALT is very easy to overdo and overuse because it's very potent. The most that Leo has done is 22 mg plugged. That caused a crazy deep trip. Plugging Plugging is the recommended method for MALT. Leo has a video on plugging. Summary is found here. You can plug the freebase or HCL version, but freebase must be dissolved in vinegar or coconut milk. Here’s a video on how to do that. Freebase is also 10-20% more potent than HCL. A trip lasts 90 to 120 mins when plugged. For plugging, start with 8 to 10 mg. That will produce a solid trip, maybe even a breakthrough trip (Leo had a breakthrough at 10mg). After that, you can increase your dose by 5 mg for each subsequent trip. Vaping You can vape MALT, but it’s more likely to lead to a bad trip. It makes the trip more intense and short. It’s also bad for your lungs. MALT is so extremely potent that it’s easy to overdose and blast yourself into a trip you can’t handle. The HCL version doesn't vape as cleanly as the freebase version. A trip lasts 20 to 30 mins when vaped. For vaping, start very low, like 5 mg, and gradually work your way up. Even 10 mg will be very powerful. 15 mg will probably be stratospheric. Comparing Different Psychedelics -Structurally MALT is quite similar to 5-MeO-DMT. If you have plenty of experience with DMT then you'll feel right at home with MALT. -MALT has some crazy deep potential for Love realization, while being less intense than DMT. It’s quite a potent combination! MALT trips are longer, so you can explore the space a lot more practically than DMT. -MALT is more feminine, loving, pleasant and positive than DMT. DMT is amazing, but can be rough, masculine and brutal. DMT is very radical in how it deconstructs your ego-mind and takes you straight to God realization. -MALT is more gentle. DMT just blasts you to infinity. DMT can be so shocking that it's difficult to understand and integrate post-trip. MALT is less of a blast to infinity. (Although you can blast yourself with any psychedelic at a high enough dose.) -Don’t assume that all 5-MeOs are the same or good, there are bad ones too. Each psychedelic feels different. 5-MeO-MiPT feels more erotic and physically stimulating than MALT. Whereas, salvia and 5-MeO-DPT feel dangerous, nasty and sinister. Leo’s also tried 5-MeO-DALT and said it was “not worth taking.” -Having breakthroughs on DMT changes the characteristics of all other psychedelics afterwards. It probably changes the characteristics of MALT too. -MALT is holistic and very stable. Two metrics that Leo uses to gauge different psychedelics is holism and stability. Holism -The more holistic a substance is, the more it allows you to think long, deep chains of elevated thought at a higher dimension, especially compared to the thoughts you have during the sober state. -Some psychedelics make it easier to focus and contemplate. Ordinarily, it’s tough to focus without being distracted. This makes contemplation difficult, same with probing deeply into existential questions. In order to understand advanced topics, you need a very very stable mind with excellent focus. Ordinary human neurophysiology doesn’t generally allow this, or requires you to train through meditation and concentration practices. -Some psychedelics can even expand both the length and breadth of your thoughts. Your thoughts can become multi-dimensional, multi-threaded and multi-faceted. Much like going from a single core cpu to a multi-core hyper-threaded cpu. Of course, integrating your insights afterwards can be a challenge. -Unholistic psychedelics will twist your thoughts around, like shrooms and LSD. Your thoughts can get loopy and twisty, like you have ADD. That makes it tougher to contemplate because you lack focus and get lost in a myriad of topics and tangents. That can also veer off into a bad trip, which is not useful for the work of raising your consciousness. Stability -The more stable a substance is the more you can explore your trip, probe into it and luxuriate in it. MALT is remarkably stable, which is part of what makes it amazing. It allows your mind to expand into a God realization state and stay there for a good 30, 60, 90 mins. You can deeply reflect upon every aspect of yourself as God and how you are dreaming up reality, your parents, your birth, other people, even the laws of physics, math and the universe. You get to see in real time how the mechanics of consciousness work and what's really going on with reality. -Even if you’ve had some God realizations, it’s different than understanding the actual mechanism by which God is dreaming up this dream. It took Leo many many many trips to understand that, and he’s had to use various substances to access that understanding. “But Leo, MALT sounds very similar to 5-MeO-DMT. Is there any point in trying it?” -The real answer is you won't know what you’re missing until you try. For Leo, there was enormous value in trying MALT even after using DMT many many times. Each psychedelic will affect you in its own unique way. They’ll also affect different people in different ways. Trying out different substances and comparing them is like having an array of tools in your consciousness toolbox. -If you can't access MALT don't be bummed out. DMT is still amazing, so are shrooms, LSD and n,n-DMT. You can still use other psychedelics to access the same basic insights and states of consciousness. You can also do it through yoga, kriya yoga or meditation if you commit seriously enough. -The choice for “best psychedelic” isn’t clearcut, unlike the choice for best, most superior Chris. Different psychedelics are like different flavours of ice cream. -Be careful about dabbling in psychedelics while thinking that you “know it all.” Just because you’ve tripped a few times doesn’t mean you understand how deep the rabbit hole goes. So keep exploring and going deeper and deeper. “But Leo, you keep having these awakenings and saying that each one’s deeper and better. How do you know that your latest one is the deepest and truest one?” -Insights on MALT do not contradict with insights on DMT, they dovetail. You don’t have to decide “which trip to trust.” Each trip causes a deepening of the same basic truth of Oneness, God, Love, Infinity, Consciousness, Non-Duality. None of that changes. You can explore Truth from different angles, perspectives and flavors and grasp it at different levels of holism. Then you can integrate the Truth and see how it plays out across your life in ever more comprehensive ways. -MALT will help you understand's most advanced teachings. (Yes yes, insert joke about squirting…water pistols—pewpew). You can understand where reality came from, why it exists, what is God, what is Love, what is Truth, what is Consciousness, what is Ego? What is the purpose of Life? MALT makes the highest truth crystal clear, but it’ll take more than a couple trips, because you have a lot of psychological baggage and false beliefs to bust through. You will have to deconstruct materialism, science, your gurus, your attachments, and all your ideas about enlightenment. You need to lay down a foundation to understand all the radical insights that will come to you through MALT. But if you gradually work your way up and do the work that’s taught at, you’ll be prepared. The Legalities of MALT -This episode provides general information about MALT. What you do with this information is 100% your responsibility. Consider the risks and dangers. They’re not just mental and physical, but legal as well. “But Leo, is this substance even legal in my country?” -Well, it depends on the country in which you live. You have to check the laws and check the situation there. Leo ain’t giving you any legal advice. What are the opportunities and the potential risks? -Although MALT is fairly unknown, your country might have various analog laws that ban the entire class of psychedelics. MALT might fall into that category, so do your research! “But Leo, I don't wanna do anything illegal I don't wanna get into trouble.” -Some psychedelics might be legal where you live. There are different types out there. It’s worth researching. -Consider travelling to a country where you can do them legally. There are ayahuasca and peyote ceremonies all over the world, or ibogaine clinics that treat addiction. You have to explore the possibilities and do your research. -Most people have more options than they realize. If you're serious about enlightenment work and you don't take psychedelics seriously, then you're not serious about this work. “But Leo, travelling to do psychedelics is too much of a hassle.” It’s less hassle than spending ten years struggling in meditation and never realizing you're God. Going to meditation retreats or therapy and buying book after book after book is a lot of work too. That costs time, energy and money. Even if it costs $2000 for airfare, hotel and an ayahuasca ceremony, if you have a breakthrough experience into God realization that’s still a bargain. The Future of MALT • MALT’s potential to transform and awaken humanity is enormous. The profound love that you can experience on MALT can have powerful therapeutic effects. Same with it’s capacity to help you introspect into your psyche and observe your ego-mind objectively. That makes it very powerful for dissolving dysfunctional, psychological tendencies you might have. • If you try MALT, do it responsibly and carefully. Leo releases his best content for free because he wants it to percolate through the culture. Don’t slap him in the face by abusing MALT and giving it a bad reputation through reckless behavior. • We’re building MALT’s reputation right now, by how we behave. Your behavior affects the image of psychedelics as a whole field. So don’t abuse it like a devil, by running through the streets naked on MALT. You don't just have a personal responsibility to not harm your body. You also have a greater collective responsibility to give this miraculous substance the right image and reputation. • Extensive scientific research on MALT is still decades away. Maybe it can be used to heal PTSD, suicide and depression, the way MDMA is being used. But, if MALT gets a bad reputation, scientists won’t want to research it. Society could demonize it, crack down on it and have it banned. Then its therapeutic potential will be squashed, and the millions of people who could’ve been healed by it will never get to use it. Do this work with love, respect and consciousness. The Future of & Psychedelics -Moving forward, will be emphasizing psychedelics as a teaching tool. Leo’s done a lot of introspection on this and has to be honest with you: psychedelics are the most direct and powerful teaching tools. -To really understand the advanced material he wants to teach, you’ll have to use psychedelics. Leo’s tried many ways to access deep existential insights and they’re simply not as effective at teaching others about the advanced subjects he wants to teach. Things like the nature of self, of other, of Love, God, Truth, Consciousness, Existence, science and so forth. If you're not using psychedelics you're simply wasting time. That's just the bottom line. (Keep in mind, you don’t need psychedelics for a lot of goals like pursuing your life purpose, or getting a great romantic relationship, or healing psychological wounds, or handling your survival needs, etc. Your strategies need to fit your goals.) “But Leo, are you saying everyone should do psychedelics?” -No. You should treat psychedelics like a loaded gun. You shouldn’t do psychedelics if you’re under 21, if you’re immature, if you have addiction issues, if you have serious mental illness, if you are being prescribed mind-altering medication, if you’re not willing to take safety precautions, and if you can’t take 100% responsibility for the consequences of doing psychedelics, among other reasons. Watch Leo’s episode on “The Top Dangers of Using Psychedelics.” (Summary is here). -Psychedelics and enlightenment aren’t magic pills. Get good at basic self-help first. If you’re pursuing Enlightenment before fulfilling your survival needs, you’re putting the cart before the horse. They can destabilize your reality if you’re not already grounded or if your brain chemistry doesn’t react well to them. -If you’re close-minded and don't have the desire to understand reality, then psychedelics won’t work. It’s why some people can party and trip for decades and never raise their consciousness. -If you abuse psychedelics, it’s also not going to work. But if you use it responsibly, carefully and deliberately with the right intentions, it's gonna work. Leo’s use of psychedelics is always done with extreme caution and with attention to safety. So, Leo’s not forcing you to take psychedelics (and he’s definitely not sharing his stash with you ). “But Leo, why are you so gung-ho on psychedelics when meditation and self-inquiry are just as powerful?” -When it comes to pursuing enlightenment and truly understanding reality, meditation and self-inquiry simply aren’t as powerful as psychedelics. Sorry. The thing that’s preventing you from understanding reality at the deepest levels is your inadequate state of consciousness, aka: the level of consciousness that you're occupying right now. The baseline normie state of human consciousness is insufficient to integrate every facet of the Godhead or understand how all of reality is constructed using God's imagination. -It is recommended that you maintain a spiritual practice apart from psychedelics for other reasons though. Meditation, yoga, and self-inquiry will build up your concentration skills and have other health and psychological benefits. But the truth is those practices aren’t effective at reaching the deepest, most holistic understanding of God. Meditation alone isn’t going to boost your consciousness high enough. “But Leo, are you saying psychedelics are the only path to enlightenment? Then why do so many gurus say otherwise?” -Psychedelics aren’t the only path, but they’re the most direct path to God realization. The problem is that your teachers are misleading you. A lot of gurus who poopoo psychedelics haven’t tried them or don’t quite realize that most people aren’t spiritually gifted. Sure, people like Jesus or Maharshi don’t need the boost to attain Enlightenment, but that’s probably not you. A lot of gurus and people who have spontaneous awakenings have natural talent that put them in the top 1% of spiritual giftedness. That’s why they can get disproportionate results by using easy, mundane spiritual practices. The bottom 99% cannot get the same results simply through 30 mins of daily meditation. It’s a deep disservice when the top 1% pretend as though the bottom 99% can stroll along the same easy path as the top 1%. -It’s a ridiculous failure on behalf of teachers. It’s more helpful and honest to say that you’re unlikely to be in the top 1% and that you will have enormous challenges that gifted people don’t have to face. The average spiritual seeker could waste 10 or 20 years on ineffective practices and still have no clue about God or Love or Consciousness. -Why waste all of that time and energy when you can take a psychedelic like MALT and understand directly within 15 to 30 mins. You don't need a book or a guru or a Leo Gura. All you need is a psychedelic, a set of careful safety protocols, a genuine desire to understand and a very open mind. You can experience profound epiphanies that will save you years and decades. -It’s a miracle that these substances exist. You're not going to believe what this will do to your consciousness. It will take you to levels that you could never ever reach through meditation or yoga, unless you were to devote 20 years to meditating and living in a cave. Thing is, even if you did meditate in a cave for 20 years, there's no guarantee you’d reach the depth of consciousness you could on a psychedelic. -Make sure you’re not in denial about all of that. “But Leo, why can’t you feed me answers like a baby bird? Gimme proof for God, for love, for solipsism, for the afterlife, for death, for heaven, for for for… Answer my questions goddamit, especially the creepy ones about your sex life…” -Leo’s done episodes on all that stuff (even his sex life!) He can’t keep explaining the birds and the bees of awakening over and over again. There are lots of things you can only understand through experience and by doing the work. Talking about something is not the same as viscerally experiencing it for yourself. Leo can’t explain psychedelics to you better than you actually taking a psychedelic. He spends so much time on the forum and in the comments section and on podcasts or interviews trying to explain God or awakening or Love, when it’d be much easier for people to understand by taking a psychedelic. It’s easy to waste a lot of time talking in circles around these topics. -Most people won’t be able to understand Leo’s most advanced teachings without psychedelics. There are many aspects of reality that can only be understood by experiencing a high enough state of consciousness that you get on a psychedelic trip. (Basically, you have to be high to understand ) “But Leo, you're just stuck on psychedelics and blah blah blah-baddy blah…” -If you don’t like Leo’s stance on psychedelics or you think tripping is fake and bad, you can always watch someone else’s content. Instead of trying to convince Leo to reject psychedelics, pick a more attainable goal like making pigs fly. He has his own unique approach and bias towards spirituality. To him, the responsible use of psychedelics is a more direct path to awakening than meditation and self-inquiry alone. (Although those two practices are very beneficial in their own right). He has to teach in a way that’s aligned with the deepest truths that he’s realized. -Also, you can still get a lot of value out of even if you skip all of the stuff about psychedelics. Leo’s non-psychedelic material is good for developing other aspects of your life. It’s also good prep work in case you ever do decide to try psychedelics. However, don’t expect Leo to change his stance on psychedelics just because you don’t like it.
  17. @WokeBloke It’s simply that nothing is actually happening. Did Romeo and Juliet actually suicide? Sure they did, but only in a play. Is typing actually happening? Sure, but only in the story of space and time. There’s just what appears, but that doesn’t even mean that anything is actually appearing — in the end, because there’s no one separate from the infinite to know that.
  18. I don't think there is proof Osho was assassinated. He even tried to commit suicide while at Rajneesh parajm .
  19. There is something to it! Everyone and everything is connected in the universal consciousness, we can merge our individual consciousness with someone else's. That's what method actors do. You "channel" their consciousness and temporarily become like them (even fictional characters have consciousness). Some spiritual schools use this technique, both seekers of enlightenment and those who seek power. I'm not an expert though, the real experts are channelers, they have both firsthand experience and can channel more info about the possibilities and possible negative effects (many method actors commit suicide or die because of some reckless behaviour after their role). So if someone wants to practise this they may want to speak with a channeler or some other expert before starting.
  20. Hey after taking the LP-Course 4 years ago I was deeply inspiried to become conscious and impact the programming scene with consciouness. Now I feel close to 0 passion for it anymore as when I talk with people who are into technology/programming. They have no idea what consciouness is about and I feel I am running against an impenetrable wall, they are to dense and mechanistic. I really start hating these dense technocrats all they care about is what works and I feel they never appreciate the work or process, just the end result. People notice this about me, I am still somewhat passionate, yet without scratching the topic of a.i. I have close to 0 interest anymore. I thought myself stuff alone, yet I burn out overtime and, especially the dating stuff and the mindset of people is ultra toxic and patholoigical stage 1 masculinity. Even when I go inside I get the same answer for years about which direction I want to head. Yet, I have extrem issues walking my current stepping stone as I don't feel valued at all. I struggle extremely to sit down and do anything when I am not passionate about it and I become often depressed. Doing smth. which I do not like. I had a lot of suicidial thoughts today, as these constant paradoxes rob me of life enegry. For example being injured and not being able to fully exercise/code on my fitness application and exercise to my level of satisfaction. It really hurts and I start to hate myself for the choice, it's all very frustrating. Yet I barely made any progress on my own I abort the process, even when I am passionate about it because my relationships suffrr so much that I have close to none. Thanks to game/pick-up the situation is a lot better. Yet, I seriously lack the abillity to work and I constantly have thoughts about suicide, because I don't get the results I feel I deserve. Sure I let go also, yet I really start to hate the idea of a life purpose as I barely had any success with it in 4 years now approx. I am quite unsatisfied with the level of support after the course. I read all the extra material, it's good, yet it lacks social connection/cohesion. When I meditate longer without a group I can become to existential/suicidial. Just interacting with pixel is horrible. Thoughts? @Leo Gura
  21. Taken at 11:43am 3g of African Transekei Strain Ground up into a powder using a coffee grinder, Taken as a lemon tek Tea. Strained out the bits in a french press. I also took ginger and that pretty much completely took away the nausea. 15 minutes Yawning. I need to read more about trip reports on high doses. What is physical? What is imagination? Visuals at 19 minutes Holy shit dude. >I put this music on in the come-up and I went CrayyZEE! I went full ape mode, drumming on my body, flipping around in my bed, shaking my head violently. 10/10 comeup. Just completely leaned into the discomfort and insanity. >I then listened to this lol 41 minutes Yawning like mad. Shrooms to me get a bad rap as a "beginner psychedelic". They need to be respected like every other one. you need to respect shrooms like you respect 5 Meo DMT, or a vial of nitroglycerin. Respect it all as you would respect God. One day I will realize that I am eternal. >MMMM foreshadowing maybe??? ANY MESSAGE IN LIFE CAN BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY! Even the jokey songs like this one: (one that is usually interpreted as a joke) Music is VERY POWERFUL on shrooms. Jamming out to this. So I went for a long walk in the beautiful nature with my mom and my dogs, and I was really trying to see reality as a creation of imagination. I was going like "WOWWW, WOOOW WOOOOW" Over and over. "Holy fuck, holy fucking shit, holy fuckkk" Over and over again. Amazing beauty! >The visuals were top notch. At one point the entire road turned into a bright red, white and yellow sacred geometry pattern. >You can never really replicate these amazingly intelligent patterns. Not too many artists yet at least. >Imagine a combination of like these images with the colors mentioned above. >I didn't even listen to any music while walking for the whole hour or so that we were gone. I was just authentically appreciating the sounds of my shoes crunching against the rocks on the concrete. >I remember at one point during conversation and I ended up saying "It takes courage to live". >Then shortly after, I was walking a good distance behind my mother, and right there, I realized that there is nothing grounding the idea that my mom is "my mother". And that she is just another human form that has spawned in my consciousness. I became conscious to some degree that I imagined my mother. Then that spiraled into me crying and stuff. And then I was thinking deep about existential stuff. >I wanted to kill myself, like I was like 70% SERIOUSLY considering suicide. Or at least like really authentically weighing the pros and cons. >The curtain was being pulled from the elephant's ass at a rapidly increasing rate. I was starting to see more of the full ass. More of how I am imagining everything. How I am the imaginer "God". >I'm sober now, writing this part of the trip report, and I don't think I have any "absolute" understandings. So I probably didn't touch "the absolute truth" or anything. I wasn't even sure if I identified with the body. I'm not even sure if I Identify with the body NOW. I probably still do. I think it may have just been shaken loose even more. This confusion will probably clear up more when I do 5meo. You're living in a hyper intelligent mechanism we call society. >The hyper intelligent mechanism is god's consciousness (reality). >Learn to appreciate every organization and why it's there before you try to fuck with the system. Systems thinking 101. The pressure of survival demands intelligence to be gained from you. >I was thinking a lot about this because I was also emotionally dealing with the baggage of moving out soon. And how moving out, (even if you plan to move back in half a year later,) will grow you in ways that you cannot foresee. Simply because moving out will put on that pressure to shape up in order to survive. >I am learning how to appreciate the pressures that survival puts on mankind. And how these pressures is what actually fuels creation. You have to prove how infinitely intelligent you are. > You are already infinitely intelligent, but you don't believe that because you are imagining yourself as stupid right now. You, as god, are literally imagining yourself as not having all the knowledge of the universe, such that you can enjoy the experience of learning something for the first time. >There I was, crying on the floor with "realizing" that I was just imagining my life because I had nothing else better to do. Realizing that I was just going to keep doing this forever, living forever, how I was eternal, and how you cannot kill me. "I'm scared to be God." >So then I start taking responsibility from the perspective of the one that imagines everything. "For anything bad that has what happened to you, I'm sorry." (You the reader) "I became conscious of how I was imagining my mother. I imagined this so that this body could experience what it would be like to imagine an amazing mother." "I don't know how else can I explain my love for you. I would have to remember every single thing you have done for me across my entire life to thank you properly for what you have done for me. (Mom,) You had to change yourself, change your mind in order to love me, because you loved me THAT much." You're always alone. >Talking to my mom. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Mom for everything, anytime that I've been mean, I know I need to control myself, I still have to learn how to control myself with my emotions. I have to figure out how to act in a way that is in sync with the highest good. I need to figure out how. I love you so much I created you, I love you so much, I gave you a Consciousness that you could take independently of me and you can imagine all your fucking experiences." "I am eternally sorry for anything bad that has happened to any of the people, I'm sorry. Yeah you're sorry that I'm born right? You needed me mom, so you created me. And here I am the fuck I am." I lost my mind. "There's nothing else to do but to love of your life. Because you are imagining fucking all of it." "I am imagining myself as stupid right now. I'm imagining myself as not intelligent. I'm a fucking idiot. I know nothing. And I'm imagining that." "Dad I love you so much that I want you to live the best life." "Leo I want you to live the best life." "Leo I'm sorry that I imagined you." "I am scared to live forever. That's a really fucking long time. So scared I don't want I don't want to be eternal. I DONT WANT TO BE ETERNAL!" -- >speaking as from god's perspective (supposedly) "I want you to feel bad just so you can understand the difference between feeling good and bad. I want you to feel the fear of dying such that you can appreciate the difference between living and dying. I want you to feel the fear that there's nothing else to do. Such that you can appreciate the Holiness of everything that's here. Cuz that's nothing else to fucking do. There's nothing else to do but what I'm doing." -- >Nothing is limiting me. "There is zero fucking reason why couldn't grow my finger 20 ft long." "I am imagining being scared so I can appreciate the difference. I'm imagining being scared to fucking anything in reality so I can appreciate the difference." God is mysterious. Fundamentally. He's here right now, he's doing everything right now I'm imagining a fucking body. Right fucking now. I'm imagining the wall so "I" can look at it. I am literally imagining me over here and the wall over there and the "space" in-between me and it. I am imagining a POV. >talking to god, "God, why did you make the wall?" "I'm sorry, I just WANTED to. I'm infinite, so I made the fucking wall okay?" "I AM FUCKING YOU DUDE!" "I AM Imagining a language just so I can communicate it to you." "I am imagining that you don't have the knowledge that I have. I am imagining that you are not infinitely intelligent right now. But you fucking are! You are infinitely intelligent. THERE'S nothing stopping YOU!" >God perspective "I am infinitely more intelligent than what you call "Leo". Because I fucking AM you." >Truth seems to be the very "substance" of your imaginations. But because I can say that, this is not the truth. "Truth is whatever you imagine it to be. And the building blocks of whatever you're imagining it to be is what truth is doing. What is the word truth pointing to the direct experience right now? The wall is fucking truth look at it! Imagine a wall in your mind that's equal truth, it's all there. What is there is truth. And what isn't there is also truth." "I am currently imagining myself knowing exactly how much I know. Does that make sense to you? The reader? You! I don't know what your name is. You are reading these words right now, I'm fucking communicating this to you right now. However much knowledge do you think you have right now, you're fucking imagining how intelligent and how stupid you are right now." "You are imagining you not knowing the things that you want to know because you want to experience yourself growing. You actually made it such that you can experience yourself growing because you are eternal already." "Someday I'm going to imagine this body being fucking killed. And this body is going to experience that." >I was feeling scared about imagining bad things happening to me. In which I came to this conclusion: "But look dude. right now, you're fucking chill, right? Maybe you're mad. Maybe you are the Zenswift in the future, reading this right now. Are you okay right now? Like what are you experiencing right now? Cuz that's all there is. And that's all of that there ever will be. Any fear is just you imagining something that isn't fucking happening right now. And when it does happen to you right now, you experience it, and that's what it is. But you don't need to let that fear fuck your shit up right now, because right now you're good! In this direct experience, you're good. Savor that. Learn to love the direct experience. I imagined you to have direct experience right now so you can appreciate it for what it is. Why the fuck would I not want to imagine what you are doing right now?" "For everything that's happening right now I'm very sorry. But I have fucking NOTHING ELSE to do but to create this! I'm sorry dude, there's nothing else to do but to create everything. And to destroy. And to transform." "I am imagining myself as not knowing what Leo knows right now. Fuck you Leo LOL I imagined you! I love you dude!" "I can imagine infinitely hating Leo and infinitely loving Leo. At the same fucking time. There's no fucking difference." "One day I'm going to imagine Leo seeing me in the flesh, face to face." "Every motivation that I have, I'm just imagining it out of fucking nowhere. I could imagine a motivation like for me to want to learn how to paint the best picture. Or how to best fish. And I can nurture whatever imagination I want to. And I can make that fucking real." "Why do I imagine spiders exist? Fuck YOU dude!" "Everything in my life right now I am imagining to control this body's motivations. That's what my will is right now." "Whenever I imagine (gain) new abilities that didn't think I would have. I'm imagining that relationship between knowing that I have power and not knowing that I have that power." >Looking at my fingers. "My existence is infinitely thin." >Thinking about how language evolves. "Who the fuck creates new words?' "I think I have had an Awakening of some sort." > I definitely had some sort of mystical experience. Probably not an awakening. Maybe a glimpse of the ox. I don't know. "Life IS where it's dangerous." "Just merge with the moment. Because you ARE the moment." "YOU ARE the moment." >You are literally your direct experience. Merge with it. A teaching like "you are God" is just to open your fucking mind. And then you imagine the rest of the details. "There was no intention set with the Psychedelic. I didn't even really have a reason to do this psychedelic today. The only reason is because I wanted to keep up a pattern of doing psychedelics in between the time that I work so that I enrich my life the most. And I just kind of had faith that I just figure out what the fuck to think about. But I go into this trip right now with zero fucking intention. And then here I am starting to realize I am imagining fucking everything. (Talking to myself) Like fuck you dude! Why did you fool me? Why the fuck did you fool me? Why? And I know it's because you've got fucking nothing else to do but like come on dude!" I am imagining myself being unmotivated. When I am motivated, I just imagine that. >I was noticing just how good you feel and how much it fills YOU up to be authentically loving to others. "Be nice to people because it makes YOU feel good! You selfish fuck!" "I am as strong as I need to be right now. It's okay that there's other people that are stronger than me! It's okay that there is things that I cannot lift! I am imagining myself as someone that cannot lift something. I am literally God imagining rocks that this body cannot fucking lift." Music distracts you from the present moment. It distracts you from appreciating exactly what you're experiencing. Imagine an extremely clean piece of glass. How the fuck would you know it's there? What? The frames around it? What if you didn't have that context? If you can see right through it, then it doesn't exist. How the fuck do you know that there isn't glass between you and everything else right now? Like a shape-shifting glass. What we call "air". What we call "space". "Never make any radical decisions when you are massively changing your Consciousness. Because you do not yet understand what the fuck is keeping you there. I want to fucking kill myself earlier. REALLY! I was literally in the full state of considering suicide because there's no fucking difference between living or dying. But there are forces stopping me from doing that because there's a greater intelligent at work. And you need to learn how to appreciate all the intelligence of what's guiding your actions right now." "There is ALWAYS "other" that's going to control you in some way. You existing is you being part of the system you're connected to. So whether you like it or not you're going to have to do whatever you have to do to keep that body surviving. I need to appreciate that. You fucking demonize it so much. Yes, survival is hard! It takes courage to live! It takes courage to live!" Post Trip Report Feeling normal. Definitely came right back down to a normal state of consciousness. My previous trip, LSD Trip 004 definitely was way more long lasting insights. I definitely wasn't penetrating anything super profound here. Probably lots of ego smog with the trip as well. I've learned how to say "wow" in a completely different way. Using my throat kinda like under my breath. It's like a more authentic way to say "wow". My throat was hurting just from how much I was saying "wooow"! Looking at the amazing beauty of nature. And even the beauty of the patterns in concrete on the road. I did lots of crying, dealing with the existential dread of learning that I am eternal, I cannot be killed, and I will live literally fucking forever. Like, goddamn. Crying about how I realized that I am imagining my mother. And also how I am sorry for the suffering in her entire life. And in everyone's lives. I had direct experience, or at least direct belief that I was imagining everything. I believe a more deep experience will be when I see it and don't believe it. That would be a much more real experience of the absolute truth of things. I pretty much lost my mind too with how open-minded I was. Not really much room to contemplate with shrooms, just be there to enjoy the ride. Great for nature walks if you have a sober guide (and no wildlife like bears). I wasn't hiking in nature, I was literally just walking in the neighborhood. I was very calm after the rough part of the trip. I was just happy and super content, like the calm waters after the storm. The day after. Having my brain still recover from the neuroactivity, I was just mellow. Maybe had a bit of ego backlash not being very productive, but whatever. The next day, today as I'm writing this, I'm focused. Let me know what you think!
  22. His critism has some points. In my job I meet a lot of people. There has been so many people that know of someone that have committed suicide. The rates from 2020 was an increase of 23%. 2021 hasn't been published yet. This virus has done more damage socially and politically and the longterm effects of all of this is going to really test us.
  23. @Galyna I have (and still am) experiencing similar things. Here's what has helped me: Suicidal thoughts and impulses are apparently entirely normal during this kind of unfolding. It is a suicide, in a way, but it has nothing to do with the body. The body is fine 99,9% of the time. You are okay 99,9% of the time, even if it doesn't feel that way. There's a difference between feeling okay and being okay. There's no need to "do anything about" suicidal thoughts and impulses, just watch them arise and disappear, they are always temporary, even if they come and go. Try to muster the courage to do basic things, even in the face of great fear. I don't necessarily mean "carry with on everything you used to do", I dropped my studies as well, but still go for walks, go to the store etc. if you can. You'll learn that even when you feel like you're deep, deeep in it, the basic bodily functions still work just fine. Breathe deeply and deliberately. Read some about Dark Night Phenomena in Daniel Ingram's book "Mastering The Core Teachings Of The Buddha". You can read it for free online here: Talk to people (as you already do). Find a community where you can talk to others in real time. There are some great folks here, for example @Nahm or @BipolarGrowth. This can be very valuable. That's all I remember right now, you can also shoot me a pm and we can talk more specifically. I hope some of this helps!
  24. After watching this podcast with Lex, Harris lost a lot of intellectual respect in my book. I mean, he holds a bachelor degree in philosophy from Stanford but doesnt understand the position and implications of idealism at ALL. Its a complete strawman. I mean come on - Schopenhauer, Hegel, Kant, Spinoza.. Iam sure he at least read some of them. On the other side, he and his wife have strongly promoted the possibility of panpsychism, which of course is utter nonsense because there is no way of ever reconciling the combination problem without making HUGE loops and assumptions. I still enjoy the making sense podcast and especially his political/societal commentary - but on a metaphysical level, he is just wrong in my opinion. You also have to take into account that a massive part of his audience is deep into the stage orange framework of seeing the world. He is a skeptic and hardcore atheist after all, so thats exactly the audience you would expect - any step towards acknowliding mysticism would be career suicide.
  25. There’s no cure I don’t know what suicide is but it may be the best option for me at this point