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  1. @Someone here i don't think buddha was a pessimist. My theory is that it takes enourmous wisdom to understand why nirvana is biggest liberation. And it's very hard to understand why. He sayed even heaven is suffering. Even realms of heaven of eternal ecstacy is suffering. What kind of crazy dude would say that? What kind of wisdom does it take to give up bliss and extacy for nothingness? Crazy much wisdom it takes i believe.
  2. I have this fond childhood/teenage memory where I concentrated so hard during a chess game that it felt like my brain would shake out of my head. It was pure bliss after I won. I never concentrated so hard ever again in my life.
  3. This anime is amazing for enlightenment references. During my retreat I could feel a knot in my back in the same place as this scene. And when I had my peak experience a few years ago on LSD, it felt like I was in the avatar state. Pure bliss and energy.
  4. God is Both form and formless. Since God is unlimited, He cannot be limited to being either formless or having a form. Since God is everything, He must possess both form and formlessness. God is unlimited, and His form, consisting of eternity, knowledge and bliss, is also unlimited. Usually form is defined by limitations in space, so an unlimited form is inconceivable to us. It would be the same as formless. Still, for the simple reason that one cannot love the impersonal, unlimited feature of God. One can only love a person. Therefore we say that God is both the formed world and impersonal formless at the same time . You can't escape this problem. You can't lean towards one or another (form or formless). It's both .
  5. Agreed. But it's always possible not just when you trip. Telepathy is a very broad and nuanced topic. There are many levels to it. Everyone is using telepathy even if they don't know. For example: People like getting love based attention that is free from agenda. So unconsciously people will tap into to the collective consciousness and know when their friends are in a needy state or in a giving, loving happy state and like this they know which friends to call or which friends to make plans with. I'm sure most of you have experienced this that if you feel very in bliss all of a sudden a bunch of people text you and when you are depressed people don't text you for days. In my experience you can establish telepathic connections when you make heart based connections with other people. Like this you will always know how they're feeling and you can also get input to what is going on in their lifes at any given moment. I wouldnt waste my time with that tho. Also you can do transmission of consciousness and raise their vibration if you want no matter how far you are apart from them. Again wouldnt recommend doing that too much as it is a bit pointless. People are where they are and need to experience what they experience. You can also establish a connection with your future self. Or with anyone you want basically. There you have to be very purified because when you still operate a lot from the ego it can always distort the information. You can also make a connection to Leo which is quite beautiful and funny also. He still experiences guilt jiji. Also with telepathy no one can lie to you regarding matters of the heart. Complete strangers can talk to you and you just know they're lying. Also your worldview is not anymore created by rationality anymore as it is for a lot of the people here on the forum. Things others read hundreds of books for to then allow their brain to try it because rationally their map of reality allows it with telepathy you just know these things. Telepathy comes with knowing through being.
  6. I believe that at this point, there is not a mistake in the world that I have not yet committed. I have done something of everything, at the very least. Leo will soon publish a video on the biggest traps within self-help and spirituality. I'm already sure I've fallen into most of what he's going to say, even though self-help and spirituality are only a part of my life/path. I have made mistakes in all other areas as well. And I've learned so much. I've learned the easy way, as well as the hard way, school of hard knocks. My parents gave me an outdated map. I've created a new, more modern, and more accurate one. From scratch, and from personal experience, without a teacher or a mentor. Suffering is the greatest teacher, and bliss is suffering's sugar wife that I've fucked so ruthlessly, so relentlessly. I've cucked the hell out of suffering. And now, we're even. Naturally, I should be the prince of this world, it's in my DNA. But it looks like God has other plans. We'll see who's going to win in the end, and how many of his angels I will fuck, too.
  7. 1. Spirituality is about enhancing life. If you master meditation you no longer will suffer mentally as suffering is caused by attachment to thoughts. Shut off the mind, no longer have to deal with suffering your perspective. This post you just an example of the character you think you are complaining that they don't like Spirituality. The character wants a reward now, it also wants to be different and superior. 2. Another thing about Spirituality. If you master meditation and purify your body, then you will release your kundalini, and will be in a blissful state. So you will walk around in Bliss that you can control whenever you want too. What you thought those monks were just meditating for no reason? Hah!! They did all that meditation so they can control their mind and become unlimited, and so they can feel good walking around in life because they can feel bliss at a whim. But again...if you don't want to do Spirituality don't!!! Go enjoy materialism, go suffer mentally, when you are ready for Spirituality you'll do it. Maybe in some other life time or something. P.S. Your current life sets up your next life.
  8. I have been engaging in spiritual teachings and practices. But questions would run through my head in my daily life now as I seek answers based on readings and videos. Is spiritual pursuit and enlightenment from thousands of years ago until now just a coping mechanism because we are still rather undeveloped? Because survival was so harsh and brutal (and still is) that some (monks, yogis, etc.) would need to forego it all and meditate until we "trick our brains" into thinking that we don't want anything anymore? And that there is "God's Love" altogether? As the world becomes more scientifically advanced, quality of life increases, and we become so good at survival, will we look back at ourselves as a species and think that spirituality was all just a cope for a time when we just weren't smart enough in the material world? Let's say humanity actualizes its potential in the physical world. We are rocketing from one planet to the next. We have infinite resources. Nobody is poor or struggling. No wars or poverty. Our bodies and minds merge perfectly with technology (the singularity). Physical immortality and perfection. We can get everything we want at a whim. How would that satisfaction compare to "enlightenment"? Because I remember when a few years ago, I had some money and backpacked three exotic countries in 4 months straight, riding a motorbike, climbing volcanoes, scuba diving, meeting beautiful people of different cultures. I was very happy. Conditionally happy, but I felt bliss from beginning to end for the most part. So if we can multiply that ability to the infinite times, what's the point of traditional "enlightenment?" There's this war in my mind between human/scientific advancement and spirituality. I'm looking for answers, but in the end, I know there's just one ultimate Truth.
  9. @Leo Gura For some reason I got into my head that you aren't a very musical person. Must have been wrong. The groove, the way the chords feel, the dynamik build/flow/arrangement, the way the melodic hooks intertwine/come back in the end. A new favorite song for sure, it feels like bliss. Here are some music tips if you are interested, no idea how they will feel for you but: What a Fool Believes: Roxy: Nothin' You Can Do About it: Cheers
  10. Leo clearly had a New awakening into infinity/God. Maybe needs some grounding. Can someone here tell me the star wars picture Ignorance is bliss he Posted? I dont get it
  11. I hear many people say that enlightenment doesn't end in eternal bliss and such a thing is not possible.. But some scriptures in Vedanta as well as many vedantins say otherwise. Here is what they say: Enlightenment doesn't have to cause eternal bliss but there are some people who actually attain this bliss because of their Prarabdha karma. Ancient text called Yoga vashista, speaks about 7 bhumikas, the stages of enlightenment.. Out of this, only the first four are really the stages of enlightenment.. The fourth stage is called Moksha. After that, attainment of 5th, 6th and 7th only happens for rare individuals due to their prarabdha karma.. I also remember Ramana Maharshi saying to a disciple in a conversation that a jnani is in the 4th state. In the fourth state, duality completely dissolves.. As far as a jnani is concerned, a jnani in the 5th state is no superior than the one in the 4th state, because both have lost the sense of individual existence, so there are really not two persons to compare. Only for the onlookers, there is an apparent superiority in the jnani of the 5th stage. A jnani in the 7th state can go into samadhi and never come back alive... Here is an excerpt that I found online which has some citations as well: Here is a conversation between Ramana and a seeker: Question: To which of the seven stages of knowledge [jnana-bhoomikas] does the sage [jnani] belong? Bhagavan: He belongs to the fourth stage. Question: If that is so why have three more stages superior to it been distinguished? Bhagavan: The marks of the stages four to seven are based upon the experiences of the realised person [jivanmukta]. They are not states of knowledge and release. So far as knowledge and release are concerned no distinction whatever is made in these four stages. Question: As liberation is common to all, why is the varistha [literally, the most excellent] alone praised excessively? Bhagavan: So far as the varistha’s common experience of bliss is concerned he is extolled only because of the special merit acquired by him in his previous births which is the cause of it. Question: As there is no one who does not desire to experience constant bliss what is the reason why all sages [jnanis] do not attain the state of varistha? Bhagavan: It is not to be attained by mere desire or effort. Karma [prarabdha] is its cause. As the ego dies along with its cause even in the fourth stage [bhoomika], what agent is there beyond that stage to desire anything or to make efforts? So long as they make efforts they will not be sages [jnanis]. Do the sacred texts [srutis] which specially mention the varistha say that the other three are unenlightened persons? Question: As some sacred texts say that the supreme state is that in which the sense organs and the mind are completely destroyed, how can that state be compatible with the experience of the body and the senses? Bhagavan: If that were so there would not be any difference between that state and the state of deep sleep. Further how can it be said to be the natural state when it exists at one time and not at another? This happens, as stated before, to some persons according to their karma [prarabdha] for some time or till death. It cannot properly be regarded as the final state. If it could it would mean that all great souls and the Lord, who were the authors of the Vedantic works [jnana granthas] and the Vedas, were unenlightened persons. If the supreme state is that in which neither the senses nor the mind exist and not the state in which they exist, how can it be the perfect state [paripurnam]? As karma alone is responsible for the activity or inactivity of the sages, great souls have declared the state of sahaja nirvikalpa [the natural state without concepts] alone to be the ultimate state.
  12. Sorry if I sounded aggressive, its just anoyying when people completely ignore what you are asking. These were the main points of the question. As you can see it was asked twice. I already mentioned I know we are infinite and look what the first thing was posted. ^ I literally said I know I can't die and the first statement was this. It's like....sigh..... you didn't even listen. So I'll repeat. I was in a car accident. I experienced my body being inside me and that I was pulling it. When my body healed after two weeks I felt the normal feeling of being inside my body. When I felt like I was outside of my body I was in bliss, and the bliss was intense and consistent. So just from that alone since I was half way to death I already know that 1. I am not my body. 2. Death is Infinite Love. And both were confirmed in my direct experience. So my question was, was Leo saying the physical body won't even fall dead? That was my question. Not will I die because the body is not me, but the avatar (body) was he saying that wouldn't fall dead.
  13. Happiness is your nature. Bliss is inherent in being.
  14. Yes, the right music will send you into ecstasy. It's a bad idea. 5-MeO makes most people very nauseous. Although I have eating right after the peak without throwing up, but I don't recommend this. You have to be very careful here. You can reach levels of consciousness where you can destroy your own body, let a long furniture. Depends on your work. At least 12 hours would be ideal. Just don't eat for 4 hours. The stomach does not digest food for longer than 4 hours. And then right before you plug, you must take a shit. I've done it many times. It's both awesome but also the climax is underwhelming relative to the bliss of consciousness that you're in. No sex can compare to existential bliss.
  15. I find myself in, what seems to me a weird bind between, on the one hand going all out on my education (which would involve reading a ton of books) applying myself more to work on current societal problems (which would take away time from my formal education) and going deeper into spiritual work (which would probably make me not give a fuck about either anymore). The thing is that I really, deeply care about whats going on in the world right now in regards to civilizational risk like AI, climate change, breakdown of social coherence etc. and I would find it deeply meaningful to work on these things and apply myself as best I can. The thing is also that I kind of know that this is more or less me getting hung up on this shit to create some sense of purpose and trajectory for my life. I also love the more "impractical" pursuit of philosophy and psychology and understanding just for its own sake. And I also really want to resolve this whole awakening thing once and for all. It seems like they are all connected somehow but I cant wrap my mind around how to reconcile them. I would love to just go all in and really focus my attention on getting the thing, whatever it ends up being, done. I can kind of see how I could educate myself and also work on these more global issues, but that seems kind of antagonistic to everything I learned here on when it comes to life purpose, which would be just focusing on my own thing and creating personal success; There really is no such thing as personal success in fixing humanity, there will be no medal awarded and there wont be a big paycheck for it either and the best meassure of success I could hope for is that we at least dont blow ourselves up too quickly. I dont really care for money or status for its own sake and Im happy to sacrifice either, but its still feels like a bit of a murky and extremely idealistic path to go down. Also in the back of my mind Im thinking about the "Toxic Life Purpose" and Im aware that Im not coming from a place of total selflessness and altruism, but am mainly interested in this for the meaning and sense of purpose and adventure it evokes in me. When I first started to really dive deep into this whole civilizational risk thing I was in a place of deep nihilism and I was starving for meaning and it was more or less do or die for me, but as I got more serious about it I really started to enjoy it and felt a deep sense of calling to it, but its still kind of a perverted thing; Im willingly tending to all this suffering and catastrophe and then want to declare myself heroic for fixing it. Its like shooting someone in the arm and then licking his wound. Im fully aware of how I am creating this meaning and Im fully aware that I have to create some kind of meaning no matter what, but I dont want to make it too obvious and low-hanging and just jump on the next best thing. I keep thinking about Don Juans "intentional folly." You have to do this somehow, yet Its antagonistic to Truth. But at what point do you say: "Enough is enough, Ive had my fair share of Truth, Im committing to the play now." It seems that you cannot live a purposeful, adventurous life if youre not deeply bought into the story, but the story also changes so quickly these days, that you kind of have to change and morph all the time. My head is spinning and I dont want to contemplate this stuff all the time, I would rather live my life as fully as I can. Maybe the wise thing to do is to not go to the meta drawingboard all the time and just focus on whats in front of you, but even then, my talent is in thinking on these big picture, meta levels, so Im always drawn to them naturally. Im constantly ping-ponging between these different pursuits and Im unable to give my all to any of them, but I also dont want to just shut them out of my experience. The thing is I can not run away from these societal problems, they will always catch up to me as long as Im in this history. I also cant ignore the Truth forever. I also cant just read some dead old white men all day and ignore the prior two realities. Maybe ignorance really is bliss, but then what part do you ignore? That doesnt really solve anything. I dont want an answer on what to do with my life, Im mainly doing this to just get my thoughts on this sorted a bit and to get some feedback on what I might be missing.
  16. Well the illusion was destroyed for me in two ways. I got sent to an empty void and became these sentient puzzle pieces. I then became an infinite puzzle piece that could shape shift into whatever shape it wanted. The moment I thought of something it took that shape instantly and it kept asking me, what am I? I was only able to leave when I said God is Infinity and this will never end. The other illusion spelling was when I got released from the hospital I felt like my body was inside me, and I felt connected with everything. I was walking around in bliss, getting visions every time I closed my eyes and focused non-stop, and I could shatter my connection to reality if I uttered the words this is not real. My ego prevented me from going further lol. I wasn't ready..
  17. Leo mentioned he didn't study the topic of mental illness a lot. I would like to give insight to him and to you all how my mental illness that was masked as spirituality destroyed me. I lived a life without much value I didn't work as I should have and didn't use the potential I was capable of. If this text gives just a glimpse of meaning and value to anyone I will be grateful. How a false sense of ''spirituality'' destroyed my life and gave me dementia in my 33 years I am doing this for you because I love you and because I want you to live life as I wanted to live it. Before I die, I have to try to leave something behind as a warning and advice for people in similar situations. This won’t be a text that is well written because my cognitive abilities are drastically reduced as well as my vocabulary after 3 months of rapid dementia. But I want you to try to understand my point and the urgency of my insights that may save somebodies life. I am not a doctor and I can only speak from my own experience about the severe trauma I was living with. It completely controlled my life without me even realizing it. I will share with you how I analyzed the behavior of my mental illness and how it manifested itself in my mind and body. Insanity and trauma are the most cunning things in the world. It is not a joke and should never be underestimated. Apart from physical disability or illness that is honest and straightforward insanity is not as clear and it operates by deceiving the mind and leading it to destruction. If you are lazy beyond the norm and refuse to work, if you refuse to educate yourself and think success is not for you, you might be traumatized. If you think you are spiritual and have spiritual ‘’symptoms’’ that are not aligned with life and living, by being constantly exhausted, depressed brain fogged, you might be experienced anything but spirituality, but a manifestation of trauma symptoms. As malicious and occult as it may sound trauma can present itself as a living entity that is sucking the life force from you, leading you ultimately to your demise. Insanity as I was living with it, completely gripped the essence of my thought process and kept me in delusion for 15 years. I not only believed the thoughts I was having but was convinced beyond any doubt, with body, mind and soul that there has to be truth to them. My emotions, my intuition, even my heart was driven and aligned with the schizophrenic doctrine my mind created due to childhood trauma. As you can see unfortunately this means that when somebody is insane the whole psycho physical, mind and body can serve to deceive a person. Its more than the typical hallucinations, hearing voices, and having conspiracy theories that we see in movies that make somebody insane. A person can be partly insane and be completely convinced they are normal, just following a higher path that nobody understands, just like I thought I was. If the thoughts do not support life and living normally then a person should try to question if there is truth to them. There is nothing wrong with being normal and ordinary and earning an honest living. Loving life and being grateful for what it is and not searching for some fantastical worlds that don’t exist. I never realized what enlightenment is and I don’t care about it at all. All I wish for is a healthy brain but that won’t come now. I would have lived so much differently. My ideology was belief that there is no such thing as work or human will, that those things are illusions and that they are ultimately not important for realizing the truth about the world. I was aspiring to be a homeless bum, living as a fool for Christ in divine truth and bliss. I believed in the force of undoing or unworking and that it is like a black whole that devours everything and extinguishes everything, and ultimately when we experience this black nothingness, we see truth. I had many instances where I did work and tried to persist in my endeavors but believing I was spiritual undervalued my efforts, and the very meaning of work and success. Voices told me that work and knowledge are not important and that I was beyond them. That I don’t need it to be happy and enlightened. So, I was willingly retarding myself and regressing unconsciously while thinking this is a good thing. After dementia arouse and started desecrating my brain, this illusion collapsed and I realized that such thoughts came because of an extreme sense of worthlessness. Which I was living with and considered normal. When a person is traumatized, they live with extreme and abnormal feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness, that they consider normal because they learned these things and didn’t feel anything else. A glimpse of power and true value feels almost like death to their sick sense of self. And they might even fear it because their whole identity is challenged and shaken to the core. This is why work; knowledge, creativity and education are transformative tools for somebody living with trauma. They were the only cure for me except I realized this too late. The human will and will to work, and create, and love, and enjoy the successes it brings is a divine force, not at all to be undervalued like most spiritual teachers suggest, by saying do nothing or let go of effort. When people have trauma work is the only salvation they have to live a normal life. So, if you refuse to work and think its something spiritual moving you in this direction seriously consider you might be wrong. Now I will share some of my childhood story and how dementia happened. My story begins by me being born with a physical disability called artogriphosis. I had bent arms and legs which could not be stretched, kind of like a baby is positioned in the stomach curled up, that’s how I was when I got out. However devastating this situation seemed at first, there was hope, because by exercising diligently I could walk and eventually stretch my arms half way. I had all the function and potential of a normal child. The problem came while doing the very exercises because they were invasive, complicated and painful. I slept with plasters every night and all this lasted for the first 12 years of my life. My parents while doing a remarkable job of straightening my body didn’t consider that I could be emotionally damaged by the process. And thus, they convinced themselves and me that I was completely normal, which I wasn’t. Those painful exercises created severe trauma that was left untreated and considered normal. In my 19 year I developed ‘’out of nowhere’’ a severe debilitating anxiety towards life and work. I had constant feelings of subconscious terror, which were relentless and constant every day all day. I tried many things to help myself and gave full attention to my psychological problem, which was paradoxically, a huge mistake. In the 15 years of living with this anxiety I learned to live with it and considered it a normal part of me. The only problem was I wasn’t productive and didn’t work and live independently. So, I read psychological books and all sorts of stuff and came across spirituality and eventually developed the doctrine I mentioned before. In my opinion symptoms of dementia can come at any age if a person lives with extreme psychological burden. It starts the cognitive decline gradually and very gently as years go by so the sufferer can forget the pain. It introduces a wide variety of symptoms that mimic so many of the ‘’spiritual symptoms’’ I read about over the years. Brain fog, constant tiredness, sleepiness, a sense of peace, beingness and bliss that comes in doing nothing and sleep and rest. So all these ‘’positive’’ symptoms were actually dementia in my case, mistaken and confused for spirituality. In my opinion anything that reduces one’s abilities and qualities of life should be discarded whether it be ‘’spiritual’’ or not. The pain never ended and I was just becoming dumber and dumber and more tired, and unable to concentrate for longer periods. In my confusion I mistook these sensations as positive and even advisable which kept me in massive delusion. Even efforts to work and keep my passion alive were diminished by an unnatural exhaustion that came over me as time went by. And then I thought work truly must not exist as I am truly unable to sustain my will towards it, this otherworldly tiredness is keeping me from it. It must be a sign that the force of undoing(dementia) is the true reality. That tiredness came from dementia and it was just an illusion and breakable by sustaining the effort. It might be unlikely, but if anyone identifies with my experience, my advice is to keep going and resist the exhaustion for it is a lie trying to keep you asleep. There is nothing spiritual and worthwhile in death and dementia. Life is a force to be lived, not spent asleep and tired all the time. The final straw happened 3 months ago, when I took ciprofloxacin ear drops for mild noise induced hearing loss. I overdosed by mistake using them for 14 days instead of 7 as prescribed. Even though it was a relatively low dose of 2 drops each day, the final day my system collapsed. Perhaps due to my already overloaded brain, and combined with this poisonous medication I finally enraged and triggered dementia. Now the decline that was very slow and would have kept going on for 30 years or more, has accelerated 10000 times. I presume I have about 5 years of very unfulfilling life left. I will never experience the success I could have had. The love and joy of life I could have had. It was overshadowed by constant feelings of ungratefulness and arrogance. Believing I was beyond this world and its preciousness I was watching it go by me, waiting for my spiritual revelation which never came. I was very arrogant and ungrateful thinking that things cannot possibly be worse due to my anxiety. Incredibly, things can be 10000 worse than they are. Now I have dementia. The only right way forward for me was to accept the anxiety and reconcile that I have to live with it like any other handicap. And do everything in my power to work and live independently. Work is the ultimate expression of value and love towards oneself which trauma cannot endure, that’s why it does everything in its power to resist it. So, this is it. I talked about my life choices and some spiritual traps that people might fall into. I feel very vulnerable writing this and even a bit stupid, wondering who on earth will want to read this depressive story, but honestly id give anything if somebody told me in the right moment how wrong I was. For years nothing could sway me from my stubborn convictions. The world is getting increasingly more insane as we can witness. Spiritually can be the source of massive confusion as well, and by me interpreting it the wrong way, or actually falling for its lies I ended up like this. I wish I had never read anything about it. You might argue that its not my fault for getting these severe side effects from that drug. In a way you would be right but its the life choices and ideology that led to this. My unwillingness to educate myself and work left me underdeveloped. I didn’t know that antibiotic in topical form is still dangerous, I didn’t follow the prescription, I didn’t research the side effects properly, so all these mistakes led to this. The ideology of undoing and not knowing, that false spirituality that I had so much faith in and surrendered completely to, destroyed me in the end. It was insanity and trauma and dementia taking form of something incredibly valuable to me. Farewell friends or enemies, I do hope this gives some value to anyone and people can at least learn from my mistakes. Some key points: Work, knowledge and creativity is more than means to an end. It can transform our life and destroy trauma and mental illness. Because they represent love and support life. They are life. Perfectionism and working eternally on your issues, waiting to first solve them and then return to the world, is trauma keeping you enslaved in eternal rumination which leads to nowhere. The only way is to ignore it. Work, be creative, learn about history, geography, economy medicine, science... each day enrich your mind little by little. Keep dementia away, keep ignorance away. Massive suffering can naturally create symptoms of dementia like brain fog, forgetfulness and a false sense of peace that comes from oblivion, as well as sleepiness. Don’t satisfy yourself by thinking this as a spiritual symptom. Enlightenment if it exists might require force and enormous willpower contrary to much of the gurus say. Not surrendering helplessly to the void and waiting for things to change. Wake up by force, resist the antilife forces of the world. Insanity can take form of some of our most precious values and ideas like spirituality, love, religion, trust, hope, etc. It can trick and turn them against us. Sometimes you can’t trust your own mind, your emotions, your intuition, even your body that can create feelings of exhaustion. Especially if it tells you to be homeless and renounce the world like it told me. Its more than just a thought that keeps us in delusion. Some chronic traumas only get worse over time, it won’t solve by itself no matter how long your ‘’spiritual process’’ lasts. And if you are destined to live with it, live the best and most fulfilling life you can. Live now. Don’t sleep and rely on dementia to take you. If you don’t work or know anything, and you depend on somebody to work and provide for you, you still won’t survive. Because such a lifestyle attracts natural catastrophes and disasters in form of disease, dementia, insanity or disability. You are never safe by being stupid. It can cost you your life like it did me. Love and Gratitude is most important. Learning from ‘’ordinary’’ people enjoying their company respecting and appreciating them. Just being normal is the best thing in the world, and not being narcissistic. I unconsciously thought I was better than everyone. Now I see ‘’enlightenment’’ in everyone. We are just great as we are, trying our best to go by and nothing more is ever needed. I’m sorry. You can’t imagine how sorry I am. I wasted my life for an illusion. I was insane, I was misled. May God forgive me, may You forgive me, may the world forgive me. I failed to live. I was confused and alone, marked by misfortune. If there is another life, I will never make the same mistake again. Be well and farewell Phillip
  18. @Someone here I feel as if the human mind simply can’t grasp the full scope, once you reach that level of understanding your state of consciousness matches it. The immense joy you get feeling that you are everything and everyone is something your human ego cannot fathom. It will always try to make you demonize it because it is it’s total destruction. Ultimately you are complete therefore how can you feel alone? Only when you frame it in your human mind. In Gods mind it’s total and complete. Bliss, ecstasy, union. If you don’t feel any of those, you still need to completely deconstruct the ego, it’s a stubborn beast.
  19. Wait 13 months? I only had bliss for 2 weeks!!! Lol I couldn't handle it after awhile it started to hurt so I started doing grounding I miss it lol. But I wouldn't be able to function since my job involves dealing with people and it made me too energy sensitive. I literally could merge with the energy people put out when they speak. So if you were energetically unstable....I could match it and become one with your energy and feel your emotions. I call it energy empathy.
  20. I've had up to 13 months or more. All the negative 'psychosis' was worth it for that 13 months of bliss.
  21. Looool. I have no answer to that ? But i was not talking about this kind of delusional bliss of believing in some god or goddes avatar. I was talking about bliss that comes from samadhi and self realization. That thing can't be faked.
  22. @Salvijus @Salvijus Did you saw my link on YouTube where a fake Guru can blow 1000 people into bliss? Sadghuru has no time for meditating, he is ruling an ashram. Otherwise He would still Do his yoga /meditation exercises
  23. @Salvijus haha of course you can blow 1000 people into bliss and can still be fake. Psychologe of the mass Go to Minute 20 where you can exactly see that everyone can Do that.
  24. @Salvijus Idealization of others has many forms. "Bliss" is one of them. Sai Baba had millions of followers, many still follow him today and they were also "blown into samadhi". I don't believe in any of this "avatars" and "gurus".
  25. Im just very conviced probably. And I've developed certain trust in his word over the years. He's very convincing if u attend his programs like bhava spandana or samyama where he blows 1000s of people into bliss and samadhi. Many things he does are very convincing how inhuman he is. How he runs his organization is alone enough to tell he's beyond human limitations. U just need eyes to see. It's plain obvious.