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  1. This is vague. Are you saying everything is my imagination, including your actions? We must not be using the same semantics in talking about God. For me, God is that which rules over every beingness, there is nothing greater or beyond this. And for me, Love is God - Love is the highest power. I don't consider myself different or apart from that which is God. I merely use the term God as recognition of the highest power - not as recognition of a being apart from me. I do not define that which is God, I recognise it. Love is God. Most people aren't truly awakened to this truth, they genuinely don't recognise what love is. So when I'd speak to someone about it, I'd use the word care instead of love. Then teaching becomes easier, for everybody knows what it is to care. Principle or Power? I don't see love to be a principle as there is nothing to compare it with. Instead, I see it as the Power of Creation rather than principle of Creation. It is the source. There is much of creation that is outside our awareness, my friend. Thus, we have a lot to awaken to in our journey of self-realisation. The key is love: the more we care is the more we grow aware. Only s/he who cares - learns. However, there is nothing that is beyond Creator's knowledge, for knowledge is existence and existence is knowledge.
  2. For example, I cannot have any negative/hateful feeling/emotion towards anything or anyone anymore, I am completely at peace within myself. Because I know. Once you know you know. You get purified from inside out. It's natural Awakened consciousness understands the mechanism of evil. There is no selfish judgement anymore, how could it be, just pure understanding and overflowing selfless love. There is no way for The realized Self to have any crumb of negative feelings towards anyone or anything. Once the ego-mind is recognized for what it really is, there is no one left to get upset on anyone. What is left is pure, unconditional, boundless, divine Love and understanding. So much love that you feel as if you don't want to keep it just for yourself, but all is one, so you spread it everywhere you go, smiling to strangers, you spread your arms if you see someone falling and catch them no matter if they're homeless or 'bad people', you're hugging your buddies for no reason, offering gifts randomly, life becomes a happy, peaceful & cheerful show for the heart. ❤ You see everything and everyone like you 'perceive' your fingers. All of them are worthy of love. In case one of your fingers gets hurt you take care of it, you want it to heal as soon as possible. You love it with all your might. It's your creation. Not trash. Selfishness is the absence of love. When you realize the Love that Self truly is, there is no turning back. You like seeing everyone happy. Happiness is a way of life, and true happiness is shared happiness which is God's love in full bloom, thriving as a whole. All reality is one big soup of love *godding* It's way home, and home is where the heart is. Which is Love ?❤
  3. Masculinity is your ability to step into tension and be grounded in tension. Look at navy seals, firemen, police men, or men who are good with women. Look how grounded they are in their body. They are in control, completely vulnerable, yet containing and penetrating the world through their level of emotional embodiment. Becoming masculine is all about developing your grounding ability in relationship to tension. Those examples above, if you visualize their energy for a bit, you can start to feel the contrast with your own internal energy and see the gap in masculine grounding ability. Walk a bit through the city, and feel your level of contraction in relationship to the world around you. How penetrative are you with your energy? How expansive are you? Is your self-expression limited? How reactive are you to your external environment and also to your internal one; the emotions and thoughts about yourself. Do you have a lot of fear, shame and apathy? Are you taking any responsibility? Are you making decisions? Are you procrastinating and lazy? What is your long term vision? Do you always want to be contained instead of being your own container? Your masculine is only going to develop through challenge and serious embodiment work. It is uncomfortable for sure. Especially if you lack solid grounding. It takes time to build that. You will need to walk a path where you are being confronted with all the uncomfortable stuff that will build you over time. Get out there, be challenged, seek challenge. Seek confrontation, spend time in nature, walk around the city without shirt and shoes, become primal again. Do martial arts, build a masculine physique, stop masturbating and half-assing things. Go to men retreats such as awakened masculinity. Face your social fears, face social rejection, confront your emotions, start to build a conscious relationship with your body where you release tension systematically, start to model your reality energetically and then bring it down into the physical body, spend time with other men, get good at game and socialization. Are you taking responsibility in fixing your diet, doing your routines, sticking with right habits, focussing on money stuff, doing daily chores? Are you sticking to a right sleeping schedule? Are you focussing on a deeper purpose in terms of career? So much stuff you can do man, but the key is: Face tension, gain experience, get out there, stop jacking off, and commit fully. Embodiment is what you are after and it comes after a lot of experience in the physical world where you are confronting emotions, both internal from childhood such as fear and shame for example, but also emotions that external reality pushes onto you where you have to be able to contain them and ground them, such as being physically confronted by dominant aggressive males for example. If you want a feminine women, you need to be able to contain her. Your energy needs to feel solid, where the flow of your consciousness is going down into the earth, because you feel stable and powerful, ready for anything. This is all the result of a lot of experience. A feminine woman has the deepest desire to be contained in a relationship, to feel safe to express her feminine energy. Make it your life purpose to connect to this masculine energy, and once you do, you can drop this intention because you are embodied. This karma is then gone away from your identity and you make place for other purpose. Some practices to start: Join a gym, build strength Eat healthy Do Martial arts, jiu jitsu, muay thai, mma, .... Wake up early, take a cold shower Walk in nature barefoot, expose your body to the world, leave t shirt home Social exposure: Become comfortable facing rejection. Face rejection and let go of attachment to validation. Letting go / releasing practices: Hypnosis, meditation, body awareness, sedona/lester levenson/ hawkins Approach women Do oshos dynamic meditation early in the morning in a public park. Find a community of like minded men: The Fearless man on youtube for example. Go to workshops and retreats for men: Awakened masculinity, fearless man workshops, .... Psychedelics: Letting go of your self-identity Full body awareness when outdoors: relaxation and belly breathing Look people in the eyes when you walk down the street, feel the tension. Penetrate people with your energy. No half-assing These things have the aim to release feelings that are currently blocking your natural flow of masculine energy. When done as daily routines, with full commitment, these things will adapt your nervous system over the months and years and there comes a point of permanent embodiment where these shifts in feeling that result from the practices, form a natural part of your identity. Things are effortless and expansive then. You have total freedom. You can then start to let go of some of the practices if you wish. You have a lot more dynamic range in the things you can do because you are not contracted by blockages any more. Your feminine and masculine become more synergistic and harmonize, and you can bounce between them whenever you wish to. And the most important thing... Stop compulsive consumption of theory. And let go of needing to change over night. Change never happens as a result of one thing you do. It is compounded effect over time that is what changes you, just as building muscles will change the body. Tension and resistance will change your masculine embodiment level. And it is a proces that works over time. 1% each day. Take action and let go of needing to understand everything, needing to find the big answer, the next book that contains all the answers etc. Do the practices that are causing you to feel resistance, and do them rigorously with a david goggins mentality.
  4. All it takes for You to get conscious of Truth -> Awakening to your true nature. Get to know Yourself/God/Consciousness/This. You are Truth. This is why the only way to the Kingdom of Heaven is the 'Son of God', 'The son of God' is God in form = You dreaming the whole world up rn, including your human ego-mind & body. This is the entire Universe. ->Your direct experience.<- Pointer : To die before you die. (Ego-death) I'm not talking about physical death or harming your physical body by any means. This Universe/Life on Earth = Your direct experience How did the Universe begin ? The Universe is an idea. Your direct experience, this right now is The Universe. *Year zero* began when You/God started to imagine Its birth as a human on a planet called Earth. Which is Now. (The present moment and Consciousness are One. This is Eternity. There is no time You are absolute) You wanted to experience the duality of goodness and pain. Without you dreaming up the whole narrative, your past, birth & childhood and so on, this present moment = ? Words are just pointers.. You are the Creator. The Creation doesn't exist on its own. Everything is being held within Consciousness. Because Consciousness = You = God dreaming up your present experience. Please, never attempt to kill your physical body before its natural timing. Nature and God are one. The natural flow of things is the manifestation of Infinite Intelligence. Don't rush it. Natural death is the ressurection, the cemetery cross is a metaphor. Well, now try to guess what it means. And the fact that after that you take the universe/direct experience/dream with you as the awakened whole God. (God/You/I/The Creator is going to ressurect Reality after this dream will be over) Then create a new Earth/Dream, whatever You want, as you leave this dream of pleasant and unpleasant stuff, and enter The Kingdom of Heaven/ Infinite, absolute Goodness/Paradise as Realized-Truth, Fully Realized God, Lucid Dreaming in Paradise as God. Infinite will. Love Bliss Everything You please & love. You came into form/started dreaming *the world of good and evil* in order to know Yourself/ to get completely God-Realized. It's the prelude before Eternal bliss, heaven & love Pointer -> Metaphor -> (read beyond words, see beyond symbols) 'Solar Eclipse' being held within 'One Sky' Two Eyes One Seer One light, two candles Solar Eclipse, One Sky One in control, two hands (All the above just words/pointers, return to the present moment/direct actuality, for that is truth, that's where/what I'm/You're pointing at.) In order to look into your eyes you have to look into the mirror. What's behind/outside of your direct experience? The universe/Direct experience is like a mirror of God's Imagination. There's no human face, the idea of your human face is dream stuff as everything else that appears as some thing in your direct experience. Your never saw your face. God has no human face. Your face is formlessness. This right here right now is It, God is Consciousness dreaming up the whole creation game rn. Pointer ... One Eclipse ? One "Sky" "?" Truth will never make you suffer because suffering is the byproduct of not being awake. If you try to find out the truth by searching for answers to questions regarding the context of this dream, you will only get so far. If you want truth, don't look into the painting for answers. Look for the artist. Not His avatar, not his paintings. The One looking is The One. Which is What? Well, ??? Hi there, You eternal Me. ? Whatever Avatars/Creation/GodinForms - Oneness, One Love, One God, Wholeness ❤ Oh God Self-realization = God-Realization = Truth = Liberation ❤? Much Looooooooove
  5. Do you know how God is love? Have you truly awakened to that truth, or have you only rationalised it to be so? If not then let this not be your stance in questioning the seemingly dark nature of reality, for this will yield no fruit. Rather ask why is there suffering if you wish to learn why it is, in deed, here. Or, you may ask how is God love if that is your main query.
  6. Yes - you know you are putting yourself back to sleep. That's the difference. Someone who has never awoken does not know they are are asleep or that they can awaken until they do. Even when an awakened person goes back to sleep they don't know it in the moment. But they will awaken again or have that conscious moment where they say oh! Yeah! I was asleep again and this is all a dream ? and then they go back to sleep again. So it's kinda like waking up over and over again for the rest of your life when you have those moments.
  7. So you're absolutely certain that I don't have my own sensations? That's what the absolute truth you've awakened to says?
  8. I'm with you this far but I would say awakening is the waking up from the dream, that one is a separate self living on planet earth was just a figment of ones imagination. Reality goes from a believed objective reality to a subjective knowing reality which is often talked about as experience or direct experience. Also there is no sense of separation between the knower and known (oneness). There other facets but I choose to exclude those for the moment. That's a very good question. Someone should get a gold star for that one. ? When one awakens then, at first, questions seem irrelevant. Because it's seen from an absolute perspective to make no sense but as the awakening deepens the absolute perspective isn't held onto. All perspectives are relevant, even the mind of others. I wouldn't say it has anything to do with imagination for me, rather that replying seems like the natural thing to do if that makes any sense. Could this perspective be because when psychedelics is used there is seen that it's a dream but as the trip wears off you also go back to sleep? The way I see it as awakening happens you never fully go back into dreamland. No matter how caught you get by the dream state there's still the memory of the awakened view. And as awakening deepens there is less and less "buying into" happening. To be honest I don't fully resonate with "imagination" the way you use it. Maybe it's a psychedelic/non-psychedelic clash or maybe it's because I don't fully understand what's meant by it. Maybe our interpretations are just different and so the is an gap in understanding each other because of it. Maybe you can clarify this for me. ?
  9. That’s why I said that all of this is an ego game. If you are truly awakened, the only reason why you would share it or talk to others about it is to put yourself back to sleep. Think about that. Of course, I am writing this message to remind myself of that. My whole day is constructed to keep myself asleep. What makes this any different? It is just me entertaining myself from the void. That’s what this is.
  10. Thanks. perspective on life is constantly changing, but awakenings can often happen spontaneously, so how you spend your time and even your awareness and perception of reality can change dramatically. These are often very profound experiences, but you can expect many awakenings in a lifetime. Yet life goes on. But You are reborn. You do not “shift,” and go on from there, with a new, ‘spiritual’ perspective of life. “You” are gone. 100% stark, non-existent and gone. The “character” continues to move around. Things continue to happen. Tasks continue to get done. Movement moves. But “you” are not there. Life flows. But there is no longer a ”you” that watches, analyzes, judges or even participates in the flow of Life. You are the Flow of Life. You can no longer separate “yourself” from Now, from the flow, from Reality, as if you are this separate ‘entity’ that is the “liver” of this life. You are Life. As Life, you have no concern for ‘how “you” feel.’ Life doesn’t think about, or stop to alter, how It “feels.” It just Is. It just goes on. You just are. So there’s no “you” looking to see how you can make yourself “feel” better across your day. Nor is there an “enlightened” you “feeling” permanent Oneness and bliss. As Life, you have no thought called “I’m awakened/enlightened.” You’re just Life, Reality. Feelings come and go, phenomena seem to rise and fall, but “you” are gone. So You must just be a part of this One Thing. And of course that's just one facet of awakening aka no self.
  11. I still can't wrap my mind about this. There is something so fundamentally wrong with logging onto this forum and seeing other people realize that other conscious minds are not real. According to metaphysical solipsists, ego-theists', in theory and practice, no two solipsists sitting in a room can agree to solipsism, as in theory, only one of them is generating reality. Like this one guy apparently awakened to solipsism: And then this guy apparently did! And they only discovered this because LEO discovered that HE was the only conscious mind in existence. What? Wait, this makes no sense. Which one of you three is generating reality? Honestly, what the hell is this forum? One post is someone realizing that only he is generating reality after ingesting illegal drugs, only for someone else to post the same thing. So which one of you two is generating reality? Then the next post is someone, usually Leo, bragging about fucking some floosey at the club. Then its' calling other people ''stage orange''. Then it's someone posting on the forum about how they want to kill themselves. Then, rarely, someone actually killing themselves. Even the blog is fucked up. One day he's kissing random girls at a club and at a house party, then the next day he's giving his followers and existential crisis and says how he doesn't care if you kill yourself. And this is all just me divinely imagining this for my entertainment? What is this place? This is the most bizarre spiritual school I have every encountered.
  12. No .there is just you. I'm not a separate entity from you. I'm your own mind . I've awakened to the fact that I'm the only conscious thing In existence. No .because you don't need stuff behind the scenes to explain the present moment. The problem with simulation theory is that it assumes something behind the scenes (a computer for example ) that is sourcing the simulation whereas what I'm telling you is that there is nothing behind the scenes. What you are directly conscious of right now is all that exists . As long as you are asking these kinds of questions then it's clear that you are not awake . Same answer as above.
  13. Because I've awakened and I experienced this infinite happiness.
  14. @r0ckyreed it might seem that way from your pov. I could be deluded. I could be insane .I could be lying .or whatever . But from my pov I'm 100% certain that I've awakened to the highest trtruth. I'm not asking you or anyone to believe me .I'm just sharing my experiences and understanding and trying to help people achieve the same results as mine .
  15. Wouldn't be so sure about that. In fact, let me rant a little bit here. I would bet my left nut that there are more people here on the forum and in Leo's following who think they're awakened, but are actually delusional solipsists who believe their finite mind to be the whole of reality because their un-integrated spiritual ego has totally corrupted the mechanism by which they sought/seek Truth, namely what they perceived to be "direct experience", but which, because of the corruption, is not at all direct experience, but a perception of reality filtered and (mis-)interpreted through the finite ego-mind (I've talked about this extensively yeterday in Someone Here's post) that then proceeded to inflate itself and latch itself onto "experience". That's what I honestly believe and I feel very sorry for all the people (and yes, there are no other people), who, like myself, had (and some still have to, some will have to) go through this absolute hell of solipsism because a) they weren't ready for it (not yet sufficiently integrated), thus their mind/ego corrupted what was supposed to be insight into the nature of No-Self & nonduality b) the use of language is absolutely crucial, and on this forum, a lot of people just don't give a f*ck about how they comunicate these dangerously powerful ideas to others, with Leo leading the way (although I think he's working on that, so props where props are due) and people parroting him, because they think it sounds cool and awake. If it's a "tough pill" for you to swallow, then sorry, you're still missing something. A tough pill to swallow is probably a sign that, yes, you got something right, but in a wrong way. And if you're lonely, you're not awake either. We're all alone together. No f*cking wonder that big spiritual egos would dismiss the importance of no-self. Rant over.
  16. @Loba @Gesundheit2 He's clearly had an awakening experience. There's been a shift in his perspective, and his new perspective is valid, as many here are attesting to. An 'awakening' can be as simple as a shift in perspective.. for instance.. when children are young, they may know how to add and subtract, but not multiply.. they haven't 'awakened' (awoken?) to the concept of 'multiplication' yet.. but once they do, it's an obvious and undeniable understanding of the concept. Those who have yet to understand 'multiplication' may have difficulty grasping it at first.. they may think someone talking about it is just talking crazy talk. Furthermore, awakening to 'multiplication' doesn't make 'addition' wrong... addition is still valid. This is why @Someone here can still seek out love, and do his job, or continue any 'ordinary' goings on. Discovering that you are everything doesn't cause you to stop being what you are being. "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." - Zen Proverb
  17. And Leo talks about his awakenings in the past. These have the same existence as other minds, none. There isn't a past. Therefore the conclusion is that Leo is not awake? By the way, Rupert Spira says exactly this, that other people's thoughts and feelings are on a par with our own thoughts and feelings from the past. They are not actual, but it could be said, as a concession, that they have existence. And he's right. Where is people's sense of nuance? Leo says an obvious flat out ridiculous - and hypocritical - statement such as "Rupert Spira is not awake" or the more obviously egoic and equally ridiculous "I am the most awakened in history" (or something like that) and there's actually people who buy it... To unpack all of the silly statements that pass for truth around here would be a full time job...
  18. Then why you feed your ego with threads like this one? Remember awakened only one there is no anybody else but you .Whom to ask and why.
  19. @Mulky FINALLY, thats what I always try to explain. Still all the awakened gurus here claim just my desktop screen exists right now in the whole universe. or did I misunderstood them?
  20. You've awakened to solipsism from watching a video about solipsism? Do you think you can put more context to this? To be honest I haven't read the rest of your journey from your previous topics but it makes me skeptical to implicate you can awake just from consuming content on the Internet.
  21. No I don't. The teachings here can lead you to God..until you awaken then you are still asleep. Kind of simple really. You are falling into the neo-advaita trap. There is no you and thus there is no one to awaken. This is not correct. Rupert Spiras teachings can be of great value I don't think anyone is belittling him. It is indeed because with awakening you will die. And I do not mean the physical body, which is imaginary. I mean ego death. This is very irresponsible for an awakened person for you to say. This is also irresponsible and again your falling into the neo-advaita trap. There is no you. There are no levels. There's no awakening. Incorrect. There are stages.
  22. Lol if 10.000 viewed the Video and someone here had an awakening of this then there is a Chance of 0,01% to get awakened by this. Pretty high compared to other spiritual practices
  23. Well its not new criticism is it mate? I have been consistent in calling out your glaring intellectual/emotional/irrational flaws and shitty behaviour throughout this ENTIRE THREAD, so if that is what you mean by "new" then sure! ?‍♂️ ***adds "new" to the list of words @Inliytened1 does not understand*** I'm not sure what you are referring to in regard to "the healing stuff not working out". As far as I can see I have offered reasonable arguments to all points that have been raised, and while I admit I am slightly biased here - I think its fairly obvious that I owned you. Still if there is some outstanding topic you would like me to address then feel free to highlight it, although I must admit that I am growing a bit weary of your clumsy jabberings and lack of integrity, so I would prefer to deal with those who are more reasonable and intellectually capable - I hope you understand. You seriously do, and honestly you have no business being a moderator while you are doing it. Your behaviour is appalling and if I was Leo I would be embarrassed by your display here. In my opinion there is no place for self aggrandizing bullies in the spiritual space, let alone moderating them. Literally nowhere did we break it down to that, and I don't think you even know what spirituality means (along with most other words in the English vocabulary). I mean can you link me to where this particular strand of the conversation happened? That's a rhetorical question btw because I know that you cannot ? I hate to take this kind of position and fully appreciate it looks bad or snobby, but you are not capable of keeping up with me on any level, and explaining basic things to you is becoming tedious. Please leave it to your more rational peers to have the big discussions, which will give you additional time to masturbate over how awakened you are(nt).
  24. I remember Leo ones talking about how this moment, this entire world right now, this frame, is actually being created by consciousness, or we can say that consciousness becoming this frame, in just one moment, here and now, out of nothingness. He said that you imagine that this frame must have had a history to become this frame, like a billions years of evolution that caused this frame to be this frame, the world as it is, but in actually consciousness just being able to create all of this here and now, in just one moment. Then consciousness, in the human form, is creating a background story of "why this frame is this frame" and creating a past and a story, and so forth, why this frame is this frame, but in actually consciousness is doing that. So, i think what Leo actually says is consciousness already is creating an entire universe, even the socalled history, so called past, that "has happened" to bring this frame into existence, but in actually, consciousness is creating this very universe right now. So if consciousness is awakened enough, and if it is relevant for it, then consciousness can create another universe, with its own billions of years of past and beings and their minds and bodies and memories, and so forth, in just one moment, like consciousness actually is doing right now. Creating another universe with its own socalled past and so forth, and for consciousness is infinite, it can even create an infinite number of such universes in varying degrees, and so forth, of their "evolutions", all right here and now, in the same place a dream is taking place, and by the same substance a dream is made of, yeah. Every universe is made of consciousness, every universe is consciousness, the void "from which" everything is made, and "it", right now, is morphing itself into different forms of "frames", and in that sense it is creating a totally new universe in every moment anyways, but it does not realize that because each new universe, each new frame, that it's creating in every moment is very similar to the universes it "created" a moment ago. It already is creating a totally new universe, a totally new frame, in every moment, or to say it better, "becoming" a new universe, a new frame, in every moment, and creating an illusion of space and time and reality to make it look "logical" to itself while "it" is being the human form, creating an illusion of "sequences of events" that "brought it" to this point, to create the person, the world, the others, etc etc etc, that are. This entire frame, this entire world, people, their minds, bodies, histories, all socalled memories, etc etc etc, are being imagined, right now, by consciousness into being, imagining their bodies and histories and brains and minds and personalities, and so forth, all being created out of nothing, all being out of nothing, here and now. Nothing is coming from a real "past" and no memories are coming from a "real past", it all is being created, yeah, right now out of nothing, it all is nothing. Every aspect of this existence is nothing that is coming into being out of nothing, made out of nothing. Consciousness really does not need time etc to create all of this, all the minds and bodies and histories and so forth of people and things, haha, this is all just literal nothing coming into being in the now, as this frame, out of nothing, out of absolutely nothing ?.