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  1. You missed the mark if you still think other people exist to be awakened. There is no 2nd to wake up. Non dual = not 2. Reincarnation, past lives, future lives. These are all just concepts given to you by teachers. Illusions, lies. All of these forum posts, there are no people behind them. That's just an idea you made up in your mind. The forum itself doesn't exist, because there is no server to host it on. Even me typing this to you, I don't exist. There is no one that typed this. This post just exists. If you have a dream and in it Leo wakes up, and then 100 other people also reach the highest awakening, how many people have woken up? 0. People in dreams aren't real. Stop thinking that you live in a physical body, that you're looking out at a physical world that actually exists. Think of it more like you're watching a movie, or you've had a VR headset on since the moment you're born and everything you see is an illusion. If there is a hand on the screen that looks lifelike and moves perfectly in tune with how you want to move it, how would you know if the hand was real or in VR? How can you even tell if the reality you're looking at isn't 2D instead of 3D? You live in Plato's Cave for 1. Sure you can go visit Leo, you can even touch him and it will all seem perfectly real, but that doesn't make it real. It's still just a dream. "If you die in the game, you die in real life" - Your actions still have consequences so don't do anything stupid with this knowledge. NPCs will still attack you, and the VR suit you're wearing has very realistic pain inflicting sensors.
  2. You claim that other "awakened" people are imagination as well?
  3. I mean, the Buddha himself was awakened through meditation. What should I do with this info? I'm only 19 and just getting into meditation, only to hear that it's imaginary. Also, our Gurus aren't awake? What? But a lot of these people are superhardcore. Perhaps they too are withholding all they know. Also, how do I go back on spiritual progress? Is that possible? Like I can reverse spiritual progress? If possible, tell me how just in case.
  4. Interesting commentary. I do feel we have to not expect or demand perfection from the most conscious and awakened beings. Even the most awakened beings are finite though they may have accessed infinite states. Thus we can build turquoise communities but also keep the expectations grounded. Even the most advanced beings alive are still prone to human mistakes. We may not ever be able to reach a community so advanced that it has transcended the all human flaws and imperfections and I don't think that should ever be the goal. I think we have to accept all of our Individual shortcomings, whatever they may be, and Love these aspects or ourselves as much as any other aspect. Going in with full acceptance and love is what will pave the way for a highly developed community to flourish because it is able to remain humble and loving and conscious that it will never be perfect nor should that be the goal....but that as long as we are moving towards that end we can rest assured that it would be a place of great Love and Wisdom and a recognition of the human condition.
  5. @Twentyfirst Thanks. It's the same trap most "awakened" teachers fall into - it all feels so easy and direct from their free, ego-less position that they think everyone just needs to SEE YOU'RE GOD RIGHT NOW. Yeah, what about all the patterns that make you miserable, cloudy and ignorant that you've been working through for years before you could even remotely grasp what you truly are? If we don't learn, even through the simplest teachings, how to harmonize everything in us, growing up and flowering as awakeness is impossible. Awakening without integration and embodiment is dry. It's not an either/or thing - be awakened and free or not. No, you're here to love yourself - all of it. There is nothing but self-love. Love your heart and you will want to know what you are. You will want to face every demon, because you love all of this beauty here so much. There are teachings which just give you this spark of loving yourself. They won't tell you "sorry, not full God realization". This is not helpful most of the time. It's like teaching, coaching and stuff like that - you can talk all you want, if you don't develop the capacity to attune to what the being in front of you needs right now to make its next step, even your highest teaching won't do anything.
  6. I use to have a similar perspective. I view it somewhat differently now. The more I awakened to know I am eternal and everything is entertainment. Ultimately there is no difference between my desire to awaken versus someone else exploring being asleep. When I was judging my pursuit of awakening as being better, I was viewing it through my limited perception of time and being a finite human.
  7. This is so very true, and I feel like humanity as a whole, including awakened beings, is still in the early infant stage of embodying higher consciousness. It's as you say a challenge already because our systems are not capable of holding the magnitude of understanding and consciousness - and this seems necessary to embody that. Moreover, we have no mirrors, no grown up, awake beings that show us how to be with one another. That's why I tend to intuit that it first is gonna take a group of exclusively mature, highly conscious beings to explore what it means to live from that place. Then, a structure needs to be found and held that allows people to enter, mature and awaken while the whole community/system stays in balance. I feel this is the most challenging part of it all. How do we build a community so conscious that no darkness can bring it out of harmony, out of balance - that literally outshines all darkness and swallows division to leave only Love, Truth, and ever deepening realization? To me, this is one of the most fascinating questions ever. And I want to help humanity take the first steps, even though this endeavour might take thousands of years. I feel like we are in a long evolutionary process of adapting our systems to hold ever more high states of consciousness - I mean that's what has obviously been happening in the universe and it feels like an archetypal, natural pattern of God to do so. I also intuit that great, awakened thinkers and story tellers might show us how it could be done through novels and such - maybe exploration must be the first step which then inspires us to try things out. I'm so driven to make some steps in this direction. I don't care how many communities failed. Let's try again! For love <3
  8. I don't know about this. 1. If he made the videos only for himself, then why the need to upload the videos online, get a shit ton of backlash and cult-calling unnecessarily? Also, possibly legal actions taken towards him, due to his videos causing deep issues to unstable minds? All this is just making his life harder, completely unnecessarily. What's the point? In this context, you can (maybe) argue that he is uploading the videos to make money to survive, as his life purpose, but then it deeply contradicts this because life purpose = serving others = not doing this only for himself. You can also (maybe) argue that he is uploading the videos solely for money and not as his life purpose but then he is going against his philosophy of making income through your life purpose. And also, what is his life purpose even then? Selling a course on how to find a life purpose? 2. Then you say: ''If you don't want Truth don't expect others to try and convince you.'' Meh. If you wanted Truth, you wouldn't need anyone to convince you in the first place. Likewise, How the hell do you want Truth if there are no any teachers (sources of inspiration) to introduce you to this whole world of Truth? Sure, the first ever people to go after Truth didn't have any teachers, by definition. But these people were extremely rare. And even then, some people probably intentionally or unintentionally convinced them of Truth or of starting the journey to seek the Truth. I mean, are you seriously claiming that the role of all the spiritual teachers and leaders in the past were useless? Come on now. There is a reason 99.9% of people have no fucking idea of what Truth is - because there's not enough influence on them. I don't think I would have started doing this work myself, if it wasn't for teachers guiding me and introducing me into this world. To say that that all the public wisdom, books, teachings and deep insights of spiritual masters out there are useless, is stupid. They have definitely convinced and inspired thousands, if not millions of people to become seekers. All these seekers wants Truth precisely because they have been convinced that they are asleep and that there is something like waking up and Truth. This is pretty much as stupid as the new-agey people who says that there is nothing to do, you are already awakened. ''No one can convince you into seeking Truth, you are either interested or you are not, there is nothing to do. Don't doubt yourself and seek for inspiration or any teachers to change your mind and show you the path''. This inaction is precisely what Leo is against. Please now. What is the point of this forum? Aside from all the practical normal human stuff, it is pretty much just bunch of people and Leo trying to convince each other of Truth or the seeking of it. Whatever their Truth is.
  9. @Leo Gura I knew with the profound insights you have had you must realize this too. Once I awakened to this truth jealousy almost completely dissolved for me. You recently made this comment. "You set a rule that if she cheats on you, there are no second chances, she loses you forever." Isn't this just a matter of integrating our deeper insights into our finite ego mind? I feel jealousy can be completely transcended to a point where you could actually enjoy and get pleasure from knowing your partner is enjoying sex with someone else. What are your thoughts on polyamory? I think our models of relationships will evolve as consciousness evolves.
  10. Lol, you guys don't get it. If you haven't awakened to the truth in the video, you don't want to watch the video. If you have awakened to it, it doesn't matter if you watch it or not. The video is entertainment for the awakened, and a disaster for the seeker who seeks awakening.
  11. Kundalini awakening means awakening of your body/mind complex, through various yogic techniques. Believe it or not, there are parts of your brain that are sleeping or not working at full capacity, when those parts of the brain are activated the neurochemistry of your whole body is going to change and so even your everyday experience might change accordingly. People are unnecessarily scared of the awakening of kundalini, it has become almost like an urban myth in spiritual circles. In my experience there is no difference between the awakening of kundalini and awakening, they are one and the same thing. In fact, the following weeks of a session of 5-meo-malt I am usually in an awakened state, I have visions, if I meditate I get easily back to a non-dual state and I experience other weird phenomena. Basically I get to the same place via the practice of kriya yoga, obviously not as deep as a peak of a psychedelic trip but still. My suggestion is to not divide the use of psychedelics and kundalini yoga they reach the same end goal by different routes, changing the chemistry of the brain directly versus changing the chemistry of the brain through physical practice and inner energy modulation. Clearly if you don't want to experience weird phenomena stay away from inner work altogether. Lastly, I suggest this book to everyone that wants to really learn about kundalini: kundalini tantra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
  12. Just stand in their presence and breathe. Also; pay attention to how they relate. An awakened being treats everyone and everything with loving kindness and respect. Then again, who cares where anyone's at... People love turning everything into a competition. Awakening is not an exception.
  13. Eckhart is open about psychedelics. He openly spoke about taking LSD, to get a perspective on "psychedelic awakened people". However, he didn't recommend it. Being aware is enough for him.
  14. ONE

    You awaken in waves. If everyone were awakened at once, it would be very chaotic.
  15. @Leo Gura see, that's why it doesn't make sense. You say it's the most "terrifying thing you can imagine", BUT then you say there's no you to be terrified in the first place. You don't even have recollection of what you should be afraid, because there's no you! You just become GOD/conscious/ love. So either there's fear only when you go back from that state, and try to remember it, which would be fear of concept or there's still some ego left which is afraid, therefore you don't fully disappear, and you have never fully awakened.
  16. I am getting closer. I have had glimpses. What I was referring to is the feeling of being alone. That human emotion didn't exist for me in my most awakened states.
  17. @Leo Gura Could you expand on this? In my most awakened states the concept of alone didn't exist for me.
  18. Duality is a much-used word in spiritual circles. Everything begins with oneness. Then there is the very earliest level of separation called “individuation”. Deeper separation becomes “polarity”. The deepest separation is “duality”. This is a very simple explanation, though, and lacks detail. So please don't attach too much to this. The point is that duality is the deepest level of separation. So much so that deeply duality-conscious beings do not even know that they are in duality. They are too deep in the illusion to even think in such terms. They believe that all beings are separate. If they choose to be religious, then they believe in a God or gods who are also separate from themselves. God is "over there", somewhere else, doing things that they have no power to influence. Pure materialism – which is the theory that nothing but matter exists – is an example of a non-spiritual view from within the duality perspective. Those who ascribe to that view think that their own consciousness, mind, emotions, and being are all simply a function of their body and brain. They obviously also think that they are absolutely separate from all other beings. There are probably an infinite number of things that you could believe to be true whilst being of duality consciousness. Ironically, it is only once you begin to raise your consciousness out of duality and awaken to the realization that all is ONE, that you actually become aware of duality at all. It is only then that you might be likely to even use the word, "duality". You first become aware that there is oneness but you also feel as if you yourself are still separate from it. Such beings are sometimes called "awakened duality-conscious". Then, as you proceed with your awakening, you come to release your fears and limitations and know that you too are one with the oneness. And then, at last, you begin to awaken to unity consciousness and to God-realization. What really important to understand is that duality consciousness (which is the same thing as victim consciousness) is not wrong. It is, quite simply, a level of existence deep inside this separation reality. You can choose to visit there. It's just a choice. One possible set of experiences out of many. Greg
  19. @CuriousityIsKey With strong commitment and discipline. Spiritual practice, psychedelics, find an awakened mentor. Is it worth it? In my experience, I would say yes. Will I still experience life through a human body POV? It depends how far you go. You don't need to let go of all biases to experience Nirvana.
  20. @itachi uchiha um, the word Buddha means the awakened one as I heard so , ig the guy was using that meaning to refer to any enlightened person. as i've heard from theravada buddhist people, they say that a bodhisattva goes through countless rebirths in purification on his way to become a fully enlightened buddha to free people from samsara. so, that buddha is different ofc... and ur mom's cookies is not that bad right
  21. The harsh Truth is. And many "awakened poeple" brush it off with their "immortality"...Life is fragile. And being happy with its fragility brings about peace.
  22. @Mason Riggle It seems that is the case for everything in the dream. Is it the same for God itself, once awakened to itself? Or do you find no separation in these states?
  23. What is overwhelming you in specific? I’d suggest starting by pinpointing the main causes for this. Then you can start to really ask yourself “do I need this?” in regard to each item. Beyond that, give yourself more time without obligations. Obligations almost always bring seriousness with them in a nearly unavoidable way in many cases. What do you like to do for fun? Don’t worry about distractions. The easiest way to remove distractions is to stop seeing things as distractions. Seeing distractions everywhere is for middle aged bald men who take even drugs seriously ? An awakened master was once asked what the point of life was. He said the point is to play. We know this as children innately when survival is taken care of for us, but we forget it over time as we must do more and more to sustain our own survival. Stop focusing so much on survival. It’s gonna happen either way. Focus on living. If you want an exercise, go run, but not as a physical exercise. Run like you’re a child on a playground. And laugh at yourself for how goofy it feels and why such a thing even needs to feel goofy.
  24. What consistes of consciousness, as to say that a human is such, one would have to understand what consciousness is. NOTE: Most people walk around asleep, unaware. The Zen Master Buddha when asked what is he, if he is not an angel or a God, He said he was "Awake" There for one must be awakened to the true reality of the world befor one can say they are conscious. Our thoughts are only HOUSED in the neron, the Thought is not the neron, nor is the wine the bottle..see. The Thought is actually a 'spark' or electricity in the brain, it travels along nerons from Cell to Cell..The Neron is not a cell, but a multi celled structure that connects the brain cells together, they are the pathways which thought travels down.. NOTE: Under all the research done, there has never been found any 'person' or 'observer' in the brain. No one can find the person with in. Nerons like braincells are made of atoms you are right, and an atom is basicly a necules that is serounded by a cloud of photons, photons that pop in and out of existand. the bubble they form is empty, as are they, the Neclus they rotate around also is basicly hollow and pops in and out of as you see the thought is not there, because Electricity is not made up of atoms, it runs through them, they like the nerons are nothing but the pathway for the thought, which in turn is nothing, is not even there, like the non existance observer in the mind.
  25. I'd be critical here since I think people, including many celebrities, can use spiritual language and descriptions but be totally unaware of their true meaning. Take Jim Carrey for instance. He had the whole sort of "meltdown" or "melt-up" where he acted all awakened n' stuff, saying things in interviews like "There is no Jim Carrey". I see this as just him playing with ideas rather than actually experiencing enlightenment. Though, again, sure, maybe he's had glimpses. But I doubt it's anything majorly significant. With the Beatles, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a few enlightenment experiences or two. But I doubt any of them are like perma-enlightened.