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  1. @electroBeam You make valid points. In retrospect, I did conflate them and I might re-shoot the Turquoise video to correct for that. At the time of shooting, I felt that ultimately we have to push towards nondual and mystical understanding, which requires leaving behind the Spiral model. Basically once you get to Yellow+, you should start seriously getting into nonduality and mysticism and transcend all models. Spiral Dynamics cannot give us the deepest levels of understanding and development that we seek. So I was trying to bridge that gap. Ken Wilber's model is actually better. The problem with Spiral Dynamics is that the people who invented it and teach it are not themselves awakened or mystical. This severely limits their understanding of human development. Ken Wilber has corrected for that.
  2. 2 personal insights today: 1) Always value the Truth/nonduality/God consciousness over materialism/3D matrix/ego consciousness. Do everything for God, not for the ego. 2) All of the wisdom, insight, love, honesty is in the present moment all the time. You don't need to chase it or go after it. Every atom in the universe has infinite love, wisdom and bliss. And all of your chasing is coming from wanting what's in that atom. You already have what you seek. All the time. 3) Be ruthless with thoughts. Don't give them any space to be believable. For example: bad pickup session generates negative thoughts about appearance, women's motives, fears about lack of income (inferiority complex), etc. For 1) you aren't picking up girls for pussy. You're doing it to get in touch with non duality and God consciousness more. Every rejection, embarresment, attack, bad perception that others have of you is an opportunity to drop thoughts, shed ego, and get closer to source. For 2) you already have everything that girl can give you every single second. For 3) The battle here is not believing thoughts. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Further insights from 11/08/2020: 1) basically everything that causes suffering doesn't exist. It only seems to exist. Embarrassment, disappointment, annoyance, irritation, hatred, judgement, hopelessness, depression, are all surfaces. But they are not substance. You confuse those surfaces for substance, and that's the generation of suffering. Remember that the game has already been won. You've already completed the boss battle. You just haven't realised it till you penetrate the surface and enter the substance. You've already got everything that you ever wanted. Its the substance. 2) Your fear from doing great work (career) and picking up the hottest women (sexuality) comes from your fear of not being able to accept Truth. What if the truth is you're a shit guy? And that hurts your ego? What if pickup reinforces that? What if that hurts the ego? What if you can't accept that? The trick is, you can accept that, but you've been tricked into thinking you can't. THAT is where the suffering is coming from, from the fear that you can't accept the thing that causes the fear. Know that, you are capable of accepting everything. Regardless of what your thoughts or reality tries to tell you. Its in your nature, your blood, your DNA, to be capable of accepting every possible thing there is to accept. When going through fear in pickup or career about being rejected romantically or because of the work you do, know that if you penetrate through the thoughts, you CAN and WILL accept the way reality is by your nature. You don't need to fear about not being capable of accepting reality the way it is, because you CAN and WILL do that by default. Corollary to 2) if fear was real, you wouldn't be able to accept it. But you can accept it, precisely because its not real. You can accept the possibility of being raped, murdered, blown up by ISIS, going to jail, etc. Because the fear of those things are not real. You only think the fear is legitimate because you think its real. Literally the answer to being fearless is simply the realization that what the fear points to isn't real. Can't get any more direct than that. Its all about revealing the trick, opening the curtains on fear. Seeing what fear actually is, rather than what it seems/tells you it is. It is the ultimate trick of the entire universe. The heart/core of the devil. You were born to accept Truth. Its in your DNA to accept truth. Its not in your DNA to accept fear (or what the fear points to as a real thing). But that's the whole trick. Fear isn't real(or what fear points to isn't real), and the reason why you can accept everything, isn't because you are capable of accepting what the fear points to (you/God is not capable of accepting that) but you ARE capable of accepting the thing that is revealed once the fear has been seen as illusion. And that thing that reveals itself once fear is seen as an illusion, ALWAYS ultimately is revealed because its permanent and true. Fear is impermanent and so its temporary. Truth is eternal. Fear is limited while Truth (opposite to fear) is unlimited. For example, you fear being rejected when handing in your resume to an employee. Because you fear him revealing you as an imposter, bad worker, surfacing old traumas. The trick is, those things the fear points to, imposter, bad worker, surfacing of old traumas, aren't real. And what's real is the creator. So when you hand your resume to your employee, you're worried about all of those things becoming true (imposter, etc). But in reality, all that will come true is God. And to be fearless, is to realise that the things your fear points to are not real, and what's real is God. So when you hand in that resume, what will be revealed in actuality is God. But its so God damn hard to accept this. You're so scared of the alternative, that its hard to realise this. But that's the core of the devil. If you unlock this, you get everything you want. You're right in that you cannot accept being an imposter, bad worker, etc. You/God is incapable of accepting that. Its too bad to be true. So you're right to fear those things. But where you're wrong is those things aren't real, and the only thing that has to be accepted in this universe, is something you can accept as your birth right: which is Truth. The creator, the one that is revealed when you penetrate through the millions of layers of thoughts. EDIT Holy shit, all negative emotions stem from confusing truth for something that isn't true ?????? Holy shit my life was a lie. Again. How many times am I gonna realise my entire life was a lie, before I finally accept its a lie? Alright next goals: Go through the most challenging, difficult, hardest, things in life (and most rewarding) and fucken do it blissfully, fearlessly and lovingly. Put this insight to the maximus test. Bash ALL the fear out of you. 0 fear is the goal.
  3. So I've got massive dissatisfaction with my career at the moment. I feel completely uninterested in the work that I'm doing on a daily basis. Its reaching a critical level. I don't see the value of it, I don't feel like I'm progressing in the right direction. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I don't feel inspired, fascinated, or excited with the work I'm doing. I'm always distracted by other things, stuff I'm more interested in. I don't have passion for my work, and a neglect of care for the outcome of my results. There is clearly something I'm more interested in, but I've kept away from it my entire life and tried to distract myself with other stuff because that thing is hard to make money off, and I've got autism and don't feel comfortable providing value through understanding people. I've also tried to apply Rupert Spira's wise words about his life purpose. He said he use to be a pottery maker. And he only transitioned to being a teacher because it helped more people, not because it made him happier. So a confusion I have is, I hate my job, does that mean I should really be trying to love the job I have, rather than changing? Is changing jobs an ego trick? On one hand I feel like Rupert is onto something, the path is about accepting what is. But on the other hand, I'm very very very drawn to other things. Its a powerful force that cannot be stopped. I'm deeply ineffective with my work because I don't like it. And I can't apply Rupert's words no matter how hard I try (been trying for past 3 yrs). I'm very very very clear on what I don't like, I've tried many things, through university courses and in the field. I don't like: Science, Technology, Engineering or mathematics (massive hate passion). Visual or musical art. western medicine and law. policing. firefighting. being a journalist. being a pilot. being a mechanic. being an athlete. being a tennis coach. magician What I haven't tried, but am quite sure I wouldn't like it: alternative healing personal development coach seduction coach using siddhis somehow to provide value (like siddhi vasi healing) alternative medicine nutritionist What I'm drawn to and interests me: 1. Eastern Philosophy. 2. How to live a good life. 3. Nonduality. Tantra. 4. Very big picture thinking. 5. some of the very big picture aspects of sociology. Not studying and science. I don't like science. I don't like making hypotheses, testing them, repeat. Rather I like applying eastern teachings and being directly aware of knowledge. What I truly want to do: 1. provide really valuable content that helps change people's perspectives to help them get through life with less stress, better health, more open mindedness politically/socially/scientifically/culturally. 2. Showing people, helping them experience the beauty in life. Helping them release tension, opening their minds up to timelessness, eternity, detachment, love, empowerment, etc. What are some videos or introductions to some people who are doing the above 2 points really passionately, and loving it?
  4. Is it possible to have a stage Turquoise / Purple tribe? Could a group (20-50) of people who have a deep understanding of Self/God/transcendence of ego/Nonduality form a Purple type tribe where they are family, live together and share survival responsibilities in nature? Coming full circle in the Spiral Dynamics so to speak. Seems like it would be almost easier to be in a tribe at Turquoise because you understand that everyone else is You, no separation, all working as One.
  5. It's not a joke you decide you are enlightened and the you act enlightened it's a choice they don't tell you that in the manual meanwhile the next guy is mediation in a cave for six hours a day in Thailand getting bitten by mosquitoes wondering why he's still not enlightened remember nonduality ? > no distinction there is no distinction between being "getting" enlightened and choosing to be enlightened the "getting" part was the illusion You choose it But people don't want to give up everything, their attachments and especially their security It's not like actualization where you first establish your basic survival needs that type of safety net will not test you No, in fact the most profound enlightenment is often in the middle of a disaster or struggle where your survival may be insecure That may not happen but security is not guaranteed then you may suddenly break out laughing.. ha ha ha But if you do this in the U.S. or if you do it somewhere else each place will have it's unique conditions and response or lack of So after you are enlightened to you give up meditation? no, that has it's place as well, look at the leaf of an oak two hours have passed
  6. Just replace the last word in the url with anything and receive quotes. This is open AIs latest creation. Some random quotes that where genrated. - “In true nonduality, there is no me or you. It's all One.” - “Once you can conceive of duality, I'm sure you can conceive of nonduality.” It can do alot more then this... Its AGI... Imagine a multi perspectival search engine that can categorize article by perspective and order them by level of consciousness. So a search result would return multiple answers from every perspective. We can even categorize content by its spiral dynamic stage... and search vai does criteria...
  7. Here is a new video by Jim Newman with the extreme kind of nonduality teaching that Tony Parsons has. I find it useful in combination with other teachings. This time I got the realizations that all objects are the same! A diamond ring and a candy bar and a flower, those are the same as a car. It's a nondual perspective.
  8. I've been quietly following the discourse taking place here for a while, and I'll now speak up to say that it's quite funny/sad/absurd to see Leo defer to a "stage blue" rhetorical tactic when he cited the recently leaked Floyd footage to mitigate the culpability of the murderous officers. Within 10 seconds of Floyd opening his car door the officer points his gun at Floyd merely for being confused and unsettled. At this time Floyd has presented no physical threat to the officers whatsoever. To save my own life I could not conjure what mental gymnastics must be taking place in order to interpret this video as anything other than additional evidence that Chauvin deserves no sympathy. Yes, Leo, you pompous enlightened simpleton, the police SHOULD absolutely be coddling a discombobulated subject for 10 minutes when the alternative is a potentially fatal altercation. Leo should be beyond embarrassed to have allowed these ignorant words to escape his private thoughts. It appears he's been duped into giving credence to some feeble alt-right narrative that seeks to conflate the likes of a disconcerted black man with a dangerous criminal. It's rather disgusting and quite disappointing that Leo would use his platform to rhetorically lessen the culpability of a murderer by claiming Floyd brought this on himself. Make no mistake, that is in fact what Leo is doing here. Despite presenting no threat to any officer Floyd was at gun-point within 10 seconds of opening his car door. The fact that he could have avoided this fate had he not been discombobulated is completely irrelevant. This next quote is where things get really problematic. We're really treading dangerous waters now. We've only seen Floyd's behavior while his mental state was compromised to a foreign substance, so exactly what substantive basis could Leo possibly have for callously casting him into an unflattering "stage red" category? I would ordinarily deem it an uncharitable interpretation to ascribe outright racism to this faulty perspective, however, when I consider this rhetorical folly alongside Leo's ignorant defense of disgraced/banned YouTuber Stefan Molyneux, a blatant white supremacist (evident from his wikipedia page) seen below, I can only wonder whether these foolish perspectives are facilitated through an underlying racial prejudice. When you've resorted to defending an obvious white nationalist with the phrase "his heart is in the right place." There is definitely something wrong. I want to strongly advice all of you to avoid lending credence to Leo's political takes. It is true that Leo has amassed one of the most useful compendiums of knowledge pertaining to nonduality, and this is great, but don't allow his role as a credible voice in this field to lure you into his political ignorance.
  9. I haven't experienced Eternalness but I've had the experience of infinity. That probably doesn't make a lot of sense. To experience pure Being is an experience of nonduality. It's so simple it's stupid and brilliant at the same time. Presence is being. The felt sense of pure presence is nondual. It's neither good or bad yet at the same time, it's all good. It answers the question of the existence of nonduality and also the experience that duality exists within nonduality. Duality couldn't exist if there wasn't nonduality. The words only point at it. It requires a heart to experience it. This is what has given me the experience of infinity but strangely enough there is not a felt sense of the eternal. There is a concept of eternalness that I experience intermittently but it feels more like timelessness instead of eternalness.. Essence or presence is also being. Being has flavors in a sense. These are essential aspects of being or flavors of being or presence. It's a part of the makeup of our multidimensional nature. There is also awareness that is more fundamental than aspects of essence or felt or perceived aspects of beingness. A pure nonconceptual awareness. The came about for me in a prenatal experience. There was no memory just the sudden recognition of existence and awareness. Later on there was the remembrance that was like - Oh, here again. This happened a few times before I was born. Later on the meditation practice of Centering Prayer put me into this state of empty completeness in sporadic brief episodes. Some people have the experience of remembering their birth or rebirthing as it's called. I haven't had this yet and I guess it's possible I may never have it. It's supposed to be a powerful awakening kind of experience that resolves unrecognized Inner disparities in a big way. The experience of nonduality can be just real ho hum or it can be transcendent mystical fireworks. I just spontaneously felt like throwing down this abstract rap. It may just sound like bullshit and some of it could be but that is all for now. It feels good I got it out of my system. A good use for a Journal perhaps.
  10. Adeptus Psychonautica is the Youtube Channel of a long time psychonaut, who has recently (about 4 months ago) made a video in which has was voicing some concerns regarding the path that Leo and are headed down. You should definitely give it a watch! I was really pleaseantly surprised watching this video. Unlike most criticisms of that I have come across throughout the years, this guy seems to be coming from a place of genuine concern, tries to remain open minded, and makes sure to provide constructive criticism rather than just starting an argument. It's also worth saying that he had a generally positive impression of before stumbling upon some of the videos from 4-6 months ago, so he's in no way closed off towards this stuff. While a few of the points he criticized might have been due to simple misunderstandings, I found that there was still a lot to take away from this video. I'd say this deserves a response video, which would not only be interesting to see, but could also make a significant difference for the public image and future development of, by showing that Leo is still willing to interact with people outside of the 5-Meo/Nonduality bubble. What do you think? For somebody who hasn't had anything to do with this community much before, I think he did a great job when it comes to remaining open minded, and some of the points he talked about would probably really be worth adressing! @Leo Gura Would you consider posting a response to this guy on your YouTube channel? I posted a request with some more details in the Video requests section of the forums! I think an honest and mature criticism like this is a great chance to display some positive interactions with differing viewpoints: Definitely give Adeptus' video a watch, he's a pretty cool dude and would probably be just as glad as me to see you take people outside of this bubble seriously!
  11. Adeptus Psychonautica is the Youtube Channel of a long time psychonaut, who has recently (about 4 months ago) made a video in which has was voicing some concerns regarding the path that Leo and are headed down. I was really pleaseantly surprised watching this video. Unlike most criticisms of that I have come across throughout the years, this guy seems to be coming from a place of genuine concern, tries to remain open minded, and makes sure to provide constructive criticism rather than just starting an argument. While a few of the points he criticized might have been due to simple misunderstandings, I found that there was still a lot to take away from this video. I think Adeptus did a great job with this video, and definitely deserves a response. It's also worth saying that he had a generally positive impression of before stumbling upon some of the videos from 4-6 months ago, so he's in no way closed off towards this stuff. @Leo Gura , posting a response to this video on your YouTube channel would not only be a good lithmus test of how well you can keep your own ego in check when publicly facing criticism, but also a good way to show that the image of you being overly dogmatic or egotistical (which even genuinely spiritually interested and open minded people have been increasingly having of you) isn't true. There might even be some practical takeaways on how to make your presentation style more conductive of people staying open minded when it comes to these topics. A response video would not only be very interesting to see, but could also make a significant difference for the public image and future development of, by showing that you're still willing to interact with people outside of the 5-Meo/Nonduality bubble. Definitely give Adeptus' video a watch! Lots of luck with your future endeavors! Sincerely, a long time viewer!
  12. How do eastern people understand their own traditions. Are they aware of nonduality and oneness. Are they aware that you are God, the buddah, shiva,etc. I am asking because I come from an Islamic environment with idea of a separate God. But what about eastern traditions?
  13. I had a dream where Leo was personally instructing me about reality and nonduality, thanks Leo for the free session,lol.
  14. Bashing the ego as ACIM does, isn't that a form of suppression, a psychological repression? No, not when seen as a tool for transcending ego consciousness. So it's a matter of identifying the ego consciousness in oneself. And then there is acceptance! One's own self is recognized as having ego consciousness, And it's a natural development. It's only in contrast to higher consciousness that the ego becomes unnatural and something false. And that's the perspective ACIM takes. And in order to describe that difference to us in ego consciousness ACIM uses the ego's own concept of good vs bad, like in the ego being very, very bad, and the Holy Spirit being the perfect will. Contrasts like that are duality concepts, and only used as pointers towards nonduality and higher levels of consciousness.
  15. No that is incorrect. Physicalism is nondual. It holds that everything is physical. There is no separate mind to separate please go back and study, Physicalism is a form of monsim monism is synonymous with nondualism Dualism holds that the soul and the body are two distinct things things "shutting down" or ending is not a trait of nondualism In fact in Zen Buddhism the idea that everything is impermanent is one of their most fundamental teachings and nonduality is most often associated with Zen Buddhism This is not to say Buddhism is Physicalism but it is to say Buddhism is Physicalism are both nondual in different ways In the Western tradition the other form of nondualism is that instead of all being physical all is mental, that is called monism and Idealism "Idealism" in philosophy has a specific meaning that is more detailed than just the common use of the word Physicalism is nondual. It is just nondual in a way you don't like
  16. love love love love love NONDUALITY love love love...
  17. Is light a wave or a particle? Is enlightenment nothing or is it light? If it's nonduality, not two, then how come we have the word two and the word not to name what we're talking about in the first place? There's no resolution, no ending. Thank GOD for that cause otherwise, this, (whatever the fuck this is, cause I don't know) wouldn't be so much fun.
  18. So this one is a bit weird and sort of shows the more generally thought of as feminine side of spirituality. You're a living painting with a spectrum of color (duality) on a Snow White canvas (nonduality). "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" - I'm Wishing/One Song
  19. The only thing I knew about enlightenment back then was that it was a thing. Literally nothing else. I had spent a week doing active mindfulness exercises, and then I decided to meditate for real. On the 3rd meditation, I reached a state where my mind became totally silent and it started to feel like my body was turning hollow and that I was going to disappear forever and never come back. Very blissful, but terrifying, so I stopped it out of fear. I then started googling what was going on, and I didn't think that it had anything to do with enlightenment, but I was wrong. I didn't turn into a saint or anything, but it changed me forever. Weed stopped being fun, I had less cravings for stimulation, less boredom, less fear, social anxiety almost disappeared. What really happened after that is that I became acutely aware of what I later learned is called "dukkha" in Buddhism: the fact that every moment is filled with an innate sense of dissatisfaction, and you're always trying to alleviate the subsequent pain by seeking new objects and events. It intuitively showed me the path out of that endless cycle, and it gave my life a new sense of purpose and meaning. It was only later when I discovered people like Sadhguru, Alan Watts and Rupert Spira that I started to conceptualize the experiences I was having. I entered the experience of nonduality essentially ignorant, only having watched like three of Leo's videos and listening to Sam Harris talk about meditation.
  20. Money is a powerful control structure, but it's a clunky and mechanical control structure. And also, money is the typical ego structure of separate control, which ultimately is an illusion. From a nonduality perspective control is the whole of reality moving as one process. And it's a process caused by both past and future rather than being a mechanical cause and effect from past to future. Otherwise it would be duality. To meditate on being one with God as ACIM recommended is the examination of the whole process of life from a nondual perspective. It's tricky to meditate on all of reality so meditation on money is useful. For example instead of observing clouds as in Ramana Maharshi's practice one can observe thoughts and feelings about money and let them dissolve.
  21. I don't know how to fully go into non-egoic consciousness but I think a lot of it possible though a lot of meditation, self help work, and shadow integration. One thing I will say that feeling like an idiot is a part of the ego because the ego likes to feel smart (its a shadow), but the self, the self is everything therefore it is an idiot and is also smart. It's okay, I've had a similar experience of felt like an idiot because I just accepted the assumptions around me. The best way to integrate feeling like an idiot, is to recognize it without judgement. It seems difficult, but what helps me is to say that it's okay to feel like an idiot, it happens and its natural given the quality of consciousness we are surrounded by. I'm using this as an example because incorporating self love does help in expanding the self while minimizing the ego. In addition to meditation, I would probably add self inquiry and more research into subjects like nonduality and non egoic consciousness. I know you said instead of thinking or studying it but I think that is important because the more background knowledge you know, the more you plant seeds mentally . Therefore if you have an experience or an observation in your everyday life or in meditation, it will register as nonduality and non egoic consciousness and you will be more aware of it because that is what you had your eye out for. Always be looking for connections in the real world on how nonduality plays out. Basically ,the law of attraction is at play here. I don't think you're doing anything wrong if meditation mainly just brings you calmness. That's perfectly fine, you probably need more things to supplement it. I can't say I have all of the answers, but that's at least what I did because I personally don't feel comfortable with psychedelics or a magic pill so that's what I'm trying to stick to. I'm not entirely sure if this helps but I thought I'd put my view out there.
  22. Gautam Sachdeva like Roger Castillo had Ramesh Balsekar as a teacher and is also a nonduality teacher. Roger sometimes talks about A Course in Miracles and I found that Guatam is also talking about ACIM:
  23. I think desire is fine. It's when desire is fueled by suffering it's a problem. And interestingly, A Course in Miracles says that desire is fine too, such as: Desire needs to be aligned with the Holy Spirit, meaning recognizing and actualizing nonduality. The term "holy place" can be seen a wholeness, nonduality (holy means whole).
  24. This term "nondual" it was mainly associated with Zen Buddhism although the Vedanta school of Hindus, also centuries old now describe their philosophy as nondual as well. And Zen monks never describe nonduality as experiencing God
  25. Love, obviously. You are me, I am you, we are in this together. Notice you didn’t answer the question. You’re employing deflection. I would answer, so that you got deeper’ into it, or at least contemplate why you didn’t answer. In simple relative logic, you made a thread, you claim you’re open minded, then you ignore via deflection. It’s highly worth noticing and understanding - in my opinion. That I am making you understanding something is a misnomer. Understanding is letting go of thought attachment, of relativity believed to be absolute, and as such always up to what is absolute To do, though the doing is apparent. Without that suffering, love is readily ever present. Letting go is initially highly counterintuitive to thinking, striving in the vein that there even is something to figure out & perpetuating the experience of the ‘figuring out’. Which is why I asked what’s on your mind, so to speak. By all means though, carry on, and Godspeed. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder, a bit personally held in my regard / yet at the same time you do seem to be sincere in your seeking understanding.’re challenging attitude is enjoyable. Here’s some new perspectives you’re open to that might be useful. If you’re not as open as you believe, no worries, just disregard...might come back around down the road, might not at all. "Everything is Love" is subjective bias “Everything” is a thought. No one ever experiences an everything. There isn’t even one thing, let alone an all things, or an every thing. If you inspect & scrutinize, it is discovered there is only a complete perfect no-thing wholeness, no parts, or things. Nonduality is not a state. That’s a belief about nonduality. You can’t experience God, that’s a misunderstanding of “both”, duality. You can’t experience that everything is love, love is self realization, not “everything” realization. Again, there is no “everything”. You as depressed is a label upon what can not be labelled, and that is precisely why it feels as it does - because you are love & pure goodness. Love is well beyond, prior to, and appearing as, meaning. Love can not be a perspective, all perspectives are initially an appearance of love, and ultimately there is no appearance. Only you can transcend suffering. Start be recognizing what is and is not, direct experience. In this example, you’d have to humble down to the recognition the direct experience is only your thought about these. Also notice that to cover that up, blame and accusation is utilized. You don’t have to choose to do that, you can choose to inspect instead. Always up to you. If there seems to be a struggle to do that, letting go emotionally is the key. Emotional suppression keeps the mind contracted, attempting to resolve feeling with thinking. We all try our best, but that never pans out. All roads lead to letting go. How rough your road must be is always up to you. Nonduality means, as in points to, that there are not two. Your mind seems paradox locked. I’d write the opposite of your beliefs down, and contemplate them until you genuinely realize they are equally true. That is all an appearance of love. Suffering, with a little inspection, is not something you could be in or out of, it is experience you do or don’t create now, by believing or not believing thoughts (aka thought attachment, or identification as a separate self in many different ways which all are thoughts being believed.) There are not other people, that’s a belief, and you most definitely can literally see through their eyes. You probably wouldn’t presently believe this and I wouldn’t expect you to, but that can actually become completely normal to you & if you are genuinely interested in helping anyone transcend suffering, it is extremely useful and insightful. There’s a lot of letting go prior to such apparent experiencing. But that’s a relative statement, it’s all appearance / experience, love. Everything is love and there are degrees and modes of love. Nothing is love and there are no degrees or modes of love. You can also put the games down and awaken, and begin playing the game. No ya don’t. It’s up to you to transcend that. You can expect people to comply with your conditions, but you’ll suffer for it and inevitably let it go. Love is formless, boundless, unlimited and infinite. Love is conceptual to you because you’ve conceptualized a you and in turn, conceptualized love. Pretty much unavoidable, and absolutely innocent. You are the love conceptualizing, just haven’t self realized yet. Scrutinizing and holding positions as you are is most beneficial, as it inevitably leads to doing the actual “work”, practices, inspection of direct experience, etc. The stuff you are reading about other people doing. All roads lead to letting go, and letting go reveals absolute love. There would seem to be objectivity, and for that matter subjectivity, unless you have transcended perspectives and realized you are what you are referring to as objectivity. Then, there is neither. Reality is love. Reality is nothing. What do you practices look like? Meditation every day? For how long have you? Weeks, months, years? This would be a key questioning with noticing if you ignore it. It would put to some resistance to letting go of thinking. It would reveal and release what is ‘grinding your gears’ in regard to love.