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  1. Hello everyone, it's been a long time since I last visited I've got a true story of awakening curing a mental illness that I want to share with you guys. My cousin got an awakening that cured his mental illness But before I get into that, I think I get to say awakening is probably ( I'm not sure) not good in this case. I have a cousin that I really love. His mother and I recognized from his childhood that he had the potential to become a good actor but he unluckily inherited a mental illness from his father . He's been suffering from his childhood, worse by time. He's been lying unneccessarily just to enjoy himself by talking nonsense, causing trouble and all kinds of stuff, not working to earn money. He lived an unhealthy life, being impatient like an animal, wasting his money like a rich kid while in reality his family is poor, though he never got into heroin or cigarrette or any drug of the sort. People could still communicate with him. If you just talk with him 2-3 times you would not realize he got a mental illness. You would even probably think he's an interesting guy. He never admitted ( probably even to himself) that he was an insane man even though his parents told me 1 female doctor have told him directly. About three years ago, he self-harmed himself by cutting his left hand (below the arm but above the palm) and therefore that led to a lot of scars on his hand. He sadly said he just wanted to bleed to death. What a stupid action and I heard it. How could small injuries lead to death by bleeding, ceartainly the body would heal them. It only resulted in him looking ugliness. His hand is now like a tree, not a human's hand. I told him to try meditation. And in 2021 Oct he somehow got awakened. He finally admitted he was insane his whole life. Now he's got a more healthy life, really healthy. However, after his mental illness was cured, he became very sad for having remembered he himself created all those scars on his hand. Prior to this, he never cared about those scars. He's got a temporary job now but always worried the boss would fire him if they know about those scars. Only heroin addicts would self-harm themselves but in fact he NEVER did drugs. He's still meditating now but honestly in this case, I feel that it would have been better if he just committed suicide because he himself because he tells me to him living is just like a dragging to grave. There's zero chance he can become an actor when he has those scars and he's facing the possibility of being fired if the boss saw those scars. He's got zero work experience. So, is awakening from a mental illness really good? I have reverence for life but honestly I think the people who have mental illness and ALREADY self-harmed themselves like my cousin should receive euthanasia. Having realized you yourself self-harmed and destroyed your life is more detrimental than anything. Surprisingly, my cousin forgives his father for passing insane genes on him. He's told me an insane person does not know he's insane. Only healthy people can recognize insanity in mad people. Therefore, he instead hates his mother more for having married a madman.
  2. I had an awesome magic truffles trip a few days ago. I didn’t have any awakening but it was really fun. I felt as light as a Disney character and I also became aware of many of my egoistic ways I behaved in and I also sorted many of my priorities in life. Next days evening I felt incredible. I was completely sober but I was in such a state of peace and acceptance it was just incredible. Unfortunately I didn’t have any psychedelics stored left because I could have taken a mega dose of something without much of a chance of a bad trip. Two days later I still felt good but not as good. And now the third day later in the morning I feel pretty good. Not as good but still pretty good and because I feel that my ego tries to bring me back to my default state I want to write down how I feel about awakening right now so I can maybe get back to this state more easily. And I also just feel like sharing this. Most of my reasons why I want to awaken are probably trivial for you. There are even trivial for me but this is the first time I actually came up with these points on my own and I really believe them and don’t just accept them from someone else. I feel like one of the greatest joys in life is doing something for its own sake and for absolutely no reason at all. For example I love working out in the gym. My ego destroys the joy of the workout though. When I bench press it wants to compare the weight I lifted today with my best lift I had on that exercise. It wants to compare me with other people. And it always wants a plan. Just going to the gym and "hitting it“ doesn’t seem purposeful and planned enough. “I can’t just go to the gym and do 3 exercises that’s to little, or I can’t do 12 exercises that’s to much. And you should now why you are training and what you are training for.“ At the end of a recent workout I was just peacefully training abductor when my ego stepped in "Hey you know that your quads look like shit why don’t you put more emphasis on them“ and “Hey why do you train at all? Of course you should but also what is the point in it anyways this won’t make your life any more successful…“ -> I just don’t want my ego shit anymore. I just want to train with absolutely no goal and be happy. Of course this gym example is analogous to all other aspects of life. I sometimes play video games and what always ruins it for me is my ego. When I start to play a game again that I haven’t played for a long time I have pretty much no expectations on myself so everything feels great. But after a day or two I see that my skill comes back and I expect more of myself and all the fun is gone. Every time I die I get a bit angry or annoyed when before I just laughed. Yesterday I played 1v1 deathmatch to 20. I went up against a really good player and I lost with a score of 13 to 20 or something. I didn’t even win but just the fact that I was somewhat compedetive gave my ego a new identity. I was conscious of that and wanted to intervene but I couldn’t stop it. I almost wished that I lost against that player with a bigger score difference so I could have more fun after that but doing good is also what I strive for and is the fun of the game but once I archieve it it isn’t fun anymore because I feel like I am forced to maintain it so it’s really hard to have fun. -> I just want the pure experience and not an ego that fucks it up all the time For a short time I was in a state of love where I really just wanted to love everybody for exactly what they are and not what I wanted them to be. I thought about my mom with all her self-pity and I just wanted to love her tell her jokes and vibe with her without any motivation of changing her because that’s just where she is at the moment and that’s okay. I saw a group of teenage girls who seemed to be completely soaked into their group identity. And I just wanted to love these materialistic unconscious teenage girls exactly for what they are without any motivation to change them in any way because a saw how being undeveloped is exactly as beautiful as being very developed. And I saw my friends who are all very obviously not ready to awaken and I just wanted to love them for exactly where they are without any motivation to change them into more conscious people. I had all of this spiritual and philosophical ideas that I always felt like I needed to implant in them but it’s just so much more joyful to not try to change them in any way. I also just felt how good it must feel to just help others with no intention of a return. To just love other people so much that you are just motivated to waste your entire evening on helping them with something and feeling completely full of joy just from seeing them be happy. I saw that I feel very limited in doing that because of my ego. Because my ego has its own worries and own things that it wants to archieve and it prioritizes these things way beyond the well being of others. And it also judges and wants to change people in its own interest and of course in this way you don’t really help people you help people the most by just loving them. -> I just want to drop my ego so that I can love people for exactly who they are I also just see the pain of having to have an identity. Constantly trying to defend this identity. Constructing and deconstructing it but most of all just having it just feels like a sickness. "I just want to have a family or don’t have a family.“ „I just want to play video games or don’t play video games“, “I just want to have a simple job or don’t have a simple job“. "I just want to have a nice apartment or don’t want to have a nice apartment.“ -> I don’t want to care anymore. I just want to be fine with everything. The only really strong attachment I have left is sexual pleasure. It makes up around 10-15% of my thoughts so it’s not like it dominates my life and I could drop it if need be but I wouldn’t like to. I have a question left. There are many layers of awakening like ego transcendence, god realization, realization that you are god, infinite love, infinity, … So I am always confused to what people mean when they say awakening. I feel like ego transcendence is equal to awakening for many spiritual teacher but I think for Leo a fully awakened person also has to realize himself as god and so I am always a bit confused when somebody says that awakening takes x amount of time because I don’t know which layer of awakening they are talking about. Sometimes Leo says that having an awakening is relatively easy but what is really hard is to embody and accept these truths which I feel like is the easy part for me. On others occasions he is like “you probably need at least like 20 years of active self inquiry to have a shot at becoming awake. So I would stick to psychedelics“. So what does he mean or does he refer to different states of awakening?
  3. @Leo Gura but surely learning from an awakened teacher will help lead to awakening. What are your suggestions for awakening without the teachings of an awakened teacher? Genuine question.
  4. @Giulio Bevilacqua this sounds like an anxiety disorder. Talk to a psychiatrist and maybe get on some meds for anxiety. When the anxiety goes away the kundalini energy you awakened will come under control and be blissful not a nightmare. When you start feeling better you can get off the meds. The meds don't have to be a life long thing but for the time being it can definitely help alleviate anxiety that is out of control so you can have a productive life.
  5. But I would like to become awakened in my own time, not being forced into it, I don't believe that works. I don't really see anything good in this whole Great Reset agenda.
  6. I have directly validated every facet of awakening that Leo has had. These are not beliefs. I actually had several before him and before he began teaching them here. Namely the awakening in which you are in an expanded state of consciousness and you become conscious thst everything is your own mind. And I still have the PM where I told Leo about it. A few weeks later he had the same awakening and began teaching it more extensively. These are not beliefs. Don't take them as beliefs either of course. They can be validated. Yes we use language as pointers to talk about God..but it doesn't mean the finger is the moon. Thought should never be demonized. Egoic thought can be deception and illusion but it is still through Mind that we realize Mind. Nahm was not teaching God realization..I don't know why. Maybe he wasn't awakened. I don't wanna speculate and it's irrelevant..but he was not teaching that. He was teaching no self and that was it. The road is over there is no one to wake up. God is a thought. This is wrong.. awakening goes beyond no self although thst Is a massive awakening. His teachings didn't go far enough and were actually a perversion of the Truth in a way.. and towards the end he just became a madman actually.
  7. I am familiar with both of these individuals before this situation developed and have some interesting perspective to share about this. For one thing and the most important in my mind is that the online social media world as well as the gaming world there is a definite need for a path to well being. Millions even tens of millions of people and content creators are spreading misery through a cycle of abuse all over the internet....well, not just the internet. I could expand it to hundreds of millions and yes billions of people empowering the cycle of abuse in real life all over the world. Mental health care in the US is very expensive and has a stigma attached to it, I'm not sure how much different that is in other countries because I don't have personal experience with the health care systems there regarding mental health. Although, I suspect the stigma associated with seeking therapy of any sort isn't limited to North America so people are reluctant to seek it out and this isn't leading to an improvement in people's mental health or well being. I don't want to give too many opinions about the clash of content creators in the circumstance but it doesn't seem like DrK was intentionally malicious towards anyone even if there were some breaches of ethics or conflicts around profit motives, he genuinely wanted to help even if he made mistakes. It's not up to me to decide whether he did something to violate his oath but I don't accept as truth the opinions of others who have nothing to lose either. On the other hand I don't get a similar impression from the other party in this situation. Contrary with them professing a purpose of increasing empathy for others their actions speak to a different source of motivation at least on how it effects those that consume their content. I cannot discern someone's intent I can only witness their behavior and how if influences others but that is what we are left with from their actions, not their intentions. There is also something very saddening about the tragic loss of a content creator. Even though he had a traumatic experience with the mental health profession he still reached out wanting to heal the self suffering he was experiencing but unfortunately it wasn't sufficient enough to ease the pain and save him from himself. I don't think it helps anyone in trying to use him as a weapon or a shield, just let it be. There is also something kind of curious in a statement I saw him make in one video I watched even though I can't remember which one it was and I can't recite it verbatim only give a synapses of his message. Reckful said he felt like there was nothing left to do here, like he was in some video game, that he needed to move on to the next level and the only way to do it might be to die. I absolutely knew exactly where he was since I have been living it for decades. Now don't get the wrong idea, I'm not suicidal at all, in fact it's the complete opposite. When I realized I was 'done' here I was young living life on the edge and didn't expect to survive my 20s, I thought I was in overtime so to speak. I was awakened and transcended identity, so think about how many speak about life here, too. There's a similar theme, no? I think many of us know exactly where he was in consciousness because we have had glimpses of it or are there. He was using psychedelics not just hero dose quests but also in daily microdose scenarios. So he was transcending identity and experiencing no self awareness but wasn't getting the feedback from the people around him to put all the pieces together and have a healthy context for what he was perceiving. He was left to his own monkey mind's machinations and history of self suffering to sort out his path and what happened, did. This doesn't mean the psychobabble people go in circles with on this forum would have been any better but there is wisdom that would have been useful to him. I'm not going to turn this into a criticism of people on this forum or anywhere in the spiritual and mystical community but you people are lost and distracted from the mental navel gazing that goes on with all the complicated conceptualizations that people fixate on. I just wonder what might have been if he got some input from people who have experience in the abstract conscious states and had the well meaning approach to bring about healing and well being. I guess we will never know but this whole drama whoring content farming circus performance just reminds me that this isn't going to get any better any sooner unless there is a dramatic shift in people so they seek well being for themselves.
  8. I don't feel that he is fully awakened, but I do think that he is 'very' awake. In some of his videos, like the solipsism blog video, he drops himself for a while to show his eyes, and if you look at them, you can see the energies and wisdom that he has collected - it's hard to describe, but it's like a tiger or wolf look that awakened people can get, but the eyes are shiner, more detached. One of my fave teachers; I read from her works - she, well, she has deep eyes like that, too, that transfer how awake she is - and she still has some ego stuff that I can see when I watch her interviews and read her works, but you can tell she has seen some stuff and has gotten very far in her journey - and that's what I see in him.
  9. I would consider it mature and silly if a deeply awakened person owned 3 homes and 5 cars. I would not do that myself. But in the end if some awakened dude wants 5 sports cars, it's not gonna change the fact that he's awake. Maybe he like to collect cars because he thinks they are beautiful works of art, or whatever. Obviously it could also just be remnant vanity. You can define yours terms however you want, but when I speak of awakening I'm speaking of a very specific sort of shift in consciousness. I am not speaking of some general path of spiritual evolution or growth. Awakening happens within seconds or minutes as your consciousness expands into a new state. It does not take years. So I would distinguish an awakening vs a path of gradual spiritual development and growth. You can have one without the other, or both. I don't agree that there is such a thing as collective awakening at all. There is only YOUR awakening. You can speak figuratively of mankind's awakening, but this is not at all the same as individual awakening that I talk about. This is a very dangerous assumption. I would not believe in something so naive. Dealing effectively with collectives is a deep skill set which requires specific experience and training. You can experience a visceral sense of collective as self, but this will not automatically give you great social skills or the systems thinking necessary to deal well with collective issues. Collectives also always mean politics, and navigating politics is a deep skill too. Awakening will not make you a great politician automatically.
  10. What does it mean to be fully awake? what does it look like? I am open that Leo is fully awake. and I don't think what he is saying disagrees with tradition either. Like when he says everything is imaginary, or it's God's imagination, that's really no different than saying everything is creation or God's creation. But comparing Leo to other teachers is a thought activity -part of the imagination/creation- and not wakefulness. It's likely to me that many individuals throughout history were awake and their creation unfolded differently due to their wakefulness. I still don't think it's useful to say forget the teachers because the teachers were created by you so that you could awaken and live a good dream. I still think Jesus Christ was an awakened Son of God, but Leo is saying, what good is it to know that, since its a thought and its imaginary. - waking up is recognizing, I created Jesus within my mind, which is not a bad thing lol.
  11. @kray I highly doubt Leo would say he is fully awakened, within the form Leo. You could make some argument about the truest self-being the Tat, Brahma, God, etc., hence being fully awake (I am sooooo tired of this point being made). IMO there comes a point in the journey when you become comfortable with where you are in the grand show. First we don't know there is a show, then we want to know, we belive we can know everything (fully awaken), then we come to a point where we realize we are IT but currently holding down an aspect of IT and not the fully engaged in the magnitude of IT consciously. We become ok with this as we awaken to the nature of what is. You have to praise, glorify, and seek the concept of fully awakened until you awaken to a degree of knowledge that satiates that impulse. Journey strong..
  12. If god is realizing your are infinite, how can you reach the "Highest awakening" @Leo Gura? You say that no amount of mediation, yoga, kundalini, shamanic breathing will get one to this level, yet you leave out psychedelics. Are you actually fully awake, or could the possibility exist that you simply self-deluded yourself while taking 5 meo, or any drug for that matter? I love your work Leo, but you did come off as an arrogant asshole to me in your last video, and I mean that constructively. Do you know that when you come out with such a claim, that you discount THOUSANDS of years of traditions and practices that were built for the very purpose of reaching this state of "highest" truth. Sure maybe our favorite teachers like the Buddha, Jesus, Sadhguru, etc. may have not reached the level of awakening that you claim to have reached, but those guys went pretty damn far without using any drugs. Also how can there be a "highest awakening", when being itself is an infinite thing? This confuses me. I hope you take my comments as not hating on your work, but rather a genuine expression of how I felt about your last video
  13. @happyhappy Realizing all that stuff too quickly isn’t necessary I good thing it hit me hard, I’m kind of young for this work I’m only 21, I was very suicidal and depressed and basically In my head it was Either kill myself or awaken, Like I said it happened within a year and in that year I had to let go of basically everything and everyone, when I had my first awakening it hit me so hard I thought I lost my mind and I started having outrageous ego backlashes and I started hearing voices and insane thoughts, I told the people around me what I have awakened to and told them about my ego backlashes they actually sent me to a mental hospital for 2 days so I quickly learned to keep it to myself and try to stay more grounded around people, It was the most dangerous time of my life and I am from Iraq I have been in dangerous situations but this is on a whole different level and it’s because of how fast I went through it so yea I wouldn’t want others to realize it as quickly as I did
  14. Not really what my post implied but whatever. Do I really have to state the obvious? The point is that many people here overestimate respectable teacher's SD stage just because they're awakened. Edit: idk if my first post about was misunderstood because of my English (I'm not from an English speaking country), but since I've clarified it here a second time already it should now be obvious.
  15. There's no meaningful way to be (ego) or play the game that aligns with the Truth seen in awakening? like what about healing? or is that all is already healed when awakened?
  16. @Preety_India Thanks @Inliytened1 Although there is some truth to that, i would argue that even more dangerous is having no idea of what "an awakened being" is. As long as the idea is aligned with the highest spiritual principles like Love and compassion for instance, it's useful in the discernment of whom to trust/follow or even listen to, this idea like any other is the ladder you have to throw out in the end after climbing, but at that stage it will be obvious. Until then its a useful tool because without any guidelines/ideas the spiritual seeker will believe or even give all their money to random guys on youtube or cult leaders. A "human skill and nothing more" is a dangerous concept, you are dealing with real human beings that trust your moderator authority status, some of which have serious psychological conditions or are even borderline suicidal, you have to be able to relate on a personal level with them, out of love and compassion it is a skill required for the job.
  17. I didn't say they were fully awake. I said "had an awakening". 1 awakening doesn't mean much and doesn't change much about your behavior. Obviously it's not wise. A person with mental illness (like Connor Murphy) can have an awakening and then decide to shoot up a school. They are connected but the ego-mind is a stubborn beast that will remain for years and years, doing it's devilish things. That's not even a matter of awakening. Connor Murphy is just very shallow and immature. He's very young. He's an attention whore. That's baked into his ego-mind and it will take him decades of work to outgrow that. I have immature aspects of my mind as well. It will take me years to grow out of that too. You can't really compare a 20 year old awakened person to a 30 year old to a 60 year old one. Maturity is a huge factor there and it matters. Young people do and say dumb things. The younger they are the dumber they are. Deep wisdom comes with age and massive experience.
  18. @Crane Bahnsteik be careful. That does not mean he was not enlightened. Its a matter of bring able to relate on the personal level. Its sinply a human skill and nothing more. Be careful to not create the idea of what an awakened being is in your mind. It's a trap.
  19. Good decision. Being so disconnected and unable to respond on the same contextual level of the question is the opposite of being conscious or awakened. Being conscious means that you are conscious of the present context and know how to navigate it while perhaps alluding to something greater, being responsible for everything you say, how you say it, and how it will affect or be perceived by whoever asked. In the same way that if you want to help someone climb a mountain you don't always show them your great pictures that you so proudly took of the sky and the horizon seen from the top, you instead give them the gear necessary to climb and survive the weather, a map, and perhaps some words of encouragement.
  20. Careful to get lost in a story that has enlightened who is the most awakened. Step outside of that. Go meta.
  21. @Knowledge Hoarder It's a love - hate relationship towards it. I just cannot imagine anything worse and that's why I am attracted to it. It's super interesting and fascinating for me. Just the mere thought of living through it gives me shakes. Also it seems like a part of me would wanna experience it. I know it sounds twisted. Yes I know what you mean lol. Fortunately I don't have nightmares about it. But few weeks ago I saw the worst nightmare of all time. I was somewhere without control of my body. And a bunch of people near me where being dismembered. And then it was my time. I wasn't scared. But I just was like 'why tf does this nasty bs exists?' lol it was surreal. I guess God has a fine taste. Also being fully awakened is not good for survival either i think.
  22. @RevoCulture keep in mind that people tend to over-estimate their attainments, so of course actions don't match speech. True, authentic enlightment can lead to radical changes, expecially if your life is messed-up, but in some cases, the life after awakening might just be the same as it was before. Most harmless habits remain. "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." you can find little comunities here and there in the world like Ananda in italy. The truth is that there isnt yet a big enough number of awakened people to create a magnetic pull able to manifest a world community of highly evolved individuals, designed to create more. we'll see that 2-300 years in the future Why not, i ask you. Knowing this is an illusion shouldn't inhibit you from experiencing the dream as you want, with joy and pleasure. The materilistic paradigm is not true and everything is mind-made. So what? Do what you like. This notion, if nothing else, should free you up. As i have said communities gets created when thre is enough people thinking the same way and sharing the same values. unfortunatly, as of now, not many people truly value Truth to build a society around it But don't fall into the trap of thinking that you are truly enlightened only if you seclude your self from mainstream society. Planty of these (rare) people live a regular life. Communities will appear when there is a sufficient number. This process will continue to unfold no matter if people are honest or not, so don't warry. human deception will always be at play.
  23. Solipsism in the metaphysical sense is the view that only one's own mind or self is all that exists. Solipsism in the epistemological sense is the view that the only thing that can be known is your own mind and perceptions exist. According to this article, Distributed Solipsism is the idea that the self is distributed amongst all individuals. Therefore, Distributed Solipsism assumes that there are other bubbles, but those other bubbles and experiences are the same self experiencing through different forms of parts of itself. Those who reject metaphysical solipsism prefer to subscribe to Distributed Solipsism. In fact, a lot of spiritual teachings are in alignment with Distributed Solipsism. I know Alan Watts, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle, etc. All those gurus teach that everything is One, and we are all parts of the Universe experiencing itself through all different forms. The Universe is essentially the stage from which it experiences life through all the different characters and actors on the world's stage. However, the point of any inquiry is not to find what is comfortable or witty. The point of contemplation is to find out what is actually true. What is actually and absolutely True? When you think about it, the only thing you have ever experienced in your life has been your own mind, which includes all of your perceptions, sensations, thoughts, visual field, auditory fields, sensory fields. This field of experience that is happening right now is all that can be known to exist. All other hypotheses about other bubbles or fields of experiences are occurring right here in The Field of Experience. Notice that I do not say that this field is "yours." The Field of Experience right now is what actually exists. Any ideas of self or other are always secondary. The Field of Experience is primary. Everything else is secondary and occurs within what is actually primary. Distributed Solipsism assumes that there are other experiences or minds which can exist outside of The Field of Experience. Metaphysical & Epistemological Solipsism are stating what is the case. All that has ever been experience or exists is This Field. What does it mean to say something exists which cannot be perceived? Existence = Perception There has only ever been One Field of Experience. If there were multiple Fields or Bubbles, where are the boundaries of those Bubbles and other Fields created in? If dream characters had their own bubbles and fields, where would those fields and bubbles be occurring in? This Field/Bubble Right NOW!!! Notice that the Field is entirely Headless. The head becomes the whole world. The Field is space for everything to exist. This Headless Field is like the world of Skyrim or dreaming. It is the screen/space for all characters and worlds to be created. There is no external world to Skyrim or dreaming. All worlds, characters, etc. are occurring on the Screen/Field from which all of reality is projected. My other post on Plant Consciousness and Solipsism pointed to this very problem that I had been tackling with: How do I distinguish between subjects and objects? Where are the other Fields and minds? If a human has a subject or consciousness, then what makes a human body have a subject and a rock/plant body not? Where is the line drawn for consciousness subjects and non-conscious objects? Everything in the Field of Experience appears as space, objects, colors, sounds, smells, etc. It is all ever-changing objects that are occurring in the Field. When I look at a rock and a human being, what is the difference between the two? How do I say that a human being is a subject but a plant, table, or rock is not? The objects may move like a puppet from the Field's point of view, but all inference of there being an experience behind a human object is the same as inferring there is a rock subject behind the rock object. This is like the whole Invisible Gardner argument that atheists use to theists. If there is a Gardener that is completely invisible and can never be known or verified, how is that any different from there not being any Gardener at all? Likewise, the assumption is made that there is a mind, experience, bubble/fields, or other subjects inside the human and animal bodies that we see but how is inferring that there are other subjects or other Fields/Bubbles any different from there not being any other subjects at all? The only thing that can be verified is that This Field Exists. All other spaghetti monsters, china teapots, and Invisible Gardeners are all additional jumps, stories ("explanations"), and add-ons to this Field. This Field cannot be explained by anything. All explanations are secondary to the Field. The Field is Reality/Existence Itself and all concepts/stories/explanations will always be secondary and not primary. Even the belief in Solipsism is just another concept. Absolute Solipsism is what remains after you burn everything that is false into the fire. Now, stop imagining Solipsism and go out there and do the work to deconstruct all your beliefs and falsehoods until Truth remains. Jed McKenna and Leo are alike in that both of them see the nonsense in spiritual circles. Jed and Leo realize that hardly any spiritually "enlightened" guru is actually awakened. If you do not plan to take psychedelics, I highly recommend the practice of spiritual autolysis that can be found in Jed's books. I also recommend Douglas Harding's Headless Way! Hope that helped to answer all questions about Solipsism.
  24. Do you enjoy doing meditation, yoga, contemplation, reading spiritual books etc.? if you enjoy it keep doing it. It's like even if you were enlightened all of a sudden or awakened, you still need to fill your life and time with something. actually we don't know that for sure or do we?
  25. In addition. I asked Leo how an awakened person would act or behave, and Leo pretty much said, there is no way, they would behave however way they wanted to or in other words, how God imagined them to be. This makes it difficult if not impossible to know/see who is awake. What if someone were awake, but behaved as a devil. Many would say he is not awake, he is hurting 'others' because of ignorance, but theoretically, he/she can be awake. The closest devil I can imagine to maybe being awoken is Charles Manson. If I were to say I was awake, I would get resistance from everyone. - of course because it is not 'I' that awoke, but God awoke to himself. It's as if when one awakes, the center is you, and that is why Leo says to forget all teachers, not only does that break the Truth and keep us asleep in duality, but it plunges us into stories, concepts, and labels. The message I got from the blog video, is that all teachers, paradigms, models, spiritual practices, and even personal contemplation is all imaginary because the Truth is God, which is beyond all of that - and that is all. The moment, we contemplate about it or create models around it, is the moment, we lost it, and demonstrates we are not awake. I can speak on being in a solipsistic state of my own and I describe it as a state because I don't usually think in a solipsistic way because it became impractical. I would have to detach myself from obligations and survival to maintain that Truth.