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  1. @Jehovah increases I feel bliss when I expand my awareness and that's what I refer to with "transcending my ego". I do and thank you, learning is key, though that is what I'm doing, I guess my posts is part of the form it takes, an expression of my implicit transformation.
  2. I just wanted to share a picture of this nn-DMT pen that I bought from a shop in Washington DC a few weeks ago. I was very pleasantly surprised to see a DC shop with DMT pens from two different companies each priced at $150 per 1/2g. The branding on the box for this one had no name and no indication it contained DMT or anything, just an interesting design. I lost the box before thinking to take a picture. But I really like the design of the pen itself. Although the design is interesting, this device is incredibly overpriced. You can purchase pure DMT for much cheaper, and make your own vape juice and put it in your own device with a tank. Better yet you can extract the DMT yourself then mix the juice at whatever ratio you want. You are paying for the convenience of not having to either extract the DMT yourself or source it yourself. And in the DC market, all of these drugs are overpriced (and also illegal). When you are buying a product like this, you do not know the ratio they are mixing- they are ripping you off. They can say they are giving you 1ml and 800mg of DMT in the cartridge, but that's not necessarily the case. You really have no way of knowing. That being said, without knowing the ratio whatsoever on this pen, it hit very nicely. The pen didn't last long at all, as I shared it with a friend and my girlfriend. First I was with my buddy. He loves shrooms, but never had access to the DMT experience. He loved it. I also shared it with my girlfriend later who liked it as well. Both of them hit it very cautiously at their own pace and were not looking to breakthrough or blast off. They would hit the pen, chill out, then awhile later hit it again, taking in the experience at their own pace. When I was with my girlfriend, I wanted to go for a breakthrough. I only ended up taking two big hits and couldn't go for a third. I had a very intense trip. I became hyper aware of myself as God imagining my life. God felt distinct from me, but also I knew I was him, and "me" was my imagination, along with my entire life. I was shown a couple people in my life that God told me he loved- including my grandmother, who God said appreciates her service and dedication to understanding him. It was like God was pointing out who in my life is dedicated to a spiritual pursuit. He appreciated the pursuit to know him, even though he felt she was misguided in her pursuit in many ways. He still appreciated it and forgave her. But, I was also simultaneously aware that I was God, and that I was imagining my entire life and and this entire reality, and my Grandmother was just being imagined by me. I was also shown how I was imagining another friend of mine, and how he is imagining me. I was shown that we are both like-minded and interested in understanding the true nature of consciousness, and that we are imagining each other in order to help each other awaken to ourselves as God. I had one foot in the human material realm and the other in the eternal- I was still distantly aware of my physical surroundings. Id say I was in 85 percent eternal bliss, and 15 percent the material realm. I felt such amazing love and amazement for the genius of this dream I'm dreaming call life. And as God knowing that I was imagining this life and everything in it, I oddly didn't feel alone at all even though I knew I was alone. I just felt endless love. So you really don't need much DMT. Just two hits took me on a profound journey. I think it will be interesting to see DMT pens popularized in the same way as weed and shrooms. For most people on the streets, DMT is just something that Joe Rogan always keeps yappin about. Imagine going in to buy some weed for a blunt and you see a DMT pen and just buy it cause you heard about it on JRE or something. Then you accidentally realize you are imagining your entire life off two big hits. I have also been considering extracting DMT, making my own vape juice, and manufacturing pens at a fair price to compete with these rip off pens. I do think the DMT experience is one that should be more accessible to people, but not so overpriced. I've seen companies and people online selling other .5ml carts more than I bought mine for. You could probably do a full gram pen and sell it for cheaper. I don't like how expensive shrooms or weed are in places where they are legal or there are loopholes to buy them. It's a bit ridiculous. Some of the prices you see the general population spending their money on for this stuff is just insane. You are getting ripped off. I would love to be able to offer an equal or superior product for much cheaper in these markets. That goes for shroom chocolate bars as well. Many of those "shroom chocolates" are actually 4-aco dmt or 4-ho-met or another research chemical structurally related to psilocin usually acting as some analog or prodrug to psilocin. These RC's are safe, but with shroom chocolates and other things on the market you are not always getting what you think you are getting. And the prices are usually far too high. I noticed Canada has a lot of companies selling these overpriced carts. For an idea on prices of nn-DMT carts in Canada where it's legal, I compiled a list of prices from This is one of the first websites the popped up on Google for me. I hope this is not considered sourcing, as I would recommend NOT buying any of these products. I don't even know if you can trust that website. Just source your DMT elsewhere. You could get pure DMT for much cheaper and just make your own juice. If you were to extract DMT yourself you would yield many grams of DMT. When you make your own juice you can mix it to whatever ratio you want. Why buy a 250 dollar vape containing 800mg of dmt when you could get 1g of DMT for 60-80 bucks, or get multiple grams of DMT from 60 dollars of mimosa hostilis root bark after an extraction. nn-DMT Carts Price List from Nupepshrooms: -Deadhead Chemist (400mg of DMT in a .5ml cart with a battery) for $140 -Deadhead Chemist (400mg of DMT in a .5ml cart, no battery) for $125 -Deadhead Chemist (800mg of DMT in a 1ml cart with a battery) for $250 -Deadhead Chemist (800 mg of DMT in a 1ml cart, no battery) for $230 -Deadhead Chemist (3x .5ml carts, 400mg of DMT each, no batteries) for $400 -Deadhead Chemist (3x 1ml carts, 800mg of DMT each, no batteries) for $649 -Purecybin (300mg of juice in a .5ml cart, battery) for $110. -Purecybin (700mg of DMT in a 1ml cart, no battery) for $190 -Mushroom Canada (800mg of DMT in a 1ml cart) for $190. -Magic Mushroom Dispensary (800mg of DMT in a 1ml cart, no battery) for $183 -Swifty Labs (350mg of juice in a .5ml cart, no battery) for $118 - stealing Rick and Morty IP for branding -Puff Boys (400 mg of juice in a .5ml cart, no battery) for $125 I may expand this list later. As you can see, these vapes are overpriced. Some of them have really cool branding, like Mushrooms Canada shown below. I have not tried any of them. If it didn't feel like a waste of money when I can make the juice myself, I would love to try these different brands. But you just never know the quality of extraction process, the actual ratio of juice to DMT, etc. You have to think, the actual mechanical hardware of the vape cartridge is incredibly cheap, and most of these products are not providing you with a battery, just the cartridge itself, with a small amount of DMT mixed with juice for hundreds of dollars. If anything, you are paying mostly for packaging. These cartridges feel like scams. I haven't done the math on manufacturing and packaging costs, but I bet these companies are making a killing off your unwillingness to extract or source DMT. Here's some others: I am curious as to what a flavored DMT vape mix might taste like. The brand Puff Boyz has Pear, Vanilla, Grape, Very Berry, Wild Apple, and Cavendish flavors for their DMT carts. I plan to begin extracting DMT myself one day, and would love to blog about the process. I think it'd be cool to move to a country where psychedelics are legal and sell a good product in a legal market, or get into a market as it become legalized. The goal might look like: -Move to area with current legal market. -Purchase all equipment and ingredients to build a lab for Extraction Process. -Refine your method of extraction to yield the most DMT at the highest quality. -Mix DMT yield with vape juice. Experiment with different ratios for different experiences and perfect take off. -Professional branding for vape pen and its packaging (work with a good artist) -Increase the standard (dmt:vape juice ratio should always be explicitly stated on the package, along with ingredients used, such as VG/PG levels of the juice itself and juice being used, type of bark used in extraction, etc) Many of these DMT carts you see on the market have little to no information on the packaging about ratios. Some list the size of the cart and how many milligrams of DMT are in the cartridge. Some, like Deadhead Chemist, don't seem to have DMT milligram listed on the packing, but when you buy it online it tells you how many milligrams of DMT are in the cart in the description of the product on the website. You also want to make sure you have a small description of what happens when ingesting the product, a few warnings- do not drive, etc. And make sure you have instructions for how many pulls for each level of experience. -Work with manufacturer- give design for packaging and pen to manufacturer for mass production. -Fill product with vape juice once packaging and product is received -Enter legal markets with an equal or superior product to pen shown in picture (rechargeable 1ml pen instead of .5ml pen. I may begin with just CCELL cartridges) -Make prices more fair (DMT 1ml vape pen, 800mg of DMT for the same price as the .5ml vape pen in the picture- which probably only had 300mg of DMT) You could do it for even cheaper. There is no reason a DMT vape cartridge with 800mg of DMT (800/200 ratio) should cost $250 dollars. -As legalization happens slowly in US markets, be ready with a plan for a solid, safe product. There is similar progression happening with 5meo carts. They are overpriced and marketed in a similar way on Canadian websites. They are more expensive, probably because the drug is harder to synthesize and overall considered more rare. There is at least one place in Washington DC advertising have "5meo raw extract 250mg" for $175, and a 5meo DMT cart (.5ml cart unspecified ratio of dmt:juice). They are advertising this openly on their website for their shop. This is very surprising to see in Washington DC, considering regular nn-DMT and 5meo-DMT are both schedule-I controlled substances federally and illegal in every state in America. So to have shops openly selling and advertising DMT/5meo pens is crazy. I plan to also do market research on 5meo pens as they become more popularized in the US and worldwide. The brands Deadhead Chemist, Purecybin, Swifty Labs, Top Tier, Magic Mushroom Dispensary, and Mushrooms Canada also make 5meo carts. I may make another list just for 5meo pens and their current pricing between some websites. Other interesting things I have seen from Canadian suppliers: Deadhead Chemist sells liquid 4-aco DMT in a 100ml bottle for $225 bucks. They also sell DMT pre-roll joints. They also sell LSD tea (mint flavor, 100ug) and LSD edibles like gummies of many flavors. If you are in Canada you can legally buy ketamine, cocaine (tuci), LSD, mushrooms, mdma (they have it in four different colors- whatever that means) from Deadhead Chemist. They also sell a product called "Trip Stopper" containing 6 capsules (valerian root mixed with vitamin C) for $3 dollars. Seeing all that makes me want to move to Canada. So to conclude for now, if you have never experienced DMT and are in an area where it is legal, these vape pens/carts are a convenient way to have the experience, even if you may know deep down they are overpriced. If you have no other options, buy yourself a cart and go for the ride. But if you are going to smoke DMT regularly these carts are a ripoff and you should either source DMT and mix your own juice, or extract DMT yourself.
  3. I would say anytime Your in a State of Awareness where Bliss comes up, that is good! It means Your on Your Way. Just stop thinking about it, and analysing it too death, that will stop the process completely and allow Karma to keep its hold on You. Karma is a sort of Conditioning and "Software" per say that makes Your Personality, Beliefs, and the essential condition of Your Life as it is Now, if You want something new and more Profound and to access Your Potential, then Karma has to be dealt with and set aside...
  4. Recently I feel like I have been able to tap a lot more into the True Self.. Sometimes consciously, sometimes not. For example at work, I'll be walking behind a colleague of mine where all of the sudden it just hits me. Other times, like right now, I can focus deeply and get the sense of it. If I focus and self-inquire deeply, I feel empty. Like I feel like I hit my core and there is nothing there. My body starts twitching a bit and sometimes I blink really fast. It never lasts that long. Sometimes a burst of energy comes and I can't help but let some tears out. My sense of ''I" becomes less solid. Right after these experiences I get a certain feeling of calm and bliss. My thoughts and emotions become less compelling. Throughout my whole body I get this feeling of aliveness. I feel like there are people here with more experience than me in this field, so please help me understand this. I don't want to fool myself. If this has nothing to do with enlightenment or True Self, please let me know. If you have any other questions which could help determine what this is, please shoot. Thanks in advance.
  5. I would say Sadhguru is the proof, he's worked 20hrs+ a day for the last 35yrs or so, none stop, its because he is in constant Bliss, again this does not mean he has no sense of what is going on or is in some sort of trance state, he balances it out with Clarity...He did the 30,000km Save Soil campaign last year, he's in his 60's, as well as riding his motor bike in horrendous heat and cold, rain conditions, over night with no sleep at times, he did something like 300 press events, none of us could do this, why does he do it, he doesn't have to do anything... here is a video of just one of his years in review and the stuff he does...
  6. you're a body or you're awareness and if the former the bliss comes and goes while the latter is sat chit ananda how do you do it? you merge with the awareness that you are and cut away from the ego that you are not the ego keeps on keeping on and it will struggle if you jump ship it won't feel like eating or sleeping or anything and will need help to stick around maybe from a spouse
  7. In spirituality there is the idea that at will you cause anxiety or bliss, which is a matter of attitude, practices, etc. I think this is a lie. The human circumstance is complex, we have an enormous burden of repression, conformism, inherited mental slavery. Shortcuts do not work, it is necessary to physically conquer your karma, to carry out the fight that corresponds to you. Evasive tactics in my opinion are like addictions, nothing lasting.
  8. In spirituality there is the idea that at will you cause anxiety or bliss, which is a matter of attitude, practices, etc. I think this is a lie. The human circumstance is complex, we have an enormous burden of repression, conformism, inherited mental slavery. Shortcuts do not work, it is necessary to physically conquer your karma, to carry out the fight that corresponds to you. Evasive tactics in my opinion are like addictions, nothing lasting.
  9. When you are in such high states of bliss, would you even get tired of life? True, I believe that's called acceptance and some call it enlightenment as well. But, for such a state to be called as enlightenment, you should be fluid in going back to higher states if you've gone deep into a lower state of consciousness once again. Free will, maybe?
  10. @Princess Arabia @Ishanga To the contrary. The body will last more and be more healthy if you are in high pleasurable states of Being. What the hell means ' the body cannot handle'? You are not lifting fucking weights. You father now rest in peace, smoked Heroin almost every day for +25 years. You think someone goes everyday through the gruelling process of going to a dodgy neighbourhood, a shithole of stealers, gypsis, dealers, spent who knows how much of their life, focus, money, energy, just because of nothing? Of course the body can handle Bliss because body has nothing to do with it. If within the neurotransmitter is activated you get high. For hours and even For days if you dare. You can be high for 2 weeks straight if you have the money lmao. The human Body/mind is like this: "hey! I have an unlimited chemistry factory here, but I won´t give it to you unless you trigger it with the correct key. Those are the rules." So now what we are trying to do is to manifacture our own key. So that we don´t have to give it drugs that damage the system and instead we can enjoy the both of 2 worlds: Being Blissful but also being healthy and with a clear mind. They do not last because we still do not understand how human mechanism works. Simply. Not because the body/mind is unable to do it.
  11. Yes maybe... What I meant by settling is that we sort of get used to it, even in Bliss one still has Desire as Desire is inherent in Embodied Life, and with Bliss You gain Clarity, so when the "Pursuit of Happiness" issue is achieved naturally, you move on to higher pursuits, hence why I am here on this forum. When I am out and about on my job, I'm in public areas allot, malls, restaurants, all sorts of public places, I see ppl in pursuit of Happiness or Fulfilment in these places, they have certain looks, mannerism, they are so focused on what is outside of themselves that they walk into me at time when working, its a dead atmosphere, for me I do not want this sort of life, I want to experience more of Life, so that is what happens I think, Bliss settles allot of things for Us, so that we can pursue our true Potentials... When any sort of Suffering, or being below Peace level of Experience is happening then one will never pursue higher levels of Potential in Life... Sadhguru has a good saying in reference to Human Nature compared to other Life on the planet.."When Stomach is Empty there is One Problem, when Stomach is Full then there is 100 problems, this is the nature of the Human Being", most life forms their lives are settled when stomach is full, that is not the case with Us Humans!
  12. @An young being Another view I have to offer is that we make ourselves unhappy unconsciously and use unhappiness and "not being blissed out" just as we use negative emotions in order to navigate our experience, point us towards growth and progress and as a means to make us aware of greater dimensions of possibilities. It's like a homeostatic guidance system and the worse/less happy we feel, the further we are from god/bliss/consciousness/desirable experience. In a way, I came to realizations that none of the emotions even matter, they're like the flavor of food, or different genres of music, they're a means of navigation and communication and we can tune into either one, but as we become more conscious, we'd realize their arbitrariness and though we could be blissed out and maybe neutral = bliss, we wouldn't necessarily need to, though we might do it simply because it would make life better, but different emotions exist and so they clearly have a purpose, though that itself may be transcended. Maybe what others say is exactly right, emotions like bliss being a pointer to expand one's awareness, experience and tune into higher dimensions of consciousness, but that would of course come at the expense of living this life, since all its needs and desires would be transcended to the point that it would feel like a meaningless distraction, or an arbitrary limited focus. So then, bliss has to be acquired or trained by becoming more conscious and transcending paradigms, in order to eliminate all those states of mind which create distractions and needs and prevent one from being universally content... In a way, it may not even matter what one does and what activities one chooses to engage in, one would simply need to dissolve the state of mind that believes that doing these activities is an objective need and believes in the objective meaning and purpose of survival itself. One can of course continue to survive even without the belief in its importance and the need to do it, simply for the experience itself and let go of all limitations and barriers that impose it, and then rather do it for its own sake irregardless, being blissed out. Look at kids, they're naturally blissed out, though they also navigate other emotions for convenience but also out of ignorance. Of course that process would lead one to higher states of consciousness, in which survival would become a conscious choice and one could still survive out of higher awareness and love, but the state of consciousness itself would of course feed one's experience with greater awareness of its nature, which may lead to the realization of the vanity of survival itself, but a truly high stage would still continue to do whatever is healthy, though it may at some point decide to enter madasamadhi, it may or may not choose to upgrade one's or other's lives first but who knows, at that point, it's an individual matter, or god's matter, however you wanna see it, so yeah, transcend beliefs and operate on consciousness alone without rigid systems, like spiral dynamics and leo point to, but easier said than done, though we have amazing tools and it's all up to one's own self...
  13. Most extreme levels of Samadhi will need a complete eradication of that, but we are not talking about getting to that level nor is necessary to enjoy a deep level of pleasurableness and Bliss through a normal life while maintaining a body and mind and a normal job like any other person. First establish yourself as Bliss in everyday life, then higher levels of Being can come, when you get tired of normal life and transcendence starts knocking at your door.
  14. I agree that there's the possibility for neutrality be the natural state. But while being mindful, I am focusing on the present, making my mind free of thoughts, which itself is a tremendous activity. Can such an activity be brought to such extremes that it results in extreme bliss? Or in other words, can mindfulness with senses active and actions present be a substitute for meditation where senses are closed and actions inactive, which results in a state of absolute bliss ( or atleast whatever the state of absolute is perceived to be) during meditation? Not interested myself in being that blissful all the times though, just curious whether it's a possibility.
  15. Yes, let's assume it's the default state of being. Then, it shouldn't be relative, it has to be absolute, which is extreme bliss. Can you maintain that in your everyday life, maybe after finding out what I'm doing wrong in my everyday life? Or could it be achieved only after closing all your thoughts and sensations? I agree that there are degrees, but can you maintain all the time something closer to the highest degree, even after getting out of meditation or awakening states? Im happy to be at scale 0 most of the time, but can the intensity of experience at the present get so high that a state close to ecstacy is always maintained in everyday life? And.also , can meditators stay in the state of bliss/ ecstasy closing their eyes all the time? Glad that you're able to overcome your difficult times!
  16. Is tricky to explain. Because body is a creation of the Being, so it has the necessary 'tools' or 'chemical soup' to be in a permanent state of Bliss, but there are certain rules 'written' on it (like a Software). For example, one rule is you can not be in a state of Pleasantness or Love while maintaining thoughts about hate or envy of someone. Is simply not possible. That would be one 'rule' of this Software. Another example, you can take a drug and maybe be in a 2 hour state of Bliss, but that´s it, is 2 hours, because another rule that has been 'written' on it is that external substances only last a certain time and then they stop. So basically the 'hardware' of the body, is the one that has the original Bliss, the drugs, thoughts, (or other persons, acts, situations) that might trigger it are kind of like 'the key' to activate what is inside and is already 'inconditional'. But this 'triggers' are short-lived. One important thing to know is that the Bliss inside is a factory, (is our Being), so Is not like there are a limited quantity of 'bliss pieces'. Is a factory, it can produce unlimited constant Bliss (again, because is 'its Nature'/its what We Are), but for that to take charge of this production, one has to become the 'trigger' itself, the 'key' itself. If you have a human body know that you have the most advanced system designed by the Creator to completely realize itself and be in the most pleasurable, ecstatic states available. Think it like this: If you have a human body you are in the last process of your exploration in this Creation. You are aiming towards the Ultimate and the Ultimate Bliss state. IF not, you will not be incarnated in a human, which is a super complex thing. You would be an ant maybe.
  17. I don't know why I have a problem with this bliss thing. I think neutrality is our default state all other states stem from this that's why they're temporary. The body was not designed to be in a permanent state of bliss or even happiness. It's just not. It's the mind that is imposing these preferred states. Anxiety and/or depression probably stems from the mind trying to remain in these positive states for longer than their life span and the body rejects this. All these emotions are designed to pass through the body, not sit there and cause the body to stress. I think neutrality is really bliss.
  18. N,N-DMT is always different. You can achieve spiritual bliss but it's trickier. It can feel dark. Don't do it with too many expectations.
  19. Yes they can, if Ppl can be in constant Depressed States, why can't someone be in constant Blissful States? Its actually the way the body is designed to be in Blissful States, when in Depressed States wrong chemistry is released, this destroys your body and mind, breaks down cells and such, bad health is the result.. When in Happy or Blissful States on a constant basis, the opposite happens, everything about You, all Your Capabilities and Attributes are enhanced. Bliss does not mean party mode 24/7, it means a higher state of Realization, of Awareness and Profoundness of Experience, Intensity of the Moment is very Higher, Your not ruled by the past or future, you use the past to become wise, you plan for the future but You don't live in those places that don't exist Now... The problem is that very few ppl live in constant Blissful states naturally, so because of that most ppl think its not possible, or not needed or good for us, because we are so used to up and down emotional lives, suffering, anxiety, stress, depression, these things have become the norm, just because its the norm does not mean its the way things should be!
  20. I have a scale from 0 to 10, 0 is Peace, 10 is Ecstasy, anything below Peace is suffering state, in suffering state You are not accessing any of Your Potential, your just surviving, most of the population is below 0. The difference btwn 0- Peace and 10-Ecstasy is just a matter of Intensity of Experience, Peace is not as Intense as Ecstasy State! When Your at 10, in Ecstasy, as Davino said You cannot function in Social Situations or Survival situations, You won't want to Eat, Drink, be concerned about Family or any of that, better to Isolate Yourself when in Ecstasy State of Being.. The Happy medium is Bliss(I would say Bliss is 8 or 9 on the scale), You can be in Blissful States (as Sadhguru said) and still function normally, deal with Life situations and family and all of that, the thing is when in Blissful states, no Stress is possible when in Life situations, what would life like that be like? You see Stress is not found in Situations, Stress is found within You, its an Unconscious Reaction to Life, not a Conscious Response to Life, and this is what we need more of from People in this world, right now its the polar opposite and that is why we have the Shit Show that we have...
  21. It happens on NNdmt by itself & if I add harmaline. (NO TTH) It feels like a ugly drug trip. 5meo I have pure spiritual bliss. ??
  22. Constant Bliss is possible simply because human chemistry is possible of creating Bliss, and ultimately is the real nature of the Self. So is not about achieving Bliss 24/7. Is more of...what am I doing wrong that I am not Blissed out constantly? Since that is the default state of the Being.
  23. But this is just completely wrong, we are naturally breatharians and if we are really gonna indulge with the 3D reality/survival and actually gonna eat food then fruitarianism/ raw vegan is the way to go, it's the most alive/highest vibrational food, everything else, especially meat is complete trash for any human being that wants happiness, eating meat is basically black magic, there is no human being on this planet who eats meat and who is in permanent bliss, maybe a dopamine hit from time to time at best lmao Don't get me wrong i used to eat meat at one point of my life too, but this is just huge misinformation that i had to jump in, sacrifice of another sentient being is never the way to go and i'm not coming at this from the compassion point of view, i'm telling you what the laws of the universe are, and to simply put it eating meat = death, eating fruit = life, breatharianism = immortality.
  24. @An young being I haven't achieved a consistent state myself, but from my psychedelic trips and childhood memories, there were times where irregardless of what I was engaged in doing, I was in flow and complete bliss, the state itself was independent of activity and painted them blissful instead of being determined by them. I'm convinced it is belief, association and conditioning that make it so activities affect the feedback loop backwards but it is not an absolute. It is really that one doesn't allow oneself to be happy unless one achieves something or gets one's way, instead one could operate, choose, act on top of the state itself, instead of waiting for it to arise, but it is something to become conscious of, do shadow work about and learn to master and I am on the way towards that myself. After all, you know there were times in your life when you weren't happy no matter what and times where you were overjoyed no matter what and if you experienced that once, you know it's possible and you can work on that.
  25. I don't think such heavy doses of bliss can be maintained, maybe someone highly equanimous can overcome such states. Let's assume you can overcome the bliss, what I am asking is whether you can be extremely mindful all the time, so that you can be in a higher conscious/ blissful state all the time. How can you be at the extreme ends of mindfulness when you have to make decisions such as choosing between a pizza or a burger? Even bliss doesn't come for free, in my opinion. It costs karma. That's why I believe you go back to ordinary states after having bursts of blissfulness.