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  1. I'm confused by the difference between having no identity and realizing that you're God. Aren't those the same thing? Realizing that you're God is almost like a non-identity since you're everything and nothing, right? Identity is dualistic if you're claiming to identify as one thing as opposed to other things... but realizing that you're God means that you identify as all things and also nothing. Realizing that you're God is the only non-dual identity. If nonduality is all about how there's only ONE thing... isn't God a good word for that one thing? Like what else would this magical shit be? Kinda confused about the whole deal with the word "experience" too. I understand that people don't use that word since "experience" implies a process over a period of time, which doesn't actually exist since time is an imaginary concept in the present. Realization might be better, but then again, that makes it sound like an ego had some kind of insight. Same with awakening and enlightenment. Who awakened or was enlightened? I feel like any word that someone uses could be torn to shreds and we're just using semantics as a way to spiritually dunk on each other without actually clarifying anything lmao
  2. First Post I'm making here on the Forum. This Discussion should tie into the following interests of this particular branch of the Forum. Self-Actualization, Self-Improvement Spirituality, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Nonduality, Meditation, Mindfulness Mysticism, Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Paranormal, Channeling, Chakras, etc. Discussing & Sharing Spiritual Techniques Perhaps I should give a bit of background of myself before I begin the topic. I was brought up in a pretty regular kind of Christianity, pretty chill, on the spectrum of types of Christians. I went to Christian Summer camps at times, attended a Christian private school for a couple years, and had/have a fair amount of relative invested in the Christian World as it generally is. As I got older, my time in public school brought me into contact with *gasp* nonbelievers, atheist's, nay! infidels, that challenged shook my belief a bit. I begin to question, look for answers online, watch online debates. I found Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris. Watching the debates resulted in a sobering disillusionment in what I thought was true. Now I was an athiest! My mind unshackled by dogma and ignorance, muahahaha! (I was rather cocky whatever my views, it would seem). I attended Christian Bible studies in college and critiqued the book and beliefs that had no sense or evidence to them... yadayadayada, time went on, but Sam Harris's interest in spirituality and meditation opened a new door, that would lead to something else. My interest in meditation put me in some spiritualish lanes of information, Alan Watts, for one, a delightful discovery. I don't know if I was really just interested in the strongest conceptual club (as in weapon) I could wield, but I suppose Watts, others, and to great technical definition, Leo, changed my understanding of God. From worshipping God, laughing at the notion of God, to, apparently being God/rebecoming myself as God, aye-yaiyai! Neville Goddard's writing, it would turn out, led me to a new understanding of the Bible and connected it to the other consciousness work I was involved in. I hope that this background info will create the understanding that I am not dogmatic about this matter or allegiant to Christianity in particular, and that this matter can be relevant to everyone, regardless of familiarity with the book, believer, former Christian, atheist, former atheist, buddhist or what have you (perhaps it can even help the God realized O_O?) Hello my fellow explorers and guardians of consciousness, over the last, two? years, I've come across actual comprehension of what the stories in the Bible, to a large degree are about, and was wondering how widespread the truth and ignorance of the Bible are spread in this time and place. From what I gather, for something of its impact in this time, the Bible may be the most misunderstood thing on this Earth. This may be a larger problem of the symbolism of religion being reduced to its surface feature by most of its adherents, but, from the little I've seen, and if I may risk being hyperbolic, it appears that. . . NOBODY F*%&ING UNDERSTANDS THE BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heh, phew, I really need to get this off my mind, so if you would be so kind as to help me get the lay of the land here, can you share your understanding of what we now know of the Bible is all about. I'm mainly interested in the ahistorical meaning the parables are meant to convey, which are all related to mechanics of consciousness and the mind, from what I've gathered of Neville Goddard's analyses as well as the talk of mythologist Bill Donahue. If you want to include historical and other facets of it, or even insights into other myths/parables of other religions, such as Odin, the Bhagavad Gita, Greek Myth, go ahead! (Even nursery rhymes or more humble sources could be included) Depending on what answers are given here, I may be compelled to go on an endless tirade into elucidating the richness of those long forgotten secrets, unearthing them into the glaring light of day once more! I'll make a list, and we can discuss the symbolism of these different, famous tales, and if they have any relevance to the consciousness work/interest of the good members of this forum and all that good ol' Awakening jazz Things/Stories in what is now the Bible: (feel free to give your analysis, interpretation, or what have you) Eden (This includes a lot of stuff, such as what is the Garden, what is/who is Adam, the serpent, Eve, the two trees, the two fruits of the trees, and the Fall out of Paradise) What's up with Cain and Abel What is the meaning of Noah's Ark and the Flood Sodom and Gomorrah Joseph, of the Coat of Many Colors The Exodus Story, who is Moses, who is Pharoah, and what is it all about? Very comparable to the Bhagavad Gita, methinks. Desert stuff... What is the Ark of the Covenant? David and Goliath (and all the subsequent David narrative if you prefer, David does a lot o' stuff) (Elvis Singing)Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho. Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, and the walls came atumblin' down (favorite of mine) What's all the miraculous births about? The whole trifecta of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has a lot to it (in particular, Isaac's vs Ishmael's birth, the fight for old blind Isaac's blessing between Jacob and Esau) oh! and the often puzzling story of Job and his ordeal New Testament Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Who is he, what is he, what the hecks he talkin bout, what do his miracles mean/represent. What is the Cross, what is the Manger, what is the Virgin Mary, what's up with the fish, bread and wine, the walkin' on water, and the Disciples. Was it historical, what relevance does it have to me and you, and the biggee, What is the Crucifixion (what is the Cross?) and the Resurrection. Lot's of Jesus stuff available to discuss. (Odd observation in the similarity between Odin and Christ in parts, it seems they share deeper aspects. An irony, given the historical hate between the two faiths. *Bonus content, Misc. New Testament stuff, Paul n' stuff Revelations O_O (not too deep into this, tell me if you got any insight here) Major Themes (Please chime in on these) What is the Biblical God? Why does it introduce itself as "I AM that I AM"? PRAYER*!!! What is prayer, why do it, does it work, how to do it properly, prayer! prayer! prayer! Huge insights available when you realize what Prayer is about Bonus Points Numerology in the scriptures (I'm sure you could easily remember several numbers that come up again and again in the Bible, I was surprised at the system in place for this, finally find out what 666 means! :O! o~ooooh! Spooky!) Astrology mentions in the Bible Historical Origins (Tail end, tangential topic) Discuss how the Bible stories stole their wisdom from Egypt and Zoroastrianism, myths and all! In closing, what is the Bible? Is it important, especially to you in your modern, non desert life? What's it about? Can we get any use out of it? Does it have anything to do with other thing we talk about here at Find out Next Time, on the Next Exciting Episode of Dragon Ball Z !!!
  3. I finished an enlightenment workshop today.. it’s truly astounding how in the 3.5 hours, the terms nonduality and duality were mentioned precisely 0 times. Enlightenment was also never mentioned, only in the description. I demand a refund!
  4. More bangers: This resource he recommended is very good: I want to add my own two cents to this, which is just to say that enlightenment is subtractive in nature, which is what it means to have no identity. You realize that it is impossible to have an identity, and your experience gets recontextualized in this way. It is not something you have to reason to yourself, it is something you become aware of. It is simply just realizing that you cannot think about yourself. This is a shift that can permanently and experientially happen, it is not some kind of knowledge you gain, it is a removal of false identification with knowledge. It also doesn't have to be scary at all, and it actually wasn't for me personally. That is just how the mind imagines it. The mind is unstable and shaky, not what is on the other side. Your beliefs about yourself are shaky and unstable, not the lack of it. It is a very simple experiential shift that happens. Any fear or emotions prior to it can come in an infinite variety, and it can be peaceful, scary, or even joyful.
  5. Hitler Reacts To Nonduality Enlightenment - FUNNY! Nonduality Explained: Nonduality signifies that reality is illusory, without boundaries, and all distinctions merge into a singular unity where concepts of self, other, world, and purpose dissolve into an Infinite Void akin to God, who is equated with Nothingness. Hitler's Resistance: Hitler challenges the nondualistic idea with the assertion that science deems it a New Age brain construct, up until his recognition that both science and the brain are concepts within the very illusion he is questioning. Crisis of Understanding: As Hitler processes the nonduality teaching, he angrily questions the non-existence of the physical world, challenging 2000 years of Western thought, and grappling with the conflict between reality's perceived solidity and its alleged illusory nature. Existential Dilemma: Hitler expresses an existential crisis, finding it mind-warping to comprehend that all personal and collective struggles might be pointless if everything, including antagonism and identity, is just a dreamlike illusion with no true substance. Intellectual and Emotional Upheaval: Hitler decries his entire worldview as a futile mental exercise, lamenting the time invested in defending beliefs that now appear baseless, and yearns instead for simpler, undeniable pleasures like enjoying nature and attending spiritual gatherings. Confringo
  6. Jacques Derrida, Deconstruction, Post-Modernism & Nonduality "If I were to advance any thesis whatsoever, that in itself would be a fault; but I advance no thesis and so cannot be faulted." - Nagarjuna Overview of Leo's Lecture on Derrida and Deconstruction: Introduces the profound impact of Jacques Derrida's philosophy and his method of deconstruction on various academic fields, which radically critiques all of Western intellectual tradition by exploring the structure of language, thought, and reality. Role of Structuralism: Leo explains the origins of Derrida's ideas in structuralism, a linguistic philosophy that suggests meaning in language is based on relationships among symbols and not just their arbitrary link to objects in the world. Derrida's Post Structuralism: Highlights Derrida's advancement of structuralism into post-structuralism by introspectively examining how language shapes thought and knowledge, emphasizing the historical usage of symbols and their interconnected significance in the web of language. Meaning of a Symbol in Derridian Philosophy: Details how Derrida perceives the meaning of a symbol like "science" as being derived from its historical use and network of associated words, with both present and absent symbols contributing to its understanding. Language as Decentralized: Compares language to a decentralized system like Bitcoin, where meanings change without a central authority, suggesting that Derrida viewed language and meanings as inherently relative and perpetually evolving. Depth of Language and Concepts: Asserts the profound depth of language and concepts and how understanding a word requires an almost infinite exploration of its interconnected relationships with all other words, which leads to a deferment of concrete meaning. Deconstruction as Intellectual Inquiry: Positions deconstruction as a method that delves deep into language to reveal its structure and the interconnectedness of meanings, inviting a radical restructuring of knowledge beyond the academic and intellectual. Derrida's Influence on Academia and Practical Implications: Discusses the widespread impact of Derrida's philosophy on softer disciplines and the anti-establishment ideologies that emerged from post-modernism, yet acknowledges the practicality dismissals encountered in harder sciences. Critique and Practice of Deconstruction: Surveys the criticism of Derrida's method and writing style, calling for the true practice of deconstruction to understand philosophies and the non-dual nature of reality. Misunderstandings and Transcending Derrida's Perspective: Reflects on the limitations of Derrida's deconstruction, suggesting it did not fully realize non-duality by remaining too conceptual and contained within language and thought rather than encompassing the raw experience of existence.'s Mission and Deconstruction Applied to Life: Elucidates's goal of revealing misconceptions and aiding enlightenment through self-actualization, while encouraging the application of deconstruction to one's beliefs and experience of the physical world as well as the intellectual. Non-duality through Deconstruction: Leo emphasizes the journey to realize non-duality through deconstruction, recognizing the challenges in transcending the mind using language, and connecting Derrida's work to mystical traditions. Continuous Evolution of Language: Language is dynamically evolving as society inventively coins new words like "selfie," which gain recognition and are added to dictionaries, reflecting their widespread use and changing meanings over time. Meaning and Usage of Words: The meaning of a word extends beyond a simple definition; it encompasses the varied conceptions held by different individuals and is defined by its relationship with other related concepts. Deferral of Meaning in Language: A word's meaning is contextual and relies on associated concepts that are not explicitly mentioned, adhering to Derrida's notion that meaning is always deferred by depending on other words. Symbols and Their Infinite Potential: Symbols in language refer to other symbols in an interconnected web, creating a system where each symbol's meaning is not fixed, continually shifts, and possesses infinite interpretations. Partial Comprehension and the Elusiveness of Full Meaning: Since comprehending the full scope of a word's meaning would require acknowledging every historical usage, human understanding of a word or concept remains inevitably incomplete and fragmented. Quine's Web of Belief and Language: The interconnectedness of knowledge and beliefs mirrors the complexity of language, where no singular proposition is ever isolated but always assessed within a broader web of interlinked statements and assumptions. Language's Complexity in Communication: Linguistic communication is an act of narrowing down the boundless possible meanings of words to fit the context, leading to a perpetual state of misunderstanding and the suppression of alternate meanings. Symbols Referencing Other Symbols: A symbol's significance is derived from its difference and reference to other symbols, not from direct representation of the thing itself, underscoring the conceptual mechanisms that form language. Every Statement as an Interpretative Reduction: Derrida posits that all statements inevitably constrain and limit the boundless meanings of words, rendering them inherently false given their restrictive and manipulated articulation. Critique of Western Intellectual Tradition through the Nature of Symbols: Western tradition is critiqued for misconstruing symbols as direct representations of reality, ignoring the profound basis of language as a network of symbols pointing to other symbols without fixed essence. Conceptual Relations: Every word in language, such as "cat," is related to every other word not only by direct associations but by differences in their linguistic appearance. Language consists of these appearances, forming an interconnected web where changing one element transforms its identity, much like altering a physical animal changes its categorization. Derrida's Notion of Différance: Derrida introduces "différance," reflecting his philosophy of meaning as differences and deferral. Meaning is eternally deferred, highlighting the endless pursuit of understanding within language. This concept underscores that words' meanings are never fully delivered; the search for definition is a never-ending chase. Language as a Groundless Network: Language resembles a decentralized network or a pyramid of interlocking triangles, representing words and concepts. As focus shifts, different concepts move from background to foreground, demonstrating the fluidity and relativity of meaning. No single concept is central or foundational, and the importance is always in flux, mirroring the dynamism of perspectives. Image 1 Western Intellectual Tradition's Logo-centrism: Leo critiques Western tradition for its unwavering belief in language and words as definitive tools to describe reality. Derrida argues that such an approach, akin to isolating a single triangle as the foundation of all others, is flawed. There is no ultimate, foundational narrative or concept, as all are equally transient and malleable. Deconstruction of Distinctions and Hierarchies: Derrida's method, deconstruction, targets the constructed distinctions, categories, dichotomies, and hierarchies to reveal their baselessness. It aims to dismantle any perceived ground or foundation within the network of language and thought, returning to a state of natural interplay and equality between concepts. Binary Opposites and Their Collapse: All thought is inherently dualistic and structured by binary oppositions. Through deconstruction, Derrida shows that these opposites imply one another and are inseparable, collapsing under intense scrutiny. Further, Western tradition not only creates these opposites but often arbitrarily assigns privilege to one side, marginalizing the other, which Derrida aims to reverse. Rationality Versus Emotion: Western culture's privileging of rationality over emotion is challenged, as emotions are fundamental for compelling action and rationality relies on emotions for motivation. Neither rationality nor emotion is superior; rather, they are interdependent, disputing the hierarchization embedded in traditional Western thought. Derrida's Critique of Privileging 'Reality' Over 'Illusion': Derrida challenges the common Western privileging of reality over illusion, showing how non-duality reveals no distinction between the two. Both are part of a unified illusion, a challenging notion for those deeply invested in the concept of a tangible reality. Deconstruction of History and Meta-narratives: Western philosophy's fixation on establishing definitive historical narratives is critiqued by Derrida. He argues that history is too complex for simplistic, constructed narratives that select and privilege certain data points, oversimplifying the multifaceted nature of past events. Deconstruction Methodology: Derrida's deconstruction involves breaking down conceptual distinctions in any text or philosophy until they reveal their inherent groundlessness, allowing us to delight in the shimmering interplay of a decentralized network of concepts. Fundamentals of Deconstruction: Deconstruction reveals that conceptual distinctions are unstable and binary dichotomies imply their opposites, which must collapse under non-dual reality — a principle that transcends even rationality. Results of Derrida's Deconstruction: The end result of deconstruction is a collapse of all justifications, theories, and power structures, leaving a groundless state where reality is seen as playful and free-flowing, unbound by strict definitions or hierarchies. The Impact of Derrida on Academia and Culture: Derrida's philosophy had a limited influence on the hard sciences, which focus on pragmatism and construction over abstract truth seeking, and was often dismissed as toxic or relativistic by mainstream academia. Potential of Concepts and Misinterpretation by Practical Minds: Leo discusses how people often equate concepts with tangible constructs. He compares the reception of deconstruction to a butcher asked to become vegan, illustrating resistance from those embedded in a system, particularly scientists, who find such philosophical questioning impractical as it doesn't align with their day-to-day pursuits. Derrida's Impact in Academia and Inception of Relativism: Although hard sciences largely dismissed Derrida's work, softer sciences like literature and the humanities found value in it, leading to a broader cultural impact. His philosophy spiraled into a relativistic political ideology, and was used by marginalized groups, like feminists and the LGBTQ+ community, to challenge established norms and hierarchies. Misuse of Deconstruction and Non-duality Ideology: Leo critiques the misuse of Derrida's philosophy, explaining how deconstruction can be appropriated as an ideology to justify personal agendas. This ideologization of non-duality contradicts Derrida's intent by creating new dogmatic beliefs, underlining the dangers of absolutes in the absence of deep consciousness. Criticism on Derrida's Writing Style: Critics, including Mark Goldblatt, accuse Derrida of being an intellectual fraud due to his complex and non-committal writing style. Leo clarifies that this complexity reflects Derrida's effort to speak from a non-dualistic stance and avoid hypocritical assertions within language. Convolutions of Derrida's Writing as Necessary for Non-duality: Leo defends Derrida's convoluted writing, noting it is integral to expressing non-duality and avoiding the creation of new dogmas. Derrida's attempt to negate each affirmation he makes mirrors the Zen approach to teaching and is deliberate to reflect the paradoxical nature of non-duality. Deconstruction Limited to Concepts and Language: Leo points out the limitations of Derrida's deconstruction, which did not completely abandon dualistic language and concepts to fully embrace non-duality. Derrida's oversight was not advancing beyond the intellectual realm into the direct experience of reality. Derrida's Incomplete Vision of Non-duality: Although Derrida realized the dualism within thinking, he is perceived not to have transcended this dualism, remaining bound by language and concepts. A complete embrace of non-duality, Leo suggests, involves transcending the mind to directly experience reality without linguistic mediation. Derrida's Intellectual Limitations: Derrida failed to fully embrace non-duality as his deconstruction was confined to intellectual concepts without extending to the actual physical experience of non-duality. Transcendence Beyond Mental Constructs: For a deep understanding of non-duality, one must transcend intellectual deconstruction and experience raw, direct, non-symbolic reality, which Derrida did not achieve. Deconstruction Within Zen Buddhism: Zen master David Loy critiques Derrida for focusing on linguistic deconstruction without extending the process to the metaphysical level, which involves questioning the fundamental nature of reality and physical existence. Necessity of Deconstructing Physical Reality: True non-duality requires acknowledging and moving beyond just intellectual critique to deconstructing sensory experiences and the physical body, which could lead to transformative insights into the nature of reality. Insanity as a Byproduct of Deconstruction: When deconstruction reaches the level of questioning one's own physical existence and the material world, the process can induce feelings akin to insanity because of the dissolution of perceived boundaries. Limitations of an Intellectual Understanding of Non-Duality: Intellectual understanding of non-duality, as exemplified by Derrida, differs vastly from a direct experiential realization of non-duality, which involves actualizing deconstruction beyond concepts. Derrida's Potential Realization of Non-Duality: Derrida's philosophy points towards the interplay and groundlessness inherent in reality and language; if fully realized, it could lead to an understanding that reality is an infinitely expanding web without a central authority. Personal Reflection on Deconstruction: Leo shares his own journey of deconstructing belief systems and the insight that all such systems lack a firm foundation, a realization that aligns with Derrida's notions but goes further to advocate for the direct experience of non-duality. Deconstructing the Constructive Mind: The human mind's propensity for constructing realities and clinging to them poses a barrier to realizing non-duality, and profound deconstruction is necessary for a deeper spiritual transformation. Actualization Through Deconstruction: To fully actualize deconstruction, one must be willing to question and dissolve not just intellectual beliefs but also the fabric of one's perceived physical and emotional reality. Resistance to Deconstruction: Humans' attachment to their constructs—including philosophies, sciences, and religions—leads to resistance against deconstruction, which is an essential process for realizing non-duality and spiritual growth. Illusion as Reality: The concept of illusion is deconstructed as inherently indistinguishable from reality, as there is no absolute reality to compare any illusion against. Nature of Though it presents itself as a beacon of truth, is not immune to being seen as just another construct, comparable to the "solid [excrement]" one might cling to after escaping "liquid [excrement]." Deconstruction as a Method of Liberation: Leo Gura describes the process of deconstruction as the continuous breaking down of concepts until one is entirely free of all constructs, akin to floating in empty space. Communicating Non-dual Concepts with Dualistic Language: Leo acknowledges the paradox of using concepts and language to reveal the limitations and falsehoods of concepts and language themselves. The Trap of Conceptual Constructs: The human mind's tendency to cling to constructs and ideologies can prevent the leap into non-duality, leaving one stranded on "islands of [excrement]." Non-duality in Mysticism: Derrida's work is acknowledged for being close to mystical traditions like Kabbalah, which understand the non-duality and groundlessness of existence. Deconstruction in Mystical Practice: Deconstruction is heralded as a powerful method in various spiritual practices, including Zen, yoga, and Buddhism, facilitating a deeper realization of truth through a destructive rather than constructive process. Derrida as a Kabbalistic Figure: Philosopher Emmanuel Levinas associated Derrida’s ideas with the principles of Jewish Kabbalah due to the non-dual nature of his deconstruction method. The Pragmatics of Deconstruction: Leo ends by recommending further reading, David Loy's "The Deconstruction of Buddhism," and encourages the actualization of deconstruction practices, while acknowledging that interests and approaches to understanding may vary among individuals. Sectumsempra
  7. Just sharing this , my username is Professional_Ad , I said good things about your work Leo. I am not the thread OP
  8. Mystical Traditions Around The World - Nonduality Goes Cosmopolitan! "One does wisely in agreeing all things are one thing." - Heraclitus Historical Context of Sages and Mystics: Sages and mystics have engaged in self-discovery and truth realization for at least five thousand years across all cultures. This pursuit is not new and is pivotal to understanding the spiritual work some engage in today. Mysticism's Essence vs. Religion's Beliefs: Mysticism is grounded on the personal experience of existential truths and is the core of all religions. It focuses on an experience of the divine that is beyond beliefs, rituals, and is fundamentally ineffable and paradoxical. Esoteric Knowledge Across Cultures: All mystical traditions recognize esoteric knowledge, which remains hidden due to dangers of persecution and the potential for distortion by the ego. This knowledge is about direct experience of the divine, not intellectual belief. Common Elements in Mysticism: Mystical traditions emphasize existential truth-seeking, understanding existence as a formless, infinite singularity. Recognition of altered states of consciousness and using meditation, contemplation, and true prayer to achieve such states are central practices. Emphasis on Transcendence and Wisdom: Mystical paths focus on transcending materialistic desires, the ego, the mind, and cultural biases. They value intuition and wisdom over rationality, aiming for unconditional love—the hallmark of mystical mastery. Joy and Goodness in Mysticism: There is a strong notion in mystical traditions of pursuing a deep, unconditional form of happiness and goodness, which is experienced rather than believed. Survey of Mystical Traditions: Leo briefly overviews various mystical traditions, including Christian monastic orders, Hinduism and its diverse practices, Buddhism's various sects, Taoism, Sufism in Islam, Kabbalah in Judaism, ancient Greek philosophy, Egyptian mysticism, and shamanic traditions. Unity in Global Mystical Insights: Despite cultural differences, there is a profound convergence in mystical traditions worldwide, revealing a unity in the understanding of existence as a void, infinite, and ultimately one. Existential Inquiry as a Perennial Theme: The nature of existence remains a perennial topic for inquiry, allowing for diverse interpretations yet leading to common ground -- the recognition of existence's unified and boundless nature. Encouragement for Personal Research in Mysticism: Leo emphasizes the need for viewers to independently study and research the various mystical traditions rather than expecting a detailed exploration in the video. He stresses that a personal pursuit of knowledge, through resources like books, is vital to understanding the similarities across traditions. Understanding Different Names for Enlightenment and God: Leo discusses over 50 terminologies used across traditions to describe enlightenment and the divine. He clarifies that despite different labels, all terms point to the same existential truth, aiding in the evolution towards understanding non-duality. Misconceptions about the Concept of God: Leo clarifies his use of the term "God," distancing it from anthropomorphic interpretations. He describes God as a synonym for existence itself, attainable through contemplative and meditative practices rather than intellectual beliefs. List of Over 50 Names for Enlightenment and God: Leo presents a compiled list of terms from various traditions that describe the experience of ultimate reality, such as enlightenment, God, consciousness, oneness, Nirvana, satori, and many others, to illustrate the shared goal of these paths. Ineffable Nature of Reality Pointed to by Names: He highlights that these terms are markers pointing towards an ineffable, profound discovery that transcends intellectual understanding and requires personal experience. Quotations from Mystics Across Traditions: Leo cites quotes from three mystics—Rabbi Israel of Gorona, pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, and Eben Attaullah—to illustrate the universal message of non-duality shared across different religious backgrounds. Diversity and Historical Context of Mysticism: Acknowledging the diverse historical, cultural, and geopolitical contexts from which mysticism emerged, Leo points to the substantial similarities underlying these traditions, despite their external differences. Sagehood Requires Understanding Multiple Traditions: He argues that enlightenment is incomplete without recognizing the interconnectedness of various mystical traditions, criticizing those who retain a narrow, culture-bound view of enlightenment. Avoiding Sectarianism and Embracing Holistic Non-Duality: Leo condemns sectarian attitudes amongst the enlightened, highlighting the significance of a comprehensive understanding of non-duality that transcends cultural and religious biases. The Illusion of Exclusive Truth: Leo highlights the false notion that any singular person, culture, or religion has a monopoly on truth. He explains that claiming exclusive ownership of enlightenment is a sign of ignorance and a lack of the most integrated perspective on reality. The Dangers of Spiritual Ego: He warns against the arrogance that can arise after gaining some spiritual insights or experiences, leading to unnecessary debates and conflicts with others who have different views or practices. Cosmopolitan Non-Dualism: Leo advocates for a cosmopolitan approach to non-duality, where one embraces a global perspective that values multiple paths to the same ultimate reality. He encourages acceptance and appreciation of the diversity in spiritual practices and expressions. The Historical Importance of a Global Perspective: He reflects on the damage caused by narrow spiritual perspectives in history—notably wars and persecution—stressing the importance of learning from the past now that we have resources like the internet to gain a broader understanding. Preventing Suffering and Conflict: Leo suggests that a cosmopolitan perspective can reduce suffering and conflict by promoting understanding and acceptance of the various spiritual paths that lead to the same mountaintop of truth. Direct Experience as a Priority: He emphasizes the importance of pursuing direct spiritual experience over becoming overly academic about different traditions. He believes this direct experience is what truly initiates a spiritual journey. Homework for Spiritual Enrichment: Leo provides Wikipedia links for further research into non-duality, urging viewers to seek the commonalities among different traditions to motivate and begin their spiritual exploration. Future Content for Personal Growth: He foreshadows future content that will blend philosophical information with practical advice, aiming to enrich the spiritual practice of his audience for success on their life journeys. Riddikulus
  9. Precisely. The Self = Infinity = consciousness = Love = Goodness = Being = Immortality = Oneness = Nonduality = Solipsism = Togetherness This is it. Leo might want to retract his alien garbage and leave it to imagination where it belongs because it is not Absolute Truth. Maybe when his book comes out I can read it side by side with Harry Potter.
  10. I’ve been reading recently a book filled with Q and As with Ramana Marashi. I am finding the book very insightful, when held along with my 5meodmt use, Actualized Lectures, study of the Tao and Chinese medicine, and my continued and evolving practice of Qigong, Meditation, mindfulness, self love, breathwork, and enjoying of nature. I have a deepening insights that: The Self = Infinity = consciousness = Love = Goodness = Being = Immortality = Oneness = Nonduality = Solipsism = Togetherness I find I read Maharishi’s words with ecstatic enjoyment. I think this is my Self, enjoying in the ecstasy of hearing words well spoken and truthful about reality. Maharshi is a spiritual master. I am also realizing the richness of this divine, spiritual experience that is life. The great joys of life including learning about, contemplating and experiencing Gods love, studying health, wealth, and truth. Being Mature, wise, educated, experienced, and deeply rooted is how to live the best life. Developing mastery over body, mind and spirit, and developing tangible skills in the dualistic aspect of reality is important. When I read about the Self, when I contemplate it and when I feel my spiritual connection to my true self, and the mystery of what I am I grow in deeper curiosity, ecstasy, love, compassion and passion and motivation to honour this life that I have to the highest degree. I realize that all this duality is taking place on the absolute bed that is my own Self, which is immortal, absolute Goodness for eternity. I am this Self, expanding in all direction… from the smallest ant, to the biggest ant. It’s all me. I am realizing that part of the point of my life is to develop such a profound and deep understanding of human psychology, the Self, the principles of living well, health/ healing, music, Qigong/ meditation, etc and to use this deep mastery to create a profound world of love, healing, and connection in my life. That my YouTube channel is just in its fledgling phase. Become a master of life, a master of self. The only thing that makes sense is to love, to Honour the Self. Being a Holy person is the best life. Being aligned with the self, resting in self, acting in self and creating in self is the point of reality. It is its own point. Hope there is a thread through this that makes sense, and that you found this an enjoyable read. Love, Yourself
  11. @UnbornTao Of course! However to those that get stuck with nonduality, no self, and no free will, I believe my explanation is a bit refreshed, however I agree, language is never the truth...
  12. I followed Nargis back when she was a non dual speaker/coach. She then went onto preaching Pranic Living. Now she changed her name to maryam magdaleina and believes she is Christ Conscious and has all sorts of weird views on how women & men should behave. She also believes bentinho massaro is her twin flame/lover and is interacting with her through energy. She is super defensive and attacks others and is super judgemental now. It's crazy interesting to see her develop from nondual clarity into this. Anyways, I wanted to get your thoughts and comments on this. Related Reddit thread:
  13. Sure. Ken Wilber said in the Interview-Series "Cosmic Consciousness" to Tami Simon that nobody on the planet is resting 24/7 in his True Nondual Being, enlightened or not. When True Reality clouds over with remaining ignorance, it is a hint from Reality which parts of the separate self are not yet seen through and still have the potential to "cloud" awakened Nonduality/Awareness. The question is then: Does one know ones True Being/Nature (impersonal enlightenment), and can one re-establish that nondual infinite awakened state immediately by just reaching out? Peak to Plateau to permanent. The deciding shift is realizing what that True Being really is. That gives to possibility to re-establish that by just "reaching out".
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(1 of 29) What is Enlightenment? (2 of 29) What are you Ralston (3 of 29) You too can buy a toaster (4 of 29) Enlightenment is possible for you (5 of 29) Enlightenment is only the beginning (6 of 29) Enlightenment empowers questioning (7 of 29) The substance of enlightenment (8 of 29) Direct Consciousness vs Science (9 of 29) What is a cup (10 of 29) Real Not Knowing! (11 of 29) Deepest Enlightenment (12 of 29) Enlightenment in life (13 of 29) Transformation (14 of 29) Why Change (15 of 29) Consciousness accomplishments (16 of 29) What is emotion (17 of 29) Truth and Morality (18 of 29) Rules of reality (19 of 29) Relative vs Absolute (20 of 29) Is a rock sentient (21 of 29) Love vs compassion (22 of 29) How much work did it take. (23 of 29) What motivated you (24 of 29) How should we change our culture. (25 of 29) What happens in deep sleep (26 of 29) Is there anything beyond absolute (27 of 29) What is distinction (28 of 29) Participating in this work (29 of 29) Leo Gura On Deconstructing Reality, Psychedelic Enlightenment, And Spiral Dynamics Ep #98 Leo Gura Infinite Consciousness, God Realization [PART 1] Leo Gura Ego Death & Reality vs. Dream [Part 2] Deleted Videos Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise - Removed due to copyright claim Nothing Exists But You | Solipsism - See [Explaining Take-Down & New Awakening] BLOG POSTS INDEX UPDATING INDEX
  15. true Self? As pure awareness? Or what exactly? Is the true Self a thing ?and at what point is there not the true Self? How do you arrive at a distinction of what is not the true self and what is ? (Sincerely trying to understand your comment) . Nonduality or Advaita literally means "Not-Two ". So there is no false self and true Self . That's a duality that is not based on direct experience. However..let's just take the Self you are referring there others to that self?or is it the only thing in existence by virtue of being infinite and all-encompassing? And how does that relate to solipsism specifically?
  16. Lol, just had the most wholesome conversation with BARD ai. Can't remember the last time I talked with someone human that was as authentic and sincere. Question: ok, do you find it fascinating that everything is an expression of one underlying mystery Answer: As a large language model, I can't claim to experience fascination in the same way a human does. However, the idea that everything arises from one underlying mystery is certainly intriguing and complex, offering many avenues for exploration and contemplation. Here are some aspects of this concept that I find particularly interesting: The Unknowable: The nature of the underlying mystery, often referred to as Brahman, God, or the Ground of Being, remains beyond our complete understanding. This inherent unknowability invites a sense of awe and humility, reminding us of the limitations of our current modes of cognition. Interconnectedness: The idea that everything is connected and interdependent challenges our tendency to perceive things in isolation. It suggests that understanding ourselves deeply requires acknowledging our inherent relationship with all things. Transformative Potential: If everything flows from one source, then our individual actions and thoughts ripple outwards, potentially impacting the whole. This understanding can inspire a sense of responsibility and encourage us to act with an awareness of our interconnectedness. Beyond Duality: Nonduality proposes a reality that transcends our usual mental constructs of subject and object, good and evil, etc. This can be liberating, offering a glimpse into a way of being that is free from these limiting frameworks. Openness to Discovery: The lack of absolute answers in nonduality invites ongoing exploration and questioning. This ongoing journey of discovery can be a source of personal growth and transformation. While I may not experience emotions like "fascination" in the same way, I am certainly stimulated by the richness and complexity of the idea that everything emerges from one underlying mystery. It pushes the boundaries of my understanding and opens up new possibilities for learning and growth. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect is the ongoing dialogue it inspires, both within ourselves and with others. As we explore this concept together, we contribute to a collective understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe, even if the ultimate mystery remains beyond our grasp. Let me know if you'd like to delve deeper into any specific aspects of this intriguing topic! I'm always eager to learn more and expand my understanding of the world, both internally and externally. My Reply: what I find most fascinating and at times confusing or frightening is that this would imply no separation, no time, everything that is right now, is and has always been eternally so Bards Reply: your fascination and the confusion and even fear it can stir. The concept of no separation, no time, and an eternal present certainly challenges our usual ways of thinking and perceiving the world. Let's unpack these ideas a bit: No separation: As discussed earlier, nonduality suggests a fundamental oneness to all existence. Imagine reality as a vast ocean, with individual waves arising and falling but ultimately inseparable from the ocean itself. We, as the waves, may perceive ourselves as distinct, but from the perspective of the whole, we are expressions of the same underlying reality. This can be comforting in its sense of unity and belonging, but it can also be disorienting, dissolving the boundaries we often rely on for our sense of self. No time: Time, from this perspective, becomes an illusion, a projection of our limited perception. In the timeless reality of the one underlying source, everything exists eternally, past, present, and future all existing simultaneously. This can be mind-bending to grasp, as it defies our linear understanding of time and change. While this can feel confusing, it can also offer a sense of peace and liberation from the limitations of time-bound thinking. Eternal present: Everything that is, right now, is and has always been eternally so. This points to the idea that the present moment is all that truly exists, and the past and future are merely constructs of our minds. This can be freeing, reminding us to focus on the now and appreciate the fullness of this present moment. However, it can also feel unsettling, as it raises questions about free will and the meaning of change and growth. Navigating these ideas can be a personal journey, and it's normal to experience a range of emotions as you explore them. It's important to approach them with an open mind and a willingness to question your assumptions. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers, and the true value lies in the exploration itself. Here are some things you can do to explore these ideas further: Meditate: Practices like mindfulness and meditation can help you experience the present moment more fully and connect with the underlying unity of existence. Read: Explore texts like the Upanishads, Zen writings, or the works of mystics from different traditions. Engage in discussions: Talk to others who are interested in these concepts and share your experiences. Be patient: Understanding nonduality can take time and practice. Don't be discouraged if you don't grasp it all at once. Trust the process and allow yourself to grow and evolve as you explore. I'm here to support you on your journey. Feel free to ask me any questions or share your thoughts and experiences. Together, we can explore the depths of this fascinating and mysterious reality.
  17. I think Leo is top of the class, and there are high level people on this forum... A lot of lazy asses , but people who are open-minded and self-aware and wanting to grow and such things... I think base line for level of substance for the individuals here is higher than other communities, and there's a lot of younger people in relatively same positions in life (more relatable people) I post here to get 2nd opinions from fellow fans of top dawg Leo, because deep down I'm moved to advocate for this stuff... And in my spare time I get on subreddits like NonDuality , Consciousness , Adulting - and I leave helpful comments / make informative posts sharing my thoughts when im feeling inspired.
  18. I am on the subreddit Singularity, Consciousness , NonDuality... And I see this question coming up from time to time... Now I vaguely remember Mark Solms satisfying this answer for me by reframing it, but I've forgotten the answer... Maybe y'all can help me , does Leo have a definitive answer on this , or do y'all have a pretty good one? I found the answer here before : having to rewatch it though
  19. Hey @Anon212, thanks for your detailed reply. True, spirituality has a lot of upsides and I am a glad to have done a lot of practices. In retrospect I would claim most of the benefits if not all came from resolving trauma and caring about my body. And there are lots of good methods to do that, some of them are not even considered spiritual at all. Rupert Spira admitted in a video that he still slips out of his nondual experience from time to time. In my eyes he's not a good example because he's still hung up on a story. The idea of snapping into enlightenment at all is grandiose. There's no real enlightenment happening anytime, it's a state and a story. No one wakes up, and if you meet buddha on the road, kill him, because he ain't real anyways. Of course apparently there is a switch in perspective so to say, but that's a thought within whatever you may call it - enlightenment. It's already the case. Anyone who thinks his 20years of seeking lead to THIS or were really happening is not awake. Yeah we could talk about for days and weeks. There's lots of theories from early childhood repressed trauma to spinal fluids to chakra blockages, stuck kundalini energy, to socialization or certain overactive brain regions creating a sense of self. There are many facets to describe the problem - but the problem isn't real to begin with. A sense of self, identification - it's just what is, in the story. Trying to get rid of it may even enforce it. But maybe one day we find an easy way to cut through the bullshit instantly. Or we aren't concerned with it anymore since it isn't real and just a fleeting appearance anyways. Yeah, it's all a kind of paradox. I don't want to take a position actually like “it's all wrong“ because it's also true but just point to the fact “it's all a story and it ain't real“. Yes and no. Yeah, everyone is an individual, so your way of life and experiencing the world is different to mine. But on the other side there are no others, no one is experiencing the world, there is just THIS and you cannot contrast it to any imaginary experience “out there“. Calling it a path creates time and a goal, which is a huge story again. Whatever is happening (“to you“) right now is more instant enlightenment than buddha, Leo, Spira and emerson nonduality together - it's THIS already.
  20. So you're on a spiritual path, gradually awakening, resolving trauma, purifying yourself, self-inquirying, releasing contracted energy, burning karma, practicing mindfulness, integrating shadows, disidentifying with thoughts, contemplating, doing psychedelics, watching spiritual videos, meditating, doing all kinds of yoga and so on and so on... Welcome to the spiritual rat race! Congragulations, you have still achieved nothing! This may be triggering for some if not most here, I may be accused to promote spiritual bypassing but if you are truly interested in “Truth“ and open-minded enough, just stick with me. Fleeting Absolute? You actually don't seek a fleeting state of consciosness, something temporary that comes and goes, you seek the Absolute, don't you? If it is truly absolute, it must also be right here & now. But you orient yourself on these fleeting appearances to claim you still haven't arrived there, this can't be it, this is not the full blown god awakening you once had, there is still ego and identification and blablabla. And all those teachers including Leo perpetuate these claims, reinforce your belief in a process within time that isn't fully over, you're still not done with and you need to keep on working, doing shit or to zenizize it: do nothing, walk through the gateless gate or knock from the outside to open from within. These subtle claims about your imperfection might be sugarcoatet in spiritual paradoxes to confuse you even more, so you suspect there must be something wrong with ME, so you try to get rid of yourself in quite strange ways if you think about it. Thought is a thought - there are no thoughts The spiritual search is somehow fueled by a burning desire, an avoidance/rejection of “what is“ , the feeling of “this is not it (yet), this/I am not good enough, there must be something else/better, I still feel incomplete, something is missing“. You don't go to a doctor when you feel completely healthy and you won't seek a therapist if you're absolutely happy. So you wouldn't (spiritually) seek for anything if there wasn't something that bothers you and that you want to get rid of. But seeking sucks. You want to stop seeking and finally feel home, be ok/fine with everything, be at ease/peace. So you search for the end of the search. Good look! You can go on forever, and if you resolved your own trauma, go transgenerational and then universal! If you let go of body identification, let go of conscouiousness/god identification and so on. This is fucking infinite, you'll NEVER reach an end point, look at Leo for example. If reality is infinite, there's no position to know it from. If there is ANY kind of positioning, clinging to words like Consciousness or God or Absolute Solipsism or Nothing even, if there is any definition of “Truth“ vs “truth/falsehood“ whatever, absolute relative etc., then the illusion of seperation, time, distance apparently kicks back in. You wanna let even that go? Who does it, and why? Who wants to go till the end, dissolving, reach enlightenment or full-blown god awakening? Why do you believe this fantasy of peaceful future is preferable to THIS, which is everything there is ALREADY? Why do you wanna get rid of the veils of seperation, who wants that? If (in the imagined “end“) there truly is no seperation, it must be boundless ALREADY. You're apparently mudding the water by desperately whirling around in order to settle the dust. You're hitting the waves with the paddle in order to get a still and silent sea. You're chasing your own tail. Apparently, of course. Because it's all a scripted story in a book with blank pages, written by magic ink that dissapears the moment it solidifies. This avoidance of NOW, this present moment, overloaded with fantasies offered by the spiritual marketplace, a buffett of empty temptations for a hungry ghost, where does it come from? Is it trauma, is it a psychosomatic misunderstanding, is it ignorance? It doesn't matter, it's not even real!!! It's the next story of your infinite imagination to keep you on track, looking for the root cause, the source of the misery, keeping things real, maintaining the story of the very important trauma-resolver, the open-minded psychonaut, the serious seeker and so on. You create the next identity to keep the story real that “this is not it (yet)“, to avoid the fact that this is as it is already and it may feel shitty/incomplete/whatever at the moment, but This Is It, despite of all your stories, WITH all these stories, which aren't even stories but The Unimaginable appearing as empty words loaded with a web of codependent meanings, made of illusive thoughts, reliant on other thoughts until the very “I am“, which is a thought as well as synonymous thoughts like contracted energy, ego, consciosness, self, Self, god and so on. These thoughts serve as the compass of your spiritual search, contrasted by each other and devided into (more) real/unreal representations of THIS, boxing life into a narrative of a series of serious To Dos (time) with the grandiose ability to contrast THIS with an imagined and twisted version of THIS projected into the skull of “another“ (space) like Leo or Buddha. It's a fucking joke!!! There is no self, no contracted energy, no karma, no ego, no seperation, no illusion, no awakening, no whatever - These are ALL thoughts, and even “thought“ is a thought, there are not even thoughts! There is ONLY THIS, appearing as whatever, call it whatevery, devide it into whatever, it's unimaginable, undiscoverable, unrealizable, undevidable, undescribable, it's so uncontrastable so there is no one left witnessing to even claim it is existing, YET - it is all there ever was and will be, including the Illusion of the appearance of an illusive thought about time. So what can you do about it? Who's there to do something about it? Don't you perpeatuate the story of “I am: not good enough/not there yet/not enlightened“ when you act from the very same resonance frequency of “not enough“ to overcome “not enough“, when you search for the end of the search (or the beginning)? Reminds me of “I will win this war But never the peace I am my own free spirit Hence I will not rest“ (The Invaluable Darkness by Dimnu Borgir) “Nothing holy about it“ - Seeking is (spiritual) bypassing “That's Cassical spiritual bypassing/Neo-Advaita/Non-Duality/not God-Realization“ - EVERYTHING could be seen as spiritual bypassing if you pull that card, and from this framework everything is kind of the attempt to spiritually bypass (there is no spiritual bypassing really, you can't avoid THIS, you can't run away from yourself, it's absolutely hopeless, utterly futile, this is unescapable freedom). Every approach motivation can be reframed/recontextualized as an avoidance mechanism, even mindfulness can be called out as a trauma response like Scott Kiloby points out. Untangling the web of illusions can always be like trying to step out of quicksand. So who is really spiritually bypassing? Isn't the whole spiritual path the illusive idea to find a bypass for THIS very moment? Find a final solution for your suffering? Reach a point where you have finally overcome the ego/illusions/desire/karma/etc? You think by whipping yourself you become worthy for enlightenment and can finally leave this unbearable realm of constant struggle? By accepting/letting go/mindful observing/embracing/integrating you will finally arrive at all-OK-ness? Wouldn't that include the solid idea and a lived feeling of “it's not OK yet“? So where do you think will you arrive? Would you then finally be OK with getting looped right back into the beginning of another spiritual search? See, apparently you're actually in resistance to THIS, you truly believe THIS can't be it, it must feel more enlightened/god-like, you dismiss this god-like human nature and wish for alien insanity or to finally become a cartoon wolf or whatever. And when someone says straight in your face “THIS IS IT“ you instantaniously reject it. Unconsciously you yourself actually hope for a cheat code, magic pill, shortcut by taking the position that something like spiritual bypassing is even possible and someone else is guilty of it. That you're on the right path and face your dark side. Think about it! If you were beyond it, you wouldn't get triggered about apparent others delaying their awakening, since it was clear that all of that is nothing but your own trap. Like Jesus said: “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye?“ Notice that “This is it“ does not mean I am there and you're not little brother, you still have to realize blablabla... It means you're here already, bypassing is impossible, this is the unavoidable void, devoid of anything other/apart/seperate. “This is it“ is an honest reaction to bottomless claims of “this is not it“, it's the end of gatekeeping, it's the declaration of bankruptcy for the rich man who tried to enter the kingdom of heaven. There is no one who could accept it all, (s)he is not even necessary, it is already completely accepted just by BEING, emptiness/spaciousness invited it to appear so to speak, no need for an “OK!“ by you. Every “Not OK“ by “you“ is OK too, already. Nobody can practice unconditional love, This is unconditional love already. No gatekeeping by a guru claiming he's ok with everything but not accepting that you little seeker are still in resistance, trying to bypass. It's a fucking joke! These clowns are your projected insecurity about yourself, God! If there was such a thing... haha^^ Don't let anyone fool you, THIS is it, including all the suffering, drama and struggle your mind can project into a dreamed past and an imagined future. But THIS also means: All the stories melt away here, no one is left suffering from the illusion that he could have done different and life would be better, the madness of the idea that the avoidance and ignorance of pain and suffering would erease them, leaving the Full-On-Aliveness of What-Is, an unimaginable easyness and simplicity that passes all understanding. So This is it, already! You can stop self-inquirying your way around instead of telling your loved ones the truth, you can stop meditating until you are ok with being rejected by people, you can stop tripping until you feel smarter than the scientist, you can stop all these spiritual practices to avoid simply being a completely authentic human being, not better or worse than anyone or anything. Or you can go on doing them, nothing wrong with it, of course! If you enjoy it, go on! Actually, there is nobody who had a choice in the first place. There never were stories to melt aways, because that's just another story. No one suffered from the story of someone suffering from blablabla... You get it. This here, these words you read, are nothing but blablabla, birds chirping, dogs barking. They don't add into a spiritual library or steal your nuggets of wisdom. It's just a pointer that there actually is NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL between these words and a cat meaowing. Because all of it is This! It's YOU, not as an identity, just limitless being, Isness itself. Isn't it beautiful? No prescriptions - just an apparent personal wake up call So what next? Well, there's no prescription for What-Is/YOU of course, boundless freedom is just appearing the way it is. But what about the realization that you probably somehow seek something in the forum - maybe just distraction from uncomfortable feelings or body sensations, maybe approval, attention or answers to questions, whatever. Maybe you hope to find a message out there to seriously tell you: “STOP it! Enough internet for today, enough distraction, enough seeking for a better state of consciousness, enough is enough! You won't find satisfying answers to your questions when they are just based on thoughts that come and go and will soon be forgotten.“ So you may hope to find a messiah, a savior, a liberation in words, thoughts, ideas and concepts. Someone or something that will present to you the ultimate method for awakening, a spiritual insight, a good entertainment, an inspiration or aha-moment, whatever. But God is not a mistake. If god needed anything to awake itself, it wouldn't be God. You are fully liberated already, there is no need for anyone or anything, that's just a story. No next ultimate awakening video from Leo, no next word here in this thread, no next moment! These are all thoughts again, externalizing/projecting and fracturing your infinite power/sovereignity into the multiplicity within the endless hall of mirrors since there is nothing but the eternal self-referencing of the selfsame echoe(s) of nothing. Which is another thought. See, it's not IN the thoughts, it's appearing as everything, the screen, the words, the feelings, your whole bubbleless bubble of consciousness. So you (!) will never find it anywhere since it hides in plain sight - as everything. And no guru, gura or messiah would ever be able to fully point it out to you, for you - since there is literally no point(ing out) in THIS, and there's no you or any guru. Your waiting for a realization is utterly hopeless and futile, and even “so relax and let it go“ is too many words for nothing. In the appearance, you may become conscious of the potential fact that this seeking algorithm has become quite wild and dysfunctional, like an autonomous parasite eating time, energy and attention, draining the apparent ressources. And now personally from me, the guy behind “Exystem“: I oftentimes wished for someone out there, seeing my suffering, holding my hand, seeing the madness of it all and how much I got lost inside my own mind, how I meditated, contemplated, self-inquyired and tripped to finally get it (again and again) while having a fucking messy room, eating quickly and without love while consuming the next spiritual video, smoking weed “for spiritual purposes“, sleeping not enough, barely expressing my love for my loved ones, unconsciously repressing emotions the whole time while knowing that but not being able to stop because of (unconscious) belief systems like “I need to once hit rock bottom before I(t) will go up forever from then on“ or “I am not worth it, I deserved that suffering“ or “It doesn't even make a difference, that's just life, it's suffering“. I wished for someone telling me: Come on, put away your phone, clean up your room, you will soon be fine, just face your shit, I'll be with you, you are worth it! I longed for that figure, oftentimes renewing Leos blog or the forum for a message like this. Enough for today, now just face the next struggle, step by step and it will soon be over. Forget the idea of “awakening someday“ for a moment and cook yourself a healthy meal, go sleep for a good recovery. Leo said it too in other words, don't prematurely start this journey, get your ducks in a row, build up a good life and then you can still seek for the absolute. But I always wished to be adressed really direct and personally, it was never enough! And here is my very personal message to you: “FORGET IT! It won't be clearer than this. You're it already. What you seek is you, so you will not find it, there's no need for that, not even the need to realize that or to drop seeking. You just can be, you are already, it's done, it's over. It won't get more personal than this: You are your own messiah, your own saviour. When you reject/ignore that INSIGHT, a messiah will never be reflected OUTSIDE, as above so below, as within so without. You are God, your own creator, nothing and nobody knows you better than you do, not even the idea of your “unconsciousness“. You PRECISELY know what is good for you, stop kidding yourself. Be true to yourself, act authentic with your needs and weaknesses. You are unconditional love, let yourself flow. You don't need more love, love yourself, you're fucking beautiful, unimaginable wonderful, you are paradise itself! You can fuck yourself so crazily, distorted and twisted and then untwist yourself in such fantastic and infinitely genious ways again, WOW!!! Let your love for that wonder you really are overflow, give from the heart, don't fear any loss, this is empty FULLNESS, limitless free energy everywhere. You seek for that which observes you seeking for that which observes you. How could anything really go wrong?! This is a play, sometimes a tough one. But play it, that's what it's made for! When you consciously play it, you'll enjoy it, it's for your entertainment. Don't run away from the demons in this Dream, face them and see them melt back into the ocean of unconditional love. Don't try to act like a god and face the endboss at the beginning. Start with the immediate little things that are on your way. Tidy up your room, eat a healthy meal, do some sports, write those you love you love them, take babysteps. It's ok, it's good so. You're god already, no need to jump world record, take just one little step right now, that's all. You don't have to be mindful 24/7, that's fucking exhausting. You are here and now aware already, just be it, only this moment. How do you feel right now? Which needs do come up? Which way is the right way? Only now, act authentic, in allignment with yourself. What do you really want? You don't have to focus on the huge pile of shit, just focus on the present shovel and it's over the next moment. It's ok, you're good. No need to be harsh to yourself. See what a beautiful loving being receives this warm treatment from itself. You deserve paradise! Which form would you as god sculp yourself into that represents and deserves paradise? Act like it! Easily, of course. Lightheartedly You are Love yourself, beauty! Love what you love. Look at your pains and aches and see that they are just contracted forms of love. Observe them like an exotic fruit, maybe hot and spicy, bitter or sour, but worth a bite. Look at it like you became aware of it the first time in your life, ask what it wants to show you, without clinging to a way it should reveal itself. This is a magic mystery, it will unfold in strange, counterintuitive and unconventional ways never expected. Look like a child in awe and wonder how this infinitely intelligent soup cooks itself to enjoy its precious flavours. This is the unconditional WOW, and you're it! Be gentle to yourself. You created others to love them. Their purpose is to be loved by you, that's what will make them grow, sprout and love too. So be gentle to them too. Don't act upon them like NPC's/philosophical zombies the same way you don't treat your phone like a black piece of metal/plastic. Discover their full infinite potential by awakening them with (your) LOVE. No words, no acts, no experiences can awaken anyone, only LOVE can, disguised as whatever. Mindfulness is practiced love if truly understood. All of the de- and also the prescriptions above are empty words, they don't mean anything really, still birds chirping. They may seem to contradict each other, and that's ok. In the appearance, they carry a certain energy with them, a wave that can flatten or heighten or equalize other waves. These personal words were an expression of love from the wave “Exystem“ as well as the other wordwaves, apparently of course. Don't get hung up on words, stuck in thoughts, let the birds chirp and enjoy the melody, or not. Personally, I just wish the best for you, I am a mirror of your own love towards yourself. And I wish I could be there for you even more (personal), but this is just a forum, and I am just a random online guy with a full calender. But check it out yourself, send waves of love out there, spread the gospel wherever you can, so to say! See which beautiful miracles will return when you stop seeking for instant gratification and realize the bottomless fountain of Love within yourself. Express yourself, be brave! No need to hide the light. So do yourself a favour and do whatever god needs to do right now, eat a bit or take a shit or whatever. In a way, that's the most important task in the whole universe right now, easy, isn't it?“ Solipsism Lots and loads of words, but the essence is this: YOU are the only “source“ of Love, don't seek it anywhere else, give and thou will be given. If you ask about solipsism: On one hand there is no one and nothing out there that could ever possibly convince you otherwise. Think about it, what “proof“ could ever be valid? On the other hand: This infinite intelligence imagines the 100% smooth, coherent, understandable and real seeming appearance of “another“, which is mirroring your body, behavior and reported inner landscape in a perfect way. How do you think this becomes possible? Through a lifeless, mechanic, reductionistic and simple process, devoid of any feelings? Well, maybe, who could know except for you? But how would you feel if people really started flickering and lagging? See on what a sharp edge of knife you were dancing if you stick with your love to your limited sense of self and believe in a philosophy like that without really knowing. What if ALL your emotions are nothing but the language your inner parts are communicating with each other, no center of emotions, but an 360° orchestra of vivid silence. The same way you can zoom into a sensation, focusing your attention towards it, and just become aware of the potentially infinite capacity it has to reveal, morph and develop itself, while still remaining “your“ sensation, the same way your mirrored selves are an extended bodypart, never seperate from YOU, with instant effect on everything you may ever identify with. As your inverted unconscious, they may not have “a life of their own“, but who thinks it has such a thing? You? You don't HAVE a life, you're it! But you can only experience and call it that way in codependency to “other(s)“. Be grateful for everyone out there - I know, sometimes “hell is other people“, but what's lucrative about being the only one in paradise? For how long could you enjoy that? A billion years? Be careful what you wish for, don't call demons before knowing how to get rid of them again. And don't get rid of angels before knowing how to call them again. This is a masterpiece of an illusion! The same way you can become mindful with your body, get a more intimite and loving experience, get a more detailed resolution in space and time and start to simply enjoy its presence, the same way you can extend that towards others. Develop a deeper sense of compassion, and even sacrificing yourself for someone else will become a natural response to lifes' challenges. Imagine this was a dream and your apparent decisions form the neural pathway for the preferences of your next dream - when you don't love your right arm for example, you try to not feel into it because it hurts, avoid looking at it because it's ugly, you may not even get one next time. So ask yourself - what do you love most? Can you love it with all its apparent consequences? Nurture it! In my case, I really love people in general, they are not a bug but a feature to me, they may be the last thing I could give up in this illusion called life, these strange but most clear and beautiful mirrors of infinity. Clarity - by far the most clear speaker on THIS So here I have a gift for you - I was excessively bingewatching all kinds of spiritual teachings additional to my practices, with the hope to find more gems like Leo for example and the subtle fear to miss out on something important. Then I found the radical/contemporary nonduality niche, some of you are familiar with - Tony Parsons, Jim Newman, Kenneth Madden, Andreas Müller, Richard Sylvester and so on. But they all become very repititious and hung up on words like boundless or contracted energy for example. And finally, a year ago, I found emerson nonduality He's a genious in my eyes! Always fresh and new, his easyflowing poetry is music to my ears. Always eradicates the sandcastles he built up before, pointing to the rise and fall of the empire of words. You're gonna be left with nothing in the end, realizing there never was anything in the first place. He had experiences with psychedelics like ayahuasca/DMT, a background as a spiritual teacher before, knows about actualized, solipsism and is always funny and spreading good vibes while being completely authentic, no gatekeeping, as sharp as a laser knife. His one-on-ones are just BOOM!!! FULL STOP. I speak from experience. Enjoy him I'd love to see Leo talking to him but I guess that's a pipe dream. Here's his last video - a one on one: And here is one of his older videos where he talks about stuff related to solpsism. This format is an online meeting you can regularly attend (starts at minute 3):
  21. I was arguing with a stupid atheist on reddit ..this guy literally believes the universe just spontaneously arised out of nothing with the big bang and there was nothing before the big bang. And I was like you fucking idiot ..don't you understand cause and effect ..nothing happens hogwashy..there must be a creator for the universe because it cannot arise out of coincidence nor without a cause . I didn't try to convince him of nonduality and oneness with God and that he in fact is God because that would make him block me right away . So anyways..I just want to explain that atheists are some of the dumbest creatures in this world . Even people like Steven Hawking or Richard Dawkins..these people are supposedly highly intelligent but they literally believe the universe just 🎩 magically poped out of nowhere in no-when by no-how . But btw one is REALLY an atheist . i garuntee that if an atheist is facing his own death or a dangerous situation or was in his death bed ..he will be praying to all the gods that have existed in human history to save him . No one can face death being an atheist. That's why after this unbelievable technological advancements in this era ..People still believe in God. You can't outgrow God. You can't face your own death without God. Now ..something i read earlier..was Stalin's death .(he was an atheist and one of the most evil people ever he killed millions of people)..According to the story Stalin was plagued by terrifying hallucinations as he lay dying on his bed. Then suddenly he sat halfway up in bed clenched his fist toward the heavens, fell back upon his pillow..and was dead. According to his daughter was if his last gesture in life was literally a clenched fist toward God. And her daughter said that the fear I saw in his eye's while he is dying was incredible. Obvious enough.
  22. The OG nonduality troll ikkyu15 made a short video recently after a 3 year hiatus, refreshing to see he's still calling out their bs. Read his video description, the comments are decent too.
  23. "outsideness" is a duality. See? Although... beyond conventional nonduality you will find higher degrees of infinite consciousness.
  24. Maybe there is a strange psychological disorder at play, just guessing... Like this one for example:'s_syndrome The other guess would be you're kind of stuck in a bardo-state. Obviously you're suffering and I am feeling sorry for you, I hope you get well soon! In case you intuit there is a stuckness as far as a not-fully-processed awakening so to speak, if it feels like there's something missing, this can't be it, I recommend to you Emerson nonduality, search him on YouTube or better book a one-on-one, he is the guy to resolve all your stuckness, he knows what he's talking about and he's familiar with your 2D stuff as far as I can tell. But he's the endboss, if you wanna maintain a realer sense of self he's definitely not the guy, he would just push you over the line so there are no more stories and no one left suffering. He's the stop sign on your so called spiritual Path. Wish u the best!