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  1. Because I've awakened and I experienced this infinite happiness.
  2. @r0ckyreed it might seem that way from your pov. I could be deluded. I could be insane .I could be lying .or whatever . But from my pov I'm 100% certain that I've awakened to the highest trtruth. I'm not asking you or anyone to believe me .I'm just sharing my experiences and understanding and trying to help people achieve the same results as mine .
  3. Wouldn't be so sure about that. In fact, let me rant a little bit here. I would bet my left nut that there are more people here on the forum and in Leo's following who think they're awakened, but are actually delusional solipsists who believe their finite mind to be the whole of reality because their un-integrated spiritual ego has totally corrupted the mechanism by which they sought/seek Truth, namely what they perceived to be "direct experience", but which, because of the corruption, is not at all direct experience, but a perception of reality filtered and (mis-)interpreted through the finite ego-mind (I've talked about this extensively yeterday in Someone Here's post) that then proceeded to inflate itself and latch itself onto "experience". That's what I honestly believe and I feel very sorry for all the people (and yes, there are no other people), who, like myself, had (and some still have to, some will have to) go through this absolute hell of solipsism because a) they weren't ready for it (not yet sufficiently integrated), thus their mind/ego corrupted what was supposed to be insight into the nature of No-Self & nonduality b) the use of language is absolutely crucial, and on this forum, a lot of people just don't give a f*ck about how they comunicate these dangerously powerful ideas to others, with Leo leading the way (although I think he's working on that, so props where props are due) and people parroting him, because they think it sounds cool and awake. If it's a "tough pill" for you to swallow, then sorry, you're still missing something. A tough pill to swallow is probably a sign that, yes, you got something right, but in a wrong way. And if you're lonely, you're not awake either. We're all alone together. No f*cking wonder that big spiritual egos would dismiss the importance of no-self. Rant over.
  4. @Loba @Gesundheit2 He's clearly had an awakening experience. There's been a shift in his perspective, and his new perspective is valid, as many here are attesting to. An 'awakening' can be as simple as a shift in perspective.. for instance.. when children are young, they may know how to add and subtract, but not multiply.. they haven't 'awakened' (awoken?) to the concept of 'multiplication' yet.. but once they do, it's an obvious and undeniable understanding of the concept. Those who have yet to understand 'multiplication' may have difficulty grasping it at first.. they may think someone talking about it is just talking crazy talk. Furthermore, awakening to 'multiplication' doesn't make 'addition' wrong... addition is still valid. This is why @Someone here can still seek out love, and do his job, or continue any 'ordinary' goings on. Discovering that you are everything doesn't cause you to stop being what you are being. "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." - Zen Proverb
  5. And Leo talks about his awakenings in the past. These have the same existence as other minds, none. There isn't a past. Therefore the conclusion is that Leo is not awake? By the way, Rupert Spira says exactly this, that other people's thoughts and feelings are on a par with our own thoughts and feelings from the past. They are not actual, but it could be said, as a concession, that they have existence. And he's right. Where is people's sense of nuance? Leo says an obvious flat out ridiculous - and hypocritical - statement such as "Rupert Spira is not awake" or the more obviously egoic and equally ridiculous "I am the most awakened in history" (or something like that) and there's actually people who buy it... To unpack all of the silly statements that pass for truth around here would be a full time job...
  6. Then why you feed your ego with threads like this one? Remember awakened only one there is no anybody else but you .Whom to ask and why.
  7. @Mulky FINALLY, thats what I always try to explain. Still all the awakened gurus here claim just my desktop screen exists right now in the whole universe. or did I misunderstood them?
  8. You've awakened to solipsism from watching a video about solipsism? Do you think you can put more context to this? To be honest I haven't read the rest of your journey from your previous topics but it makes me skeptical to implicate you can awake just from consuming content on the Internet.
  9. No I don't. The teachings here can lead you to God..until you awaken then you are still asleep. Kind of simple really. You are falling into the neo-advaita trap. There is no you and thus there is no one to awaken. This is not correct. Rupert Spiras teachings can be of great value I don't think anyone is belittling him. It is indeed because with awakening you will die. And I do not mean the physical body, which is imaginary. I mean ego death. This is very irresponsible for an awakened person for you to say. This is also irresponsible and again your falling into the neo-advaita trap. There is no you. There are no levels. There's no awakening. Incorrect. There are stages.
  10. Lol if 10.000 viewed the Video and someone here had an awakening of this then there is a Chance of 0,01% to get awakened by this. Pretty high compared to other spiritual practices
  11. Well its not new criticism is it mate? I have been consistent in calling out your glaring intellectual/emotional/irrational flaws and shitty behaviour throughout this ENTIRE THREAD, so if that is what you mean by "new" then sure! ?‍♂️ ***adds "new" to the list of words @Inliytened1 does not understand*** I'm not sure what you are referring to in regard to "the healing stuff not working out". As far as I can see I have offered reasonable arguments to all points that have been raised, and while I admit I am slightly biased here - I think its fairly obvious that I owned you. Still if there is some outstanding topic you would like me to address then feel free to highlight it, although I must admit that I am growing a bit weary of your clumsy jabberings and lack of integrity, so I would prefer to deal with those who are more reasonable and intellectually capable - I hope you understand. You seriously do, and honestly you have no business being a moderator while you are doing it. Your behaviour is appalling and if I was Leo I would be embarrassed by your display here. In my opinion there is no place for self aggrandizing bullies in the spiritual space, let alone moderating them. Literally nowhere did we break it down to that, and I don't think you even know what spirituality means (along with most other words in the English vocabulary). I mean can you link me to where this particular strand of the conversation happened? That's a rhetorical question btw because I know that you cannot ? I hate to take this kind of position and fully appreciate it looks bad or snobby, but you are not capable of keeping up with me on any level, and explaining basic things to you is becoming tedious. Please leave it to your more rational peers to have the big discussions, which will give you additional time to masturbate over how awakened you are(nt).
  12. I remember Leo ones talking about how this moment, this entire world right now, this frame, is actually being created by consciousness, or we can say that consciousness becoming this frame, in just one moment, here and now, out of nothingness. He said that you imagine that this frame must have had a history to become this frame, like a billions years of evolution that caused this frame to be this frame, the world as it is, but in actually consciousness just being able to create all of this here and now, in just one moment. Then consciousness, in the human form, is creating a background story of "why this frame is this frame" and creating a past and a story, and so forth, why this frame is this frame, but in actually consciousness is doing that. So, i think what Leo actually says is consciousness already is creating an entire universe, even the socalled history, so called past, that "has happened" to bring this frame into existence, but in actually, consciousness is creating this very universe right now. So if consciousness is awakened enough, and if it is relevant for it, then consciousness can create another universe, with its own billions of years of past and beings and their minds and bodies and memories, and so forth, in just one moment, like consciousness actually is doing right now. Creating another universe with its own socalled past and so forth, and for consciousness is infinite, it can even create an infinite number of such universes in varying degrees, and so forth, of their "evolutions", all right here and now, in the same place a dream is taking place, and by the same substance a dream is made of, yeah. Every universe is made of consciousness, every universe is consciousness, the void "from which" everything is made, and "it", right now, is morphing itself into different forms of "frames", and in that sense it is creating a totally new universe in every moment anyways, but it does not realize that because each new universe, each new frame, that it's creating in every moment is very similar to the universes it "created" a moment ago. It already is creating a totally new universe, a totally new frame, in every moment, or to say it better, "becoming" a new universe, a new frame, in every moment, and creating an illusion of space and time and reality to make it look "logical" to itself while "it" is being the human form, creating an illusion of "sequences of events" that "brought it" to this point, to create the person, the world, the others, etc etc etc, that are. This entire frame, this entire world, people, their minds, bodies, histories, all socalled memories, etc etc etc, are being imagined, right now, by consciousness into being, imagining their bodies and histories and brains and minds and personalities, and so forth, all being created out of nothing, all being out of nothing, here and now. Nothing is coming from a real "past" and no memories are coming from a "real past", it all is being created, yeah, right now out of nothing, it all is nothing. Every aspect of this existence is nothing that is coming into being out of nothing, made out of nothing. Consciousness really does not need time etc to create all of this, all the minds and bodies and histories and so forth of people and things, haha, this is all just literal nothing coming into being in the now, as this frame, out of nothing, out of absolutely nothing ?.
  13. I think I mean as guidance for the spiritual practices. So you say that I am overthinking way too much as a spiritual devil and that I should go back to normal life. I have 2 problems with that: 1st, I have an objection about me overthinking the maze of life. There was this solipsism video that Leo deleted. What does this have to do with the maze of life? Well, I subscribed to and I still didn't see the solipsism video that could have awakened me even though I could have sworn I check my subscriptions regularly. Life would no longer be a maze if I can just watch some solipsism video to awaken and THAT is the intelligence of the maze since I didn't get to see it. There is at least one problem with this idea that supports you in your favor with me overthinking this: Other people watched the solipsism video and awakened while it was still available. This is not an objection to me having to take a break but to me overthinking since it's the explanation I have with making the video practical. Also, lacking a routine can be part of the maze because I am so lost. It could be because of lack of concentration due to heavy metals which are almost impossible to avoid and I think I am noticing symptoms of it. I can come up with more examples I have noticed but I want to move on to your next point: I agree that I need to forget everything spiritual, I need to forget that Leo lives a happier life and the solipsism video he deleted. There is at least one problem with this: How do I forget about spirituality if my life feels empty? This emptiness is simply preventing me from living life how it normally was. That's probably how I started using in the first place. I think that the emptiness came before which means it is not the cause for emptiness or maybe it is causing more of it. I can't really fully explain it to you, but something happened even before me using if I remember correctly that caused emptiness to occur and I simply don't know how to forget about spirituality.
  14. Only you can verify that insight. Honestly, trying to grasp something this deep with words alone is like trying to pin jelly to a wall. You've probably got about as far as you can with words. Maybe it's time for more practical methods. To those who claim to have awakened just by thinking about it... not possible. A description of a piece of music is not the music itself. If you had never heard music in your life, you could still deceive yourself that you understood music. But you would not have awoken to the reality of music. Your understanding of it would be academic, pale and lifeless. So it is with awakening. It must be lived. It cannot simply be deduced.
  15. @softlyblossoming Well, since you took the time to rephrase it to ask I can say the short answer is... yes. The longer answer is it isn't something to be done in 'each' moment as if the present moment is a bunch of individual moments strung together. The mind will try to 'taskify' our being present as 'doing not doing' that it has to keep doing to accomplish the 'not doing'. Seeking answers to questions, gaining knowledge, understanding or finding truth becomes a task that the mind will use to distract from being awareness. These are used by the mind to fill a void, an existential yearning which creates so much self suffering instead of it's cessation. Even meditating gets taskified by the mind as a practice to do, set aside time to do it, and 'oh I haven't done my meditating yet so I better do that or I won't get the thing done I'm seeking to do'. Abiding in being awareness is presence in the now and is effortless, seamless and timeless. We may 'practice' meditation at first to help us become awakened to our awareness so we can view the activity of the mind and not be consumed by it. Although, ultimately to be in 'abidance' without efforting to be present will transcend any activity the monkey mind creates. So, to be clear, there will be activity in the mind even though we are abiding in awareness. All sorts of thoughts, emotions, inner dialog, impulses and urges will spring from our subconscious mind. Not to get distracted and attached to them as our identity will cease self suffering. Eventually, abiding in awareness will inform the mind to be attentive to awareness as well so the activity of the mind will reflect that presence of being. It's rare to happen instantaneously, most often it happens gradually like a flower softly blossoming.. :). I would encourage everyone to be aware that any work we may be doing as 'spirituality' or 'self actualization' or however one wants to call it isn't allowing being awareness to happen, it just happens. All that work does is discipline the mind so it's not a distraction to being awareness. Though, the common issue is the work that is supposed to cultivate the mind to be less of a distraction to us abiding in awareness serves as one of the largest distraction to being presence. We become so focused on the path we get lost on the journey. So, yea... there's the short answer and the long one. haha
  16. Enlightenment is all about raising our vibration to a positive state of being, it is not about thinking or concepts, it is about concepts and thinking coming from the vibration that is raised, the state of being that is in alignment with who you really are, aka love, peace, ecstacy, flow, ease, wellness. A thinking mind can never become enlightened, only a quiet mind can become enlightened, because only a quiet mind can become one with the love, the ease, the peace, the wellness, that is who it really is. Thinking from fear or worry or anger or trying to understand, or any shit like that, will never wake me up. It is not the information or the thought or the perception, it is the vibrational frequency from which the information or the thought is coming from. A noisy and distressed mind can never understand what really is going on. It can never become awakened.
  17. Essentially there is only a SINGLE SPIRIT in existence to which Sufism refers as “The Great Spirit”. Everything in the universe is created from this Great Spirit. The Great Spirit, or in modern terms the power within the essence of existence or the First Reflection of Allah! Abu Hurairah (ra) in the Muslim book of Hadith narrates from the Rasul of Allah (saw): “Allah says: Man curses time yet I am time, for in my hand are night and day.” And, “Allah said: The son of Adam abuses me. He curses time yet I am time, for I turn the night into day.” The word “dahr” (time) in Arabic means “instant”. It should not be construed as the linear concept of earthly time to which we have been conditioned. According to us one day equals the time it takes the Earth to rotate once around itself, one year equals the time it takes the Earth to rotate around the Sun, i.e. 365 days, and a century is 100 rotations around the sun hence 100 years. All of this is “relative” time. It is according to us earthlings. In reality there is only ONE time. Pre-eternity and post-eternity, in the sight of Allah, is a single “instant” (dahr). Relative time is an illusion we have collectively come to accept. It changes according to the speed and plane, i.e. the dimension in which we live. As one moves from being less matter to more consciousness and spirit, the experience of relative time also changes and becomes more expansive. Essentially the word “dahr” refers to the universal energy that composes existence, that is, the attribute of divine power. It is an unfathomable concept for one who is conditioned to the daily linear concept of time. This is why the Quran narrates many of the “future” events as things that have already transpired using past tense to explain them. For pre and post eternity is a single existence in the sight of divine observation or the ‘Knowledge of Allah’. This is the intimates of the reality have claimed: “Essentially there is only one reflection. It is the Single Reflection (Tajalli-i Wahid). There has never been a second reflection.” The whole of existence is only one single reflection, referred in Sufism as the ‘One Theophany’ or the Divine Self-disclosure of Allah (Tajalli Wahid). There has never been a second reflection thereon. Everything that is seen, felt, perceived, imagined and experienced is a depiction of this Single Reflection. Sufism also refers to this as the “constant instant”. Though for the truly enlightened and awakened ones this “constant instant” is quintessentially an “imagined instant” and is no other than the Knowledge of Allah. The entire existence in the sight of Allah is nothing other than a principle of knowledge. That is, the universe doesn’t even have an actual existence in the sight of Allah. This is why the Sufis have frequently claimed, “The worlds are only a dream”! To discern this is to become familiar with this reality. And that my friend, is entirely a matter of experience and joy. Only one who is passionate and dedicated enough may eventually be given the insight to perceive the inner depths of this reality through the activation of ilm-i ladun (manifestation of a special angelic force from His grace) by Divine Grace. So, in respect to its essence there is really only a single dimension of time in the universe. For those who can perceive! Within this single frame of time, countless dimensions have ‘materialized’ through divine order, spawning innumerous forms of existence. There is also a general misconception that I would like to correct. Due to misconstruing the fact that “all forms of existence exist in the Knowledge of Allah” some claim “knowledge is subject to the known.” That is, because all known existence was in the pre-eternal knowledge of Allah and Allah knew what they were capable of doing He determined their fates according to their known capacity. This fiction has been fabricated to endorse the fact that Allah does not do wrong by His servants, He does not oppress or torment, He simply does as their pre-eternal states necessitate. Hence Allah does not cast anyone to hell by force.
  18. All spiritual teachers (including Leo) seem to insist that the Absolute Truth cannot be accurately put into words without distorting or perverting it. Given everything that Leo has taught so far, how close can someone with a purely intellectual understanding of his teachings get to the Truth? (Basically, if it's just a religion or belief to them, but they have not become enlightened or awakened themselves.) I feel like at least a few people here know all the right intellectual answers. They can give responses that give the impression that they've had direct experience of enlightenment. How close can these people get to enlightenment from a purely intellectual place? Are they 99% of the way there with just a minor click into place needed, 1% of the way there, or always infinitely far off? I feel like I have a very accurate conceptual understanding of enlightenment. It feels very close to the truth, maybe just not tangible yet. But I know I must still be a ways off. Because while the truth is a bit of a mindfuck even from a purely intellectual level, it sounds like the realization still isnt nearly profound enough to be the full truth. I can be left questioning everything, but I'm not truly shaken to my core by this truth, left suicidal or not sure what is real or not real. There is no real shift in perspective when it's just theory. I feel like I'm just a click away. Like I just need a minor spiritual chiropractic alignment for everything to snap into place and make it all real. But maybe it's more like I'm standing across the Grand Canyon from an unreachable goal, waiting for God (ultimately myself) to airlift me across when it feels ready and not a second before.
  19. That would be the only accurate view, also. No matter how "awakened" a person is, once the person is gone (which is necessary in total ego dissolution of course) what is left is completely identical to everyone and everything else. Anyone hoping that they will do a bunch of "spiritual" shit in this life and somehow receive a reward upon their death for doing so, is sorely mistaken indeed. Lmao. The #1 takeaway for me was always that. And that I am no more important than a single grain of sand, and also no less important than an entire Solar System.
  20. “Now the war is won…. How come nothing tastes good?” -Arcadefire I have a vengeful shadow self which is separate from my normal state of consciousness that is VERY toxic. It’s vengeful, manipulative…. Very hard to work with when I get triggered. But, it’s part of the shadow work. Learning to see these negative aspects of ourselves with love and compassion is very important. A lot of us carry a deep anger, an ego, a fighter in us. We need to learn to love it but also see it’s an illusion. There is rarely a need to get even or anything to fight. A strong awakened person does not get bothered but the sleepiness of others. Pema Chodron has a good book… think it’s called “Peace in Times of War” or something. Very good, short and sweet (like 70 pages)
  21. I think Leo was being very fair in the situation. I've only recently joined but I read the thread about him getting demoted and the PM screenshot. He was given a more than fair warning and chance to change but didn't seem to be listening to Leo's perspective at all. I don't doubt he's right with his answers but his posts highlighted would do little to help whoever is reading them for the majority of people on here, and he could even have been doing more harm than good. He might be a very wise and awakened person but his Spiral Wizardly game is/was very poor. I hope he's ok, seems like he was a very well loved person on here and that he eventually understood why he was demoted. A lot of people think this. I'd suggest researching what a cult is and how they work so you can answer this for yourself, including Leo's videos on them (I think one is about cult psychology and the other directly addressing being a cult or not).
  22. Goals: Practicing yoga every single day. Full time yoga teacher. Building a 6 figure income through teaching yoga. Highly proficient Mandarin Chinese fluency. 10,000+ word vocabulary. Radiant health and strength. Be a multi millionaire. Buying a house. Buying a Tesla. Realizing God. Self-Actualizing. Happiness. Bliss. Peace. Calm. Joy. Attracting my Dream girlfriend and high quality intimate relationship. Starting a concious awakened family in 10 or so years from now.
  23. I think this relates to the idea of the all-knowing, omnipresent God -- like the Christian idea where God can see/watch/hear you at all times and knows what you are doing and thinking. Like where when people pray to God, they think they are talking to the God. Well, lets say that the next level dreamer is the all knowing God but the God is also dreaming that he is Person A and he is also dreaming as Person A that he is the daydream imaginary character; in the meantime, God is also dreaming that he is Person B and as Person B he is dreaming some other dream too. SOOO, I can see that maybe that is what the Christian mystics meant and it got lost in translation as a separate person when really God is all knowing and all the dreams but also all the characters. That makes more sense to me. So when people say, you can't be fully awakened until you die, (wake up), that is because the Person A dream character doesn't get to experience being God because that is not how his dream is going. Then, the idea of going to Heaven is that when you die, you get to be with God because you are God. Then the idea of going to Hell - uhhh - I guess I don't really think there is a hell. So the idea that we all get to be with eachother when we die works because we are all God, we are all the same character, we just don't realize it. So when people have near death experiences - - maybe that was like being with God. Ahhh I don't know.
  24. @Gili Trawangan okay,but is charity/helping others meaningless or not? Am i actually reducing suffering when i help someone? Or am i just imagining that im reducing suffering to make this dream more immersive? For example- in my night dreams i might dream up im a superhero who prevents someone from being hurt by a villian.but when i wake up i realize i was never a hero and there was never anybody who was at the risk of being hurt. Isnt that exactly whats happening now? If not do you mind telling me whats actually going on? Btw-i have awakened to the fact that we are all one.(similar to rupert spira i think). We are all dream characters in gods(our) mind. What i havent awakened to is the fact that others do not have any thoughts experiences or feelings and that im imagining others have thoughts experiences feelings to make this dream more immersive and deceptive.this is something i heard from leo in his recent solipsism video. Have i misinterpreted what he was tryinh to communicate? If so can you tell me how? Btw if you have watched leos solipsism video he says others do not suffer exactly at 2hrs 4mins and 30 secs in