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  1. I've been taking notes on the Spiral Dynamics series of Leo and referring multiple resources and materials as well. I'm really interested to delve deep into spiral dynamics in order to get a vivid idea about myself. I had literally abnormal or unconventional way of growing up, due to my physical condition and difficulty in a speech I hadnt had a thought of interacting with others, even my only interaction or communication during my teenage years is talking with customer support dude to make complaints about faulty internet or something. I had no idea about personal development, I didn't even think of possibilities for personal development, barely had any exercises. I was a totally spoiled, ignorant and drenched fully into denial and victimization. Only back into 2016 (age of 22) I've started realizing my mistakes and actuality of the way I've chosen to exist. Since then I started reading many books, gave up my eating and porn addiction. I had taken exercises and learning as a serious business. So, now I'm almost discarded old way of living, limiting and self-destructive beliefs once I had. Of course there's lot room for personal and spiritual development. So, here's my question. through the course of understanding dynamics of how society, culture and humanity work. I start to notice radical changes and transformation in my psyche and my limiting beliefs about success, happiness has skyrocketed to a whole new level. Although I used to emanate significant qualities of stage blue. Yet I didn't experience stage green in my life yet. So, is it possible for oneself to skip or bypass stages of Spiral Dynamics (in a non-linear fashion)?
  2. This is something new. I didn't see anyone discussing it on this forum so I made this post to know what you guys think. So basically, Terence McKenna's brother has started this project of creating a University centered around Psychedelics and for "[exploring] modern and traditional practices, ideas and technologies that foster the understanding of nature, consciousness, the cosmos and their interweavings with humanity." It will have courses and degrees, but it will also incorporate ayahuasca retreats and therapy, all together in one place. Here are some links: Also, Dennis has put some emphasis on the fact that even if his university doesn't work, what matters to him is that now people have a great vision and model to replicate. I see it as an opportunity to catalyze the transformation of science, society, and education, and this seems to be a great time for cultural change. But maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps the world isn't ready yet. What do you think?
  3. Aha! The massive transformation of the global ego will be BOTH e-money to take most of the power back from private banks AND open source development to dethrone the corporation dinosaurs with their armies of patent lawyers and endless lawsuits. Former CIA agent Robert David Steele has even talked about open sourcing everything.
  4. I'm really not trying to be a know-it-all or validate my own experience I'm just trying to point to something that was deeply experienced... It can't be put into words because language is dualistic in nature... I honestly am trying my best to speak to people respectfully but everyone seems to have their own idea about what it is... It's quite literally the opposite of what everybody's doing here and that's why it's so hard to understand... It's a falling away of the entire egoic self agenda and structure which ties you to social conditioning.... I'm not saying nobody else here has experienced it but it's a falling away not a gaining of any kind of experience. My best attempt to explain this is it feels like the complete Falling Away of everything you thought was real and true... The me is recognized to be completely illusory... it's like jumping out of the body and diving into the abyss of Unknowing with a piece of fishing string tied to your pinky toe so you can make it back up if possible. It's a surrender and having faith that whatever is happening was meant to happen. It's to die before you die.. Nobody no one can enter the gateless gate so be nobody. There is an Apparent disentangling from social conditioning and what I like to call a snapping out of The Matrix. What resurfaces can't really be put into words because although it feels like nothing has changed it's simultaneously a radical transformation. The egoic agenda is not driving the machine any longer... there is still an essence of the person... But the goals the agendas are all dropped because it's recognized everything is right where it needs to be.
  5. I came to think of how the coronavirus crisis is a sudden increase of fear in the global ego. ACIM talks about love vs fear, and I wrote earlier about how the coronavirus crisis allows for the earth to turn into a butterfly state that Bruce Lipton used as a metaphor. In this video Deepak Chopra presents something similar: And the transformation of earth doesn't have to be so radical as in the case of a butterfly. The increased fear caused by the coronavirus crisis has the effect of shutting down ego consciousness even more and the imaginal cells are in the analogy a new state of consciousness being activated in us humans. The harvest in the Law of One might sound scary but it's similar to the butterfly analogy where the imaginal cells build a butterfly by "harvesting" the caterpillar. And as a metaphor, the caterpillar cells are our egos that will be harvested as we become imaginal cells. I interpret this Bible quote to mean that the One being the new state of consciousness and corona means crown. The white cloud represents the first heaven and fourth density.
  6. Dang, Victor! Ego is the creative nexus of attach-ability, yes~ but to say it is attachment… or to say without ego, there is no attachment …ok, certainly we can arguably posit that, in a qualified sense (in terms of habitual use of ego) To be precise, ego is a modality. It's a type of pattern awareness, which can be sub-classified as everyday ordinary conditioned consciousness. So if ego is a modality of perceptive functionality, what constitutes its employment? Isn't ego in charge? If not, who is? What constitutes the person? Who, or what isn't the person? How about this: without awareness, there is no person, nor ego. Ego isn't a thing any more than enlightenment. The point is, and especially in terms of the nature of awareness (which is enlightenment), there is no ego. Creation is filled with points of illumination. Enlightenment is illumination. Ego is actually a point-source without a point (on a good day). Enlightenment is itself a selfless intention, yet it has no point. How wondrous is non-attachment? Our nature is awakeness. It would be a higher clarification of consciousness which brings to light an underlying non-psychological basis of identity which can eventually obviate the hopeless intellectualism caught in the broken record of rationalistic dualism that perpetuates the dead words constituting any kind of intellectual discourse encompassing ego-thought consciousness. What ego is, just isn't (so to speak). We really don't have egos, as ego has (is) the personality (function), without exception. Nevertheless, there is an underlying aspect that hardly ever makes it to the table (with good reason). Unless one actually knows ego's original and selfless function in terms of one's enlightening potential, one's strategic application of ego-functionality falls short of accomplishing inconceivable spiritual adaption and transformation by skillful means— or, rather (without getting all buddhist), as ego's tacit functionality (primal duty, really) reverts to its unified functional purpose as enlightening potential's corollary, is what taoist spiritual alchemy calls the efficacy of the sciences of essence and life. These are two, yet one. As well, psychological awareness and nonpsychological awareness are two, yet one. Ego's true purpose is in administratively aiding in truly selfless and spontaneous transcendent activity by virtue of one's innate enlightening potential. Therefore, enlightening activity isn't the person, but it isn't not the person. Either way no one knows. And who might that be? There, that didn't sound very buddhist. DLH presented a conclusive summary of the created psychological apparatus, without failing to omit the body, adding~ "neither good or bad." That kind of insight has no limit of application in terms of non-resistant penetration into the heart of the matter of life and death. Could habitual patterns of attachment being the matrix of webs of collective psychological momentum through eons of ego-consciousness be something that is being left out of the analysis? It stupefies statistical analysis, yet… "We're all one"— isn't that what we say in our altruistic (self-reflective) moments. Actually it's all one (the creative, karmic aspect we find ourselves in). It really doesn't have to be about us, at all, because, in terms of Reality, which isn't even created, much less subjective relativity (sorry, Einstein!), it's about IT. It's utterly a complete whole for those who actually see potential. In looking at it selflessly, (as it is, not as we are), what are we looking at? What are we getting at? It's us; we're not it. Now there's an ego-check. What constitutes ego-attachments? Ego per se, is pretty helpless, it seems, in terms of its own conditioning; it's own psychological momentum, utterly attached (bound, as it were) as a mere discriminatory point-source of the collective unity. How free is that? So what constitutes that which directs or binds ego to… creative process? Ego isn't a thing, actually. The person being the headlong evidence of a mystery unfolding until… one grasps the import of there being no intrinsic reason or causality underlying the created (or the uncreated, for that matter). How can one be so sure? One can't say— that's for sure, but it IS a mystery first and foremost. There is no explanation. Ultimately, there is no reason, as sure as there is no thing. In terms of its function as the (creative's sameness within differentiation) nexus of attach-ability, you might conceive of ego as being naturally aspected of creative being in terms of its adherence to karmic law, law of the creative's realm… by virtue of the unitary aspect Creation itself, wholly becoming, as the conditional singularity it might be considered to be. Neither good not bad, it can be intentionally turned around and used as a tool (that's what it really is, after all). But I asked earlier, "who puts ego to use?" The true human with no status, is the taoist term. It is one's inherent enlightening potential that lies dormant mostly, yet, from time to time, arises of its own accord. Who doesn't know that much? The endless task of self-refinement is the process of "turning around the light" of creation (ego), that gradually results in the efficacious restoration and permanent stability of nonpsychological awareness as the true human with no status evidencing one's awakened enlightening potential realized as a partner of creation, never again to be bound by its former karmic affinity, now actualized as affinity with the primal aspect, as opposed to the conditional. "Turning around the light" is the teaching of reversal; the reversion of the conditioned and the restoration of the primal. Ego isn't what, it's rather that which is bound in creation and liberated in potential, that is, the Unborn, or the un-created. That's not so woo-woo. Why? Awareness isn't created. So ultimately, accessing potential is a matter of seeing. That's the essence of awareness. But there's a catch which I touched on above. That is to say, it's you; you're not it. When you see it, to the degree you see, it becomes you, as it were, all along, perpetually aglow. The aspect of ego being elemental in terms of its potential for self-transcendece is itself the "gateless gate", which anyone familiar with mind only teachings of buddhism has heard of. Ultimately, who knows?
  7. to be honest, your text was so lengthy, that's why I'm just answering the title question: the word "numb" maybe carries a bit unsuitable meaning, we can change it with "mastery" > "emotional mastery" Yes, It is quite possible and it's the process of raising your kundalini level by a teacher which is called : Shaktipat afterwards you can see a major transformation in the states of the consciousness that it'd be a hard thing to be emotionally bothered.
  8. Kerry Cassidy said that when Trump talks about the "wall" he sometimes speaks in code. She also talked about Grey aliens and things like that. Do I believe in Grey aliens? No, but even Kerry may speak in code! Pretty tricky, eh? I think some alien abductions stories are true but that they are so-called MILABs, military abductions, where black op projects pretend to be space aliens. Anyway, by the "wall" being code I came to think of the building of the world cocoon when the global ego, the caterpillar, has grown enough and is about to start a transformation into a butterfly, to use Bruce Lipton's metaphor for the next evolutionary leap for humanity. I mentioned earlier that the coronavirus crisis could be the beginning of that cocoon, and that's why I connected it to the "wall".
  9. I believe in the power of transformation, in the power of change.
  10. @Roy But none of that has anything to do with the quality of the message in the above video. If you can't see the value of the above video, regardless of whether Owen is a rapist or a murderer, then you're missing something. People are not good or bad. People are morally complex. Often their bad parts are redeemed by their good parts. Owen is a very complex guy. He has a troubled and criminal past. Which is what will make his final transformation so inspiring if he pulls it off. He knows all this and it fuels him.
  11. Spontaneity is a part of the mix and a pointer towards an understanding of the scope and nature of phenomenology could you say? An Awakened spotenaity is the transformation of conditioned reactiveness. No? Reply with a subtle statement or a bold statement. A declaration, assertion, or question? Maybe a song?
  12. Chris Bache wrote the book "LSD and the mind of the universe" (2019), where he speaks about his 73 high-dose LSD sessions over the course of 20 years. If you are interested in following a psychedelic path toward enligthenment (or more), I really recommand you this book. Here is the text from the cover: "On November 24, 1979, Christopher M. Bache took the first step on what would become a life-changing journey. Drawing from his training as a philosopher of religion, Bache set out to explore his mind and the mind of the universe as deeply and systematically as possible--with the help of the psychedelic drug LSD. Following protocols established by Stanislav Grof, Bache’s 73 high-dose LSD sessions over the course of 20 years drew him into a deepening communion with cosmic consciousness. Journey alongside professor Bache as he touches the living intelligence of our universe--an intelligence that both embraced and crushed him--and demonstrates how direct experience of the divine can change your perspective on core issues in philosophy and religion. Chronicling his 73 sessions, the author reveals the spiral of death and rebirth that took him through the collective unconscious into the creative intelligence of the universe. Making a powerful case for the value of psychedelically induced spiritual experience, Bache shares his immersion in the fierce love and creative intent of the unified field of consciousness that underlies all physical existence. He describes the incalculable value of embracing the pain and suffering he encountered in his sessions and the challenges he faced integrating his experiences into his everyday life. His journey documents a shift from individual consciousness to collective consciousness, from archetypal reality to Divine Oneness and the Diamond Luminosity that lies outside cyclic existence. Pushing the boundaries of theory and practice, the author shows how psychedelic experience can take you beyond self-transformation into collective transformation, beyond the present into the future, revealing spirit and matter in perfect balance." Here are some YouTube videos:
  13. @Salvijus Thanks for that message, interesting. Maybe I'll stop with the psychedelics. @Matteo Nice share, thank you! :-) I want to share a couple of things, as I can relate quite a bit with your story. I have similar concerns and doubts as you with psychedelics, also have done RASA and have been struggling or doubting as to what path I should follow too. as for RASA I had maybe 2/3 'official' RASA sessions, and watched a bunch of recorded RASA sessions. Someone who gave RASA, and became my friend for a while, wanted to have a spontaneous video chat with me. He wanted to explain the stuff like 'there is no person, there is only this', etc. I already knew there was no person, but okay. At some point he said something like 'you already know there is no person? Oh that's like LOC 1000. You know what, close your eyes and let go of everything, stop the seeking', I gave it a go and tried releasing everything, I released something perhaps because I had a tear. Not a biggy. He said, 'yea you're probably 1000 now, let me check' he checked and said that I was at 1000. He send my picture to Ramaji or Ananda to have them double check and they also said I was at 1000. I didn't feel any different and doubted very much if he wasn't just trying to convince himself and me. Anyway, nothing changed in the meanwhile (that I feel I should attribute to RASA) lol. Not sure what to think of RASA, maybe there is something to it, but I think they might make it out to be more then it is. As to pshychedelics. I love Bashar and tried finding some videos of him where he talks about pshychedelics. I found some videos where he mentions something, but not in fullness. Could you share what you found of him talking about it? Also, did Sadhguru really say that he would have done it himself if he thought it was a viable path? I read a book on it which also talked about psychedelics a bit, read it here : I can relate to practices not seeming to do much, while psychedelics give palpable transformation. However, I've been doing Shambavi Mahamudra and a 5 element cleansing practiced based on mantras ( now for like 4 months and I've noticed that I have been looking for perception shifts to tell if things are changing. However, if I focus on my subtle energy state, I do notice quite some difference. If I close my eyes the energystate I'm in is actually quite amazing. It seems that these practices work on a subtler level and you might not notice it that fast. It takes time for it to get going and then after a while you might notice that actually quite some change has seemed to be sneaking in. and in all I'm quite doubtful about the psychedelic path, maybe they (as you can read from the part of the book I shared with you above) will mess with your nervous system and you slowly become more insensitive to life. Also, since you seem to know about Bashar, based on your frustration I don't get the impression you've been following his 'method' of following your passion, or just doing what attracts you the most in every moment? Much love,
  14. Did you do psychedelics before or after doing sadhguru's practices? Actually the reason you cant feel the benefits of rasa transmitions is probably the same as why you can't feel much benefit from sadhguru's practices because sadhguru's path is all about transmition and presence. Without receptivity only your lung capacity will increase, no transformation will hapen. You can see he always says, do the practice with love and devotion, do it as an offering etc. etc. And if you're are receptive it will totally transform you. Some people on first day get blown away like tornado hit them. It's not a path of individual striving, it's a path of offering yourself and receiving. How fast you grow in many ways depends on your receptivity. So the reason you didn't see much result in those techniques whether It's sadhguru or rasa or even vipassana because even in vipassana buddha's grace is very much alive and active in that path, the reason is just that something is blocking you from grace. Like rasa instructor was telling you also. So the reason I asked if you did psychedelics before or after sadhguru is because according to Mooji using psychedelics causes spiritual pores to close and makes you unreceptive to grace. That's what rasa teacher was also telling you also to make a 6month gap. I want you to understand that without grace growth is impossible. "Grace plays 99% role of your spiritual evolution, you only do 1%." #Mooji. Fix this thing before you do anything else. This is an answer to all your problems. Arrgoance is another disease that blocks a person from grace. Watch out for it. "Especially these thoughts like I'm the ultimate authority", "only I know what is good for me" is a peak of arrogance and a cancer to your soul.
  15. It's the desire to transcend suffering that's key, alchemy doesn't refer to turning base metal into gold but suffering into bliss. Enlightenment is that process. No suffering, no enlightenment. There has to be a transformation, there has to be something that actualizes itself for enlightenment to be at all. There's no higher and no lower, each serves the other in strange loop style. Nothing changed in the end, change transformation/no change at all. Duality collapses between self and other, actualization and stagnation.
  16. Its alright. I don't think it is at odds with what we are doing. I'try to clear it up the terminology of what he is saying a bit, with some extra spices of mine. I've been exploring this level of being quite a bit, so I think I might have something valuable to say. By happiness he most probably means: - Pleasure, instant, even delayed. - A constant state of comfort and joy. Its the rat in the wheel. A cat chasing its own tail. Its what 99% of people pursue. By suffering and sacrifice : (with some extra spice, it also is not a coincidence they are used in pair) -Suffering - the states of absence of pleasure, comfort or joy. -Suffering - the urge and the will to hold on to known comforts. -Sacrifice - deliberately letting go in order to transform. -There is no gold at the bottom of the ocean. There is gold and a kraken. -There is no gold in the darkness of the cave, there is gold and a dragon. -Something valuable in the midst of the dark, protected by unknown chaotic wisdom. Accept that there will be suffering, accept that you will sacrifice and that that is the way to grow. You can not change and remain the same at the same time. Something will have to go, and you will want to hold on to it. Even when you transform and lets say let go, you will find ways to hold on to those new things, a new transformation will be on its way, you will yet again hold on before letting go and transforming. Point is, do not avoid suffering and sacrifice. Embrace and own them. Most of what seeking happiness is the fear of these states. Seeking happiness will create suffering, disowned suffering, lurking beneath the surface, eating one away. To folk interested in astrology this is Neptune and Pisces, it is the gateway to Pluto, The guardian is Neptune, the gate is Pluto, to tarot folk its the Hanged Man. The archetype of Jesus on the cross, or even better Odin on Yggdrasil. I know that I hung upon a windy tree for nine whole nights, wounded with a spear and given to Othinn, myself to myself for me; on that tree I knew nothing of what kind of roots it came from. I did add and interpret things ofc. But I am sure if Elliot read this he would nod in agreement. Also I might not be there yet, but what I've seen Happiness is, is the radical acceptance of Love, and Love is everything, its the master emotion, one where-from everything originates, it contains everything, its not pleasure, its not Joy, its everything.
  17. Before I begin, I by no means neglect the damages this present event is causing to the many people across the globe. My sincerest concerns are sent to those affected. However, It has become extremely apparent, especially in light of this work, the importance of COVID-19. While many I feel are missing the point, there is a core teaching from which I feel is right front of us. To understand the core depths of oneself and all constituting facets. We have been privileged the opportunity for solitary exploration where one can use sufficient time of quietude to unveil the very shadows that were previously blinding them. We could not understand the instability of the self while stuck in the busyness of ordinary life. Since this has been the biggest self deception mechanism to delude one since the beginning of time - “I’m too busy”. None of that can be substantiated now. Time is available, space is available, silence is available. The question is, will people awaken to such an opportunity? Likely not. One thing is for sure, those who see the magnitude of this modern event will be sure to use it to its exponentiality and transform. I feel this is not only a time for self-exploration but one whereby we can learn of the fragility and finality of the human being. The incessancy of fear, what those in the most comfortable locations will do when threatened, the attachments to stability, the fear of change, the reliance on material acquisitions, the pervasiveness of survival, the unequivocal need for a collective even in individualist thinking societies. It will also illuminate the hidden power of the human being; the ability to connect and serve, the capacity for tenacity and resilience when called upon, the core importance of consciousness, the need for creativity and strategic innovation. The very limitation of a human self will be exposed, as we are so far seeing; as too the potentiality of what one could become. This is not something to squirm over or resist but to enter. Explore and learn about it. As this is the place where limitations are afforded the place to then dissolve. A level of global crisis of this degree only comes once in a lifetime. Use it, do not abuse it. Do what others fear to do, turn inward in times when everyone is so incessantly focused outward. Contemplate, reflect, mediate, read, self-inquire, seep into silence, disengage from all activity. Once that glimmer of transformation sparks within lend others around you a helping hand. Just some of my thoughts on the current world climate ?
  18. 30 days isn't much of a break. I meant a long hiatus. What transformation did it undertake a few weeks ago, didn't catch it? So is to get to the "bottom of reality" but not to make people happy?
  19. It has been on many breaks and currently is. It also underwent a transformation a couple of weeks ago. A lot of which you are asking has already taken place. The more radical it gets, the better it becomes. This is a place to get to the bottom of reality, not to please people's egos.
  20. I use labradoride combined with a clear quartz cluster for a lot my of work, including healing work. I like to approach it from the point of transformation . Here are my doggies.
  21. Salutations MsNobody, IMO there's already a couple self-vilifying vectors contemplated in this short sentence alone, lets start by having a quick glimpse at the most obvious: Extreme THC:CBD ratios are man-made, essentially, hence i only find reasonable to expect atypical effects near boundaries while i'd personally seek more balance. Concentration of potential contaminants is another concern with industrial mass-production of oils, because that's just the contrary of "bio", though i can recognize a need for it in medicinal applications. Simply keep in mind nobody can tell what's the future long-term consequences of chronic exposure considering although individual Pest Control Products (96+ made "legal" in Canada so far, including myclobutanil...) may be present as non-detectable individual traces their collective synergy toxicity still multiplies and we lack suitable studies to properly evaluate the real Public Health issues. In addition if we include consumption methods & associated rituals into the big picture then this clearly paves the way to "The Shortest Path of Lesser Transformation". Which also suggests that 3rd-party intermediary actor$ invite further vilification. Good day, have fun!!
  22. UPDATE: After a few days of distracting myself avoiding silence as much as possible I got the balls to shut down the computer and face the silence. And I started to have the same experience I had after the trip. I felt like I was falling into the void, reality was collapsing on itself and I was starting to realize very clearly that I don't exist. My heart was beating really really fast and at a certain point I got too scared and resisted it. Then it kept pulling me into it everytime I was silent so I had no choice and kept surrendering and then resisting and gradually surrendering all of what it wanted me to surrender. After that I felt this HUGE peace like a ton of weight has left my shoulders and I realized that I'm going through an intense spiritual transformation where it's no longer about being all peaceful and happy during meditation but what feels like the letting go of my physical self and physical reality. My meditation sessions are just a whole new thing now, 10x to 100x more powerful and a lot scarier. CONCLUSION: It seems like psychedelics loosen up your ego structure or even blow it apart and when the ego comes back it doesn't come back to it's original structure but to a weaker, more fragile and less rigid structure which can be much more easily dismantled by your normal meditation afterwards. So contrary to my previous belief psychedelics can be used to increase your everyday level of consciousness by leaving your ego structure more fragile than before the trip. Now maybe this only happens if the ego structure was already really weak and it was about to happen anyway, more experimentation needs to be done. But for now I see LSD (and maybe psychedelics in general) as a fucking amazing tool to increase your baseline level of consciousness which is what it's most critized for not being able to do.
  23. It's way too early I think for evidence of a global control system. There are however hints already emerging, such as: The first quote is from a European think tank. The second quote is from a Chinese government think tank! It's from a quite a long PDF document, but I may put in effort to read it. This is very interesting stuff. Is it related to spirituality and ACIM? Oh yes! Spirituality and the material world are one wholeness. What happens on a material level is very important. And this is a huge transformation of the global ego.
  24. What is trust and truth? How do you know if you can trust a birdsong? How do you know if the taste of an apple is true? All the models I create are like sandcastles. They have what some call "relative truth", yet ultimately they all wash back into the ocean. A wonderful interplay between form and formless. I would consider Leo's videos to be movies, just a different form of movie. That type of expression can be effective. Perhaps your mode of expression is similar, or you could create your own novel form of expression. You could integrate what you like about Leo's form with other forms of you like. Is not creativity a transformation of previous form into novel form? I'm a sucker for anything integrated. It's how my mind works. If I could only pack four items for a journey, curiosity would be one of them.
  25. Hey everyone, It’s been a long while since posting on here, better late than never as they say. Any who, I came across this video the other day and found it extremely enlightening. The video is of Rupert Spira (I would assume many of you know) whom I have been listening to now and again for the last few years. Ruperts manner in speaking on these linguistically challenging topics is extremely admirable and sophisticated. He could very well likely be considered one of contemporary pioneers in discussing this work. Upon this, it’s come to my attention that Leo receives a lot of untenable criticism that may just purely be due to miss translation and misinterpretation. However, the more I listen to Rupert the more that i see parallels in Leo’s work. A large degree of how he constructs his explanations is analogous to Ruperts. The variation in explanations may highlight the criticism Leo receives. Yet I see almost mirroring similarities. This video and those alike may assist those struggling with some of Leo’s explanations and provide some further scaffolding so Leo’s work can be further appreciated. ps. Thank you @Leo Gura for all your contributions you’ve provided a lifetime of transformation.