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  1. OKay finally have watched the entire video! Great episode Fav line "Each sparkle, ten thousand lives extinguished." and "Raindrops hit your face in slow motion. Each droplet, a unique bubble universe unto itself, filled with trillions of inhabitants all oblivious as to why their universe came crashing to an end. You think to yourself, “So this is how a universe ends.” Each droplet is filled with the collective consciousness of all the sentient entities inhabiting it. As a droplet hits your face it transfers the collective wisdom of a thousand ancient civilizations directly into your mind. Their memories, their struggles, their dreams, their insights — all integrate smoothly into your psyche. You stand there, showered by an immense cosmic intelligence. It feels like bathing in divine light. Its sentience and beauty sends waves of bliss radiating through your body"
  2. It seems his individualism was related to how crowds allow the shadow to run wild without self-examination. His anti-communist beliefs were definitely based on this. He had a unique understanding of the human mind-workings, so he saw himself above the others in a sense, which caused him to possibly denigrate collectivism. Of course his experience showed him how other people project their shadows to enemy crowds, while becoming complacent in the crowd they become subsumed in and which they assimilate all their contents to. The deceptions of the crowd become the obscurities of the shadow individually, so the only way for the individual to unravel itself is introspectively and not by becoming a victim of rabble-rousing and group ideologies. But then, none of that refutes the fact that gaining a view of reality with more scope, with a greater collection of information and perspectives, is more in line with the highest Truth. Of course this should integrate both individualistic freedom and self-definition as well as collective well-being concerns, though instinctually I'm biased toward being an individual, since I too don't like or find little in common with the world; yet the development, which I might characterize as upward into a luminous bliss and heavenliness, is important: it's found first in exceptional individuals, secondly it has to happen in the exterior world in the form of developments or even the defamed progress and all that's going on. The problem is that this has to occur in a complex rather than a simple grouping of structures. If we imagine God as a pure bright white light, a singularity, then of course that is infinitely, in a way, simple because of its unfathomably unified nature of its singular principle, but it's requiring of a structure in the human experiencer that is complex infinitely (simplicity is formlessness; complexity is the capability of that formlessness to embed itself in an infinite amount of forms spatially and temporally since it is, not restricted to a single form, compatible with them all in the rays of light that can rain down from a sunlike divinity). So "pure formless transcendence" or an escape from the dream is difficult. I've been exploring the dream-dreamlessness duality, where there's a world of infinite light and Everythingness and awake colors permeated by an eternal and permanent deep dreamlessness that both transcends and is unified with it. How would a society "organise around . . . God" if it's to be entirely transcendent, entirely dreamless. The shift from material to immaterial, with hoping that can be possible, will have to deal with the nature of deep dreamless sleep, possibly when technological focuses on consciousness delve into exploration of what is outside conventional grounds of ontology. Until then there has to be some dialectical phrasing, if in terms of complete materiality. It does in postmodern variants cause pathology if it claims the goal has already been reached, if it claims "the end of history" has already been made real, hence destroying the dialectical functionality, contradicting itself, and nullifying all sense. The eternal recurrence is the most worthwhile thing he ever detected in his walking sprees through nature, and it has something to do with how sunlight affects the earth, how leaves fall in motions that make too much sense, in how the sky is an abyss that can hold so much information under it, the Emptiness that is identical with the luminousness of the Everythingness, all motions and sunsets impermanent and fleeting and eternally permanent together in the unity/multiplicity.
  3. Values Assessment Pass #5 This one was a grind to complete. Also the heart of the whole thing so far. So in the spirit of getting into the mud and just doing it, here are the results. The assignment: Find out what each of these words mean, specifically for you. Create a personal definition for each word. Keep it concise and hone it down to 15-20 words. There are 3 questions to get clarity on this: 1. What exactly does this mean to me? 2. What would it look like tangibly? 3. How would I know if I embody this value? --------- 1. Integrity / Honesty A. What exactly does this mean to me? My word matches reality. What I say is so is so, and what I say will be done will be done. B. What would it look like tangibly? People can count on me doing what I say I'm going to do. If I say I'm going to pay you XX by XX, it will be done. If I say XYZ happened, you can count on that being what happened to the best of my ability to put it into language accurately. C.. How would I know if I embody this value? I have peace of mind, knowing there is nothing to hide and no messes caused by me not telling the truth, or not following through with what I said I would do. People take me for my word without question. I am hyper aware whenever I'm speaking, checking to make sure it's true, and if it's a promise, that I immediately put in place what I need to perform as promised. 2. Personal Growth A. What exactly does this mean to me? I am always expanding who it is possible for me to be and what it is possible for me to do. B. What would it look like tangibly? Reading books, watching videos, and attending seminars on personal development, and giving my best. Helping others in their personal development in personal relationships and offering workshops, courses, retreats, videos, writings. C. How would I know if I embody this value? Getting results related to my life purpose such as holding successful workshops and retreats. 3. Health & Vitality A. What exactly does this mean to me? The physiological and energetic capability to fully participate in an active life. B. What would it look like tangibly? Waking up with the mental clarity and energy to immediately meditate and practice Yoga, and have that energy and aliveness last until I fall asleep at night, every day, with no chronic illness. C. How would I know if I embody this value? All of my bloodwork, body weight, body fat stats are within normal range, I can hike or play tennis for an hour without becoming very fatigued, and I can go through most days doing productive work without needing breaks and rests. 4. Responsibility A. What exactly does this mean to me? A place to stand from which all aspects of reality are self-created. What I used to take as "being responsible" is doing what is required or expected by others given my circumstances. Paying taxes, completing assignments, not taking unnecessary risks. I don't necessarily value this version of responsibility anymore. B. What would it look like tangibly? When anything unwanted occurs, rather than blame others or circumstances, I tell the people impacted that I am responsible and take actions to clean up the situation. For example, a kid gets hurt while playing at my house. Regardless of the circumstances, I internally take responsibility and take steps to handle it in the best interests of the kid and his family. It rains on our picnic. I am the one who has the power to take responsibility and make the best out of the situation, and have a conversation to restore integrity with anyone who was impacted by it. C. How would I know if I embody this value to it's highest form in my life? I see all of the showing as my own creation, even getting cut off in traffic, and therefore experience a feeling of love at all times. Something happens like getting cut off or someone doing something unethical in a business deal with me, I allow for it and am able to swiftly take actions to deal with it. 5. Intimate Relationships (Merged with Family) A. What exactly does this mean to me? Having people very close to me and sharing a mutual love and affinity. B. What would it look like tangibly? Having daily interactions with my wife, kids, and good friends as well as weekly interactions with my parents and siblings, where we are sharing our lives with each other, telling inside jokes and laughing together, having meals and activities together, doing projects together, and in the case of my wife, hugs, kisses, massages, sex, etc. C. How would I know if I embody this value in its highest form in my life? I'm hugging and laughing with people at least a few times every day (I would consider my current situation very fulfilling of this value). 6. Leadership A. What exactly does this mean to me? Having an inspiring vision for the future concerning other people, and taking responsibility for the choices and actions in actualizing that vision. B. What would it look like tangibly? Creating a clear vision and business plan for my retreat center and starting to build towards it, having conversations with friends and family about it, creating the team, registering guests, and leading the practices and conversations among staff and participants during the retreats. C. How would I know if I embody this value in its highest form in my life? I own a retreat center, with a staff of people making it work, and regular retreats happening in which I get to lead people towards fulfilling their purposes in joining the retreat. 7. Consciousness (Merged with Clarity) A. What exactly does this mean to me? Expanding the scope and accuracy of awareness of everything it's possible to be aware of, including awareness. B. What would it look like tangibly? There may be no objective tangible thing to see here. Subjectively, I experience more subtle and more accurate awareness of the 5 senses, clearer awareness of thoughts and emotions, as well as the ability to have perceptions beyond the standard physical senses, and most notably, a deepening of the awareness of awareness itself. I suppose that from an outsider's view, I notice things in tangible reality that most other people don't, and carry myself with a joy and lightness, a presence of being that comes with being deeply conscious. C. How would I know if I embody this value in its highest form in my life? I am able to flow between awareness of deep nothing and everything at will, as well as have accurate awareness of reality both within and outside physical sense perception, such as remote viewing and interaction with beings in higher realms. Rooted in awareness of awareness, I walk through life in the world but not of it, filled with a profound bliss and joy of simply being (this is something like my current state of being, but I see space to move much more deeply into it). 8. Freedom A. What exactly does this mean to me? Having the largest possible opportunity set for being and action in any given moment. B. What would it look like tangibly? Psychologically, it means being free from limitations of beliefs and limiting thought patterns. Physically, it's being in good enough health and fitness to be able to participate in an active life fully. Practically, it means living in an area in the world where law enforcement is practical and not overbearing, there is a sound monetary system and ownership rights. At the being level, it means not being tied to a particular identity or even a particular locus for perception. C. How would I know if I embody this value in its highest form in my life? With freedom, a balance needs to be struck. Giving myself total freedom to eat whatever I want leads to getting fat and a loss of freedom of physical movement. Living in a society with no rules leads to a loss of freedom to participate within the safety the rules provide. So there is freedom to choose my limitations... that would be it for me. When I have an awareness that any limitations on my being and acting are consciously chosen by me. 9. Fun & Humor A. What exactly does this mean to me? Noticing the absolute absurdity of reality, making light of and enjoying the situation. B. What would it look like tangibly? Deep, heartfelt laughter for everyone around me. C. How would I know if I embody this value in its highest form in my life? My shoulders are relaxed. I'm smiling. I'm laughing. People around me feel free to make jokes about anything. At least once a month, I laugh so hard it hurts. 10. Intelligence (Merged with Organization, Simplicity, and Elegance) A. What exactly does this mean to me? A sense of logical order, deep understanding, and simple elegance in the design of all things. B. What would it look like tangibly? Physical and digital spaces are impeccably organized, so that anyone can look at it and understand how to find things and see the logic of how it was ordered. There is nothing superfluous - everything has a purpose. Things and spaces under my responsibility are designed with quality and well-suited to fulfill their purpose, for example anyone can attend a workshop I designed and appreciate the effectiveness of how it was designed and sequenced for maximum effectiveness. C. How would I know if I embody this value in its highest form in my life? There is a beauty and simplicity, an elegance to all of my possessions and spaces, my appearance, my speech, and my way of being.
  4. There is an order and harmony to the universe. The universe is structured and is clearly leading somewhere in a way that is not 50/50 but rather has specific inclinations, like a flower vine growing toward sunlight. We have all the minerals and rocks of the world, then all the plants and lesser organisms of the world, and then human beings themselves, which are the most complex and conscious structures yet. It seems we're leading somewhere, getting pulled into a divine sunlight which might destroy our selves or recreate them in a universal bliss and individual luminescence. The Daniel M. Ingram model of meditation has stages that happen cyclically, and the dark night of the soul is one of them. So it's not necessarily just a bridge that you cross to reach the light a single time, but an event as a pattern that recurs also with the light as something that recurs.
  5. + 1 hour bliss (Being - Thank you - 2 Hour Timer) (Rare candy app: nurse) (1 hour total) …………… Notes: since I can’t meditate like I used to I’m going to use the ho'oponopono prayer, broken down, as a crutch. As well as other Matt Kahn affirmations. I can’t see anything wrong with crutches if they help with entering.
  6. Hey y'all This is going to be my new journal on my new account. I left the old acc because I didn't like my username. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Sincerity and I'm from Poland. [image removed] ^ This is me! I'm currently ??? years old. I'm admittedly young but I hope you can see me beyond my age, for what I am I've been on this forum for more than 3 years and until now I've (kinda) held my identity a secret. But lately I've had some realizations in regard to expressing myself more honestly and yeah. Here I am, being more open with you. Now you have a slightly better idea of who's behind the account. (Edit: Ironic haha. But it has to be this way. Everything ends.) I've been on the spiritual path for roughly 4-5 years now and I feel like I've had much progress. I definitely have many insights to share. But I'm still pretty much a beginner and I'm on the journey along with you. Try to keep up, because I feel like I'm growing pretty fast (this year has been insane for me so far, seriously!) I've been mulling over my important values for years and this is where I stand right now: I am primarily about goodness. I am about love. I am about bliss, wisdom, appreciation, responsibility, sincerity, curiosity, discipline and humility. I also really value humor and laughter. You might notice I'm often tongue-in-cheek in my posts I don't like posting very frequently and I'm still not sure what I will even be posting here but tell you what, it's going to come from a place of sincerity Love and have a great day ❤️
  7. I'm going to try the practice of no condemnation. Seeing everyone as sinless Imagine entire world is not guilty of anything U may find your own release from judgement in that moment That's where love and bliss are If u want to experience that bliss again u'll have to come to this place of no condemnation
  8. Good for you. How many needles did it take up your ass to feel the bliss.
  9. Yesterday I spent 6 hours melting into the bliss of God on the beach…
  10. Introduction Before we start, lets mention the most important point: After total enlightement, there will remain no "I" here to be proud of anything, take credits for anything or feel special about anything. All that remains will be God, infinite Love and Perfection, Nirvana and reality as it is, everpresent bliss and beauty recreating itself permanently in this infinite ocean of Love called the Now. In other words: The only thing that is left of "me" now is God, and as God "I" literally have no Self, "I" am completely selfless so "I" have no pride in anything. "I" don't feel special in any way and "I" am not in any way better, higher, or more than any other human in this world. And even God is not the ultimate name of "myself." In the totality of myself it is recognized, that even God or Consciousness are not my deepest and truest places and are simply the first manifestations or distortions of the complete nothingness that I am. Whenever I use the word "I" or "you" in the following explanations you have to remember the following: Language is relativistic and needs self-reference, which is indicated by this word "I" or "you". In truth however, no relativistic concept could encapsulate the true nature of who "I" am, which is not an "I" to begin with. Whatever will be written in the following lines and paragraphs will be completely meaningless words and ideas. Their purpose is not to show you what is true, because they can not. Their only purpose is, to be an inspiration for you to seek finding your own truest place, to seek finding the one infinite creator within your own heart. Proposal for the reader The following paragraphs are a proposal to find the lord and absolute truth within yourself, however it should be added that there is nothing "right" or "wrong" in doing that. The only reason you should seek absolute truth for yourself is if you deeply care about it and if it feels truly meaningful to you. If you don't really care and would rather enjoy your life as a normal human being this just is as beautiful and as meaningful as reaching for truth would be. What you should do in your life is, you should simply do what feels most beautiful and most meaningful to you, in other words - you should do what you love the most. What's in it for you Nothing, literally. But this Nothing is the sweetest and the most beautiful thing that could ever exist, and it doesn't even exist because it is prior to existence. This nothingness means, there will be no "you" left, because you are nothing. And without a "you", there is nobody here who could suffer, even if infinite pain and torture would occour. "You" will be in heaven, because there is no "you" to be separated from heaven and no "you" to not be completely happy with reality as it is. This Nothingness is identical to infinite love / bliss / happiness, yet there are 0 feelings of love, bliss, or happiness connected to it. It is simply the source of all feelings, and truly it is even beyond source and creation. It is the "source" of all dualities, so it is even the "source" of the duality between creator and creation, in other words, absolute truth is total non-duality or total unity. (And even beyond the duality between non-duality and duality - but don't get hung up on these words, they mean nothing). What is total liberation / nirvana / enlightenment? It is the complete, total and undistorted seeing and knowing of reality as it is. It is knowing who you truly are and what reality truly is without having a single doubt about it. It is the realisation that you are everything which is identical to love, and that in that everythingness that you are, there exists no "you." This seeing is total. There are no degrees to it, no "infinite levels" to it and there is no path towards it. You cannot glimpse this and you cannot see this by 1% or 10%, it can only be seen totally. Who can reach total liberation and what is required for it? Anybody can reach it. YOU can reach it. Because there is nothing to reach for. You are it. You are already God. You are already infinite love, heaven, perfection. Accept this fact in your direct experience and you will be free forever. Nothing is required for it. You don't need to be a man or a woman. You don't need to be intelligent. You don't need to be healthy. You don't need to be wise. You can be in complete pain and suffering and realize it. You don't need good genetics. You don't need to be spiritually gifted. You don't need to meditate. There is no age requirement. You could have been a complete asshole for your entire life and still you have the same chances of reaching it anybody else has. You need nothing. How can you "reach" it? You can not reach it, because there is nothing to reach for. You are it, already. You can only recognize it and not even that, because there was no you to recognize or not recognize it to begin with. And there is not even an "it", which could be recognized. To recognize it, be as you are. Do not move. Do not think. Do not talk. Do not reach for anything. Simply be as you are, and in that, recognize that there is not even a you here to be "you." Do not start moving, thinking, or talking again before you have not totally grasped what you are and what reality is to its core. Indirect ways to "reach" it? If it seems to you that you simply can not grasp it and the above guidence seems to be too direct or to vague to help you, here are some relativistic ideas which could increase the "chances" of you seeing it in the future, relatively speaking. The following ideas are simply ideas, incomplete and ultimately not at all needed. Feel free to add your own ideas to the list: Read the book "Conversations With God" of Neale Donald Walsch, read all parts of it, read it multiple times. It is the most important book that has ever been written in human history. Understanding everything in that book and embodying it will lead to total liberation Take psychedelics in a conscious manner. Take them in self love, in low doses and with good preparation. Write trip-reports for yourself after you tripped and try to learn as much as you can from your trips. Psychedelics can easily throw you into states of absolute knowledge and complete liberation. When you come back from it, don't cling to it and instead know that what you just whitnessed was not a "fleating experience" but your own everpresent true nature as it is. Try to embody the immense wisdom and clarity psychedelics provide to you in your day to day life as much as possible by proper integration Listen to spiritual teachers (Youtube). Good teachers from my POV are: Mooji, Rupert Spira, Sadhguru, Eckart Tolle, Osho, Papaji, Krishnamurti, and any other teacher or teaching that you feel deeply resonates with you Read spiritual books of the above teachers, and other teachers that you resonate with Be creative: Make music. Make art. Sing. Dance. Paint. Write. Exercise and do sports Move slowly through life: Feel your feet as they touch the ground. Feel the sun on your skin and the wind blowing through your hair. Taste the beauty of your meal, feel the unification of the water that you drink with your body. See the perfection and the love in the eyes of your partner while making love to them Be with other people (no matter who these people are, it could be beggars, thieves, depressed people, or normal people, very happy people, rich people or poor people) and try to be there for them, to serve their highest interests and to truly understand these people. Try to find out who they are, what they think about life, who they dream of becoming in the future, what their greatest wish for themselves is etc. Be with yourself (no matter who you are, you could be a thief, depressed, stable, very happy, poor, rich, it doesn't matter). Try to be there for yourself, to serve your highest interests and to truly understand yourself. Try to find out who you are, what you truly think about life, who you truly dream of becoming in the future, what your greatest wish for yourself is, etc. Laugh a lot. Laugh from the deepest place within yourself. Laugh from your heart Stop worrying about anything in life. Life will take care of you. Trust in life. Love a lot. Love as many people as you can as deeply as you can, including yourself. Love from your heart Forgive anybody who hurt you. See that they acted out of ignorance and that they did not know what they were doing when they hurt you Think of other important points that should be mentioned on this list and continue the list with your own ideas My promise for you This message is a promise of Love for Love. It is a promise of myself (love) for you (love) that we will forever be one, completely unified, lacking nothing. Death cannot touch us. Life cannot touch us. We are forever. We are nothingness. I love you, with all my heart. I pray for you. I am there for you, forever. I know that the day of our unification, the day of the realisation of our already everpresent unity will come. It will be our happiest day. And it will be forever. With Love, Yourself
  11. You need to let go of your expectations of how you should feel. Seek deeper and deeper conciousness without fear. To get to a solid bliss you need an ego death. If you've already had Samadhi once then the biggest obstacle holding you back is your understanding of what it will feel like again. The goal is ultimately to see with your eyes but to "be" fully your heart. When the heart sees the world it sees only itself. You need to also just let go of your anger and impatience mate.
  12. Maybe I'm naive, but to me, the greatest joy is still living an adventurous, meaningful life. I can bliss out whenever I want, but I'm still so fucking young and have so much energy and potential - why not go on an odyssey and put on a good show, instead of sitting on your ass all day, doing nothing? It's not that I lack anything, I'm just motivated to do it for it's own sake.
  13. @Someone here Bro, why present them as if there's a schism between Stoicism and Hedonism? There isn't, just your mind likes to chisel a chasm that isn't, instead of hemming in what is and isn't with your oven mites. A mind that likes flying in mental denial gymnastics like a hamster bike wheel, riding to chase Hedonism with haste into smithereens, needs a bit of Stoicism, to bring boiling toil to simmer to then stillness. Another mind too stone cold, itching for a cinnamon roll, told to hold in those boney base urges, needs a bit of Hedonism, cuz he/she gonna miss the bliss of life and thrive in the wrong way, in deep fried, thick mile sand oil. So! Like the Taoists, practice Daoism, cuz they so chill to pendulum switch and balance, symmetry and asymmetry, the D with the T-T to the !D-LIKE A T-BONED STEAK IN A MYTHICAL DREAM!
  14. access concentration usually brings up a certain ecstasy in the body. if you dont, nobody can really answer it for ya.. its very personal.. you might need to experiment with the different suggestions you get. in my opinion, you're not there yet.. you should be buzzing with the intensity of your concentration to get to that bliss flooding your body. its not easy and i dont think being able to stay without thoughts for a minute or so is enough. you should just keep practicing. also, consider dropping that analyizing voice in your head thats counting how much time you spent in concentration and just stay concentrated - you need to drop everything ! dont forget that. dont make "not wasting your precious time" your goal here, but your self realization.
  15. @RickyFitts This! So many people want bliss, but they don't want to resolve their traumas...
  16. you're asking about finding bliss by meditating, not about how to fix a car engine. what kind of answer do you want? something very concrete to an absolutely vague question?
  17. @Laxx Try a 10-day Vipassana retreat, and then you could reevaluate the benefits of meditation. You want bliss, but you don’t appear to have the required staying power at present.
  18. Bliss can most definitely be reached via meditation. It is not merely the state of no thoughts. It is the state of recognising that you are simply a vehicle for whatever is already unfolding (God). Bliss is total surrender to God. Total surrender to your true nature.
  19. Yeah, I know its possible, I've heard of similar stories, but it definitely needs something more than just no thoughts. Your level of consciousness can of course can be raised from means other than psychedelics, but it seems incredibly difficult to reach a permament state of bliss.
  20. I live in a constant state of no thoughts, for whatever reason, and my experience is not any more blissful than if I was thinking. All I have is a more calm awareness, no feeling of crampedness in my head, and I am more aware of the present moment. But when I take psychedelics and reach far higher levels of consciousness where I am very conscious of love, oneness, and so forth, I feel indescribable bliss far stronger than any orgasm you could have. It's both physical and mental, and even metaphysical. It's just bliss in every conceivable way. It's sheer ecstacy. When many meditators talk about bliss, they are probably referring to the former, not to the actual incredible bliss that you can get from psychedelics. If you actually want true bliss, increase your level of consciousness, as Leo said.
  21. @Laxx Here’s the truth. Everything is relative. You won’t notice bliss in the absence of pain. That is, if your everyday experience is relatively pain-free mentally and physically, the low levels of bliss from modest amounts of meditation will be less noticeable. Bliss is the realisation that you are not connected to the pain, that the pain is not yours. Ultimate bliss is the recognition that no matter how extreme the pain, it is not yours - you have transcended it by dissolving the self. Psychedelics allow you to witness this directly because they give you an overview effect of the suffering that is innate to being human, yet position you very much outside it. If you are not reaching this state then longer hours in meditation might help. For example, you could try sitting through the pain of 10 hours per day of motionless meditation without any back support, on a very basic cushion with very little padding. Switch things up a little Once seen it cannot be unseen. The feeling that you are completely outside the pain is bliss. You will laugh, you may even cry tears of joy. Eventually the pain itself will reveal that it was always illusory, merely an energetic blockage that was inextricable from your level of consciousness. Do this enough and eventually you merge with God. Your body is rebuilt to do the work of God alone, and whatever you thought you were dissolves to nothing.
  22. The issue is not to silence the mind but to dissolve the barrier of the ego. the ego is supposed to be the thoughts, therefore we deduce that in the absence of thought there is no self. that's not true. it can be the not-self with thoughts and be the self with all its granite solidity in silence. when the self dissolves the mind takes on unlimited depth, and bliss occurs. this happens during meditation, but in my experience the ego has had to be completely vaporized several times before. this can happen with very serious and intensive meditation practices or with 5 meo. If you have not broken the granite block that is the ego, being silent for a minute will not help you much, only as a mental control practice
  23. Any unresolved trauma or emotional wounding that there is in you is going to hinder your ability to feel bliss, it's going to cover it up. So having a quiet mind isn't enough on its own, you have to be aware of what's going on inside you on a physical, energetic, and emotional level too, you have to develop bodily sensitivity so that those unresolved traumas and emotional wounds, which are stored in the body, can become conscious and gradually unravel. And that can take serious practise, it isn't likely to be something that's going to happen overnight; it can be disturbing and painful when those unresolved issues do start to bubble up in you, too, it really isn't for the faint-hearted and it requires an uncompromising devotion to the truth, no matter how painful and troubling.
  24. You can breathe your way to bliss quite effectively with a little practice. Not the kind of divine ecstasy that you would get on a psychedelic but still pretty sweet.
  25. You would get more bliss from a morning run in the park than from meditating for two hours straight. Best is to combine both and practice walking meditation.