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  1. Prior your birth, there was nothing there, and thats what You really are. Therefore, this is just a game, life is just wining a lottery. You are still nothing, you gave the so called life as a lottery to yourself. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Love everything you can. Because it is the best feeling. After this so called life or so called death will end of all pleasure, pain, feelings, there will be no more life just will be deep sleep same as prior to your so called birth. Therefore, so called Life is so short, dont regret, when it comes the end. If you live your life not your temporary reflection (which is the ego), but Your real self (which is nothingness), and knowing this every second in your life, happiness, joy and love is inevitable. After this so called life there will be just nothing, everything will end. Therefore, even your suffering right now is love. Can you imagine after so called death, everything ends. So how can you not be full filled now? Thus, if you live your life from the perspective of Real You life will be heaven.
  2. Thanks for sharing! The reality is that we have all fallen into many gradients of Spiritual bypassing, but most people are not aware of it. Me included. When you are in it, it is very difficult to see or notice. It’s like the eye cannot see it’s self without a mirror. I hate repeating myself from other posts, but I don’t care how many DMT trips you take, how much you meditate, how may retreats you go on, how wonderful and colourful your vocabular sounds, what intellectual words you know! If you fail to do the “WORK” you will continuously fall into degrees of “Spiritual Bypassing”. I know, because I have fallen in these trap’s countless times on my own journey in the last twenty plus years. If you truly want to become enlightened, it’s going to take more than taking hundred of trips on DMT, or thousand of hours and days of meditation etc. Yes, this all HELPS, but only within degrees of moderation. That being said, DMT, meditation etc. are great “Tools”. But they should not become a “crutch or prop” on your spiritual journey! In my “Opinion”, it’s a 24 and 7 job observing, discerning, questioning, evaluating and consciously discriminating every thought, idea, image, belief, feeling and emotion. It means unearthing every trauma, every addiction (Not just Drug and alcohol addictions, but also psychological addictions such as anger, being self righteousness, being a drama queen, anxiety, self-importance, pity etc.). It means doing Shadow work with awareness, it means “Doing the Work” and not just throwing around terms such as Nothingness, Absolute God Consciousness, Love etc. Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas, beliefs and emotions!
  3. I would understand that take, yeah. It is possible in some states to bend things to my "will" like in lucid dreams. But on closer inspection, the will to - say - flap my arms and fly in a dream appeared, and before it appeared it wasn't anywhere. And before it was thought, I can't say I played any part in choosing to bring it out of nothingness into being thought.
  4. Trip Report 2. Jan 40mg 5-MeO-MALT plugged with 2ml water. I lay down in my bed with eyes closed and listened to some OM Chanting. As always, strong feelings in the body emerged. I was deliberately focused on relaxing the body and letting go of feelings and thoughts. I was letting go of feelings in the body. The idea came to me that I was literally deconstructing my body by relaxing all my muscles and letting go of the feelings. The feelings felt like dissolving me and it was very pleasant. Like the deconstruction of the body is actually what feels like a cosmic orgasm. Everything disappeared except for my breath and a kind of peace or void. After what felt like only a few minutes my body appeared again and step by step my "world" reappeared. The experience of nothingness was but a faint dream. Thoughts and feelings came back strongly. I had what I identified hours later as an acute ego-backlash. I was angry, upset and horny. I watched Netflix and masturbated. I was very agitated for two hours until I fell asleep. The next day was quite normal. I really took me until this next day to make sense of what happened. I guess this was my first experience at the brink of a breakthrough. I think I did not break through entirely, because I still had some connection to my body all the time - I guess. I had no side effects. I hesitate to further increase the dose, because it is already that high. Also, I want to take it easy and practice letting go of desires in my normal life to be prepared for further ego backlashes. I'm also starting a business, so I can't afford serious destabilization. Next time, I will however be aware of the return of the ego and be prepared for some serious backlash. I intuit that real growth only happens if I am able to stay equanimous when the ego comes back. Then every time maybe only 95% will return. Just speculation.
  5. He does speak about these things to some extent. In his video called an advanced explanation of God-realization he describes a trip he experienced on 5 MEO MALT where he became Omnipotent. But in general, he does shy away from the topic. I think mostly because he hasn't yet managed to bring the absolute down into his everyday life very well yet. So he's developed this belief that using God's capabilities for his own agenda is somehow wrong or even impossible. When the actual truth is that we're more than willing to do everything to fulfill his every desire because we perceive him to be our self as we are him(and that our self isn't a grammar error, we are one so it's our self, not ourselves lol). Perhaps a more concrete perspective would better solidify my point. After I originally discovered that reality wasn't as I was taught. One of the phenomena I studied which helped me to make sense of the world was the placebo effect. There's as of today an abundance of studies relative to this subject. But I'll mention just the example of the man credited for effect's discovery. Henry Beecher was a medic in WWII and when he rain out of morphine, he started using an inert solution before surgery and told the soldiers it was morphine. Something like 40% of the men he operated on didn't experience pain to such an extent they had no idea they'd been given a fake pain killer(they report no pain when being cut on). Now think this through, how are you to explain such a thing in a purely mechanical way that doesn't invoke the obvious possibility that the patient's mind alone caused the effect? And keep in mind that this cannot be explained away as coincidental. As the effect of the mind on the body is so powerful that it's necessary to test a fake drug against a "real" one to determine its legitimacy. And there are now many medically documented examples of things that would be medically impossible occurring in this domain. Like people going fully into remission from advanced cancer by taking a fake drug(and without changes in diet or anything that would seem remotely capable of affecting change other than the subject's perception that they should be healed). It's easier for some people than others, some even do it purely by accident. Yep They do, but they only work to a great degree if you repeat the practice rather a great deal. Exactly. You clarify your own misunderstanding towards the end of the paragraph. When I say that Delta(1-4hz) is the level of the Godhead I don't mean that as literally as you're interpreting it. When death occurs the mind expands everywhere(becomes Omnipresent, and therefore Omniscient as knowledge arises out of experience etc). If you were to become conscious while your brain is oscillating predominately in the Delta range, you would be so heavily connected to the Godhead that you could manifest your thoughts incredibly well(if you were competent enough at this level, you'd basically be a god unto yourself). However keep in mind, there are more variables affecting your power level than your degree of awareness of the unconscious(like your emotions for example). But all of these variables correlate with one another to a high extent(for example you become more powerful the sweeter and stronger your emotional expression, which causes you to be slightly more aware of deep levels of mind you're normally not aware of at all). Well, actually we're everywhere(as God) because we're everything. So in that sense, we do have a biological basis(as for instance God incarnate as you we have such a necessity because we imagine it to be so). When I say Godhead, I'm referring to God in the more dualistic way that people tend to traditionally think of us(which is the level of infinite mind, that is discarnate intelligence). And to what you said at the end, nonexistence is impossible. And another thing, nothing does not equal nonexistence(at least not when we say that we're nothing). This kind of nothingness/pure void exists, but it has no attributes. This is why it's the substance of which all realities and everything within them consists(as any attribute we have everything will have because everything is made out of us). That's precisely what I'm saying. Yes, the Delta level creates the Theta level, which creates the Alpha level, which creates the Beta level. And the Gamma level predominates when the subjective awareness of the ego becomes present in the lower Theta to Delta range(representing the presence of supernatural capacities in the sentient being in question). This is correct in the sense that if you want to function in an Omnipotent capacity, you want to be in Delta. But if you simply want to become Omniscient, it's easier as you only need to become all perceiving and all-knowing personally. For instance, let's say you want to know what's going to happen tomorrow. In order to accomplish this, it is not necessary that you send your body physically forward in time and then back to the present. You can simply command your mind to project to you the things that will occur(which can be done at a dramatically lower power level than full-blown physical time travel). The level at which this becomes most possible(and is, therefore, the level that is optimal relative to such an intention) is actually approximately 4.5hz(lower theta). When the brain shows predominately lower theta waves. Your mind is effectively at the portal between your human self and the Godhead which is creating everything and as such, you can retrieve any form of knowledge you want at that level.
  6. Here I will be referring to Nibbana (or Nirvana in Sanskrit) mainly in two different capacities. The first will be satisfaction or happiness and the second will be referring to the cessation of perception, feeling, and experience sometimes called phala, fruition, cessation, or within the certain context of progressively reducing fabrication by going through the four formed and four formless jhanas in order to reach cessation which is called nirodha samapatti. The Easy & Predictable Nibbana The easy and predictable Nibbana is that of satisfaction. Satisfaction is a word which is commonly used as a translation of the Pali word sukha. Other translations of sukha come up with things like happiness or things which otherwise contribute to a feeling of general well-being and comfort. In many respects, the core of the Buddha’s teachings come down to dukkha and dukkha nirodha (the cessation of dissatisfaction/suffering) or in other words dukkha and sukha. Nibbana in this sense is as simple as becoming a master at bringing yourself to a state of satisfaction quickly and easily regardless of external circumstances. This type of Nibbana does not require gigantic blissful experiences and complex spiritual understanding, although these things don’t necessarily hurt. Being able to develop the skill of maintaining sati, or mindfulness, of the in and out breath which is called Ānāpānasati and described in the Ānāpānasati Sutta is the most straightforward path to developing this type of Nibbana. The whole of the Dhamma (or Dharma in Sanskrit) can be found in Ānāpānasati when it is practiced consistently enough and as insight into the nature of phenomena and reality is uncovered through this, but there are better meditation techniques for raw insight itself. Ānāpānasati is special because it uses an object of attention, or focus object, for the meditation which is a wholesome object that is accessible in almost all states. When attention goes to wholesome objects such as the breath or thoughts of comfort, safety, and other positive aspects of experience, satisfaction naturally rises. Eventually, this satisfaction and other factors of jhana become the objects of investigation and can be directly raised in a rather controllable way, but the main part of the practice is to develop one’s ability to give themselves a completely satisfying present moment experience. Building this ability is much like building a muscle. Consistent practice leads to increased ease when handling what used to be dissatisfactory in a way that can now be satisfactory. Intentionally slowing the breath to become long and easy in and out breaths slows heart rate and naturally reduces cortisol and adrenaline which contribute to anxious feelings and feelings of unease. Once you become better and better at creating satisfaction and breathing naturally rather than automatically, resistance to reality and the external world is heavily reduced. Previously challenging circumstances become easier and easier to quickly turn into a satisfying present moment experience. With this type of Nibbana, there is no moment of transformation in which you are “permanently enlightened.” Every moment is a new moment to either wake up to satisfaction or stay asleep in dissatisfaction. This practice is as simple as remembering to keep attention on the breath and satisfying and wholesome aspects of experience. An “end point” with this practice would look like having your brain rewired through consistent enough practice that satisfaction is almost always the case on its own and it can be immediately created, or rather found or remembered, in any cases where it might slip up for a moment. The Hard & Unpredictable Nibbana This is the type of spiritual awakening that most modern and western spirituality is often focused around when it comes to Buddhism. An important thing to mention is that many people chase this type of awakening for the purpose of transcending suffering which is something the easy and predictable path to the type of Nibbana mentioned above is quite good at. This second type of awakening and Nibbana is thought by some, such as Daniel Ingram, the author of Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha, to occur at the first attainment of cessation or fruition and in subsequent cessations which often happen spontaneously during spiritual practice/daily life or intentionally through going through jhanas 1-8 resulting in a cessation which is called nirodha samapatti. This link to part of MCTB describes cessation and fruition: This link to part of MCTB describes nirodha samapatti: It’s important to note that cessation is the exact same from an epistemic perspective in both fruition and nirodha samapatti. It’s all simply a complete “gap” in experience, and nirodha samapatti does not on its own unveil any new insights which a close examination of a fruition can’t unveil. It is simply a hard attainment to reach and exciting for that fact alone and also a predictable way of reaching this second type of Nibbana. Reaching this second type of Nibbana, no matter how you get there or if it is fruition or nirodha samapatti, usually takes people years of spiritual practice. It does have quite profound effects and can contribute to a lot of insight which allows one to relate to previously dissatisfactory sensations in a less adversarial light. I call this the unpredictable Nibbana because it is completely unknown when you’ll first reach fruition. The first fruition appears to just pop up at completely different amounts of practice and types of practice for different people. Vipassana meditation techniques are quite effective at getting people to this stage, but many spiritual practices and meditation techniques done enough will lead to fruition or cessation. This type of Nibbana is rather complete, in a sense, because cessation is freedom from absolutely everything experiential. There are no samskaras, hindrances, selves, others, somethingness, or nothingness. There is no consciousness or awareness at all in cessation for any of those things in the previous sentence to appear in. There is no vantage point from which to even discuss nothingness or emptiness. There is no existence “in” this non-state. There’s quite literally nothing to it. This is precisely why this attainment is so transformative. It is the eradication of any possible sense of self while one is “in” cessation. It also shows impermanence by showing one what it truly would be like if existence disappeared and reappeared right before your eyes (your eyes are also part of what disappears and reappears, of course) giving the potential for a great deal of insight into what might have been before the conscious experience of being a human being and what might come afterward. There still feels to be some permanence to the human self structure and experience the way it is now before you see it all get eradicated by cessation. This also gives some insight into the nature of dukkha by showing just how much less suffering no existence or experience at all is compared to even the most rapturous and amazing existence or experience. Reaching cessation a number of times eventually unfolds a process which reveals new ways of perceiving the world. Eventually, the field of perception through all six sense doors gets fused into one sense door, emptiness can be directly grasped in all circumstances, the luminosity of all phenomena is unveiled, the impressions of concepts of things such as a physical body or gravity lose their power over perception, and the sense of self dissolves from an individual human being into the entire field of sensations which may be present at any given moment among many other things. All of these fancy things are helpful to the easy and predictable path to the first type of Nibbana in so much as they just provide more easily noticeable pleasant facets of reality to pay attention to and reduce the patterns of sensations which give experience the feeling of being only a human being with the rest of the world as an external entity which is in some way or another a dissatisfactory enemy to that imaginary self/soul. What should I do with any of this? This is ultimately up to you, of course, but I will say that both of these “types” of Nibbana contribute to the ability to live without the five hindrances and the ten fetters. Although I’m not by any means at the end of the road in regard to hindrances and fetters, it is very clearly noticeable how these two types of Nibbana contribute to one getting closer to that goal which one might call a third type of Nibbana which would be the moment-to-moment experience of an Arahant or in other words the moment-to-moment experience of one who lives without hindrances and fetters. The second type takes a lot of spiritual development to reach, but the first type only requires a consistent training of the mind to focus attention on wholesome objects and notice them with better efficiency. Both of these are very helpful to living a life with less dissatisfaction and more satisfaction. Most people chase the second type because they really just want the ability to feel more satisfied with life more of the time, and they think attaining cessation is the only way to do that. Even worse, people think attaining some experiential “heightened” state of consciousness is the only way to do that. Dissatisfaction can be turned into satisfaction in a much simpler way which is touched upon some in the first half of this post. Become mindful of the breath and the satisfactory parts of your experience by sustaining attention on them right here, right now, and your dissatisfaction will be lessened. Do that a lot in increasingly skillful ways, and you can make lemonade out of any lemons life has provided you.
  7. Just feeling whatever is there, and not expecting any love. I have found that if there is no love in the heart, it is either numbed and one feels nothing at all - and in this case it's important to feel that nothingness, that lack of energy, for it is an internalized feeling of lack, mostly through early trauma. Allowing this nothingness to be there reveals what is thought to be missing. But it takes time. The other possibility is that you feel pain in the heart. When you feel into it, it might turn into emptiness, or feeling into the emptiness can turn into feeling pain. It's like layers of feelings we deny ourselves to feel. Like an onion, allow these layers to fall off, just by feeling into the heart. In general, patience and the willingness to feel and to allow pain and fear is the key. And not expecting anything. Love is so easy when it feels safe. But mostly it feels abandoned or threatened and we need to deal with these shadows first. And one very powerful practice to open your heart to love is this one (has done soo much for me). Practice this every day and your heart will open quickly, guaranteed. And it will heal:
  8. The amount of misunderstanding comes directly from the level of consciousness. And it is not that the lower level is worse. It's like saying that 1st grade sucks. You have to finish elementary school to go to college or later to university. Each stage is equally essential and vital. The problem is that perception, nondual understanding is the final frontier of this level of consciousness that we are now experiencing or manifesting as humanity. The senses and ego-mind are the primary tools of perception at this level. The mind is reductionist, an identifying and evaluating program. THERE IS NO OPTION TO UNDERSTAND ANYTHING MORE WITH THESE TOOLS. ANYTHING BEYOND THIS LEVEL. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN. NEVER. Therefore, the so-called meditation techniques, psychedelics, lucid dreaming, kriya, etc., are to prepare you to move in areas where the role of these tools, such as the senses or ego, is minimal or not at all. The next level is direct, holistic understanding. This is something that you have to get used to and integrate with. Only further and further trips into oneself, gathering experiences, deep contemplation, removing judgment, developing acceptance of what is - THIS IS THE ONLY WAY including all that each of you will find in your own time. An example would be the experience of NOTHING, or the so-called loss of consciousness, e.g., in the state of deep sleep or during anesthesia. Well, if you seriously practice mindfulness, sharpen your awareness, consciously observe what is inside and out, you start to experience THIS SOMEONE / SOMETHING that is experiencing. Thoughts, emotions, the world perceived by the senses, the mind's construction. THE ONE who experiences ALL AND NOTHING, emptiness, absolute absence, absolute silence in complete darkness. And then knowledge comes, utterly different from concepts, assumptions, and theorems built on assumptions. WHO IS THE ONE THAT EXPERIENCES ALL THE POSSIBLE STATES? All that is also the states of nothingness. Tours and short trips end here, and the journey begins. Enjoy the ride:)
  9. LOVE is not afraid of anything. Nothingness, everything, all possibilities which are infinite (Godel's Incompleteness Theorem:) are welcome. "Everything you can imagine it's true" - Pablo Picasso
  10. People have had past life regression memories but those could have all been made up, or arbitrarily pulled from some collective consciousness I've had an experience of "The Void" before a couple years ago, and at that time my reflection was that even if Nothingness is immortal, that says absolutely nothing about what I've come to know as myself or my current sort of experience I understand that there's a mystery about what happens after you die but that's the extent of it
  11. I never had the chance to take Changa, but I did several Aya and San Pedro trips In Ecuador. They are not even close to being the same. I was lucky to find a Shaman that had over twenty years experience with both plants and he new exactly how potent his liquids were. Not all Aya and San Pedro solutions have the same potencies. Aya, which has DMT, will take you beyond the 3D reality into gradations of consciousness and awareness that can take you into multidimensional realities of Beingness all the way to the awareness of Nothingness, or what some people call the Void, Absolute God, Absolute Love etc. It will all depend on how advanced you are with your own beliefs, thoughts and emotions. What I mean by that, I believe the trip into expanded consciousness and awareness is depended on how your Ego interprets the expanded consciousness when you return to your base level. Your Ego can only digest and assimilate a micro segment of consciousness without damaging the stability of this reality that you are focused on, or in. That interpretation is strongly influence on the thoughts, ideas, images, beliefs, intentions, and emotions that you are attached to, which help you navigate in this limited 3D reality. That is why no two experiences are, or will ever be the same from our limited level of consciousness! As for San Pedro, it does not contain DMT, not that I am aware of. The Shamans in Ecuador believe that San Pedro is a Grandfather Plant that, when consumed is a heart opening medicine. During one of my experiences, I try to take as much San Pedro as I could, but was unable to release my physical image of self into the layers that DMT can go. What I experienced was an expansion of Compassion, Love, Harmony with all living Beings, including my "Self"! What I mean by Living Beings is/are Beings of consciousness which includes plants, animals, insects, rocks, water etc. and even our beloved Grandmother Earth’s consciousness. If you really want to take a trip, go into a sweat lodge with two Shamans that are masters with both teacher plants for several hours. During this experience you take both Aya and San Pedro at different stages, consuming both substance several times. I experienced being in multiple dimensional states simultaneously. My consciousness and awareness was floating freely wherever I focused my attention or intention. When I emerged from the sweat lodge, I was able to merge with the Shamans mind. We both communicated above language and words for several minutes. The heartfelt connection with all forms of consciousness was unbelievable. I was finally free to merge with everyone in the group and remain somewhat physically grounded in this reality. It is not an experience I have ever been able to duplicate since, but I do have short moments in the waking dream that touch it. Which brings me to the point I made above, not everyone has the same experience. There was only 2 or 3 of us, out of a group of twenty, other than the two Shamans that experienced that level of mind merging, . I believe your psychedelic experiences, and how much you expand and retain consciousness and awareness comes down to how open and unattached you are to your thoughts, ideas, images, intents, beliefs and emotions. That is why I am a strong advocate for people to do the “Work” of mastering your thoughts, ideas, image, intents, beliefs and emotions 24 and 7, because they shape your experience of this reality and beyond! Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs etc.
  12. There is very little profound revelation in that collapse. It is literally just making obvious that all you know is the contents of mind, emptiness (your substantive nothingness), the subjectivity of everything, etc. There is something to be discovered within that but it's not like you just suddenly know everything like the answer to questions like that. Some aspects of proclaimed "truth" could easily be pure delusional psychosis from drugs (or from any altered state). Some things are DEFINITE. Beyond any question. Knowable. Then other things which are just psychosis or faith.
  13. There is appearance. To deny this is to deny existence itself, which is pure foolishness. Appearance and nothingness are not mutually exclusive.
  14. Definitely.. therefore experiencing is just an illusion as just you or i. Because when you are nothing there is nothing to observe nor you nor i. Because of these you wrong about appearance happening within pure nothingness. Because nothing is happening. Any action any words comes from the ego as these sentences. Of course if you take these as sentences. Meanwhile, they are not. Any knowledge comes from the ego. Right Now is prior to birth. Thus, enlightenment is simply being where You already are.
  15. Oof. One of the first things you should understand if you’ve had even the slightest bit of an awakening is that there is no self and that your identity is an illusion. This is like, Spirituality 101, my guy. There are greater and lesser degrees of understanding this, but a more advanced understanding is that all there is is simply appearance happening within pure nothingness to no one, nowhere, no when, and no how. And any significance or meaning that is put on any of the appearances is pure imagination.
  16. Most stuff is parroting by people. There isn't actually any direct proof. I do know nobody has ever experienced anything other than mind. I know awareness has no spatial dimension at all. I know sheer awareness robbed of any form is literally nothingness. But nobody smokes a drug and suddenly gains control of someone else's body or sees through their eyes, that is what you would need to constitute direct proof. Logically you can deduce from the lack of the existence of space and the boundless nature of awareness, that it must be one "I". The way the boundary is created if there are various appearances to awareness, I'm not really sure why or how that happens. Rupert Spira's wording on why and how is the most logically sound. He has very good videos on this, usually using the infinite nature of awareness and the implications of that, along with dream logic.
  17. My disagreement is not that you do not make relative distinctions, but rather that you have unconscious biases that undermine your goal of harmony and unity. You have a spiritual bias, you undermine the idea of bias, as if you wanted to achieve full unbiasedness. But reality is fundamentally biased. Every single atom in this universe has bias, without that bias, nothing could even exist, because there could not possibly be something rather than nothing. You would argue that humanity should go beyond morality, and simply act consciously and lovingly. That to me fundamentally misunderstands what Love does. Love simply amplifies and creates bias. Love does not prefer anything over anything else. If you were perfectly Loving and had no bias, you would simply be God. You would not be a human who acts in a compassionate manner. Acting in a compassionate manner, after enlightenment, is only so because of your human bias. Whatever your bias will be, will be how you will act. Some people who have a certain bias will rape people when they get enlightened, because that is what Love will amplify. Raping and torturing another is Pure Love, and only bias could make you prefer to rape someone or to prefer not to rape someone. The construction, your humanity, is the only thing that allows for action, for preference. And that is bias. Evolution will always select for certain biases, and that is why humanity is the way it is, and why it has the biases it does, and why it will evolve the biases it will evolve. What allows you to say debates about morality are stupid, is morality. Morality is preference, nothing more, nothing less. In that way, even the atoms of this universe have a particular moral code. Yes, it is an illusion, but everything is. If you disintegrate this Preference Making Process, you will simply dissolve into Nothingness. That is not what Evolution is here for. Evolution does precisely the opposite. Everything that has bias continues, and everything that has not returns to no thingness. That is precisely the wisdom of this reality. You cannot use Love to decide anything, you can only use it to energize that which is. And more fundamentally even, all of these biases are Love, so there is nothing to even distinguish here. What this teaches us is that spirituality is like anything else, a bias. A bias that to be uphold, must survive. For that bias to exist, you have to participate in survival. And that makes you no different from anything else in this existence. And furthermore, you only care about it because you are human. An ant does not care. This is a good metaphor for what Love does:
  18. I think both question and answer might be an illusion, nothingness appearing as questions and answers, but it all is nothingness appearing, maybe maybe maybe, if you know what I mean, and this is nothingness appearing as a question and as an answer ?
  19. In Sufism there are things like god realisation,emptiness,death,rebirth ,nothingness etc.sufism trace orgins back to prophet muhammed pbuh in an unbroken lineage into modernday sages All.prohets were given outer relegion and inner relegion by god Outer relegion is things like praying,fasting,be kind,do charity etc .inner relegion is things like spirituality.
  20. Insights about Love, Manifestation, Teaching, Reality, Sexuality, Personal Development, Shrooms, and more. December 27th 2021 Dosage: 2 grams of African Transkei strain mushroom, these are regarded for potency and high visuals. So I'm definitely testing it out. Now that I'm writing this in the future, I would say that the Penis Envy Stain is stronger. Taken at 11:21AM as a lemon tek tea, and I also grounded the shroom with a coffee grinder such that it's a fine POWDER. I added the lemon juice, let sit for 5 mins, added water boiled from the kettle, let it soak for 20 minutes, and then strained and discarded the solid bits. Doing it this way makes the trip hit really fast and really hard. My initial Intentions: What is Clarity? What is Curiosity? What is Creativity? Ideas for my business. >These intentions weren't seriously held, and as a result I actually ended up thinking about what was already on my mind. And that led to some different insights that were also very valuable. 17 min Starting to feel the onset 21 min Getting dizzy 24min Yawns, so many yawns. I need to premeditate my intentions for like 5 minutes focus before I take it. >This was me reflecting on my crappy intention setting skills. 26 min Feeling a massive body come up >I get an amazing body high, like a bunch of vines are growing in my body like a parasite and constricting me, taking hold of me. Designs on a Tapestry moving 30 min Heavy body load 39 min Tingling in my fingers and my limbs 39 min Tingling in my fingers and my limbs 45 min Yawning and tired like crazy. You can have unwanted imagination, like looking at your cute dog and imagining it getting skinned down to a skeleton. >Yeah, so your imagination on shrooms is supercharged and effortless in this way. 55 min Giggly >I'd say the majority of the trip lasted 5-7 hours. Duality needs to be created to maximize the love of the universe. I want to love everything that I've created. (as God) >Note that I have zero awakenings or even mystical experiences yet. I have yet to even realize baby insights like no-self. Life is learning about how to love. I teach people how to love their ideal self. To love discipline. To love routine. To love excellence. To love the idea of destroying their perceived barriers between the story of who they think they are now and the story of their ideal self. To love the action of suffering through a very challenging practice routine. To love doing the shadow work they need to do to rid their addictions To love being curious about life in order to find what they're authentically passionate learning about. To love the idea of healing their past and rewriting their story to become their ideal self. etc. I think the archetype of Shrooms is love. I initially saw shrooms as a tool of catharsis, but now I see that the catharsis is a byproduct of the mechanism of love at work. Shrooms fudge your boundaries of reality, which is a collapsing of dualities, which is love. All insights come from love. (When it comes to the topic of manifestation) You ARE IT! YOU ARE ALREADY WHAT YOU MANIFEST! YOU JUST MAKE ACTIONS TO PROVE IT! I understand what they mean now with Manifestation. You are ALREADY the person you ought to be. Imagine this. You are actually someone from another dimension that has already accomplished all the things you've wanted to. But now you've been transported into this body, into this universe, and now you simply have to prove you're already the case. You need to rewrite the books, redo the consciousness work, redo the speaking practice, and you doing this is just you proving that you are already it. It comes from a deep place of love. You become a fountain of love by loving your ideal self much that you are already it, and then from that place, you simply are spilling yourself out, and you transform through that process. That transformation IS the manifestation process. You shapeshift. You have to demand more of yourself to manifest it into actuality. That is precisely how you grow, out of nothingness, you demand more. You summon more of yourself! A visionary leader is someone who demands more from other people. They LITERALLY SEE your potential manifested in this moment right now.a I see you, the reader, as extremely intelligent. I see you as one that's capable of massive love. I see you as one that will accomplish your goals in life. I SEE IT. Can you? The universe if just a manifestation, an illusion of the highest degree, an imagination. Everything in the universe has been manifested. It's not just fucking there. It has been manifested ### ### ### Collection of individual insights You need to enrich and love EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE, EVERY OBJECT, EVERY PERSON, every idea, every creation, destruction, transformation, birth, death. THIS is how you love your life and spiritualize your life. Learn how to lose yourself more into life. When doing an activity, let go of your mind detaching you from the task at hand, and have the courage to fully lose yourself to the task. When it comes to learning, It doesn't really matter if you're kind of sleepy trying to learn still, if you're still learning, you're learning. THE MOST HARDCORE LOVE IS what is holding your table together. I need to study a book on boundaries NOW! When being a teacher, your need to BE the actor they NEED for THEM. THIS is how you teach people. You shapeshift into the form they want to see, to best receive the message. This is why if you're a christian, God will appear to you as Jesus in order for you to comfortably take in the teaching. God appearing as Jesus is the best MASK for God to manifest such that you best receive the message. So when you are trying to teach someone else, you need to create that persona, that mask, such that people will believe in the authority(illusion) that you've constructed. You shapeshift into person they need to see in order to best receive the teaching. Ask people in your life what kind of person would they like to see in you. That's also the kind of person you need to be to be their best teacher. The backdrop you have demands your attention. Literally how you dress, and the room that you put yourself in. The background you have while speaking influences how seriously your message is going to be taken to heart. The tone of your voice, the appearance of organization and thought-thoroughness in your speaking will demand authority. How deeply and interconnectedly you've integrated your insights will determine how strong your message becomes. When the insight is so deeply integrated it just becomes a part of you. And through that you just have to express you SELF with utmost excellence and vigor, and through that, THAT is what creates a great teaching. How you're perceived affects how you're recieved. ### ### ### Later I had an Insight that had me roll around and flip around on the floor for several minutes going "WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK!" over and over again. So, some more manifestation ruminations. I thought, What would it take for me to be able to talk to Leo everyday? Kinda like in a way of a great talking to a great. Like if you wanted to hang out with Socrates, you would have to be at his level. Sharing insights and shit. I then thought "well I would then have to be at his level in consciousness and understanding". (Even though on the deepest level you can only get the deepest truths from yourself and not other.) And, yeah, I know that this comes from the my selfish part of my ego that idolizes Leo because he is a really good teacher and I want to be one of the best teachers in the world myself. Anywaayyysss... Then, I REALIZED that I could ACTUALLY get there. I saw in myself, a deep realization of my potential to manifest as much Consciousness as Leo. Like in my mind, this was extremely possible. That I could make Leo my peer in terms of level of understanding. This is what made me go what the fuck. I was like "HOLYYY SHIIITTT!" Maybe my confidence is just the peak of Mount Stupid in the Dunning-Kruger Effect. But hey, it felt GREAT! And it gave me a massive confidence boost! Here's a powerful question. What would you need to become to befriend your teachers as peers? As equals? What would need to become of you? What would you need to do on a day to day basis? What actions would you have to take? There I was, rolling around on the floor, just experiencing high amounts of joy at the realization of actualizing my potential. Meanwhile, while this is happening, my buddy beside me is lying on my bed, on 6 grams of shrooms, fighting his demons like he's playing dark souls. But he did so very silently. Basically it was all an internal battle. Haha! I asked him later about it and he said that my excitement and rowdiness didn't fuck with his trip, so that was good. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Theme song of this part of the trip, reader, if you want, play this song. I was having the crux of this insight during this song. I curled up into a ball lying on my bed, snuggling an extremely soft blanket, feeling loved and feeling cuteness. I spent what felt like hours just enveloped in the love. I was hugging my super soft blanket, with an AMAZING body high, making everything comfy as fuck. I was biting my lip for a long time in a total state of erotic energy. I was fantasizing about LOVE. Fantasizing about sharing love with a male! At least a very specific feminine man that was supposedly crushing on at the time. It was a mega positive experience. Later I am hugging my blanket on the floor, still thinking about love. I'm loving the massive gift that life that God gives us. A lot of times during the trip I was saying "WEEEEIIIIRRRD! WEEEEIIIIRRRD! WEEEEIIIIRRRD!" >I was learning that on a very deep level, I want to love absolutely everyone and I know that when I realize I'm God, and when I realize I'm everything, I will be able to learn how to deepen that love. I want to learn how to maximize the love of the universe. I was also massively deconstructing the boundaries between loving everyone, on a deep emotional level. Like, what does it actually mean to love people? What really are you actually loving when you say you love someone? I have awakened to mega feminine energy over here. Also... I'm Awakening to bisexuality. I want to be feminine and seduced. I want to be masculine and be seductive. I LOVE feminine energy. (Side note, I'd probably love 5MeO MALT) I can find it in women. I can find it in men. I love the idea of putting makeup on to be more feminine when I want to embody more femininity. >I was learning that the gay side of my sexuality is expressed in a very differently navigated way than my Straight side. They're not the same at all! I also learned that liking the same sex comes with a whole new set of collective societal baggage that suppresses, demonizes and denies homosexuality. Coming out of the closet it not merely just simply accepting yourself and loving yourself, but it is also learning how to navigate in this reality in order to maximize the amount of love in the universe. Coming out of the closet literally means that you are learning how to navigate the oppression in society such that you can exercise love for your homosexual self, but yet at the same time, still look after your physical and social survival such that you are not one to be killed physically and demonized socially. >How you do this is becoming so sure about who you are that you're not attached to how people think you are. What manifests as bisexuality for ME, is probably very different for another person that identifies as bisexual. What you think bisexuality literally means for you, means a different thing for me. Like I don't like men in the same way AT ALL in the same way that I like women. The way I like women is HARDWIRED into my brain at a deep core level, whereas, the homosexuality that manifests in me comes from what I literally call a "gay fetish". This was imprinted into me from a young age as a result of homosexual experiences I had when I was younger. (Like age 10.) And for years I've denied and demonized the part of myself that liked that because I identified as straight. AND also at the same time homosexuality was VERY GROSS! But over time I found abstractions with fantasies like drawing of pornography, drawings that fudged the duality between male and female. (I can go into more detail of what I mean by this if requested). "My homosexuality" was in a way manifested because I loved a A SMALL part of myself that had a fantasy or two, and that part I explored more and more. It was years in the making. It was manifested over YEARS. It wasn't there, it was something that was nurtured and grew a life of its own. (I can literally go into detail step by step, each domino that had to fall to get to this point.) >But ANYWAYS, part of coming into my own is me letting go of YOU understanding my story that I've constructed over here. >In order navigate this new part of myself, I will study a book on boundaries, as well as contemplate what boundaries are. Also what is a relationship? >So just to clarify, in the end, right now at least, as I write this, I'm still unsure about what exactly my sexuality is, how Bi I really am. Like, do I just like feminine boys? Like twinks/femboys or whatever, and do I just like them physically(sexually) or am I able to love them emotionally too? Am I able to love a masculine man? Am I able to love masculine energy? or just feminine energy? >This trip allowed me to massively process tons of fear around taking action that would create further clarity. So now I am more confident to take even more action into developing more clarity into my sexuality. ### ### ### Additional Insights What is Courage? Courage is a perceived leap Beyond first perceived boundaries. Courage is biting off more than you can chew. Courage is willingly throwing yourself into a place that you KNOW you're going to lose control. Where you are not even sure if you're going to be able to handle it. Contemplate, What is control? Control vs Freedom. The light of God's love is so bright that whatever it touches it burns away any impurities. I need to practice spending money on highly valuable personal development resources. Like a life coaching package. Ideas hold the power of the universe. Which is why Epistemology metaphysics are important as FUCK. When it comes to buying shrooms I learned that a cube is a cube as they say, just buy some cheap b+ and forget the other strains. Just take more and you're there. You can't really fuck with the quality of shrooms. (Like I mean vendors usually sell really potent shrooms.) You can love fear. I am a DMT jester. That's the energy I hold. I am like the circus, I am expressive, I am chaotic, I am a clown, I am the actor, I am the laugher. That's also what I look like with the colorful clothes that I'm wearing that I call my tripping uniform haha. ( I haven't even done DMT yet lol) ### ### ### Integration: Study a book on boundaries to help navigate all my relationships in life in a way more healthy manner. Such that the love in my relationships have an opportunity to deepen and work at a higher level of synergy. Have a conversion about my sexuality with my Mother, as I spill everything about myself to her. As this is part of the process of facing my fears. (By the time I'm writing this, I already did it.) Take action toward deeply integrating this part of my sexuality. Explore myself. Thanks for reading!
  21. @Someone here why do you think, no one can answer this question for you but yourself? why is it uncomfortable for you? „there is no inherent meaning“ is a matter of search and discovery, absolute nothingness only always a starting point.
  22. Well then he’s been doing a terrible job. No offense, but if he still thinks the character of Jesus has anything to do with enlightenment, he completely missed the point of spirituality. I mean that honestly kind of baffles me. Infinite nothingness has no name and no form, by definition. The character of Jesus is imaginary and only a temporary form within infinite consciousness. Of course.
  23. But his teachings is in line of leo. He says god is infinite consciousness and is jesus who once walked on earth to guide everybody to LOVE. He says jesus was in his infinite form when he appeared on earth. I said to him jesus might be true but he was human and how can human be in its infinite god mode form? He said " This world is manifestation in the consciousness of jesus and everything is Jesus ". That mean I am jesus too. And so is everyone. He says infinite consciousness looks like jesus figure. I replied to him " Consciousness has no form and is nothingness so how consciousness can appear as jesus ". He said " Jesus is nothingness itself ; Jesus is infinite love ". I said to him god has no image. But insists god has image and looks like jesus only. So I must pray to jesus figure only . Do god really came down on earth personally and are we all jesus?
  24. No. Science is about making conclusions, distinctions and models. Consciousness is existence. Science is an activity of and within Consciousness. It will never take the shape or form of Consciousness, because Consciousness has no form or shape. It is impossible to represent Consciousness. Every thing that exists in some way, shape or form is a only distinct manifestation of Consciousness. God 'expresses' it's infinitude and nothingness by being everything.
  25. Thanks for sharing! It is so nice to see that there are some individuals that are capable of expanding their consciousness and awareness above the duality that is/are being played out between Pro-Vax and Anti-Vax, between Left ideology and right ideology, beyond the delusional perspectives and stories that some followers “seem” to attach to, from the top down! It is so nice to see that there are a few individuals that can rise above dehumanizing of other peoples POV, and are capable of rising above the current Psychic Mass Formation that is playing out at this time in our Human Psychic Evolution. I’ve made this point many times in the past on a few posts, and I will repeat it again; There are a lot of people on these forums proclaiming how conscious and aware they are, tossing around words like Nothingness, Non-duality, Collective responsibility, Love, Absolute God Consciousness, that this is just a Dream, etc. and yet they are so engrossed in their own survival and fear that they mindlessly collapse into a limited bubble, a collective bubble of delusional mind deceptions, which includes being trapped in the Pro-Vax vs Anti-Vax, Left ideology vs Right ideology STORIES! etc……. I don’t care how many DMT trips you take, how much you meditate, how may retreats you go on, how wonderful and colourful your vocabular sounds, what intellectual words you know and spew out! If you fail to do the “WORK” you will continuously fall into degrees of “Spiritual Bypassing” (Google). I know, because I have fallen in these trap’s countless times on my own journey. If you truly want to become enlightened, it’s going to take more than taking hundred trips on DMT, or thousand of hours and days of meditation etc. Yes, this all HELPS, but only within degrees of moderation. These “Tools” should not become a crutch or prop on your journey! In my “Opinion”, when you CAN observe every thought, idea, image, belief and emotion from a nonjudgmental, unattached perspective, 24 and 7, and then with awareness, “TRANSFORM” and “DIRECT” those thoughts, ideas, images, beliefs and emotions into CREATIVITY, the Creativity of your own reality, the creativity of the Collective Reality, then you can say, “I am on the “PATH” to enlightenment”. You will then be able to rise above the Psychic Mass Formation that is currently playing out on both sides of Pro-Vax vs Anti-Vax, Left vs Right ideology, beyond the collective Ego mentality! The goal is not to see how fast you can become GOD Conscious, or "To be “IT”! This is an illusion that will never happen because God Consciousness is always “Becoming” and you will never catch up to “IT”. The Goal is to savour and experience all gradations of consciousness and awareness, to play consciously with awareness in endless multidimensional realities and forms of BEINGNESS. To create your own independent limited “BEINGS” and Reality’s, and to then give unconditional freedom to the Creativity of “Becoming.” Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas, beliefs and emotions!