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  1. But there is also ultimately no "self" for self-bias... Love, chaos, discomfort, peace, bliss are all aspects of the journey that God is and has been and remains as, but again these are just good approximation words to point to suchness...... Perfect, imperfect? Well.......
  2. Follow your bliss.
  3. @at_anchor meditation can bring waves of bliss as you can connect with Being. And this will improve your overall well being. So yes it has health benefits. If you are going for awakening then self inquiry meditation is good. If you just want to meditate for well being then what you might do is do nothing meditation or concentration meditation by focusing your gaze on something and keeping it there. In do nothing you try to get in a state or not knowing. Thoughts may come but notice them and let them pass. Just watch them and try to get into a state if not knowing. This will align you more with Being and either method will raise your level of consciousness. Not saying you cant have a mystical experience here either - its certainly feasible...I'm sure there are guys here that can offer much more in depth answers on meditation but this is what seems to work for me. I also enjoy sitting in meditation in saunas. This seems especially good for reaping health benefits.
  4. Its strange when jordan peterson talks about love, virtue etc and talking in a "im deep and thoughtful voice" while being a CARNIVORE MARCO PIERRE- SEES RABBITS AS PORTIONS NOT FURRY FREINDS AND SHOOTS THEM PERSONALLY Talking about loneliness etc is b.s . If one is uncomfortable landlady/ aisha instead of mourning about it while Causing feline damage- s10mins. Selfish love+ selfless love. Postponement should be a stream of amphetas, bliss , laughs Anything less( loneliness etc is an insult to felines. Causing suffering for something you dont even like)
  5. Kael read this thread it made me smile and I agree with a lot of what you are saying: In-between incarnations there is infinite bliss and you can reside there for an eternity, until you are ready to take on a form again. I don't know why Leo doesn't console people with this part of his teachings more often.
  6. My girlfriend took 10 mg rectal 5 meo and it was difficult and heavy Trip for her. She could not see anything temporary and saw a green ghost when closing her eyes which frightened her She had a kind of Blackout and whiteout, could not remember the whole trip. Was screaming and struggling with her body. She said that she was God and everything. She concluded because she is everything, she is therefore total alone. Also She said I am you and you are me. Everything is one. There is only one being. Wherever She looks at things they are her. At the end of the trip when the world rebuild again She felt self love, but not total bliss. Things started to be separated again I asked her if She was shocked that she discovered She is God but She said no, she was just wondering. Was this a full breakthrough? Is this it?
  7. Hello, I was recently pm'd questions regarding meditation and felt like the answer may help others, so I made this post. I've included the original questions and answered each one by one. There is a lot here and a lot more nuance I missed, but the post was already getting quite long so hopefully this is sufficient. Happy to further elaborate in the comments. To start, there are three main strategies when dealing with physical discomfort which of course applies to fatigue. 1. Who is uncomfortable? Become extremely clear on who/what is experiencing fatigue. Who exactly is the one "fatigued"? Of course you've probably heard many times "no one." But what does that actually mean? What is the nature of the thing experiencing the fatigue? This is where spiritual fantasy and bullshit flies out the window. Because until there is extreme clarity on this point, physical discomfort will continue being a problem. When it is recognized the fatigue or discomfort literally cannot touch who you really are or what you really are, both become significantly less meaningful and our relationship with painful sensations, in whatever form, permanently shifts. The practice of self inquiry helps here. Technique #1: Self Inquiry 2. Craving, Aversion, Purification, Enlightenment Let go of stories about the sensations of fatigue (or discomfort). Often times, the degree of the fatigue we are feeling is reinforced by the beliefs and unconscious/unspoken stories we're spinning about the sensations of fatigue. Without the belief needing to manifest through language, we interpret the sensations of fatigue through a deeply unconscious conceptual framework. This framework then reinforces the implicit, unconscious, and unspoken beliefs we have about the sensations, reinforcing whatever it is we believe. In this way, a small amount of fatigue or discomfort can spin out of control into a larger problem. To get really grounded, this #2 manifests in the emotional body as craving and aversion, which are defined as the pushing and pulling on experience. We experience a little fatigue --> We have a story about being tired --> Aversion towards the fatigue --> Fatigue intensifies because of aversion --> etc. We've now created a negative feedback loop. To get out of this loop requires mindfulness, discrimination about what is craving/aversion (a symptom of our beliefs) and what is the raw sensations (fatigue/discomfort). When we can sort this out using mindfulness, we bring equanimity to the craving/aversion which "purifies" it. This purification literally starts to purify the mind of the craving/aversion such that the mind begins to experience less and less of this mental activity. Two subpoints about this. Literally by paying attention and discrimination the craving/aversion vs. raw sensations of fatigue, we "purify" it out of the mind. It's actually that simple. Deceptively simple. Face the craving/aversion head. Where are these sensations of craving and aversion appearing? Within the fatigue itself, utterly entangled and undifferentiated from the fatigue. You need to untangle both, see both clearly. 2.i All craving/aversion manifests because of an ignorance about the nature of reality. This is why classical buddhism defines complete enlightenment as the ending of suffering, suffering is essentially craving/aversion. If one where to truly see into the nature of how things really are, the mind would not crave or be averse to anything. Only equanimity would remain. Yet because we hold certain beliefs/conceptual frameworks in the emotional body from ignorance, craving/aversion arise. 2.ii As this purification continues to take place over the days, months, years, and decades of formal meditation practice, fatigue actually becomes a source of bliss and believe it or not, energy. When the mind no longer fights with reality, all that's left is the energetic actuality or fatigue's reality. Fatigue is a form, is a manifestation of existence, is a reflection of god - all form is simply a composition of energy, a dynamic flux of impermanence. The best way to work on point 2 is Vipassana meditation, I would specifically recommend Shinzen Young's See Hear Feel technique. Technique #2: See Hear Feel #3 Energy Cultivation It is also possible to cultivate energy using specific meditation techniques. This can sometime manifest as kundalini, as a more sensitive energy body, as tingling sensations permeating various subtle energy channels in the body, or like a furnace in the dantian energy center. By cultivating this pranic energy, you literally start to have more energy on demand. Rather than recontextualizing the fatigue in #1, purifying the aversion to fatigue in #2, we're actively engaged in combating fatigue in #3 through this energy cultivation. My most recently meditation retreat, I was formally practicing around 14 hours a day, informally the rest of the day, and only sleeping 4 hours per day. I did this for 1 week and was focusing on energy cultivation the entire week. By day 4, I had an overflow of excess energy, enormous unknown reservoirs had opened up filling me with levels of energy as though I was peaking on LSD except enormously cleaner, purer, and more harmonized. It challenged everything I thought I knew about the body, mind, and vitality. The technique I used was simple, Focus on the breath sensations in the stomach. The inhalation process was natural, without any volition, will, or agency - a totally surrendered inhalation that was as shallow or deep as the body wanted. The exhalation process was extended and powerful - I would balance prolonging my exhalation all the while keeping the exhalation forceful. Imagine a long, forceful, slow, peaceful breath - these are the kinds of factors we're balance. As you use this technique more and more, it not only cultivates energy that stays with you throughout the day, you can return to it whenever you need AND it begins to become the normal breathing pattern when using any meditation technique, thereby facilitating a more energized practice overall. Technique #3: Extended Exhalation, Breath Concentration - The balance of all three of these will address the fatigue. All three of these points have enormous depth with how far you can take them yet each provides immediate results. If you are searching for emotional excitation, emotional stimulation, the bubbly, pleasurable feelings of happiness many people define as happiness, then yes and no. On the one hand, any sort of fixation you have on achieving a particular state can backfire. Yet on the other hand, the ability to generate these bubbly, pleasurable feelings is possible with shamatha meditation and is a skill I would highly recommend (technique #3 above is shamatha meditation by the way). However, the only way to successfully generate these emotions on demand is to be totally at peace when them not arising. If you're clinging to the generation of these sensations, you'll most likely fail. As you train your concentration with breath meditation (technique #3), happiness, joy, pleasure, deep calm ease are all side effects. Is this enlightenment? No. Indispensable tools? Yes. Pro tip: Hold a soft buddha smile as you formally practice and throughout the day. You'll be happier, the bubbly pleasurable kind. Now here's the thing, if you knew you were already happy, if you were awakened to the kind of non-dual nature of absolute happiness, you wouldn't mind sitting and doing nothing. The suffering you're experiencing as you sit is a tangible symptom of your unhappiness and ignorance about the nature of reality (see #2 above) as well as ignorance of your true nature (see #1 above). Hence, this is why you should practice. To actually awakening, not slip into beliefs about awakening. To say "why don't I just stop doing this and lay down where I will immediately find the peace and happiness that I'm looking for?" is like a drug addict using a chemical to relieve withdrawal symptoms. A bit of an extreme analogy, but the fundamental principle is the same. Meditation practice is highlighting a dissatisfaction you have with reality and rather than facing it with the light of mindfulness awareness to see its truth and thereby purifying the dissatisfaction, the mind wants to turn towards distractions that offer a temporary relief. There is no guarantee life will give you an opportunity to distract yourself in the moment of great pain, in the future. In all likelihood, the most painful, tragic day of your life has not yet occurred and when that day comes, there will be no bed to go lay out to ease the pain. The only thing you'll have is the quality of the mind, the depth of consciousness's awakening. The first sentence's logic is entirely backwards, in my opinion. When pain cannot be avoided, that is when it matters most how much we've purified the mind. Not just because we'll suffer less as a result of past training, but because the ability to make clear, wise, and compassionate decisions that affect others matters. Furthermore, sometime's and many times, unavoidable pain is the worst kind of pain. If we have sufficiently purified the mind and seen into our true nature, unavoidable pain is not actually productive, or helpful for our practice. - The bold only applies when seekers have poor teachers, poor practices, or are not actually serious about discovering the truth. In reality, the wisest and most effective forms of seeking are completely selfless. Seeking energy does not require a self. In fact, because there is not a self, seeking is not grounded in being a self. Therefore, when the illusion of self is seen through, only then does the real seeking begin. The illusion of self contracts and contorts the seeking energy which can create dissatisfaction yes. But when the seeking energy's source and nature is experienced, it is allowed to manifest without resistance and is WAY more effective. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water here. I would offer the possibility that what you're missing is a clarity around how meditation works and a lack of depth in practice. Which is totally fine! The fact is, to find real peace, to find the truth about existence, is going to take real work, not fantasy, or belief. This path demands 24/7 mindfulness, 24/7 contemplation, 24/7 prayer, it's not something we pick up and put down based on our feelings, our states, or our emotions, and is not something we can afford to put down when things get hard. To really see serious results of practice requires 1 - 2+ hours per day and a minimum of 1 week long meditation retreat per year with a good teacher. This is basically scapping by though. Therefore, if you have not done a meditation retreat sign up for one immediately. Shinzen is doing an online zoom retreat Oct. 22 - 29th, would highly recommend training with him while you still have the chance. If you've already done a retreat in the past, sign up for your next one immediately. After you've finished a retreat, immediately sign up for your next one. - This all being said, sometimes there will be times when you feel the need to soften practice, to ease up on the intensity. Flow, enjoy life, be slow and have faith in not only God, but in your self, have faith there are no mistakes and you are exactly where you need to be and only where you could be. I hope this helps my friend. Hopefully this helps some others in the community as well.
  8. Self Love= I am that I am. Not I am wrong, Not I am weird, Not I am getting better, Not I am a work in progress, I am that I am says I am the way I am and I accept it fully. I am that I am, says I can be anything, but I am. I am that I am is not a question, it is a statement of profoundness in its simplicity. It is full acceptance, is is the equivalent of whatever may be shall be, what is, It is, what it is. I am that I am, and it is what it is, if it wasn't what it is, then it would not be ising. Being is being, it can only be, if it could not be, then it would not be. The question isn't to be or not to be, because it will always be. I am that I am is full acceptance, nirvana, peace, the stillness, eternity, infinite love, bliss, it is infinity, it is …. forever and it will never end. Recognize.... the I am that I am.....then you will realize....and the search will end.
  9. Some very practical suggestions on grounding and integration after a 5-meo-dmt or other deep psychedelic trip. At first I didn't think much of it, since there were some odd/unconventional suggestions in this guide. But after some heaving sweating in a sauna the week after a deep 5-meo journey, I realized how important bodily grounding after a deep trip is. I felt a deep bliss and integration of a sort of ungrounded energy that had been lingering in my body and mind after the 5-meo experience for a while. I am sure many of the other practices can be very helpful as well. Integration-Guidelines-CONCLAVE-28.05.18 (1).pdf
  10. One of the most helpful resources you can have with awakening is inner peace, learning/developing a mind capable of abiding in being and the formless bliss that results from such development. Daily meditation is where Id start. If you already have this practice in place, learning how to develop shamatha, shamatha meditation. This not only develops concentration, it brings unification and harmonization to the mind, both of which are indispensable for deeper levels of awakening.
  11. this whole awakening thing is something new that is possible thanks to psychedelics. before the 5 meo the issue was about people who had had some spontaneous occasional awakening, or who had read about enlightenment and were looking for it through a long and hard path. enlightenment implies letting go of your ego forever, killing the self. something karmic that only happens if you are destined for it, 99,9% of the wannabe never get ir. The enlightened one, after years of searching, lets go of the self in eternity and becomes a being without desire, without attachment, who lives as an absolute without even understanding how a separate being once felt. without caring about his body or his material survival, completely unlimited, but alien to the human. Probably he spends his life meditating in solitude. For him, anything is equal to anything else. Awakening as leo says, is that one day, you, that egoic guy who could never opt for enlightenment in a thousand lives, takes a psychedelic and became the absolute for 5 minutes. this is a huge difference to not doing it, but after those 5 minutes you go back to being the unenlightened egoic individual, like leo, and you explain your story by conceptualizing everything, as leo does. It's much better to me the Leo's option than being enlightened, since you are still playing the ego game, but you have seen what it really is. the absolute will arrive, since it is reality, but why not play the ego while it exists? It is beautiful and challenging. should not be despised. seeing the absolute sometimes widens, enriches, the game of the relative. kill the relative and become absolute and return to bliss meditating sitting... so why did you create the game? let's play the best we can. the absolute will arrive
  12. Agreed, to say that they stand for rationalism is irrational in that they have the most incoherent worldview that there is. In all the great traditions around the world they say that God is Being which is existence as such, not in a particular form really but the fullness of Being, which materialism and atheism have no answer for, also, the traditions speaks about Conciousness, which also is a big problem for atheism and materialists. Also Love as such is a problem, which in its nature transcends both time and space. God is the fullness of Being , Conciousness, Bliss/Love, which in God they all come together as ONE. We humans seek the Good, the True and the Beatiful. Only a infinite source can satiate our desires really.
  13. @Carl-Richard My point is the reason we can't find common ground is because you fundamentally don't value truth. When people speak about ego death it's hard because I can't know what you mean. I've had psychidelic trips where it was clear I'm not a human in the way I thought, and I realized when you fully surrender it's all good and pure bliss At this point the path is unfolding on it's own for me, I can't really stop the process nor would i want to. Maybe because I know it's all good that's why I don't have the same aversion to the truth idk.
  14. One of my best friends asked me for my help this morning, because his sister raised concerns that her lack of emotional expressiveness might stem from trauma. This was my response. It seems that my communication was received well, and so I hope to send it out into the larger world as well: To me, being emotionally expressive is not merely a matter of feeling good, or even being a healthy human. It's more fundamental, on the level of being an entity of metaphysical integrity/oneness. In truth we are WHOLE and UNITED (as the universe), so rejecting or suppressing any aspect of experience results in a split, divided, false self. I am no expert on trauma healing - I am just a young guy with inordinate self awareness and the ability to confront myself head-on. Just from her texts, I suspect that your sister is suppressing or repressing, just from the tone of her words. And she knows this, but is seeking some sort of external validation/confirmation for what she already knows because we fear the consequences of our gut instinct being correct. This is such a tangled topic that I don't know if it's right to diagnose/suggest action steps as though the path forward is linear: but here is what I would personally do in her situation. 1) feel into the hurt of your current gray/neutral/apathetic existence. We adopt this "passive" stance in life relative to our strong inner emotions in hopes of escaping pain, but notice that this strategy never actually even worked. The pain is still there. In fact, new pain might have arisen (such as inability to open up to and communicate with [current significant other]) 2) notice that there is a lack of congruence between what is inside and what is shown outside. If you honor or value the prospect of being a COMPLETE, thriving, wise entity - the fact that you are 2 different people on the surface and below the surface should sound alarm bells. Notice that the emotions we withhold are still actually there, buried under layers of armor!! Don't think for a second that they've ever disappeared entirely. 3) spend more time alone, without distractions, reflecting on the past (not just to [recent instances of hurt], but even back to growing up as a 10 year old). I suspect we will find numerous occasions where emotional expressiveness has been invalidated or discouraged. And notice how our young, frail, impressionable, validation-seeking egos have bent over backwards to fit into the tribe. Historically, whenever our emotions were invalidated, we simply learned "don't emote." But could this have been the wrong move? Maybe there is a way to emote without negative consequences: a third option which we never explored. 4) in my experience, there has to be a certain fire or passion that underlies your trauma healing journey. This is not something you haphazardly decide to do. You are sick of being a divided person inside and out. You wish so desperately to know yourself and to shine your authentic light onto the world instead of a dimmed, fake, projection/caricature. 5) attempt to be more open, first in solitude, and lastly, around people. This means, when a feeling arises, you allow it to bubble up to the surface without micromanaging it. No image control. Just let it be. Notice that this hurts (at first). Don't let this discourage you. This is the precise hurt that you've been avoiding all along. Either you battle it now, or it haunts you to your grave. 6) you will likely fear the consequences of being more open. People taking advantage of you, people rejecting you, etc. These concerns feel real and they will crush your healing progress. More than anything it is important to remember that you are now stronger than you were in your past. You have learned from your pain, you have clearer boundaries now. So given all of this, allow yourself to open up and emote - and if someone tries to take advantage of that or belittle you - trust in yourself that you can firmly say NO, walk away, and laugh it off. 7) lastly and most importantly, notice the shocking beauty of the world and life that opens up to YOU. although emotional openness entails high-highs and low-lows (and those lows look scary at first), the highs are actually so astronomically high that it's not even a comparison. For some reason, when you are an integrous individual with true self knowledge and true self expressiveness; reality skews SIGNIFICANTLY towards bliss, happiness, joy, beauty, excellence, and love. Never forget that
  15. All I can really say on the topic is when there is an experience of an individual having or owning these fluctuating emotions, they feel real and completely personal. And that experience can seem to range anywhere from calming bliss to nightmarish chaos. When there's no one buying into or feeding these emotions energy or meaning. They just come and go like the weather without anyone placing judgment on whether they are good or bad or or even real for that matter. But it's not like a denial of certain emotions seemingly arising either...... rather it's just the clear recognition that they are not arising for someone & because of something. For some reason I was reminded of this video... ♥
  16. No, I don't feel ungrounded. It's exactly the opposite. But there is a "downside", if your consciousness elevates too much: you are in a constant state of bliss and you see Beauty everywhere. For instance, while writing this, I am listening to a song and the Beauty of consciousness just tears me up. I can't do much work if I practice every day, I purposefully have to maintain my state of consciousness at a manageable level. I don't practice Kriya Yoga every day.
  17. Intuition; tells you what to do, live in the now, bliss, enjoyment Ego; tells you what you need to do, worry I'm not telling anyone to do anything, I don't see it as advice even It's just, "No this isn't what solves your problem. The boat/answer is just right here, you can hop on or not" I don't think following it 100% of the time is required to make a difference You follow it more, the next gen follows it more,.... And the more you follow it the more you follow it, it's just so damn peaceful man
  18. I mean having fear period, fearing dystopia. I don't mean a fear(dystopia, death), I mean fear period Zero fear, live in the now, heaven or hell, bliss
  19. That's your bias - notice that. But yes when your consciousness elevates a thousand fold to where you are directly conscious everyone else IS you it is terrifying to the ego because of the recontexualization. It feels like insanity because the ego's existence relies on a separation between self and other- and when that collapses, so does the ego. But notice this is not God as Pure Infinity or the pure singularity. That is a higher state but not pure Infinity. This will be Absolute Love and Divine Bliss. It is only in a finite state or fragmented state where bias towards being alone occurs. And notice that bias can go either way depending on your finite POV and how you want to view reality.
  20. This is one of my deepest trips I have experienced so far, and it is actually one of my earlier trips. Substance: 200ug LSD and 100mg MDMA This is actually not that high of a dose for me, I usually take much larger doses, but during this trip I was able to let go very deeply which potentiated the trip massively. Report: As this was years ago, I do not remember the comeup, so I will skip to the peak. The peak is starting to set in, I feel this extremely deep need to let go. I am listening to music. I lie down on a couch and I am about close my eyes, but before I do my awareness suddenly goes out of my POV and I am able to see the surroundings of my environment as if from above. I see beyond walls, and it is as if my POV and perspective is at all places at the same time. I begin to dissolve rapidly. There is a sense that I have done this infinitely many times before. I see people walking outside from a very expanded level consciousness, but not through my eyes. I let go even more, and I think at this point there is no more distinction between having my eyes open or closed, it became a meaningless concept, there was just experience. I begin to experientially dissolve all qualities I am familiar with in my experience: sense of I, being in a location, and much more. Experiential qualities like the temperature, external environment, memory, music, time, and everything you consider to be a part of your human experience are absolutely deconstructed away from my experience. What I mean is that these things ceased to exist in my experience, as I was realizing that it had been me all along who had been constructing these things. They were not outside elements, but all created by my mind. It is as if a huge burden is being lifted off from me, all my limitations are falling away. At this point my consciousness zooms out and encompasses a galaxy. I am filled with indescribable deep physical euphoria, ecstacy, bliss, and love. It felt like an orgasm, except it was thousands of times stronger and everywhere. I was feeling this infinitely deep euphoria and love on the scale of a galaxy, not in a body, because I no longer had a body, I had deconstructed it. I was feeling it everywhere where I was - which currently was a galaxy, or something of that scale. My consciousness was filled with nothing but bliss, and was incredibly vast, I cannot even begin to describe this. It should be noted that at this point I had no separate senses left, the only thing in my existence was this spacious bliss, alongside a visual representation of the form that I had become, but rather than seeing the form, I had become all of it. I keep letting go, and as I do, my awareness starts to encompass a whole universe. I was being it, I became it. The bliss becomes even more intense, I cannot in any way relate to this level of love and bliss in my current state. After this, I let go even more and now I see an infinite number of these universes, and become something akin to a multiverse. At this point I feel like full on God. No longer there is any subject and object, only experience itself. There was total Oneness in so many different dimensions. The intelligence, beauty, bliss, and love are indescribable. All of this transition happened very fast. I then let go even more until my form and experience was nothing but something like an infinite number of godheads. Alex Grey's artwork The Net of Being shows a very crude version of a state like this. What I experienced was infinitely more grand. I was not seeing an internal hallucination with my eyes closed of these godheads, at this point I literally did not have eyes in my experience, and instead of seeing anything I was becoming the space of these places itself. The godheads, that I now was, were indescribably intelligent, and each godhead contained within an infinite number of dimensions and universes inside it. They were perfectly one, yet infinite at the same time, and were in total communication with each other. There was nothing left of my human experience, I was full on God. It should be noted that my usual senses did not exist, nor did memory, time, or language. There was just utter peace, bliss, love, intelligence, beauty, and consciousness. There was infinite self knowing. I was in control of everything, yet I did not have to control anything. This was nirvana. I became completely omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Everything was an infinite fractal, containing everything else in any point of the experience. This state was completely self-sustained and self-generated, the source being me, which was infinite consciousness. There was a infinite beauty, which was reflective in quality, and conveyed the feeling of total awakening. The love was infinitely deep, there was nothing but love. I was absolutely conscious of everything in existence. I stretched infinitely far in all possible dimensions, not only spatial, but in all experiential dimensions that were possible. The creative potential was so vast I could have created trillions fully fledged out dimensions and it wouldn't even come close to the full capacity of this state, but I felt no desire to do anything. I could do anything, and I mean anything at all. Nothing was impossible. The bliss and love at this point are infinite in magnitude, and were I be still in a physical body, the body would literally die from the amount of love and bliss I was experiencing. This state was the source of all creation and my true nature. This unmanifest realm was where I would go when I died. This was what I was before I was born. All of this felt very deeply healing, as if every state I ever experienced as a human was utterly unsatisfactory compared to this, nothing ever came even close to this. I then proceeded to rest in this state for an infinitely long time. For comparison, all of my life up until this point was experientially not even a fraction as long as I was here. A million years would not even come close to how long I was in this blissful state. After I felt like I had become completely and utterly satisfied, I decided I wanted to become a human again. This only happened once I was completely satisfied after spending an infinitely long time in this state. I began to construct a human experience again. I started with making the physical universe, then I started localizing myself into it. I started reconstructing the music, clock time, the physical body, personal memory and other things like this. I consciously went through the process of creating my memories, my life situation, my environment, and could have chosen any form I wanted for myself, but I specifically wanted to be me. I completely desired to be me, and this was the sole reason I constructed myself as I was. I begin to come back, and at this point I once again have a physical human form, but I am still feeling the love and euphoria, though now it is localized to be felt all over my body. I continue to lower my level of consciousness so that I can experience what it is like to be a human, because as long as I am a body it cannot keep this level of consciousness or it would physically disintegrate, so I had to use my intelligence to put limitations on myself. The rest of the trip was then spent enjoying the music, and being in awe of the fact that I was God. This trip permamently changed all of my understanding regarding reality, life, myself, and so much more. It should also be noted that when I say that something was infinite in scale here, it truly was at that scale, and I am not exaggerating one bit regarding the level of love, bliss, and consciousness that I experienced.
  21. your scenario is a massive deal with the devil when you wake up, every moment is overwhelming bliss better than any unreliable orgasmic bliss, what you are doing is preventing one from reaching so a hard no from me, no pun intended
  22. The true nature of reality/God is bliss, love, ecstacy, goodness, etc. All you want is what reality fundamentally is, you just want what it actually is.
  23. July 2022 aka: The month Leo popped his Instagram cherry ? • Why Supermarkets Sell Flowers (Essay) • Problems With Our Information Ecology (Essay) • Nu Pogodi (note) • Old-School Self-Help (Essay) • AI Fractal Music Video • Memetic Tribes & Culture War 2.0 (note) • Scientifically Verifiable? ? • How To Develop Work Ethic (note) • Science vs Reality ? • Absolute Presence = Immortality (Essay) • Higher States Of Consciousness (Essay) • A Warning About Solipsism (Essay) *YOUR IDEAS OF SOLIPSISM ARE NOT GOD-REALIZATION!* • Nonduality/Idealism Is NOT God-Realization (Essay) • Ignorance Is Bliss ? • Strange Loop Cat (Essay) • Carnivàle (note) • Crazy Beautiful (note) • Absolute Infinity • God Is Love • When You Finally Realize God Is Love • Helicopters Are Awesome! • Vladimir Vysotsky (Essay) • The Most Beautiful Game Of All Time (note) • The Greatest 90's Song (note) • Brad Pitt's Greatest Role • Bomberman '94 TurboGrafx-16 • The Lost Spires (Essay) • Metaphysical Rebirth • Homer Discovers The 3rd Dimension (Note) • Scorn Gameplay Demo (note) • Insights Into Computing & Managing People (note) Some talented artists Leo is following on Instagram ?: • holosomnia • beloved__world_ • infinit.visuals • ig_artgalleryy • colorfull.wrlds • annibalesiconolfi
  24. The Saint= Avoids all forms of immorality. Upholds the highest moralist virtues. Preaches eternal damnation and suffering for those who do not follow their example. Shadow= Cannot tolerate any forms of immorality done in their presence, the occults. Seeker of Truth= An investigator, a spiritual scientist, a metaphysical explorer, one who seeks the deepest understandings of the foundation of the universe/reality and all that entails. Shadow= The ordinary, the mundane, the non-spiritual, deception, lies, victim-blaming, lack of self-reflection, shallowness. The life of the party= The one who always knows how to raise the energy to rock star extrovert levels, can crack a joke, lead a discussion, and overall keep the energy going for the group all night long. Shadow= obscurity, alone, ignored, looked over/passed over, lack of importance or prestige, The scholar= Has studied the deepest philosophical and scientific truths, theorems, and is on the edge constantly of every major scientific endeavor. Shadow= Mysticism, New Age Spirituality, Hippie culture, religion, counter culture, the occults. The coward= Extremely shy, pessimistic, fearful, already defeated before the battle/struggle. Shadow= The Brave and the Bold, The optimist, the faith believer, the wing it guy, the it will all work out with no explanation guy. The moralist/serious one= Believes there is a right or wrong way to do things. Believes in logic, order, and is almost mechanical in the way they view life. Shadow= jokes, playing around, disorganization, meaninglessness. The warrior= Love the next challenge, seeks to test their skills at every increasing levels, revels in their accomplishments and victories. Shadow= cowardice, loss of control, weakness, victims/victim mentality, emotional expressions of love or fear. The doubter= Thinks everything is fake, because ultimately they view themselves as fake. Struggles to find any truth or meaning in everything. The brother of nihilism. Shadow= Meaning, authenticity, truth, love, purpose, fun, joy. The nihilist= The world, everything is meaningless in a depressive spiral of nothingness towards an endless void of triviality and depravity. Shadow= Love, meaning, inspiration, Joy, Bliss, interconnectedness, Oneness. Add more if you can think of some.
  25. Very nice. Is it all one poem? Starting as being ‘arraigned by the dark Power that hates all bliss’ and ending as ‘rapt in the heart-beats of God’s ecstasy’ seems appropriate. I particularly like the way the earlier poems describe finding oneself entrenched in the machinations of illusion; it reminds me of the mortification and the Black Sun of the alchemical process. Of course. I have no illusions about what is possible or realistic today; we have to face the realities of our situation. If even in Aristotle's day, prior to the ready availability of sensual delights and overstimulation of every kind, it was true that 'the majority of men are evidently quite slavish in their tastes, preferring a life suitable to beasts,’ how much more true must this be today? The difference in our case is that Western society has ceased to serve any other purpose than catering to the tastes of these “slavish beasts". Those who are so mired in externality and the greed for mere experience, living only for the intoxication of the senses, will of course have a frivolous and sacrilegious attitude towards the sacred. There can be no going back, though. In what Hesiod described as the Heroic Age, situated between the Bronze and the Iron Age, there was the possibility of a temporary restoration of the primordial Golden Age. In the Iron Age, however, there can be no restoration: the only way out is through the dark night; excluding of course the realisation that it is all imaginary anyway. I’m sure that will all sound like a lot of made up nonsense to you. Never mind… Nietzsche has a wonderful insight in this regard: I love the sentence: 'Nothing avails: one must go forward — step by step further into decadence (that is my definition of modern "progress")'! I didn’t mean to imply that Nothingness is actually dark. It is often symbolically represented as such, however, because anything that you positively ascribe to it is false; any ascription is a limitation, and we are talking about that which is beyond limitation. Ah, yes. I actually couldn’t remember where I had heard those funny designations. It must have been when I was reading about him. I’m only really familiar with him through the references of a rather peculiar English occultist called Kenneth Grant. Some of his art seems nice though; that being said, the man he has dubbed “Carl Junk” was undoubtedly a better artist!