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  1. infinity can produce one solely this way. first infinity of seperates forms nothingness. 0 = 1-1+2-2+3-3.. and so on and from here we add a 1 to both side 1= 1+1-1+2-2+3-3... then since 2 = 1+1 and -2 = -1-1 we can get 1 = (1-1)+ ((1-1 )+ (1-1)) from the twos and we do that with the threes and we continue doing that into infinity and we get a 1 standing alone out of nothingness and infinity, so yeah, i guess you can say 1 = inifnity if a numerical answer is what you were asking for
  2. I think no-self is when you become nothingness, and understand that everything "you" is a changing appearance just like all appearances, with no static thing to actually grasp whatsoever. It's like an experiential form of neti-neti to literal nothingness. I think you described something like an out of body experience, lost boundary between self and other.
  3. I believe if total disidentification were to happen. In other words, the realization that I'm pure awareness, nothingness dawned in you. Personal identity would collapse. And without identity all thinking would collapse with it. Because identity is the cause of all thinking actually. So to answer the question, if you achieve one, you get the other aswell. if you disidentify from thinking thoughts will stop, and if you stop thinking, disidentification will happen. They kinda go together imo. I would argue that to be the case. Don't know really.
  4. Isn't the concept of what is "necessary" or "efficient" completely irrelevant, since reality is simotaneously all energy/content and pure nothingness at the same time? The difference between doing extra to do the fooling and not doesn't really matter because God doesn't have to pay a cost to itself. He is the merchant and the customer. I guess you just have to use the terms to explain things right? Since language is limited.
  5. A few days ago I tripped again after taking a very long break from psychedelics. I was afraid to try psychedelics again due to a bad trip I had a year ago where I completely lost touch with reality and put myself in serious danger and ultimately ended up in hospital. I've done a lot of meditation and self development since then and decided to give them a try once again. I took a small 100ug dose of LSD and stayed in my room. I immediately felt intense anxiety due to what happened last time so I went to my room and lay in my bed. The anxiety got extremely intense, my heart started beating very hard and I felt convinced that I was going to die, instead of panicking, I decided to try a technique I learned doing strong determination sitting where I just sat and faced the immense fear head on. What followed was a strong ego death and god realisation experience. I'm still trying to process and integrate the trip at the moment but I wrote down my insights while on the comedown: All my problems stem from an illusory image of myself that isn’t real! It’s all conceptual but made to feel like it’s real using trickery. This illusory self is constantly compared to others and judged. As long as I am identified with this illusory image, I will always feel inadequate and unworthy of love. The illusory image is the root of all my anxiety, social and otherwise. I am love! I am the love which is the underlying being of all of reality! All of reality is just a dream I am having! We fear death because we fear nothingness, however the nothingness is actually love! I am worthy of being loved for just being the way I am! I was raised to believe that I am unworthy in my default state, and I have to change myself and achieve certain goals to be worthy of love. This means I always see myself as never being good enough and I have to be more confident, masculine, intelligent, disciplined, attractive popular etc so that I can be worthy. Our society constantly reinforces this idea which contributes to so much dysfunction. All my efforts to try to somehow try to improve myself so that I can be loved are futile and only serve to reinforce my illusory self. The illusory self can't be loved because it doesn’t exist!! My true self is always worthy of love because it IS love! I am constantly seeking love from the external world. I try and get it in the form of other peoples approval, sex, relationships, success, drugs, social media and all my other addictions. Even my spiritual work is an attempt to get love from some external god or entity in the future. I will never find love as long as I am looking in the material world because I am looking away from myself. All the love I need is in the present moment. Strong determination sitting is extremely effective. It allowed me to push past my fear of death so that I could let go of my illusory self. I’m so much stronger now because of it. My edgy and dark humour is an unconscious mechanism to maintain a part of my ego which feels like an outcast and a freak born from past experiences. I keep using messed up humour to reinforce my outcast ego and pessimistic worldview. This dark humour is detrimental as it keeps me from connecting with others. Its sort of like an unconscious way of pushing people away from me so I can maintain my ego identity as an outcast or freak.
  6. @Shambhu I think the word "mind" is not used in the same manner as the word "self". You described no-self, there is nothing static apart from nothingness. Mind is a term to encompass both sides of the coin, I think.
  7. You mean "being" as opposed to "knowing" right? I know that nothingness cannot be known or observed except by being it. I find I can verbalize it, though.
  8. @The Lucid Dreamer if we are the same nothingness,is there a reason why i cant switch from my pov (what i see hear taste etc) to your pov?
  9. You are experiencing what I’m experiencing right now. That nothingness that is looking out from behind your eyes is the exact same nothingness that is looking out from behind mine.
  10. It's actually not, because a "mirror" exists as form. You have to use form as a mirror to find that what is perceiving the forms is literally nothingness. You perceive nothing by BEING it. It's the only way nothingness can be experienced, by using the presence of somethingness.
  11. Hey brother. I have had over 50 trips. My last trip were 10 and 8 gr dried shrooms. I become a wolf, tree, wire, mushroom and experienced nothingness, infinite nothingness, god realization, everything was me, infinite love etc (anything you can imagene to experience). However, if you are looking for enlightenment, it is completely opposite because in enlightenment you realize that experiencer was never there so it is realization now is the source and before birth. Because, real nothingness or enlightenment can not be experienced because the experiencer was never exist. Therefore, any psychedelics you take you can not be enlightened, because thought process including the thought of experiencing still running. Additionally, do not ever say i wish i couldnt take it, because there is no you to have past and future. Just now is the source. Never wish and never will.
  12. So this is a new (or new old) way to try to conceptualize reality and make sense of it. The distinctions here are arbitrary and completely relative but nevertheless here we go. There is basically only two things in all of existence.. Forms and formlessness. That's it. There isn't and never was and never will be anything else. The forms ALWAYS are limited and impermanent. The formless ONLY is unlimited and permanent. The two Are actually identical but it's hard for the mind to make sense of that (how could these forms be formless?). Instead try to think of it this way.. The formless is the container of forms. You might ask "where are all these forms taking place"? "where does existence happening"? And the answer is really nowhere.. Reality is happening inside of nothingness. If we erase all forms from existence.. What's left? Only pure formlessness. Pure nothingness. So that's like what's underneath all forms. Or the container of all forms.. The original state that then comes different forms and appear inside of it. So this present moment that's happening right now is 50 % forms and 50 % formlessness. We usually don't think of it this way.. We think "it's just forms it's just reality where is this formlessness?". Lol ofcourse you can't see it because it's not a form. It has no qualities whatsoever and that's precisely why and how it is present everywhere and every when yet you can't see it.. Because you can only see forms. But how come forms are present without a container? There must be a container that contains all these forms and it can't be anything else but formlessness. Think about an empty glass that is necessary to have some water or any substance inside of it. But instead what we have here is not an empty "glass".. But rather pure emptiness. Now you might ask.."where did all these forms come from then"? Here there is really no answer. It's pure magic. But the trick is that ultimately all forms appear and disappear.. They are just like dreams or hallucinations.. Forever appearing and disappearing. There is no rational explanation whatsoever why forms are here (the answer is actually that form is formlessness but it's near impossible to make sense of it rationally without a mystical experience). But the only way to relate to it is by understanding that all forms are ultimately a temporary passing show that means absolutely nothing and was never ought to be anything substantial or to form a "reality". The only full realness is to the all mighty nothingness.
  13. Yes. During meditation, I also hang on words often, when i know what should i experience, because i read a lot about spirituality and i hang on knowledge to much. For example my thoughts are "everything arises from nothingness, you are that, you are nothingness" and that's just a thought, not a truth! Just observe that, and the real experience shall come, as soon as your thoughts goes away. Truth is not a word or concept!
  14. Nothingness gives you the god. love gives you the religion or moral law=religion =ethics. You must have breakthrough to nothingness and love in order to comprehend it.
  15. Appearance is within reality. Relative stuff is within reality. There is difference... No appearance of difference = nothingness, without even an appearance of somethingness. Nothingness and somethingness is already an appearing difference and is how existence even appears at all point blank. A baby sees color X and Y the moment it is born. It doesn't even know what color or seeing is. The idea some people have is that if they just stop thinking thoughts and simply experience, magically all contrast vanishes. Not only do they see the truth that "this is all mind", but it just straight up vanishes.
  16. how do you guys engage with a girl emotionally while being blasted with music in a nightclub ? I remember @Leo Gura said to work on your voice and tone I haven't been in a club for years and today I went to one, talked to some girls but every time I talk to a girl, she's like "ha" ? because she can't hear the shit I'm saying. I felt like yelling just so that the girls can hear me but that felt forced I prefer day game because at least I can hear the shit that is being said, and it's less cliche to hit on her and I don't know how to put my finger on it but it just feels better to do day game for me How do you guys manage loud nightclubs? I will try it again I was dancing most of the night by myself as nothingness, building state and I felt like I'm in heaven expressing my true nature in dancing spontaneously. Lol I can explain it in different ways. There was this girl that told me to buy her a drink for a kiss but I kinda told her to fuck off implicitly ( without actually saying that phrase) it was a college party and I honestly felt surrounded by kids even though I'm 23 Overall I felt good because I talked to few girls, danced so beautifully and experienced what's like to be in a night club after so many years. I had other insights while there but let me keep it short and sweet. and no I don't and didn't drink.
  17. @Khan 0 Zen Devils…. Enlightened people/ seekers have abused others… or misapplied teachings… especially when we are just beginning.. your making it out like zen devilry is impossible. when you realize how many mistakes you make you proceed with more humility and caution… Spirituality isn’t just Non-Dual awakening to absolute truth and collapsing of all dualities into loving nothingness… it includes human life…. Q Shaman…
  18. there is a Rank bar next to all members. but currently, everyone's rank is pure nothingness. even Leo's. why is there a rank function when there is no ranking and why keep it blank? do u have any idea to use it in the future Leo? @Leo Gura
  19. Yes. Because you are always nothing, stay nothing forever. However this so called human is temporary finction. So when you die nothingness stays. Because thats what you are, you go back that where did you come from. This so called body is not you just a dream, and real you is always sleeping as before birth.
  20. Leo has not experienced energy shoot from his fingers LOL, he's been watching too much Avatar. You can indeed imagine your hands as tentacles and such but it won't affect "consensus reality". Don't apply your ego to the world around you. Your ego, and your thoughts and desires to control X or Y are themselves appearances in consciousness. It seems to me what is called consciousness, AKA nothingness, is the source of creation and choice. Nothingness is the puppet master. Not me the identity or me the thoughts or me the feelings or me the desires. Those are things the puppet master is puppeteering.
  21. @TDLH There is no higher self or unconditioned you underneath the ego. There just isn't anything there. It's literally mind blowing. That's the nothingness being pointed to. ❤
  22. 1) An atom is a helpful abstraction we use to describe material phenomena 2) Any concept wording like "empty" or "field" will misslead you - they are concepts based on interactions 3) Mathematics is the language to understand what an atom "looks" like 4) Atoms aren't "mostly empty space," they are mostly the wave function of the electron 5) The best descriptions are based on quatum mechanics 6) Quantum mechancis is poorly understood at an ontological level and our best theories include the creation of a universe every single moment (many worlds) or relational turtles all the way to "nothingness" (Caro Rovellis Loop Qunatum gravity) If you talk about relative truth topics, keep yourself to the scientists who actually study the phenomena itself
  23. I am aware of your attachment to the concepts presented in “A Course in Miracles”, and your attachment to “Nothingness” and “Nothing Matters”. I am not saying these are wrong or bad attachments, but over the years I have noticed that you have not moved beyond these limited concepts and beliefs. The reason I am bringing this to your attention is that I had also clung to these concepts and beliefs at the beginning of my DMT experiences. It took me a year of critical thinking, questioning, and being present with my “Self”, to really expand beyond these thoughts, ideas, images, beliefs, expectations, feelings and emotions that nothing matters, which I clung to as an EGO security blanket. Spiritual bypassing is very deceptive and can lull you into new attachments that become hardwired as new thoughts, ideas, images, beliefs, expectations, feelings and emotions. An extreme example of this would be “Born again Christians”, which believe they are above everyone else and there concept of reality is the only true Reality! Nothingness and nothing matters is a very limited concept that can imprison the Human Mind so that it doesn’t have to struggle with the expanded consciousness hidden in the Unknown! You are absolutely right "The ego says seek but do not find", which means seek only within your own beliefs, within the confines of the limited Human physical experience, “But” do not seek beyond the hardwired beliefs, beyond my comfort zone and beyond my security blanket, because this is a belief we as a collective believe in! The Ego does not dictate your experience! Your thoughts, ideas, images, beliefs, expectations, feelings, and emotions that you program into your Ego determines the reality that you create, independently and collectively within the collective Earth Mind, within "all-That-Is". At one moment in time, I believed the Ego was evil and untrustworthy and needed to die so that I (the physical “I” that “I” was experiencing) could become whole, become healed, and become greater than the physical identity I was attached to and experiencing! I have since realized that the Ego is an imaginary bubble of limited consciousness that my “Greater-Self” has constructed to experience the magic of this wonderful physical dream reality. The Ego bubble is not rigid, it is flexible. It can expand, or contract, and be everything in between. It is only as flexible as the beliefs etc. that you program into it. If you believe the Ego is evil, angry, dysfunctional, and toxic, that life is evil, angry, dysfunctional, and toxic etc. then that will become your reality. If you believe your Ego is a feixible lens that allows you to explore the Human Mind and can expand into the unknow reaches of “All-That-Is”, then that can also become your reality. If you decide to believe that there is nothing beyond this human experience and that nothing matters, because “everything” is “Nothingness”, well then that becomes your reality! I personally would rather explore, expand, and experience all forms and formless states of Beingness within the multidimensional realms of consciousness that are within “All-That-Is”! It’s much more interesting than sitting on my hands and doing nothing, because “Nothing Matters”! "All-That-Is", is always "Becoming", always "Expanding", always "Changing". Nothing stays Nothing! Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas, and beliefs!
  24. This is the result of getting high on DMT and experiencing the death of the self/other divide, right? I did not find that compelling in hindsight (can't think during the trip, only after in hindsight). What I found certain and compelling was "emptiness". The inherent literal nothingness of isolated awareness. Becoming nothingness was certainly no drug trip delusion... Either I became nothing observing me, or there was nothing where I'd have expected a little observer substance to reside. DMT induced neti-neti until I was literal nothingness... When the subject and object divide collapsed, it was more like a dream in that there was still observed objects but I understood keenly that all of it was mind. I wasn't separate from what I was seeing. That's not the same as what is often implied regarding no subject and object.
  25. In absolute perspective, now is the source, it is prior to birth. Whatever we talk, learned, experienced just a process of so called thoughts. Therefore, when realization happens that there is no such a thing as thought, thats called enlightenment or nirvana, meanwhile there is no i nor you there, because we are so called accumulation of thoughts process too (birth, name, life death, such as so called matrix). if you are asking perspective of duality, life is love, because love is the best feeling of duality that makes you free from suffering, because you love the suffering to. And reason of this is Therefore hitting of the core of nothingness is the key because you manage the so called life the perspective of nothingness not from so called ego or as a human.