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BipolarGrowth replied to BipolarGrowth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Moksha kind of. Anyone who thinks nonduality is a higher truth than duality and separation is missing the mark. There is an ego, there is an I, but we are still all one. Separation is true. Nonduality is true. Christ is me, but my mind/body/spirit complex could be more advanced than Christ’s is currently if I am actually a sixth density wanderer (it seems plausible to me, I have many of the signs of being a wanderer). -
I am the glitch in the system. Still domt know what nonduality is, everything seems rather twosome to me. Balancing act between polarities
I was thinking about limits and the limit of the universe is nothingness. Nothingness limits itself because it is nothing. There is nothing beyond the limit. The ultimate limit of the universe is nothingness. And I was thinking about consciousness. When I investigate the self, I find emptiness, formlessness, silence. I look into myself and I find nothingness. So the limit of consciousness is also nothingness. And I was thinking about nothingness and realized that nothingness is not existence. Nothingness is nothing. Existence is isness. Nothingness is the absence of is. They are two! Yes? no? What are your thoughts on nothingness? I heard it said that in the occult they value duality as much as nonduality. I keep that in mind. I’m all about duality it’s petty rad even if it is illusion
73809 replied to Cosmin_Visan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Adamq8 it’s all belief. All knowledge is belief, faith. The only truth is the present moment, the now. And you veil it in delusions! See that you believe in nonduality, you “know” it just like you used to “know” your fictitious self. All I’ve said here is belief. Can you not see that? There could be a separate reality. It’s possible nonduality is nothing but mental masturbation! -
Nahm replied to Cosmin_Visan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nobody stopped nowhere.Your ideas of consciousness(es) are actually ideas, and that idea that an idea is other than an idea, is the illusion. Nonduality points to ‘not two’, you and consciousness, or consciousnesses. Precisely because there is only consciousness (not two) there is no such thing as a problem. If you say there is, you create that experience, as you are the creator of the reality you’re studying. When one finger of self-indulgence points, there are three pointing back, yet noticed. You haven’t yet recognized the distinction between your finite ideas and infinity, or, consciousness. This is like thinking about what hot chocolate tastes like, and in believing the thoughts, believing something is known about hot chocolate, when the thoughts are known, and the hot chocolate is not experienced. This is not the direct experience, or taste of, hot chocolate. A million pages on the hot chocolateses never amount to even a wiff of the actuality. Quantum mechanics, general & special relativity have always been unified btw. Only ignore-ance appears to separate. -
73809 replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
it’s kind of silly to argue for distinction in a nonduality forum, I don’t know what to say. But boredom is not a response to a threat and neither is irritation, and that’s what fear is. A response to threat. A lack of engagement or satisfaction is not a threat to the ego. I suspect you’d argue it is, tho, which is why I don’t really want to argue. I guess I have tho, lol. You know, I could see my incentive to disagree comes from fear. And that makes me want to double down on my position. Fear is not present for me when I’m bored. Irritation and boredom are sisters, a response to dissatisfaction. A claim that fear is dissatisfaction would be a bastardizing off what fear is. But again this feels silly in a nonduality forum. Distinction is an illusion, in the end. Might as well say love is fear. Edit: boredom is like the incentive to play. boredom is a sister to playfulness, that’s not fear. Now that I’ve had my say, I’m curious rather than afraid. it’s additive. I’m afraid you’ll tell me I’m wrong, and I’m curious what your response will be. two different emotions. Edit2: ultimately I’m saying my desire to awaken stems from curiosity Edit3: one thing Leo said in another thread (I wrote it down) is this - “one thing you can bank on is this - all fear is illusion and falsehood “ and honestly this applies to emotions in general. Emotions are driving when we’re identified with them, and when we practice mindfulness emotions become fleeting and illusory. Perhaps the desire for enlightenment comes from suffering. You had that in your initial analysis. Ultimately suffering is the bigger picture of emotional experiences. There is suffering and there is bliss, two halves to the same coin. Practiced meditation leads to bliss and ego transcending. And an unpracticed mind is rife with emotion. -
The0Self replied to Rilles's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I got a lecture containing nonduality in one of my history elective classes in college. It involved the Mayans. Professor was woke as fuck though — actualized as all hell. He even talked to the fucking class about his cocaine and LSD experiences. I participated in that class a lot and almost regret not continuing my relationship with him, considering how much he seemed to like me as well. Value your relationships, folks — even with your professors. -
@Leo Gura Leo, I think you forgot to mention entropy in your science videos. Leonard Susskind said that entropy is simply hidden information. And if we assume that reality as nonduality is perfect order, then what we believe to be disorder, decay, destruction and randomness actually also is order. This has profound consequences for how to perceive the universe. From a perspective of entropy as disorder we see the universe as a deteriorating machine while with entropy as order we would be able to see the universe as an intelligent system. You did mention that since humans have intelligence, the universe has intelligence, but I think that by examining entropy it can be made into a more general understanding of how the entire universe has vast intelligence. You have also mentioned that reality is infinite intelligence, and that's something that also may be possible to show by understanding entropy.
Eren Eeager replied to Chris365's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I checked his channel, he seems to be going balls deep in spirituality, doing retreats and shamanic breathing. Amazing!! This here shows the true power of psychedelics, to open your mind and make a paradigm shift. I myself remember being very attached to religion and doing spirituality from a religious stance and avoiding all Leo's talks about nonduality until I had my first experience with LSD. And although it was a micro dose it showed me something, how reality is actually weird. And from that day I opened up to nonduality. -
Moksha replied to Vipassana's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Vipassana Yes, and nonduality dreams all dualities ? -
Moksha replied to Vipassana's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Infinite illusion is still illusion. How can anything unreal be important? Unless this is threatened by numbers, they cannot be significant. The only significance is the nonduality that cannot be threatened -
snowyowl replied to Eren Eeager's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Strange loops often involve self-reference, which is paradoxical. Eg statements about "everything", or God creating itself. Nonduality is self-reference because there's no split between doer and done. Or like if I told you that I am lying right now, would you believe me or not? -
from chaos into self replied to from chaos into self's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Moksha @cuteguy thanks! but is noself separate from self? I guess talking about it is dual. But if nonduality is true, duality is not separate from it. Separation is the same thing as god, no? God is everything, even separation and unconsciousness. Maybe this is a silly question; noself is ultimately not exclusive of self. Not this not that means transcending it. You are it but you also are not. -
@Mikael89 You have to distinguish between Absolute and relative domains of knowledge. Nonduality is about the Absolute. In the relative you can still be very deluded or mistaken.
Aha! I found an interesting possibility, that confusion and the sense of free will go together. They are both a result of a mistaken perspective. If anything, confusion is the more correct perception since free will is completely wrong according to nonduality. And confusion is also a delusion since reality as a whole is never confused.
forestfog replied to Adamq8's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
For contextualisation, it seems that the OPs comment is a response to some Rupert Spiras youtube talk. It seems that Rupert Spiras nonduality version and its "direct path" method has lot in common with ideas advocated on this forum about the nature of consciousness. -
Nahm replied to GreenWoods's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Appreciate your response, thanks. Would love more clarity on this. How is RASA (“Ramaji Advaita Shaktipat Attunement”) not Reiki (“light, love”). If there is no difference, what is the intention of ‘people knowing it is not reiki’ (as in not the true nature, love & light). Again, much appreciated. you find any difference in feeling when considering Spira’s models & metaphors which serve to deconstruct duality & demystify ‘states of consciousness’ in the vein of realization of nonduality, in comparison to the model Ramaji offers which states separate people have levels of consciousness? Do you feel this misleads & feeds into the materialist paradigm in any way? It seems to imply to consciousness is measurable as a property of a separate self, which (‘who’) can ‘increase it’. Why would a teacher ‘play along’ with such a falsity? Making a confession seems very different that making a model that be default is the confession. Seems so misleading, thoughts? Accurate of consciousness...or accurate to Ramaji’s interpretation of separate selves which have levels of consciousness? See what I’m saying here, or no? Isn’t the assumed basis incorrect and misleading? It is literally feeding beliefs “I can raise my consciousness”, no? Is there a benefit to encouraging these beliefs that I’m missing perhaps? No offense I hope, really, but isn’t the “my students” thinking misleading & divisive? If not, how so? Again, seems rooted in a separate selves model from the start. No? Is this not already the true nature of consciousness...? It seems like adding layers, measurements, identification, beliefs, and teaching models. No? Can you really ‘break it down’ for is what I’m saying skeptical, vs common sense? -
Hello, (I hope this is the right forum) I was diagnosed with breast cancer two months ago and I am currently undergoing chemotherapy. I am 29 years old. Spirituality and the teachings of Leo, Eckhart Tolle as well as the approaches of Nonduality as a whole enrich me a lot and give me stability. At the moment I am not working and use the time to get in touch with myself. I am very grateful to be able to do this (I live in Germany). For this I do a lot physically,too: every day I spend an hour in nature and I practice Qi Gong. Dealing with the situation spiritually lets me learn a lot about myself. I have been working on my shadows for years and meditation always helps me a lot. Even now. Unfortunately I often have problems because I want to do everything right. I am so afraid that I won't make it or that I might fall ill again. The risk is there, not few women experience that. Because of these fears (and obviously my pathological attachment to them) it is so difficult for me to visualise a positive vision of my future. Maybe I will never be able to have children. Never live without fear. When I think about it, so much sadness and helplessness fills me. I have the feeling that meditation and reading books or journaling only relieves me for a short time, but this fear always resonates. So often I fall into the victim mode and am not present and therefore suffering. And then I am hard on myself again because my life depends on healing my shadows and being confident about myself. And that the cause of the illness lies in these shadows and that I want to arrange my life in such a way that I always stay healthy puts me under so much pressure. I always felt so lost and overwhelmed growing up and i never had „real“ obstacles, they were always in my head. Now there is this existential crisis and I do not know where to start. Always the question "what if I don't make it?“ everything overwhelms me. Please help me. Thank you
mandyjw replied to Intraplanetary's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You can't focus on nothing, because there is no such thing, nonduality. There cannot be a substantial you, who is lacking something in some way. There just can't. Doesn't work out. It doesn't math. But we try to do it all the time. "I don't have what I want, I'm not the way I want, etc." An outright, explicit thought is already moving in the direction of what we want but most of these thoughts are just accepted and not even recognized, verbalized or intentionally, consciously thought. The only thing you can actually do is envision what you want, or appreciate what is there. LOA works the same way to find your favorite pair of socks that has been missing for two months, or in spiritual "progression". In fact, there's no real difference. Your missing/found socks are actually a profound mystical experience. But you think you and your socks are mundane, so you color over the magic that is there waiting to be noticed and invited in rather than felt as absence of. By the way, in the same way, there are no low quality teachings that you need someone else to help filter out for you. No one is teaching you anything you don't already know. -
Many nondual teachers say this, but I do not understand it. I don't feel like I am putting resistance here, I used to believe in free-will but Leo convinced otherwise in one video, I cant argue with solid logic, so yeah I am pretty much open to have my conceptions challenged and destroyed. But from my perspective Perceiver never existed sounds... ummm... stupid. I totally accept that I am imagined, and that everything I perceive is imaginary, a fiction, this flows well with my current spiritual growth. But "I dont exist" just rings nothing inside me but cringe. Fiction is "something" afterall, its a difference, a manifestation, therefor I am "something", even if I am not material. Unless this is just a play in semantics... if the only real thing is that which is unchangeable => nothingness. Then yes, I agree with this, but then I would not agree to relate unchangeable with realness. Isn't the point of nonduality that both nothingness and everythingness =true?
Byun Sean replied to Mafortu's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Of course you can't understand what it means for you to not exist. You have to die first to understand that. It's obviously not true for you. Thats all that matters. If you believe them or come to some logical understanding of nonduality it still does you no good because your still not conscious of anything new. You've only created a nice intellectual model in your head. Models can be useful to a certain extent, but never confuse the model for the territory. For all you know, Nonduality is false. You don't know until you do the exercises to raise your own consciousness and see. Keep doing self inquiry, meditation, yoga, psychedelics, whatever works for you. -
snowyowl replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You're right, sometimes you just need a good hug. Says it better than all this talking about nonduality. -
Someone here replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mikael89 the difference is solipsism says you as the human are all alone. This is false. Nonduality Says you as everyone and everything are all alone. This is true. -
My bro I am not here to say they are not both appearances Its just one of those appearances is better in my mouth and the other is better in my toilet. Hahahh Everything is blue for you isnt it! Ah, cute nonduality man..... Right, I am the only one dual in these forums Thats how God made me . I 'll keep eating my jam
Moksha replied to QandC's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@VeganAwake Right back at ya ? Not to complete your life's work or anything, but I agree with you that singular Consciousness is just another belief I got in trouble with a certain forum owner on the day I joined by calling nonduality a theory. I don't talk about it much, but even nonduality cannot exist without duality. Ultimately, Tat is the Mystery that cannot be understood. It underlies even nonduality and duality. I keep telling people not to try making sense of it with their maths, but it's like we can't help ourselves.