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  1. Well yeah, consciousness is nothingness, the only thing with infinite potential. But that's unrelated.
  2. I was listening to Sadhguru and he said nothingness or nonexistence is the basis of existence. He calls this Shiva or "that which is not". I don't understand how this could be possible. It seems to be the basis/source of creation must exist otherwise there would be no creation. If nonexistence is the basis of creation then that is essentially like saying there is no source of creation. But then how could there be creation (such as this post) without a creator?
  3. Your imagening them as not the true them because you wear an mental image on them which is approximation and never them, because they are like nothingness in the way that an ever changing form is. But i dont agree they dont feel sensations too.
  4. So am I imagining you imagining me imagining you on this forum as someone that has complete understanding of solipsism as a way for me to understand what solipsism is? If you have a true complete understanding, how do you know that solipsism is actually true? How do you know that the opposite of solipsism isn't true? If "you" had this complete awakening, what do that mean for "me"? What came first, the chicken or the egg? Are "you" just a brain in a vacuum? Or are "you" god consciousness? Are there different levels of solipsism like my previous question assumes? What is a distinction? What is relativity? Why does consciousness choose to imagine everything instead of actually "creating" "real" infinite "things"? So is it really I and I? Or is it me and you? Why did "I" imagine language limitations as such that "I" cannot be told, only realised? Why couldn't infinite nothingness be made to be fun? What's the need for illusory separation? What don't "I" - you,have all the answers? What is the point of solipsism? Do "you" personally feel happier/sadder now? Why cant "I" just do the things Leo was worried about and justify any action because "I" am the only thing in existence? Why am "I" giving "you" these questions when "I" create this forum? - why does God consciousness need something to do? Can't "I" just be satisfied as infinite consciousness doing nothing for infinite/no time? Do "I" exist?
  5. Because I've died .that's what it means to awaken .I'm no longer the same me .I'm completely different person after awakening .and what I'm telling you is there is nothing to fear about death . Sure, we can discuss it. Could be heavy stuff sometimes ? The wisdom, I think, in contemplating death is that it brings you closer to understanding life. Look, dude. From the perspective of 'you as a person/human being', then yes, fucking yes, obviously, death is INDEED like an eternal sleep. But from the perspective of THE REAL YOU --- the innermost essential Consciousness that you are (God, Love, Nothingness, Oneness), what is the most familar experience of 'existing as *I*', before beliefs, conditioning, survival-programming, body, physicality, time, imagination, history, stats --- You are already death and alive simultaneously. You were never born, can never die. You are nothing & everything, *simultaneously*..., only you can - per definition - only experience one perspective at a time! Right now you're experiencing this particular perspective from this particular imaginary human body and mind. From this perspective, from the perspective of YOU as The Dao that can't be spoken, God, Absolute Eternal Infinite Consciousness, Norhingness... from that perspective, 'insert your birth-given name' is just like a wave (imaginary you) in an eternal, infinite, dimensionsless ocean (real You, The Self-Less Self, Awareness Itself). What happens in a normal ocean when a wave finally splashes to the ground? ? A new wave starts to emerge, right. ? You are, in truth, the fabric and structure of existence itself. You are the whole ocean hallucinating it's only a wave. You see how it's all just a dream? Infinite imagination. You are all simultaneously: - the finite dream-character ('poor little me') (a dreamed up thing) - the physical world (a dreamed up thing) - the dreamer (God) (the undefinable source of it all) - the dream itself (Consciousness) (the structure, fabric and context of the dream) - 'the dreamed up things' (Love) (the contents of the dream) There is nothing outside this. This is it. It's infinite & for eternity. You will never actually die .you are God. Period .
  6. It is absolute nonexistence, it is absolute nothingness.
  7. Existence is Absolute. It cannot ever be finished. Yes, the end of you as a finite, distinct thing. But you will exist as pure Infinity forever. If you got a glimpse of pure Infinity, you would be so horrified you'd call it death. It's a lot like death, except you are conscious forever of endless nothingness. I've seen it. It's the most terrifying thing you could imagine. But also, it's LOVE. It's the last thing you could possibly want.
  8. Better term is unmanifest reality, inert reality, undistinguished reality, pure potential. When expressed you get manifest reality, dynamic reality, distinguished reality, the loss of potential. When people say they experienced nothingness it wasn't nothing cuz they were there to experience it. Nothingness and emptiness are just concepts for convenience, so you can just say "theres nothing in this cup" instead of saying this cup lacks everything you can list than can fit in the cup. "This room is empty" instead of saying this room is missing a cat, a dog, a horse, a girl, a rat, a bat, a hat, a fat babe, an alien, a cup of water, on and on.
  9. @Leo Gura I said it also in past, but when the movie which is everything which is "perceived" is 100 % what is there then there is no room for I. If you call that 100% thing right NOW as I then yeah I is everything, but I don't understand why would you call that I and calling it I or unicorn are both equally as stupid, because the thing you try to point out as I or unicorn doesn't exist to begin with. I am not trying to arque, but I honestly would like you to watch one more time towards that "I" and understand that whatever is "perceived" is not the thing "perceiving", because the movie is just only thing which exists as GOD, EVERYTHING and NOTHINGNESS. I guess it is only word play, because we agree that everything that exist is one thing and we can call that as any word we like, but for me it is hard to call it as I, because that word does not mean anything, because NOW it feels like I am dead in sense, because I am not lying right NOW, but I don't identify as I anymore and also there is nothing which is identifying as anything anymore. I is NOW deleted from the movie and the movie no longer presents it and the movie is only thing which remains. @Cooper There is no duality if the only thing which exists is the movie and there is nothing else
  10. Yes it could .you could exist as formlessness or as form. You can erase all forms from existence and you will be left with pure nothingness. You are that nothingness. Then again the nothingness is identical to the world of form . Form is empty .emptiness is form .
  11. @Ananta Solipsism is the idea that 'my own experience is all I can know to be true'.. or something like that. There is no 'my experience'. There is only Infinite Everythingness/Nothingness appearing as Finite Somethingness. As long as it 'seems like Something is happening rather than Nothing/Everything' then this is the case.
  12. I was one of the lucky few who watched Leo's solipsism video while it was up .and it helped me awaken to myself as God and as the only thing in existence. I'm the only thing in existence. Full stop .every thing Is my dream. Even Leo, the Buddha, christ ,all spiritual teachers and teachings are my Imagining. That's what awakening is . Awakening =complete solipsism. You are God. You are everything and nothing. And I will explain this right now. As far as your actual experience is concerned The universe began at the exact same time that you became conscious. So the big bang is just a story . God creating the universe is just a story . These are just stories as far as your actual experience knows. So as far as your actual experience knows..your life came out of nowhere. Your life came out of nothing. So you are nothingness dreaming up an imaginary universe that's made out of nothingness because its imaginary. So you are nothingness dreaming up an imaginary life .and that imaginary life is made out of nothingness. You are nothingness dreaming up an imaginary universe and the universe is made out of nothingness because its imaginary. So if you want the ultimate truth gonna have to be able to differentiate between your fantasies from reality .you gonna have to differentiate Imagination from reality. Now , reality is imaginary but you need to realize the levels of Imagination that are going on here . So at one level of Imagination..right now you are thinking that there are things outside of these walls of the room that you are in. At another level of Imagination you are thinking that other people are thinking about you. You are not realizing that all of this is imaginary. You are not realizing that when you think of what is outside of these walls of your are not realizing that that's imaginary .you are imagining that right now . Your past ..your entire past ..that past things that you've experienced..that's all imaginary..the past doesn't exist .it's imaginary. Only NOW exists .so this is how you are dreaming this reality. Only now exists .also the future. If you are thinking about the future, what are you doing? You are just imagining. If you think of the past ..what are you doing?You are just imagining. You are Imagining the past .it's not real .it doesn't exist .you're living in eternity. Only now exists Tap into infinite consciousness by realizing that the past does not exist. The past and the future are Imaginary. So what's happening right now is the only thing that exists. And this is going to be a memory as well .so this present moment is also imaginary. And all that made me happier than ever .I finally awoken .thank you Leo (myself ) for helping me awaken to the highest truth in existence. Namaste ?
  13. I think while turquoise understands concepts like oneness and nothingness, they basically still function as individual humans on earth experiencing what earth is all about. I could see a coral interact with higher dimensions, entities, possibly aliens and consciously set events into motion based on what the universe/souls/God want to get out of physical existence. So kind of like an agent or a moderator. Likely have also developed siddhis. Quite badass in my opinion. In either case, they'd probably masquerade as an orange or green not to arouse too much suspicion. Probably unless you're high turquoise you wouldn't detect them.
  14. I remember Leo ones talking about how this moment, this entire world right now, this frame, is actually being created by consciousness, or we can say that consciousness becoming this frame, in just one moment, here and now, out of nothingness. He said that you imagine that this frame must have had a history to become this frame, like a billions years of evolution that caused this frame to be this frame, the world as it is, but in actually consciousness just being able to create all of this here and now, in just one moment. Then consciousness, in the human form, is creating a background story of "why this frame is this frame" and creating a past and a story, and so forth, why this frame is this frame, but in actually consciousness is doing that. So, i think what Leo actually says is consciousness already is creating an entire universe, even the socalled history, so called past, that "has happened" to bring this frame into existence, but in actually, consciousness is creating this very universe right now. So if consciousness is awakened enough, and if it is relevant for it, then consciousness can create another universe, with its own billions of years of past and beings and their minds and bodies and memories, and so forth, in just one moment, like consciousness actually is doing right now. Creating another universe with its own socalled past and so forth, and for consciousness is infinite, it can even create an infinite number of such universes in varying degrees, and so forth, of their "evolutions", all right here and now, in the same place a dream is taking place, and by the same substance a dream is made of, yeah. Every universe is made of consciousness, every universe is consciousness, the void "from which" everything is made, and "it", right now, is morphing itself into different forms of "frames", and in that sense it is creating a totally new universe in every moment anyways, but it does not realize that because each new universe, each new frame, that it's creating in every moment is very similar to the universes it "created" a moment ago. It already is creating a totally new universe, a totally new frame, in every moment, or to say it better, "becoming" a new universe, a new frame, in every moment, and creating an illusion of space and time and reality to make it look "logical" to itself while "it" is being the human form, creating an illusion of "sequences of events" that "brought it" to this point, to create the person, the world, the others, etc etc etc, that are. This entire frame, this entire world, people, their minds, bodies, histories, all socalled memories, etc etc etc, are being imagined, right now, by consciousness into being, imagining their bodies and histories and brains and minds and personalities, and so forth, all being created out of nothing, all being out of nothing, here and now. Nothing is coming from a real "past" and no memories are coming from a "real past", it all is being created, yeah, right now out of nothing, it all is nothing. Every aspect of this existence is nothing that is coming into being out of nothing, made out of nothing. Consciousness really does not need time etc to create all of this, all the minds and bodies and histories and so forth of people and things, haha, this is all just literal nothing coming into being in the now, as this frame, out of nothing, out of absolutely nothing ?.
  15. @Purple Man this is one that many struggle with.. it's an absolutely valid question. "Though it seems that I know that I know.. what I'd like to see, is the I who knows me, when I know that I know that I know." - Alan Watts (paraphrased) The 'illusion' than many refer to that deals with this, is the 'illusion of separation'.. Within Infinity (the shape of reality), there is the possibility (since there are infinite possibilities) that Reality pretends to be separate from itself so that it can know itself (perceive itself). It's all a trick of One Infinite Nothingness seeming like many finite somethings.
  16. Mushroom Trip Report 011 Nothing crazy here guys, but I did experience an amazing state of consciousness to where I felt like I could take over the world. I also wrote some stuff that may inspire you... March 5th 2022 Taking ginger to relieve nausea is Overpowered. It works really well. I'm expecting an Ego death could happen so I'm going to surrender to that. May contemplate, what is the self, what is death, what is Ego. To help the process. Main Question What is Consciousness? 3.5g of shrooms (vegan chocolate) Was told that this was super potent for Visuals. >It was not. Whatever strain it was, it was not. It was actually the LEAST significant visuals yet. Not like that is the main focus, but Visuals are nice. Ate this whole shroom chocolate bar at 10:09am Not going to lie, I wish I had just taken tea lol. It was a lot of chocolate for me. 30 minutes in, Noticing visuals. >I need to practice tripping, sitting in silence, doing nothing but meditating. Starting at a lower dose, just meditating for 5 hours straight. This feels like a a very serious trip. I feel fear, anxiety, etc. But I'm pretty sure that's just the comeup. I'm realizing that Consciousness work is incredibly serious. More serious than I imagined. You're fucking with the power of reality itself. Very powerful stuff. 40 minutes in, feeling incredibly tired, very dream like. Chewable Ginger tablets are really good, they completely obliterate nausea. How would God define himself? What I've noticed with fear is that it tricks you that's going to be a really long time but that's part of the deception. Once you face it, it's gone. It's not actually going to be that long. It's NOT FEAR. It's getting you to appreciate EVERYTHING I then go on a walk on this beautiful day with my mother, ahem, I mean my trip sitter. >By then I basically threw away my intention. I feel like it would be a lot more productive if I asked that question while on 5meo. I think also I'm just so wrapped up in survival as well, which is also a factor. Plus just my maturity. I still grow from these trips, just some trips are going to be more serious than others. Play this and continue reading... >So there I was, high as fuck, listening to my favourite song. Walking behind my trip sitter, walking the dogs. We were just in the ZONE vibing. Enjoying the shit out of the moment. The weather was PERFECT. Walking with a strut. Confident as fuck. Reality being beautiful as fuck, future looking bright. "THE WORLD HAS NO IDEA WHAT I'M MADE OF!" >Then when we hit a crossroads and we were like "This is it! THIS IS IT!" referring to the beauty of the environment we were in. And she says to be "It's your time." referring to its my time to take on the world. Then my song ends, she gives me the dogs and just bounces, leaving me alone while high as fuck. YOOO, it was the perfect metaphor of foreshadowing of when I'm moving out next month. I think about everything in my life, how this body is going to die, how my parents are going to die, how everybody around me is going to die, how all my favourite teachers are going to die, how reality is not even real, all of my problems, all my troubles, and I carry it all on my shoulders and I say I WANT IT ALL, I LOVE IT ALL. This is the cost of being conscious in this world. The cost of "being alive". >When I get home I just lay on the deck in the beautiful clear blue sky. Mind high, no Visuals. I've already lost my mind in a very fun chaotic way. You know there's a serious survival advantage to going insane. You stop caring about stuff that's not important and only work on the important shit, putting in the time. Not caring at all how you look towards others. Putting in insane amounts of hours and dedication. You're not afraid for it to get ugly. The joker was doing something right... I want to lose my mind loving the world. If there was no imperfection there would be nothing to love. >This was incredibly profound for me. Life is always there to challenge you. You're challenged to love it all. You know, I always imagined death to be like experiencing an infinite alone Blackness forever. That's kind of funny because there's always the assumption that there would be an experiencer to experience the nothingness forever. Like that awareness. I'm attached to awareness itself. Does my awareness ever actually disappear? I'm going to speak a lot about my mother. I want to like create motivational speeches around how much I love people. I need to be able to face the thickest layers of boredom. It is actually in thick layers of boredom does the greatest inspiration happen. I noticed this when I meditate for long periods of time. Practice saying who are you. Some of the most valuable conversations you need to have is just someone listening to your life story. You defining who you are and where you are headed. But we all don't get this opportunity. But don't let that stop you from doing this exercise. This is why the self authoring program is so useful! But just shy of that, talk to yourself about how you define yourself and how you define who you're becoming. >When I was much more sober, I continued to walk in the neighborhood, appreciating the gorgeous mountains all the way down to sunset. You should be excited to grow up. Be excited to grow up. Say no to the lottery. A lot of people have the mindset that they need the lottery to massively change their lives. But that Lottery is never going to come along. Learning how to give that gift to yourself is way more valuable anyways. Direct the movie, produce the movie, watch the movie. That's how you live live your life It it in the moments of solitude that you grow yourself. It is what you do when no one's watching is where you define yourself. This is where you find your character. It is in those moments where you're broken down from the hard work of the day and you still choose to do more. Where you have your vision connecting you to spirit, giving you the energy that you didn't know you had. Entertain ideas beyond you. Beyond what you think you can do, because if you only entertain ideas that you think you do, you stunt your growth. Stop shutting yourself down with ideas of "being realistic". NOBODY has done something great by being realistic. I rather be delusionally optimistic and MISS than pessimistic and HIT. Life will always be a rollercoaster going well. Stop betraying yourself. You're so beautiful that you need to routinely take pictures of yourself. I honestly cannot believe how beautiful I am. You need to think the same way about yourself. The freedom convoy was here a second time but it was quieter. And I was ready. I just didn't care because I knew what it was. Stand in a field alone and self-reflect about life. It is in the moments of solitude, where you very honestly make a decision. That is where growth happens. Those moments where you choose to do what's right for yourself. Environment change is king for personal growth. You should climb a tall ass mountain and enjoy the view. So tall it makes you go WOWWWW!! 5h45 minutes. I'm much more sober and my life even more enriched.
  17. Thank you very much. You´ve been very patient. In the end, I suppose we´re talking about the same. I put the emphasis on Nothingness being Aware and the Dark Field and Its objects being observed "things" without aware capability, but this might be only semantics. I´ll keep checking your great posts. See you:)
  18. You are both the dark field (the dark field IS awareness), and the nothingness that births and observes the projection manifest IN the dark field. You are one, these are just aspects of yourself : )
  19. Thank you for your response. To me, this is a key subject, because my body, my mind, the inner and outer worlds and ALL OF MY INSIGHTS happened too within the sphere that floats in front of that nothingness that is aware. If my insights are correct, this has huge repercussions, since even the most hardcore awakenings must necessarily happen within the Dark Field (using your terminology), isn´t it the case? If Jesus Christ appeared in front of me today, he´d be within the Field, and by definition the whole scene and Christ Himself would be transcended by that Awareness within which the Field is floating. Do you agree? And since I am aware of the Field, I am that transcendental Awareness. Which is puzzling, and scary.
  20. @Purple Man That is my experience as well. I am (through different practices) able to collapse my entire visual field into a singularity and feel like an entire sphere of void / nothingness observing a moving painting on the wall, so to speak.
  21. @machiavelli This dark field is what appears when you close your "eyes". 1. You don't have a head in first person perspective. You notice how you cannot see your face or your head? You have to look in a mirror. This dark field IS infinity. That is what I've been trying to explain. When you close your eyes and see nothing = boundless nothingness. Infinity. There is no physical space in which infinity stretches out forever. Rather, physical space is just an illusion appearing in your dark field. It's a dream appearing in a screen that is wrapped around you. 2. YOUR experience is all there is RIGHT NOW. But one day you will re-incarnate as another character in another dream. Reality is basically a Virtual Reality game occurring in YOUR dark field. 3. When you sit in your room, you are not really sitting in your room. You "think" you are sitting on planet earth, but notice that planet earth and all of existence appears in YOUR dark field. What you see is shapes, colors, and things that make it seem like you are a physical object, but if you investigate further you will understand that everything you experience appears in this dark field. Reality = The dark field that appears when you close your eyes. There is no other "infinity". YOU ARE IT.
  22. Seems like pretty much everyone who's had awakenings in this forum agrees that God has certain attributes that are undeniable. Some of them being: -Infinite -All Love -Non-dual -Dreamer -Omni-potent-scient-present -Essentially made of nothing at all, not being located anywhere or anywhen. -Is in an ever going dance between manifest and unmanifest -ONE, absolute, nothing outside of itself. These are the ones I got off the top of my head. Anyway, based on this I wonder for what reason does it have to be this way? And is it actually this way or these "attributes" I speak of are just what is shown to us... as insane and grandiose as they may seem to us, they could just be that to us. I understand God was never born so it may be unexplainable through the use of language but maybe we can pick on a few things to try to get even if just a shallow understanding of the thing. I've noticed the logic that's used here to try to explain God usually goes something like "there's something because nothing needs a contrast" or "actual nothingness (no existence at all, even if just conceptual and relative) cannot exist" or "God is infinite and limitless because there's nothing outside of itself to limit it" but really, aren't these all limitations? Aren't attributes, no matter how absolute, a limitation as well? Think about how only the present moment exists, no matter what it shapeshifts into... How does God even think to itself or know what it wants to turn into? How does it pull out what it wants to be or experience from an infinity of finite "dreams"? Does it just choose sort of like randomly because it's all "love" (which is probably more like just total acceptance) so whatever it pulls out from his infinity he will experience and is okay, so if he were to pull out (and I'm obviously being biased with this example) the life of a human in the Middle East who will be raped, tortured and suffer like hell slowly losing his family one by one and after that be mutilated by a terrorist group, then that's it? That's what it (God) received out of his infinite magic dream box so that's what will play out. Is this more or less how God "thinks" and "acts"? (dual-language, I know). I don't know how else to frame this honestly. I get that I simply can't grasp it, but maybe some of you have gotten some takeaways about this on your trips; would love to know your thoughts. As a side note, if I'm neither in America nor Europe do they not exist? The war between Russia and Ukraine is all a story that never happened and is currently not happening?
  23. @machiavelli You're not getting it still - hope this helps. There is one instance of consciousness "on" at once. There cannot be another "consciousness" because that would imply a separate being from God or infinity. The problem is that you keep thinking of Infinity as a *thing* - instead of a BEING. Infinity is an infinitely conscious being. That being is YOU. Because Time is a construct OF the dream, you invented it. Your life is the only thing in existence right now, because God is only dreaming ONE instance of this eternal now / eternal dream. But the experiences of other "people" are REAL because YOU will one day experience them, and because your current character's life already exists in the mind of God, you will encounter THIS character in that life / dream, and only YOUR experience will be total then as well. You have been sitting here. Right here. For eternity. Because you are God, are you are eternal, nothingness, pure mind existing in ZERO dimensions, as dimensions are themselves imagined by this infinite mind. IMPORTANT: Basically all lives, lifetimes and narratives for all of existence, already exist as *imagination* in the mind of God. It is like a system. When you need to interact with your "friend", your mind/god re-calibrates everything around you to consumate the possibility into another experience in the dream. But you are all alone, it's your own mind doing everything. That mind is the same mind in me, and in every being that ever existed. All lives are real experiences, and guess who will live those experiences that you currently label as "others"? That's right. You.
  24. If I am dreaming every perspective at separate times, how does dream order work of what comes before/after what? Why can't I reveal stuff from other dreams to my current dream? So instead of it being the person in the bed dreaming the dream, it is nothingness dreaming it; and likewise, nothingness is dreaming being awake. I was previously thinking it was the russian doll method where we have daydreams but the daydreams aren't aware of us and God has daydreams of us but we aren't aware of God - and that God could be experiencing all dreams/perspectives at the same time. So the reason one can access awakening without using psychedelics is because they have to be aware of when they are meditating when they go into a daydream and then come out of it and see it does not match the current surroundings and then because everything seen externally comes from internal, that too is imagined like a daydream as well and then note the nothingness of how the daydream doesn't exist physically other than as imagination. If one is so focused on exploring the dream, they may overlook the dream and inside/outside head concept. How would one ever experience omnipresence/God/full consciousness if one is dreaming from a limited perspective? The scientific idea of evolution no longer makes any sense - the idea that life came from replicating self mRNA and eventually evolved to all these organisms. I don't know how other stuff would be able to dream in the same way humans/cats/lizards can. So then, "it came to me in a dream" is kinda like one dream being able to talk to another... And people's notion of "reincarnation" is kinda like where you go from dreaming from one perspective to another - but yet you are still the imaginary nothingness. A peer said that near death experiencers experienced being the galaxies but that doesn't necessarily make sense unless the russian doll method applies or I am still thinking about it wrong. So then technically "god" doesn't have to dream out the main character in every perspective either necessarily.
  25. I am absolute imagination. What I imagine is Absolute Truth. I am identical to whatever I am imagining. So if I am sitting, taking a shit on a toilet, I am that toilet absolutely. You are mistaking "imaginary" here to mean "unreal". But it's the opposite. Imagination is reality. Yes and no. Yes in that that dimension is pure Infinity (empty consciousness). No in that emptiness is identical form. What's doing the imagining is Emptiness/Nothingness. But they are also identical. A blank canvas and a painting are identical, occupying the same location.