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  1. @LfcCharlie4 I think you're making very good points here. Even when the I-thought is literally absent, there can be a tendency which will still happen. So these things need to be adressed. But there is also another point, which is very subtle but important: When we talk about what we're doing here, it's not really only awakening. Most of us (I hope) don't see an end point. We are embarking on the endless journey of maturation as a Godly being, whatever that means. There is naturally also personal transformation that is necessary. We are even a personal vessel for God, even though we are not identified with it. And that will have to be worked through. Awakening(s) are very specific insights into the nature of reality. They don't magically erase everything else. So when some speak about awakening, they mean the whole thing: maturation, fulfilling our full purpose. Others really only mean enlightenment. Looking at teachers, I see a clear correspondence between this complete view of the work and how the teacher is embodying it.
  2. Apparently the Netherlands are potentially entering into the 2nd tier (as a society). I haven't found a great many resources online for describing this, but I do find this David Brooks article on the NYT to be suggestively interesting: "They look at education differently than we do. The German word they used to describe their approach, bildung, doesn’t even have an English equivalent. It means the complete moral, emotional, intellectual and civic transformation of the person. It was based on the idea that if people were going to be able to handle and contribute to an emerging industrial society, they would need more complex inner lives." "Today, Americans often think of schooling as the transmission of specialized skill sets — can the student read, do math, recite the facts of biology. Bildung is devised to change the way students see the world. It is devised to help them understand complex systems and see the relations between things — between self and society, between a community of relationships in a family and a town." “Bildung is the way that the individual matures and takes upon him or herself ever bigger personal responsibility towards family, friends, fellow citizens, society, humanity, our globe, and the global heritage of our species, while enjoying ever bigger personal, moral and existential freedoms.” "Their intuition was that as people grow, they have the ability to go through developmental phases, to see themselves and the world through ever more complex lenses. A young child may blindly obey authority — Mom, Dad, teacher. Then she internalizes and conforms to the norms of the group. Then she learns to create her own norms based on her own values. Then she learns to see herself as a node in a network of selves and thus learns mutuality and holistic thinking." It's pretty amazing, actually, that an entire society has figured all that out. Meanwhile, we in the USA are stuck with the comparatively adolescent Libertarian view of "greed is good" and "every man for himself".
  3. Same = Same = Same Yogananda - Ra material - Acim Yogananda said the second coming of Christ would be the widespread development/ arrival of Christ Consciousness in humanity. Christ Consciousness The projected consciousness of God immanent in all creation. In Christian scripture, the "only begotten son," the only pure reflection in creation of God the Father; in Hindu scripture, Kutastha Chaitanya or Tat, the universal consciousness, or cosmic intelligence, of Spirit everywhere present in creation. (The terms "Christ Consciousness" and "Christ Intelligence" are synonymous, as also "Cosmic Christ" and "Infinite Christ.") It is the universal consciousness, oneness with God, manifested by Jesus, Krishna, and other avatars. Great saints and yogis know it as the state of samadhi meditation wherein their consciousness has become identified with the divine intelligence in every particle of creation; they feel the entire universe as their own body. -- Read more: The Holy Idea which acts as a catalyzer for the transformation of this ego is Holy Love/ Divine Love. This can lead to the Virtue (energy) of Action. According to Ichazo, Divine Love is as he describes “The awareness that though the laws which govern reality are objective, they are not cold, because these cosmic laws inevitably lead to the creation of organic life, and Life itself, like all natural phenomena, fulfills a cosmic purpose. As soon as the mind’s word mechanism is destroyed, love, the natural condition of the mind, appears. Love begins the moment man contemplates the Creation and says, ‘Thank you, God.’ All men feel this somewhat, no animal can feel this at all. Man alone can know that all comes from God.” This odd quote, just above from Ichazo about the when mind's word mechanism being destroyed begins the chapter on Holy Love in my favorite book on the Enneagram. AH Almaas's Facets of Unity. Divine Love is at point nine on the Enneagram. Love is the virtue. Sloth is the passion at point nine. The mind's word mechanism being destroyed sounds like being in a state of inner quiet.
  4. I think it is more no less. Hope my tarot reader was right, LOL She saw some kind of transformation coming.
  5. One miracle that may seem like incredible woo woo is the transformation of the human body to a fourth density body that the Law of One talks about. It's the same as the change of the body of flesh in a twinkle of an eye to a resurrection body described in the Bible. Such transformation actually seems possible to me. Third density is a result of the complexity on our planet still being too low generally for fourth density to emerge. Then as the complexity increases (reality is ever increasing complexity), the miracle of transforming the body of flesh into a fourth density body becomes possible. And the transformation can happen quickly, just as it says in the Bible. Higher complexity means higher density. And the Law of One mentions that there are several levels of density within each level. The bigger leaps, such as from third to fourth density will happen at a certain threshold. When the complexity reaches above the threshold, then boom, transformation happens. But just because an evolutionary leap like that happens doesn't mean that we will instantly get superpowers. It's likely more like how when a chick hatches from an egg. The newly hatched chick isn't that much different initially than it was inside the egg, and it takes time for the chick to grow and learn how to interact in the new environment.
  6. Miracles can greatly speed up dissolving the pain body. Although as ACIM says, miracles should be involuntary. That's logical since miracles go beyond mere simplistic cause and effect from past to future which is the ego perspective. So I can't muster up a miracle by using my own thinking, but I can expect miracles to speed up the transformation of the pain body. In fact, ACIM says that miracles are natural and should be expected, something like that.
  7. 3 phases of Self-transformation: 1. Dis-identification from the Personality through self-observation Through meditation, contemplation, psychedelics, etc. create the inner "space" in which to watch myself, thereby creating a separation between my witnessing consciousness and the habits and patterns that I observe. The higher up I go, the more clearly the patterns are seen. The defenses are loosened and the fear of losing the comfort of a Personality-construct arises. Practice: Questioning my life story. Reading type descriptions, highlighting what clicks and contemplating the universality of those elements. (My life story is not so unique after all) Watching my habit loops (Cue -> Routine -> Reward). Noticing my emotional triggers. Set up hourly chime and log every hour - with honesty and non-judgment. Pointers that I am on the right path: Humility. More aligned with the natural rhythms of body-mind, less attached to my ideas. More Flow, less resistance. 2. Surrendering to the fear and emotional suffering associated with loosening ego defenses As the hold of personality starts loosening, allowing myself to experience the emotional territory underneath my defenses in a conscious way in order to integrate my shadow and move forward in my evolution. By allowing myself to recognize your unconscious patterns and feel the emotions my Personality has helped me avoid, I release considerable energy that I have been (unconsciously) expending to keep my defenses in place. Practice: Being a superconductor of emotions yet being able to detach from them. 'Checking in' on my body with an hourly chime and letting go of any tension consciously. Working through complex memories / emotional triggers by writing them out in detail. Pointers that I am on the right path: Emotional discomfort that turns into wisdom with love and acceptance. Feeling lighter and more alive every passing day. Reduced self-sabotaging behaviors. Alignment of thought, emotion, speech, and action. 3. Actively working towards transcendence and Union Being in a more conscious, integrated state. Develop a greater ability to call on the strategies and strengths of all nature's archetypes instead of just being preoccupied with one way of doing things. Practice: Contemplating the food cycle. Contemplating death. Contemplating Archetypes. Pointers that I am on the right path: Creating more yet being emotionally detached from what I create. Immediate awareness of multiple POVs of looking at a situation and all the actions I can take (including not taking any action at all) instead of automatically doing what I have always done. Sense of inner completeness "wholeness". A sense of connectedness with everyone and everything. A sense of constant expansion.
  8. As a rule, i don't preach self-development for those around me, this is often futile and a waste of time. The best way is to change yourself so much that those who are ready can approach you to ask for advice. It is tough, I must have spent hundreds of hours trying to convert people into self-development and I had almost zero success with this approach. Sometimes, though, i met people randomly and they notice something in me that is inspiration worthy and that moved them into transforming themselves. An example of what i am talking about: once upon a time, i was living in a hostel, i entered the living room, there was some people there, including some guests, i just sat there and talked a bit. One guy noticed that i had a intriguingly calm energy and started to ask me questions, i told him that i was a Hatha yoga teacher and stuff like that, we chatted a little and i left. Days later, he messages me telling me that it was a pleasure meeting me, he loved my energy and because of that meeting, he started to practice Hatha yoga every day, a few weeks later and he was still consistent about it. So, a random guy had a random short interaction with me that motivated him to start a yoga practice, while i have tons of friends and family members that i spent soo many hours trying to inspire them without any success. The moral of the story is: you can't really control, much less change anyone, you can only change and control yourself, and if you do it in a smart way, you will trigger a transformation in those who are ready (most people aren't).
  9. I posted some of Gurdjieff's sayings on his page in High Consciousness Resources. Here are two- Humanity is the earth’s nerve-endings through which planetary vibrations are received for transmission. Conscious love evokes the same in response. Emotional love evokes the opposite. Physical love depends on type and polarity. Faith of consciousness is freedom. Faith of feeling is slavery. Faith of body is stupidity. Hope of consciousness is strength. Hope of feeling is cowardice. Hope of body is disease. Conscious suffering is the medicine to make the Automaton surrender to the Permanent Witness. The Automaton is an instrument. The Permanent Witness has to learn how to use it. This process comes into being with man number four. From Witness Consciousness is the same thing as the Permanent Witness. To become the Permanent Witness requires one to see how one changes emotionally every five minutes day after day. The most spiritually asleep will insist the most that they have continuity of Consciousness. If you try to wake them up they most likely will try to project things onto you and/or attempt push your buttons or sometimes mean-mouth you. I'm a little bit awake but not awake enough to try and wake up others and catch all or some of their bullshit. This is all just a way of framing it. The above is not meant to be aimed at anyone.Its just a statement of my understanding which stays in a state of slow transformation. I'm also a bullshiting animal,,, This is not a belief system or an ideology. It's about you working on yourself and making contact with the inner part of your centers. Don't be triggered by my framework of words. See if it applies to you or just disregard and turn away if you wish. That's fine too. Sometimes I'm an unguided projectile. If emotional, an unguided Golum,,, Man #1 Man #2 and man #3 are asleep. Woman is also Man. Man #4 has become balanced and is capable of Witness Consciousness. Man #5 has continuity of Consciousness. I've heard Jesus was Man #7. The Pearl beyond Price is experienced beginning around Man #5 Hameed said- "You can stand totally alone, completely independent of all that comes through the mind, through time and space. This station of realization is difficult and rare. Most of us don’t have the nerve to lose our minds. Although terrifying, it is necessary for true freedom." I like Arnold Keyserling's phrase about "smashing false seriousness with a joke". To me he's describing someone who can be lighthearted the way Hameed Ali Almaas, Maurice Nicoll and Ocke de Boer sometimes are. Nicoll's description of Monkey mind. Nicoll psychological commentaries page 683. Have you got sufficient inner observation? Have you cleared and well dug a big space in your mind through the practice of inner attention and put a hedge round it and a gate so that you can hear the click of the gate and watch this darling little thought coming up the drive all ready to say: “Oh, how tired I am,” etc.? I fancy that once we let it in very far every thought gets hold of us and wrings us, takes our blood, makes us react, talk, behave, in a certain way, and then, satisfied with having dined off us, it retires for a time. Or my two favorites of Ocke's- "This is the difference between us and the angels. Angels are perfectly made and, therefore, naive and stupid; they can only do what they are made for. Humans have many more possibilities. There is more joy in heaven for one perfected human being than for a thousand angels." "If you could float above the earth and become aware of all the negativity that is going on, you would never laugh again. The world is ruled by negative emotions." Since I'm reposting my favorite quotes, here is one that's not funny but very pertinent. “The repetitive motion of finding oneself through Identification (even true and worthy descriptions) keeps the being energy just below the critical velocity needed to escape the gravitational field of narrative selfhood.” - Cynthia Bourgeault
  10. warlock soup. I suppose it's time to give an update. So much has happened in the past month and a half that my life feels like something out of a coming-of-age movie. But I'm assuming that's been the case with everyone. Between COVID, the racial tensions, and the rioting, everything is so surreal, like the distorted reflection on a dewdrop. All the feels are getting boiled into this massive pot of Warlock Soup, where the borders between positive and negative emotions don't even matter anymore. It's all just. Feels. And all we can do is feel. Well, we can also go to the bathroom if we have two functioning legs and can travel to the nearest toilet, but that's besides the point. The point is, I broke up with my girlfriend; two days later, I moved out of the Artist's Den and back in with the parents and brother; one day after that, my brother and I began to formulate plans for another move; I'm starting to gig again. Oh, and I released the album. Perfect timing! (You can check it out here, if you're curious.) The timing of the breakup and the way it happened wasn't the best, but it could have been worse. I think I'll dedicate a separate post to it, because there's a lot to unpack. Long story short — I am so, so incredibly grateful that we were in a relationship; I grew like crazy through all of it; she is an amazing human; I wish her all the best on her journey; and who knows what the future holds. Some major transformation has happened — and yesterday was a huge benchmark for it. My brother brought the XBOX up here. I've been watching him play here and there, but I haven't been playing any of it myself. But yesterday, I decided, what the heck, let's play a few rounds of COD. After a few rounds, my body was nearly having a trauma response. I had the urge to crawl out of my skin. I felt terrible! I literally had to shake my body for a few minutes, take a cold shower, sing, do breathing exercises, eat dates and greens, and even that didn't bring me back to equilibrium. Three hours later, I could finally go to sleep. In the morning, I woke up drowsy with dry eyes — a sign of adrenaline surge. After some celery juice, I finally returned to my equilibrium. I've reached a new level of nervous system relaxation (i.e. level of consciousness, i.e. level of self-love) where I literally cannot do some of the old activities I used to do to cope. They're not really enjoyable for me anymore. I mean, I can't say that I didn't enjoy it completely last night, but the stimulation and the frantic brain state caused me more pain in the long run. I'd much rather be writing songs, or reading a book, or learning something new. This has been the case for other activities too, like eating junk food, spending too much time in front of a screen, or browsing social media. I still have coping mechanisms and relapses, but I'm slowly changing my life one step at a time so I can hopefully reach a point where I won't need any of them anymore. And in the meantime, I won't beat myself up for using coping mechanisms. Having this level of self-compassion has made life a lot more manageable for me. I wish compassion for you, too. It's been a rough few months. Be gentle with yourself. ?
  11. Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days There are infinite variables that influenced the formation of this thing, this door is the start and also the end of the universe. When we look at a door we can think of what was before that door, how this door came here and what will happen in this place where the door is at the moment in 20 years All parts/components are connected to each other but don't necessarily communicate between each other. With higher consciousness these parts communicate with each other more and more and with that comes more knowing of oneself. We can't rely of language, other people and experiences. All desires are biased, we would you want a women instead of a man, why beautiful ones instead of ugly ones...God has only one desire and this is knowing his real self...the majority wants this or that and what they get with want a particular thing is a limited aspect of God and not infinity. the purpose of life, reality is a contest who can love who more, true love is not receiving love, true love is giving love, true love is being love infinity is this, echo of who loves who more, I love you more, no I love you infinity God's love is always bigger than our love, each time we receive God's love it transforms us and reveals blockages. Are you willing to love hate, murder, 9/10, ex girlfriend who cheated on you, your father who abused you, your mother who criticized you all your life and never gave you the love that you deserve, kids in school who bullied you, cristians, atheists, devil worshippers, ... How deep is your love really...God is able to love all of that without any hesitation. But you are not. So, you have to surrender and go true a phase of integration and acceptance. And then bounce that love back to God. This means as you embrace more of who you are and love really deeper, that is your love for God. The hardest thing to love is your own self-hatred, it's all the things that you don't love your self for. The function of love is transformation. Love opens us. When it opens us, love shows us our internal blockades. These are the obstacles that limit out love. Love is forgiving, tolerating and accepting of our devil patters and sins. This kills our ego. And that's what triggers transformation. This is what makes us humble. This is what heals us. Healing is love and truth. If there is anybody that you know that is dysfunctional (even yourself), that is suffering, sick, in need of healing.. it is really fucking simple, what they need is love. If you are addicted to drugs, it's because you lack love. If you get into fights all the time with parents, it's because that relationship lacks love (you lack the love to love them and vice versa). If you're insecure about your looks you lack love. If you are over weight, you lack love. If you have physical health problems you lack love. growing up lack of love manifests The thing that will heal you is giving up all your lies, selfishness...Truth and love is the answer. What you need is love and truth. The acceptance of reality as it is. That is love. when you lack love, you don't radiate love, you are like a black hole sucking in love. God is like a white hole, radiating love all the time. I'm sorry - for not loving more. This is the only thing you should apologize for. This is the only thing you should regret in life. Being selfish instead of loving. for not loving your family, friends enough, people in school enough, I give you love and I want nothing from you. I accept you as you are - i accept the fact that you hate yourself, I accept the fact that you were not strong enough to love, I accept the fact that you are limited and that you are weak, petty, selfish, ignorant and I love it. And I don't need you to change at all. So it's not like God is loving you to trick you into changing yourself to improve yourself. Real love is I love you as you are. And I don't need anything from you. And all those things you think I think you need to change for me, I don't need you to change. I can accept them all, exactly as they are, because that's love. God does no only say he loves you, he demonstrates you and that transforms you. thank you for love you say to God (you truly mean it ) I love you (when you truly mean it ) MY only job is to love. God shows you how he is able to love, and that is an invitation for you to see how much you love. Can you love, rape, abuse, your parents who said something bad to yourself that made you depressed for years, the guy who stole your car... of course I can love it all!!!! and then you say I can't love that, and God says to you "Its okay, I love you". 1h:36min when you see murder on TV, God lived through that, God is willing to experience it, God loves it all. If you loved as much as God, this duality would completely collapse and you would become God, so what is separating you from God is only your capacity to love. Which is only a function of how selfless you are. The only reason you are not able to love is because you have selfish biases and attachments, so are you willing to surrender all of those? Including your life? 1h 47min - too deep to write it here, must watch Everything is love. Reality is love.
  12. There are stories about Nikola Tesla being from planet Venus. And scientists now claim that Venus was once like earth with habitable climate, atmosphere, continents and oceans. Obviously, the breakaway civilization lives on Venus! And also on earth but they have to blend in with the public society here so Venus is probably their main home at the moment. Ra in the Law of One was from Venus. Hardly a coincidence. And the Bible says that the victorious one will be given the morning star, which I have mentioned earlier means that "the one" meaning fourth density social memory complex on earth, will be "given" the morning star, integration between planet earth and Venus when we enter fourth density. The stories about Venus being a hot hell-like planet with acidic sulfur clouds seems to me to be a smokescreen, and that Venus in reality is still like earth yet cloaked. The Book of Revelation, which I of course now believe is written by the breakaway civilization uses Law of Confusion language heavily. Even ACIM and the Law of One are written by the breakaway civilization I believe. Ra talked about Wanderers on earth, which I'm not sure yet if that means people from the breakaway civilization or another third group of people. The "one" smashing the nations means that separate national governments as collective egos need to be replaced by a global unity that includes planet Venus. It's about a peaceful transformation.
  13. @dimitri No worries. I noticed a tendency on this site with people being clever with words and semantics, but that doesn't replace the actual energetic work and spiritual transformation that needs to occur. I'm not saying that's you, just a general annoyance I have with people here and I apologise if it doesn't apply to you.
  14. @dimitri With all due respect, those are just words and semantics. I am talking about a real energetic and spiritual transformation here that requires immense amounts of work and self-sacrifice. if you are merely inspecting your beliefs, you've barely started on the journey yet.
  15. Hi guys. I watched the Transformation Mastery course by Julien Blanc and there were many steps there, all of which I think I overcame. There is one more thing and he presents it as a last step himself, if I am not mistaken, which is this notion of "I am a bad person". I know I am not a bad person, in fact, I am a really good guy. Yet, there is this thought repeating itself in my head, in many forms, coming back again and again. Julien says that is was deeply rooted in him, because our society is showing us, that bad guys are also cool and it's awesome to be a bad guy character. I am not sure if that is it in my case. Not really sure what it is and even what triggers it, it's just a thought on a loop autopilot that I have. It's like an old shadow of mine, that refuses to fade away and die, it's really annoying and I would love to get rid of that once for all. WIth other thought loops, I used a method of just watching and not attaching to them, because from what I know, giving them any attention and emotional attachment is just making them stronger. It worked for all of my shadow work, but this one just dies hard. Any advice would be golden, thank you a lot.
  16. That’s some grand assumptions man. I’m far from convinced someone who spent years stuck in the hedonism of stage orange with no spiritual background just suddenly awoke. One does not simply awaken after a single psychedelic experience. Not to mention one in a western demographic dominated by materialism their entire life. Integration is required and immense work in order transmute insight into transformation. And people seem to be confusing conceptual understanding for understanding in its actuality. Just because someone relentless spits eloquently coherent spiritual jargon does not substantiate their level of awakeness more than a convincing actor playing a role. It appears he has fooled his followers just as he has himself. I don’t know if he is awake or he is not. Nor does it matter. However, my approximations tell me that he is far from so. To me he seems to have constructed a volatile spiritual ego if anything. Anyhow, I wish him the best and hope his followers do not make elitist assumptions going forward. What concerns me most is his level of careleness and wrecklenss that has been displayed thus far. I hope he moves beyond such things.
  17. So, with out personal memories having a foundation in a false belief in separation, are our memories worthless? No, our personal memories contain a lot of value. And that's what the harvest in the Law of One is about! Harvest of our third density self is much about extracting the valuable content in our memories and recontextualizing it into a fourth density perspective. It's about a transformation of the individual self and not just about ego death, or surrender of self.
  18. I meant Cathedral as a metaphor. Do you think that you can set up a System and let it run without Updates or without renovate it from time to time? What is with Security, it need to be protected from Corruption. This is at least relatively high cost, high maintenance and massive, but flexible, fluid and perhaps decentralized. The last point would make it more costly and high in maintenance. Not necessary all of that, but I find this a good Ideal. For Example Wikipedia is kind of Yellow. It's Scalable, Decentralized and Self-Organizing and Lightweight. It's not perfect because one man hold all the power, but it works exceptionally well All the Systems that has to be in Place in Order to Update an Article... You can change a Article, yes, but someone will read you Changes and after some Minutes it's back to normal. You would need to wove you false Information artistically into an Article and for that you would need to have tremendous Background on that Topic and on the System Structure of Wikipedia. But if that's the case you not likely to do that.. Plus: The whole System grew organically. 1. Transformational Festivals I watched the Video, here some first thoughts. I'm may be wrong. First of all: Generally I dislike Festivals. They are loud and full of ignorant People/People in an ignorant state. You can't really talk deeply. The Structure don't allows it easily. The Transformational Festivals is a great, great Improvement from 'normal' Festivals. While I may would visit this to experience the Atmosphere, and surely the more Yellow and Turquoise than in the normal Population, I think that this Structure is mainly still Green. It's a collective, group-experience, community, hippy like Gathering. I'll exaggerate what I read from this: Lets get together and play a sugary Ideal of how the think World should be, party, dance, take drugs and then go home and bitch and moan about the ignorant majority. Well, this is really a Exaggeration. I think this Festival is cool for those who like Festivals and Part of a healthy change. 2. Rebel Wisdom Thanks for that. I have to see if that is for me. I'm always in desperate need of Yellow Crack;) Yeah, well. Well, well, well. What if, lets say, some big ignorant Group of Festivals People would be transferred to the Transformational Festival. They see it, they like it. They like it because it's hunting time. They do the most disturbing Activities, the Opposite of what you are supposed to do. What if that happens all the time? There is a reason why this Festivals are far away from normal People. Artists on a festival do need to outnumber the audience IN SPIRIT in order to make it an artistic place. Yes! This is the paradox. If some Group would make it official it's likely that it would transform into a lower state. Yeah beautiful, but won't give you tangible results. I mean yeah, it's part of long Transformation of Humanity, but I wouldn't think that the natural Place for Yellow. Yellow craves for real changes in big Systems like a State or a Organization. My Ideal of an Yellow Group is a Group of highly skilled Individualists, what make them a Group is a shared cause and that everyone is special and has something to contribute. Like the Star Trek Main Cast: Captain, Doctor, Mechanical Specialist, Pilots, Fighters and other Specialists. And there is 'the Crew'. Normal people that contribute in their way and sometimes they have big contributions to make. But most of the time they do their part to keep the Ship doing that is needs to do. Everyone is important, but not the same.
  19. I do not mean to ridicule anyone here or come off as an inconsiderate jerk... But this video could actually be seen as a demonstration of a method for "defeating" depression. It could ease one's burden and encourage them to slowly but surely "take things into their own hands". Their peace of mind and happiness included. If nothing else, this guy could at least put a smile on your face. And that alone can mean alot. The dude's hilarious and wokeAF, obviously My personal and maybe not that humorous advice to anyone out there who's struggling with take your time. Baby steps. One moment at a time. Nothing is more important than your wellbeing. Everything else can wait. Be with yourself. Accept help if you feel like help is needed. Put yourself first, it's totally ok to do that. Be there for yourself. Try being there with everything you're feeling, thinking or going through in any way. And if you do find yourself running away from it all over and over again...keep coming back to it. Be with yourself and your experience as often as you're able to. To the best of your abilities. Don't torture yourself tho. Especially not with judgement and shame. You are divine and awesome. Sexy, too. ...And it's totally fine to sleep 16+ hours in a day or even to barely sleep at all. It's just a phase. Let it be. You are going through a massive transformation and will surely be grateful AF for surviving something that intense. Your bravery will be rewarded with great wisdom, depth, perspective, clarity, ease, joy, bliss, love, peace, compassion and much, much more. That's why It's all totally fine. Very challenging, but fine. You are fine, too. Keep breathing. Keep going. You got this. ❤
  20. I think transformational festivals actually do this, that would be like a cathedral made of people. It reminds me also of a story that the burning man festival has a "temple", which is one of the festival buildings, a large wooden structure. During the festival everyone can leave things there that strain him (written on pieces of paper or just on the walls). And in the end the whole thing is burned down as a ritual, forming a powerful symbol of impermanence and transformation.
  21. @Nahm Hmmm ... I still don't see it. @DivineSoda Yeah. God being unconditionally loving towards His creation is understandable. But the creation is MADE out of love? Wtf! @Inliytened1 Let's say the universe we are basing our assumptions on is dualistic. We can't appeal to non-duality here because it will collapse too much stuff. Even the word "you" is logically inconsistent in a non-dual universe, you see? @Synchronicity Being "unconditionally loving' = no problem. Unconditionally loving something or someone = logical fallacy, that is the argument, please see. There's no "all states of Leo". Leo is completely gone, because the existence of Leo is limited through conditions/boundaries. @Nak Khid If unconditional love is directed at an object, then the argument absolutely allows for transformation of said object, in order to test and see if the "unconditional" nature of the love still holds. No no, that's not correct at all. "Unconditional love" is not a "vow", unconditional love is unconditional love. No offense, but I feel your understanding of even the surface of the argument is very limited. The core of my hypothesis has completely flown over your head. It's probably my fault, maybe I didn't make it clear enough.
  22. I don't know what's the interpretation for "water and the Spirit" but I agree that the Bible has some advanced stuff, although many truths have been lost... As for the body appearing as human, to me the first chapters from Genesis are really insightful: “I heard Your voice in the garden,” he replied, “and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.” 11“Who told you that you were naked?” asked the LORD God. “Have you eaten of the tree from which I commanded you not to eat?” 12And the man answered, “The woman whom You gave me, she gave me fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” In conclusion, they were innocent and suddenly they started feeling shame and fear because that's the price of knowledge. And Jesus said that we should be like children again which makes sense because they don't know much before the mind is being programmed by all around us. When we are little we think that everything is possible and the mind has the power of transformation... but once we start to believe in our mortality, our minds act like a time bomb... this is where body starts to get ill and old, and finally die. Because the spark has been killed by this huge brain that we call "reality". When there is no hope, the magic is lost.
  23. @Leo Gura Why does people like Martin Ball and Octavio Rettig does not seem as transformed as someone like Peter Ralston. Sadhguru, says these people do not go under such level of transformation as of those who do natural consciousness work. Sadhguru probably has done psychedelics, thats why he does not support it. He knows they are powerful, but because of his leadership position, people can start doing them in unresponsable ways and get side tracked. Also, is it possible that this altered states of consciousness are actually just a precise medium through imagination to make you see in a clearer way what you are, but actually its not pure direct contact of conciousness with itself since its done under chemical influence? Because if you need something from the dream to understand the real, you are saying you need a state to know the real. Something impermanent to know whats always there. I think of 5meo as a very precise 4D map of whats real and that actually looks and feels very real, but its actually not real in essence. Also, saying you need 5-MeO-DMT to awaken at such levels is like making this plants a necesary guru. Does God need a guru to awaken? Not necesarily but might be very helpful. Has Leo become attached to his experiences and insights under these states which have shown him a very realistic map/picture/mirror of what is real, that he might be deluding him self in a very beautiful and wise way, by claming reality just by an apparent seen of it but not direct contact of it?
  24. Q: When they have some spiritual experience, another difficulty arises. They complain that the experience does not last, that it comes and goes in a haphazard way. Having got hold of the lollypop, they want to suck it all the time. M: Experience, however sublime, is not the real thing. By its very nature it comes and goes. Self-realization is not an acquisition. It is more of the nature of understanding. Once arrived at, it cannot be lost. On the other hand, consciousness is changeful, flowing, undergoing transformation from moment to moment. Do not hold on to consciousness and its contents. Consciousness held, ceases. To try to perpetuate a flash of insight, or a burst of happiness is destructive of what it wants to preserve. What comes must go. The permanent is beyond all comings and goings. Go to the root of all experience, to the sense of being. Beyond being and not-being lies the immensity of the real. Try and try again. So awakening, no matter how deep or profound or fucking-up-of-one's-life it may seem in memory is always "cool story bro" and yet, the desire it brings about in us is worth "dying" for. I'm having a hard time in mediation, (me, judgment, doing something). There's this feeling in my stomach like anxiety, butterflies, fear, falling in love and it's not really happened but it seems very real. I'd like to demonize it, but I know it's my best friend. I wish we could just have an awkward conversation and hash things out, but I don't know what to say. Is it possible my words won't fix things this time? Because nothing needs to be fixed? I'm not sure how to reconcile with something I actually really want to get rid of. The misunderstanding seems stupidly obvious when you write about it, doesn't it?